A DOWNING STREET MOTHER AND DAUGHTER. Mrs. M. Her bert and her mother, Mrs. John Clynes, wife of the Lord of the Privy Seal and deputy leader in the House of Commons in the Labor Cabinet of Britain’s new Premier, Ramsay Macdonald. Hay Wright son. A GOTHAM BRIDE who is honeymooning at Palm Beach. Mrs. Lawrence M. Lloyd, who before her recent marriage was Mias Helene Simon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Simon, of 375 Park Avc N. Y .pictured just after a dip in the Florida surf. Wide World. Right—NEW YORK IKE WALTONS. William H. Edwards (“Big Bill”), left, and Bernard F. Gim bel pictured with their haul after a three days’ fishing cruise among the Florida keys. In the col lection of more than two dozen finny beauties are two sailfish, nine amber jacks and several large groupers and barracudas. The large ftfty-eight pound amberjack was caught by New York’s former Income Tax Col lector. Kaitet 4 Herbert. r ■ 1 CANINE WINNERS at the annual show of the Westminster Kennel Club. Left oval—Bar berry Hill Bootlegger, o Sealyham terrier, owned by Bayard Warren, of Pride’s Crossing, Mass., which was declared the champion dog of the en tire show. Right oval— Li Ping Tow, a chow, owned by Greenacre Ken nels, of Fairfield, Conn., the best chow in the show. Above—Louis J. Muir’s Russian wolfhounds. Lcvlrk. Left—A SKI-SHOOTER. A feature of the Olympic games winter sports at Chamonix, France, was a combined ski race and shooting contest by sol diers of various countries. Wide Worjrf Right—MASTER JOHN DREXEL JR, son of Mr. and Mrs. John R, Drexel, of 30 East Sixtieth Street, was one of the many chil dren of socially prominent parents to frolic in Cen tral Park after the recent snowfall.NY. a. k. b.,,„ „ LINCOLN’S SECRETARY as he is to-day. William O. Stoddard, eighty-nine years old, j ictured at his home in Madison, N J., on February 12. Mr. Stoddard was secretary to the Great Emancipa tor from 1860 to 1864. Despite his advancing years he still takes an active interest in present-day I politics. tt'Mlc World I A REG’LAR FELLER. An automobile accident deprived Jimmy Reedy of one of hi* legs, but the cheerful youngster didn't let a little thing like that interfere with his enjoy ing the sledding on the hills of Central Park fol lowing New York City's first good snowfall of the season. rifcm»< Ijtit—HAS HER OWN BROADCASTING ST A TION. Aimee Semple MaePherson. woman evangelist of I-os Angela standing on the roof of her California temple b< side the great toners of the powerful radio broad casting station from which she sends out int > the air her sermons and music from her choir. r i a I.'ti —SCO I'CH SHI NUI.ES, Hank (.oldsrll, <■( Tia Juana. Mexico, just across the bordei from San Diego, has shingled hit dwelling with thr end* of wooden whiskey cases. r & A Right- UNCLE SAM'S NEW HOMHEK. said to he ihr most destructive ninnstrr nf the air \ rt drvelo|ked, pic IIIred at McCook field, Dav ton, Ohio, rrady for a series id exhaustive tests. In addition to its homhing equipment (thr largest hottdis ever carried ahdl) thr huge engine of death carrie- an armament nf five mai Itinr guns. Note the site of the craft compared with thr two men standing hrnralh thr forward cm kpil. k.*dr/ 0* ttfftfn