Koutsky Puts ^wBid Question Up to Council Acceptance of Paving Con sidered at Next Week’s Meeting—Figures to Be Given. City Commissioner Joseph Koutsky will leave to the city council next Tuesday morning t lie question of whether last Tuesday's paving bids shall be accepted or referred to the committee of tho whole tho following week for discussion. “I will bring in the tabulation of the bids and leave the matter of ac ceptance open, so that if the council ■wishes to refer them over for a week that course may lie observed,” the commissioner stated, A few days ago Koutsky stated that he would recommend acceptance of tlie bids next Tuesday. ”1 am still of the opinion that tho Flinn hid of $2.53 is reasonable and that only a small margin of profit bas been included,” Koutsky said. "But if the council wishes to refer the bids for discussion I am willfng.” > Koutsky explained that the Flinn company applied to him personally several week* ago for specifications and bidding blanks, and he did not let any one in his office know that the Flinn company intended to hid. lie added that the Flinn bids were re ceived at the city hall a few minutes befnpi the counell meeting was called uesday morning. Rains or Snows Due Next Week Washington, Feb. 23.—Weather out ' look for the week beginning Monday: "Upper Mississippi and lower Mis souri valleys: Considerable cloudiness and probably occasional rains or snows; temperature near normal much of the week. "Northern Rocky mountain and plateau regions; Generally fair east, occasional rains west of the divide; temperature above normal much of the week; probably followed by colder at end. "Southern Rocky mountain and plateau regions: Unsettled; possibly snow or rain at beginning; mostly fair thereafter; temperature near nor mal much of the week. "Pacific states: Generally fair in ’ southern and probably central Cali fornia; frequent rains elsewhere; Temperature near or somewhat above normal." Extension Work Told Over Radio W. R. Fraser, sovereign commander of the Woodmen of the World Life Insurance association, has turned the use of radio station WOAW over to the Omaha Advertising-Selling league for five minutes each night, at *:20, for the purpose of advertising Unt i - , „,-=iiy of Nebraska extension courses in Omaha under the league’s »uBi«ces. c The courses will Include economics, business Knglish and accounting. Club to See Big Pictures Members of the Triangle club have b*en invited to view pictures of wild game hunting, taken by Lady Mac Kenzie in various parts of the world. In the rooms of Gould Dietz at Hotel Fontcnelle. Mr. Dietz expects to leave on a big j game hunting expedition next year. Bishop Stuntz Unchanged. Condition of Bishop Homer Stuntz, recently stricken with paralysis at Miami, Fla., is unchanged, with the exception that a swelling of the left leg has developed, according to a telegram received Saturday morning bv Mrs* Howard Rushtnn from her husbandT who accompanied Mrs. gtuntz to Florida. "Little change today, while certain developments are encouraging,” the telegram reads. ”Do not forget there was practically no hope for him up to Wednesday. ITnfavorahle condi tions still exist, principally an In flamed condition of the left limb. He could not return to Omaha for sev eral weeks.” • Coolidgc in Ohio Primaries. .gA-^olumbus, O.. Feb. 23.-Preaident “ rjbfdge will he formally entered ns a candidate for the republican nomlna tlon for president In tht> Ohio pri marks In April today. IBs official declaration for candidacy was filed to dav In the office of the secretary of state by Hoke Donlthcn of Morion, O.. manager. lTnder a provision of the Ohio law, | A. L Oarferd, Elyria, O., manufac turer, was named as "second choice’ Candida to. Reichftag May He Dissolved. By Associated Tree*. Berlin, Feb. 23.—The cabinet has decided to dissolve the relchstag in l),« event of a conflict between that P',dy and the government over the continuance or discontinuance of the ■ state of emergency” which has pre vailed throughout Germany since las'. Xovember when It was proclaimed by ) presidential decree. U. S. Mail Landed in Britain. Plymouth, England, Feb. 23.—Naval 1 authorities landed 4,.37!i hic.-s of Anti l l ean mail from ihe liner Mlnnckahdsi today after labor union officials had induced the crews of the mall tenders j to refuse to handle the hags. The ( mail was taken to the Davenport navy yard. (.amass Monday. Ballots cast hy members of the business and professional women’s di vision of * lie Chamber of Commerce on the advisability of the division tnk * big over (lie chamber dining room, bn canvassed Monday._ I Keep Your Hair Healthy Try my wonderful Home Hair Tonic. Keeps hair healthy. In troductory offer $1.50 bottle Tor $1. Address Mrs. J. (., Stokes, 524 Main St.. MeCook, Neb. r \ ;;-;---\ I niform of Dead Police Officer and Ex-Service j Man If orn by Brother | V- _/ Ftenlf Merchant's I indy lies In (lie grave, but Ilia uniform U inarch ing on. Frank Merchant Is the former Omaha patrolman and ex-service man who died in June, 1923, at Tuc son, Arlr., from tuberculosis which he rontraeted after being gassed overseas. His uniform mnv adorns flie per son of his brolher, Harry Marehant, wliu was with Frank at the time of his death. Harry also has his brother’s badge, club and revolver. He joined the department in July, 1923, a mouth after Frank's death. He lives with his mother at 2827 I-dmrel avenue. Rohrer Report • in Washington Special Dispatch to Tile Omaha Bee. ■Washington, Feb. 13.—Report of the investigation of the oflico of U. S. Rohrer, federal prohibition direc tor for Nebraska, ivas received Sat urday by the Internal revenue de partment. It was stated that absolutely no action would be taken on the report today and Its contents would not be made public at this time. Omaha Leads in Autos Recovered Omaha leads 137 cities In the Unit ed States when^ auto theft records aie kept, In the percentage of stolen cars recovered during the year 1333, according to a letter from the Auto mobile Protective association at Chi cago received by .lack Pozan 0weld, inspector of police and head of the auto theft bureau. \ulo Show Is Great Success Exposition Closes Tonight— ],295 Out-of-Town Dral - ers Attend. attendance of 1.105 out-of-town automobile dealers fit tbe Omaha Au tomobile show la believed to be the best evidence of tbe Interest In the 10th annual exposition. These deal era came from alt parts of Nebraska, from Iowa, South Dakota, Kansas and Wyoming. The show closed at 10:30. The show is a liberal education for tbe present or prospective automobile owner, as well as for the dealer. Skilled Demonstrator*. Skilled factory demonstrators *re In attendance, to explain the trans mission,- ignition and other features of automobile mechanism. Many sales have been made at the ahoy* and many visitors have been sold on the idea of buying ears this season. Closed ears represent the dominant feature of the show. r.ilbert Jaffy's Music Masters will dispense melody this afternoon and to night. Show JJIg Sneers*. "Weather conditions have affected the attendance slightly, but we are not complaining," Manager A. H. Waugh said. "The show has been a great success and tha.t is all wo could ask. The exhibitors are delighted and the management will close the doors tonight with a feeling that the sdiow lias done much to stimulate an inter est in automobiles." Mr. Waugh declared that dealers In Omaha territory are ready to start their new season with zest. All auto mobiles factories, he said, are increas ing the output. King of Italy Til. Home, Feb. 23.—King Victor Em manuel of Italy Is 111 with Influenza. Chiropractic Gets the Sick Well It is our business to «rt sick people well, so we s°k you who ere sick or ailinu to spend a few minutes of your time to at least InvestiBat* what we can do in your ease. Consultation and examination la free. No ease* accepted that can not be helped. Call nr writ* for our free booklet. "The I.est Word." belnB the truth about Chtro practlo. Office hour* 9 A. M. to « P. M. Sunday* 10 to 12 n. Adjustment* ar* 12 for 110 or SO for $25. House rails made when unable to com* to the office. ^ Other* Get Well, Why Not You? DR. FRANK F. BURHORN, the Chiropractor Suite 414-26 Sccuritie* Bldg. Cor. 16th and Farnam St*. Phone JA 5347 X-Ray Laboratory Lady Attendant* lmy Your Furniture AtExactly \L price A Whole Floor Full of 1350 Odd Pieces of Furniture On Sale on Our Eighth Floor You May Buy These Pieces On Our Easy Time Payment Plan No full sets, no matched pieces, no complete suites—just a large assortment of odd pieces, incom plete suites, odds and ends. For this reason we have cut the pri ces straight in two on highly de sirable furniture, brand new an d attractive in styles and finish. Though you cannot find any complete lot of furniture for any room or suite of rooms, though there are no matched pieces, you will find suitable pieces to meet almost any need. Pieces that will look well with any furniture already in your home. The quantity is so great that we will hold this sale on our 8th Floor. A Few Examples of the Many Bargains Offered 50.00 Ivory Dresser.25.00 75.00 Walnut Dresser . . . 37.50 54.50 Wal. Chifforette . . 27.25 35.00 Wal. Chifforette . . 17.50 37.50 Walnut Bed.18.75 16.50 Oak Bed.8.25 59.50 Walnut Buffet . . .29.75 35.00 Oak Dining Table . 17.50 55.00 Wal. Dining Table, 27.50 29.50 Mah. Cane Chair, 14.75 37.50 Mah. Libr’y Table, 18.75 22.50 Mattress, 50 lbs. . . 11.25 125.00 Walnut Dresser, 62.50 145.00 Wing Chair.72.50 45.00 Kitchen Cabinet. . 22.50 295.00 “Pullman” Library 3-Piece Suite ..147.50 50.00 Mah. China Closet, 25.00 165.00 Walnut Buffet. . .82.50 45.00 Mahogany Writing Desk.22.50 13.50 Bedroom Chair or Rocker.6.75 These and hundreds of other pieces at One-Half Price. On Sale on Our Fightl! Floor In our Furniture Department, Seventh Floor, February Furni ture Sale prices still prevail. There are still very complete selections in this lot of high grade furniture, and the savings average 15'# to 50'#. ! ! Mondays Sales of Housefurnishings Offer Exceptional Money Savings Opportunities to Homekccpers Continuing February Sale of Rugs Each day brings new shipments to o u r rug department. Even though many ruga have been sold, our stocks comprise a won derful assortment of beautiful rugs in all the wanted weaves, colors and makes. A visit to this department will convince you. 39.00 to 49.95 9x12 Axminster Rugs 29.90 Odd lots from various lines are grouped in in one lot. Some slightly imperfect. 29.50 7-6x9 Velvet Rugs 23.95 Wool surface with fringed ends. 6x9 Velvet Rugs 22.95 Practical for small rooms and bedrooms. $45.00 9x12 Seamless Velvet Rugs 34.95 Attractive patterns suit able for any room. Spe cial value. 2650 6x9 Axmimter Rugs 19.95 Deep, rich nap; some slightly imperfect. 27x54 Velvet Rugs 5.25 Neat patterns in attrac tive colorings. Fringed ends. 36x63 Velvet and Axminster Firmly woven in D ndc S many new patterns. XvLI^d • S %D Continuing February Sale of Draperies Complete stocks of the finest quality merchandise we can procure are offered to the housewives of Omaha in this Feb- j ruaty Clearance Sale of Draperies. You j will find here a wide and varied assort- j ment of all that is new in window decora tion. 5000 Pairs o f Ruffled Curtains Priced during this sale from *4 to % less 1 than usual. All are made with dainty tie- I hack* to match and are 2 Vi yards in I length. Good, serviceable Marqui sette and Scrim Curtains, per pair, _ 1.19 Fine quality dotted Mar quisette Curtains, per Pair. 1-89 Fancy plaid Marquisette Curtains, per pair, 1.49 Beautiful quality Voile Curtains, per pair, 1.98 Fine quality Grenadine Curtains, per pair, 2.25 ' Fine Drapery Damask Shades of blue, mulberry, brown and rose in patterns we are discontinuing. 50-in. width; regular 5.00 and O QC 6.00 values; yard, "wO 2J>00 Yards of Curtain Net Filet weaves in cream or ecru. 50c and 60c value; OP per yard, wOC Ruffled Filet Net Curtains Suitable for living or dining rooms. 36-inch width, 2'u vards long; regular 7.50 val ues; per C pair, ^ Genuine Tuscan Net Curtains While about 903) of these heavily fringed curtains last we are offering them at this very low price, -' j yards long; ‘X*'oe! 2.85 1,800 Yards of Dotted Marquisette Will launder nicely and will give excellent service. 36-inch width; regular 40c OE*» value; per yard, Heavy Set Fringed Curtains Most attractively made and well finished they are an un usual vi^lue at this price. 2Vi yards long; 3.00 1 OQ value; each, » «Oc7 _ 1,000 Brass Curtain Rods, 23c value, each, 121 jC 1,500 Brass Curtain Rods, 35c value, each. 1BC ""Sixth Floor*—West" “Sixth Floor—Ea»t “ FEBRUARY SALE OF HOUSEFURNISHINGS Careful housewives see the necessity <>t replenishing the working department of the home. Our buye/s have planned for this and the Housefumishing Department in the Brandeis Store offers un limited opportunities and complete storks to ar = tv>r every home need. The prices arc the lowest possible for duality merchandise. 50-Piece American Dinnerware Set— Cold lined and a pray dpcorations; com Pure Aluminum Cooking Utensils 5-ql. Tea Kettle* 2-qt. Percolator* 1 ** -quart Double MB 8-quart Kettlea Boiler* 10-quart Kettle* 2-quart Double 1 ** • 2 and 3-quart Boiler* i Sauce Pan Set 8-quart Covered Kettle* 14-quart Di»h Pan* ll’z-inch Double 12-quart Oval Di*h Pan* Roa*tcr* 6-quart Covered Kettle* Value* from 1.50 to 2.50. Copper* | Bottom \Va*h Boiieit—-a-A ci.arcoal plate tin with 1 S-ounee copper bottom; Flation ary wooden handles; No. 8 size; 4.00 ie, 3.(50 Solid 14-ounce all-copper boilers; No. 8 size; 5.50 value, 3.08 1 .50 Clothr3 Hamper, 98* Of splint; hmted #ov#r: family sit#. 59c Wash Board 30C l arge rubbing surface. 50c Table Mats, 25C Imported colored >*earl table mat* I for hot plates. 75c Malleable *teel frame and handle*; unbreak able «*'amlrM cup. 1.50 Bread Boxei, 98C Roll to|*: white enameled, larjre «i*e. t'ompleie with long handle. 2.25 Keystone Food Chopper, 1.79 No. ? sue; 4 steel cuting blades. 75c O’So-Ezy Oil Mop,, 39c Complete aritb long j handle. 5.00 Electric Iron. 2.7?) €’j pour.d *i*e. full nickel plated; ruar- | an’.eed 1 year. — Fifth Floor ’ Reductions on Sewing Machines Do Your Spring .Sewing on a Domestic Sit-Rite Rotary or Shuttle Type Machine P«y a» Y ou Use It 60.00 Willard Cabinet Style, Domestic Make, 50.00 Portable Electric Machine., 40.00 Special Singer, If New. Now 39.50 New Machine, Special 24.75 I Domestic Sit-Rite 58.50 10','c discount on new machines hot advertised here. Terms ns low ns 1.00 a week. No interest. Free lesson in your home. Ports nnd supplies for all sew ing machines. We repair all mnkes. Fifth Floor—Fait CO OFoi-Your Old Washer C? 0 Sr V/ regardless of its condition Sr ** ” or whether it is hand, water power, gasoline power or electric on a brand new 135.00 A Voss Voss Triple Tub Washer P * ' V05S tuple tub is known all overall? j America as the washer which is* a ‘Com- yp ,'' plete Uuwfa7.N *■ it cornea complete washei. two self-draining tuba and power JV diiven wringer, which operates over wash- w ^ tuba and clothes basket. DF.C11H AT ONCE. A most generous offer; Turn in vour o!d ache? w ether ft fa hc-d water power, gasoline power 01 electric, and received credit foi $i\> on a new VOnS Ti r c T,,h W..h„, Fifth F,oor New Wall Paper To repaper one’s home is to completely change it. Fresh, dean paper dresses up n house, brings sunlight and cheerfulness into it for ninny months to come. This need not he expensive; call u* and w» will gladly rive ion an estimate without charge I’appri for tho Kitchen and Bathroom 111 Wash ntilo varnished tile pat terns with hands to match; regular 29e value; penal Monday 1 O 1 - at, per roll, 1 ** 2 C Nest Allover Patterns Suitable for any room; sold mth cutout borders; I ape»try •no Two-I one Pattern* Suitable for parlor and dining: room; regular 19c value; spe cial Monday, Q per roll, Parlor and Dining Room Papera In hotter evade tapestries, grass cloth, blended and brocaded of feets; special at per roll, -- , 1 11 th I li»or Wfit Brighten Your Rug Li Cleaner rugs w ith embedded dirt, surface litter, threads, hair and lint removed look much brighter and last years 1 mger. The splendid new Premier Duplex vacuum cleaner turns drudgery into pleasure. Minn «n«t I il(K Floor*