«r\ ^ Creighton Hands Notre Dame Five Second Defeat Corenman, Mahoney and Lovely Star as Schabinger Team "Wins Another Contest. REIGHTON uni Saturday night handed Notre Dame's b a sket ball team its sec ond defeat by the score of 23 to 12. After the first five minutes of the game Notre Dame was prac tically unable to dent the defense of the Bluejays. Creighton took the lead at the start on a short field goal by Lovely, Notre Dame ty ing the score shortly afterwards on two fres throws by Enright. The Hooslers blew several easy chances and Creighton set out on the road to •e victory, grabbing a neat lead on Ma honey's foul and baskets by the lat ter and Corenman. The Blue and Gold staged a comeback and brought the score to 7 and 6. Creighton, on baskets by En right and two free throws by Crowe and Enright. Mahoney then caged a foul for another and the Blue jays were off again, piling up a lead that Notre Daine never threatened, when Corenman, Lovely and Trautman scored field goals. Creighton led at the half, 14 to 6. Trautman opened the second half with three free throws In quick or der, followed by Lovely's easy short ringer. Trautman dropped In a per fect shot from the sideline and Diem hardt counted for the fighting South Blenders. Diemhardt again counted for Notre Dame and Lovely sunk the last counter of the game with a neat toss from the center of the floor. Corenman, Mahoney and Lovely starred throughout the game for the Bluejays, with Koudele and Trautman contributing neat bits of play here and there. For the losers, Enright, Mayle. Miller and Diemhardt, were the shining lights. Creighton. n. r.T. r. t.f. lively, r. f.4 o 2 8 Troutman, I. f.t I » 7 Mahoney, c.1 2 % 4 Koudele. r. r. f.0 ti 2 O Corenman, I. I. f.* O • 4 Haley. I. a.0 O 0 0 Spelrher, r. s.a o n o Ryan, e. O n I 0 Yerhout .O O 0 0 0 8 7 21 Notre T>amr. B. F.T. F. T.P. 4'roar. r. f. . .0 1 1 1 Mahoney, I, f.0 0 O 0 ffnriaht. v.I 4 2 S ^Movi. r. >. (r.) « 0 10 .etiemharril. I. K.2 o I 4 Ward. r. f.O I o 1 Miller, I. f.O 0 0 0 Reardon, e.O 0 0 0 1 * ~5 12 Referee: Rirrli: Karl ham. Entries Close for State Tournev V Lincoln. X'eb., Feb. 24.—When en tries closed at midnight last night for the stale high school basket ball tour nament, to be held here for three days beginning March 6, 161 teams had applied for entry, officials an nounced. With those that are expect ed to come in the mails today and to morrow the list of teams is expected to be a record-breaker. Classifigatlons of the different towns may be started next Saturday. Among the late entries are Creighton Prep of Omaha, Hastings. Clay Cen ter, Chappell, Central City. Sutton snd Ashland, all with teams that aro regarded as strong. Creighton Prep, with the consistent game It has been playing all season. Is expected as a sure class A contender for the state championship. Fengler Wins Race. Beverly Hills, Cal.. Feb. 24—Har lan Fengler, youthful speed pilot from Kansas City, won the 250 mile national automobile race here today in 2 hours, 9 minutes. 14 3-5 seconds, ^driving at an average speed of 110 *«iiles an hour and smashing all rr.c ords for the distance. Tijuana' Results Yesterday's Results. Firet race: 3 furlonga: ruilrlc 117 (Baker). 22 30 11 20 6.SO jldyLeind. 115 (Wood).4 20 4 00 Lemon Bath. »« (Oerrlty) . ..••••*■*• Tima 1:01 1-5. Jay Hobart". Dernier Sou wild Thought. July Fly. Full Moon, silnrory Smile. Felecltor, Chanca. Debtor alao ran._ Second race: Mile and 70 varda, Brtand Kant. 101 (Oerrlty) 13.40 7.00 2.So BnrrTnlta 104 (O'Donnell).3 On 2 20 aFr.nk Fogarty/ 1111 Gant rail>...... 220 •rime. 1:47. xMadaon. xl.ady t^onld, Theresa. Green Spring. "Brown Hhastn. Wise Judge. sPromenade also ran. yFleld. . Third race- A ll" and 70 yards: Blue Bells. 103 (O’Donnell) » 40 4 SO 3.20 Monerdello. 101 (llarmaworth) . 3 40 4.40 Piedra. 1«5 (Wthonl .. • vl;*# Time. 1:46 5-.’i. Llrelte. Nan M< Kin nev. Warrior also ran. Fourth race: 4*4 furlongs The Araucanlan, 112 I Mein) 10.00 4.40 3.40 |»r rorhett 104 (ODnnneH) .... 3.40 2 SO Dady Gorham. 107 fBill.)...........2.40 Time 43 4-5. Helen rook. Seth a Memory. Dr. McArthur. Settee alao ran. Fifth race: 6 furlongs; Porto De Oro. 104 (Wall.) 23 30 « 10 4 00 My Madiji. 107 (O'Donnell) .... 4.20 3 30 Ponjola. 103 (Afeln) ................3,00 Tims. 1:13. Nayarft, Eminent. lorn bu«t<»r alan ran Sixth rare: 1 1 -1 mil***: I • 411(a chief. 126 (O’Don'l) 4 40 8.00 2.«0 Hotter leV**k- 11# (Kennedy) ,...1.20 3.20 Ahadane. 114 (Martin*4*) .2 20 Time. 1:45 4*6. Super Cargo. Lady Aa tor *l*o ran Seventh race: 6«4 furlonga: Ton O’ The Morning. 112 (Mmn) . 1 p .80 * 40 2.20 Tubby A.. J 17 (Kill*) . 8.40 8 20 Fiber 113 'Abel) 3.*0 Time. 1:07 1-B Mlaa Fryer. Finla Olor lueua. Hoaa Man. Fireplace. Spear Shot alao ten. Righth rare 6 furlong*: » itin Hope. 110 (A.Collin*) 11.24 « «0 4 !!» Bfdenile.Jlb XEIIIa) .5.40 4.00 pir-nlc. lit) (Bernea) ..3 40 -* Time. 1:18 1-6. Helton, Havana Bier, riir No Wonder. '/.Irion. Honeat George, Calgary Led. Canny Ladvt Black I’at, 'Voorlio Montgomery. I'reaervator alao ,*Ninth rare: 1 1-14 rnilaa: Wlil.O ] 0 4 (Mein) 2100 fc 80 4 40 V rrinlue !"1 H* Donnell) . 7.80 . flrt T.oubHul I (Horn) 4 ?0 Tin e 1:47. Que* reek. Magamunk Mar •ail* Ho?. Chlva. Scarlet Bugler alao ran EDDIE’S FRIENDS Organizing a Party •RftlNBSS, 1 UuU,MONKfey l business! JT>ID FPD\E &ET "BACK FROM s mo mt real v, ? ,—Zi J MOO BET AM — Me saws me beoogmt A SOOWPM\R - WE'LL I \MAVE VTTOMI6MT J f 2-2S e=S QiW at lur-fc FtA-nmt Stuvct. Inc, 130SIMESS COWES P\RST - X'LLIAKE MOU TO THE SHOW M&YT WEEK-I HAVE TO CLEAM-OP SONAE 'WORK MO! I'M MOT, UoM' TOEDDiESy wier, t)V SEf Thirty-Six Rounds of Boxing on Program for Friday Evening RIDAY night's fight night again In Omaha. The Nonpareil , club will hold sway with A pro g r a m of 36 rounds of fight ing, three 10 round bouts and a six-round opener. In the main event there will lie Joe Simontch of Butte. Mont., and • Morris Schlaifer of Omaha, a pair of welter weights who can sock and sock hard with either mitt. They have been signed to fight 10 rounds. This Simonich person is the one who won a popular decision over Schlaifer in Council UJuffs on the same night that Jack Dempsey knocked Luis Angel Klrpo back Into Argentine. Ever since that night Schlaifer has had a desire In his noddle to again tangle with Simonich so that he could erase that defeat. Two Iowans Place in Horseshoe Tourney Lake Worth, Fla., Feb. 24.—C. C. Da vis of Columbus, O., won the 1924 mid-winter national horseshoe pitch ing championship tournament here by winning his 22d game scheduled yes terday afternoon without having met defeat. Frank Jackson of Kellerton, la., former titlpholder, who dropped a game each to Davis'and Loren May of Akrn, O., finished in second place. •'Putt'' Mossman of Eldoro, la., play ing in his first national meet, won third place with 19 games won and three loeL May waa fourth. Deaf Schools to Hold Cage Tourney A basket ball tourney between schools for the deaf from Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, and South Dakota will bo held in the gymnasium of the Nebraska School for Deaf two days commencing February 29. Two games will be played the after noon of the first day and the finals will he played the night of March 1. Winners of the tourney will be pre sented with a trophy by the Omaha Sporting Ooods company. George Parrish will referee the games. Gopher Track Coach Offered Position at Ames Ames. 1ft., Feb. 24.—It Is reported here unofficially that T. N. Metcall, track coach at the University of Min nesota, has been ottered the position of director of athletics at Iowa Stato college here to succeed C. W. Mayser, resigned. Metcalf was here yesterday, but re fused to deny or confirm the report. Ames official* also declined to discuss Ih# matter. Metcalf Is a former Ohio State athlete. Cyclones Defeat Gophers in Indoor Track Meet Ames. Ia., Feb. 24.—The Iowa State college track team defeated Minnesota In an Indoor dual meet here yeeterday afternoon. 60 to 44. Towler of Minne sota was high Individual scorer with 13 points, Hocal Indoor records for ths mile run, broad Jump, and shot put, all of which were taken by Iowa State, were established. New Tank Record for Women Bjr AnotIbIH Pr«M. Honolulu, T. H., Feb. 24.—Marlechen Wehselau, youthful Hawaiian swim ti'ing rtar, art a new record for the women s free alyle 220 yard swim In a 20 yard tank hero yesterday, cover ing the distance In 2:49 2-R. The mark was Trade In a handicap race which H-deii Moses wen. Warnn Kealnha. a i a 100.raid f"o« le race from Norman Hess of • lie Illinois Athletic < ,ul. ty u baud Ills lime was :!6 1 » r FIGHT FACTS. I’larc— Auditorium. Time—Friday evening. a. Main Event — Morrie Schlatter ugalnut Joe Slmnnlrh, 10 round*. Seml-WInduP—Carl l.amber«, St. Paoi, ajraln.t "Battlln*" Monroe, Omaha, 10 round*. . Second Prelim-Are Hudklna. I.ln coln, atfalnS "Ewly" Jonen, St. Paul, 10 rounds. Flint Prelim—"Bed" WII*on acalnet Jack Bcliacfrr, both Omahu, alx rounds. Referee—I.eo She* and Corley Ulrich. Promoter—Nonpareil club. ^ Friday night he expects to knock Joe out. In the semi-windup, ‘'Battling" Munroe meets Carl Lambert of St. Paul In a 10-round bout. This should be another fight similar to the last Munroe-Carl Augustine bout in which there were more knockouts than an adding machine could keep up with, "Rusty'’ Evans of St. Paul, light weight, who has a record of 13 knockouts and five decisions to his credit out of 18 fights, meets Ace Hudklns of Lincoln in a 10-round tight which should be worth the price of admission. "Red" Wilson and Jack Schaefer of Omaha meet in the opener. Hawkeye Mat Men Defeat Huskers Lincoln. Feb. 24.—The University of Iowa grapplera defeated the Ne braska wrestling team, 19 to 10, in a thrilling meet utaged before an overflow crowd at the university at j tnory, Saturday afternoon. The win ner* took three falls and two d<* cisionfl; while the Huskere had to he satisfied with two falls out of the seven matches scheduled. 115-Pound Cl**#—Pfeffer. Iowa. won dffclaton over Ulore, Nebraska. Time art vantage: 9:40 125-Pound Claee—Captain Kellogg. Ne braska. won a fall from Frlckley. Town, with half neleon end wrlat lock. Time: 2:10 In eecond e*tra three-period. 125-Pound Claee—O'Brien. Iowa, won fall from Mooberry. Nebrseka. with a heart acieaors and bar erm hold. Time: 11:26. 145-Pound Claae—Skinner. Nebraeka. won a fall from Voltrner. Iowa, with body aclraaore and bar arm lock. Time: 9:03. 153-Pound Claee—Grattan. Iowa, won a fall from Thomae. Nebraska, with body aclaaora and bar arm lock Tima: 9:03. •erond eatra three-minute period. 175 Pound Claae—-Captain .lame*. Iowa, won derlalon • over Robertaon. Nebraska. Time advantage: 3*05 Heavyweight—-Karoakl, Iowa, won a fall otfer rWqulat. Nebraeka Time: 7:*2 Score: Iowa. 12: Nebraaka. 10. Kansas City Blues Arrive in Spring Training ('.amp !»■ Angela*. Feb. 24.—Battery men and officials of the Kansas City Base hall club of tit* American association arrived here yesterday. The squad was comprised of Manager Wilbur floods. Business Manager John (Savage and 18 pitcher* and catchers/ The Blue* will commence their spring training tryouts at Maier'a park near here. Six exhibition games lietween the Vernon club of the Pacific Coaat league and the Blues have been ar ranged to be played here March 25 to 10. Mortimer Beats Morgan. lloaton. Feb. 24.—Manley G. Mor timer, New York, runnerup last year for the national racquet chain plon ahlp, defeated Hewitt Morgan «t New York In the semi final round of the national racquet tournament here yeaterday, Clarence IV. Pell, New York, national chitnplon, defeatel Stanley W. Pearson of Philadelphia, In three straight aets. Pell and Mor timer will meet in the finnls tomor row . Purdue (trappier* Win. Chicago, Feb. 24.— Purdue wrestlers defeated Northwestern, 14 to !>, in a weatern conference me«;t nt Evanston yesterday. The score was tied at 9 all at the end of the lltflit heavyweight match. Marker of Purdue threw Lowry In the heavyweight match and won the meet. Purdue also defeated Northwestern In a gym meet. 64,i, 5-10 points tn 611. Fighter Is Killed I'mnnurn. Fab. 24. Lorry Murray, t welterweight boxer of Brooklyn, N. V In Hand In w lorn I hnapitHl after « bout lant night with Hohiiti l’n vltrwood of the Ametiran garrison. Penn Relay Team Captures Honors Baltimore, Feb. 24.—The University of Pennsylvania carried off the fea ture event of the annu il Johns Hop kins-Fifth Regiment indoor games, by capturing the distance medley relay collegiate championship from Boston college, which placed second, snd the University of Pittsburgh third, after N'ew York university had been forced out of the race. The N'ew Yorkers were eliminated when their second runner fell, receiving injuries which made it impossible for him to con tinue. Kelley of Boston college took the lead early in the first lap, but Hill of Penn, forged ahead at the first change of the baton. N'ew oYrk, which had been running well up. then dropped out. and Cavanaugh of Bos ton overtook McLean, the third Penn runner. Pittsburgh all the while be ing well in the rear. McLane, how lever, soon overtook the Bostonian, and tlie three teams held the same positions to the end. Georgetown university emerged high scorer with a total of 3D points. Other scorers were: Johns Hopkins, 10: Boston college, 8; Penn, 7: I^a Payette, 5; Princeton, 4; Navy, 1. Badgers Defeat Iowa Tracksters Madison. Wis., Feb. 24 —Wisconsin outpointed Iowa in a conference track meet here last night, 4(5 to 39. The meet was bitterly contested through out, and w as not decided until the last event. By winning the relay by a few feet, the Badgers took the count. Iown held the lead until the last three events. Brookins. Iowa flash, was the out standing star of the meet, winning two firsts, s second and representing the Hawkeycs in the relay. Phelps. Iowa, lowered the local record in the twqjnile event by one fifth of a sec ond, making the distance In 9:49 4 S. Former Husker Star Runs Century in :09.9 Lon Angeles, Feb. 24.—Keith IJoyd. former Nebraska university track star and brother of Harold Lloyd, film comedian, won tho 100-yard open dash at the Loa Angeles coliseum yes terday In 9:0 seconds. The meet. In which Lloyd was participating, dedi cated the new track at the coliseum and was scheduled ns the sixth A A. If, relay carnival. Advance Guard of St. Louis Cards Start for Camp Kt. Louis, Feb. 24.—Although the main squad of the Ht. Louis Nationals Is not scheduled to liegln spring train ing until March 3, an advance guard of five recruits departed yesterday for the training camp at Bradentown, Fla. The five were Roscoe Holm, Syrn cuae. N. Y., outfielder; "Terrible" Thomson of Nebraska university and Louis Farwell, who has l>een playing In California, catchers; and Herman Hell of Alton, la., and George Berry of Oakland. Cal., pitchers. Manager Branch Rickey will not arrive at the camp until March 3. Canada Forges to Front. UtKe I'lncld, N. Y„ Feh. 24.—t an itdn forged to the front yesterday In the two final events of International Amateur speed skntlng champion ships and tonight Charles Gormnn of St. John, N. B., winner of both, stands elevated to the rank of cham pion. the first Canadian In 10 years to attain the honor. Huttings Defeat* Cottier. Hastings, Neb.. Feb 24 Hustings college defeated Cotner here last night In s basket ball game by the score of 31 to 23. The game was one of the fastest seep here this seaou. It wus close throughout, the score at this end of the first half being 12 to 12 lalf Vi rentier * Meal I’eun. Phllndolt>hlA, Pm, Keb. "4 (ialniitu Mm* full* and nn* dri Mmi Yale viPHtlria rlifcMIpiI tlie* ITnlvrtftity j lVni»(i>l\aii 144 iiihi nif'ii lint* 11'day, \^ih to 3. Art Griggs to Manage Omaha Baseball Club Will Succeed Konetchy as Pilot—Signing of Coast Leaguer Will Put Mc Carty in Outfield. By KYJ.ru WAGNER. M A H AS 19 2 4 Western league baseball club will have a manager In the person of Art Griggs, San Francisco first liaseman and for mer St. Louis and Cleveland Ameri can league In flelder. This announce ment was made last night by Bar ney Burch, owner of the Buffaloes, after he had received a telegram from Griggs, in which the latter Informed the Omaha mogul that terms were satisfactory to him. The San Francisco club sold Griggs to Rureli for a rold S-1,000, according to Barney. The new Buffalo boas who will succeed Kd Konetrhy as hian ager, is expected to arrive In Omaha next Sunday. He will confer with Burch in this city and then the two will leave for Shreveport, Iji., where the Buffaloes will do their spring training at an “ivory” ramp located near that city. The signing of Griggs to manage and play first base for Omaha means that John McCarty, purehased from the Syracuse club of the International league at the recent baseball meeting in Chicago, will play in the outfield. McCarty was an outfielder up until last season when the Syracuse tean\ stationed him at the initial sack. But Griggs! Burch was all smiles when hr received the Coast leaguer's telegram last night. A smile a mile wide made its appearanre on Barney’s “map” when he read where Griggs was satisfied with the terms the Oma ha rluli offered and would report |] the Buffaloes as soon as the other Coast league teams had passed waiv ers on him, which will be tills week. Plty.ng with the San Francisco team '.ast season, Griggs socked the ol’ ball hal'd, collecting 21 home run* and an even dozen three-baggers along with something like 40 doubles, all of which speaks well of his slug ging powers. He scored 88 runs for the Coast league team and hit in a total of 101 xjins Griggs is 35 years old and is saiil to l*e one of the beat fielding first suckers in the Coast cir cuit. He was field manager for the Seale last season. Before joining the Seals, Griggs played with St. I,ouis Americans us second baseman and later with Clevc land.. Ho went from the Indians to the San Francisco team. lake liis new manager, Griggs got his start in the baseball whirl in tile Texas league, the birthplace ol many a big league star. Burch well remembers when, as a youngster at Houston, Tex., lie used to go out to the Houston baseball park and watcli Griggs and a lot ol other present and former major league stars play. It was at tills park that he got the first glimpse of the hail player who was destined to later he roine tlie manager of the Omaha Western league team. Along with the announcement iha*. Griggs had signed to manage the Buf faloes came word that Burch has re reived the signed contracts of 'Kris coe” Thompson, second imseman: Jinimy Wilcox, third baseman, and ‘’Ited” Wilder, catcher. The contracts of the remaining Buffaloes have been mailed out and should he in Burch’s hands within the next week or so. The only holdout thus far 1* George Hale, ratrher, who Is asking for an Increase In salary. Appleby Wins From Collins With Cue Pittsburgh. Keb. 24.—Edgar T. Ap pleby of New York gained the nation all amateur billiard championship to night by defeating Percy S'. Collins of Chicago, the title hojder, in the final game of the national class A IS.2 balk line billiard championship tournament. Appleby first held the title in 1822. Pell Retain* Title a* Racquet Champion Poston, Keb. 24.—Clarence C. Pell of New York retained his title as na tlonal racquets champion here today by defeating Stanley O. Mortimer, also of New York, three games to two. Sharp volleying and ability to re turn the hgll until hta challenger erred gave Pell the victory. IN THE BASKET -—--y Odell i agora I.o*e Offr*lI, N**t. Odell high school ragers loat to Jatiarn. l'> to it. In n hard-fought game played at Jansen Filday night. MorrowsIIlr. *t»; l.ynn, 4. Morrow vlllr, Kan Morrowvilla defeat • d l.ynn. Kan . JO to 4, m a loosely played game here Friday night. Ilannver t uyers llrrnl. Men. Washington. han — Washington and Hanover high school basket ball frame divided a double header here Friday bight, the Washington boy a winning is to I R. and the Hanover gula winning. 2ft tf* It. Mamfnrd Wins Pair. Itepuhllran City, Neb Stamford high Nchool rage teams defeated the Repuhlt '■art t’tty quint”** in a double header here Friday night, the hnyg winning. ?4 to (' ikd the girls winning l« in r ttrokm How Defeats < allow av H r r»k e n How Nat* ll'ok^n How high ■•hno| uiilntet w allowed l he Calls wav 3‘lintel Tj to 2*i in a game played tiers ntunl.n Ittoken Hnw Itna lost hut ihiee guinea this season. 'I« t ook M tit* fair MrtofiK N h R|ii ooH high a* h'-nl bus I*'I hull Iran defamed the (tanbuiv vnnn tel 1* to 7. '« •• gmua plaved h**t» l‘ue* day night \trt • ' ■ u also defeated Cain bridge. |f to 7, Wednesday night “Harry Wills Is Fighter Above All I Want to Meet in Ring”-Dempsey _ By THOMAS I-. CUMMIBKEY. EW YORK, r eb. | !3.—"Harry Wills i is the one fighter above all that I want to meet In the ring. If I ever get a shot at him I’ll knock him out in less than three rounds, and I’ll hand him the worst smashing he ever got.” This was the way—unusual for him—-lack Dempsey spoke of his I negro challenger today on arriving from a long exhibition tour of tho south. He went on: “You know. I’m sick of the bunk being handed out that I'm afraid of Wills. I’m postive I can lick him. And I might a* well aay so. Just let someone arrange the match. For a long time, a stock question put to the champion by scribes has been: “Weil, Jack, are you going to meet Wills?” It seems to have nettled him. Ho Insists he's ready for the battle at any time, but that nothing is ever done about it. Both Dempsey and his manager. Jack Kearns, confirmed a report from Richmond, Va., when they were there a few days ago, that they hope to close for three fights this sum mer—with Tommy Gibbons, IiariT Wills and Luis Firpo. “I'm willing to tackle all three within a period of four months.'’ said Dempsey, with Kearns nodding, "if we get the right offer*. I hope Tex Rickard tvill take them on. ’Doc' (Kearns) is going to have a confer ence with him on Monday. ! cer tainly hope something will be done about all three.” Asked if they were in any way bound to fight only for Tex Rickard, Kearns said: “Not at all. We are under no ob ligations to Tex. But he is one man we know ran put things over. No fear of not being paid by him. You can't say that for 9 out of 10 of other would-be promoter*. However. if Paddy Mullins wants the champion to fight Wills for Lew Raymond's syndicate, we’ll take it—if they pro duce the jack.” And then Kearns cut loose with big money talk. ’’We’ll sign up for a guarantee ot 1500,000. with 1300,000 to be put in the bank to our credit as evidence of good faith. This would be assurance no political or other influence would spoil plans.” Fans Watch for Slowing Up in Tv Cobb’s Work Coining Season W ill Be Twen tieth for Georgia ‘"Peach” in Big Show—Establishes Record With Bat. By Awociated Pr—*. KTKOIT. Feb. U.—Ty Cobb, manager of Hie Iletroit Tigers, has been attracting the attention of baseball fans since hi* second, year in the American league. That «a* luck in 1906. He joined the Tigers the year before much the •imt a* any recruit break* into the hie leaeue* but it did not take (lie tienrgia Peach long to demon strate that he was quite different from the ordinary rooky. During the 195 season Cobb failed to hit in the .300 class. Since then he has not failed to hit In the select circle of batters. Next spring the Tiger leader will begin his 20th seo snn with the Detroit team and he if attracting nearly as much sttentlon as he did when he was earning hla reputation as the greatest allround player In the game. However, the at lentlon he now Is attracting Is a little different. Baseball fans have become accustomed to Cobb batting .300. but now they are asking: “Is Cobb slow ing up?" “Will Cobb hat .300 next season?" "Will next season be Cobb's last as an Urtive player?" To the first question the answer la "Yes." without qualification. Baseball player* in the major leagues are re garded as old at 35. Few of them ever attain the age of 40 In the big show Cobb IS between those two figures, hence there is no doubt that he has slowed up consideiably from the years when it was regarded an ordinary feat for him to steal not only second, but third base. There is no reason why Cobb should not bat .300 next season. He has done it for IS consecutive seasons and by doing It last year established himself as the only player in the history of the major leagues who has hit for S00 or better for IS years In a row. The late Captntn A. C. Anson did it 20 years, but there was a break of two years In each of which he fell below S00. Whether the next campaign will be C. hh's last ns an active plaver Is up to Cibh hlmaelf. Judging from hia phvrlcaj condition he should lie able to play the outfield for at least three more years, barring accidents. He has threatened to retire as an active play er nnd whether he will carry out that threat at the close of next season time only can tell. Ketalilishcs New Record Trenton. N Keh 24.—Victor Kippe. representing the Urcoklyn Y. II. C A . set a new national Y. M C A record for the 260 yard back siroke here Saturday, when he won iIio f nal heat in I'M 2-5, The old r vf.nl was 1 [>3, also held by lvlppe. McGinnity Rejects McGraw’s Offer k. j Dubuque, la., Feb. 14.—"Iron Man” Joe MhGinnity, noted pitcher, who managed and helped to pitch the Du buque Mississippi Valley league club to a championship last year, has def initely decided not to accept an offer by John McGraw to join the New j York Giants as pitching coach tills year, it was learned here yesterday. MrGinnlty. now a millwright at Do I cat u r, IIL, recently announced his retirement alter 31 years In protes i sional baseball iiut considered Me-! ] draw's proposition carefuly several , week's before rejecting it. A. B. C. Opens on Special Alleys Chicago, 111.. Feb. 24—The 24th annual tournament of the Amer ican bowling congress ten-pin classic of the North American continent opened here last night with local five man team* representing the Rotary club, and Knights of Columbus going into action on the 28 specially con structed alley* in the One Hundred Thirty-second regiment armory. Fifty-six team* of the 2.1*1 five man dMvea entered, rolled in the two squads of the evening. In addition to the 2,131 five'-man teams entered in the tournament to last 33 days, there are 4,700 two man squads and 9,447 single indi viduals to fight for the prije money amounting to more than *100.000. The entry fees amount to *147.510. Milwaukee heads the out-of-town entry list with 120 teams and Detroit comes next with 100. All of last year's champion* have been entered and will be hot on the trail of top honors again. Baseball League to Hold Meetings _ c A meeting of the Commercial base- . ball league will he held Tuesday , night at S in the office of N. J. j Weston, physical director at the Y M C. A. The league will be composed of eight teams and will play under the auspices of the local Y. M. C. A and the Muny Paschal! association. 1 Muny Baseball Body to Meet Wednesday A meeting of all class "B ' and “C" managers of the city will he held at the city hall Wednesday night at S. The new classification "ill lie ex plained in detail by the author. John lvnnlaon, secretary of ihc local ama teur association. All managers are urged to be pres ent and should anything arise that makes It impossible for the manager ot the team to attend he should send a representative in his place. At i ext meeting of the board of director* I of the Muny association, indications point favorably to the adoption of the new classification. Kearns to Have Busy Week Making J c Plans for Dempsey's Coming Campaign K\V YORK. Keh. ’4 I’Une for th* U424 heavyweight boxing program are expected to take definite shape next week a a a re suit of the arrival In New York yes terday of .lack Dempaey, the title holder. aocompa riled by hi* man :.ger. Jack Kearns Kearns said last night ha expected to resume early this week con Terences with Tex Rickard on the prospective return match with Tommy Olbhone, who al randy hue accepted the promoter# Urnia for h match here early In June K*»irna ntnn e inert a to dlifUM de inil* of a return match with I.uia \itgci t'lipo K’i * bout with the win ner of the prospective Firpo Harry Wills contest, which may take place In July. Providing Dempsey suc ceeded in disposing of Gibbons, his second match would take place In September. If It Is staged, however, the Firpo Will# encounter probably will net be promoted by the New York ayndteate beaded by Lew Raymond. Raymond bad obtained tentatlye agreement of both fighter* to term* Involving a (500,000 purse, but hla withdrawal, forecast as a result of tlw deadlock with Firpo over the place of deposit of a 1(0,000 preliminary forfeit, may lake place definitely wit' .n a day or two. Rill McCarney Flrpo'a business rep r< tentative, said tonight be would ad vise Firpo to gancel negotiations with the Raymond syndicate unless there la a change in the present situation *o that other offer* McCarney no* hare Wen made for the conic*! max be exoatdeted Western Ready to Purchase the Link’s Franchise State Directors Are ^ illing to Transfer Territory if Pur chase Price Remains in the Treasury. The transfer of the territorial right* of Lincoln in the Nebraska State league club to the Western circuit is up to the owners of the Lincoln team, according to an announcement made Saturday night by President Dick Grotte of the Husker loop. The Western league has agreed to pay over to the State circuit the re quired amount asked for the Lincoln territory. The State league director* via telegraphic vote last night agreed to transfer the Lincoln club, provid ing the owners of. the capital city team would not ask for their share of the purchase price. At the meeting of the State league directors held in Omaha Friday night, the directors held out for $2,.500 for the Lincoln territory, each club of the league to receive one-sixth of tho purchase price. Last night these di rectors agreed to transfer the terri tory to the Western league for the above-mentioned price, if the owners of the Lincoln club would let their share of the J>?,500 remain in the Statu league treasury. The league, if the deal goes through, experts to use the $1,500 in securing a town to take Lin coln's place in the circuit. The other club owners agreed to put their share in the treasury. Before leaving Omaha Friday night, the Beltzer brothers and rharlio Moon, owners of the Lincoln club, an nounced that they would not, under any condition attempt to establish a State league dub In their city now. in view of the sentiment which la demanding Western league or noth ing, and it is a fairly safe bet that no man in his right mind would coma here, build a park and attempt to make money establishing a State league club. President Dick Grote of the State loop didn't put much faith in the report from Uncoln last night that legally, there is no state league. Ac cording to thp report, the State loop clubs are supposed to have their guarantee, money in before February 15. signifying that they are to play ball the following summer. This has not been done yet. so that there is not. legally, a State league. According to Grotte. the constitu tion of the league was changed at the Grand Island meeting so that the February 15 clause was eliminated. A. A. U. Tournev to Be Held Here The second annuel Midwest A. A. U. senior basket ball championships for women will be held under the aus pices of the Catholic Daughters of America at Creighton gymnasium March SO. £1 and 22. Miss Sophia Rauber. chairman of the tournament committee, predicts an entry list of 20 teams. Last year’s tournament was attended by 12 of the best women's cage teams in the middlcwest. The Metropolitan Ath letic club girls carried off the honors in the 1023 tournament. The tournament is open to regis tered amateur teams tn Nebraska. Iowa and North and South Dakota. Entry blanks may t>e obtained from Miss Rauber. ciiv clerk's offi-e Oma ha. or from C. P Wendell, secretary of the Midwest A. A l'., in care of the Onutha Athletic club. Omaha U Schedules Two More Grid Games Coach Ernie Adams of the Ur. veraity of Omaha announces that tw - more games are practically signed up for the 1?24 fbotball schedule. Tor has sent a contract for a game there November It. and Grand Island wants a game there Thanksgiving with a return game here the following yea # .'dams says It is practically certain that both contracts will be signed. Houston Golfer Wins Golf Tournament Houston. Feb. 24—Ossie Carlton of Houston, Texas Mate champi m. ye* terday warn the annual Invitation go t tournament at Houston Country club by defeating Tommy Cochran cf Wichita Falls. 5 and 4. Gopher Capers Lose. Minneapolis. Minn.. Feb. 24.—Tie Minnesota basket ball team went into ighth place in the big 10 race here Inst night when it defeated the North western five. 24 to IS. in a slow, list ess game. Don’t Fail to See the Exceptional VALUES We Are Giving in Men’s SUITS $45 Our Regular $6S Garment* j Perfect Kit Guaranteed MacCarthy - Wilson Rtf P*>li|hl 1 atlot Store S F. I'or 15tK and harm?