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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1924)
^Burglar Caught Stealing Drugs Many Narcotic Addict* Said to Have Gone to Grand Island From No. Platte. By Associated Free*. Grand Island, Neb., Feb. 26.—Dis; covered In his attempt to burglarize the office of Dr. Wengert for mor phine, Bert Gibson of Hastings ,was caught by police after a hot chase and admitted his purpose. Gibson declared there were several drug addicts here from North Platte. Police Instituted search and late In the night fired several shots at a group near the St. Francis hospital. It Is now believed that there were late rounders who, merely alarmed, took flight. You will like ^ WHEAT FLAKES much better V when you crumble a few I ten’s Graham Crackers in the bowl with them—and you won’t have to add any sugar, unless you’re ex* tremely fond of sweets. Always ask your grocer for I-TEN'S GRAHAM CRACKERS Get the gennlne In Iten package, tan or raddle— and be satisfied all ways. 'V 222 IREMEDTi CongkColds SPASMODIC CROUP, BRONCHIAL COUCHS CONTAINS NO NARCOTIC. STOPS the COUGH HEALS the CAUSE Used for over fifty years and In* variably preferred for children and frown persons where Mother is the “Home Doctor.” Acts quickly, costs Uttle, no narcotics. ■ Afore bottles used each year than of any other couth remedy. Sold and recommended everywhere ADVERTISEMENT. A Secret of Great a Strength and Powerful Muscles Jack Damp*ay, World'* Heavyweight ■ Champion, Reveal* a Secret of Hi*. A Training for Grant Strength,7# VUr Energy and Endurance *Nr ■Science ha* now proved that yourl I real strength, energy, and endur-1 Lane*, that mysterious fore* that# ■tenable* you to dominate andkw ■ control other* and win lij farary walk oi life, all dt-jf Spend upon the atrengthjw Land nature ol the nil-# V lions of cell* that com- W fpoi* your body andf /bruin—that lb* physical! /strength of these cells del ■panda absolutely on the! flood you out, that ia, them f material with which theym far* built, just like a house! (that ia built of board* andl * fraud i* not *0 strong ns one # ■built of stone and iron. Their ■most important clamant in# ■building strong, forceful# bulls is n peculiar form/ fol iron fouod ia the# ■ husk* of grain* and# | the pad* and skins/ \of certain fruits and# ■ vegetables, but# ■modern methods oif (cooking throw# K these hnportset things? f away so that today* ■probably net eee per* Impwv • sea, ia tweety has 100 per seat ■iron ia hi* body, tack Dampivy. \World • Heavyweight Champion, when! ftreiatas. taker regalarhr thia newer (ana! lot iron, keowa » Nnated Iroo. Whaa 1 I great alhletee like Dempaey realise the 1 liagwrten of iroa in the blend, it woald 1 \ eeeia that every man, no matlar wbat him \age.whowantrlnincraaaa bia sjtlgatfc_i lia-^ kind bodily powers. woald rcnlisa nowjnv r Imnch owes important it ia tar him to/ V. build an bia energy and endurance^? ■SwMh Mnsaltd Iron. Tkoeraadr] \ bar. sac a red avrprlaiag re-J aL inltt in avia two short wiek^g yLNessiedlrea Is laexpenaivW m* and may bo obuittf/ \ltta soy rrlleblrW^ ' Who Said “First Robin?" They've Been Here All Through This Winter - » - Columbus, Neb., Feb. 26.—Although Peter Schaecher claims to have seen the first robin in the town this spring, nature students of Columbus declare that robins have never left the Platte valley during .the entire winter. Farmers, whose land adjoin the river bottoms, say that every winter finds more robins remaining among the timber and brush of the lowlands streams throughout the season. The birds remain in sheltered nooks and eke out existence by visiting bams and grainerles of farmers along the river. Mother Must . Term on Rum Charge Lincoln, Feb. 26.—The ancient rule that t+ie husband Is the head of the family is not sufficient defense against the charge of possessing a still and manufacturing bootleg liquor, the state supreme court ruled today in affirming sentence passed on Mrs. Anna Ferguson, i Law officers, in a raid on the Ferguson home, seized a still, a quan tity of mash, and liquor which they alleged had been nuide by her. Al though her husband was absent dur ing the raid and did not testify in the ease, she maintained that he, as head of the family, was guilty. The conviction of a son of Mrs. Ferguson, who was sentenced under the name of Furgil. for the same charge, also was affirmed. Sentence Against Omahan in Shooting Case Upheld Lincoln, Feb. 26.—-The state su preme court today refused to reverse sentence passed on Mauro Bruno of Omaha, who was found guilty of hav ing assaulted Joseph Vargo with in tent to kill, on September 22, 1922. Vargo, who was at that time one of a number of Missouri Pacific shop men on strike, was entering his house when struck by birdshot discharged from a shotgun. Bruno was charged with the crime. Morehead Files to Sueceed Himself as Congressman Special IM.patrh to The Omaha Bee. Falls City. Neb., Feb. 26.—Congress man John H. Morehead today filed his candidacy on the democratic ticket to succeed himself as representative from the First district. The filing, made through George Lyon, Falls City business associate, put to rest all speculation as to whether Morehead, will make the race for senator or con gressman. ' Court Contempt Sentence Suspended hy High Court Lincoln, Feb. 26.—The sentence of Dwight Taylor of Omaha, accused of contempt of court in attempting to influence witnesses in the trial of Jimmy Griffin, was suspended today by the supreme court, pending the hearing of Taylor’s appeal. Booze Deal Costs Bank $300 Loss Institution Which Cashed Bad Drafts Is Held Responsible by High Court. Lincoln, Fek. 2G.*-The Jackson State bank of \lackson. Neb., is out $300 through the transactions of Louis Johnson, Sioux City, who sold Roy Vernon, Dixon, two barrels of corn for bootleg whisky. This was decided today by the state supreme court, which upheld the Laurel National bank in an appeal brought by the state bank. Johnson offered to sell Vernon the whisky for $<>50 and delivered two ban-els at Allen, Vernon tendering two drafts In payment. "Imagine Vernon's chagrin,” says the opinion, "when he inspected his purchase and found that It was shelled corn.” Vernon, after finding that he had been duped, hurried to the telephone and stopped payment on the drafts and on checks with which he had paid for them. Johson, In the meantime, had gone to Jackson and presented them for paryment. Demanding that he bo identified, the cashier refused pay ment. The resourceful Johnson, however, returned In a few minutes with Orval Deith of Jackson, who identified him, and tf\a drafts were paid. The tiered treatment In an amber effect of chiffon is charmingly pre sented In current evening fashions. MOTH KRhi etcher’s Castoria is a pleasant, harmless Substi tute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Teething Drops and Soothing Syrups, prepared for Infants in arms and Children all ages. To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of Proven directions on each package. Physicians everywhere recommend it • I For solo at all 0lit IdTfettStlltnf j dealers through- quality pencil out the world. intkinodl All perfect for every , purpose—as soft as you wish; as hard as you please. 17 blank degrees (with or without erasers^ Alto 3 copying American Lead Pencil Co. iaio nab Arm, IM Tat ' Write for booklet on pencils, penholders, rftsers, VENUS Ererpointed and VENUS Thin Lead* " i ion .1- mi i. ■■■ eeJ BUY-BITE STORES EVERYWHERE Tall i Cana of ' Carna- I tion Milk \ (Limit J 3 cana) I 3 car.a ] for i 27c ( I I 10-lb. I sack* of % * Fin# [ Tabl# Salt | par aack, i 19c i Wednesday, Thursday Buy-Rite Specials OrSinCfPC Medium Size Thin Skinned Sweet Navels, per peck. Wl 91 IgvO Extra Large Sise Thin-Skinned Sweet Navels, dos. 39/ OwG GRAPE FRUIT—Large Yellow Kid.3 for 2?/ AnnlPQ E*tra Fancy Jonathans, 10 lbs., 79/; per box.AO Fancy Firm Cooking Apples, 10 lbs. for.63/ ^PBWBWm■■■MlpWWMHWWMW|pWWW9M|HWWNMMBWMBWMMWMi _ Genuine Large Red River Early Ohio, 2-bu. sack - _ KOtatOeS HoUendal® Baking Potatoes, per peck.46/ 52 Af) W (Tbw* an anuwth and apIradM baklnp palataaa prawn l„ a _different «otl and hava a rtlffwnt Haw aad tcxtan.) rnrrv btpurchasing #* apu w.wm<»„Y0U rKPrl One 3-Pound Can of "Butternut” $1 1*1 v" Coffee, "The Coffee Delicious,” for | BWw ua Sunkiit Or«ng«« —■ »■ FflllOU pirfc 5,000 Pounds of Calyrmia (very delicious and 79/* ■ CXHvj IlgO suitable for cooking or eating) 35c value, 3 lbs. ■ Ww pMdkftU Fjyjtjp Strictly Fresh and Large Country y _ ■ IvSll LEES Eggs (guaranteed to be not more wOC __ww than two days old) per doaen. Iten’s Fairy Soda, 3,000 3*,4 to 4-lb. CQa Qvf\vl 9 caddie3, very special, per caddy.. WWW Fontenelle Flour $1.55 Qfianc snil Pnilffloi*C 10 Large Bars of Omaha Family Soap for.12/ tlUflpd H I U Wild 9 25c Bottles of Parson’s Household Ammonia, 2 for 43/ Rain Water Crystals, 3 25c pkgs.65/ 10 Large Bars of Electric Spark Soap 42/ Old Dutch Cleanser, 3 large cans.25/ 3 15c pkgs. of Sal Soda.26/ Pa mm a if UawaIaIiIma Grand Canon Club Peas, 3 cans.....69/ UallllCO VegeiilDICS Large Can of Kentucky Pumpkin, 3 oans.53/ Quart Jars of Grand Canon MinceJHeat^^dRf 2,000 Pounds of Fresh Plain Marshnu&ows, WClIlUj usually sold at 50c a pound, special, per lb. OOv 3,000 Pounds of Marmalade Jelly Rings (very delicious) per lb.26/ Phone Your Order to Your Buy-Rite Store PROS OROOERY.JA. 4070 GILES BROTHERS...WA. 6600 WILKE A MITCHELL, HA. 0284 A. E. 8NYGG A 80N, WA. 0570 E. KAR8GH GO... ....AT. 7701 J 8KUPA A SWOBODA, MA. 1066 J LYNAM A BRENNAN, AT. 6006 J HANNEOAN ft CO.HA. 0760 JEP8EN BROS.JA. 1840 GEORGE 1 ROSS.KE. 0402 F. L. BIRD.MA. 0728 ARM AND PETERSEN WE. 0114 ERNEST BUFFETT . .WA. 0781 J. D. CREW A 80N.. .HA. 0036 _ lll-lt PURITAN MALT Hop Flavored Richest -Strongest - Best P»r can ..68c BUY-RITE STORES EVERYWHERE E - Chart* pur chase* made on Wednesday will be entered in March stat**~ meats, payable April 10. Burgess-Nash Company. "EVERYBODYS STORE** This It the time of the year to have your Vic trola or Phonograph Oiled and Repaired. One-day service. Call AT. S32I. Phonograph Department—Fifth Floor. Sale of New Spring Dresses Smart Styles for Larger Women g, Sizes 40Vs to 52Vi Slenderizing Lines These dresses, offered in a tremendous value giving sale, include the season’s most distinctive and individual styles. Extraordinary effort was put forth to achieve this unusual value in larger models—models un equaled in quality and styling. Slenderizing lines, youthful colors and trimming motifs mark this as an extremely unusual collection of frocks. These are developed in satin, canton and canton crepe in conservative shades of: Gray Cocoa Black Navy Tan Brown Third Floor Hosiery In New Shades Included are Granite silk-to the-top and fancy French clock hose in several effective pat terns. Nude, blush, atmasphere, Bombay, fawn, thrush, airedale, oriental pearl, tan bark and black; substandards of our CQ $2.75 to $3.25 values. V 1 •UU Granite, Propper and other well known makes of hose. These are in medium and chiffon weight* with lisle tops and reinforced feet. All the season’s newest shades are shown blush, Bombay, airedale, Aztec, oriental pearl, fawn, thrush, cruiser, taupe, nude, gray, • buff, fallow, tan bark, sand, oak wood, dawn, silver, gunmetal and black. Irregulars of our $2.00 and $2.50 qualities $1.39 Main Floor Stetson Shoes for Women Custom built, and with Goodyear welt soles, Stetson shoes permit a graceful, free walking step that athletic wotnen will appreciate. Stetson brown kid oxfords with medium round toe and £“ry.... $12.50 Stetson two eye-tie oxford with beifre vamp, and beaver quar ters. French toe and military r*: .$13.50 Stetson nut brown oxford, Blucher style, with medium round toe— $11.00 The Dress Main Floor Stetson red calf oxford, Blucher style, with medium round toe— * $11.50 x Suit Blouses $195 Blouses as correct as the severe little suits they will accompany this spring, are in overblouse or tuck-in styles. With Peter Pan nr V-neck col lars, they are of crisp white dim ity or soft voiles. In all jizes. Some are hand-made. Third Flt*r Cotton Underwear For Larger Women Cot,ton underwear designed and proportioned especially for women who require the larger sizes, is in dainty desighs and made of fine but good wearing fabrics. ^$245 Nightgown* of long Step-In Drawer* cloth and crepe in of good quality tailored or lace- nainsook. Lace trimmed styles. edged. Bloomers of nainsook and longcloth with elastic bands and ruffles, and single elastic at the knee. Second Floor Rengo Belt Reducing Corsets L Absolute comfort is assured by wearing a Rengo Belt Reducing corset. With comfort will be com bined style, because the Rengo Belt Reducing corsets are designed to correct projecting shoulder blades and to straighten abdominal lines. These models are especially suitable for the stout figure. ' 5rcood Floor An Unique Display of Spring Frocks Developed of "Gilbrae” Ginghams Is Being Presented in Our 16th Street Windows Through a special arrangement with the manufacturers we are able to present this Exhibition of Eight Dresses, Designed by Famous Parisian Modistes * • 1 11 * % Just to show you what beautiful frocks can be fashioned of ging hams. .These frocks are creations of such master designers as: Molyneux, Premet, Patou and Cheveriot . and the chic hats and parasols to match were originated by such well-known ateliers of Paris as Suzanne and Marcelle, -nd Lucille Hamar. “Gilbrae” Drawncloths Yard 59c # “Gilbrae” Drawncloth, a sheer lacy fabric, is in such lovely colors as yellow, pinebark, Mikado blue, grey, lavender, shrimp, honey dew and powder blue. All “Gilbrae” fabrics are of a qualitv above reproach, fast both to sun and tubbing. 82 inches wide. Wa>h Good. SmiIok—S».-nnd FW i "One of America's Great Stores"