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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1924)
Mystery Veiling ■” Whereabouts of Bossie Cleared Ex-Omaha City Clerk Arrives in Kansas City—To Be Tried at April Term of Court. f - ; Kansas City, Mo., Feb. 2G.—Mystery \ Vhich has shrouded the whereabouts of Claude F. Bossie* runaway Omaha city clerk, since he left New York following his release on bond In con nection with a charge of violating the Mann act, lodged against him on his debarkation from the steamer which brought him and a woman compan ion known in Omaha ns Ruth Warn sley, back from France, was cleared today when Bossie arrived here. He conferred with H. L. Kava . naugh, assistant United States dis trict attorney, concerning the charge against him, which ho proposes to fight. He will be tried here during the April term of the federal court. Bossie did not say, on his arrival here, whether he has been in Omaha or not. He Is at liberty to go where lie chooses, so long as he appears in court when his case is called in April. _ ADVERTISEMENT. Beauty A Gleamy Mass of Hair 35c "Danderine” does Wonders for Any Girl's Hair Girls! Try this! When combing and dressing your hair, Just moisten your hair brush with a little "Danderlne” and brush It through your hair. The effect is startling! You can do your hair uh Immediately and It will ap pear twice as thick and heavy—a mass of gleamy hair, sparkling with life and possessing that incomparable softness, freshness and luxuriance. While beautifying the hair "Dander lne” Is also toning and stimulating each single hair to grow thick, long and strong. Hair stops falling out and dandruff disappears. Get a bot tle of delightful, refreshing "Dander lne” at any drug or toilet counter and Just see how healthy and youth ful your hair becomes. Health Expert Deplores Fact Women Are Too Lazy to Exercise Free Brauty Lectures at tlie Strand Theater Attract Large Crowds—Meeting Today to Be Held at ]().• Nine out 6t every 14 women do not breathe properly. Ten out of every 15 women have double chins. If you don't smile, you mav be sure of wrinkles, }ligh-heelcd shoes send you to the hospital. These are some of the things that Mrs. Margaret Josephine Blair, 60 year old beauty expert and health ex ercise dancer, told the women, who crowded the main floor and balcony of I he Strand theater yesterday ns guests of The Omaha Bee. Admis sion to the lectures given by Mrs. Blair is free. Another lacture will be given today at 10, in the same theater. . All sorts and kinds of women came to this first lecture—the fat women who would be loan; the grandmother who would be young; the plain Wo man who would fascinate; the girl who would be beautiful; the thin wo man would would be plump; the sick woman who would be well. “Women will admit that health ex ercises are good but they won't fol low them," said Mrs. Blair. "The women are Just plain lazy. They may try the exercises for a llttlei while and then say, 'What’s the use,’ The 10-mlnute exercise must be daily. “A woman is as old as her knees. Keep full that place above and in back of the knee, and you will never grow old or have hardening of the 1 arteries,” she told the audience. Then, \ Hodge Won’t Accept Progressive Filing Lincoln, Feb. 26.—George T. Hodge of Genoa, selected by the Grand Is land conference as the progressive candidate for state auditor, will not accept petitions If they are filed for him, according to a letter received today by the secretary of state. Hodge declares that the Grand Is land conference was not an official convention of the progressive party and had no legal authority. Oil Development Halted in Wyoming Casper, Wyo., Feb. 26.—The Teapot Dome senate investigation has halted millions of dollars worth of develop ment work in Wyoming oil companies and has also resulted In the cancel lation of large expansion programs both in pipe laying and refinery con struction, according to officials of oil companies here. Scottsbluff Man Must Pay $2,520 for Child’s Support Lincoln, Feb. 28.—Ray H. Weeks of Scottsbluff must pay $2,520 In $90 semi annual Installments for the sup port of the child of Ethel L&bertesr, the supreme court decided today. A Jury found Weeks the father of the child and the supreme court affirms ltfc finding. * JUST THREE MORE DAYS ONLY A FEW LEFT 75' Down I Balance in small I monthly payments with your gas. bill. Buys One of Those Beautiful Roper Gas Ranges Regular $70 value. Regu- A . ^ pm am lation size with full size % A M 'M 7 k cooking top—a beautifully y VB II f %J finished, fully, guaranteed _____ Range, for the next three ^^B® m W days— Ak If You Are Going to Need a Range Within the Next Two Years BUY IT NOW Gas Department 1909 Howard Street AT lantic 5767 Metropolitan Utilities District ADVERTISEMENT. MRS, c. A. PAYNE Health Brings Beauty Manchester, Iowa.—"I am glad to have the opportunity to tell of the great benefit I have received by taking Dr. Pierce's Favorite Proscription and Golden Medical Discovery. They are the two finest medicines I have ever used. Have taken lots of others but never got any relief until I started taking these remedies. I had been troubled for about four years with feminine weakness and my feet would swell until I would have to take off my shoes, but since taking Dr. Pierce's medicine I feel much bet'er—sleep hot ter, and am beginning to feel more like myself. I will always praise Dr. Pierce’s medicines."—Mrs. C. A. Tayne, 509 E. Butler Sr. Get Dr. Pierce's remedies at any drug store, in tablets or liquid. Write Dr. Pierce, President Invalids’ Hotel in Buffalo,\N. Y., for free medical ■advice. Mrs. Blair, with leg extended. showed the women the exercise needed. "Women have worn capes for Sev eral years to hide their waistlines." she continued. "The trim, tailored suit is what a Women should he proud to wear. The American stom ach is up. Fat loses power within. By all means, reduce. Diet and care of the skin with methods for the eradication of wrinkles will ho the subject of the lecture this morning. Nebraska Retailers Open Meet at Lincoln Hr Associated Tress. Idncoln, Feb. 26.—Members of the Federation of Nebraska Retailers were to gather here this afternoon for the 18th annual ronventlon of their or ganisation. This afternoon's meeting was to he devoted largely to organi sation of the ronventlon, which will continue through Thursday, with vari ous sectional meetings. Following various committee and officer's re-1 ports. J. F. Dailey, Omaha, was to address the convention. Secretary O. W. Watson estimated this afternoon that between 500 and 000 delegates from retailing estab lishments of all kinds In all parts of the state would be in attendance. The convention officers were in formed that 50 Omaha jobbers would arrive in a special car this afternoon and that probably as many grocers from the same place would be here. Hastings indicated an attendance of 20 and Grand Island was expected to send 12 retailers, the secretary said. K. of C. Gets Permit to Sell Clubhouse Llnroln, Feh. 25.—The Knights of Columbus of omnlta have been author ized to sell $500,000 worth of stack for the erection of a clubhouse, W. J. MoNicholls, chief of the bureau of se curities, announced today. The stnek issue will consist of $100,000 in com mon and $400,000 in non-cumulatlve preferred. The Nelson Lumber and Supply company of Orand Island may ^lell $150,000 worth of common stock of the par value of $100 a share, the Con servative Mortgage company of Lin coln may Issue $50,000 in stock, and the Farmers' Union co-operative asso ciation of Udgnr Is permitted to sell $25 shares to the amount of $14,275. Omalian Denied Damages Against Rock Island Road Lincoln, Feb. 25.—James Krun torad of South Omaha cannot collect damages from the Jlock Island rail road for Injuries sustained when steps at Twenty-fifth and Monroe streets gavfe way, the supreme court ruled today. Kruntornd alleged that the steps If* • n Frank and Berdis Missing Boys L^v*00.^ j a year* old, left home July 14, 192S. Doth light com plexion. blue eye*, brown hair, height S ft 6 In. Liberal reward offered for infor mation a* to theif whereabouts. Our hearts are broken; we must find them. Mr. and Mr*. S. E. Westbrook. Kirwin, Kan. BUEHLER BROS. Market Specials for Wednesday -FOUR STORES 212 N. 16th 2408 Cuming 4903 S. 24th 634 W. Broadway, Council Bluffs Choice Leaf Lard, special at. .10 Vic Sugar Cured Skinned Hams.16c Sugar Cured Picnic Hams. 11c Fresh Spareribs ....... .8c Choice Beef Shoulder Steak...11c Choice Round Steak .. 15c Choice Pork Loins .. 12Vic Choice Beef Pot Roast.... 9c Choice Rib Boiling Beef.6c Evergood Liberty Nut Butterine ....20c Choicest Cut Porterhouse Steak.20c Choicest Cut Sirloin Steak.18c Fresh Cut Hamburger Steak.... .\2l/2c Fancy Breakfast Bacon, Vi or whole.20c Special Fresh Caught Catfish, Halibut and Salmon for Thursday and Friday The Quality Car .-rBiiMf JkBBv fP^MM™ SUPERlCik 1 5-Pass. Sedan *795ffit Wot alone fcr every-day utility doeo Chevrolet represent the world’s lowest priced quality car. It also meets the requirements of particular people for those social and sport occasions when artistic proportion, high-grade coach work, and handsome finish are in har mony with the time and place. You can be proud of your Chevrolet, combining, as it does, a high degree of engineering efficiency with modern qual ity features that appeal to the experi enced and the disci Call at our showrooms and discover the astonishing values made possible by tha exceptional volume of Chevrolet sales. £v See Chevrolet First m A SEE CHEVROLET CARS AT THESE DEALERS’ SHOWROOMS J. W. SMITH CHEVROLET CO. 2S89 Farnam St. Aahland, Neb,—Clayton Auto Co. Auburn, Neb.—Coulter A Grit*. Blair, Nrb The Aronann Garaga Greenwc od, Neb.—Anderaon Auto Company. Gretna, Neb.—Auto Service Ga rage. OMAHA DEALERS DEWEY MOTOR CO. 3815 North 24th St. JULIEN CHEVROLET CO. 1T15 Cuming St. NEBRASKA DEALERS Nebraaka City, Neb.—Williami A Chapprl. Papill ion, Nfh. H. P. BrprlinR. Raltton, Neb.— Ralatnn Service Garage. Richfield, Neb - Olio Hibbeler. Springfield, Neb.—Elwell A Snna Co. J. H. LAWRENCE CHEVROLET COMPANY 1437 South 13th St. Syracuse, Nob. Fell* Nirklaa. Talmadge, Nob.—Badhorg A Rotter. Tokamah, Neb B. O McDonald Valley, Nob.—L. W. Rurgert. Woeping Water. Neb.—S. Knoll A Matelmann. i were the property of the Rock Island. In reply the Rock Island declares that the steps were built by the city of South Omaha without the rail road's knowledge or consent, even though they are on Its right of way, Oakland—Word has been received here of the death at Bridgeport, Neb., of Miss Naomi Larson, daughter of John Larson of this city. Miss Larson wnsM|a teacher in the schools of Bridgeport. When the Cdbl Evenings Come Welsh Rarebit makes a special appeal to the appetite. MeJt the cheese in a well-buttered pan, add milk, stir in a beaten egg and just be fore serving season with tablcapoonful of lEAtHllltf 8AU0E oukjinal wonetmiMHiM a Sherwin-Williams’ Paints VARNISHES, ENAMELS COMPLETE STOCK Barker Bros. Paint Co. 1609*4 Farnam JA 4790 When in Omaha Stop at Hotel Romei you are dissatisfied with the coal you’ve been using —we want you to try TORRID Lump. One ton of this splendid fuel will probably carry you through the remainder of the winter and it will enable you to intelligently select the “right” fuel for next winter’s needs. --it’s $10.50 Ton i _ USE BEE WANT ADS—THEY BRING RESULTS Fresh from my ovens you can get it—at any baker)-, grocery store or delicatessen. Raisin bread —the kind your family likes so well. Wonderful loaves, both white and whole wheat—generously filled with large, plump, juicy Sun-Maid Raisins. Rich, fruity—healthful as well as delicious. And other good things Rolls, too, and cookies are included in my special baking. Coffee cakes, muffins, "snails,” cakes and other tempting Sun-Maid Raisin Foods. And Raisin Pie, of course—filled with the choic est fruit of California's vineyards. By bakers everywhere The finest Sun-Maid Raisin Bread and other Rai sin Foods are prepared "Special for Wednesday” by bakers every week—everywhere. Serve them today, as so many women have formed a custom of doing. For dinner—for your own and the children’s luncheon. And—P.S.—Raisin Bread toast for Thursday's breakfast! V l-ndortcd br bakart avarvwhar-a, br the A«a*caaoo« and hr «ht Raiail Bakara Ataociatioa ot Amtrica If*Ma /W(U» KatUn Mn W It# tkiUhm IN# *#•; CUfirm* mi ttmtlm* Urn put Mmn hW< * *mmh M Am* ttmptmf! Raisin bread special on Wednesdays