The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, February 25, 1924, CITY EDITION, Page 4, Image 4

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    The Morning Bee
N. B. UPDIKE, President
Editor in Chief. Business Manager.
The Associated Press, of which The Bee is a member,
is exclusively entitled to the use for publication of all
news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited
in this paper, and also the local news published herein.
All rights of republication of our special dispatches are
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The Omaha Bee is a member of the Audit Bureau of
Circulations, the recognized authority on circulation
audits, and The Omaha Bee’s circulation is regularly
audited by their organizations.
Entered as second-class matter May 28, 1908,
at Omaha postoffice under act of March 3. 1879.
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It is an old adage that when "bad men fall
out honest men have their day.” Apparently there
are some bad men among Omaha paving contrac
tors. The charges and counter charges that have
followed the recent opening of paving bids indi
cates the necessity for close scrutiny if the tax
payers of Omaha are to be protected.
One thing is certain, there was a meeting of
paving contractors prior to the recent bidding, the
purpose of which was to frame up a price of
$2.75 a yard for asphaltic conctete. Some of the
men who attended that meeting charge others
who were there with them with making a frameup
on the side and double crossing their fellow con
• * *
Those who make the charges insist that an out
side contractor was “buttonholed" and persuaded
not to bid. This outside contractor, it is said, was
ready to do the work for about. $2.45 a yard.
Bids for $2.53 a yard were submitted which
broke up the plans of the chief frameup to get
S2.75. It is charged that this bid is too high and
that it was made possible only by a conspiracy
within a conspiracy.
* * *
The Omaha Bee exposed the phns of the se
cret meeting of paving contractors and the charges
of the double cross by an inner combine.
There should be no doubt of the honesty of
these paving bids. There is no necessity for hurry
in letting contracts. If there has been, in fact,
a combine within a combine and no real competi
tive bidding as a consequence then the bids should
1 all be thrown out. Particularly is this true in the
face of charges that a $2.45 bid was kept out
through unholy influence.
* • •
City Commissioner Koutsky is to be congratu
lated upon his straightforward warning to the con
spirators as soon as he learned of their plans. In
view of the ugly charges of a ring within a ring,
however, the people of Omaha will be more fully
convinced if the whole mess is cleaned up and new
bids called for. There is plenty of time. The im
provement clubs express their reliance upon the
city council. That body can remove all suspicion
by calling for a new deal.
Enough has been said and done in recent months
to prove the l^rge share the automobile has in the
social life of America. Let us for a change take
a look at what it is doing abroad. Not that we
propose to follow the car in any of its journeyings
after it leaves the port of departure. We only want
to direct consideration to the number sent abroad
last year. The reader can draw his own conclusions.
The year 1920 was the previous banner year for
exportation of automotive vehicles, both in number
and price. The year 1923 now tops all others. In
(he 12 pionths ending with December 31 last, cars
and trucks to the number of 221,816, with a value
of 8139,849,020, were sent out from the United
States and Canada. Of these 151,896, valued at
8106,010,330, went from the United States. A very
large proportion of those going out from Canada
were the output of United States factories which
have branches in the Dominion to get the benefit
of preferential tariff rates in the empire.
Australia, Canada, United Kingdom, Mexico and
Sweden, in the order named, were the best customers
of the American automobile makers last year. But
the car goes all over the world. When once you
read of the difficulties the explorers had in getting
ramel transport, now they tell us about running out
of gasoline or waiting for new tires. No desert is
so deserted but it hap some sort of automobile service.
America is contributing to the forward move
ment of the world in so many ways that it would
be tedious to recite them. Not the least is in the
exportation of automobiles, trucks and motorcycles.
South Dakota sees the dinosaur eggs from the
Gobi desert, and then raises them a handful of mil
lions of years. Out of the Bad Lands in the south
western part of the state have been exhumed duck
-ggs that are anywhere from 35,000,000 to 60,000,
000 year.' old. That is the reputed age, according
lo the views of Chicago scientists. This makes the
10,000,000 year old eggs from Mongolia look as if
they were fresh. In fact, it might be said, relatively,
they are newly laid.
Not a very high temperature will be recorded
anywhere as a result of this discovery. The discov
ery will serve, however, to again attract attention
'o the home-grown fossil. All over the United States
.'dentists have rooted from the substrata of the soil,
rom the rocks and from the rivers evidence of life
ntrctching out far back beyond the day the Great
r'ommoner sets as the starling point. No bed has pro
duced more fossils or a greater variety than the Bad
*. ,ands of South Dakota. From these deposits have
< ome fossils of the stupendous brontotherium, the
“Thunder Beast,” down to the tiniest rodent. Tri
oeratops, Eohippus, Oreodont, tho dinosaur, the
ileisosaur, the pterodactyl, all the long list of mon
nters known to science by such unpronouncable
'lames, have left their bones in the beds of the an
•ient lakes. Time encased them in soft stone, where
they have awaited throughout unbelievable ages the
coming of college expeditions.
These expeditions have been visiting the region
'or many years, going home in the fall heavily laden
with the rich spoil of the summer’s digging. Ducks
much like our modern varieties may have been
•imung the creatures of the far off time. Certainly,
the merganzer of today is a holdover, just as is the
shark or the alligator. Tqday, after all tho lapse of
centuries, just, along the borders of the Bad Lands
lie the Lugenbiel marshes, where the modern or edi
ble variety of duck is encountered by the millions.
The college professors and the hunters from
Omaha and other sections of the country go to the
same place to hunt. One for the ancient variety,
the other for a modern. One to bring home fossil
remains for exhibition, the other to bring home
something for a good meal.
Earthly life came to an end for Claire E. Adams
much as he would have wished. The messenger
met him standing up attending to his routine of
duties. A touch, and he moved on to join his com
rades, where
“On Fame's eternal camping grounds
Their silent tents are spread.”
His was a long and busy life, devoted to high
ideals and unmarred by any failure in duty. As a
boy his imagination was touched and his soul fired
by the eloquence of Abraham Lincoln, whom ha
heard in that memorable debate with Stephen A.
Douglas. And the little boy who was so swept
along by the current of the great emancipator’s
speech was one of the first to respond to his call
for volunteers in 1861.
The boy rose to be a captain in the Union
army, and after the war came to Nebraska to make
his home. At Superior he practiced law and took
active part, not only in the affairs of his com
munity but of the state as well. A sterling repub
lican, his principles were never compromised.
Right, not expediency, was his rule and guide
through life. Naturally, the gallant soldier had
deep interest in the Grand Army of the Republic,
and grade by grade he rose until he became its
In this office Captain Adams traveled exten
sively, and delivered many patriotic addresses. His
most memorable was that at the dedication of the
Lincoln monument at Springfield, 111. Unswerv
ingly devoted to the flag and the country, Captain
Adams again volunteered for service during the
world war. His qualifications secured him an im
portant place in Washington. After the war
ended he was engaged in the great work of settling
up army contracts. When this job was completed,
he removed to California, there to quietly wait for
the call that came to him so suddenly.
A gallant gentleman, a trusty comrade, a de
voted American, Claire E. Adams made, for himself
a place in Nebraska's history that will grow
brighter as years go on. If the “rebel yell” greet
ed Marse Henry Watterson, as he said he hoped
it would, when he stepped across, we feel sure
Captain Claire E. Adams was equally received by
those boys with whom he shared the vicissitudes
and joys o{ a soldier’s life and the even more ar
duous duties of citizen in time of peace.
Mr. Charles Graff, dirt farmer and democrat,
has no thought of adding spoil sport to his titles.
He does, however, plan to interfere with the per
sonally conducted expedition Mr. Bryan is heading
in the direction of a second term as governor.
We have no desire to become involved in the
factional affairs of the democratic party. On the
contrary, we would, if we could, pour oil on the
troubled waters. It is still good and pleasant to
see brethren dwell together in unity. Yet there must
be competition so long as there is anything worth
having. Sometimes that competition becomes ran
corous. Mr. Graff’s ambition to serve as governor is
a worthy one, for it is a place not only of honor
but of unbounded opportunity to do good for all
the people.
Mr. Graff's candidacy rests very largely on the
offense given by Governor Bryan to certain elements
of the farming community. He not only did not
redeem his promises, and what man could, he made
so many, but he did some things that were not ex
pected. Among these was his attitude towards the
stock raisers of the state. A strong and decided
stand against continuing the campaign to eradicate
tuberculosis from the herds of Nebraska brought
down on the governor protests from cattle raisers.
To this he paid no heed. Save, of course, that he
rebuked such leaders of his party as Charles Graff,
Ashton C. Shallenberger, and others who pleaded
with him for a more intelligent policy.
The Graff candidacy is largely in the nature of a
protest against the Bryan policies. What strength
it will develop can not be said. It will not be re
ceived with any especial jubilation in the governor’s
office, though, for it forebodes anything but the de
sired harmony.
For the eighth consecutive time a Chicago violin
ist has announced his candidacy for the presidency.
He probably has hopes of playing first violin in the
national orchestra some day.
If Egyptian authorities keep on interfering with
Mr. Carter it is likely that King Tut will begin to
feel sorry he was disturbed.
British dock workmen on strike are holding up
United States mails, but they are beyond the reach
of federal courts.
Our conception of the ridiculous is hearing a
confirmed golfer sneering at the claims of a con
firmed fishenran.
Perhaps they called it Palm Beach in order to
make it the favorite resort of politicians of the Itch
ing Palm.
Homespun Verse
—By Omaha’* Own Foci—
Robert Worthington Davie
Lots of times our daddy hurries to the couch and wears
a frown
Just as soon as day la over and his work Is done in
Mother tells us boys well have to slay clear out of
daddy a sight.
And be still because his head Is aching fearfully tonight.
We cHn't play unless we re quiet, and wo dais not say a
And we have to whisper careful so our whispers won't
he hoard. ,
And as soon ns supper's finished we are sent awsy to
For our mother says we're apt to be n jarring daddy's
Mother has a way to tell us that our father doesn't
When ho gets an awful headache she remarks “It
looks like snow.’’
And we have to stop our shouting, and we have to cease
our play,—
For, of courso. our daddy's brought a headache home
again today.
We are going to ask the doctor if he can't relieve our
For It's hard to live In silence when we want to shout
so hud,
And this thing of going to bed at srventhiilv Is a
When our father n hettdiioiie Hlimmt » vei y olhei
night. 4
The Exploit That Carried
Washington’s Name Beyond the Sea
In Washingtons career mankind perceived some
change in their ideas of greatness; the splendor of
power and even the name of conqueror had grown dim
in their eyes.—Fisher Ames.
_ XVI.
r gM 1 HE French and Indian war
!; I I wan now fully on and Gen
* * oral Braddock was come
with his redcoats to teach
the enemy on the Ohio a les
son of England's greatness. Brad
dock brought two veteran regiments,
with artillery and all things complete
for the biggest campaign the frontier
had seen, and there was a great stir
in Virginia when the king's troops
sailed up the Potomac and landed at
Alexandria for their march to the
To Braddock It was to he but a
small business. He told Franklin,
who had done wonders In organizing
a wagon train to transport the ex
pedition's supplies, that Fort Du
quesne would not detain him above
three or four days. After that he
was to march on and take Niagara
and then Frontenac. To which
Franklin replied after his manner that
before taking Duquesno Braddock
would have to get there.
Washington joined the colors as col
onel on Braddoek's staff, his purpose
being, as he wrote: "To attain some
knowledge of the military profession
. . . under a gentleman of General
Braddoek's abilities and experience.”
of those qualities, as we have seen.
General Braddock had a pretty good
opinion hlmseff; too good to listen to
the advice of a Virginia officer who
never had held the king’s commission,
and so paid no attention when Wash
ington warned him that the forma
tion and tactics of an army that had
known only European warfare were
unsuited to a forest battle field with
Indians as adversaries. Braddock,
brave, resolute, obstinate, sometimes
laughed at this advice, sometimes was
angry at it, and now and then
grudgingly gave way on minor points.
“The raw American militia," he said,
might not know how to deal with the
enemy, hut it would he a different
story when British regulars dealt
with them.
Just across the Monongahela. with
Fort Duquesne still eight miles away,
the disaster came. The British van,
marching In ordered ranks along the
narrow forest tfail with never a
skirmisher on front or llank, march
ed into the prepared trap. Two hun
derd French and 600 Indians, hardly
a marksman of them visible in the
thick forest growth, opened Ore at
once. "The advance column was cut
to pieces before the bewildered ami
panic stricken British could tell where
to direct tfieir fire. Braddock came
up with the second division, and
tided vainly to check the flight of the
shattered van. Washington, riding
in the thickest of the tight. Implored
the gorwhvd to spread his men out
into I lie woods. Braddock refused.
He knew only one way to fight, and
that was In plutoon formation. Even
when his men tried to take cmver and
meet the enemy with his own tactics,
Braddock bent them back into line
with his sword. There they were shot
down without a chance for their lives
until Braddock, seeing the futility of
resistance, ordered a retreat. Then
the regulars fled in the wildest rout.
The remnant of the beaten British
was saved by the heroic efforts of
Washington, who brought up and de
ployed his Indian fighters—“the raw
American militia”—and protected its
retreat. Two horses were shot under
him; four bullets pierced his coat. He
brought off what was left of Brad
dock's army and then recorded what
he thought of their conduct. Their
“dastardly behavior," he wrote, in a
flame of that Indignation he never
learned or tried to repress, "exposed
those who were inclined to do their
duty to almost certain death.” This
habit of setting down his exact mean
ing in exact words was to remain with
him. as a future congress was to
lea rn.
Braddock himself was mortally
wounded. Stretched in a wagon, he
started hack over that trail along
which he had advanced so confidently.
We lose sightrof his bodily wound in
contemplation of that which his pro
fessional soldier mind had received.
Amazement seems to have made him
dumb. Twibe only words escaped
I him as the Jolting wagon bore him
back, not to the settlements, but to
death on the road.
“Who would have thought It!” he
exclaimed once, and then, after long
silence, and Just before he died, came
that pathetic utterance that shows
he had learned his lesson, If too late.
"We shall know better how to deal
with them next time.”
Washington's exploit brought him
wide recognition, but the stupidity
and bungling of the whole British
military administration In the war
seems to have ‘deprived him of any
personal satisfaction in his own fame.
He retired, depressed and ill. to Mount
Vernon, and {though he once more
emerged when his health was recov
ered and took fresh command on the
Ohio, It was to again meet the same
obstacles of military prejudice, inef
ficiency, debate and delay thnt mark
ed the king's service throughout the
But he was now without question
Virginia's foremost man, and in 1 T5J»,
when he was 27 years old, he was
elected to a seat in the house of bur
gesses. When he was welcomed to
Williamsburg by the speaker of the
house. Colonel Washington, always a
little shy under public gaze, became
embarrassed when he rose to reply
and could not go on. Then came that
gracious speech of Speaker Robinson,
that was the voice of all Virginia.
“flit down, Mr. Waahlngt on, your
modesty is equal to your valor, and
that surpassea the power of any lan
guage that I possess ”
_'‘'"ryrltht, Kansas City Star )
Mlnrld tnm rutin ot Tk. M.uln, Bu BuUn d TIM Maraln Bn
•n litltot ti >U Kill eoloni Irwli Mr mrmlil
M nittin it taklli iilamt.
Faith in Coolidge.
Avoca, Neb.—To the Editor of The
Omaha Bee: Notwithstanding the
noise of Hiram Johnson and the arts
of the half-baked and smart-aleck
senators who obtained their election
upon the republican ticket and then
claimed to he insurgents, but nre
really assistants to the democrats, the
confidence of the people of the United
States in the ability and integrity
of Presldept t’oolidge cannot lie
shaken. T.
( njiist (Yiticlsm.
Ainsworth, Neb.—To the Editor of
The Omatia Bee: There is much
criticism of the senate in calling upon
the president to Bek for the resigna
tion of Secretary Denby of the navy.
These critics say that would be con
victing a man without giving him a
hearing. They also say that in pass
Ing such a resolution the senatejwas
encroaching upon the executive de
partment of our government. What
are the facts: Denby had been before
tlie senate committee investigating
the oil lenses, and If the papers quote
hint correctly he testlffed that he sign
ed these leases formally, without ex
amining them or the facts or circum
stances of their execution.
By doing this, he transferred mil
lions of dollars worth of the peoples'
property without even a thought of
the people's Interests. He asked for no
further evidence or hearing. So by
his own evidence, he virtually gave
away valuable property of the people
negligently and carelessly. If not
criminally. Was not this a hearing'.’
What more evidence was wanting to
show that he should I* dismissed from
the peoples’ service for negligence
and Inefficiency, If for nothing more.
This alone was sufficient. If you had
an agent In charge of your valuable
oil lands and h« was disposing of
them or giving them away without
thought or care for your Interests,
would you wait tin'll you could settle
in the slow courts If he was also
criminally liable before dismissing
him? Even where there Is no con
fesslon, no man should be allowed
to remain In office while Ills official
acts are being investigated.
Hut these rrllirs also tell us that
the senate lit passing this resolution
was encroaching on the executive rtc
partment of our government.
The president alone could not
make Denby secretary of the navy.
The act of the senate la equally es
sential ns tho act of the president for
that purpose. Ho the senate is equally
responsible with the president for his
appointment, and this responsibility of
the senate makes It equally respon
slide to tho people for Ills conduct,
and when they Mud that he I* neglect
Ing ins duties and abusing his 11 net.
It Is rmt only their right, but their
duty to withdraw their confirmation
of Ida appointment to the office sud
so notify the president of their action.
They owe this to the people whom
they represent. And In go doing, they
should have the support and approval
of the people In doing tills, the sen
ate was In no wise encroaching upon
the executive department It would
he Just ns logical to claim that the
senate was encroaching upon the ex
ecutive department when they were
confirming the appointment which
! hey are required to do under the
const It nl loo
The senate Is i ei nilnl.i .is rcpiesen
tutiv# of tho people ns the president
who now take* the full responsibility
upon himself.
What the people want is action and
not so much splitting of hairs and
standing on technicalities.
A hesitating, stand-still policy will
not satisfy them. L. K. ALDER.
Criminals Without Funds.
Missouri Valley, la.—To the Editor
of The Ohnha Hee: I read your
apologetic editorial. "Lesson From
Council Rluffs " I think you arc
partly right and partly wrong. Your
own state falls too heavy under your
hammer of hasty criticism, and you
are prone to give Iowa too much
credit In on isolated Instance.
Jusllce has progressed ss rapidly
in your state at times, and beara
scrutiny In my own. Where this case
yas pulled off In a hurry In Iowa,
there has been many, many others
prolonged disgracefully because of a
little money. Suppose this lad had
possessed money enough to hire a
battery of clever lawyers? He'd been
a free man again. Anyone knows
You Bay Iowa has shown Nebraska
what may be done. A little scrutiny
of the affair will show you Iowa has
not shown Nebraska a dam thin*.
The lad got what was roming to him
without a doubt, but a little money
would have changed the whole thing.
Some state's attorney the other day
for your own state was crabbing about
Jurors not giving a rap about Justice.
He had Just a little sour grapes be
cause ho did not get what he was
after. I'd feel the same way myself.
However, when you see some of the
things money dr>es with a few law
yers. you would not care a rap either.
When yon nab on* man for w hat you
Juggle another free of there'a no mys
Abe Martin
Lot o' women nit credit fer bein'
homchuddles when ther really too
Inr.y t’ dree* up. We wonder what
Senator Rrnokhart ’ll say when he
hears that th' premier o' Tibet even
curries Ins own vak.
(< upmsht, IMS )
tery. You told the truth in your edi
torial, but you did not tell It all. Get
ting it all in is what makes your
■tuff good, interesting matter to think
over, but in this case I think you
quit before you were done.
A Plea for the Tram Line.
Omaha.—To the Editor of The
Omaha Bee: Ir. its cocksure disregard
of facts, the communication of "Ex
perience,” which appeared in this col
umn recently, is typical of many
which offer only adverse criticism and
no constructive suggestions regarding
the street car situation.
"Bless you. a cross-town line on
Fortieth street was needed 25 years
agoJ’ "Experience’ declares. This
statement la so ridiculous as to need
no answer.
"Just now when maAy Industries are
struggling to keep even, when the
railroads, the farmers and others are
taking small or no profits at all," he
continues, "It strikes me that the
street railway company might share
Just a little In the common experience,
and not harp so consistently on the
fair return string."
No one disputes the fact that agri
culture and many other Industries are
struggling along to avoid a deficit.
But agriculture and these other In
dustries are just In the valley follow
ing the peak of profit-taking during
postwar days, when prices of their
products skyrocketed and enormous
profits were reaped. The position of
the street railway or other utility in
this case is not analogous to that of
other Industries.
While Industries In general, operat
ing under the laissez-faire rule, were
allowed to make their "killing" dur
ing the period of inflation, the street
railways and other public utilities
were restricted by public regulation
to a fare which did not even allow
them a fair return above increased
operating expenses.
Tlie gist of ’■Experience's” conten
tion, then, is that the street railway,
although prohibited from sharing in
the big profits made by other indus
tries during postwar days, should
nevertheless share with these indus
tries the depression of the slump pe
riod. This argument makes a strong
appeal to prejudice, but none to rea
"Just now," "Experience” continues
in hiB recital of errors, "it (the com
pany) Is paying a dividend, but not as
large as its management would like.”
The fact is the company is paying
only the required 5 per cent dividend
on its preferred stock, which repre
sents the Investment of persons other
than the management. The common
stock, which represents the invest
ment of the management, has re
ceived no dividends since 1917. I
agree with "Experience” that receiv
ing no return in seven years is "not
as large as its management would
This is the time for serious consid
eration of facts, not fiction, as they
relate to the traction problem. State
ments like those of "Experience” are
made either out of profound ignorance
or with the deliberate intent to mis
represent. In either case they serve
only to befog the issue and offer noth
ing toward the solution of the pmb-;
'em. J. g. TOWNE.
The Necessity of Creeds.
Omaha—To the Editor of The
Omaha liee: Once upon a time a
woman went down town to a bargain
sale to get a new dress. This wax
long ages ago when the wqrld was
young and man was primitive. A time
when our present delicate and sensi
tive civilization, with all Its refine
ment, could not be even imagined by
the budding intellects of that prehis
torlc time. But this primitive and
struggling female mauled around In
the mob until she got the dress she
wanted. Trust a woman for that in
any age and under any conditions.
Then she got a pattern and came
home. It was a peach of a dress. J.ts
gauzy and shimmering folds were
dazzling and intoxicating and entic
ing. This last quality was the one
that appealed most to the lady.
She laid the pattern on the mantel,
but took the beautiful dress out to
the big table in the dining room and
commenced to cut It out. But shk
did not use the pattern! She cut a
gash up one side and a big slash in
another. She lopped off a piece here
and a chunk there. Then she sewed
the ruins together and tried on the
dress. What a sight! It hung like
a shirt on a bean pole and looked like
a scarecrow In a weed patch. Why
in the world did the woman get the
pattern and then not use it when she
cut out the dress?
So with the religious life. A creed
Is a pattern. It Is a working agree
ment among a group of persons. It
has been tried and tested. It is-an In
terpretation of the teachings of the
scriptures In harmony with the con
science and intelligence of a certain
number of persons, enabling them tn
work together to better advantage. A
pattern Is not the dress! A creed is
not a religious life or experience; but
It Is Just ns foolish to try to live a
religious fife and do religious w-ork
without a creed as it is to make a
dress without a pattern, or to build a
house without the plans of an arch
or to f1*-'' f°<*ball without rules.
The ranting of the moment against
creeds is simply the vaporlngs of
frivolous Intellects.
Religion and a Salesman
Brocksbnrg. Neb.—To the Editor
of The Omaha Bee: While reading
your editorial today, J turned to the
postmistress of this place (whom I
.o "‘'t*8*1’ ,v»" a Christian) and
askPd what she thought of Her. Mont
gomery and others, preaching in
Christian pulpits that they did not
believe that Jesus ever lived.
She replied that no man had ever
made such statements from a Chris
tian pulpit. But In saying such things
and by the preacher's lack of faith, he
had made l>oth himself and pulpit In
struments of the devil and unworthy
Of a Christians time e'en for
criticism, for our I/ord is well sble to
defeat the devil snd hi. mouthpieces
Mhen He said to His disciples:
ani the way. the truth and the life
and you cannot go to the Father but
m the a'*,,"1 lhT Mm'‘ ,lm® replied
to the devil, advocate, of modern
m,!a"j nn<1 °f h,Rh<'r rU,c1"" "t
l am no Chriattan. hut I wish some
of these preachers could talk to some
P.faeUm Tu h*,,®v®'* ltk* <bis young
In t he popto/TIrr.
He has apparently promised to
.h.0n"r *n<1 ob®>r «» weather
forecastings, market report. ami Ar
lington time signals until stalls doth
fhem purl.
net average
for January, 1924, of
Daily .74,669
Sunday .60.166
(>••• not Include return*, left.
• r*r*. sample* or paper* spelled m
printing and include* a* special
sales ar free circulation of any kind.
V. A BRIDGE, Cir. Mtr.
Sttksvrihed and sworn to boforo ms
this eth day of February, 1924
(Heal) Notary Public
'Jgke Comfort, nor forrtt •
Jhat SvnrinMnrf^utJjtf
It's Just like a breath from a garden
of flowers,
A breeze bringing balsam of heal
A memory sweet of the golden hued
That over our mind comes a-steal
It bring* back the days so laden with
When youth crowned our heads
with its glory.
The sweet recollections of friend
ships so tender
Revealed in each terse local story.
The old weekly paper we knew In our
Straight to us from town where It’s
Gee, how ev’ry page adds its bit to
our boyhood,
Each line with a memory tinted^*
Its news of the town and its people
good hearted,
Its marriages, births, country chat
Its tributes ro tender to dear ones de
Its comments on all local matter.
It Isn't as big as its huge city
But gee, how we love to peruse It!
It don't print the crimes by the
dozens of dozens.
But we’d feel mighty sad to lose it.
Here’s a toast we propose—may it
live on forever
To boost for the town we were bom
May life's rich rewards crown its
‘ ev’ry endeavor,
And Joy tint each top o' themornin'!
We return greatly refreshed In body
and, we hope. Invigorated In mind,
from the convention of the editorial
brethren and sisteren at Grand Is
land. The 51st annual session of the
Nebraska Press association was a
great success. There have been con
ventions of the association better at
tended, but none that offered more
mental profit.
Incidentally it might be remarked
that one of the big contributing fac
tors was the splendid new hotel, the
Yancey, of which the people of Grand
Island have every right to be proud.
But even with such a splendid hos
telry the convention would not have
been the success It assuredly was
without the personal exertions of
Gus Buechler and Tom McGowan,
who had charge of the local entertain
ment provided by the good people of
that city.
At the risk of talking a foreign
language to many who peruse this
column, we remark that last week's
session of the X. P. A. reminded us
very forcibly of the 1916 gathering
of the membership, when we fore
gathered at Grand Island to rehearse
for the famous Press Association
Minstrels who spread so much hilar
ity on the never-to-be-forgotten ex
cursion to the North Platte valley.
There was only one noticeable dif
ference. Last week water, tea. coffee,
chocolate, soda water and lemonade!
sufficed to quench thirst. There
wasn't even a baggage car to visit
on the trip to and from. For a long
time hints have been afloat to the ef
fect that at Grand Island it was pos
sible still to obtain a frothing trever*
age that assayed more than the Vol
stead percentage. We desire to
brand the rumor as baseless. Had it
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Nebrin tablets are positively
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pirin tablets and are superior in
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been otherwise all mention thereof
would have been avoided in this
column. We are not one to Indulge
In needless gossip.
While It Is always a delight to
mingle with the comrades of the pr'c
fession, each recurring meeting or
the N'. P. A. is tinged with a growing
regret because of the rapidly dimin
ishing number of veterans. Last
Friday a count of hands disclosed only
12 present who had served 30 years
or more In the business in Nebraska.
Of these Mentor A. Brown of the
Kearney Huh was rounding out his
50th year. The writer was Just be
ginning his 30th year.
But so many of the men promi
nent in the association's affairs 30 or
more years ago are missing. Big men
they were. too. They left their Im
press for good upon their day and
generation, and there were tears in
the eyes of many of us as we stood
for a moment In silence to pay a
tribute to the memory of the com
rades who had gone on ahead.
It was a scrappy Convention, too.
The resolutions committee's report
brought on a merry battle, good
natured enough but never the less
hard fought. As chairman of the
resolutions committee we arise to re
mark that had some of the members
voted on the resolutions as they af
terwards expressed themselves to the
chairman, a couple of the paragraphs
would not have been deleted from the
The banquet tendered the visitrrsk
by the publishers and printers ■ f’
Grand Island was a magnificent af
fair. President Jack Kroh officiated
as toastmaster, the Leiderkrar.z
quartet charmed with song, and with
one exception the responses were a.l
away above the average. With a!l
due respect to the orators and spell
binders who spoke at banquet and
business sessions we declare without
fear of successful contradiction that
the two outstanding addresses of the
convention were delivered by women.
Mrs. Josephine Mickel’s banquet ad
dress on the profession from a
woman's viewpoint was a master
piece. Mrs. Rood's convention ad
dress on “The Editor s Wife'1 was
sparkling with wit, humorously sar
castic and delightfully feminine. The
WTiter, who has attended 39 business
sessions of the X. P. A., voices h:s
personal opinion that Mrs. Rood's ad
dress was the high spot in the long,
long list. And there have been some
mighty fine addresses delivered to
that bunch.
Friday night's miter at Leiderkrar.’
hall will Vie a bright memory. Grand
Island people mad* it a real social
party, and there was an entire ab
sence of formality. That, be it known,
is something that appeals to the
habitual attendants of Nebraska Press
association meetings.
The usual fringe of political c-and,
dates was noticed around the edges,
but every attempt at ‘ talking poli
tics'' met with instant and emphatic
disi-ouragement. Taken by and large
it was one of the most pieasant and
profitable meetings of the veteran
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