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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1924)
By A'roc In ted l’rfm. Lincoln, Neb., Fob. 25.—Program to " ■ - be broadcast Tuesday, February IS: (Central standard tlme.1 i By courtesv of Ratlin Digest ) KDKA Pittsburgh (32rt>. 5:1 f.. concert; 0:45. children's period; 7:30, concert and program, 10:;10. concert. KFKX, Hastings (341), rebroadcaais program of KDKA. KH.T, J.oa Angele* (305), t:45, music;! 10. program: 1”. orchestra._ KSD. St Louis Post Dispatch (848). ?. program. KTW. Chicago (538), 8:10. bedtlm* s!or> : 7, concert; program; 8:45. program. WHAT*. Fort Worth Star-Telegram (478). 7 .3ft. concert : 9:3ft, concert. >VCAK, Pittsburgh (482). 7:30 program W t > A P. PhilidelphiA (:95). ♦> n», talk. 8:f*ft. talk. WLAF, Kansas City Star (411). « b( honl of alt; 11:4.', nlffhi hawks. WDAP. Chhatto (Sfid), 7, niunlo; k ornan: 10, orchestra. WKA A. Imtla* N>w» (4T6), f **, musical; 11. reujtnl. WFI, Fh l&delphla -II • talki music; 9 10. music. WdR, Buffalo (311). 5 30. music; « i». news. V'OY, Schanactady (880). 0:45. program Radnrlo; orchaatra. Wi.AI*. Iowa City, (484). con cart and aiJrrea*. WHS T.ouisvill* (400). 7:.l«. concert. Wll*. JMiilHdalphia <&««». music; 6. talk; T. talk; 9:1" dan* h music. \V!\K ricvaland (3*0). t>"0. program •\\ IZ, N*» v York <4f»fi), 0. talk, *16 n -i. ’ r *M-:t a 1 *• ptograw_ WJAZ Chicago (44«> 10. nrrhnirii WJV. Natv York (41)5), D-JO, aolotat: 6:45, talk: 7 16. talk. k. miialr. WUAO, Srinnaapolta-Sf. Paul (417), fi. talk; 6.IS. > uncart; J:30. lacturaa; talk* WI.1V. Cincinnati (109). /», coneart and prngtatn: 1» JII, program WOAW, Omaha. |S2«). 6 70. program; 9, concert. WSiMV. (*hl-ago N>wa 447.5), 7, talk* 9:15, program.' THE NEBBS that’s bad. Directed for The Omaha Bee by Sol Hes* YtSTERDAV TOE LITTLE STAR! MAN ODlE ! SLYDER ' Pot DouDt I INTO THE MinD or RUDY tNEtyj AS TO THE HONESTY Or THE ATTORNEY CASSIUS MILES TO UJHOM HE PAID THE $500 AND AUER A Sleepless night we HASTENS To THE LAWYERS L „ ornCE l2-2t»,r- j ' /WHPCT ? WONT QE 'N ""nJ fcftCK. T6R. 30 ■QfWvS » \ , I LL BE.T THKT GuV / WILL MLVEfi B€ / BACK »y ^ ^ "HSl! I 'c' CASSIUS Miles |:|!(: ATTORNEY ATIAvj /-' /NO-AnD 1 OotHT C^RE^4 f Say .poster .Do \f wl never comes back! VOU VCNOW WHERE - ML'S. A mean GuV - me -Tljic crrroRNL'Y never gave ml a "Tip , >C^T R . IN UlS UFE - aE'OONT C/uL'S WAY Behind vn v-us Rent — P t T)ONT THINK! he MAKES MUCH MONEY N I NO ONE El/ER Goes lnto m^s place — \ l r TOLO -THE BOSSTO COLLECT HLS RENT — c tnC>N\ToR.E 'Snt uioRth antthinG • u»S ^Rnvtore ANYONE aqounO ( WENL'/yi.OT.^O HORNLNG ISALO, i^AERRTCHRiSWAV TO AnD^X \ me SMD * (MARRY CHRVSTMAS / n= V^Jqselt-IGOT AUJlTE^^ ; / I KIND A SUSPECTED THAT GuV 'X. TOO • THE 500 DUCK-S DOESN'T HUQTVj c n ^ycH BUT THE THOUGHT THAT 2? picked N'E out as the pant / ISm tNOuomotSto / VlfSittESMut- TWLOM Xy" (. yQ> CcvrzLSo^ Barney Google and Spark Plug SPARKY NEEDS A SPECIAL DIET._Drawn for Th« Omaha, by Billy DeB«fc SO THAT 'S The na<s China,non ? AMO HE HOLDS "The Asiatic IfcACK RECORDS 7/ Uieu.Sparkvs yr.P (JoUnA MuROFR '"v"s* HIM s' . IT OOITE SO. SIB * S.OOO 'jF^^g 10.000, 30.000, 35.000j^§.000^ SIBE BET- /BueKS.SURE.* * Yo-ho' against your. A-il pot up spark plug - ( That much SAN FRANCLSCO KJ \ MY SPARKY SEATTCE • ANYTHING / can BEAT YOUR \ VOU SAY.( /w,wesE FIRE SIR /cpAEKER. (N A ''crass country RACE • AU- S OOTTA 60 IS Ye J SEU. A FEKJ / BONDS AND / VpE Re ALU / _ _ SET y-^ ■ OH. BABY - * 25.000 This I* <3on*A BE SOtT PICKIM HEY- ■ GET our OP HEPS : OJITU Those oats — > tm tjain/ng, spark ) pwjd PBOM NOPl CM- b Copyright. 1924, by King Features IncT^ DDIMrIM/''1 I TP CATI4PD R«gi»t#r#d SEE JIGGS AND magg«e rui-u Drawn for The Omaha Bee by McManus E>KirN(jIlNVj Ur r A 1 flUK U. S. P.t.nt OIHc. PACE OF COLORS IN THE SUNDAY BEE (Copyright 19241 ^jORRX -e>OT TOO CAN'T ] GET VOUR. RAX OtXTll- VOO MAKE A ROUND TRip WITH TOUR CAR AND RUT IT IN - THE BARN! <-1 ... - M 'H* _ THIB I'B A generoob firm . ftV COL.LX VOU | 00 ^EE ‘aOME I Cl.^^ OIH THt'b ) , rono'7j \ ' <0 '924 BY InT u FfATUAC Sf»*VlCf. I*C * WELL.’ YR\T’t> JERRY ON THE JOB * HIGHER EDUCATION. Drtwn for Ib',?7:a,ha B" by Hoban / Wft. VtSSBW 'WANTS' Mou TO Vino j 'i' ' (jO'jt mow tuo 'Tjio 'Buerr’^ae.J ( PQogftSfflUS '*UTM TVE J ;<• ^ ’^7 WUCtftfOM Ot w / C 7WI °°&-J 1 feQGcrr all *1 -430UT TV-AT, //irx J O’SVtv = 3ut Til 4 'Tau.9'!U£ MATTtttJ UBV* WCM&E VOO //EM GETTiM" ,4lOM<5 TWE "TSA'N'NS OF- ~7V*S MB*) WOUND ? I _J£\ 31 \ \'\ \ \\ \ ^ I ' ' \ \. \ana» l.u Wf.-w. _ .1 f well = Eorv I (he Co^ff c C. HE DomT. ^ //J ! WM(* Mnnphln (SIS')), «. Uctur#: It. orcheat ra WOn. Newark (<"'*). D:1S. orcfcfitri. 3:*u, atorlea: 3. orrh«#*tm. WSB. Atlanta (*:%). h. Grche»tr»; 10 «•'• entertainment. , ... WWJ, J>*-'.r«»lt New" (•'*17)# ? or‘ • h'-afla. -- Peter W. Collin* will deliver a lec ture next Sunday nlKht at 8 on hat America Mean* to T *. He a 111 a^fr pear 111*>r temple under auapl-ea nt the KniKhta of «'nlumbu*._ EXPERIENCE AS NURSE CAUSES MRS. FLEMING TO ENDORSE TANLAC California Woman Regain ed Strength, Following Operation, by Tanlac Treatment — R e c o m mends It to Patient*. "I would never have believed any medicine on earth could help me like Tanlac did.” la the precise statement of Mrs. Celia Fleming, 1910 Addison St. Berkeley, Cal., a practical nurse of sixteen years' experience. "in 1904 a serious operation weak ened toy system so I never saw a real well day until I took Tanlac three years ago. 1 n*-ver seemed to be hungry, my stomach was so dis ordered I could hardly retain a thing I ate, and I lost weight till 1 was almost a shadow. I was very anemic, and shattered nerve* and sleepless nights contributed even more to my already miserable state. "Tanlac built up my appetite and digestion wonderfully, and every sin gle ailment went away. Then, with returning strength came a 32 pound Increase in weight, and J "om that day three years ago my he ith haa bee* splendid. I recommend Taniac to many of my patients, for it Is indeed a remarkable medicine. Tanlac is for sale by all good drug gists. Accept no substitute. Over 40 million bottles sold. Take Tanlac Vegetable Pills—Ad vertisement. SAY “BAYER” when you buy-^fltf^ze Unless you see the ‘‘Bayer Cross” on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians 23 years for Colds Headache Neuralgia Lumbago Pain Toothache Neuritis Rheumatism « +4/ J/MP--?■ “Ba-ver” Packa*f which contains proven directions. ^ m. V y' Handy “Bayer” boxes of 12 tablets . Also bottles’of 24 and 100— Druggists. WARNINP • Genuine “Bayer Aspirin” is never sold in WAD : N 1 i > O . candy stores, bars or cafes. Go to Drugstore. ▲apSrla u tba trad* mark of Bayer klirofACtcrw of MoooeoeUcacidoiter of Sal.cylicaci^ Corns A ever Use a Knife / It i* so easy to get rid of a com. Blue-jay end* them. Stop* the pain instantly. Then the corn loosen* and come* out. Doe* away with dangerou* panng. Cet Blue-jay at your druggist. (BIB i»J« ■ Blue=jay WHEN IN NEED OF IIEEP TKV OM AH \ BEE W ANT ADS The Days of Real Sport By Briggs ___-__—.... n ■ ■ —-1 I OUT OH ^ west \ n\a«m stree ^*,»,,n- 11 t rHw~ '** _V '_ ABIE THE AGENT Drawn for The Omaha Bee by Hershfield Giving Him PIrnly of Tlnu> FCV.T S\CK THIS MoRU\^Q NWb MM'r <^OIKi^ / \Y'S WAY AEE VAAiKJ'Y CAUJR> ME -YOU YoO) \ HIM 1 WAS, SlCX, Xthi&morw^q3’ /'f . / "fEs, Bur \ ***">*»■ MEVERTOLb 'toU Sfv'rpvC|^Lt> nesurwythm x 0'm£ ^ / \ \ UJ<\& S'CK". \ - --* " ® s’i . Boils THERE is a reason for every thing that happens. Com mon-sense kills misery. Common sense also stops boils! S. S. S. is the common sense remedT for boils, be cause it is built on rea s o n. Scien tific authori ties admit its power! S.S S. builds blood rower, it bu’lds red-blood-celi*. That is what makes fighting-blood, l-'ighting-blood destroys impuri ties. It fights boils. It fights fimples! It fights skin eruptions! t always wins! Mr. V. D. Schaff, 557 15th street, Washington, D. C, writes: "I tried for years to get relief from a bad case of boils. Every thing failed until I took S. S. S. I am now absolutely cured, rad it was S. S. S. that did it.” S. S. S. • told at all good drug a'orea in two aire*. larger m« ia raora econo®. OlteWirid's Best ' ^ ‘AfloodMedkine tut i.Ki i'i'irtr. RECOMMENDED BY HER DOCTOR Found Strength by Taking Lydia E-Pinkham’* Vege table Compound Kankakee, Illinois.—" My mother in-law ahvavs took your medicine for w- e a K n e s s. ana then in the Chang* of Life it did her so much good that she induced me to take it for a weak* ness I had for a year and a half. It has strengthened me and now 1 have a n;ce baby boy. 1 do all my own housework 1 1 now, and 1 recom mend Lydia 1-'. Pinkhani’s Vegetable bie Compound whenever l have the opportunity. I am taking it again for weakness, as my family din-tor has recommended it for this purpose Mrs. HakRY I'oiljOM, Set North Har rison Ave,, Kankakee, Illinois. Real Evidence of Merit For the relief of female weakness, pains and backache, nervousness and irregularities, with other troubles common to w mien, Lydia F P "k- » ham's Vegetable Compound is a de pendable medicine. Its worth is thoroughly « stablished by such letters ns the above. Thera are women everywhere, wh . having received benefit, gladly tell ether women about it. For tale by drug glata everywhere.