Big Sentences
Meted Out to
Six Violators
Three Holdup Men Must
Serve 17 Years for $1.75
They Took—One
Gwen 15 Years.
District Judge Fitzgerald bore down
on convicted law violators who came
/ before him Saturday morning and
passed out sentences totaling 3!l years
end 30 days, one sentence being for
15 years.
Three men, convicted of a holdup
without revolvers which netted them
just $1.76, were given sentences to
taling 17 years tn prison. They were
Arthur Williams, James Wolf and
Krnest Jones. They’pleaded guilty to
holding up Isaac Cummings, 1530
■ Jefferson street.
Their method of procedure was for
Jones, a short man. to jump up and
clasp his arms tightly about a vic
tim’s neck, while the' other two went
through the man's pockets.
Taylor Gels 30 Days.
Dwight Taylor, proprietor of the
L.. IN 10 DAYS AT 84
Convinced That Renewed
Vigor Is Lasting,
He Says.
J. L. Rowell, 84-year-old ram liman
of Kaw City, Oklahoma, lias been re
stored to the vigor he had at 30, ar
eording to his own statement. "With
my appetite improved, eyesight dear
er, muscles more supple and my vital
nerve renters awakened," he says. "I
initainly feel that I have found a
Fountain of Youth."
Convinced that the Invigorating ef
fects experienced are complete and
lasting, Mr. Rowell says that ho
wants every
one who feels
he Is growing
old too soon,
to follow the
method he
This Is the
now m ft n h -
talked of korex
method, based
on K u ropean
practice and said by a California phy
sician to he "the quickest and most
powerful lnvigorator I hav* ever
■r known."
It Is a compound In tablet form,
Inexpensive, contains no habit-form
lng drugs and should not bl confused
with so-called "glaVd tablet*.’* User*
all over the world have tested It and
'many say It has rescued them from
prematura old age, low vitality and
leaaened activity. Speedy satisfaction
ha* been reported In obstinate casjs
where all other threatments tried had
failed. Gratifying effects have been
reported by the weak and aged and
piany are the reports of achlirg. mus
cles relieved and new warmth re
stored to old bodies.
Realizing that thousands of en
feebled, half alive folk may consider
such news too good to he true, the
American distributors of korex com
pound have now made It possible for
nnyone feeling the need of such an
invlgorator to try it with the under
r tantfthg that It costs nothing If It
falls to satisfy.
Those now wishing to try this won
der Htvigorator under the terms of
this money-back guarantee may
write to the Melton Laboratories. 1478
Melton Rulldlng. Kansas City, Mo.,
end a full strength regular two-dollar
trial treatment will be mailed In a
plain sealed package. You may en
close two dollars or simply send your
name without money and pay two
dollars and postagcsgipon delivery. In
either case, if you report within ten
days you are not satisfied, the labora
tories will refund the purchase price
upon request. These laboratories are
thoroughly responsible and financial
ly rellf.ble. Anyone may accept their
guarantee offer with Implicit con
Love stories all tell of the heroine’s
beautiful hair because ft Is one of
the features which most attracts men.
No woman attains her-full beauty
until she has learned the proper cure
of her hair. This Is chiefly a matter
finding once for all the best shampoo.
In washing the hair it is not advisa
ble to use makeshift, but always
use a preparation made for sham
pooing only. You can enjny the best
that is known for about three cents
a shampoo hv getting a. package, of
eanthrox from your druggist; dls
solve a teaspoonful in a cup of hot.
water and your shampoo Is ready.
After Its use the hair dries rapidly
with a uniform color. Dandruff, ex
-ess oil and dirt ale dissolved and on
tlrely disappear. Your hair will he
so flufTy that It will look much heav
ier than It Is Its luster md softness
will also delight you. while the stimu
lated scalp gains Ihe h'alth which in
sures hair growth.
Break a Cold Right Up with
“Pape’s Cold Compound”
Take tyro tablets every three hours
until three doses are taken. The first
doss always gives relief. The second
and third doses completely break up
the cold. Pleasant and safe to take.
Contains no quinine or opiates. Mil
lions use. "Pape's Cold Compound.”
Price, thirty five cents. Druggist*
guarantee It. _
gstmrs a«i n«s
Ina pasfla let far
■w t“n lr«s at
lacks #f Epllsptle
Fka er Failles Sick
^ss'cuTulwtJr*dTm. iiw a^Ymk
Taylor Battery station on North
Eighteenth street, and ono of the wit
nesses at the trial of Jimmy Griffin
In connection with the slaying- of
Henry McArdie, was sentenced to 30
days in Jail by District Judge Fit*
gerald Saturday morning on a charge
of contempt of court in attempting to
influence the testimony of two other
witnesses at the trial.
Dolores Newton and Evelyn Clark,
eye witnesses of the shooting, testi
fied that Taylor offered to buy them
new dresses if they would refuse to
give evidence damaging to Griffin.
Denies Charge.
Taylor denied the charge.
‘‘If I thought you realized the
seriousness of your offense, I would
impose a penalty much more severe,”
Judge Fitzgerald told Taylor.
He also criticized Mrs. 'William
Finn, who testified Saturday morning
in behalf of Taylor.
Mrs. Finn, who was also a witness
at the Griffin trial, was unable to
"remember” the substance of her
statement given to County Attorney
Henry Beal the day following the
shooting, which oecured in front of
her house.
"It appears you are giving the
same kind'of testimony here that you
gave at the Griffin trial,” the judge
told her.
Attorneys for Taylor said they will
appeal his sentence to the state su
preme court.
Move on to Link
Bonus, Tax Cut
Modified Mellon Bill Sought
to Prevent “Stripping,”
of Treasury.
H.v International Neva Service,
Washington, Feb. 23.—Alarmed
over»the possibility of "stripping'’ the
treasury If taxes are reduced too
much, congressional advocates of a
soldiers’ bonus today struggled to
join the two measures in a common
Republican Reader Rongworth and
other regular republicans hope for
compromise between the regulars and
a sufficient numher of Insurgents to
insure acceptance of a modified Mel
lon tax plan. This would permit pas
sage of a republican tax reduction
Mil. The compromise suggested by
Rongworth was 2 and 6 per cent nor
mal and 3714 per cent surtax, maxi
mum. Ra Guardia and the other In
surgents voted for the Garner plan
of 2 and 4 per cent normal and 44
per cent surtax, maximum.
Hr Aseoeteted Frees.
Washington. Feb. 23. — Further
changes in the revenue hill sought
by democrats and supported by some
republican leaders again slowed up its
progress in the house today with the
spirited debate that has marked its
consideration continuing.
Aa a result of delays encountered
yesterday, little hope was held by
Chairman Gregn of the ways and
means committee In charge of the
measure for the republicans that tt
could be brought up for a final vote
Tuesday, as had been planned. It was
decided, however, to hold the measure
before the house without Interruption
If a vote appears possible a little lat
er In the week.
Considerable time was spent yes
terday on an amendment wjilch was
approved by a vote of democrats and
republican insurgents to open tax
returns to special congressional com
mittees and the house ways and
means and the senate finance com
mltteee. Another amendment adopt
ed would make the corporation tax
returns available to state officers, up
on request of the governor, regard
less whether the state lmpoees an In
come tax, as the law now requires for
such Inspection.
Representative Longworth, repub
lican leader, continued optimistic that
a definite break in the ranks of the
1" republicans who voted fdr the
Garner income rates had developed a^
a result of his new compromise of
fer, but both republican Insurgent, and
democratic spokesmen maintained
they would hold to the Garner rates
on a final vote on the measure.
Owner of House
Fee Visited Fined
Jacob Cohen, proprietor of the
Howard hotel, where Krnest Fee, for
mer head of the police morale squad,
was arrested in the raid which result
ed in his resignation from the police
department, was fined $50 In munici
pal court Saturday morning an a
charge of maintaining a disorderly
Attorneys for Cohen charged that
the raid was made for the sole pur
pose of arresting Fee. Joe Potarh,
present head of the morals squad,
denied this.
Gen. Duncan to
Be at Bean Feed
MaJ. Gen. George B. Duncan and
Ills staff will attend the annual bean
feed of Gee Forby camp of the Span
ish American War Veterans Febru
ary 15 tt Seymour hall, 1517 Capitol
avenue. The affair la held each year
In commemoration of th* sinking of
the battleship Maine.
Col. Parker, Col. Frauk D. Eager
and Col. John G. Maher will speak.
Cause* of Hay Fever Vary.
St. Houla, Feb. 23.—Hay fever* or
asthma patients, who sre nt a loss to
explain Hie regular recurrence of
their ailmont, may flml that the
source of their troubles lie* in a Pan
ama hat, a watermelon, duck feath
ers, gasoline,- or a tiost of other ar
ticle* not rorr.rr.only regarded at
disease carriers.
Jn explaining how the sensitiveness
which produce* such sllmenls varies
with persons, Hr. AV. W. Huke of
Kansas City, Mo., addressing the ■ los
ing session of the American congress
on internal medicine, enumerated
many poaaihle source* of Irritation
and advised physicians to experiment
with the patient afflicted until he ills
covered the toxin causing the r<a<
.1. M. (rillan III.
.T M <; II In n of the Af rlf-ulliiriil
hurrau of th* C'hAmbrr of romiiiM*
Ip confined to hla honif with * prvrr*
Girl Bandits,
Hair Bobbed,
Stage Holdup
One Armed ^ith Toy Pistol,
Other With Real Thing,
Bluffs Man Tells
_ »
Two bobbed haired girl bandits,
both modlshly gowned, both armed,
and heavily veiled, belli up Fred
Davie, S06 North Thirty-second street.
I Council Bluffs, at Thirty-second
street and Avenue B, while he was
on his way home Friday night, he
told police.
He was unatile to give a description
of the girls, other than that they
wore long, dark coats and small, close
fitting hats.
I One was armed with a toy pistol,
of about .22-caliber, he said, while
the other flourished a blue steel, .32
caliber revolver.
Both girls were walking in front
of him on Thirty-second street, he
said. Suddenly they turned and
thrust their revolvers agnlnst his
ribs and commanded him to throw
up his hands.
They loosed a 'storm of invective
upon him when he was slow in com
plying, h» said.
"We mean business, you'd better
lie careful," one of the girls warned
Itavis had no money on him at
the time. The girl bandits obtained
They walked around him, and dis
appeared rapidly down the street,
while he continued to his home, where
he called police, he said.
Police believe both girls were from
Omaha. ,
50 Times Is Mild,
Says Accused
IVhen confronted with hi* record of
being drunk R0 times In 12 months,
James Hennessy, 65, waxed indignant
in municipal court Saturday morning.
‘It's more than that,” he said.
lie was sentenced to SO days In
We change your lenses every
six months or oftener for two
years without extra charge.
Our quality the highest—our
prices the lowest.
■ Competent registered optome
trists examine your eyes. Lenses
ground in our own factory.
aii $C00 °f'"
AN sp From 8 A M
btyles up to * p. m.
Including Latest Scientific Examination
With Every Pair Glasses Fitted
Both Branches
1414 Farnom St. 402 W. Broadway
OMAHA Council Bluff*
The Premier Baby Grand
Foremost Popular
Priced Baby Grand
This famous instrument occupies
a place of honor in every Ameri
can home. It will bring to YOUR
home refinement, entertainment,
amusement and education.
Our liberal terms make It easy for you to own one.
Pay a little down, then take three years to pay the
balance. Your old instrument accepted as a substan
tial payment. See and hear the Premier Grand today.
Price $650
Exclusive Premier, Representatives
Mentho-Sulphur, a pleasant cream,
will fuiothe and heal skin that Is Ir
ritated or broken out with eczema;
that Is covered with ugly rash or
pimples, or la rough or dry. Nothing
subdues fiery skin eruptions so quick
ly. says a noted skin specialist.
The moment (his sulphur prepara
lion la'applied the. Itching stops and
after two or three applications, the
tczeina la gone and the skin la delight
fully clear and smooth. Sulphur Is so
precious ns a skin remedy because it
destroys the parasites that cause the
burning, itching or disfigurement.
Mentho-Sulphur always heals eczema
right up.
A small jar of Howies Mentho Sul
phur may he had at any good drug
store. *
Get Rid Of Dandruff
By Shampooing With
Cuticura Soap
At night lightlv anoint the scalp, etpe
rtally f pots of dandruff and itching, with
Cuticura Ointment. Neat morning sham
poo wiih a suda of Cuticura Soap and
hot water. Thia treatment does much
for dandruff and itching scalps, the cause
of thin and falling hair. j
•aap!t« Tr— by AdcJrsM: "On Hears T-sbor
storT**, Pept nr Mi |m4l Mass Raid mry
whart^HoapSe. Ointment sndSOc. Talr-aaftr.
Try our b«w .Sharing Stick.
Lift Right Off —No Pain!
Doesn't hurt one hit! A drop of
"Freezone” on a sore, touchy corn
instantly stops that corn from hurt
ing, then shortly you lift
that bothersome corn
right off with fingers.
No pain, no soreness.
"Freeaonr" rrmovr* hard mrna, soft mrns, rnrn* liftwrrn tors, and
lallmra without irritation liny bnttlf ,i«<t frw renti at any drug More.
Orchard & Wilhelm Co.
at prices you'll
rote downright
27x54-inch, extra heavy, high pile
Axminster Rugs in good colorings
and excellent designs. We are
selling these rugs at a very low
price because they are discon
tinued by the mills. Regular qual
ity $6.50. Special price—
36x70-inch. extra heavy high pile
Axminster Rugs in good colorings
and excellent designs. We are
selling these rugs at a very low
price because they are discon
tinued by the mills. Regular qual
ity $11.00. Special price—
, 27x54-inch fine Wilton Rugs in
splendid designs and color
schemes, but discontinued by u*
because they can no longer be
matched up. $16.50 values.
When you attend this Sale MON
DAY, be sure and bring your
Printed Linoleum
6 Feet Wide
In excellent tile and carpet de
signs, mounted on dependable bur
lap base. Regular price 1.10;
special price, per 7^r*
Extra Heavy
6 Feet W ide
Through-to-the-bark patterns in a
very large range of colorings.
This is a most desirable offering
tor those who would install per
manent, good looking floors.
Regular 2.00 quality; special
price, per square 1 7Q
yard .. 1 .J”
Printed Linoleum
12 Feet Wide
Both large and small designs in
an extensive rang* of colorings;
plenty in every pattern to cover
large spaces. Regular price 1.35;
special price, per QC ,
square yard.
This new ‘ Royal” model Bruns
wick and twelve records of your
ow n choosing, complete for
N.edle. FREE—
Record Hro.h FREF.
Cush deliveis the Instrument and
convenient monthly payments on '
the balance of the account.
Nr i. Orchard <G Wilhelm Co.
I OIL . are authorized Bruna
wick dealers, responsible to the
public ami the Brunswick Com
pany for ihe proper servicing of
every instrument they sell,
FXCHANGE your old phonograph
for a new type console model
our appraiser will make you n lib
eral allowance on your old ma
HFTH lions
There is a tremendous satisfaction in securing a bargain, something that
you want, at a very much smaller price than you expect to pay—what a
zest there is to such transactions—how frequently are customers pleas
antly surprised in this way at O. & W.’s. We List BARGAINS.
This 8-Pc. Sturdy Dining Suite
Just think of being able to get a 66-inch buffet and a 44x60-inch oblong ex
tension table, both with plank tops, together with five chairs and one arm chair
for under 400.00. The chairs have real tapestry seats; the buffet is con
veniently fitted and has a drawer clear across the top that is not shown in the
picture. There’s years of genuine satisfaction and service in such furniture as
this and the price is not even 300.00, but—
American Walnut
Consult a Decorator
A plan for each room or for your entire house with complete schemes of color,
design and arrangement will be. submitted by our staff interior decorators. Esti
mates are furnished without cost. Make appointments in FEBRUARY for March
and April home rejuvenation.
. -
3 Dr* \/Trkhoit- Cnifp HighBack and Low Back
"I C# xYlOIIdir C5L111C Chairs and Davenport
This suite is from the shops of Valentine-Seavar and one of the very best values
they have ever produced. Covered entirely in high grade mohair with figured mo
hair seats, it will be hard to find an over stuffed suite that has such quality and
good looks within one hundred dollars of the price.
Colors Mulberry and Taupe with ^7 Q C 00
Taupe Figure —3 Pieces Complete O O =
See our Special Mohair Suite at 225.00 and I elour Suite at 148.00
■ -o
of Beauty and Charm, But at
Prices That Only February A
Brings — Shop Monday. ^
Fibre Silk
Mulberry, rose, blue, gold
and tan in figured and plain
effects. 3.00 qualities. Spe
cial, per yard—
1.50 and 1.75
R u f f led
In barred and plain marqui
sette, with tie-backs, 2.26
qualities .. 1.75
3.60 qualities .1.05
4.00 qualities .
Several score attractive cre
tonne designs are offered in
lengths from 10 to 40 yards
of a pattern at a saving of
from S3 H to 60 r, . Prices
will be
25c,_38ct 50c, 68c
75c and 95c
If You Cook With (las. Then the 3
Detroit Jewel*
(ias Range Is Your Logical Ambition
Why not make your purchase MONDAY ami £et the FREE
TABLE? Secure for many years to come the ranye that <
will make cooking easy and dependable.
A Very Special Model
In Offered nt
n White Porcelain Top Kitchen
Table with white enameled
underpart* will be e>'en away
with the above ran tie or any
Petroit Jewel Hiirh Oven Ranee
from .« irr c. nra%*t#4 * th :
lion*! yhar*« oxoepx *h+r* m.-r« than
thirty ff*t of pip* t« tuM
A Liberal Allowance
-Made on Your Old Stove
" 1 •* »i*U *4 *n th# p*tr+haa« *f
I'rnn* .1 awal Gw rmasw. ^