The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, February 24, 1924, CITY EDITION, Page 5-A, Image 5

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    f Sale of Flexible Flyer Sleds^
Flexible Flyer sleds, substantially made A q pm
and constructed with the finest materials ^ 5/ /
• obtainable# Ke^ulflr $5.7o to $8.50 ^^pFor on.
values. ^^d.yonly
Downstairs Store. ^
Burgess-Nash Company.
The Party Lady
The bridge hostess or the hostess for any special
occasion may consult our Party Lady for novel ideas,
clever color schemes and attractive favors.
Pomegranate Shop-—Second Floor
The Last Week of Our
February Furniture Sale
Buy on Our Household
Club Plan
3-Piece Taupe Mohair Suite $269.50
Typical of Sales Values in Living Room Piece*
The sofa is large enough for three to sit on comfortably and embodies the desirable
spring construction—loose spring cushions resting on a spring base and a spring
back. The suite consists of a sofa, arm chair and wing chair.
Gateleg Table
The oval - shaped top
solid mahogany table may
be used in the living room
or as a breakfast table.
Occasional Chair
Of solid mahogany and
finished in antique. A very
unusual value at this
Spinet Desk
This graceful type of
desk with ample compart
ments for writing mate
rial is of birch, finished in
mahogany color.
8-Piece Dining Room Suite $136.50
With Mellow-Toned Spanumbrian Finish
This is an opportunity to save an unusually large sum and at the same time
purchase an 8-piece suite from one of the best known makers of fine furniture.
The table, the popular oblong style, will extend to six feet, and its two-toned
Spanumbrian finish is visible evidence of high standard quality. Many other sets
and complete suites at prices equally low.
Bedroom Completely Furnished $186.50
With Bed, Dresser, Vanity and Chifforette
Four essential pieces for the bedroom, the bed, dresser, vanity and chiffor
ette are marked at a figure ordinarily not covering the cost of fewer pieces. They
are walnut combined with gumwood, with a rich two-toned brown finish. The
bow-end bed is full size; the dresser, 48-inch si^e, has a generous mirror; the van
ity is triple mirrored, and the chifforette is fitted with sliding trays.
Fourth Floor
Charming New
Ac cessories
for Spring
Inch-wide suede, plain braid
ed or laced effect belts add the
tailored air to frock or suit. In
tan, gray, taupe, fawn, green.
Novelty buttons, too, have re
turned to adorn the spring
50c to $1.50
Rhinestone Fobs
add a feminine touch to the
masculine tailleur. Heart fobs
set with white stone brilliants
dangle on a grosgrain ribbon.
r - .1 p —;— *
for the spring chapeaux add a
smart touch, especially if th*
model be a brimless satin
$1.65 and $1.85
i'll mu 111
Ribbon Scarfs
Nothing more truly feminine
than a versatile srarf to draw
tightly about one’s neck or to
drape languidly about the
$3.00 ond Up
New Silk Dresses for Spring
$45°°to $8 J50
Distinctive models that proclaim “the silhouette stays slim and
straight”—albeit that same slim silhouette is softened by panels,
cape effects and graceful drapes. Novel treatment of sleeves and
neckline add individuality to their modishness. Fashioned of
Crepe Faille Cashma Crepe Georgette
Crepe Romaine Flat Crepe Satin Canton
Some look to smart embroidery or unique buttons for orna
mentation, others are plain. In the spring shades:
Moss Green Paris Gray Lanvin Green Beige Stucco
Poudrc Blue Blue Stone Navy Brown Black
• .
Misses’ sizes, 14 to 20. Women’* sizes, 36 to 44.
* «
Flannel Dresses
Smart flannel dresses for sports djOQ CA djPQ PA
wear are priced in three groups: ip0i/*0 Vj sj) y Ot/ <0 v
Third Floor
Dress Gingham
Yard 29c
This excellent quality
gingham comes in the
popular check designs in
all'the season’s wanted
colors. The width is 32
Second Floor
I New Shoes for Spring
Include Novelty Pumps
New models of footwear that present many
interesting variations, and are especially
designed to add to the beauty of spring
frocks and suits are here.
Pump of jack rabbit stray suede with fancy
cutout throat and buckle. The vamp, straps
and quarters are trimmed in uray kid. Hand'
turned soles and covered military heels. (As
illustrated.) Main Floor
Gray suede Colonial pump
trimmed in dark gray lizard
and large buckle. Covered
Spanish heels and hand
turned soles.
February Sale of Silk Hose
1 Shades
For Men and Women
Four Groups of Women’s Hose
COO pairs of hose, including
Granite silk-to-the-top and fancy
French clock hose in several ef
fective patterns. Nude, blush, at
mosphere, bombay, fawn, thrush,
airetiale, oriental pearl, tan bark
and black are the colors. Sub
-tandards of our $2.75 to $3.25
l.GOO pairs of Granite, Propper and other well-known
makes of hose. These are in medium and chiffon weights,
with lisle tops and reinforced feet. All the aeaaon'a newest
shades are shown—blush, bombay, airedale, aztec, oriental
pearl, fawn, thrush, cruiser, taupe, nude, gray, buff, fal
'ow, tan berk, sand, nakwood, dawn, silver, gunmetal and
black. These are irregulars of our $2.00 and $2.60
1.200 pairs of art silk hose, made
with lisle tops and reinforced feet.
In colors of cordovan, gray, beige,
beaver, airedale, tan bark, aztec,
nude, oriental pearl and black.
Thc*< arc slightly irregulars of our
regular $1.00 quality.
$1 95
Sheer chiffon hose, silk from top to toe, are
offered in all the newest shades—dawn, nude,
oakwood, banana, gunmetal, black, silver, log
cabin, cinnamon, otter and mulot. These are
slightly ixregular in weave. Regular 14.50 and
$6.00 values. First quality, medium weight,
plain or fancy lace clocked hose in black, taupe,
gold, tan and gray. Regular $3.50 values.
Men’s Silk Ho.e -Plain silk and silk-ribbed hose in black, brown, navy, white
and gray. Some have slight imperfections. Sizes 9*.. to 111... Regular 75c
vahlcs.: .. 39c-2 p«ir. for 75c
— _Main Floor
Silks, Woolens, Velvets, Linings
1/3 to V2 Less Regular Prices
69ca Yard
Novelty stripe silk*, kimono
silk*, ratine silk poplins, china
silks, pongee silks, tube vestings.
$1.00 to $1.50 vsluoi.
95ca Yari
Printed silks, black satin messaline,
stripe taffeta, honarl pongee, printed
tricolette, natural pongee, colored crepe
<ie chine, kimono silks. $1.59 to $1.95
At$ ^ ^5 a Yard
Alltyme crepe, marigold crepe, can
ton crepe, satin canton, printed canton,
white sport satin, colored taffeta, black
rutin, printed crepe dc chine. $2 00 to
$2.95 values.
At $1 95 a Yard
Printed sport silks, colored flat
crepe, printed knitted silks, silk duve
t>ne, showerproof foulards, printed
radium, colored canton crepe." $3.00
to $3.50 value*.
At $245 a Yard
Chiffon dress velvets, novelty sport
silks, Knxlish costume velvets, fancy
lining ailks, printed novelty silks, bro
mile crepe, metal cloths, lennox crepe,
chenille crepe. $4.00 to $6.00 v»lu«i.
Three Groups of Wool Goods
• Yard 95c, $1.45, $1.95
Many desirable lengths of fine woolens are included. Suitable for drosses, blouses,
skirts, wraps, suits. Included arc poiret twill, French crepe, plaid* and stripe shirt
ings, velours, tweeds, homespuns, serges and coating.
.Sr< onH I loot
A Special Offering of the Famous
1847Rogers Bros. Silverware
We take great pleasure in an
nouncing to our customers that we
are now direct representatives for
1847 Rogers Bros, silverware.
W o will at all times ho glad to give expert
advice on correct table setting for ail oc
casions, assist you in selecting your table
ware, give you suggestions as to the care of
silverware and supply you with all patterns
of 1847 Rogers Bros, silverware. For 75
years the family plate.
26-Piece Buffet Chest
Which includes six dinner knives, hollow
handle; six dinner forks, six tablespoons, six
teaspoons, one butter knife and ffQI QC
one siijiar shell is priced at.
A s«*t of six teaspoons, any pattern, nr
is priced at .I D
The ‘Honeymoon1 Chest
is a 67-piece set, consisting of six knives, six
forks, six salad forks, six teaspoons, six soup 1
spoons, six butter spreaders and all tfQI QP
the odd serving pieces; priced at
Buy on (),n Household Club Plan. See the wonderful dupUy in our 16th Street Window, jj
Mam Ylnai
• "One of America's (ireat Stores" .