The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, March 09, 1924, CITY EDITION, PART THREE, Page 5-C, Image 27

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    Store of Individual Shops Presents
Styleful Messages of Spring
and Summer
GOLDSTEIN-CHaPMAN’S Store of Individual Shop*, Sixteenth and
Famam streets, haa added another shop of Interest, the Shop of Boys’
and Juvenile Clothing and Furnishings. This smart big shop will be
in the hands of Mr. M. B. Rubin, a man who has hnd much experience in
the outfitting of boys. He promises to "suit” the boys of from 2 to 18
years, from underwear to overcoat. Tell your boys that and they’ll at once
call in person, for It’s the kind of a joke to appeal to the youngsters. Mr.
Rubin has at his disposal buying facilities that make it possible for him to
sell quality merchandise for a bit above cost—"your first visit will convince
you,” to quote the manager, who assures personal attention to be given to
the smallest purchase. Merchandise at the prices you can afford to pay.
* • •
GOLDSTEIN-CHAPMAN’S Millinery Shop, third floor, has an altogether
charming showing of sports chapeaux for all-around wear. There’s a
hat for every feminine type in the exposition of spring loveliness—a
smart pulldown model for the Sweet Young Thing, this with a dainty bit
embroidery or a clever whorl of of ribbon; for the S. Y. T'a mother is a
wide-brimmed hat to pull down close around In manner most becoming.
Models from $5.95 up.
ft ft ft ft ft ft
Smart Shoe Models for the Festivities
Attendant on St. Patrick's Day.
partment, main floor, suggest
the following as smart footwear
for the festivities attendant on St.
Patrick’s Day: A Spanish heeled
black satin pump, suede trimmed
round the top, with two-button cross
ing straps of suede, $10; most un
usual, a gray suede sandal, exquisite
ly bound round top and strap with
fine ribbon, a tiny band of leather up
the front from the round toe, this of
lizard skin, in gray, to match the
pump—this a medium flat heeled
model, $9; cut very high, with a
rubber insert In the front to Insure
, a perfect fit, is a patent with gray
alligator trim which follows down on
the body of the pump and round the
top to fasten by a tiny buckle at the
side, $11. Three shoes for three (jif
l'erent and distinct uses—all of them
exceedingly smart.
i 11 . ....
Mandarin Dress a Feature.
LAMOND'S, 17th and Farnam
Streets, have an unusually
lovely showing of dresses this
spring. Notable among the chic
little affairs shown is the Mandarin
frock of heavy crepe, its slip-over
blouse cunningly embroidered in a
truly Chinese motif, the skirt on
underbodice to be worn separately
if desired, for its splendid pleating
promises much of service. Another
Mandarin model of black satin has
the Chinese collar with heavy yarn
embroidery in bamboo shade, the dec
orative figures outlined in crystal
beads. Smart.
• • •
A local shop is now taking orders
for a cook book containing Mr*.
Allen's recipes and menus. This pub
lished by Doubleday and Page prom
ises a popularity as great as the book
on etiquette by Emily Post, which is
now "going'’ bigger than ever.
Graceful Imagery of Chinese Art Simulates High Vase
on New Black Frock—French Import Reveals the Color
Secret of Parisian Designers — Silk Coat for Steamer
Wear Has Wide Collar of Black and White
_Monkey Fur With Brown Stripe_
LA BOSCHIN, Hotel Fontenelle, Eighteenth and Douglas streets, ever resourceful, has discovered a dress that has as Its central motif of decora
tion a high design which seems to have been taken in toto from a Chinese vase. Graceful Imagery applied on trailing applique of an odd rose gold
color. Strikingly lovely is s. black crepe frock ending its flower embroidered beauty in two wide rippled tiers. Tailored exquisitely, the I-a
Boschin tailleur frocks, Mexican charmeen, is a slipover model, its high- standing collar banded in navy crepe, the same crepe in its gilet opening
buttoned by shiny ball buttons of silver. An applied front panel just below the knees is solidly box pleated, while there’s noted a charming absence of
front belting. Chic! Putty colored charmeen is effective indeed in long Mandarin coat with streamer ties slipped through slot on the shoulder—each
weighted with a marcasite ornament studded with brilliants. Monkey fur, black and white, with wide central striping of red brown, is the collaring
of a heavy silk top coat for steamer wear, this with wide-striped flannel lining In gray and black and white. Swagger! A dream dress for evening
wear is a black lace model veiled In black georgette with a tint of the peach crepe foundation showing through, a foundation dress of exquisiteness
whose skirt edge is finished in chiffon scallops. Dull tapestry blus is the moire ribbon low caught in the front of the bodice under a Rhinestone orna
ment. Green of the green peculiar to glacial water is an allover pleated georgette dinner dress shoulder finished In deep ecru net, its wide sash
girdle finished In the same net. It Is spring in the Da Boschin Shop, and that means a world of smartness, madam!
• • • • • •
It Is the Wedding and Anniversary
Season—A Time When Appealing
Novelties Are Selected aa Gifts.
PRETTY novelty gifts of all kinds
are offered at the John Hen
rlckson Jewel shop, Sixteenth
and Capitol, especially appropriate
ai.d appealing gift offerings for the
wedding anniversary season now at
hand. This Is the store to furnish a
Heth Thomas clock In any size for
any home at any price one wishes to
pay. This Is an excellent gift selec
tion. Then, too, the Henrickson stiver
display is of exceptional interest, both
89 to the plated ware shown and the
line sterling offered. And if It's a
golden wedding which fills your gift
horizon, they have vases, flower
bowls, sugar and creamer Bets, cups
and saucers, pieces of every kind of
gold. Unique.
Suits In a Wide Range of Diversity
of Stylings from Boyish TalDeur to
a Diverting Three-Piece Model.
LAMONDS Shop, 17th and Far
nam Streets, offer for your de
lightful appreciation, exquisitely
tailored suits for spring wear which
range In styling from the severely
man-tailored little ahort-coated model
for the email and youthfully alender
person to the more mature woman.
Altogether charming is a three-piece
suit of Poiret twill, the figured
georgette a rich Chinese red and
navy blue with a bit of tan running
through Its figures. The coat Is very
long, Mandarin style, Its bit of full
ness at the shoulders gathered upon
a yoke. Style note Irresistible is a
double fold of the georgette between
the two layers of twill that form the
standing Chinese collar.
New “Shield Bib” Yokes Prove
Popular New Style Suggestion
THE Ideal Button ft Pleating company, third floor. Brown block, Slx-~
teenth and Douglas, have lovely things In the making for Milady*!
spring wardrobe. This w-eek they did the embroidering and braiding
on several of the new “shield bib yokes," those new applied yokes which
reach almost to the waistline, front or back or both, and which must needs
be all-over braided or embroidered. A suggestion.
“Baby Boy's Own Shop" Added to
Babyland With Suits and Dresses for
Baby Sister for Good Measure
IT'S spring, for evidence of that the small people in the picture might
point to the chickies and bunnies—and these small persons have visited
the Baby Boys' Own Shop in Babyland at Heraberg's, 1519 Douglas street,
for the selection of the most "swaggery” toga to be found in this very
"swaggery" new shop. Didn't have to spend much money, either, for there
were represented in this shop the inexpensive smart things (suits from
$1.45 up), as well as the very, very stunning sets of finest obtainable fabric
and workmanship. To match, is an Oliver Twlet for brother, this In rose
linen, with a little pantie frock for sister In the same material. If one had
wished for silk there was an adorable outfit of pongee with a trimming of
pongee in the new Mexicnn shade; hats to mntch, a shirred little hat model for
“sis," a tailored "turn up” brim for brother. A regular storybook style is
a suit of white linen for the sturdy little mnlo creature whose ruddy cheeks
will be ndorable next to the heavy Baby Irish lace round the collar. And
Just the coats for "reglar fellers" are the tailored like-dad’s top coats of
tweed sports •flannels and homespuns, each with Its hat or cap to mntch.
"Oh, Boy, you Just ought to see the Baby Boys' Own Shop! ’
• « •
Lenten Menus Prepared In Downtown
Dining Room Prove of Unusual Ap
politan Dining room, Hotel Keen,
Eighteenth and Harney, have
prepared a delightfully varied Lenten
nianu. It la possible to gel hero on
days of abstinence the richly
seasoned dishes of tho saaon—de
lectable substitutes for meat. Richly
nourishing soup#* delicious vegetable
and fish salads, paatrlea and pud
dings, aea food luncheon and dinner
i menus. The Metropolitan Dining
Room will feed you during Lent.
Sleep, baby, sleep!
Our cottage vale is deep;
The little lamb is on the green,
With snowy fleece so soft and clean.
Sleep, baby, sleep!
Sleep, baby, sleep!
Thy rest shall angels keep,
While on the grass the lamb shall feed,
And never suffer want or need.
Sleep, baby, sleep!
St. Patrick’s Day Hostesses Plan Gay Parties as a Break
in the Serious Path of the Lenten Season
THE shops offer much of Interest to the St. Patrick's Day hostess—gay green streamers, for decorations, striking little place cards and nut
cup fa'vors, gifts that flaunt the popular green, Invitations that-started out as prettily decorated greeting cards, tally cards vividly decor
ated with cords and tassels of green silk, seals and cut-out ornaments for tables and games, little green candies .of glittering crystals, tiny
cakes of dainty deleetability and candles alike as to coloring of green of various sizings. An interesting array.
Spring style showing* reveal lovely
new- hat models of softening Influ
ence—a depurtuie from the familiar
severity of the cloche.
French and Hand-Made—Need One
Say More About the Frock
Arrivals in a Smart Shop?
M'OUIRE'S Dress Shoppe, mezzanine floor, Paxton block. Sixteenth
and Parnam, presents early spring frock arrivals from Prance. Hand
drawn and embroidered in the sheerest of voiles, crepes and shim
mering silks, their range of color Is marvelous,' faint pink, rich peach, del
icate mauve and vivid coral—with a glint of green by way of contrast,
they're alltogether exquisite. The prices, $19.50 to $45.
If a Brunette, Don't Try to Be Blonde—
If Blonde, Be Satisfied—Words of
Wisdom From Beauty Authority
Who Knows
Mil. ROBERTS, authority on questions regarding beauty and the cul
tivating of latent charm, dispenses much lore concerning Milady's
charm In the Black and White Room at Burgess-Nosh. Among others
of his absolute requirements to the seeker of feminine beauty and charm:
"Jf brunette, stay a brunette, nothing is to bo gained in charrn, much to
he lost if madam Insists upon being a ‘near blonde'—If a blonde, be satis
fied, nothing could be lovelier than madam or madamoiselle when she cul
tivates the latent charm which Is hers jf she emphasises her type." Mr.
Roberts Is not u "surface'’ adviser, rather does he think that beauty is
somewhat more than skin deep, perhaps, and almost certainly as deep as
the brain is deep—in other words all things are possible to the one who
devotes the proper amount of thought to the process of developing beauty.
Consult this specialist In regard to the care of skin and scalp—you’ll find
his suggestions invaluable. Let him suggest a mode of coiffure-building
suited to your type. Marvelous his resourcefulness.
• • • - a.
Beauty Shop Will Wave You in Ways
of Becoming Intrigue slid Subtle
THK Delft Beauty Shop, second
floor City Xational Bank build
ing, Sixteenth and Harney, JA.
1795, have added another marceller
to their staff which assures even the
last minute "caller" an appointment
before the unexpected luncheon or
dinner engagement. An assurance of
service during the St. Patrick day
Aquila Court Beauty Shop Opens.
known for her excellent mar
celling, facials and manicuring,
has moved her beauty shop to 2j4
Aquila Court, ]8th and Howard. The
new shop is spaciously arranged for
the utter comfort of visitors with
every modern appliance known to the
beauty art. ‘'Margaret” extends a
cordial invitation to visit the new
Aquila Court Beauty Shop! There
has been no change in phone num
bers, it is still Atlantic 4029.
Crepe Bridge Luncheon Sets
Use Jade and Olive Rose and Pink
French and Navy Blue Orange and
Primrose—A Lenten Sewing
Season Suggestion
NOW that we're In our lenten season it js with exceeding interest that
we turn to lovely suggestions for dainty handwork. There's a won
drous number of exquisitrles to be* found at Ye Ilandye Krafte Shoppe,
635 Securities building, Sixteenth and Farnam streets, among them lunch
eon sets for the bridge table, combinings of ciepe in exquisite quality, each
corner a contrasting one to be joined to the body of tile luncheon square i r
napkin by novel decoration stitched thereon. Lovely colors in stamped lin
en towels. 11.50 and $1.7» each, big sizes, have dainty strips of cross
barred dimity in blue and white and pink and white. Pillow cases in good
quality cotton clamped for embroidery in designs unusually decorative,
are $1.75. The artists in this shop will arrange beautiful monograms and
initials on your linens or stamp original designs on any handwork you hap
pen to have. Get their ideas for lenten sewing.
Blood Stones and Aquamarine
March Birthstones Shown in
Jewel Shop Window
IX THE north show window of the C. Ft. Brown Jewel Shop. ;20 South
Sixteenth street, there It a unique display of jewelry which holds the
March birthstones, the bloodstone and the aquamarine. The bloodstone Is
a dark brownish stone with a glittering vein of gold running through it—
this for your Information—for most, it seems, have had a quite different
conception of this stone that marks the children of March. The aqua
marine Is also a puzzle to many—it is a stone which cuts to excellent ad
vantage and is truly beautiful in Its pure white light.
• • • . > .
“Non-lju-lng" Corse* Model* for
Spring Costume Foundation.
THE corset department at Hayden
Bros, presents for Milady Fash
ion's approval the Binner Non
lacing Corset model. lively! Eight
boned, It has a wide Inset of elastic,
an assurance of graceful comfort.
Especial attention la given In this de
partment to all out-of-town corset
orders—a service satisfactory, Indeed.
And Miss Peterson, head of the de
partment, assures me that they are
making a hid for new customers this
spring, with entire confidence of the
Binner models proving utterly delight
ful to their purchasers. Corsets In
Binner styles fa up.
Permanent Wa\e Now Absolute
Necessity Since Madam Finds the
Fast So Snntil.
THK Le Bijou Shop. 207 South
18th Street. AT. 0991, is ■•book
ing’' many appointments for the
permanent waves which they’re giv
ing for 815 for one half of madam's
hair, 825 if the whole head is curled.
Such a pleasure, the ''permanent."
Have you made your St. Patrick day
• • •
A cloiseonne eigaret box and indi
vidual ash trays to match in Chinese
green which very pleasingly verges
upon "Kelley," might with great pro
priety be used as at the St.
Patrick day party.
The Wee Person’s Apparel Should
Have the Finest of Stitchery AAith
Exquisite Trailing* of Embroidery.
The childrens shop, isoj
Howard street, AquiiA Court,
have wholly adorable clothes for
the infant and for small persons
from 2 to 6 years old. Conwaye
dresses, gertrudes and bonnets are
especially featured and are quite the
loveliest bits of dainty apparel to be
found absolutely ''right” in every line
of chubby proportions, a revelation of
tine handwork. To give you an idea
of the very low prices, the dresses
are priced at $1.25 up. Arnold knit
goods, unquestionably fine In quality,
are shown in this shop in complete
layettes. Merchandise of quality at
prices to fit every purse.
• • •
English cut creased vamp oxford*
in either brown or black grained
leather; unusually good values. $$.9$.
does not alter the tubular effect.
“Style Headquarters” Plans
, Exposition of Famous Hats in
Spring Revue
THE Metropolitan Millinery Shop In the Nebraska Clothing Store, 16th
and Fa mam, haa fo^ some time featured "Flakhata," exquisite creations of
millinery art which are being shown in our “Rotogravure Sheet” to
day. In the Metropolitan exposition of spring models, the “Fiskhats” are
notably different, embodiments of that chic and dash which the heart fern
Inlne demands of her first spring chapeau. Especially smart are the hats In
a large cnee, a display of gray and navy, and gray and silver creations;
Infinitely lovely as the silken pussy willow buds, essentially a spring style
Ivory and Marble Combine to Make
Lovely the Background for a Spring
Showing of Milady’s Chapeaux
ADOWNBTATHS atore of exquisite Ivory end terraxxa marble baa been
added to the Metropolitan Millinery Shop of the Nehraska Clothing
Company, 16th and Farnam. Kxqulalte background la the creamy ivory
wood and soft, gray marble for display of hats In beautiful aaaortment rang
Ing In price from |3 to $5,?S. New!
* • •
"Tiffany Script I* Just as Good Kfh-m
as Hip Modified Roman."
QUOTING Mm. Matthew* of the
Matthews Book and Stationery
atore, 1620 Harney, relative to
the important choosing of the bride's
Invitations ami cards And In rase
Lady Bride-to Be doe* not find her
self fully informed, bo It hereby
known that there is a decided differ
ence in the prices of the two types—
the Tiffany script Is $1.35 a line ths
Homan typo which is chosen if on*
must needs be "ultra ultra" is $3.50
a line. Interesting!
Kvery Week There la a New Stuck
of Lovely Handwork Shown in Kx
• linnco 4»lft Shop.
ond floor. Huahman block. Six
teenth and Douirlaa, la a place
moat Intereatlna now that, the aeaann
for aaaemMlna trouaaeau "prettlea'’ la
at hand. I ndian, nprona and little
hotiae frocka are found here In an
array inoat Intereatln*--creullona of
women through many atalea who en
ter their aewlntt for an annual fea to
lie sold at a anuill commlaalon from
an lea pile*.
Many Hostesses Welcome Suggestion “St. Patrick’s Day
in the Morning,” Proceeding to Plan Affairs of
_Decided Jollity—Undeniably Novel
Kiie.ts on the fertlve occaalon-the menus to lx- served In the course of the afternoon or evening F^STnowYhl has'n'T 'Y ottfT«i to th*
to pass on her warning—consultations should lx* n a le early for most satisfactory ortrtnahiv *1' . xi Y h } "rrt<frs !n~opportunity
harp, almost burled In loose shamrock stems and l.aveTc^YglTcr “tj3Tf ^ner Y ” **“! W~k
are most appropriate for the tiny figures which decorate them are bovs and girls from Tie 1'merald'i*. Y ‘Y** an,t att“'hed
cards have decorations of the same kind_quaint figures of former H.v. " iu»i, , r * ‘•"’crald isle in natl\e dress. Interesting. Bridge tall?
Riant shamrock of cardboard the.e are Vany tkfn~7o be Yuaht Jrom Itll «nn ‘m * *"1 Y"*** UtU# l>°"^ «* raper mounted on
tim. to Mart In motion her Yeatlve fa. ulUea ^ "'*** ’ n° “mU ,0 th* ,n«*nu«> «* Mrs Rowe if she is given
Long Silken Fringes of Bridge Lamps Embody All the
_Shades of Their Polychrome Bases
HAR1MAN 8 furniture Store. 413 South Sixteenth Street, have placed on eale a group of bridge lamp. I'i value- for 1,4 - 7T“-1
ttieae proving an exquisite color touch to the room In which they're placed for the long , JZ , * Z’ t., U'V*’-V ,uU* l-ntps ere
body all the colorings of .heir , base, Each lamp ha. aims nredomlna.inL «d . m ? fnis,h lhe "f «*lr ahadee am
There's an especial thoughtfutneaa In the gift of a lamp to the bride' of this year or tbl Ur r'*'~ *t'ordln« to madam , preference
,r furniture In the home which ha, more Influence of ailment th.nUmpwho^ht niT* ***■ !* »• P‘*~
of the giver ,0 give a glow to the heart a, well. Make your wedding ant annfver^T im .hU v^T a ™ rZ lu*"u
much In decorative possibilities In a lamp properly placed near the elbow table „T the J7 L * ,h* hom* decorator there la
on the music a, the piano or near a favorite painting or^ photo,"p Muc^ o ImllvMrihtv m ZZ ZZ Z ” ** Wi!1 f*»
and many of them In the living rooms of the home individuality ,n home decora,,rg may be accomplished bv lamp.
• • • . ^
.Milady of Fashion Delights In Her
Tailored Smartness of Spring 19it.
LKNKKTRR, tailor, second floor.
191* Farnnm, Is making th*
most stunning new "tailored*”
Imaginable. It Is a Joy to watch the
shaping of the new fabrics Into swag
ger suits to ht different typos or the
Irresistibly becoming topcoats, th*
three-piece suits which are proving
of especlnl appeal to the spring bride.
New Importing Simp Offers Interest
Inc "Things beautiful" In Visitor*.
Raldy Importing Co., in the
j new Aquila Court. t«th and
Howard, offer exqulaltiies in
faces. silks, semiprecious jewels snd
gift novelties from every land. Laves,
I bint Venlse, embroidered filets and
baby Irish in edgings and Insertions
are most attractive for th# la-men
‘ Family Shoe Store” Offers Finely Made Shoes for the
_Little People of the Family Circle_
M/VDFi on tin* >J i)f*s that th# grownup* find so simut on thflr f‘*t. «u> the foot writ r model* for spring and mi miner vmr hv th« little ttrupl* of th*
family fir. In duality shoes at a very little above vet In every «**# Ui. ee the lovely elm. a shown at the Ktnnev Family Shoe store, sixteenth and
lipllrfl. latent of softest texture la the Infants soft sole slipper with a verthal strap up the front Joining the ankle ■«1 .ip in nn* 1 to 4
■First Htep" Hom/in sandals are u most attractive . foot wear, with Its high barking end three straps. In el:. * l to k, it t* f . one
strap anklet slyjga. In imtent with vmhlnatl.m trims of dull kid In l.lnrk or gray, range In sire from 4 to X sn,1 In prl. e troni fl to I.'29 Then there
are those swagger little oxfords, atuhhy., very sinert Indeed. In log rabln, its blm hsr rut emphaslfed bv s atrip of natural elk If one wishes
a more folded eontreat there Is a bl.l.h.xford of patent with the same contrasting Hit bending, 92.20. /lose for the kl.l.lle. tnsv be had In Mark
or browu, ft fine gtada mercerised Hale, three paui tor II. Exceptional valuer
Hat* Kehlmked—Fur*. Marabou anil
Feather* 'Kebrautilied"
Barker Mock, Fifteenth and Far
natn. does lovely work on the old
hat, rebloeklnp it to a new smartness.
They also re beaut if \ furs, feathers
and marabou. Closed at S on Saturdays.
There are still many patron* of
IN'Ily the Shopper who writ* for
roerchnniliso to b* **nt out on ap
proval. Not only on* but several
Impossible. Quit*; for the only
method of procedure la a C. O. D
shipment In case check or money
otvler iliies not accompany order,