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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1924)
Capital Wires ^ to Fall Probed .Oil Committee Examines Sheaf of .Telegrams Sent to Fall and McLean. ■r AssselstsA Snh. Washington, Feb. 28.—Suddenly In terrupting Its public hearings, the ■snato oil committee closed Its doors today and spent nearly two hours looking over a sheaf of telegrams sent from Washington to A. It. Fall and K. B. McLean, publisher of the Wash ington Post, while they were In Florida. The results of the examination were not disclosed, but some committee members hinted that the files had produced some highly Interesting In formation. Some of the telegrams are to be placed In the public record to* morrow. Local managers of two telegraph companies had been subpoenaed in the hope of establishing whether Fall or McLean had been in communica. tlon from Palm Beach- with adminis tration officials or individual mem bers of the committee. When the two witnesses laid on the table the evi dence they had been asked to "bring with them, however, there was a hurried consultation among senators W’ho got a look at the messages, and an announcement was made that the room would be cleared of spectators. In announcing the executive ses sion, Chairman Lenroot said it was 'lie committee's desire to decide ^vhlch of the telegrams were “rele r vant." At the end of the long secret meeting he said that task had not been completed. Senator Adams, democrat, Colorado, said thus far the committee hail found no telegrams sent by Individ Lame muscles? Try this I aimpla " treatment You can keep your muscle* from stiffening up, and you can take •ut soreness and ache with Sloan’s Liniment. Every night stroke it on gently—you don’t have to rub it in. Tense muscles relax—aching stops. Get a bottle from your druggist today—35 cents. Slota*! Unfmant—Mb pam! pJBay "Bayer”-Genuine! Genuine '‘Bayer Tablets of As pirin” have been proved safe by mil lions and prescribed by physicians over 23 years for colds and grippe misery, llandy boxee of 12 tablets cost only few cents at any drug store. Kach package contains proven direc tions for colds and tells how to pre pare an Aspirin gargle for sore throat end tonsilitis. I EDDIE’S FRIENDS ' l MJELL. UJHAT \P X X>lD LOSE7 I'D LIKE TO HAVE ALL THE MOKJEVj , v/OO LOSTPLAVlMbyy/y/A WT\Kt:& t ± ( WHATDH? -JOU CALL ME Toe VUHEWyoU HAD THAT FULL House. ? ^ou _' DEU8ERATELV PLAVE.D A6AIMST /'*8 ME ,-• : tcwim' To ke&p S. XAB MON£W / M "(UE i PA^\tN .-' ifX'fM <jLAD~A| f tomorrows n\n daw ofp - Tv4lNl6S A'M'T OOMKiA be [ so PLEASAMT i 7\ AeoUMQ I V/W. HE^E J II Cl*24 tv fwtx FtAruwc Septet. — ual committeemen to either Fall or McLean. Wilton J. Lambert, counsel for Mr. McLean, was present at the reopen ing of public hearings st the invita tion of Senator Walsh, who had sought a conference with him. The purpose was not disclosed, but it was stated that the time for the examina tion of Mr. McLean by the committee still was undetermined. Walilherg Summoned. A subpoena was issued today for f!. J). Wahlberg, former private secre tary to Harry-*'. Sinclair, who will be questioned as to the identity of “Mr. Hays” to whom he has testified he delivered $25,000 in Liberty bonds. At the time of his testimony com mitteemen thought the reference was to an employe of Sinclair, but since then there have been reports that it was another “Mr.' Hays.” In this connection, Senator Walsh, democrat, Montana, annouiiced today there was no present Intention of summoning Will H. Hays, former postmaster gen eral. Senator Walsh also said he did not plan now to summon Attorney Gen eral Daugherty for queatlonlng as to his statement In his letter yesterday to Senator Willis, republican, Ohio, that he had dealt in Sinclair oil stocks after the leasing of Teapot to Sinclair. Chairman Lenroot said In any event Mr. Daugherty would not be called until after expert accountants had finished their examination of brokers' books showing those transactions, fl. Taff, Washington superintend ent for the Western Union company, was called an the flrat witness when today's hearing . began. Senator Walsh took the records of telegrams submitted by the witness while Sena tor Smoot, republican, Utah, read them over hla associate's shoulder. Chairman Lenroot went Into whis pered conferences that followed, over the messages, and then announced the Intention to convene an execu tive session. Produces Messages. “The committee desires to find which of these messages are relevant,” the chairman explained. "The others will be eliminated and those of importance In this inquiry will be read.” Thomas 1*. Dowd, manager of the Postal company, likewise produced some messages which were taken in to the executive session. ljiter the committee will examine long distance telephone records for a similar purpose. Subpoenas for these records have been issued but it will The odds are 4&1 in Pyorrhea's favor Don’t gamble with Pyorrhea. Four persons out of every five past 40, and thousands younger, are its victims. Heed Nature’s warning—bleeding gums. Brush your teeth with Forhan’a to keep the gums firm, the teeth white and the mouth healthy. Pleasing to the taste. SMore than a tooth paste— it checks Pyorrhea 35c and 60c in tubes Rrhan’s FORTHE GUMS - require h day or two to compile them for presentation. Walah Denies Charge. As soon as the committee ad journed Senator Walsh, democrat, Montana, who has taken the lead In the oil inquiry, renewed on the sen ate floor his quarrel with the news ( bureau of the republican national comipitt*'® by contradicting hi un equivocal terms the bureau's charges that he sponsored the law under which the oil leases were made. lie declared the leases had nothin? to do with the general leasing act, and he also denied the .•rscertlor. of the news bureau that he supported the rider to the naval appropriations hill of 1920, giving the secretary of the navy authority to exchange royalty oil for tank storage. "It is not true that I supported it, as the record will show," Senator Walsh said. "Nor did any other sen ator say anything about the amend ment except the senator from Utah (Mr. Smoot), who offered certain i amendments and these were accepted without discussion of any sort." Upon request of the senator from Montana, Senator Smoot confirmed his statement, and Mr. Walsh then challenged "any republican senator to arise in his place and state whether I have stated the facts incorrectly." Senator Lenroot, republican, Wis consin, said the statement was ac curate, "except that the leasing act did authorize the leasing of flowing wells." "Having thus demonstrated that the republican national committee and Its official organ is an inveterate liar,” said Senator Walsh, "I shall not trouble the senate further." Man Asks Ex-Wife Enjoined. Louis Block appealed to the dis trict court today for an injunction to keep his wife, Bessie, from interfer Inp with him when he goes to see their child. She oBtained a divorce June in. He say* she ha* threatened to take the child outside the state. By Associated Tress. Lincoln. Feb. 26.— Programs to be pre sented Wednesday. February 27; t'ential Standard Time.) (By ('ourt*■«> of Kadlo Digest.) Note All times given ai« T. AJ. unless Otherwise stated. KDKA, Pittsburgh (326). 5:15. concert; 6:45, duldreng period; 7:15, talks; 7:34, concert. KKKK. Hastings, rebroadcasts programs of KDKA. KH.I, Los Angelas (395), 8:45. chil dren * program; 1U, entertainment; 12. or* best ra. KND. St. I,ouis Post*-Dispatch (546), 7, concert. KYW, Chicago (536). hedtlmo story; 7. concert: x, program; 9:05, book reviews; lu. midnight r*»vue WBAP. Fort Worth 5tar-Teief ram (476). 7:30. recital; 9:20. orchestra. WCAH, Pittsburgh (482), 6:30, songs; 7:30. x" "grain. WDAK Philadelphia (395). 6:30. talk; concert. 7. recital; 9 10. music. WDAF. Kansas City Star (411), I, school of air; a, concert; 1:45, night hawks W DAP, Chicago (360), ", music; 10, music. WFL Philadelphia (391). 5. talk; 5 30. music WOK. Buffalo (319). 8:S0, music; 6 10. neivr 7:45. concert. W*1V. t<ch«tfie. lady (380), 5 JO, chll dren's hour. WHA. Madison (360). 7:30. talk WHAS, I.ocisvllle (400), 7:30. program. WlP, Philadelphia (5u§), 5:05, music; 6. tslks. . , , , ' WJZ. New York (456). 6. story. 4 30, program; 6 4 5, talk. 7. music, 7:46, song*: 8, talks and orchestra. WJAZ, Chicago (44Xi, )•». program. WLAtj. Minneapolis-St. Paul (417), I, talk: 7 30. lectur**. 9.16. talk; prugram. WLW. Cincinnati film). X. concert; g 41. band; 9:10. tries dub; 12:30. contest. WMAQ. Chicago News (447 5), 7. chil dren ** stories. 7:30, talks; 9 15. music. WOC, Davenport (4X4). 7. educational fee ure. 7:20. talk; 8. musical program. wou. Philadelphia (509), 6;J0. music; 7:45. concert; 9:10. music. WOK. Newark (405), 5:15, music; 7. talk: 7:15, tsnor solo; 7:25, talk; 7:10. recital: X. program W()8. Jefferson City (440 1). 8, concert. WSB Atlanta (429), 10:45, program; 12. special revue. WTAM, Cleveland (890), 7. program. WWJ, Detroit News (517), 7:li, or chestra r 1 1 W Tbe tofmrt T*mn*f Csr ft <445 Mi Utmt Hstt—m Tire FfWpmmt 64 4Wt96 cm Up Hills on High With Effortless Ease Every ride in this Dort Snort is one of thrilling enjoy ment. Here is a motor that gets away like an arrow from a bow, accelerates from six to sixty with amazing swiftness, ri ns on and on month after month in the same even way without regulation or attention. Anil here is a motor car whose rare beauty and charm of line class it among the smartest of sport models. Nothing is wanting in comfort and equipment—It is one of the very few sport models roomy enough for five passengers. Dtrl Sines, flOOS to VS9S, i Flint RALPH W. JONES, Inc. Di.**(butor. for Nebraska and Western Iowa 2421 Farnam Street Omaha (1W) AnVRRTIIRllRNT. NATURE’S DANGER SIGNALS Narvouane**, melancholia, l>n<-knchr, headache and ]>«in In the aide are all nature'* danger *lgnala whlc h Indicate Kiinio ailment peculiar to a woman. When such warning *.vni|itom* nppMlr women may avoid much pain and Buf fering If they will rely upon Lydia K I’lnkham* Vegetable t'ompot ml. a* It* tonic, Btiengthrmng Influence aprcrtlly remove* the cauae and reatore* the Bveteni to a healthy, normal condition. BEE WANT ADM BRING RESULTS At AM Orufifttata Trio of Missing Folk Back Home if«* Believes Husband on Spasmodic Trip—Girl bate From Dance. Police Tuesday morning declined to become excited over the reported dis appearance of Jesse Hell, 34, 5019 South Twenty-second street, and em ployed at the Ford Motor plant. Bell, the police said, has disap pea red fur a few days at a time on several previous occasions, but lias always returned to his home. He was seen in the vicinity of Twenty fourth and N streets subsequent ’to the dste of his present disappearance, according to information received by detectives. Mrs. Bell believes her husband is somewhere in Omaha, she says. Disappearance of Alice Smith. 16 1929 South Twenty-ninth street, last Friday, also is solved. Alice returned to her home early Saturday morning, after a dance, and so far as police are advised, lias been there ever since. Julius Kchmld. 49. reported missing from his home at 6122 Florence boule vard, was merely s little late In get ting home one night. Ills daughter became alarmed, and called police. Half an hour later. Schmid arrived at his home. UHlan Cole, reported missing from 1411 California street, left the place Wednesday night with a man un known to police, and has no intention of returning, police said. "Disappearance" of George Peters. 55, of Havelock, Neb., who has been staying at 2223 Burt street, tvas ex plained, too. Unacquainted with Omaha streets, Peters was unable to find his lodging house one night, so he stayed at a downtown hotej.. Next morning he located his room and resumed his residence in it. Other persons reported missing in elude Mrs. Xima Brewer, 19, daugh ter of W. Patterson, Council Bluffs, and Rosamond Alney, 22, wife of A. B. Alney, 1537 North Kighteenth street. • * Race Horse Goes First to Iowan ’ The dispute over the race horse, j Mudoba, was decided today by Coun ty Judge Crawford, who gave first lien on the animal to M. K. Bacon. Davenport, la., and second lien to J. G. Hathaway. Cedar Rapids, la., leav ing Thomas Kindle, Niobrara, Neb., as third in claim. Kindte bought the horse in August. 1922, for $700, from Hathaway, pay ing $2 no down. He borrowed money! from Bacon. Hathaway gave Kindle a conditional bill of sale, and Kindle gave the bill of sale to Bacon. Mud oba is at Ak-Sar Ben field. Aged Resident of Omaha Dies Mr*. Hebecca Betterolf, 81. resident nf Omaha HO years, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Christine Stover, 2750 South Thirteenth street, Monday, after an illnesa of many month*. .Mrs. Betterolf was born In Fred :-i Ickshurg, Md., in 1843 and came to Ottumwa, la.i in her early child hood, thence to Omaha In 1804, with her husband. Fred. She had resided with her daughter, Mrs. Stover, for the last 20 yen a*. She Is survived by two daughters, Mr*. Christine Stover of Omaha and Mrs. Kate Mies of Denver; three grandsons, Fred, Heim and Henry Mies, Jr.; two sisters, Mrs. Catherine Hoffman of Elba. Ia., and Mr*. Mary. Magee of Agency, la., and cme brother, Conrad Shank of Agency, la. Funeral services will he held at the Hoffman funer.Yl home at 2 this aft ernoon. Burial will he in Prospect Hill et meterv. Mayor Nominees Chosen at Bluffs n. J. Maiding will be the repub lican candidate, and Bnu Zurmuehlen, incumbent, will he the democratic candidate for mayor of Council Bluffs at the spring election. Both were nominated at the pri mary election held Monday in the Bluffs. Harding received 1,384 votes, 35.14 per cent of the total repub lican vote cast. Thirty-five per cent of the party vote at the primary is required for nomination. ' Zurmuehlen’s vote was 1,849. Bandits Haiti Missouri Bank. St. Bouts, Mo., Feb. 2*».—The Citi zens -Bunk of Maplewood, a suburb, wae held up today by five bandits who escaped with $8,500. Seven em ployes and one customer were in the bank. Three bandits lined them up against a wall while the others rifled the rages. / AIIVKKTISKMKNT. Break a Cold Right Up with “Pape's Cold Compound” Take two tauiets every three hour* until three doses are taken. The first dose always gives relief. The second and third doses completely break U| the cold. Pleasant and safe to take Contains no quinine or opiates. Mil lions use ‘’Pape’s Cold Compound. Price, thirty-five cents. Druggist* guarantee It. NOW! Every Night This Week K.°f C. Carnival 2301 Harney Street DANCING ENTERTAINMENT and BOOTHS Admission FREE! Door Prize Every Night --g 4 Days, Start.n( Neat Sunday, March 2 The Mfirr" Shubert Offer the ] New H^rk Winter Garden Hevue j HOWARD] And Many Other Favorite*. Includ ing the Winter Garden Girls 1 Evenings, $l-$t; Wed. Mat.. SOc-$S “LIGHTS OUT” A Thrilling Story of tho Under wot Id \U\ » It 11*1 HK1YI. Harmless Means of Reducing Fat Many fa t people f*ar ordlnurx mean* for reducing their weight Herr |* mi e*tr* oidinary method. Fitraordlnary Uecguea while perfectly hnrinle-a no dieting nt r* •rrlaa are tteceaaary Marmola Pi eacrli'tlon Tablet* are made etartly in r> • ordance with the fattiou* Marmola Prearrlpt h*n YOU reduce atendllv and er.*il> with »<•> 111 effect* Procure them from >our druggiat at one dollar for a ho*, or aend prh e di vert to the Marmola t'ompany, 4612 Mood ward Axenue. Pettoll. Mich. 3 Daya, Starting TOMORROW ALL NEW BILL On the Stage the Powell Playera Preaent Sally, Irene and Molly A Delightful Muaical Comedy With a Reaaon On the Screen—Chaa. Blaney’a Famoua Melo drama. J. FRANK GLENDON ALICE LAKE PHILO M’CULLOUGH ROSEMARY THEBA —IN— “More to Be Pitied Than Scorned” Aaron Delbridge Dies From Illness Aaron M. Helbrtdge. 2332 Spaulding street, a resident of Omaha for 35 years, died this morning at a local hospital after a short illness. He is survived by his widow, A on* von, Fimlwjf ‘ ann^our da lighter*, Mrs. •. A. Moyer and Mabel of Omaha; Mrs. A Hrhnell barher of Council Bluffs, and Mrs. K. W. Jacobs of Biair, Neb. Kun< ral services sv ill t>e held Thurs day afternoon. Jtyed lace matches the color of the evening frock. Here In My laif for the Screen: (Do not use more than 30 words) ....,...... •* .i •• i •••• ....,.v. ................ .t. ....... ........ .. • *... Name ... Address .( Motion Picture Theater I attend. | se this coupon or paper of similar size and write only on one side. FOR THE SCRKKN. Fifteen cash aw aids will be paid each week for the best local lafs. These prize winning local lafs will apiiear on the screen of a number of motion picture theaters. Send your local lafs to the Local Laf Kditor, The Omaha Bee, Omaha, Neb. STARTS SATURDAY 1 » ■ ■ t- m* '**■ .warn* :i wtxospnilty/ Ml’ with an all-*tar cast featuring NORMAN KERRY CLAIRE WINDSOR BARBARA BEDFORD jj 'ICHARD TRAVERS r No on* will bo admitted during last two reel* of •THE ACQUITTAL." % The lame great mystery story which at a stage play baffled and entertained audiences of New York and London for months and months. You won’t know until the end how it is going to turn out! It wilt give you the surprise and thrill of your life. See it and learn if you can tell in advance how it is going to end! [ Is Glad to Notify Its Patrons That THE REMARKABLE PROGRAM OF CZECHOSLOVAK PHOTOPLAYS Which Is Causing Such a Sensation, Is Being HELD OVER WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27—Afternoon and Evening n | TTT Li n o tr>]fgihifiT o W* | w Earle Williams. Jane Novak, Ben Alexander In a story of blind husband* and indiscreet wive a— “Jealous Husbands" lossy at 3:1 S. 7:30, 0:30 j Rialto-Herzbtrg Spring Style Revue With Ivan D. Martin'. j New York Models Larry Sr man v in Hortr»hor« Organ A Flu to Gao. Haupt A Carl Tick nor Rialto Orchestra of 21 |itC** ft I Fun C.hIm Mat. Mid Nil, Tilda* Tk. C.litmki. Riirl.ak. "NIFTIES.” Witk BII.LV FOSTER, Will. H COIIAN * l.adl*.' lJnKi|il^i^M^fJni»i Sat Mat * ttk. Talk <if tk. T.wn,' F.liit. Hall “Lest Night on the Beck Porch” is a hit every night as fox-trotted by the Memphis Five or harmonised by the Shannon Four on Columbia Records 7 O and A-3976. _ • «■■■• • *mbb • mmmtm • «m • IF' I! •NOW PLAYINGj IT* ice Today. Mat. 15-S0c; liite 2-i Overture. Topic*. t'aHlca S |9| !:*• 3»i Arleya S SO• I*:4* Gwr|* liana S til *** SARAH PADDEN » »2C * o MARY HAYNES * > J ALBA T1BERIO * '»« I* o JACK WILSON * *1 ■ 4 "World af Make Bella* e’* Id !.sl ■ 4 :55 Patke Neva 10 .U| Only a Few Days More BID LV'MT.r’ Mary Pickford _in "Rotita"