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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1924)
'.Build Health and Happiness; Buy a Car. Read Classification 5 Today BEE CLASSIFIED AD RATES 15c per line each day, 1 or S daya. 12c par lino oarh day, S or I daya. 10c per lino each day, 7 daya or longer, oiaaalfied Ada accepted at tha following <*fflcea: Main Office....17th and Farnam Bra. South Omaha..N. W. Cor. 24th and N Sts. Council Bluffs.15 Scott St. Call for Claaalfled Ad Department. An experienced Classified Ad taker will re ceive your ad and a bill will be mailed later. Tha ratea quoted above apply to ejther charge or caah ordera. The above ratea apply to all advertise ment* In classifications: I.oat and Found . 4 Help Wanted Female . 27 Help Wanted Male . 2* Salesmen and Agents . 30 Situation* Wanted Female . :u Situation* Wanted Male . 32 Articleo for Sale .. 46 Farm and Dairy Producta . 4si Good Thing* to Eat . fit Homemade Thing* . 62 Household Goode . 52 swap Columa .53A Wearing Apparat . no Wanted ta Buy. fil Booms With Board . 6 2 Booms Without Board . 62 Booms for Housekeeping . »M Booms Unfurnished .64A Suburban Board . 65 Farms for Kent . 75A For all other clnnsifjeations our regula: rates as quoted below apply. THE OMAHA BEE reserves the right to reject nr rewrite *11 copy ttie evening bee. * TITE OMAHA MORNING BEE. --- ANNC^UrtCEMKNTS. Funeral Notices. A HRG^'NAN—Mr Anne, 6041 South Thir ty-ninth afreet, aged Monday at 1* oal hospital. She i* *urviv*d 1»v one • laughter. Mr*. AYilllw Crane of Washing ton, D. (*., and one son, Thomas of fF “malla. F’uneral will he held We»l need ay morn —. I’1 If «t fc.fla from the l.aikio chapel, to Si. Mary church at 9 a. m Interment, sr. Mary cemetery. Mcnibn . of St. Mary court. No. BYT. of the Women’s Catholic Order of Forreafera. meet Tuesday evening S V. in. for arrangements to attend i he funeral of Mrs. Anna Rrennan at 1 .arken'a ( hapel. V. ITTEROT,E— -Mrs. Hehecca. l!7*o South Thirteent Ii at reel, pnaaed nwo . Ecbruiirj - nge SI years ami 21 daya lice, used • aurv I ved ly two daughters. Mi , Chria • inn Stover. Ointiiin. and Ml*. Kate dt!ies, l*enver, Coin.'; one nrolher. Conrad Shank. Agency, la., two slaters, Mr*. Mary Ma ci’. Agency, la . end K. therine Hoffman Elba. Fa; three grandsons. Fred F.\ Stovei. l^.ut F. Stover end Henry Mice, Jr. Funeral aervlrea Wednesda;, m 2 p. m f . m Hoffmann funeral home , hat.ft. In tc*! oie it. I’ : iHH cemetery. K.iRMAN—Ronr|,i .Him «. n . ,j ,dd con of Mr. and .Mr*. James J. Forman. •i!' I Ic.nib • n i.. r, |. , ,|. . x Hi nr; a’ \,’ed . ; ;i\ •*?* I '•»'■ '»!!>.* ■ y chureh at 2 o’clock. Interment St. Mary •**••• < . . .• o » . . ,. , i■o• iir 'll 11F’ I i Y J n» * V TIlP f'ir f’ • ’ in: r l'o ' i'l |*»ave tl.e rcc;.'. n,-.. of 1* i, ofl r. 1,1 ’’ ^ ' F'1 •' h. . 4Jt\ Sou h Xir*: eenth TI ■ - I i* » held 4* i ,-v Arc i chur.-h f ;• a m. ■o'* •'nt I .- coclci f • cemetery l-’or I’for •■•Hon • • II l.n-kfn funeral home. i I. •'!.( —Samuel r.‘ age ..led ’-'abrv*. v “j:. r •n-'ra' *er !• s Tueedav ai : o'clock from ' " ie . Si 1 t. • Intel Eliie .< >. | Ififiuli''•»** ma; I. addRfs d f * Pmif i• . I •» if|. Ii \ ijOtio. “T)OXV':i. ~ . ~“Z*~"i Hsid~i( c' 17 '• 1 south I I c \ «n h Fun e ■•ill =4 1 i"(« \7‘ r '•.rvd.f V 1* g Yn from HcFf> |., f . ; :ij»- |, s». | •?,;;< I niena'e i hvi h M »• in. »nt nn ;it Holy S' r u > ’ • i ■ j• _Vai:i'». atvi ttinjnr-t’ts. F "Miioiiihi i ■ .-line .oi.i ••{ i nr to l \ i ,i r* recommended b r»u |r*.; nrr un.;*■“*»<» s Mfc. h- “i . h . ix-rr.. Vault Co 1 Fti’ieral D icrirrs. C 11 : . P::Y ,v 111: m- ky. Furor. •there end i • • • l» . n era Phone HA •* • •'». rut tar nan . f KSTA I.HISII: fr .. ,* •"!. i e * , P --....... Ko!.ief<ii ii N,:n.i. itOMR. ?d and “ s s i i .< ■ rn a MA. til* Ml. ,\T IS 71 ti . __ t HOPPMANN A M liULA NCK ■'edgf at 24th Funeral i Jircclor* IA 3 V 01 II. IT ». I; A *.'!•: T I IX H'. At. MOM IS. 68 1'j A*.': i a * v .* v e \V,\ l ,4. . 1* SWANSON 1 7T IF A N F ‘ c.'.MING Cjuei. Of^ntfled Supervia'on. cm »sc Y-toooiii: 2Hh and NVirt. WK. U047 D ft A If > 111 V A- DOF. RANCH. 11J3 O .MING 6V.. J A. «;6.6. VMUJAH'f *v y<<N. ?:i:~ Cuin’mr St, .TA f*71A. IIII.HK A RTKI'HN. '.•un-rsl dimdora. 2224 CUimng. JA. 1226 -1 JOHN A. OKNTLRMAN. ..4 11 Far natn S r. IMYNKS FCNI ftAL JlflMl:. ■»." N. 2 4 Hi Hi. • UK. 025? M'FFY * JIII1N8TU.N. il S JPJrl. new fune.ul ITM17 Cemeterier. , D \T 1..4YV.V 1IE4IOP.IAI. PAlik. - •maha's Cemc-tery Heautlful Easy, de ferreil men's «>n family lots for Im mediate or future u«c. Conveniently lw ♦ m*■ j, Perpetual car*-. Complete court - iiia nttciujon. 68th and Center. .May we ! -how you? Call WA-0H20 or AT. 19*». Our i losed auto will call for you. | KuitEHT I.A WV ’.20 ecree. Perpetual Of flea at , i he cemetery. North 40th St. and Forest , i. t«n Avi.. And 7tO lirandela Thaater ^ Ridt. | Florisu. E OQERS Florin. 24lh rain,m. .IA. 24»'i ' ■ Personali. 3 i he SALVATION Army loAuatrlal taoin, ,olfelts your old clothing, f.irnlturo, miig» nr.„. w. coll.rt. V. • dlolrlbuto. Fhnr' ia. 41>i and our wagon will call. Call and tnapict our now w 10-1112-1114 , >ndga Btrttt. Proatatlo tfoubleu trrateit without uurgrry ..r druga. Dr. C. B. Hunt, Hi W.-1I. Bl'lg. Thagtncgl hlgtorlcal niaauua coatumaa lor j. iava and parting gt Mabrn',. Omaha. MAbSAUK TREATMK’NT. 210 N. 17TU ST. Lost »nd Found.4 I,OUT - A brown vanity bog, containing itionay and valuahlea, on Mouth Main St. nr, Owner can Identify. Ked 3265, C'oun i ll Bluffa. " ! BAR PIN JiOHT—Rlatnond platinum, at ktrandela theater, or between the theater i and ICth and Farnam. Reward. WA 0091. KIT of machanlo tool*, tnltlala H. M L. i. n kit. Between 20th and Spencer and -tat and Pacific. Call AT. 0777 or \VF. 1*41. _ )~H LOST. REWARD. HA. 6639. AUTOMOBILES. Automobiles for Sale.5 '• ;,oo MILKS—I h*v« a 1123 Ford Tudor ,„,lnn that la In abaolutaly 1h» not of mechanical condition. In fat t, 1 will Kii&r H..t«e rny car for 30 daya agalnfl any kind of mechanical trouble. In aqutppaU »ith naw tlrea, larga lork wheel, apaetfo matar, daah light, In fact avarythlng that la poarlhla In acceeaorlea without cheap Htilng the car, orlglnul paint like the day i waa dallvared. Cannot ha appreciated until aaan, will accept a good Ford road tier or poaidbly a touring In ax*-hanga. > »M me daya, HA. OHtU, avanlnga, 1IA 4921, aak for Mr. tllaaa. SPECIAL elx Studahakar. Juat ripalntad. nickel trimmad and lota of axtraa. if you * ant. to buy a good looking, anapgv cai 4 that will give you lota of aarvlce, aea ua Ml once. WILLY* OVERLAND. INC. HA. 0242._ 259 2 Fa main. MUST HULL AT ONCE 1921 FORD coupe. A -1 condition. large lt>< k wheel. foul Led. aeat covera, ate. HA. v cud, _ , HOP touring, extra good condition, good tiraa, good top. good paint, fSBO. tall jA. Ill* between • and 12 a. w. FORD ROADSTER 1420 MODEL. 1GX i'KLLBNT CONDITION. MANY KX TRA*; VERY REASONABLE MA. 1749 DEPENDABLE USED CARS ANDREW MURPHY A SON* 1414 JACKSON ST. AT. 4411 _AUTOMOBILES._ Automobiles for Sale. S DOI.I.AR-EoR ROT.RAlt VAT.T'H SPEHAI.S DODGE TOfRING—PTrPPlIi’nt medlanl cal condtion, 5 good/tirea. aid* cur talne, good top. upholstering. Me nr# aelling this car at an r veptionn I price! Be sure and aee this car before investing. CHKVROT.KT COUPE—T nfe 5 good tirr*«, locking tlltina whe**l. at ceasorlea. I fere ia a car that will give you everything In transportation. \V* will accept a trade in of a Kurd open car if desired. Mr. Glass. STEARNS-KXIOHT Touring—.Tutt over hauled. good tires. Huns as quiet as a new car. This automobile would make a fina family car. Kaay to op erate and inexpensive to run. —OTHERS.— IT A NX AX-VAN* BRUNT, Tnr. Karnam at 30th HA. 0*C* USED CAR DEPT. f. • Mr. Gla^a .Ml’ST sell ar once 1921 Dodge roadater in good condition. 5* good tires and numerous Other extras. JIA. 49X5. I’V ED CARS. O. N Honney Motor Co., 288$ Farnam. «’11 ANDI.Kl! touring, good running con dition. 1150. Ralph W. Jones, 2421 Farnam St. 1922 FORD roadster vith starter; excel lent shape. Must sell this week. Call AT 4 dl. _ Mr. Lang! in. ____ FORD COUP?!—1920—Good condition, starter, demountable rims, seat covers, vacuum tank. $195. Call JA. 151$ between X and 12 p. in. HUDSON touring, lata model and In ex cellent condition Guaranteed. See today. Guv 9. Smith. N A Sir VRIFSTLMA ALTO CO. USED CAR SI I. 2*14 '■ Farnam_ AT.45S0 FORDS— DODGES— TRUCKS "701 S 24th.__ Tci. MA. 5090 FOR HALE—Ford roadster, $X©. 1411 North i?th s* Truck* f<»r s.*-.i«*. 5A TRUCKS TRUCKS M 1100 up. 9 \Vt» have h f*MV good truck*, light de t.'. '.*m, grocer; bodies. pan-1 body en « !•» i ll cub and open < aii that w e s«re offering at ut sale price Look them over. 1100 Up. i: \\\\\.\ van* brunt. FAUN AM ' ■'* xm HA. <D6S USED CAR DEPT. MR. GLASS • o\E »•> three-ton reed truck" term* can he arianc d International Harvester Co. Ainn.r.t 7 14 -1 C 8 10th Bt. Auto Accsfsorifs Pans. 9 INSTANT ELECTROLYTE. • tnr.Ti■ d t * re harg* nnv bnttery in • -rvioc ih> condition. Will nr.* freeze In th. ' *< 1*1 • «t weather and it will not "ul • ■ •» id ie. For «a!e 'n fit! ntr station* and garage#, or phone WE. 19G5. t "I’M par'* for a'l inaUes of cars, 50 i«» 7-*» per i '*nt off list price*, two wr*fk ’a" r’ its. 101*: lie ney, HA. 4‘Jll. and • n*. t‘timing. AT. 1970. Service Station—Repairing. 10 INDUSTRIAL A! TO MACHINISTS. Ro\field < arbnret. n and EDemann mag oetn service. AT, 2150. P MELCIIOIRS A SON 41? 3 UTH BUSINKSSSRR Business Services Ottered. 1j WHY NOT? IS. ' Klngiberrv clean* your p ainted walls imrl clean* wall paper. Rest n ' t * fTr n'.e** furnished. Phone "t»£*. *»r v r11.» I4UM Mh A;« Citim*ll Bluff.**. Spe t i.t! i 'tit* to hotel and boarding houses. NOW is the time to nave auto painting done \\'e ps! it f Ford* for flf» to S't3; t * i.m-s, $|i, i*. Ilijti All work rnsrsn •cil. S: •* John Granierl, Auto Painting Co 1914 Vinton SL fOviNU. hauling, city or country* A«h*.s. rubbish, jlno'ef* to drivwaya WE Tames ALL A N'b Detectives. Expert ferret ser; It »• .1[I-:|I2 Nevll.e B*»<!k AT. 11 ife RELIABLE Detective Uutmu Sunderland Dldg 1A night, K E. 1612._ SAWS filed, key* made. ’ 404 ^ Dougla*. ! Build ns; Contractor!. !4 LOW rHh’KM. On toilet combination*, lavatories, ch.ks, bath tuba, iangy boilers '.MORRISON I.l’MBFR JU COAT, CO. 2?d end RnulStn_WE. 6561 .‘i KEENED pn. he*, old scream* rawlied, broken windows r* piti ed. Glaring. Ilei • •nan. KE 2701. Millinery—Dressmaxing. 17 ACCORDION. *lde. Knife, pox pleating, covered buttons; nil style** hemstitching; Write Ideal Button 4k Pleat ing co.. .lot Brown Block. Omaha. Neb-. Telephone JA. HR. N KB. PLEATING CO. Hemstitching. Covered Buttons. ’I'i4 K.irnam Ho o*wl floor IA f»^70 Moving—Trucking—Storage. 18 FIDELITY STORAGE A VAN CO. MOVING PACKING STORAGE SHIPPING Household good*, offir# furniture, autea. ii<«?-11 Howard -r .1 GLOBE VAN AND STORAGE PACKING. MOVING, SHIPPING STORING Estimates fnrmahed. /IT. QlY.O or JA. 4.;n.M BEK INS OMAHA VAN A STORAGE. 16th and Leavenworth St* Packing, mov ing. storage, shipping. JA 4147 GORDON'S F'11’.EPROOF WI1HK * VAN ?lt North 11th St. Phone JA. 3032; mov ing. packing, storage, shipping _ Painting and Panenng. 19 A NO. I paperhantf in*. Wa!1 ps per. whnle ssle price. Fred Park*. 4?US M. 2 4th St. MA, 0104. AY. 7 40 L___ PAPER hanging and painting, work guaranteed, ('all WE. 1628. j Patent Attorneys. 20 .1. \V. MARTIN, 171 a Dr.lK”, Room 109. Omaha, also Washington double service, tingle Also h»i; sell pMonta. Printing Stationery. 21 COMMKHRIAI. I'll I N TINT; K'Ulv Prlntln, To. 213 South I .ih St ohnoo .IT Professional Service. 22 liENTISTIl V All hind* of dcntai work done, under the careful ftlpervlsfcin of professors, at the Creighton University College of Pentlairy. i corner 24th and California aireets. Take I Harney, Cuming or Croat town car, PAINTKH wants work, No, l flnlaber. KK. 040*._____ '.tassage Itm. Potigla* Bli. AT. >04 Repairing. 2.S CHOP and new sewing machine*. Mew Ing urachlnea and vlctrolas ic pal red Iteht mat hlnea. St per week. IS per mu .VlirKKI, .NFCblC IIOl JHK. Ifith and Harney. * aT. 4301 Renovatirvg and Dyeing. 24 OMAHA PILLOW CO. — Feathers reno vated and made up lit new feal her proof tii king. 19(«7 Cuming. JA. J467. EMPLOYMENT. Help Wanted Female. 27 KXPKlllICNf’KH OPERATORS AND RK A HN KltS. To .saw on power machines mak - ing Mina Taylor wash dresses Hint aprons. Apply factory offlra. U 1C RMITH AND CO. Tenth and L'ouglaa Omaha, Nab _EMPLOYMENT._ Help Wanted Female. 27 LADIES—Learn beauty culture. Make > our life work easier; betteiv paying and more pleasant. Lay or evening classes.. «»ur catalog explains. Call or writ# for If Moler College. 1«§ S. lRth St. WHITE woman for general housework; good cook; small family; good wages. \VA. 43.. 1,__ EX I'KKIKM'Kl) white cook wanted. * ’*11 Mrs. X. i\ Updike, 3614 Jackson St. 11A. 2934.__ SWEDISH lady to !i\e with and care for old couple. 2609 Capitol. Help Wanted Male. 28 AUTOMOBILE SALEHMAN. We need more salesmen to take care of the business cre ated from our 125-for-one year guaranteed upkeep. Men who will work can make money. Call for Mr. Dalton. WILLYS OVERLAND, INC. 2562 Karonm. MEN WANTING POSITIONS. Firemen, brakemen. colored traIn or eleep ir ^ car port-re. writ- for apllcatiou blank. Experience unnecessary. First class roads. No-nsirike. Name position wanted INTER RAILWAY, Dept. 24U, Indianapolis, lnd. __ M KN—Eearn barber trade. This short course, day or evening. o|*rns the way for your own business or position at top OHKes Our system known everywhere. • 'all or write. MPoler Barber College, 109 M. 151 >i St.__ ALL MEN. Women, boya. girla, 17 to 65. willing to accept government positions, f 117-1250 (traveling or stationary), write Mr ozment, 136 St. Louli, Mo., immedi. ately SINGERS to alng and sell aongs to audi en< <*. 1 our samples, 10c. Political Song Society. 4! Griswold St. Detroit, Mich. FIREMEN. BRAKEMEN. beginners. $150 to $2'i ft (which position?) Railway, Y 2i»’.0. Omaha Bee.__ DELIVERY boy w nt'd. 2629 Sherman Avt. Help Wanted Male & Female. 29 MAKE MONEY AT HOME—Experience 'unnecessary. We teach you how and M l ply work. No matter where you live. Write Detroit Show Card .Studios. 610 Dmao Bunding. Detroit. Mich, A« i ENTS for Darn E-X. only washable • old at<h for sto( kings. Sells at sight Wheaton Laboratories, La Crosse. Wia. Salesmen and Agents. 30 HAT AND CAP SALESMAN WANTED, in territory Including northwest and north N brash a: also part Wyoming Ds kn'j. This opportunity l«* offered by an n!d e«tabla«hed western house operating ns own lactories. Fine change for r>nt,.t« man. Giv* age. present connection, how lung with them, and shipments State sai nt wanted. AH correspondence atrlctly • nnfidentiaI. Address Box Y-2679, Oma ha Be. _FINANCIAL ^ Butiness Opportunity* 33 Till: OORT BIX AGENCY m»kn a prof liable business for energetic business men. Sco Ralph W Junes, distributor for Ne braska and ‘Western Iowa. 24-1 Farnam. DREG s t < re. Will sell stock and fixtures for $1,000 or Invoice. This would be good buy for a doctor. Only store in town. For particulars write Y-'_'580, Omaha Bee. • I R» >• ’KR Y HTo RE.«~Snlea. one~ $5,000. "an other $10,000 per month. Unusual oppor tunity. Chas. J. Eddy, Cox 124». Caaper, Wyoming, the growing town. DRUG 3TORK for s.G*. did $17,000 past year- one best towns in state; moderate Investment. Naylor's Pharmacy. Kirwin. Ka n. BARBER shop, H. W Iowa Co. seat. Splendid equipment. Nets $200 per mo. Price 31MtO. Write Y 25*1. Omaha Bee. ANY (main eta, anywnere, sold for cash. No publicity Federal System. 30$ Pax ton Bldg AT 0 46 2 DAIRY form, about 40 acres, pew build ings. 20 sere* alfitlfa. Henry G. Meyer, :M2 Arthur Bldg. WANTED—-Man t«» run meat market, at once. Call J A. 2597. RESTAURANT fixtures for sale. Call at 211 South 20th. Investment—Stocks—Bond*. 34 LOW RATE on city property, quickly dosed; no monthly pa>m*nta. JA. 1633. 'V T Graham M A. ANDERSON CO.. JA. 6107. Real estate. Surety bonds and kindred In*. Real Estate Loans. 34A AND 6 PER CENT MONEY. Loan* on Omaha improved property at lowest ratet. FRANK H. BfNDER. 921 C|tv NationalJ A. 1611 FARM LOANS Large or antall West Neb farm*, ranch** Kkike investment Co / >46 Om. Nat. Hk CITY real estate Ynortgag** and con tra, ta bought. Mr. Larson 104 North Fifteenth atreet OMAHA II DM ETI— EAST NEB FARMS O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1015 orn. Nat Uk Bldg JA. 2715. SIX per c*rt loan* on Omaha residence* Cash on hand. Prompt aervlco. E. li I nugee. Inc.. 518 Keel In* Bldg SECOND mortgages or cortrarta pur chased by Tukev Comuany 620 First Na tional Bunk. JA. 4 223. 1 WILL buy mortgage* and contract* Gorkin. 949 Om. Nat. Bid* . Omaha. Neb !. \ AND « PERCENT —NO DELAY GARVIN BROS, t. 46 >>m*ha Nat. Wldg Money to Loan. 35 THIS COMPANY IS™ORGANIZKD To supply v**ir money wants In the tame w-r. that llanka supply the money wants of the busmen* community. Any amount up to $609 and you • an repay It In easy monthly payments.1 Our equal payment plan reuays the loan and all charges. We have been ta btielnesa In Omaha over Ml vesr* n.d can ssfUte you of a quick, conlidentiul and square deal OMAHA Loan COMPANY 506 Karbach Block Tel. JA. 3295; Hniithenat corner 16th and Douglas Hts DIAMOND logna at loweat rates, buttress ntricti" confidential. The Diamond Loan ('• 1.14 Dodge Si Establish** I*9« Wanted to Borrow. 36 WILL PAY * per rent on (1choir* of senility offetol. ' '|ii< V looi rate $75 per] month Call Mr Jpna»n B \ 6921 or re ply to Box A 140. omiihn Be* ___ Ldcil Instruction Cl—. 38 ^ HAY SCHOOL. NIOIIT SCHOOL. ‘ SCHOOL. Complete coureea In all rnmmer< In' brunch*** book keeping. compt uru*l ry. | ahnifhend typewriting. tetegraph>, »e< re hanking, an kama nahlp. civil aarv-i U'e English. You may work for board) while attending. Jlluetiate.l catalog fra©, i DOYLES COLLEGE, lith and Harnay Rta . Omaha, Nab JA. 1866. lwurXk COLLEGE Stenography ami Hook keeping Wead Hldg,, let > irnam. AT. 7418, EIGHT to 13 weeka prepare you for a fine office poaitlnn. Cali AT. 77 74 or write American college, iflia Fa^nam. TRt CI’I T BARSKlt n iLLEOE I 40J Hodge St. tank Hnnglaa St rail or write far Informat'on. Comptometer echool. 100 Courtney Hldg Spring Pleasure Your pleasure during the sunny spring months depends very strongly upon how much you are able to get out in the \ open. Buy a good Automo bile during the next week, get out in the open—build up your health and happiness. Read Autos for Sale on This Page _EDUCATIONAL._ Dancing Academies. 39A kkep-s—Hotel home. Clan*#** Mon., Wed. and Fri. Darning Tue*., Thurs. and Sat. Private lesson* any tlpna- JA. 147#. LIVESTOCK. Horses, Cattle, Vehicles. 43 HARNESS AND SADDLES Wa make them ourselve* and *ell them direct to th® consumer; high grad® har ness at irt co*t. Write for fre® catalog. ALFRED CORNISH, 1210 Farnarn St.. Omaha. Neb. ~~~ MER^ANDIS_R~ ~^ ^ Business Equipment.47 WB BUY, aell safe* make dsska, show* . aaes. etc. Omaha Fixture Sr Supply Co., S W. cor. 11th and Douglas. JA. >724. Fuel and Feed.50 K1NDLINO—16 truck-load. d®liv®r#A. Sawdust, ahavlnga. Phone JA. 174#. KIND LINO XV OOD % For sale, cheap. WE. 4882. Household Goods. 53 FU UNIT IKK—Th® kind that you would Ilk® to possess. as w®ll as atapl® article®. Prices within reaaon. Stephenson Auction House, lS09 Capitol, Goods aold at auction and private Mi FURNITURE AT AUCTION Tb!a Afternoon and Tomorrow Night. DOWDS AUCTION HOUSE BUFFET, ga* stove, library tabla, and other household articles. KB. 6881. Swap Column. 53A FOUR lot., Mli a ft. t In.ld. W.irlli L'orn.r fiiO, will eichang* ali lor first payment on well located large 5 room bungalow. B 247, Omaha Bee.____ KEO speed wagoh, Just overhauled, naw cord*. for rooming houa®, sedan, r®al dence, business or what have you? F-848, Omaha Bee. t t 'ANAUI A N patent on luggage carrier for autos Money maker. Mfr. 'heap. Trad® f.,r house, lot, a'-reagt. What kkVt you? t ’ 30?t. Om^ha Bee. | ::;0 ACRES clP'ar. unimproved, half In wheat' S 10,000 for good buelne**, auto mobiles or real estate. F-844, Omaha lie®. FORD touring car without top. Good car, for plumber, painter or carp®nt®r. to ( swap for what hav® you? E 634, Omaha Bee, ELECTRIC Butterktat Popcorn Machln® to' trad® for Ford, diamond. Or what havo you? C-3M Omaha Bee. PECAN and orange land, at Biloxi. Mias. • >n Jiard road. Want automoblla. E ''*• <,|lir<ha Bee. WILT* trad® two radio transformer® for on® 201 A 2, or what hav® you. E-671, Omaha Bee. DIAMOND RING ®nd aom® rash to swap for late Ford sedan. Good condition D-45«. Omaha Be®. | LARGE bottom farm, partly atocked, for | « ity property or Income. E-607, Omvta Be®.__ 192 3 BUICK aedan. new, to trad® for In < orue property or wh-»c hav® you. ! -82i. Omaha H®e. .4 ROOM morning house, heat and hot water furnished, to trad® for larger place, U-309. umaha H®®. _, Full good, closed tar. 4" acres, clear land. ( in south*-: n W iM.-onsin. E-5ul, Omaha Re® , FLOUR lamp, to trad® for dtsastr or what hav® you? K-6T6. Omaha Be®, EQUITY of 6-room modern bungalow, for first-clasa ro-inlng house. JA 0461. LARGE aafe. fire and burglar proof, for what have you? R-844, Omaha Bae. ( I’.M good house trade for auto or what have you? 11-248, Omafra Bee. THREE 8-foot showcase* for what hav® >uu E-603, Omaha Be®. LARGE wall raa® for what hav® you? E-ini’. Omaha Use. CASH register for repair work on auto F-846. Omaha Bee. Machinery and Tools. 53 LeHron Electrical Works. 816-20 So. 12th. NEW and second-hand motora. dvnamoa ... 1 . . _. ■"■JLlL'l1 ■ Seeds, Plants and Flowers. 56 GLADIOLI bulbs beautiful mixed, flower ing si' *. .'0 bulbs. 73c; ion bulb*. 11.26. postpaid. Nebraska Bulb Co. Columbus. Neb. Radio Equipment. 59 THREE tub® three circuit complete, 876. Writ® for appointment. F-641. Omaha Be®. GUARANTEED radio *«•!* I .46 and up It. M nrH.AF.fl 21* North HBh St | Wearing Apparel. 60 1 ,<"IIN FELDMAN Inoved t«» 2 03 ’ Kuril":, rh L1 »>« k, 18th arid i>ouglas Full dress and ’u \®'|m suit* for rent. JA. 3I?8, } Winted to Buy. 61 DESKS. DI SKS. DISKS New desks, us d desk*, bought, sold and traded. J. <\ Heed. 1207 Farnarn #t AT « I 4 6. ,, f, BOOM8 FOR RENT, Hi nis Wiili I>.i,4r11 62 I LAKOI PIMMM room With !*••*». | for two ihtipi did t’.itk Until'I l|A 3l«k I'WK.VTY-FIRflT ST «. 1 4 N -<inr>d board and room within walking distance. HA 33'rt Room and t»oard In private hr me. l.udiea preferred 71 A. 7B".'1 Pleasant mi. with hoard for t l Rooms Without Board. 63 IRVING room and ■ leaping room, beaut l fully furnlahtd extension telephone. All ,'naslble < onvenlein ea. HA j.*ka NfrXTIlKNTlI ST. €11. N.—Clean, comfort* • hie rum in by day nr week, eteiim tout, walking dimnitt e l*rh « a right AT x3n7, ATTR.M’TIV II tuntil In i>r*l\ He home, Hark Ural « a film*, refei elites *\i hanged HA. a !• *J K. i oMFOH l AItl.k to..m in private family, private «nti n tiii-. i- isonaiile, home provl* legea. i I A 4 *• itb South 31 wt- Newly 4wofit«4 sleep lug room*. Olr-ely furnished, in iirtvata home; vary n launable. ha. 4*€i. i • • M i < illTAHl.K ' *. in m > • ■ private entrance. reasonable. hone in I legen. UA. 4f'>B,_ !' ' A I I I I l ' ' \ f i .1 drairable location, reasonable It A. £«o70. i» ... t ... m;ii rI.. I nlahed rontna, 14 HA .1* Rooms tor H uussV**ptHg. 64 TWil excellent honseU eep m g mom# In modern horns, everything fuinisbed. JA 4020 ROQMS FOR RENT. Rooms for Housekeeping. 64 3117 I'UPFLETON—1 reouil VTtchenett. with alnk. on bathroom floor lias, lights I and water furn.ahed. HA. 0891. [.3119 ^6 CALIF. 3-rm. cottage, aleo 2. 3 rina. indd. with heat furnlohM HA. 4901. 2658 DOUGLAS, nice front room and kitchenette on second floor, doea In. 2562 JONES—Front apt.; everything fur niehed to parties employed. |6. VIVO housekeeping rooms, warm, clean and modern. 2572 8t. Mary Ave. i 122 N. 42D STREET—3 roome end kitchen. Modern. WA. 3793. , NEWLY decorated houiikteptef room. 2111 Douglas St, 1 _Where to Stop In Town 67 HOTEL SANFORD —ltth and Farnam. HOTEL HENSHAW— 16th and Farnam. Special rates to permanent gueite. , ^real^estate^for^rentT^ Apartments—Furnished. 69 MuRHiS APARTMENT HOTEL 1ITH AND DODGE STS. APARTMENTS CONSIST OF LIVING ROOM, DRESSING ROOM. KITCHEN ETTE AND BATH. RENTAL INCLUDES HEAT, LIGHT. GAS AND MAID SERV ICE. APARTMENTS FURNISHED SOFT I WATER BY REFINITB SOFT WATER PROOFS*I KNICKERBOCKER Apt. 6 roome. from Mat ch to October, $120 per mo. •Call Ha. i 1261_ AT. 4236 — Well furnished apartment on car line, private bath. $60 per month. WELL furnished apartment on car line. Private bath $60. AT. 42$6. HUNTER INN HOME for tha traveling men and wife. AT. <960. Apartments—Unfurnished. 70 REASONABLY PRICED. 4 room*. 2291 N l»th St , $20 $S0 4 rooma, No. $ Titard, 221 N. 24th St , j $45 $55. 4 roc.jva. No. 1$ Troy. 1009 Hamer St., : $45- $SU. 4 roome. No 4 Sweetwood. corner Sweet woo-i and Dewey Ave., $55. 4 room*. No 4 Shirley. 127 H 41et St., $69 4 roome. No. 4 We biter, 27th and Web ater Ste.. MO. 4 room#, No. 14 r:, Lee. 107 n. loth su . 30-i«o. I room,. N» t Pstttr. lid and Tamam Bti , III. PETER* TRUST COMPANT. "Where Omaha Renta.” AT 0541. 17th »nd Firnam Bti. CHOICE 4-ROOM APARTMENT No IS Kkerd Court. 117 So flit Bt. Very rnrv ,n.i ittr.cttvi. •*. thu for your atlf. op.n .Sunday for Inspection. Call PATNK * SONS CO. ■ Omaha', Rpntel Mon." 010 Oinalu Nat. Bk. Bldg. JA. 1018. DRAKE COttHT. Ono of tho,. 3 room apat.monte with 1 bed* .nd mn porch avatlabi. March 1. A ;-roont apartment available now at 1.7.50. l all Drake • JA 1100, 17th and Howard Bti. ______________ APARTMENTS and f'.ata for rent. w. j. palmer co. at. »ii». R,|1 Ketat. Management Spedailita FOR ONE OF DRAKE'S 1000 APARTMENTS Call Jackion 1800. I'RTKR.A TRUST COMPANT WHERE OMAHA RENTS'/ AT. 0544.17th end Farnam Bta 48 4 S JID—.New a-room brtek flat. 888. JOHN R M'CAKVH.l.E, Realtor. 1008-3 City Natl. AT 8018. STEAM HEAT. 4-room apt-. 140. claaa la. H p. Ftebblne, 1810 Chicago St.__ 3*37 s JJD ST, mod 3 and 4 rm. apta, leant tieat. private bath. Business Places for Rent 71 MODERN ll.ioi healed etnre, 170 month. (!. P ritebblne. 1810 Chicago _ RU1LD8NO for rent, totaled at 111 Sooth jnth fall for Mr Lew la_ Houses for tRent. 72 7-K M(i|> . (JARAtiK. *32 N 4.1*1 |4i i KL'RN HPKPtl ROOMS. CLOSE IN $17 7-U. HRJI18 PARK H(>MK . *5 5 R. II RATED APT., DUNSAT . 50 OM llKNTAI. RX JA 1M» HA ?40<. JTt.» • \LlFORNIA St. — New ♦-room mod err, »rirk, duplex with garage, 171 p* r month Vacant March lat. HA 2115. 4 *7; C A I.1 Ft > R NIA Six fine room* new. ready to move Into. .1 I, HIATT Co AT l»t(MK l-KM. houae, alao 4rm. entteee. mod., g.ii ;«»*•« Km** * ondltlon WK. 6*21. K« I'NTZK Pl.ACI; Right-room modern houae. |$h; garage WR. 47*?. inr,o s 21 th PC—1-rm . modern, newly decorated, garage, near car_ .*70$ PIKIU'R ST—«l room*. modern ex ■ •ept h at <:;**. .IA 4K?:;__ 1*17 NORTH . :• t h five-room houae. like new. very reasonable. _ SMAI.I. Cottage 1 ?S3 South 15th St. No children A T £ fi 4 T». 1 houae mod. ?S07 So. 11th Houses Furnished 72A i SIN ROOM Home—nleeh furnished near tu panah hool *51$ Meredith Aveeue. PKIHtS TRl’ST COMPANY. Where Omaha Rente" AT " t* • 17th and Farnam St» Offices anti Desk Room 73 4|«»PR ti'unu. fe.-*. new front*, on North 4th St Juat oife Itlnck north of • lining M \er\ reasonable rent c t; CAIlkHKltd 115 Hrandeie Theater llldg. Wanted to Kent A 1*1:1 I. M, well furnished houae. good lo< rt linn, garage, except lottel tenante. A 1 ' reft ien- Do not • all unices flint claaa. 1 \N K 14 I 2 KK AI. KSTATE- FOK SALK. Farms and I.anils for Sale. 79 l * * it sai.i-: .40 tttrea well improve*! f it in. nil In cultivation, fen* * d with w**\»n wire jjnd .inn** lenccd, ties land ia *»f the x **ry l*«*at, will grow torn clover hi any kind **f amall grain n*«r good tgiltxad town mill ;to ml lea hum Spi lug fit Id. Mo Ti* iu>* ft.non down and (lie halatv* like i nt at #* per tent intereet. For fuither Infix iiiatlnn adilieea Cll *eue Rank, Wei out Drove. Mo." • ASH F« Ml YOt ft 1, AN’D kale# made in five »*at<* and m) counties of Nebraska Mark Carraher Cential City. Nab, Haal aatatt auctioneers. REAL ESTATE—FOR SALE. . Farms an.1 Laoda for Sale. 79 (iOOD fxrni, mile mil (.u.rter from paved s'reet of Grand Island. M. L. Brownell, Box Jti.», Monte Vista. Colo. City Acreage for Sale. 79A FRUIT. PEONIES. ACREAGE IN CITT AT COUNTRY PRICER. More than seven double-sized lots and a good five-room house, a garage, l h row barn, a new chicken house with ! run; on paving; o;’ly six blocks lo cat ' ini*. No hills to climb. This Is a rcat big snap for 14.7 50, with a thousand down. be< us at ones on this. i n. r. clart co., realtor*. j 601 Omaha Nat. Bk, Bid*. AT. 6671. Houmi lor Sale._&> _ — i FOR SALK OR TRADB No. ISrd A\». Dandy I rooms, modern. Isiucco, built 4 years; fine lot; paved Ft. I Will take in good lot or car and a little canh *• first paymant. Price fo.OOO. EXTREME BARGAIN. Near Miller park. Excellent 6 rooms, modern; oak trim and floor#; ail epecial features; all In fine condition; lot 46x136. 9J.66u, $600 cash and balance like rent. Cl I AS. W. YOUNG & SON. 1*02 City Nat. Bank. AT. *t»68. HA. 6051, WA. 7605. Mr. Lewis, AT. 4010. LET US build a better home for lese money. Beet construction and materials. Uwn-a-Home Co., 313 Arthur Bldg. JA. 0100. ..__ . ~KE AITESTaTK—'i'cO"R SALE. “ House*—North. 81 — — OWNER FORCED TO SELL. SIX-ROOM HOME AND GARAGE. : There 1> due and payable March 1. 11.600 that must be paid. The owner eaya toe can't rales the money. This home has a large living room, dining room, with the finest of oak floors, a wonderful kitch-n, with extia large cabinets. 8 ex tra large bedrooms and bath up, with a heatc*d sleeping porch in winter end screened for summer; nice basement with fruit room* and launlry rooms; corner lot. good garage end worth all of 17,000. We think the first offer of I6.I60 will take it. (See this at ^once.) PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. AT. 5»«0. Newlon. KE. 1148. Gibson. KE. 2227. CLOSE TU HOLY ANGKLs” 6 ROOMS—$1,000 DOWN—PRICE, fS.500. An unusually pretty south front bungslow I on paved street, has large living room and dining room in oak, kitchen in French gray with built-in feature*. Large bath end 3 corner bed room* off cen tral hall Oak floors throughout. Let u* show you. Call Jackson 2282. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 630 Peters Trust Bldg. NEW 4-room, 6-room accommodation. Th.a Is an ideal home; oak floors through out. oak finiah in two rooms, enamel in bedroom, bath and kitchen; all modern except sas East front, corner lot. Good location. Eaay term# Call Mr. Hamer, 'KE. 4126; Russell. KE. 466*; days. AT. *4*0. NEAR NORTH HIGH SCHOOL, Nest I-room cottar* In fin* repair. large 60-foot lot, garage. some fruit, feer blocks to -rar and school. Price only $3,200. on good terms. Ca.l Mr. Russell, AT. 9960. 2439 ELLISON—Five-room bungalow. 4 months old; owner goes oh farm March 1. Must be sold. JOHN R. M CARVILLE. Realtor. 1042-J City Hall.AT. 6631. 3428 PARKER ST.—7-rra. mod., bar*. $760 cash. bal. me Extra lot for gardes. Crelgh, (OS Res. JA. 0200. WANT cash offer on 21 IS Sprague 8tr*«t. Six-room Home Just newly decorated. WA. 0204. days AT. 3281. 4 - ROOM house, close la, $4,100. Bargain. JA. 0327. D. E. BUCK St CO. buy and sell bomea Houses—South. 82 PARKVALK BUNGALOW SPECIAL. FIRST TIME OFFERED. $1,000 t>OWN—$60 Par MO -Prlcs 10.000. A beautiful east front bungalow on paved street. haa large living room acroaa front, with built-in feaurea: nice dining room; large bedrooms, dandy kitchen: all on on* floor; large attic, full base ment. sure a beauty. Cal! JA. 2282. OSBORNE REALTT CO. 680 Patera Trust Bldg. FIRST TIME ADVERTISED HANBOOM PARK BARGAIN I large rooms, strictly modern, newly pa pered. doubie garage, lot. 60x160, near 3l*t and Toppleton ave. $6,780; $760 down, $5* per month. Immediate possession. L. D. SWANSON. 738 First Nat‘1 Hank Bldg.JA. 4933 47 5 5 SO. 18TH. <»n the northeast corner of llth and M Sts I have a 4-room home that I will tall on practically your own term* This has water, gas and la on a paved Sc <M St.), paving paid. Will either fix up ar sell as it la. Make an offer. JA. 1914. Aak for Care*. SOUTH OMAHA—On* l-room etucco with 4 room etucco in rear a real bargain at 17.994. A. R MOSKIV. AT.-»»8», L. P. SWANSON. Real Estate. JA. 4>28. Tesar it Teear. specialists in a home*. 1 Hou»«»—We»t.93 CLAIR MONT BARGAIN. 6 rooms, 1*4 etory, all modsrn. east front horns, 3 rooms oak floor and finish first floor, a bedrooms, white enamel finish. Imt floor. Garage. Price is only $4,100; terms, evenings call KG. 8111. ORUENIO REALTT CO, Realtor*. Jayson 19*4 1400 First Nat. Bh. WEST CENTER BARGAIN. 1979 So 49th St, new 4-room house. $2,400 Ea. y terms (’all M»- Ooodall. HAMILTON A CO.. 3*3-4 Neville Blk JA. ©4»f. Kaninas. KF 214* AT. *711. SOLID BRICK HOME. 17.500 CATHEDRAL DISTRICT. • room*, suitable for converting Into apartments or duplex. Lot 50x150 Sub mit your own term*. W. FARNAM SMITH A CO. !L!A Fwrnain •» A 4^54 Eve. HA :?»? OWNER H KI Nil TRANSFERRED And urill sell this new 3-room home with - Iota f J. A10 |300 down. ISO n month Call VI' *'47 after b Ja AZ:‘* morning* SHOP K N A COMPANY. Rea flora •fA. 4J3V134-5-1-10 Keelme Hid* El HI EWOOD A real Pure Cow n a r-al location wi*h fireplace, tllo floor In hath. hullt-ln 'ut. Price only |7.75n Complete with garag* full ictnent drive, on paved atreet W V Hi; CATHEDRAL. DISTRICT. Charming apartm.nt: 1 bed. 1 living, bath kitchenette and Pullman break, fast rooms delightful surrounding* Vail t r*5*4 \Y Earnam Smith MKl.l) club district. Juat computed. 5 rooms, modern, tile bath Price 15.750. e\ tern * Call owner evenings. tVA TbIG I. «'T 4 71150 ft —30th and Burt streets. II. 2"' All Improvement* in 4. r >Ri; F AND COM P A NT. AT 3025. WILL build to your order os oir beauti ful lota in Rdcewood: very %sair terms Phone AT III* iTiwi.ER FI NT'S FOLKS who bug hows# List vo’ir property with vis for results 0 74-4 BCHT c FQW. rn CO . Realtor* Houses—Benson 84 BENSON’ BARGAIN 5h»dern i mom cottage. >ak finish. Alt built-in feature*, fine basement, on fine with garage oh pavement |5.10C (•».<.) term* Evening*. \V A 4*33 . RED A HAILEY. 4015 Military WA 4304 Kot Sale Ihiruirc 85 5?nd AND HOWARD STS NEW DITCH COLON] A!*. Eight i. me. Including inn room and alei-pink; |»«»r« h Center hall entrance 1 . w ng toom with fireplace and hookeg French door* between dining room ami sun room. interior finish white enamel and mahogany thioughont N*cr 1 / dicoieted. Attractive lighting fi\ imi' 1'b-ntv of wall plugs, aide lights. et< It-at of oak floors throughout Full b*ae»m»nt, funvac# heat, I.aundrv c>nr tlona ird toilet Brick construction All V ,iw < i - I w l- h Ih»,- M -e \N i»-.r. -.a weather stripped lot M\135 f*et Garage f *r two i ar* Fur location call GEORGEA COMPANT Realtor. AT IMl LEGAL NOTICES. I NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' APKETINU Notice I* hereby given that th# regu lar annual meeting of the Stockholder# of the South Platte Land Company will be held at the office of said Company, Room 701. Flret National Bank Building Lincoln. Nebraska. at II o'clock A. M., on the Gih day of March. A. I).. 1924. C. H. MORRILL, Preaid eat. W. W. TURNER, _ Secretary A Treasurer. r 4-to M-4-lnc NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS. All existing debt® of Mid*Weat Electric company. Omaha. Neb . on the 21®t day of December, 1922, amounted to the furn of $21,964.66. OKU. W. JOHNSTON. President. GEO. W. JOHNSTON. <J. A SEA BURY. Being & Majority of the Board of Direc tors. CITY OFFICIAL NOTICES. TO THE OWNERS OP REAL ESTATE IN GAS MAIN DISTRICT NO. 252 IN THE CITY OF OMAHA. You are hereby notified that on the 29th day of February. 1824. the Hoard of Directors of the Metropolitan Utilities District, by resolution dulv passed, creat ed Gas Main District No. 252, said District « omprising that part of 20th Avenue from V. Street to Washington Street, and shall include therein the following real estate, to-wit: East *4 of lot 6. east *4 of lot 7. and east 1-3 of lot 8. all in block 6. Albright'* Subdivision of block 30, Albright s Choice. Weat 1-3 Of lot 9, all of lota 10, Jl, 12. 13, 14, 15, and the west 1-3 of lot 18. all in block 7, Albright's Subdivision of block 30. Albright's Choice. That by said Resolution, the Board of Director* of the Metropolitan UtiJties Dla. trlct ordered a gas main four lnrhe* in diameter to be laid and constructed on 20th A\enue, In and through said Dis trict. You are further notified that vnu will have thirty day* from an after the pub lication of thia Notice to file with the Board of Directors of the Metropolitan Utilities District your written protest. If any, against the creation of said District and the extension and laying of gas main therein as ordered. Dated at Omaha. Nebraska, this 29th day of Februkrv. 1924. METROPOLITAN UTILITIES DISTRICT, By J. C. DAHLMAN, Chairman. Atteat: T. A. LEISEN, Secretary. Teh. 28. TO THE OWNERS OP REAL ESTATE IN GAS MAIN DISTRICT NO. 177, IN THE CITY OM OMAHA You are hereby notified that on the 20th day of February, 1924. the Board of Directors of the Metropolitan Utilities District, by resolution dulv passed, created Gas Main District So. 177, said Dlatrict REALESTAT^FORSALK^ For Sale—Dundee. 85 DirN’DFF. 8TCOCO BUVOATyDW. 5-rm. bungalow, oak floors and finish, ex. cellent neighborhood. Real value at 18.500 with very easy terms Eve. phona Ted Pitkin, AT. 8S97, or I^Roy Gehrti, KB. 5029. METCALFE COMPANY. Ground Floor, 203 8 19th St. AT. Hit. _For Sale—Florence.88 Six-room bungalow in fin# repair, 1-car garage, 124 feet on 44th St . 500 ft. on Pierre. Room for 2 more house# or a dandy corner for atore building. $4,240 for entire property. A real buy for gome on* Call Mr. Hamer. AT. $960. N’ETHAWAT haa Improved acreage north of FLORENCE for city property. K© 140$. REAL ESTATE—FOR SALE. Lots for Sale. 88 vert ffeeirabi* lot on 2*th Ft. near Ei.jon A\ e Will sell cheap or trade In on a good S room cottage er bungalow. Call Mr Hamer, AT. *460. Florence field selling Sale*—*»n on rround* everv day c W. MARTIN <% I’Q. AT. 01«T LOT $0xlB7. oo S2d Ave. facing Hanacom park, for sale at a bargain price. C. A. GRIM MEL. JA. 1C1I. Real Estate for Exchange. 89 EXCHANGES of all kinds. S. H. Browse Co.. 141 Securities Bldg. AT. IHO. FARMS. Gibbons Steel. 41$ Peter© Trust Wanted—Real Estate. 90 TTD WANT VACANT Ia.'TS. We need good lota to build home# ©a. W# wall buy outright or accept them as par tfal payihente on homes. Evenings call Mr Spaulding, HA. 0»T2. EQUITABLE TRUST CO, REALTORS. Ground Fir. Banker* Reaerva Ufa B!dg. AT. 2*45. WK NEED 5 AND « ROOM HOME? NOW. CALL US AT ONCE. EVE NINGS KE 5111 GRUENIG REALTY. REALTORS. JA 1»««1400 let Nat. Bk LIST your uroosrty with ua or. If you ara tn the market for acreage, call Louts Cohn for quick tales. HA. 4142. HA lott. T. B. CAMPBELL builds homes right Baa! material* and price*. Customer* al way* satisfied 527 Realms. AT, 104$. -WR BUILD TO PLEASE. TEMPLE McFATDEN. 1141 Farnam St.AT. tUt. SFP.V1CE AND RESULTS. Competent sale* force. .TA. 1150. GLOVER A SPAIN. RstTtona W« SELT, HOMES. LIST WITH US HAMILTON A CO, >*I 4 Varllla Block. JA. MIT. WF SRI.L HOMES ~~ LIST WITH I S rOH RESULTS. MeCAOUE INVESTMENT rp. JA. 1141 NEW HOMES—TOUR TERMS OROVE-HIBBARD CO, 111 Bankara Raaarv* Bldg. AT. IMS. SEE va ftrat. ,N>»4 Hatlnra. any location i to * roomf. Shopan k Co, XaaJtcrs JA. 411*. Ill Kaalfna Bldg. CHAR. W. TOUNO A SON. Kami Eatata Ran tala. InaumnoA HM City Natl Bank.AT. HB O. T. HAMER. Invaatmanta Acre***. r«rnam AT. Hll LIST ronr pronarty Chiia Boyar notary public, ?Id and Cumin* Sta. WORLD REALTY CO., Raaltora. AT. >Q> WESTERN Raal Eataf Co.. JA. 1667. Chat. E. Brlwian. AT t!Ml. Raal EatltT Huattnlmalrr Raal Estate, AT. »2*«. H. W VolUrd Co. for U»al Sarvlc*. AT tMfc G A SANpELL Baal Karma. AT • «?! SLATER A CO.. Raaltera. Krtlina Bid* Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent $3 to $10 per Year Burglar and Fire Proof Vault Ground Floor Bankers Reserve Life Bldg., Douglas at 19th AT Untie 2945 BUILDS AND FINANCES NEW HOMES Estimate* Furniahod Froo Ground Floor, 20J S. 19th St. Phono AT lantic 5415 CITY OFFICIAL NOTICES. comprising that part of PscJfts fltrsst from Forty-eighth Street to Saddle Lretk Hoad, and shall include theiein the fol lowing leal estate, towit: \S>M 2-3 of Lot 2ft. and the South 44 feet of Lot 21, in Block 2, Weal Sid* Ad dltion. _ _ . South 44 f*et cf Lot 4, Block S, W##t Side Addition. _ . . , ^ All, except Saddle Creek Kosd, of Lot 5. Block 3. Went Sid* Addition. fioffth 1-3 of Lot «. ex-ept Saddle Creek Road, in Block West Sid* Addition. North 33 J feet of North of Lot# 1 and 2, Block 1, Patterson'# Subdivision. All of Lota 3. 4, o, t>. 7. 8. 9. 10, 11. 12. and the Last of Lot 13, all in Block 1. Pattersons Subdivision. That by raid Resolution the Board of Directors of the Metropolitan Utilities District ordered a gau main four inche** in diameter to be laid and constructed on Pacific Street, iri and through aaid Dis trict. _ ... You are further notified thak you w l have thirty days from and after h* pub lication of thin noth* to file with the Board of Directors of the Metropolitan Utilities District your written protest, if any, against the creation of said District and th* extension and laying of ftas m*i# therein as ordered. Dated at Omaha. Nebraska, thla loth das of February, 1924. • MKTROPOI.ITAN1 ITIMTIES DISTRICT By JAMES C. D AMI MAN, ChalrmaP. AttMt: T. A. I.EI8EN. K«b. 2*. Sprrgtsry, TO THE OWNERS OF R EAT. ESTATS IN WATER DISTRICT NO. ISO IS THE iT*;r OF OMAHA. You are h**reb> Notified that on the 20th day of February, 192*. the Board of Director* of the Metropolitan Utilities Diatrict, by resolution duly passed, creat ed Water Main District No. 8 so, said District comprising that part of 3«th Street from Wright Street to Frederick Street, and shall include therein the io. Iowing rp-a! estate, towit: West J-3 of lot 13. ail of lots 14, 16, 14, 17. 18. 19. 20, 21, 22, and the South 34 feet of lot 23, ail in block 2. Parkvale. West 1-3 of lot 8, ail of lot* 9. 10, 11, 12. 13 and the west 1-3 of lot 14, block 3. Parkvale. „ , „ ' East 4 4 feet of that part cf tax^ let *• In the Northwest ■*, of Section 33-15-1*. lying west of 25th Street. That by said Resolution the Board or Directors of the Metropolitan Utilities District ordered a water main six inches in diameter to be laid ajid constructed on i&th Street In and through said District. You are further notified that you. wi.l have thirty days from and after the pub lication of this Notice to file with the Board of Directors of the Metropolitan Utilities District your written protest, if any, against the creation of said Diatrict and the extension and laying of water main therein as ordered. Dated at Omaha, Neb., thla 10th day or February. 1924. __ METROPOLITAN UTILITIES DISTRICT. By J. C. DAHLMAN, Attest: Chairman. ,T. A. DEIbEN. Chaarma*. Feb. 21. TO THE OWNERS OF REAL ESTATH IN GAS MAIN DISTRICT NO. 21i IN THE CIY OF OMAHA You are hereby notified that on the 20th day of Feoruary. 1924. the Board of Directors of the Metropolitan Utilities District, by resolution duly passed, creat ed Gas Main District No. 274. said Dis trict comprising that part of 25th Street from Wright Street to Frederick Street and shall include therein the following real estate, towit: West 1-3 of lot 21. all of lets 14, 11. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 31, 22, 22 and the West y» of lot 24. all in bloak 2, Park vale. West !-! of lot 9. all cf loti 9. 19. 11. 12. 13. and west 1-1 of lot 14, la Woe* 3, Parkvale. East 44 feet of that part ef tax let C in Northwest ^4 of Section 13-16-11, ly ing west of 16th Street. South 44 feet of west H o? lot 7, blot'k 9. Dwight and Lymans Addition. That by said resolution the Board of Directors of tha Metropolitan Utilities District ordered a gaa main four infh*s In diameter to be laid and constructed on 35th dtree: in and through sa.d Dis trlct. . , You are further notified that you w..i have thirty day* from and after the pub lication of this Notice to file with the Board of Directors of the Metropolitan Utilities District your written protest, if anv. against the creation of said Dis trict and the extension and laying of gas main therein as ordered. Dated at Omaha. Nebraska, this 2.0th day of February. 1924. _ _ METROPOLITAN UTILITIES DISTRICT* By J. C. DAHLMAN. Chairman Attest: T. A. LEI SEN. Feb. 26.Secretary. TO THE OWNERS OF REAL ESTATJB IN GA9 MAIN DISTRICT NO. lib IN THE CITY OF OMAHA. Tou art hereby notified that on the 29th day of February. 1924. the Board of Directors of the Metropolitan Utilities District, by resolution duly passed, creat ed Gas Main District No. 919 said Dis trict comprising that part of 41st Street from Fowler Avenue to Grand Avenue end shall include therein the following real estate, towit: South 7 feet of lot t* all of lets J, ?. 4. 6. 6. 7. 8. * 10. 11, 12. ar.d the east 1-J of lot 11. Kempton Heights. South 2-3 of lot *. all of lots 4. I. 6. T. I 9. 19. 11, 12. If. and the weft 1-3 of lot 14. sll In Hastings it Hayden s Subdivision of ths west s cf lot 7 Tuttle's Subdivision. ^ ^ ^ _ . . . East 44 fe-t of north 21 feet ef let 9, Tattles Subdivision. _ _ That by said Resolution tbs B^ard of Directors cf the Metropolitan Utilities District ordered a gas mam four Inches in diameter to be laid and constructed or* 41st Street t» end through ea:d Dis 1 You srs further notified that you will have thirty days from and after publica tion ef this Notice to file with the Board of Directors of the Metropolitan Utilities District your written protest. If any. against ths ersstlon of said District ardt ths extension snd laying ef gas ma:a therein es erdered. _ Dated at Omaha. Nsbrusku, this f«tM &TRoroi&A$ Chairman ? Atxm-. «. *■ i-kisen T. b II._S*i-r«t».T. KOTIC8 _ OF THE WTTnfO OF THE cijt corx« on, AS A BOARP OF EOfAlJZATIOS : To the owner* of lot*, pert* of lofe a«<l pieces of read estate described hereirt or abutting on or adjacent te the streets, alleys or avenues herein named or situated in whole or In part withirt any of the districts herein specified, and all being within the City of Omaha. Douglas County, Nebraska. You and each cf >ou are hereby nett** fled that the City Council of the City cf Omaha will »*t as a Board of Equali sation at the Council Chamber. In the City Hall. Omaha. Nebraska, at least ore day from 1® ©clock A \1 . until S c lock P. M.. commencing Wednesday* March •. 1*24. for the purpose cf con sider. ng and equalising the proposed levw of special taxe* and assessments a* #how» by the proposed plans of assessment*, prepared by the City Engineer and xow on file in the office cf the City vw#*k. ard c^rrectn g any errors therein and hearing all complaint* that the .'wwn cf property ao to be assessed and taxed war make: said special taxes and assess ment* proposed to be levied beuig rtfes ssry to cover the •"©at of the several Im provement* duly author,ted to be mad* amt now completed as follow*: To cover part of cost nf con»*ruet!ng ***wer in Sewer District No $4*. upon the ’ots. parts cf lots and pieces cf real estate in aaid district and more per ticulary described as follows Lot T. Block 2. Cotner A Archer© Ado.‘ion | U ?l Lot 3 Block f. Coiner A Archer* Add'! ion 41 r) Lots 1? to J* b©4h in. Block 2. Cotner A Archers Addition, at $ »0 each . S3*. 14 Let ?i Block 2. Cotner A Archer* Addition 4| »4 Lot 2.\ Block 2. Cotner A Archers Addition . . 42 ft Lot Rio. k 2. Cotner A Archer* Addition |4 Lot t Block S. Cotner A Archer# Addition .. ft <;# Lor* 4 to 10. both ir.c . B ock J, t'other A Archer* Addition at f ' 00 each JJ4 4® Lot ii Block J. Cotner A Archer# Add j ion *4 i * let 14 Block 2. Harr a A Patter son* Anne* Kdd * on 42,00 Lot# 14 and if. Bo. k 2 Harrs A Patterson * Annex A4Mtt:**v at 14' Of1 each #• Lot IT. Block > Ha - ' X Patte «.M- * tins* Add’t ' . 4; Lot 1« Block 2 H*rr % A Pat er •on ■« Vnnex Add on *4 1' Lot 12. BKh k S. Ham* A Pctfr e.'n s Annex Add Bon B M i i he reaper , ve amount* v, to he j v orneotion with the ism* of a f alma hack and ktaduat.n* \ - -«s «% ;*, ?-,•-• .-re a.■>• t.% Ixerefd* * onferred hi the • ox .■mxent, nd all auoh a- nin « ret irMed to 1« uniform and not in e\ en . * ?h* hvrtetltv I • a You are further not f et that a t pro« meed plans of anest rnf* art* now *ul» teot to the inspection and examination of any of the oxiner* of *- .1 lots or pit Win of real estate, nr in* other person mtew i * r i m said prorated as aament* at ;ha offi, * of the I'ite I'leir., and th*t ;t t* Ip'-opoaed that unless fm k .> \ and tnf fh ent oause • max ho othm «* ^e ordered and determine.! the cost of »a d imp-era. turn* . respective x. shx'.J N* t *«-'*i<r| on »he * vnr| to;* and rdeoet of real estate ** ahown her. ;i and h> »a:d prepoewft plans ,.f assess, sent A » art - h . t xoi» are fce~#he nett. »'"d ' before sa d Hcer4 ef ' *t the time and p‘a e a box# e> • *v* a*m np'xirt elate. «-ot or Mr '.on x ou lay dee're eon. anx of *# t proposed lex tee e«f ' rsment* of ss \ ereetat taxes Omaha. Neb* •' rehrMarj }i ;||k 'amks r. r,» H I. ,».