BURGESS BEDTIME STORIES --By THORNTON \V. BURGESS.._' TVItat Happened Next to Peter. "I don't know w^at’a going to hap pep next. I don't know what * Rolng to happen next." Peter I tablet kept saying over and over to himself as he crouched and shivered and shook In the box trap In which he had been caught In Farmer Brown's young orchard. Ills first great fright had come when the trap caught, him. Then Old Man Coyote had discovered that he was In there and had tried to get at him. After Old Man Coyote left Reddy Fox came along. Peter had been finite safe from Old Man Coyote and Iteddy, but he hadn't been Bure that he was safe. lie hadn't been sure that they wouldn't find » way of opening that box, so he had suffered great fright. Kveu after Reddy Fox had left Peter had been so frightened that he jumped at every little Bound. There was no more sleep for him that night. By the night which crept in through the cracks in the box he know when, doylight had come. Jle heard sounds over in Farmer Brown’s house. After THE NEBBS HIS GLOOM. Directed for The Omaha Bee by Sol Hess UTTlE CCvSlNO, I NOvXT§ "TAKING PQOXI XW POCKET | TUE DEED TO XW NECO estate 1 \ — LET Xbof? UONGdY EXES | VtAST upon VT!^| r voo wont understand vr_ Chance^ ARE THAT THAT3 THE FIRST DEED TOO EVER SAW - \T GOES WAV QACK TO UJUERE ONE or MV ANCESTORS got IT FROM THE INOlANS - I 3ET AU HE I Wk'cTrOR VT WAS A HAND TULL G? J l BEADS- ATEW CHICKEN TEATwERS .) V-CH_^ Also SOME MELLOW PA\NT / ''MtSkVat'CUKTVS AU_\ VT.S UJOQ.TM NJOVN — \ UIWATi THIS? ^ J RECEIPT FOR 1SOO < IN PJWME.NT of c\ j ■X N^ORTGOkGE. J-S /'fou OorsiT MEAN TOTtu, f op\d wvus uxrnoorr euec sceatoA UTur PPOPCU'W ? HOuo OO WOO »CnOoj ) [TM£Re»SA^STVrc? HCKuOQMOuy WmOvjJ TWE. VS «-hOT i U^POSIOQ. ? I'LL QEt woo Moocy I w»4C. CwLCX P^VAQLE, V. wo wit^ * ( _ r//s//zi ^ [Copyright, 19B4, by Th« Bell Syndicate. Inc. ^SjJEET OELEV BEANS * CAN IT BE TwAtI thebe are ohlunthvS enuGwtened j age WOMANS Running A~r LARGE l WITHOUT THE BEQo\«CMENTS TOB V thooGwt ob Reason ? - and ) WERE I'VE Known ThiS SimojxTon L vo(? TEABS and The BEST I Can GEyr S&WVW& * A ELOO CENTS A OAT jg (v/nD HC LAVS OvEB SOO DOLLAR. Sy^/ IN THE LAP or AN E-NTlQE f T1^>S st banger - oh hjhat an / - r~yjCfc> yUNOUST wORLO THIS IS \y~ -• /iVo,, y co o> If, C^W-So^ - Barney Google and Spark Plug Barney’s Ready With a Homelike Welcome. Drawn for The Omaha Bee by Billy DeBeck (Copyright 1924) BUU-BTIN ISTVtO BY SftM WAMCtSeo EXAMINER. --■ ■ -v= * YO HO* tub Cii«»«»no OHINKCt H*RW UMU arwmc TOMORROW* MAWV fROMl«f«Mr Citizens OM WEICOMIN& COMMITTEE negotiations re® A primate Match RACE A6AIMST SPARK flO* Will -BE ARRANGED AT QxICC -• I _■ r GOLV-T . WERE S A WAOIO FROM •• HOF-LOW' , THE OWNER of That MTsteRioos horse from China HE S DUE Tb ARRVJE Jk ant Time now — Gee, Bur I WE S A POLITE Out » SATE HE I rAM UAROLT WAIT till he meets kNTS HIS HORSt ' VO HO* SPARKT To Bt GACO friends ATS MX ANCESTORS MUST Be proud of mb =j lOP-LCUJ MAT NOT « SUCH ' IajhEn Any guy is pout* \(l To. Mt , X At-U-IAYE GOTTA 1 Be POUTS To HIM — X Suppose x ought t« HAVE SPARKY AND V rudv at tub Pier \ To SUP H«fA THE. \ GLAD HAND WHEN |\ Tub Boat 's NE -EH 1 UiRMT To But some Chinese. seemery . SWWj N Copyright, I924^1»y King F gat urea Syndicate. loc.J BEWARE OF CHEESE 066k Makers* ~ * XT BRINGING UP FATHER Ref isterad U. S. Patent Offica SEE JIGGS AND MAGGIE IN FULL PAGE OF COLORS IN THE SUNDAY BF.E Drawn for The Omaha Bee by McManus (Copyright 1924) otfrnr MOORE < OP COU^E IT MAO TOBE OH THE OAT I'm WORKIN i5PtC\io\ I Totyw |COftHCo\ 1 OEtr \ 3 AMO l ac*e>e*;& r Z Z\Z9 Ointy I MOO(^C-L SPECUM-W TOOA.t \ orneo \ eetF \ aho \ - ® 1924 ay Int l Ft«rum Srirvic*. Inc. ) HAIL‘HAIL.!! 4 i the ca.thc* i HERE.' ^ 0 -o -d i tPccUtV* = A \ - aco^weo \ a ‘ a AMO v acA*w.f\ 2 25. X JERRY Or' THE JOB IMPORTANT INFORMATION WANTED. Drawn for The Omaha Bee by Hoban (Copyricht 1924) KMPieNnr t\A«iuW 1 tlSTEM W"» CwilOQjEw) /4W^CM S^AlU / WEA& VMAY /i ) 7 8>s wEAonro / s7 CAUJBOAD MoiSOE) js\MCfi.*iVX Toa-/ [Tukt meamv't awy op tv* , ueu> Grrf t'assto av OHS OP Oua Goochoo'teams. Tuc EAIEOAO P/tMr /4U. TUI tyPCMSFS— Mart /IWT TUAT v **25* f HEW 'NAPr!!'.*—v /us HAWi' OMlV owe 3bV EBTNflCN US, Su7?oSE OwW ONE <* US GfrS / V_, 'TAGGfD » .) ???? ^M f Ooir Bom op us h*pta Ga Buried ■—7 ~to Couject ^ v—/ eee r_-> a m. ■■ I- «> ... * ; what seemed a long, long time he heat'd footstep* on the snow approach ing. Then he heard loud and eager sniffing at tho box. lie knew right away that Bowser the Hound was there. He heard Farmer Brown’s Boy tell Bowser to lie down. The door of the box opened. a ltttle, and Farmer Brown’s Boy peeped In. “Aha, Peter Rabbit! So you are the scamp who has been gnawing the bark from our young trees!” exclaim ed Farmer Brown * Boy and closed the door. Then Peter felt the trap being lifted and he knew he was being carried off somewhere. “I do hope he Is going to take me down to the dear Old Briar Patch and let me go," said Peter to himself. “Jf he does I’ll never, never come up here again.” But good resolutions are very apt to he too late. It was so in Peter's case. When at last that box trap was put down Peter knew by the sound that he wasn't back at the dear Old^ Briar Patch. For a few moments there was the sound of hammering. Every blow of that hammer made Peter jump. Then the trap was lifted again, and a moment later It was put down and the door was opened. Peter's Impulse was to dart At that end was wire. -wet of thera. But before he could I do it he noticed that he was no ! longer out of door*. So instead of darting out in order to take to his long heels, he crouched as far back in that box as he could. The truth is. he was afraid to go out. The door was fastened open. Then he heard the footsteps of Farmer Crown's Boy as the latter went away. After a long time curiosity got the better of Refer. Slowly he crept for ward until be could look out. Then he ventured to go out. He found him self in a strange pen with high, wooden walls excepting at one end. At that one was wire. He didn't known it until some time after, but lie was in an empty stall in Farmer Brown's barn, and the hammering he had heard had been made by Farmer Brown's Boy when he nailed wire across the end of that stall. Peter was no longer in a larp, but he was a prisoner. It was a nice, comfort able. roomy prison with plenty to eat in It, but just the same it was a prison. iCopyrieht. H24 I He ne er la maaier of bit fa*a Who niikei good resolution* laie —Peter Rabbit. The next story. “The Eyes in the Night." builds eng COUCHS Over bixty-Figkt Y*»r» of Succcm Rheumatic? Help for those stabbing pains is easily at hand. Apply Sloan'* gen tly without rubbing. The pains ease off -then cease. Get a bottle from your druggist today — 35 cents. It will not stain. Sloan’s Liniment —kills pain! A Sure-Fire Method of Reducing Your Golf Score By Briggs HOW MANY ) Pop. JfoO ON I This holc 7* / mow I.G.T a see - I mv Crwe oueR j V th6re. y Lo\/&« T*-teri*rs. is , ~f\juo J iTmCO6-Sj ( TnftEe y v S FOUR/ a*jd oo The (JR6SKJ 'S'/ OHfllV/E. M<5. ABOUT A FNE --^ <•**• «h» '•*» •• » ABIE THE AGENT Drawn for The Omaha Bee by Hershfield It'll I «>nk liixHl Krmnpil I MOST qtT SEO04TY P€R CEKY OF me PR0F>O BEFoRfc I'LL qo i^tt> *THM‘ PRoP<,Lrnoa,M*YT*R ''HCL^MAN - Does TMIfOy \?fr ceky tor Yourself Suit you °^y'^ \Y'U- HAVE To *weu., UT$ DRAW - UP THE v CONY&fcCT ^ x A SMOPY TIME, PJEK'tBoO' Ul'lV. BE SPlCKlNQ ABOUT OOP. ?ftOPOS\YlClH * CU0.L. \ ^OK/Y UXK UKE SUCH A PHocY \ BOS'KiESS MAnBETER AU.1!f Vv« TROOC,HT THINGS \ OVER , MB \jtA&\%»Ufc ' A Mb IT fcOE&tfT SEEM F AIR \ OR You To BE QETYIMC, ^OiEViTV PEA \0EV1Y AMb ME , OMVy j v., thirty i y i ri AC,R« UJ»TH \ YOU,HOV-'2MAN=' >Y PoSVYWlL \MR'Y RtQHY! 1 T» you ^ WAK*r u ] REWRITE / V'YV < MO,WELL LEAVE IT LIKE ' STANDS. IE OUR PROPOSITION QOE S QOOT» UA. QIUE YOU MORE MOHE* - IE MOV AT LEAST 1 CAM QHOUO i'EOELE THAT X MAt>C ^A ^OOE" CONTRACT1.! j Auburn—M. M. MeComM of Browns ville, one of Nebraska’* early day aettlera «ai transacting business lit Auburn the first of the week. H* , came to this part of flic state a baby of 3 year* or spe I hale and healthy with not a sra nr In his head. He Uvesjone an nr* half miles west of Brown ville while the roads are bad he v t>* the Brownville depot to tak< tl train rather than to drive Hi* snow and mud. ---—a Aomrrwwprr | Beware of Imitations! Genuine Bayer Tablet* of A‘ r: ■ have been proved safe by mills'^ at 1 prescribed by physicians over t ^-nt • threa years. Aspirin Is the ttade of Bayer Manufacture of M acldester of Sallcylicacid. ^ ADVBKTISEMENT "AFTER YEAR’S ILLNESS, HEALTH—FROM INTERNAL BATHS” Mr. W. W. William* of ill iouth WtllM Bt, Wllks*barre, Pa. writes to Tyrrau’s Hygienic Instl , lute of H'tw York: "My condition Is v#ry much Im proved and I have just started to : work after being home for one year I hope I may continue to Improve by the use of yoi r wonderful Cas cade" The “J. B L. Cascade" cleanses i the lower Intestine Its entire length and keeps It always free of poison ous waste. Thousands testify that Cor.s'lra tlon. Indigestion. Stomach Trouble*. Biliousness. Headaches and ali the many serious troubles which the* cause are absolutely relieved and prevented by this Nature Treat ment. We will gladly explain to you the almple operation of the J B L Cascade." whv it la so certain In Its results, and will glv# you free of cost, an Interesting little book con taining the result* of tbs experl snoss of Dr. Chas. A. Tyrrell of New Tork. who was a specialist on Intestinal Complaints for IS years ttt that city. Get a free booklet st Sherman A McConnell. ADYERTIkKMFVT Neuritis, the King of Pains Only thcs* wh© hav* csp*’>r t* rr err. >sr. itibhtni pair* of ruvrit • fully desnba the tortur* • auM *»’ I inflammation of tu« r-rve*. v*»! 1 brought on by colds, injor ft briilie* ■infection* disea *** $omet‘moo : ■ front Evsb tbo oswivo drink in# • will often produce neurit i*>. p ' n • claim Vo matter how ]* geta it* star' n « can bv promptly relieved wjtbou’ of narcotlra r*r 'dope One r«r • »r; - atiora of Tyamol win u*j*Uy ate: • moat s*v#rs pain, whether In th* - '>u • der. nock. forearm. l*ack. thigh Tysmol gradually raducs* th** :nf an * tl*»n and help* to restore the af * ul nerve* Bound r^ndl* ion. Pr*c# 11 a’ a i leading dr we* s - Ty %tt,M I'ompany, *'hOirvlsta. * * Sutter Sr San Fr«*-.' isco. \nVteBThKMKN T Heals Old Sores Peterson’s Ointment To th» million* of people who Peterson's ointment for pileie. ee-ena. Salt rheum, pimply skin, sore feet and chafing, Peterson rays. "Tell any sufferer from old acres that Its migl - ty healing power H wonderful a' ! hundreds of old sores and ulcers 1 -v# been healed. Ask your diu&^ir:. S? . fOe. 11.00. FACuA Itched and Burned. Lost Sleep. Cuticura Heals..* “ My trouble began with pimples that covered my iace. The\ wrre hard, large, and white and festered. The pim ples itched and burned continually, and I lost a great deal of .sleep. The trouble lasted about two years. “ I read an advertise ment for Cuticurs Soap and Oint ment and sent for a free sample. It helped roe so I purchased more, and after using oneboxof Ointment and three cake»of Soap roy skin became nice and smooth; I was healed." (Signed Miss Nancy Scott. Harrold, So. Dakota. Use Cuticura for all skin trouble*. hif* r... >. Mac * Such a treatment Is now o,tT< ’ to the public in the form of •-U’ sen, a highly concentrated glan V Ur \ a* in convenient tablet form, prep ed ft om the gland* of ' ' vd nnim.il* find romp-MindiU > ’ er ^ valuable ingredient* Olandogon i* obtainab e Sh« stun d Nil nnoll Drm: i a »*A 1\h1k- Idtb and H * > .$th *nd 1 farnam. Nth and PUse>m Mail orders gueu prompt atitnifccn.