The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, February 25, 1924, CITY EDITION, Page 7, Image 7
*Be Independent-Own a Good Business. Read Classification 33 Today Cattle Feeding Shows Increase Platte and Loup Valley Farm ers Feeding More Despite Slump Prediction. Columbus, Neb., Feb. 24.—Farmers of the Platte and Loup river valleys ere said to bo feeding anywhere from five to eight per cent more cattle this winter than they did last winter, although the opening of the winter season, coupled with the low corn prices and the musty com yields, made it apparent there would be a decided slump in feeding. Many of the western cattle fed nlong the Loup valley are purchased direct front trie ranges through mar kets in Denver. As a result the move ment from the range has been more direct than ever before. Cattle from this section, it is pre dicted, will be marketed earlier this year. It is predicted that the month of April will see a larger percentage of oattle on the feed lots of central Nebraska on their way to market. Among farmers handling cattle on Ir largo scale there is a constant in >• In arriving shipments of dairy lng cattle from Wisconsin dairy rs. Many farmers who have never taken any great interest in (dairy cattle are making efforts to ob tain pure bred males and heifers. Holstein, Brown Swiss, Jersey and Guernsey cattle are being purchased for breeding purposes and In two or three cases, 8 and 10 head of cows have been ahlpped In from Wisconsin. During the month of January only (t comparatively email number of catUe were placed on the market from this section, due In moat cases to late buying. Father Matt Pay $1,500 Toward Support of Child Columbus, Neh-. Feb. 24.—Alfred Otto, Boone county farmer, who a Jury at the recent session of the Platte county district court decide* was the father of a child born to Louisa Froelich of Humphrey more ' than a year ago, must contribute \ $1,500 toward the support of the1 child. Payment of the sum, however, ! Is to be spread over a period of 13 years without Interest on the deferi led installments. Buffalo Worth $2,500. Columbus, Neb.. Feb. 24.—A buf falo is now valued at $2,500. Ther* was a time, back In the days when their hones could be seen bleaching everywhere on the prairies, when a person would almost have been paid to take a buffalo away. Times have changed. Two young buffaloes, crat ed and shipped by express from Chl to a Los Angeles firm, passed igh Columbus on an express car, ither day. They were valued, ac cording to observers who saw the tag, at $2,500. How Many Chickens Are There Here? Marguerite «ie la Motte in a scene from "When a Man's a Man." Nebraska Seen as Potential Egg Producer for Eastern Markets With Perfection of Co-Operative Organization, Farmers of State Should Realize Close to $24,000,000 An nually in Profits. Lincoln, Feb. 24.—Running around Nebraska's farms and back yards are approximately 12,000,000 chickens— the figure allows . a reasonable In crease over the latest available chicken census—of all ages, size, and description. More chickens than In all the New England states and New Jersey combined, more than in New Tork state, more, even, than in Cali fornia, which ships eggs to New York city. And these chickens increased the wealth of Nebraska by more than $25,000,000 in 1923! However, despite the great number bf chickens in the elate and the large sum of money that they bring their owners, Nebraska Is not reaping as great a reward as Pacific coast states. Last year more than 2,000 carloads of ' Around Nebraska’s State House . ___j By R. H. PETERS. Staff Correspondent The Omaha Bee. Lincoln, Feb. 24.—Speculation re garding Nebraska’s future political Alignment is In constant circulation here, and tho following, from a poli tician, who has managed presidential campaigns is known as a shrewd ob server, is as interesting as any: “Charles W. Bryan won’t be the next governor In this state," he de clares. “It Isn't on the cards. I figure that he will be nominated vice president by the democratic national convention. They need hint to get his brother's influence. That will re move the democratic candidate for governor, and It will he up to the state committee to nominate a candi date. “That's where John N. Norton comes in. What do you think he is around here all the time for if not for that. He'll be nominated and he'll be elected." Jjpfcs than two weeks remain for candidates to file their nomina tions. The final day is March 8 and since it is a Saturday, Secretary of l^tate Pool will probably rule that the closes at noon. Unless Charles Graff files his nom ination for governor—and he has de clared his Intention of so doing— and a candidate is put up to oppose Trenmor Cone, the real fight at the primaries will be In the republican party. A list of candidate's, which follows, shows three contestants for the nomination for senator, four for gov ernor, and two for president. Another hotly contested election will be for district judge in Omaha, there being 17 candidates for the nine offices. The filings, including February 23, follow; • VILI’t Jlf JCAN PARTY. President. Hiram Johnaon, Calvin Coolldga, (x) (y). He it Ale. Fred G. Johnaon. HAstings; Charlaa If. Sloan. Geneva; George W. Norria <y), McCook. R II Thorpe. Lincoln Firm ; W. A, Sojjerk, Lincoln. First; W. fl. Seara <y). Omaha. Second; O L. Blemer*. Omaha, Second, K C. Houston. Tekamnh. Third; M o. McLaughlin (y), York. Fourth; Lloyd Crocker, Beatrice, Fourth: Oawln Kelfer. Bnstwlrk, Flflh; W V. Andrew*. Heating* Fifth; Robert O. Simmon* fy), ScottablOff. Sixth Governor. A y Mathsrs. (bring- Adam Mc Mullen. Beatrice; O. H. Guatafaon, Lln coln; G. W, Sterling. Omaha. I.leutena nt-Governor. T M McFarland. Omaha; Grant S Mearg, Wayne; G \ Wljllama, Fairmont; Thome* K. Conley, Omaha. Secretory of Mtote. T W Mayer, Lincoln; Harry R. Knapp. Bioken Bow. Treaaurer. Charlea D. Roblnenn (y). Red Cloud Auditor. George W Marsh <y). Lincoln I .and ('omnilaalonor. Dan Swanaon, Fremont. Hallway Commlaaloner. fr G Taylor (y). Central City; M. F. Rickard. Guide Rock; John IT. Miller, ftn'veraity Flare; M. F. Harrlaon, Omaha; n#|r trn Colton. York (lyr Attorney General. O s Spillman tv). Pier* e State Semite. fOmih* and Lincoln Not Included ) George Wilkin* fy). Kmeraon. Ninth; V C McGowan fy), Norfolk, Klaventh; Henry nehjran* <v). Twelfth, r t'oniRil Johnaon Mead, Thirteenth; t. If I Mughlm. Beatrice, Sixteenth; C. Tf. Mae* ham ty). Borr hotel, Ftghteenth; Prrry It< ad (y), ll*nderaon Ntnetaanth, V Ttltan fW AtHlon Twenty. fleet W. W. Col#. Nelifh. Twenty-first; Ross Amspoker, Sprlngvlew. Twenty-Second; G. C. Humphrey. Grand Island. Twenty fourth; -R. R. Vance. Hastings. Twenty sixth: H. E. Goodrich. Nelson, Twenty seventh; P. W. Scott, McCook. Twenty ninth; C. E. Allen (y), Coxad. Thirtieth; J. R. Kroh (y), Ogaliala. Thirty-first; E. C. Cole, Cody, Thirty-second; D. P. Griswold. Gordon, Thirty-second; A. B. Wood, Gerlng, Thirty-third. National Committeeman. Charles A. McCloud (y), York; Mrs. E. B. Penny <x). Fullerton. Delegate National Convent Ion. Gould Fdets. Omaha. DEMOCRATIC PARTY Senate. Trenmor, Cone, Valley. Representative. John H Morehead (x-y), Falls City, First; Edgar Howard (y), Columbus, Third; C.- P. Fall. Beatrice, Fourth, H. B. Cummins. Seward. Fourth; Herman Diera. Gresham. Fourth; A. C. Shall^n berger (y). Alma. Fifth; H. P. Conklin, North Platte. Sixth; T. C. Osborne, Bay ard. Sixth. Governor. Charles W. Bryan (y), Lincoln. I Jeutenant-Governor. P J. Mullin, Albion. Secretary of fttate. Charles W. Poo! (y). Lincoln; W. H. McGaffln, jr . David City. Treasurer. L. P. Langhorst. Elmwood. l^aml Commissioner. Warren Riggs. Arcadia. Rullway Commissioner. Irl D. Toten, Ord; Floyd L. Bollen. Lincoln. Attorney-General. If. B. Flehartv Omaha. State Senate. (Omaha and Lincoln not included ) John W'iltae (y). Falls City, First, W B. Banning <y), Union. Second; John Guinb (y), Fremont, Eighth; John Relfen rath (y). Crofton), Tenth; John Crofton, Dorchester. Eighteenth; C. J. Thlelen (y), Humphrey. Twentieth; E. K. Purcell (y), Broken Bow, Twenty-third; Horen M. Fries (y). Dannebrog. Twenty-fourth: C. 1 . neushausen, Loup City, Twenty-fifth; C. S. Rsdciiffe. Sidney, Thirty first. F. M Broome. Antioch. Thirty second. National Committeeman. Arthur V. Mullen. Omaha; Dr. Jennlo Callfas, Omaha Delegates Nut tonal (invention. J. J. Thomas. Reward, at large; G. M. Hitchcock, Omaha, at large; T. S. Allen. Lincoln, at large; C. A. Lord, Lincoln, First; W. K. Kenton. Lincoln, First; M. L. Endres, Omaha, Second; J. T. Votova, Omah8, Second. O. F. Walton, Columbus, Third; V. E. Htahl, Reward. Fourth; I*. O. Grosvenor, Aurora, Fourth; George Land gren. Hhlckley, Fourth; <1. E. Hall, Frank lin. Fifth; W. M. Homervllle. McCook, Fifth; A. C Hchallenberger, Alma, Fifth; I O'Malley, Greeley, Sixth. PVUHiRKHHIVK PARTY. President. Henry Ford (not yet withdrawn.) # Representative. Fred Penko (*). Sterling, Flret; Rev. J. L. Beebe ta). Omaha. Second; Dr. J. N. Hall (a), Nellgh, Third; Edgar Howard. Columbus. Third; I#. O. BrhmTdt (a). VV» hoo. Fourth; J. M. Paul (a), Harvard, Fifth; A. r*. Schallenborger. Alma, Fifth. I.. A. Larson (at. Wellfleet, Ruth. Governor. Edward Sughru* (a), Jndlanola; Charles W. Bryan, Lincoln. Secretary of State. Tt. 8. Scofield, Center, Charles W. Tool, Lincoln. Treasurer. F. G. Btolley (a). Grand laland. Auditor. G. T. Hodge (a). Genoa land Commissioner. Mrs. Mery Axtell <»), North Platte. Railway CoimnlaHloner. Perry Green (a), Tllden; Floyd E. Bol lan, Lincoln. .NONPOIJTIf'AL TICKET. Supreme t oirrt. William H Hose. Lincoln. Third. W. L Howling Madison. Third; W. M Cam. Fremont. Third; I. L. Albert. Columbus Third. It E Evans. Dakota City. Third; W. H. 'lhompaon, Grand Inland. Fifth. J .1. McPheeley, Mlnden. Fifth; <> E. Shelbum. Alum Fifth; E. J. Lamb*. Beaver City. Fifth 1 nl versify Regents. Fail Cline Lincoln. First; Alice T Heweese. Lincoln. First. John R. We' star, Omaha, Second Oil. aim In strict Judge. W. A. Itedick (>>. A. r Wakeley <y). A. (' Troup (y). W. G. Hast Inga (y), J. M Fltxgei a Id <y). E. C. Pag-, G W. Sim*Ida. It. .1 Coed. L B Day <y>. • har|..a Leslie (y), (' A Goes (y). C O Stauffer »>■). VI ' *. Cunningham, C. C. Sheppard. V t\ 'I hoinaon. W. W. ftlabsugli, John G K uhn. l\) Announced but tint filed t v t Candidate foi re election (a) Selected by Grand laland confer ence not vet filed eggs came east across the state, destined for sale in the large eastern cities. Many of the chickens that produced those eggs were fed with grain grown In Nebraska. California poultry raisers, in other words, paid high freight rates for feed 1,600 miles away; crated their eggs and shipped them 3,000 miles to market, and made a substantial profit. Yet. California has less chickens than Nebraska and a population three times as large. Answer Is in Breeds. The answer to this apparent paradox lies In proper selection of stock, grading and sorting, and in telligent marketing. Proper selection and care of his fowls has been dinned Into the farmer until he shies on the large quantities of gratuitous infor mation on tlie merits of White Leg horns, White Wyandotte*. Plymouth Rocks, and the several others that have their champions., ‘ What he wants Is a decent system of distribution snd with it the «om ponents of a decent system, selection, grading, sorting, and Intelligent mar keting. Anyone who doubts this has not followed the preliminaiy meet ings that have been held with the purpose of forming a co-operative poultry marketing n«socla*ion. No one in out with a "subscription list to create this Interest. There has been no stirring campaign to manu facture a demand for better and more eggs, marketed in a more orderly fashion. It has come from the poul try raisers themselves, and their lead ers, who want a shore of that New York city business enjoyed by Cali fornia. Co-Operation Needed. To the poultry ralgcr the coopera tive association is the solution of his problem and he is going to have It. Already articles of incorporation and by-laws for such an association have been tentatively drawn up and will ibe presented to a meeting of poultry raisers here early In March. The plan, as far as can be learned this time, calls for the selection of a point of distribution and collec tion in half a dozen sections of the state. Lincoln will be one; Omaha another. At first only one such place will be operated, probably Lincoln, since the surrounding territory is a large egg producer, livery effort will ha made to develop It, and, with that as a starting point, gradually expand until the entire state Is included. Proponents of the plan estimate that It will be necessary to contract for the output of from 300,000 to 400,000 hens to replace the co-opera tive on a solid footing. The sales value of the eggs produced hy that number of hens should run very well over the $500,000 mark. At the collection point the eggs re ceived will be sorted and graded and sent through tho proper selling chan nels. Standard Eggs Wanted. However, the work will not stop here. If tho California plan la fol lowed—ami It In probable that It will be—an effort will he made to concen trate on one typo of egg, largo, white. Infertile and absolutely clean. That will mean field work for the officers of the association. It will ho their duty to Investigate poultry raisers whose eggs are not meeting the stand ards of the association, to lend their assistance and knowledge that stand ard eggs may be produced. F. E. Mussehl of the state college of agriculture estimates that high grade hens, properly attended, should return a net annual profit of $2. In other words, Nebraska's 11, otto, 000 chickens should not return $28,000,0(10 gross but should bring $24.1100,000 profit. That, of course. Is an Ideal figure and high of the mark, but the profit that la actually possible Is sufficient to stagger the Itntnaglna tlon. As one expert at the college of eg ilculture puts It, "Let us have our better dairy co"’m ami diversified farming by a! m ains, but ib*n t let's lose sight of tie possibilities of our i lilcliens. Th *y no what will buy the luxuries alter the other rnnimndl j ties hove paid (ho taxes and ton i hosed the nei essllies ' Retailers to Discuss Crime Abatement Lincoln, Feb. 23.—Merchants and law-enforcement officers from all parts of Nebraska will meet at the Lincoln hotel, Thursday, to work out more effective means of combating the burglary menace to retail stores. Responses from merchants, county sheriffs, and police officers, to the invitations sent out. Indicate that it will lie the largest meeting ever held In the interest of suppression of crime, according to V. G. Lyford. president of Nebraska retailers. This meeting will ho held in concctlon with the eighteenth annual con tion of the Federation of Nebraska Retailers, which meets February 26 28 Inclusive. Nebraska is primarily an Agricul tural state and the prosperity of merchants Is intimately tied up with that of the farmer. It is believed by leaders in the federation, that what ever legislation Is of value to the far mer is likewise of value to the mer chant. For this reason farmers have been invited to take part In the de liberation on legislation. Harry L. Keefe of Walthill, president of the Ne braska Farm Bureau federation, will discuss the topic from the viewpoint of the farmer. A. W. Gordon of Omaha and S. A. Sanderson of Lin coln. will present the views of retail merchants and business men gener ally. The entertainment for visiting ladles will have a prominent place on the program. Ladles will attend both, the Paper and String Club banquet on Wednesday evening and the Lin coln Jobbers banquet on Thursday evening. Mrs. Charles W. Bryan will be at home to the ladies of the con vention at the governor’s mansion on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Charles H. Freadrlch and Mr*. C. W. Watson will assist Mrs. Bryan In making ar rangements for this reception. Mrs. Ben Heitkotter is In charge of the Committee on Automobiles, which will provide transportation for con vention ladles while they are in the city. The University of Nebraska will give a reception to the conven tion ladies, In the University Library building on Thursday afternoon, when they will be privileged to visit the annual exhibit of the Nebraska Art association. ___.__- ■ --— i Columbus Progressives to Organize Johnson Club Columbus, Neb., Feb. 24.—The or» ganlzatlon of a Hlrman Johnson for President club among local repub licans will be attempted within the next few days, according to several members of the progressive wing c4 local republicans, who are not enter ing Into the Coolidge for President club which waa launched this week. Race Association Planned. Holdrege, Neb., Feb. 24.—Those In. tereated in automobile racing In southwest Nebraska held a meeting here to take preliminary steps to ward forming a racing association la the several cities that now have races every year. There were delegates from Franklin, l>xlngton and Hol drege. Columbus—During the last week three express carloads of unas sembled radio sets from eastern manufacturers have passed through Columbus to Pacific northwest cities. One went to Seattle, another was des tined for the state of Idaho and the third was billed to Ogden. Carload lot shipments -of radio outfits are said to be becoming a frequent oc curence. _ANNOUNCEMENTS. Funeral Notices. A GALVIN—Patrick J, age 33. H. la mr ™v*<1 hr ,0Ur daughter#, Mra. W«lt»r W Wall. Mra. T. F. Quinlan. Mra. Jamea J. Spellman. Mra C. Fred Bradford; two “ona. Jeremiah and John, hoth of Cali fornia Funeral Tueaday morning from reaidenre '•■“Shier, Mra Walter TV Wall. 113 a Both afreet, 3:30, to St. Margaret Mary rhurrh at 9. Interment Holy Sepulcher cemetery. Gentleman Mortuary In charge. McCAFFKRY—Frank, age 40 yoTra. died at IocrI hoapltal. He wm r rcaldent of Omaha Sfi year* Ho 1* aurvtved hy hiM mother. Mra Rllraboth Armatrorg, and Yr" ••“«' McCaffery Thomaa. of S31 r South 22nd St , both of Omaha and Mra. Walter TVhlle of Dudley, la Funeral a-rvlcea to he held from Lar kin Broa rim pel to Ht. Bridget rhurch at I a. m Monday morning. Interment Ht. Mary a cemetery. ROSS—Georg a A., ago *3 year*. died Feb ruary 23. Funeral aervfrea will be hatd Monday f*t 2 p. m from the Hurket* chapal r,4n& Fnrnwm wtrr.f fntarmant Oakalooaa, la _Vaults and Monuments. B ‘Automatic Sealing" concrete burial vault# recommendad by all leading undertake**. Mfg hv Omaha Concrete Burial Vault Co _Funeral Directors, C HEAFET A HEAFET. Uundertaker* and Fmbalmere Phon. HA ntiiB Office 1«!I Fatnam (ESTABLISHED SINCE 1133) _ KORISKO FUNERAf. HOME. •J* O Ste. t iso s. 13th H MA. 0610, AT. 1873 _ , iioefiiann ambulance Dodge et 26th. runerel Director#. JA. 1001 H. II KRAMER FUNERAL HOME 6319 6nitlsry Ave. WA. 6314. N. P. HW ANSON. 1ITH AND CUMING Quiet. Dignified Supervlelon. CROSBT MOORE 34lh end Wirt. WE. 0047 RRAILKT A DORRANCK. 1313 CUMING ST. JA. 0624 TAGGART A SON 3213 Cuming St. JA 0714 UULSK A HIEPEN, Funerel director# 2274 Cuming JA. 1336 JOHN A. GENTLEMAN. 3411 Ferttetn Ht C. C. HAINES FUNERAL HOME. ■ 330 N. 24th St. KE. 0363. PTJKFT A JOHNSTON. Ill N 33d. new funerel home. HA. 0417 Cemeteries. D WI.MT I.AW N’ M IIMOKIAI. I’AHK Omalia'a Cemetery Hea.ii'If ul. V.**y, tie ferirrl pa wrier re up family Ini*. f«.r Im tiiotllale t»r future uer I'nn vrolmtly In rated. Perpetual rare Compleie * «»uri «t*ua attention t.Nlh and Centei May "« ehowr you’ fall l\ A OMift or AT. 1»7!* Our r lowed a 'll © will rail for you F<'It KBT LA WN~ *10 arrea. Perpetual rare, Offlne at the rametery. Nurth 40th Nt amt Korea! l.awn Ave . and 710 llrandele Theater Bid* -— Florists. K l.'i'IKItM I'lot let 14th Karnam. JA 4 JOHN MATH IAO 4 Karnam^ J* tV<»<\ Person*]*. J HAM i 1. i M.1 imi'M ill. N IJTH SI , ANNOUN CEMENTS Personals. 3 THE SADVATION Army industrial horns solicits your old clothing, furniture, maga Rlnts. We collect. We distribute Phone .1A. 4135 and our Wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. U10-1112-1114 Dodge Street. Prostatic troubles treated wifhout surgery or drugs. Dr. C. R. Hunt. f»32 W.-H. Bldg Theatrical historical maewue costumes for Plays and parties at I.leb^o’s. Omaha. Lost and Found. 4 BROOCH. Garnet Host on Dodge or Douglas, betw> r>n 28th and Dodge and the Rialto theater. Suitable reward. Call HA. 4844. l.OST'-A brown vanity box. containing money and valuable*, on South Main Si. car. Owner can identify. Red 3268. Coun * 11 Bluffs. HAH PIN DOST—Diamond platinum, at Rrandcjs theater, or between the theater and 16th and Fnrnam. Reward. WA 0091. GOLD wrDt watch lo«t between 42d and Denvenworth. and 46th and Marry, Sun dry. Return to 4540 Marcy or call WA. 1950. Reward. _AUTOMOBILES.^ Automobiles for Sale. 5 FORD GOITRE—1320—Good condition, starter, demnutahlc rims, scat cover*, vacuum ta^k $195 Call JA. 1616 be tween 8 and 12 a. m. MUST SELL AT ONCE 1P21 FORD coupe. A-l condition, large lock wheel, foot feed, seat covers, etc. IIA. 4986. HUP touring, extra good condition, good tires, good top. good paint, $350. Call JA. 1515 between 8 and 12 a. ni FORD ROADSTER 1920 MODEL. EX CELLENT CONDITION. MANY EX TRAS; YF.RV R E A SUN A OLE. MA. 176*. FTUDEBAKER Speedster, practically n«w; six tires and w-heela; real bargain. 2650 Farnam. HA. 0676. DEPENDABLE USED CARS ANDREW MURPHY & SONS 1410 JA« KSON ST, AT. 4411 MUST sell at once 1921 Dodge roadster in good condition. 6 good tires and numerous other extras HA. 4985. CHANDLER touring, good running con dition $150. Ralph Jones. 2421 Farnam 8t. HUDSON touring. late model and In e» cellent condition. Guaranteed. See today. Guv L. Smith. NASH-VRTESEMA AUTO CO. USED CAR STORE. 204 5 Farnam.AT.4S80 LATE model Gardner, driven 8.000 miles. 8560 cash. Phone JA. 6423. FORDS—DODGES—BUICKB S701 S. 24th. Tel. MA. 5080 1921 PAIGE touring 5-passenger: good roudltlon. very reasonable. J A. 6131. FORD roadster. 835. 1411 North 17th. Trucks for Sale. 5/1 ONE to three-ton ua.d trues*, terms ran be arrang'd. International Harvester Ca. of America 714-18 8 10th at, Auto Accessories Parts. 9 INSTANT ELECTROLYTE. Guaranteed to rechars* env battery In serviceable condition. Will not freeze in the coldest weather and it will not sul phate Plate. For sale In filling stations and garage*, or phone WE. 18*5. T'SKD parts for all make* of cars. 6* to 75 per cent off list price*, two wreck ng plant* 101« Harney. HA. 4911. and Oumlnt AT 1870 Service Station—Repairing. 10 INDUSTRIAL AUTO MACHINISTS. Rayfleld earbureton and Etsemann mag neto service. AT 2558. P. MELCHQ1R8 A SON_41T81ITH. _BUSINESS SERVICE. 7 Business Services Offered. 13 MOVINCt hauling, city or country Ashes. rubbish. -inder* for drj\ew«iya. WE. 630*. JAMES ALLAN'S Detectives. Expert secret service. 311-312 Neville B'ock. AT. 1U€ RELIABLE Detective Bureau. Sunderland Dldg JA 2064; wight, KH 1811. HAWS filed, keys made, 14^4 V» Douglaa Building Contractors. 14 LOW PRICES on toilet combinations, lavatories, sinks, bath tuba, range boilers New goods. MORRISON LUMBER A COAL CO. "2d snd Paul Sts._ WE. f.o«l SCREENED porches, old screens rewind, broken windows replaced. Qlasing. Hm • man KB 2701. _ _Millinery—Drtgamainng. 17 ACCORDION, side, knife, box pleating, covered buttons; al! styles; hemstitching buttonhole*. Writs Ideal Button A Pleat ing Co., 30* Bfown block. Omaha. Neb.. Telephone JA. ltl*. NEB PLEATING CO. Hemstitching. Covered Buttons. 1104 Farnam Second floor JA. **?0 DRESSMAKING and sewing. $2 50 a day. Mr*. J M Broad 2M0 Farnam AT 7 RPC Moving—Trucking—Storage. 18 FIDELITY STORAGE A VAN CO. MOVING PACKING STORAGE SHIPPING Household goods, offlcs furniture, autos. 1107-11 HOWARD SIJA 92** GLOBE VAN AND STORAGE PACKING. MOV1N1* SHIPPING STORING Katlmstee furnished AT. 0330 or JA 43"» BEKINS OMAHA VAN At STORAGE Ilth and Leavenworth 8r*. Packing, mov ing- storage whipping J A 41 *1 GORDON’S FIREPROOF WH8B. A VAN Sit North Ilth 8t. Phone JA. 2933; rnov tng packing storage, shit-ping Painting and Papering. 19 A NO. 1 paperhanging Wall paper whole •a’a price Fred Parks. 47bg 8. 24th St. MA 0104 AT 740 1___ PAPER hanging and painting. work guaranteed. Cal! WE 163S. Patent Attorneys. 20 J W. MAKTIN. 17)1 Dod«», Boom :0*. Omaha, alao Washington double service. •Inal* fee Also help sell patents Printing Stationery. 21 COMMKBC1AI. PRINTIN'!) Eddy Printing Co, 11; so.11h nth Hi ftiono M S06« Professional Service. 22 Massage Km. Douglas Plk AT. I&I4. Repairing. 23 P8KD and new sewing machines Saw ing machines and victrolas repaired Kent machine* tl per week. IS per iuo. MI* Kl l, IfUSTC HOUSE If'th and Ha-nevaT 4141. Renovating and Dyeing. 24 • )||AHA PILLOW CO —Fast h era rena vatad and mads up In new feat her-prsnf ticking. HOT ('tuning. JA. 3447. __EMFLOYKIENT^ Help Wantsd Female 27 i:\pf:rikn<kd nry.n ktqKx AND LLARNKHP To tor r\n power tuachinea mik* In* Mina Taylor wash el real*a anil apron* Apply factory office M y MMITII AN I» CO Tenth and |>ot>*|aa < i ihi N#n l.\J*ll S l.rmn beaut v c ulture Make 'xr,r Hf»* n -'ik c i better pax in* and •om« plraaant buy or evening Haaaee ' Mir calabnc explain* Call nr write for !! \|"|. I • . . , 1 Mil * XX XX oinc’ti t • punt lamp ahac1»e for ua at liopi. | .c c pleaaant work XX kola ..r nati tlm** Add>*aa Nlleart Corn petty. 3406 Kt Wayne. Indiana KXl'KRIKNCKb te conk wanted « all Mi* N IV Updlk* . H14 Jackaon M IIA •. it :i 4 HWKIM8II lady c.» live with Hid care for old couple Sfltit Capitol lirlp Wanted M.ilr .’8 • " i nf tii x i • pt fovernm ni j sitlnn*. • ' i « 62M ttin'ciin* t,r etatlonarx wipe Mr Oinient. 106 |4t Louie. Mo namccdl a t e I \ I'll M 1 fKKxfl ... ... . i ■■ in l_'tl cw bob position ?) ItaMwax, T . " timalia It- »• blililX ILlty In * wanted JtiSP Mp iinan A v* Independence for You You have no doubt had many day dreams about your financial future and of course some day expect to be fairly “well fixed.” But dream ing and expecting will never win the prize, you must follow in the footsteps of other successful men; you must act. Sign YOUR declara tion of independence, buy a busi ness of your own. Read Business Opportunities . Today _EMPLOYMENT._ Help Wanted Male. 28 MKN—Learn barber trade This short course day or evening, opens tbs way for your own business «>r position at top wages. Our system known everywhere. f*all nr wrhte. .NPoler Harber College, 109 3 Iftth St. Help Wanted Male & Female. 29 MAKE MONK A' AT HOME—Experience unneceBsa ry. We teach you how and supply work. No matter where you live. Write Detroit Show Card 8tudiof, 610 Idnan Building. Detroit, Mich. AGENTS for Darn E-Z. only waahable mid atch for stockings. Sella at sight Whepton Laboratories, La Crosse, Wls. Situation* Wanted Male. 32 TREE trimming expert. WA. 1612. ~ FINANCIAL. Business Opportunities 33 • FOR SALE Gen. mdse, store. invoice. $11.00". Post office In connection: 2 large refinerie*. Outskirts of Cssoer Good business. Box 66. Owner’s. Evansville. Wyo. THE DORT SIX AOKNcTir.sk7a a prof itable business for energetic business men. See Ralph W. Jones, distributor for Ne braska and Western Iowa. 2421 Earns no DRUG STORE for sale; did $17,000 past year one best towns In state: moderate investment. Naylor’s Pharmacy, Kirwlrr. Kan. GROCERY STORES—Sales one $5,000. an $10,000 p#T month Unusual oppor tunity Chas. J. Eddy. Box 1248, Casper. Wyoming, the growing town. ANY business, snywnere. sold for cash No publicity Federal System. 305 Pax ton Bldg AT 0462 DAIRY form, about 40 seres, new build ings. 20 acres alfalfa. Henry G. Meyer. 312 Arthur Hldg. GROCERY STORE FOR SALE. 5-RMS. ABOVE. WILL SELL REASONABLE, #A 5131. REST A ERA NT fixtures for sale. Call at 311 s^i'ii :nih Investment—Stocks—Bonds. 34 FOR SALE—150 share* in a Nebraska state bank—one of the largest and b*st in *ta t c $216 per share. Address Y 2513. Omnha Bee. LOW RATE »*n city property. quickly Hosed: no monthly Payments. JA. 1633 W. T. Grahsm M A. ANDERSON CO„ JA 6107. Real estate Sure'v bond* and kindred Ina Real Estate Loans. 34A AND « PER CENT MONET. Loan* on Omaha Improved property st lowaat rate* FRANK h binder. »» city National.JA. IH1 FARM LOANS. Large or email West Neb farms, ranches Kloke Investment Co. 44.’ On Nat Bk 'CITY real estate mortgages and con tract# bought. Mr. Larson 104 North Fifteenth street •«M AH A MOMK:—EAST N F H FARMS O’KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1015 Qm Nat Bk Bldg JA 37U SIX per cent loans on Omaha residence* Caah on h*nd Prompt service E. II Lougee. Inc. 53* Keelln# Bldg SECOND mortgages or eortracta pur chased by Tukev Company 920 Flrat Na f.onsl Bank JA. 4223. 1 WILL buy mortgagee and contracts Cork in. >44 Om Nwt Ride Omaha, Neb 5 ANT* 4 PERCENT—NO DELAY PARTIN’ BROS 4 4 4 Omaha Nat. Bldg Money to Loan. 35 THIS COMPANY IS ORGANIZED To supply vo*»r money wants In the asm* wav that hanks supply the money wants of the business community. Any amount loan*.*! up to 1500 and you can repay It In eaay monthly payments Our equal payment plan repays the loan and all charge* We have been la business In Omaha over 20 years a. d can assure you of a quick, confidential and square deal OMAHA LOAN COMPANY 504 Karhach Block Tet JA. 3395 Southeast Corner ^itb and Douglas Sta DIAMOND loans at lowaat rates, business strictly confidential. The Diamond I-oan Co. 15 14 Dodge St Establish#'* 14*4 ^ EDl^TIONAL^ ^ Local Instruction Classes. 38 PAT SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL BOYLES SCHOOL Complete e^ureet fn ail commercial branch.'* bookkeeping. coinptemetry. ahnrthand typewriting, telegraphy, aecre tarlal. banking a* leemanshlp. civil eerv Ice. Engllnh You m»v work for board while attending. Illustrated catalog free. BOYLES COLLEGE. llth and Harney St* . Omaha. Nth. ja. im. DWORAK BUSINESS COLLEGE Stenography and Bookkeeping \\>ad BMg . IMh and Earnam AT. fill. LIGHT to 13 wceki prepare you for a fine office roe! 11 on. « all AT, 7T14 ar write Ann Mean college. Itl2 V'arnam. TBI CITY BARBER COLLEGE 1 403 Podge St UOk Pouglaa St _Ceil nr write for information - B .i | IL«iR*ins Amdrinlr*. 39.% KKII'S HOTEL ROME. Claaae* Mon. W*«l and l?i Pant ing Tuaa . Thur* and Sat I’ri'.ii' bm\ time 1\ 4470. _LIVESTOCK ~ Horses, Cattle, Vehicle*. 43 IIAHNKHS ANIi ^ V I' I • I iTS M e f ii.. them op twelves md Mil tfegm 'ijlrkct to the .-tun*, ner. high giad« har i Iie»a at i*t ml W rift f.1- ft. O catalog U.FIIUO CORNISH. II" I a i n a ' "ill »ha N.-t* MERCHANDISE Busmens Equipment. 47 Wi; HUY. a*H »af«»a maki 4«fka. show <*•>♦>, •ti\ dmibk A Siu'fty »'o A >\ rnr tll». Hu! tHtUglfta SK 17f« Fuel nn<) Feeo. 50 KINI'liINU I «|ali\ai*d auduaf ahaxlng* Phona JA I74A KIN1M.INU WOO|i * . > ■ Ii.-ai* " ■* 4%*t. Household Goods S3 I I MK r«M|» <h*«|- " A JM1 j ^MERCHANDISE. Household Goods. 53 KUHN IT UR K—The kind that you would like to pusses* ib well as staple articles Price* within reason. Stephenson Auction House. 1505 Capitol. Goods sold at auction and private ea> _ FU K.N ATURE AT a UCTION Thla Afternoon and Tomorrow Night. DOWDS AUCTION HOUSE Swap Column. 53A FOUR lota, a ach 42 ft. wtda. 3 Inatd* worth 1525. Corner 1660, will exchange | a 11 for first r»ym*nt on well located large 5 room bungalow. B-247, Omaha B*e___ HAVE four-room hou*e and acre In West Benson, good tenant at 120 per month, value IS. 600, $1,100 building and loan mortgage, will swap for vacant acre* la West Benson. C-312, Omaha Bee. 200 A of land, clear. 7 ml. from Co. seat.; adjoining fore*t reserve. Will trade for 1 or 2 used cars and some caeh, or what have you? O. M. Holme*, WIIboo hotel,, Dunning. Neb. _ _ REO speed wagon, ju*t overhauled, new cords, for rooming house, sedan, resi dence. business or what have you? F-045, Omaha Bee. CANADIAN pa'ent on luggage carrier for autos. Money maker. Mfr cheap. Trade for housr-. lot, acreage What have you? C-3f>». Omaha Bee 80-ACRE farm land, tnree milea from Glenwood. Ark. 35 miles southwest of H ot Springs for city property. B-249, Omaha Bee _ TRANSFERRED to Chicago, must *ell 5 room • ottsff, West Leavenworth. $2,900. tioo down, balance $30 per month. Take FV-rd as part payment down. WA. 7747. Fin* suburban lot with water, sewer and l.ghts to swap for car. house, interior decorating or what have you. B-248, Omaha Bee 32*> ACRES clear, unimproved, half in wheat $10,000 for good business. auto mobile* or real estate. F-C44. Omaha Das FORD touring car without top. Good car for plumber, painter or carpenter, tu swap tor what have you? E-534. Omaha Bee ELECTRIC Butterk!.«t popcorn machine to trade for Ford, diamond or what have you? C-S1»*. Omaha Bee PECAN and orange land, at Biloxi. Ml**, on hard rood Want automobile. E 5>0p. Omaha Bee FOURTEEN room rooming houee, heat and hot furnished Trade for larg ■ - ' -i Bee DIAMOND RING end some cash to swap for late Ford sedan Good condition. D-4&n. Omaha Bo LARGI? bottom f*-m. partly stocked, for city property or income. E-50T, Omaha Bee 1923 BUICK se^an. new. to trade for in ' omc pronerty or what have you. F-C31. Omaha B-e. « ROOM rooming house heat and hot wa*er furnished to trade for larger pises, c- 309. « -nlaha FLOOR lamp. *o trade for dre**«r or ♦s-h^t have you ? K 37t Omaha Ree. KQtTJTY of 6-room modern bungalow, for first-class rooming house JA 0451. OLD TRi'STY incubator and hro«*der for 1 do7 rhiiken* D-493. Omaha Bee LATE mode! 7'ry* sedan and rash f<*r pere of ground. B-259. Omaha Bee. r RM. good house, trade for auto or what have you** R !4t Omaha Be» cash register for repair work on auto. F-M'- Omaha Bee Machinery and Tools. 55 f^eRron Electrical Works 316-30 So. Utb NEW and secord hand motors dvnamos Seeds. Plants and Flowers. 56 GLADIOLI bulb#, beautiful mixed, flower ing sire#. 60 hulb*. 7Sc 100 bulb#. Si 25. postpaid. Nebraska Bulb Co. Columbus. Neb,____ Radio RotUnment. S5 THREE tube three circuit complete. 175. Write for appointment. F-542. Omaha Bee. GUARANTEED radio set# *3«6 and up R M SHLAFS 71* North 14th 8t. Wearing Apparel. 60 JOHN FELDMAN moved to 7«3 Karba. h block. 15th and Doug!*# Full dress and tuxedo amta for rent. JA. >125._ Wanted tb Buy. 61 DESKS. DESKS. DESKS New desks, used desks, bought, sold sod traded J C. Reed. 1207 Faroara St AT 4145 - . rooms for rent. Rooms With Board. 62 LARGE pleasant room with board for iwi' llansoom Park district. HA. 1140 TWENTY-FIRST ST 0 14 N —Good board an«l room writ bln walking d 1st a new. 1IA. 5175 Room an«! board in prDate hrroc. Ladies preferred, HA 7530—Pleasant rm. with board for t. Rooms Without Board. 63 LIVING room and sleeping room, beauti fully furnish* d extension telephone. All possible conveniences. HA. 55* i SIXTEENTH ST. 411. N —Glean comfort able rooms hr day or week atrsm heat, walking distance Prices right AT ISO*. COMFORTABLE room in private fam iv, private entrance, reasonable. home proxi i*'gee HA 455' _ 111 SOUTH “1ST— Newly flecoiated sleep ng looms, nicely furnished. n prtvata home. \rrv reason* hie J1A 4*44. MEAl TIFF! LY furnished front room in ■ IsgdraMn location reasonable HA. 5070 .'*!'* 1 hMXJ \'#wi> and art talk ally fur n I shed rooit # 14 HA 7744 NICE clean rcom In mod brtek bouse HA 3 135 Rcomt for Hounc terplng. 64 TWO evrllmt bouMb**pinf rooms tn modern homo, everything tcrnlahed. JA «f to N TH 5T-. Ml—Twn toon)*, modern h i> docorateii avaryUtms fui nt»h*«l .l A • Ml »'«*rri-KTON ? ioom«, Kit hvntUfj with a nfc on bathroom floor On. light* j i'd we tar f trn »tied 11 A ■M s .« I II ST I vc '•»•'!« aid e*ar* f bin* furnished K***»onas>* AT " N 4? I' MMItl.l s rooms and Kill hf n Mmltrn \N .* StM N 1 " I ' «1e orated housekeeping room Jill 1 'outlaw si IV o hnu**kcep ,g romr« *mm, clean and 1 mo,Orn ?r>73 8| M*m .hr I * .h'NKh - P"tr*ni ant rvrrythltg far »>t»hml <>> o*rtic* einpl<-\ed I* Whete lo Slop In Town 6? NOl'KI. UNplttll - IKK Jnd iuntik Ml'TKI. 1,1 NMH'V Huh «r, I tintn ■ W|«*,*1sl ra-e* in p» if*«n»pt iu*»ts REAL ESTATE—FOR RENT. Apartments—Furnished. 6r KNICKERBOCKER Apt. b room' fror* March to October, $120 ptr mo. call Ha 1261. HUNTER INN H‘»MK for tha travelin* man and wife AT. 6950 __ WKLL furnish**! apartment oo car Una Private bath $60. AT. 4236. »1— _"" Apartments—Unfurnished._70 204. THE AUSTIN »»th and Da-.enport—A aeoond floor apart ment of four well arranged room* »' thin beautiful, well located bulMtng. E*rt •‘Kfoaur* Rental onl> $7.’ <’nll DRAKE . , JA. I’BOo. lilh and Howard Sir. APARTMENTS and flata for \V J PALMBR CO. . Vi,***® Real Rotate Management .StrerlailBla. FOR ONE OF . DRAKE'S IOOO APARTMENTS -Call Jaekaon 2kOS_ «5i, ST 2 <37 S —Mod. three and tour rni. api*. ateam brat, priv- hath; ala" i heerfui two-rm. furn cottage. PETERS TRUST COMPANY ■WHERE OMAHA ... I AT. OMI 17th and Karnam Sta. STEAM HEAT. 4 room apt $40. cloae In. O. P Stebblns. 1410 Chicago St Business Places for Rent. 71 MODEP.N ateam heated atora $70 month. r, p stebtcna 1410 Chicago W ILDING for rent. located at 311 South ;nth. Call for Mr Lewie. _ Houses for Rent._ 72 7-It MOD GARAGE. 432 N. 43d ■■ j); 3 furn HSKPG ROOMS. CLOSE IN. $ • 7-H BE.MIS PARK HOME . fg S R. HEATED APT DUNSAT . . . . *• O.M RENTAL E.\ . TA 3519 HA. 260 2tW CALIFORNIA mode-tv brhk. dupl** TlllJ j>* r month \a«ant M-i- < l* 11 A. i *i r ft ~ St —.s-rm . modern, newly d erora♦ <‘df gwreg*. mar far __ Offices and Desk Room <3 ST'it'K m .. . «i» fe-t. n«-w front North 2 4' li S' Juat out block north of St. Very reasonable rent. J * C. G CARI-Bt.RO . SI- Brandci, Tb-ater B.dg_ ynR RENT In Ktrat Nat l Back building office eulte facing l«th St Al«o d_ «lr abl* office in front of elevator. Phone AT. Ihll __ REAL ESTATE—FOR SALE. Farms and Lands for Sale. /9 river front ranch for sale 1 acres deeded land at I30.MJV Clear »i?|p half rash. ha!, on time. 1 north of railroad town ^ K. Purdurn. 15 miles N VJ- of Bre ster. county seat Blaine Co. 1.1,1 . , front. overflows Land in Wlid i b' H-k. Twelve-room houae. atari* tot ° bd horses. cow barn, corn crib, Sranarie Ptr Small orchard and prove also fruit, tree, and brush, 90 *'"****£**'}£ v*tion 200 a* res more r*n ** ™kn *00 F,rm land 50 acre, in .mail gram, acre pasture fenced and cross-fenced m different : *'■«*- M*1 1 t^Vvar*-’ f.f hav more hay land can clear* * pumps 1 new windmill, natural sprinp 1 w.ur ('r Jtock In winter Good telephone !,«rvfce with r.n.h- School J, mile from I houee Gc*od hunting and fishing. >r 1 »tr\ op No tiad* __ . | A J ROBBINAVLT. Dunning Neb WESTERN New York farm bargain if .old before Apr,! 1. 15S a. re. barn and houae Prce »6.SP0 For information ! »r.-e owner. F-emnnt Herrick. t0« Ea» 'Main St. Batavia. N. Y_ I ~~9 CASH FOR YOVP. I-AND _ i Sale- made In five atatea and «0 cetn ■ o» Nebra-k, Mark Carraher. Centra. | City." Nab . Real date auctioneer,. Houses for Sale. 80 VET US bu'ld a better hrnte for lew money. Beet construction and biater ali Own-n-Horaa Co, SIS Arthur Bldg. JA Clftv __ Houses—North.8^ i'LOSE TO HOLT ANGEVS 5 P.OOBS—»i.»Ce DOWN—PRICE. I. ’ An unueuallv prett-r aouth front!l”"***®* on pav-d street, haa large and dining room in oak. Kitchen French line with built-in features Large hath ana 2 corner bed room* off ten tral hil! Oak floors throughout __ Let us show you. l **1?*^® *-— OSBORNE REALTV • O. 530 Peters Trust I’e t s ELLISON —Five-room huhga’nw. * months Old: owner goes on farm Harru I Must be to d JOHN R kCCARVILLE. Realtor lgni-3 City Hal1 _AT 53.5 3S2» PARKER ST — T-rm. mod. ba'n $U» cash bal. mo Ejtrn let for garden Crelgh. gtig Bee JA 01<>«. WANT cash offer on Ills Sprague Stre-t Siv-room home Just newly decorated. "A P-M days AT 3381 r> E BUCK A CO. buy and aell homei Houses—South. 82 U Li, SWANSON. Real Eatate JA. «»i3 Tesar A Teear epectaltlta In 5 Side home# Houses—West. 83 CATHEDRAL DISTRICT. I Charming apartment; 1 bed, 1 living, bath. kitchenette and Pullman brea fa*t room*; delightful aurroundlng*. Call JA, W Farnam Smith. _ , FIELD club diatr.ct. ju*t completed^ room*, modern, tile hath. Trice •> easy term*. Call evening*. WA. ■<». IjOT 47x150 ft —JOth and Burt street*. II fftft AH improvement* >n OKQfUU: AND COMPANY, AT S3; 4 BEAUTIFUL Montclair. I r. atucca bun galow with extra room on aecorj Double gar . A. ft. Mnakin AT. Jf1** WILL build to your order oa our beauti ful lot* in Edrewood: vary eaar terms Phone AT 1440 ) OWI.ER riVT>8 FOLKS alto buw home* L:*t vc**jr property with ua for reauit* JA_142^BrRT C FOWLER CO . Realtor* For Sale—Florence. 86 NETHAW'AT hi* Imfrciad *.-»**• nor; h of FLORENCE for ciiy proparly. Kr I 40.. Lot* lor Sale. 8S rtORENCS FIELD SF.LLINO F*i.*:ii.n on ground* *»«ry day C IV MARTIN .V CO. AT PUT LOT UnllT. on Ud Avr. facinr Hanacom park, for Ml* a< » bargain prlr# C A OK1MMKL JA 1<1» Real Estate lor Eachange 8<> F.\CH ANDES of *1! kind*. * H Rrowna Co. Securinea RMf AT >5*0 FARMS. <Jibbons Steel. 410 P»;»r* Troat. Wanted—Real Estate. 90 W E need J» AND * ROOM HOM1 S NOW CAM. IS AT ONCE. KYI NINOS K \ «11 C.RLKNIG REALTY. REALTORS. TA. 1M<14»» 1st Nat, D LIST your rror-rty with \i» or. If you are in the market for acre***, vail Loti* Cohn foe ovitvk *«iea MA. §143. MA. 3f>:»_ WANTED"—T» hear from own.— of fa* 'for (tale for spring d*’ivery Answer ?r mediately stst'rjr lowest price and full mnn-ulurt O Haw-lev. Baldwin Wia T R CA M V\\K M btllMa -re*' r>g h» Heat material* ar t prlc*» Ci»too*ero al w*'t *.vusf ed 637 Keellne AT. IMI "W K BCTLD IN'* n.K ARE." TEMPLE AL FATTEN IMS rarnam St AT iff# gftnV!CR ANp RKS1I TS Competent ealee fop'e. J A *«Mt PLOVER A SPAIN Restore W* SKLT. Hours Mir^WlTH V\ HAMILTON A CO. 4 New Me Block_ JA *«IT^ M K~SK.I L H< M'~S l.tST W ITH l*S fv'R ID SIM Vs MrCAUlT 1N V FSY MKNT cc .Him NEW It DM F S Tt . MR 7 ► l( M S PROVE-HIBBARD CO U: Hawk era Re*, rve Hide AT.1SS! SFK tia flret Ne-.t Matthc*. »**> ' ail<v* 5 lo t room* Shopeo A t\» Reel tore JA 4 J ! 4 .'3* K ret no RMC 'WAV \~ YOVNO A SCX Real Ketate Rentala ln#unait.« US! cev Mil O T HAM EH Investment# A. resae Ilf 3 Earn am AT ft** LIST your peo party with Ch*i« Boyet r.Mary i>uhr»e ltd >n| tSiuilnf Si* W OR 1 K UK aT TT~CO "Realtor* \T~*4f« N Chaw K ft« tins i A 1 k. Real K« ate lluette mater Real Keta’t AT »,.mi II W \ «'!!#» d Co for Rev Sr»\*. e 4 1 f - t> vl A (lAM'kbt* Rea' M<wi» At I! M ATFJ: A h«".uV k*» . Il l,