/--\j Nebraska > News • Nubbins >___./ Beatrice—Theodor* Leech, 75, for CO yeara a rural mall carrier out of Beatrice and for 40 years a resident of the city, died at his home. He is survived by his wife and seven chil dren. Beatrice—At the Menne Tiauer nlcht farm sale east of Blue Springs, horses sold for $74 to $98 a head, milch cows $3S to $59 each, hogs at market prices. Farm machinery found ready buyers at good prices. Beatrice—The board of education hascalled for bide for Beatrice’s new high school building on April 9. It is proposed to expend $400,000. Beatrice—Ralph Forsyth, 33, rural mail carrier at Blue Springs, died at a hospital here. He is survived by his wife and little son. Humboldt—Frederick Rest, S4, died cl his home in this city. Beatrice—F. C. Schultz, farmer liv ing near Rockford, has filed as a dem ocratic candidate for representative from the Thirty-eighth district. Leonard IJensmore of Wymore is the republican candidate. Ord—Temporary arrangements have been made whereby the Ord Gas company plant, owned by Frank I. Olsen of Grand Island, Is again in op eration. Ord—Mr. and Mrs. 1>. B. Smith Held a public reception at their home in Ord to celebrate their 50th wed ding anniversary. Ord—The Methodist church held a livestock auction sale here. Every thing from horses to canaries was auctioned off at that time. This church is seeking to pay off the mortgage on its real estate. Columbus—Although police reports indicate the measles epidemic Is abat ing here. Indications from the coun try districts, according to local physi cians are that a veritable army of mumps germs are invading the rural districts. ADI ERTISEMENT. Women of fashion and refinement seem to have be®n acquiring the mercolixed wax habit, depending less and less upon cosmetics for their complexion difficulties. It does seem a lot saner to ju8t peel off the wornout skin when it loses its youth ful color and appearance—now that this can be done so easily, safely and eco nomically. There’s no trouble getting mercolized wax at any drug store (an ounce will do), since its virtues have become generally known here, and (here’s no trouble using it—Just as you use cold cream, applying at night, washing it off next morning. The rax takes off the old scarf skin, in tiny flakes, a little each day. The new under-skin which gradually appears, is velvety soft and beautifully white, radiant with girlish loveliness. Any surface trouble like oiliness, pimples, red or yellow matches, freckles, etc., vanishes of course with the discarded cuticle. ADVERTISEMENT. Jfothers, Do This— r When the Children Cough. Rub Musterole on Throats and Cheats No telling how soon the symptom* nay develop croup, or worse. And lien's when you're glad you have a iar of Musterole at hand to give prompt relief. It does not blister. As first aid, Musterole is exeelltmt Thousands of mothers know It. You should keep a Jar ready for Instant jse. It Is the remedy for adults, too. Tie lieves sora throat, bronchitis, tonsil litis, croup, stiff neck, asthma, neur algia. headache, congestion, pleurisy, rheumatism, lumbago, pains and aches of back or Joints, sprains, sore mus cles. chilblains, frosted feet and colds of the chest (It may prevent pneu monia). To Mothers: Musterole Is also made in milder lorm for babies and small rhildren. Ask for Children’s Musterole. 35c and 65c, jars and tubes. Child-birth WHEN the Little One arrives, 70a can have that moment more free from suffering than you bare perhaps imag ined. A n eminent physician, expert in t b I a science, has shown tbe way. It was be who first pro d need the great remedy, .“Mother's Friend.” Mrs. C. J. W Hartman, Scranton, r Fa , says: ••With my first two children I bad a doc tor and a nurse and then they bad to use instruments, hut with my last two children I need ‘Mother’s Friend' and hnd only a nurse; we bad no ADVERTISEMENT. Famous Austrian Surgeon Restored by Gland Treatment Dr. Lorenz, famous Austrian sur geon, according to a recent press dis patch, has submitted himself to glan dular treatment. This treatment, ac cording to the doctor's statement, has restored him to the health nnd vigor of his earlier days, nnd lie is highly enthusiastic about tills new branch of medical science. Thousands of men ami women who ire larking in health and energy, are (JIJ- [Ulllt;, III i "linin' i>« i ■■■• prepared from tile glands of healthy young animals. Ulandngen lias had remarkable success in the treatment of run-down, nervous Individuals. It is obtainable at Sherman & McCon nell, 18th and "Dodge, lfith nnd Har ney, 19th end Farnum, 24tii and Far nani. Mall orders given prompt at tention. fl*EAL AND UNREEL^ DON H. EDDY 1 Hnllrwood < orrsaDondrnt of Tbs i ^ Omsbs Bee. ^ Add Rumor Coly limn Hero the other day, you might re member. we were talking about rumors and how they throve and grew in Hollywood, and we just got to thinking that we made a grave and serious error, becuuse no story is complete without some mention of Connie .Talmadge. A bird came up the other day and said he heard that Connie was bark in town from New York, and In the same breath he wanted to know who she was engaged to this time, and we said we hadn't heard yet; she'd only been here a day or two. But you Just watch. It won't be more than 10 days, at the most, until Connie has the temerity, whatever that is, to appear in public with some gent, and the next day the whole town will be asking did you know that Connie was engaged to so-and-so. Connie holds the world's engagement record. She was reported engaged to seven different birds In seven months this year. A Word of Warning. There is a bird in this town by the name of Kddie Sutherland, and he is an issistant director for Mr. C. Silencer Chaplin, who Is said to be an actor, and also' this Kddie person is the legal and lawful husband of Marjorie Daw. When they first went and got mar ried here a little while ago, Kddie went tralpseing off to New York with Charlie, and he stayed about a month or maybe longer, and left his poor little bride home all alone. Which was bad enough. But he's only been Jiack about a month and now' we hear that he's figuring on going away on another trip. And this ia just a friendly word of warning to this Kddie person that if he persists In leaving Mar jorie alone at home he can expect— well, anyway, you needn't tell any body, but we would have run away with Marjorie long ago only Mar jorie, wouldn't. [ hJhL1!1* A”o<‘"cd free..—Program to bo broadcast- T huraday, March 6. (Central Dlg(Btard * "“**• By ‘■'ourtaay of Kadlo ot&Sig.^oiir*Biven are p-m uni“s KDKA. Pittsburgh. (.326), 6:30. chll cer2 * ,,er,0(JI 7:3ft, concert; 10:30, con KViX,j }L**tin**\ (34I)- 9:3°- Program. . L°8 (39 5). 8:45. chll dren m program*; 10, program; 12, or< hpHtra. * iriC^?:i.Srn,f,’r,n<'l,co- ,433>- 9 orrhes tr,l. jsp"*1' ' program; 12. orchestra, contort M 1,oui* Post-Dispatch, (546>. 8, Chicago, (539), 6:30, bedtime t:>-y’ «t* ,on''crt; 3, talk; S;!0, program; 9.1i>. program. 'VBAP. Port Worth Star-Tel eg ram, "Wa.U*0’ concert: 9:30, recital. "CAL. PMtaburgh, (462), 6:30. pro gram, b:30, the Sunshine Girl; 7:30, pro gram. zJ,on- (34l>. •. program. WDAb. Ka nsaa City Star, (- spoil *wtsaa t? i.10 3?.- ,nusl,j entertainment. « £*w»- ,4^«>. »:30. recital. " 1- r. Philadelphia. (396). 6 talka. 6.10 music: 7. talk: 9:10. mualc. •tew* Bu,fal°' <3I9>- S'3"- mualc: «:S», WQr, SchDieltAj', (390). 9:36. talk: glee lub; address. (400). 7:30. ca«c«rl MK. C'-O'and. (213). 5, mualc '\-rAX- Cleveland. (390). 7, cogcerf. Philadelphia. (609,, 5:05. muelo: .alka; 7. talk. 9:10, recital: 10.30, tic. w!vZ’xf hlra£0', ,44s)- lu- Program. VV.IY. New York, (405). 6;3?, magic, ladarlo, entertainment. T t«r«"k' “6#>1 *:8#' ,p,ak'r'' WLAQ. Minneapolia-St. Paul. (417), 4:17V. f.:ch,^'ra; 7:30- form lectures. 4f»Abt,pkin""’ >«• concert. H MAQ Chicago News. (447.5), 5:45. talk. 1. talks; 2 40 orcheatra: 9. trio: 8 orchestra. cotmer?"'- 0,,,aha• <6!8>- 6:,°- concart; ». »r^V9J-,nusT0lt NeW*' <5*0)' *• •wh«’ LAST „| TWO Jj DAYS £|1 “THE « ACQUITTAL” Starting Saturday “The Big Show” 4 Entertaining Pictures “Judgment of The Storm” RUDOLPH t VALENTINO and Carmel Myers in a revised edition of a former production— “A Society Senaation” See him as he was before he became famous. COMEDY “The Feather Pushers” Omaha's Very Own *Fun Reel “LOCAL LAFS Vaudeville—Photoplay* — {20323 NAT HAINES and Caat of 12 in YES MY DEAR SATURDAY , Six-Act Bill Headed by Hanneford Family On the Screen “Daytime Wives” m m Ow»ahe*a Fun Center Mm. ari