The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, March 06, 1924, CITY EDITION, Page 11, Image 11

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    EDDIE’S FRIENDS T!i* Gu.v Who Wonts o Speedy Gome
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Cudahys Plan
Cattle Killing
by Electricity
Employe at Omaha Plant Per
fects Hivnane and More Eco
nomical Method for
Killing cattle by electricity is to be
started soon in Omaha by the Cud
ahy Packing company to replace the
present system of clubbing the ani
mals over the head.
Thomas J. Byrnes, of the Cudahy
company, lias worked for seven years
to perfect the Invention which is ex
pected to revolutionize an important
phase of the packing industry and to
save vast amounts of money annu
Byrnes' experiments have been
kept secret and his equipment has
been hidden. During recent experi
ments however, several hundred cat
tle were successfully killed by elec
Chicago officials of ths Cudahy
company have been in Omaha to
v iew the?e experiments, and the
company has given all possible aid
to the inventor, he says.
Until his final patent papers ar
rive from ashlngton Byrnes re
luses to discuss his invention in de
Many Merits.
The electrical method has many
merits, among which are the follow
It is more humane, because the
cattle are killed Instantly; the pres
ent method of clubbing them some
times requires several blows.
It Is more rapid, And aa many as
200 cattle can be electrocuted in an
It leaves the hides of the cattle In
tact, whereas the present method
often damages them, and lessens their
value. The electric current used Is
practically negligible.
Those In close touch with the prog
ress of the invention are convinced
that it will be adopted by every large
packing plant In the world. Arrange
ments for putting it in use in the
14 Cudahy plants in the United
States and Canada are already under
Humane Society to Approve.
The National Humane society,
which recently offered a large cash
prize for more humane method of
killing cattle. Is expected to approve
this Invention.
Byrnes, the inventor. Is assistant
general superintendent of motive
power and construction of all Cudahy
plants. His home and headquarters
are in Omaha and he has carried on
all hla experiments here. He is con
vinced that his appliance will even
tually be used for killing sheep ar.d
hogs, as well as cattle.
Telegraph Speeded Up.
Stockholm. March 5.—An Invention
claimed to pmke It possible to send
400 words a minute by telegraph hae
been perfected by a Swedish expert,
Llaut. Thor Thornblad, whp is seek
ing patent rights.
If Headachy, Bilious, Sick,
No griping or Inconvenience fol
lows a gentle liver and bowel cleans
ing with "Cnscarets.” Rick Head
ache, Biliousness, Gasee, Indigestion,
and all such distress gone by morn
ing. Most harmless lasatlve for
men, women and children—lOo boxea,
algo 26 and 60c sizes, any drug stora
Bluffs Mayor Says “Organization”
Invited Him to Secret Meeting
Support of a 'TOO per cent Ameri
can ” organization, "sufficiently
strong in numbers to assure victory,"
would be pledged to Mayor Lou
Zurmuehlen, candidate for re-elec
tion at the city election, March 31,
if he would agree to attend Its meet
ing In order to satisfy himself as to
the character of the group and then
accept its support.
This proposition was extended to
the mayor in his office Monday by a
Council Bluffs business man, repre
senting himself as an envoy of the
"organization," name of which he did
not mention, Zurmuehlen stated’ yes
The representative stated further,
according to the mayor, that If the
pledge of support Is not accepted by
Zurmuehlen, the organization expects
to place an Independent candidate In
the field for the city election, op
posing both Zurmuehlen and Harding
in the mayorality race.
The mayor left yesterday afternoon
for Dee Moines with Alderman John
Langstrom upon municipal business
and will not return until Thursday
morning, so it would be Impossible for
him to attend the meeting if he de
Bired to do so.
A "fofmal invitation.” which the
business man said would be tendered
Zurmuehlen for the meeting tonight,
had not made Its appearance up to
the time the mayor took his train
yesterday afternoon.
Claims made by this same repre
sentative to the mayor, that this or
ganization was responsible for the
surprisingly large vote polled by De
Vere Watson, one of the five republic
an candidates for the mayoralty
nomination In the primary on March
S, were denied by Watson yesterday
“We would like to have you attend
our meeting Wednesday night," the
mayor says his visitor told him.
“If you are satisfied with us, we
will disclose to you a secret door in
the panel of the wall, through which
you may obtain access to a second
meeting, where we may come to some
understanding with respect to your
support in |he next election.
"On the other hand, if you choose
to decline our support, we intend to
place an independent candidate in
the race to oppose you."
Judge Dismisses
Bankrupt Plea
Federal Judge Woodrough dis
missed the petition In bankruptcy
filed against the F. and M. Boot
shop. Sixteenth and Favnam streets,
at the request of the same creditors
that filed the involuntary petition.
When the original petition was
filed, the appointment of a receiver
was asked. The application of the
creditors asking dismissal of the ac
tion was filed Tuesday.
Trial of Bossie
to Be Delayed
• 'laudo Bossie, former city clerk,
will not be placed on trial on any
of the charges against him in dls
trict court for some time. County
Attorney Beal said Wednesday.
“We have numerous other impor
tant cases to dispose of first,” said
Omahan Files
for Governor
Lincoln, March R.—W. F. Stoecker.
Omaha, filed this morning ns candi
date for governor on the republican
ticket. He was a candidate for the
same office in 1916 on the democratic
ticket, hut withdrew. In 1903 he
served in the state legislature as a
L. B. Johnson and T. J. Cronin,
both of Omaha, filed as candidates
tor secretary of state on the repub
lican ticket.
A. L. Sutton, Omaha, filed for dis
trict judge in the Fourth district.
William N. Jamieson, Omaha, is a
candidate for congress from the Sec
ond district.
Says We Must Keep Feet
Dry, Avoid Exposure,
Eat No Sweets.
Stay off the damp ground, avoid
exposure, keep feet dry, eat no
sweets of any kind for a while,
drink lots of water and above all
take a spoonful of Jad Salts occa
sionally to help keep down uric and
toxic acids.
Rheumatism is caused by poison
toxins, called acids, which are gen
erated in the bowels and absorbed
into the blood. It Is the function of
the kidneys to filter this acid from
the blood and cast It out In the urine
The pores of the skin are also a
means of fre ing the blood of this
impurity. In "lamp and chilly, cold
weather the akin pores are closed,
thus forcing the kidneys to do double
work; they become weak and sluggish
and fail to eliminate this poison,
which keeps accumulating and circu
lating through the system, eventually
settling in the joints and muscles,
causing stiffness, soreness and pain,
called rheumatism.
At the first twinge of rheumatism
get from any pharmacy about four
ounces of Jad Salts; put a tablespoon,
ful In a glass of water and drink be
fore breakfast each morning for a
week. This is helpful to neutralise
acidity, remove body waste, also to
stimulate the kidneys, thus helping
to rid the blood of these rheumatic
Jad Salts Is Inexpensive, and Is
made from the acid of grapes and
lemon Juice, combined with Uthla, and
Is used with excellent results by
thousands of folks who are subject
to rheumatism.
Pain In Your
It’s Probably Neuritis: Use
Tysmol for Relief
Knife-Jike Jaba of pain tn the vicinity
of the shouldar blade are generally due
to neuritis. brought on by axposure to
draughts or sudden changes of weather
In eonie cases there la stiffness or sore
tie«s in the rnuacles, ruaktiig it difficult to
rats* th*» arm.
The safest end easiest way to rallove
such an attack la to apply a email quan
tity of Tysmol over the affected Area
This soothing, healing preparation la
quickly absorbed through the porea and
carried to the throbbing, aching peripheral
nerves. The paina usually atop immediate
ly. and In a very abort time the laat
trace of soreness should disappear.
Tyamol la absolutely harmless—free
from “dope.’' Pries li at all leading
Tyamol Company, Mfg. Chemists. 466
Sutt**r St.. San Francieco.
mEvory Pktwrt
TtlU a Story"
Is Winter Time Your Backache Time?
Does Your Back Foretell Every Change of the Weather? Do You Feel Old
and Stiff and Suffer Sharp, Rheumatic Pains? Then
Look to Your Kidneys!
DOES every cold, chill or attack of grip
leave you lame, stiff and achy? Arc
I you nervous and depressed; feel tired,
worn-out and miserable? Does your back throb
and ache until it seems you just can’t keep go
ing another day?
Then look to your kidneys! Grip, colds and
chills throw a heavy strain on the kidneys. They
overload the blood with poisons and impurities
that the kidneys have to filter off. The kidneys
are apt to weaken under this rush of new work;
become congested and inflamed.
It's little wonder, then, that every cold finds
many folks suffering with torturing backache,
rhcumntic pains, headaches, dizziness and ani
noying kidney irregularities.
If this is the case with you, don't risk neglect!
Help your weakened kidneys with a stimulant
diuretic. Begin using Doan's Pills. Doan's
have helped thousands. Local users testify to
their worth. Ask your neighbor!
“Use Doan’sSay These Omaha Folks:
G. F. FRANK, 902 S. 20th St., taya:
“My kidneys caused me to suffer and I
had such backaches I couldn’t do any stoop,
ing or lifting. My back ached constantly
and the action of my kidneys was painful.
I often had to get up at night. I used
Doan’s Pills as directed. The aches and j
pains left my back and my kidneys acted j
I regularly.”
MRS. G. J. TRUSCOTT. 2619 N. 19th
A»e„ says: "My kidneys were weak and !!
out of order and I had a lame and aching
back. I became run down and the artion
of my kidneys was irregular. T used Doan’s
Tills and they soon stopped the backnches
nnd other signs of kidney complnint.”
Doan’s Pills
Stimulant Diuretic to the Kidneys
it nil dealers, 60c a ltn\. Foster-Milburn Co,, Mfg, Chemists, Hnffnlo. V V.
Be Funny
for Money
and get your name
in the movies
You know a good joke or a funny story. If
you don’t know one, you can create one. Make
it earn something for you besides a laf.
Here’s your chance to “cash in” on your lafs.
To make others happy. To have thousands talk
about your sense of humor. To make some
extra money. To make happiness epidemic.
Newspaper readers and movie audiences en
thuse over funny sayings. Realizing this, The
Omaha Bee has started a contest in which the
best local lafsters will be rewarded for their
efforts. The jokes which are submitted will be
known as
Local Lafs
The Omaha Bee will pay cash prizes for the
best 15 jokes that are submitted each week.
Read the list of prizes given below. Besides, 15
persons will get their names in the movies «
The names of the winning contestants, to
gether with their jokes, will be shown on the
screen at the
Sun Theater Every Week
Beginning Saturday, March $
A New Reel Each Week
Fir*t Prize.$5.00
Second Prize ....$3.00
Third Prize ..$2.00
Next 12..$1.00 Each
Here are some of the jokes that have been received.
You can beat them. It’s easy.
He (to taxi driver)—What are you stopping for?
The Driver—The lady said ‘‘Stop.”
He-She wasn’t talking to you.
That’s not so good. Let’s try again.
Stranger in the City—Boy, can I get in the park
through that gate?
Boy—Guess so, lady. I just saw a load of hay go
That’s not so good either. We ought to get a good
one this time.
Lady (to newsboy)—Where will I get a street car?
Newsboy—Right in the back, mum, if you don’t get
off the track.
Now that you’ve seen how easy it is, try it yourself.
Send in a joke to the Local Laf Editor, The Omaha Bee.
Get busy. If you want to win a prize, write a Local
Laf and send it to the Local Laf Editor.
The Omaha Bee