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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1924)
Spring Style Review Registers Big Hit The Rialto-Hprzberjr iprinft ityle! review at the Rialto theater this week is proving an attractive feature for women film goers. The costumes furnished hy the Herzberg store are being displayed b;. Ivan I). Martin's New York models and the audiences at the Rialto at< enabled to get a line on the styles that will be worn this spring and summer. The stele review continues all week at the Rialto. * - - Ree V. ■ -t Ae.s Rroduco Results. I Yank Bonus Bill Passed in New York Albany, N. T., Ffb. if.—A four year effort to pass a soldiers' bonus bill through legislative channels was successful last night when the as-, sembly approved the measure de signed to provide machinery for the distribution of $45,000,000 as a lionus for world war veterans of New York state. It now goes to Governor Smith for his signature, having been passed by the senate last week. The bill seeks to provide that all men and women who served in the United States army during the recent war as soldiers, sailors or nurses, will THE NEBBS THE HEIR? Directed for The Omaha Bee by Sol Hes*; Rudolph nebd > after he found THE LAYOVER CASSIUS t^lLES WAD LEFTTbWN _ AND WITH NO POSITIVE EVIDENCE THAT THERE £ AN ESTATE 7wENT MOn'IE TOR CONSOLATION Lurrw The FOLLOWING results - 1---r-~-- ;——:—— fn, WOULDN'T BE So Bad ir too mao^'t \ WA», .p,. uMV6T(xmOTHE?E \ /TOLD EVE&VQODT TUKT WOULD UST£N \ | f GofcxANiG 1 I 50PPC&E THAT V) to too ascot tvae estate too tell \ i <TJ no voo soSe Good / WriQ. TO - TOO Eu£M SP£tMT A male \ W GoutS Wo po wouR PtEX'TG imto TOE m\£QQP u^'lL \ M — '^,Me,'^MSPv.ra^trvoitu£a \ I T£LL\NG A CLPO^TEQ PJMAT A SqaCEFUL ^^OO fcS J BlCHWN TOO WCPE ! WOU LOOK UKE J [|L £>Or*OVTHvNG 'ToBWS / U \ A GftACETUL T2.\Cw4 W'AtS —WOO LOOX /_ . f.. V- EBESW G^'EE^J i UXE WOO HAD ^CO^Eg/V,^ ^ Ggr no mafg" Qtr ALU^HE MASEp^ r/e jxatC TwEr* .OATRT W •- ;- .m ,Niuc uuog>pjy ^f^%sstssi]^pm!>:' n , 5 VOU‘f2L fXN 1MDR A.LL Q\Gv*t ».| (VOU FCM_L ME'*? <* /TO <*U. '“THE. I \c,HfV^<.S> *«* T*W -V, oocreuO if (Copytig*-?. 1924, by The B»IJ Syndicate, Inc]\ A W ft .. Barney Google and Spark Plug Spark Plug Feels He Has to Draw the Line Somewhere Drawn for The Omaha Bee by Billy DeBeck SCIENTISTS her* from all tyjZfl TuE country -TO 6ET A Squint at'Vo ho, The Crimes* Tmo hear olo KoOSE EYPERTS FR°M SAN fttRNACOINO DECLARE CMiNK NAG To ee SPARK Ptu6 S only rival for international supremacy --- IPhuh '. That slant eyco skate^ 5 MAY BE A LOT Of BUNK = THE * ONLY RONNtMG HE EYER DID UiAS pfiOlWBLY foR A CHINESE «<"* “ /JT£ B:p( SCIENTISTS SAY of) TmaT rice YJAS / one or The main 1 REASONS FOR ) " Vo-HQ s' OU I PHENOMENAL. ? / vts SPEE6 *” p SiR' rCOfAE OM.BA3Y. 3UVT WEM TVMS ONCE ' I? A CMiNES-E hob/ee cam eat rice 50 CAM YOU - NOOO POT YOUR I LITTLE PINK NOMlE lb into Tme /mice jj> NO« BA<V LIKE A <3000 BOY AnO U GOBBLE AWAY Tut BUM! i r )/._J 1924, by King feature Vndwte >nc/ NOW WATCH Your papa? r 4 im' Vr*J BRINGING UP FATHER Drawn for The Omaha B« by TRERE'b A. COY in HERE WON'T PAY Hit) PARE - YOU COTTA HELP ME throw HIM OFF,THE CAR : vow: THAT^J > : A> Q.OtC< _ i ^rop; - -rrV r NOV'JO^T . PONT OUT the cut to ME A.M I LL. THROW him Orr (2>t me V *=ELr; C 1924 tv IfcY’L Fc«ru»t bt«viT Uc ’ > MOW f the I ^'me: h > rOL<*> *o* -U I T ^ home? 3 uuJ WP6 JERRY ON THE JOB SIMPLE DIVISION. _^ ^ \Mfc\Y a * >MCT S 'TVT \OfA Of 'TViO M?*J G»w5 ^Pvj6U,-TU«rrAU.Ql6ViT Plwit'j 1 > " -7 Mouas <5oim4 x" / Stamp ■ Voa Cam each ^?7\ur Stfr^Ti - / Osaaw one cent » B^r \ 7 y~ ( 'WWAT .ASOtfT COMiW&v_' yy ^-^ / \wrae 6omA} W >_ GVI 'TSMO 7 c^.-(One Cem'ts&S'., receive $10 for each month they served. A limit of $150 *» set for total payments to any one individual, however. Acting Division Head Is Named Clarence A. Moors has been named acting superintendent of lha Nebraska division of the I/nion Pacific railroad, to replace the late J. V. Anderson. Moore was formerly assistant dlvis ion superintendent. Violet Ray Weight Reducer. Paris. Feb.*2t.—The ultraviolet ray is equally effective as » weight re c.icer or producer, according to Drs. I, vet and \adtier, who (l^rn'M to the Academy of Medicine the excel lent results obtained when the rays were applied to a number of obese patients, bringing about a loss in weight of from H to 20 pounds after 30 applications. The & i:** rays. UfKd to tone up debilitated p: t * nts. caused them to put on flesh. Grrrne Maintains Progre*--. Washington, Fob. 25. — Senator Greene of Vermont maintained today his slow but steady progress toward recovery. His attendants who saw only slight rhsncts for him to live for a tin>e aft>-r the extent of the bullet wound In his hoad had been determined, were hopeful today that he would "con be out of dang»r. y IUand cross last night DR. CALDWELLS^ ^ brought vigor by morning How To Keep A Child Healthy A GENERATION aro parent* thought that sickness was a part of a child s life, but we know better now. The secret is in the food the mother allows the child to eat, and in watchipg that elim ination occurs regularly two or three times a day. Mrs. J. Russell of 19,141 Havana Ave.. Detroit, Mich., keeps her family of two young children in perfect health with Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, and Mrs. R. I,. Smith of 519 Maple Ave., East Pittsburg. Pa., says her family of three children ha\e never been sick a day since giving them Syrup Pepsin. A Substitute for Physic Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin is a scientific compound of Egy ptian senna with pepsin and suitable aromatics. The formula is on every package. You will find you do not have to force children to take it. and it is much better for th^m than castor oil. calomel or coal-tar drufs like phenolphthalein even if covered with augar or chocolate. Syrup Pepsin is mild and gentle in action and your child will have an ra«y pa'sage without griping or strain. It does not contain nar cotics. and you can give it with absolute safety to an Infant at the breast. "Ma({ic”in a Tea«poonful Every store that sells medicine* sells I>r. Caldwell's Svrup Pepsin, and the cost is less than a cent a dose. Give half a teaspoonful to any ailing babv or child at right when you put it to bed and you will find a happy, laughing young ster in the morning. Take Syrup 1’ppsin yourself when constipated, and give it to any member of the familv young or old. for any ailment due to constipation, such as biliousness, headache, lark of appetite, sleeplessness,had breath, cankers, fever sores, indigestion, and to break up fevers and colds Stop that first snee/e or sniffle and you will have a healthy winter. you t an Hive A 1 naJ Kottie •••••••• "’‘▼nip Pepsin.” 517 1’aihinfton ?lM Montirello, Illinois. I need a good laratire and xrould like 1o prate uKct you lay about Dr. Cal due lit Syrup Peptin by actual tut. Send me a free trial boUle. Aaarett to Same.. A ddrett—-- - Not more than one free tnal bottle to • family _ GRIPPE WEAKNESS It is a fact that those who are careful to keep well nourished and the resistance normal, are best able to avoid or prevent the prostrating effects of grippe or similar infection. scorn MUISHM a name familiar on the lips of tens of thousands, is used today and every day to help nourish and strengthen. If Scott's Emulsion is now helping tens of thousands realize freedom from grippe, coughs, colds — why not let it do as much for you? Scott & Be«rae. Bloomfield. N. J. ©-U4 F KT 1 *»I M r. > T. ROB PAIN OUT OF RHEUMATIC JOINTS For years, millions ha\# rubbed soothing, penetrating St. Jacobs t*il right on the tender spot, ana ny tno time they say Jack Robinson — out comes the rheu matic pain and dis tress. St. Jacobs Oil Is a harmless rheumatism and pain liniment which never ' disappoints slid doesn t burn the skin. It takes pain, soreness and stiff ness from aching joints, muscles ari bones, stops * iat ion, lumbago, back aches ami neuralgia S'* cent bottle guaranteed by nil drugci-ts. Movie of a Man Who Can’t, for the Moment, Find Hit Speckt By Briggs ,Sri\S J?o*aJ»/ To 0REAKFAST im happy ANTIC*PaT10M OF ReATJiN* The (V/tORMIKKS PAPER. FEELS FoR GLASSES im «w*sii>e Rocket mot there p-e&Ui IM OOT5IOC PoCKSTi — ' • MO - MOT "THBRH. Either Feeus iu vest pockets, - nolo ^smlmmely alarmed. - classes mot IN S/EST, SUPPOSING HE had To <aO TmROU<»H Breakfast without REAOIN6 PAPER *J FEELS frantically im all pockets "OH Ann! Ann! N\Y GLASSES !! t* Y6 3 OPao'. here Tney A«6 ! STOP CAR>RYIMS ^ITS OOUJKJ A®AI U AT TAC5LR ANlO Readj 'PAT’en ABIE THE AGENT Drawn for The Omaha Bee by Hershfield Small Consolation ' US.YEV1, ABE, UJHEN N /YOfcl.fiur \ | »6 VOUR LObQE QCK* ] ] \TO (JCftE. OKi MY • I MIK*SK= -. APPl\CATU>iy ^ ^CV ll br-T--—^ A «»Q J sC J \ MEETIM^ ir=n )<^ioi(,wp/ UKY THAT PHOcy PEST IDftfCYS To QEY note My UObQE , I tJOKi'Y KMGUO - MOST OF THE MEMBERS mim KNf**-' Him, _ Toon ,, T\ /"TX 'V _ — v* - ■ '•'_L [ 'WLL ME - Mb Vw, You \ 1 ELECra> ) ^LECkfcAUEO- ' y^LAvSY NlQHYi” /1 YHE LODC^e J y^-^r_"T \ VOYEl> A^AlMtY ! '_u V V YOU". a ^Sl£> «e UJAS IY MO - "THRCE \ UNANIMOUS? OP THt MEMBERS ^ OoEPE OUT OF TCVJM'.! J 7-' AIM I KTI'EMETVT Blackheads Go Quick By This Simple Method Bl»ckh«*d*- b g ere* or lit*'* on«— •oft ores or bard ©nc«—on try p*r* «*f tho body, ro quickly by n « «r-l# -netbod jihgt ju*t diiMlvff their. To do th!« get ;about two ounce* of cs*Ionite powder from your dnunri*t— sprink!« a little on a hot. wet cloth —rub over the blackheads brisker for a few second*—and wa»h off. You’ll wonder where the blackhead* have gone. : Pinching and *Quee« nsr blackhead* only j open the pore* of the ►kin ard lease rht-m (Urge and unsightly-—while the simple ap plication of caionit* powder and th* water d •solve * hm right out. leaving the ► k n Isoft and the pore* in their natural cob* dition. \1*\ l KTIM *11 M Ponce de Leon Outdone in New Gland Discovery ' I nm ,’tst *is v me as I ,;«ed t« 1 ®. and it's all due to gland pills. -i - l am t: an l feel just as spry .1 '-.ill of \;m and pop as if 1 wsrs null * i o- 4"." This testimony to the v;r' e -f g'.vrl trertme- • was voiced je .'fitly by Robert George t,aws. prominent retired Iavndon broker. Mr. Laws, whore health had 1 pen pi r for several years, la n s that a glandular tonio put up In tab let form has restored hint to the health and vigor of his earlier dot. Such a treatment is now obtain able in the form of Ollan.logen. a highly concentrated glandular tonic prepared from the glands of healthy young nnimals. Olandogen has had remarkable smveas with thousands of ailing men and women. It Is obtain able at Sherman £ M.-C nnell Drug Co., Kith and Dodge. ISth and liar nev. lath and Varnam. Nth and Karnant. Mail orders c \pn prompt atlr ntioir. X^v .."/ sCttS I V