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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1924)
LENINE, Russia’s Soviet ruler who died recently from the striking bust by Miss Claire Sheridan, New York sculptress, made when she was in Moscow a few years ago Und eruood Left—W ILL HELEN WILLS CONQUER HER when they meet on the courts next summer? Mile. Suzanne Lenglen, woman tennis champion of the world, snapped recently on the Riviera, during the championship tourney at Canrres. The tempera mental French player holds her famous little mascot, a weird canine of unknown breed. I'mtUrnooc r the safety first TROPHY, inspired by Giuseppe Moretti, given this year as in the last two by the Carnegie Steel Company of Pittsburg for the one plant of its eighteen showing the greatest decrease in acci dents. KrUMtunc Right—T H E LITTLE RED SCHOOLHOUSE just outside Detroit and two miles from the boy hood farm of Henry Ford, which has been purchased by the flivver millionaire. It has not been used for two years, the windows are broken and the bell in the cupola, that used to call “Ford’s oldest boy. Hank,” to his book learn in\ is inerusted with rust. Mr. Ford has not disclosed what he plans to do with the little red hrick struc ture. Xirfr World Right— SOCIAL REGIS TER JUVENILES lined up at Palm Beach. Left to right: Robby Kershaw, of Indianapolis; Billy Thaw, of New York; Gloria Caruso, of New York; Marjorie C.had bourne, of New York; Melvina Schulz, of New York; Gloria Baker, of New York, and Freddy Fish jr., also of New York. Get Rid PAT of Your iHI Free Trial Treatment Sent on reinn^t Aak for my "pay whetl-mhired ' offer I have aurre** fully reduce*’ thousaml* of pernori-v oft* n at the rate of a pound a day without diet or rarrriae. Let me »* nd you proof at my i kurwc OR. R. NfWMAN. Itctaatl PInnicaM. T«rm. Fifth A*«.. N. Unit * M*. f She Found A Pleasant Way To * Reduce Her Fat She did not have to go to the trouble of diet or exercise She found a better way, which aids the digestive organs to turn food into muscle, bone and sinew in stead of fat. She used Marmola Preacnp hon Tabieta, which are made from the famous Marmola pre scription. They aid the digestive system to obtain the lull nutn I ment ol food. They will allow you to eat many kinds of food without the necessity of dieting or exercising Thousands have found that ■ Marmola Preacnption Tabieta J give complete relief from obesity. And when the accumulation ol fat is checked, reduction to nor mal. healthy weight soon follows. All good drug tloro the world over •ell Aformo/o Prracupinn tablet0 • 1 one dollar n box A«k vnur druggist lor them, or order direct and ibey will be lent in plain wrapper, postpaid MAKMOI.A COMPANY t25 Garfield Bid* . Detroit. Mich Free mtTrial Bottle Tty it first, prove MBm the way to restore JV 1 * Gray Hail y You are right to he skeptical In regard to any preparation offered to restore gray hair Ho many can't do the work — so many only further disfigure your hair. A trial on one lock of hair Is your safe guard, and this I offer free. Accept this offer nnrl prove for yourself that your gray hair can be restored safely, easily and surely. I perfected my Restorer many years ago to bring hack the original color to my own gray hair, and since, hundreds of thou sands of gray haired people have used It It Is a clear, colorless liquid, clean as water and as pleasant lo use No gretsy sediment, nothing to wash or rub off Re stored color even and natural In all lights Results Just as satisfactory w hen hair has been bleached or otherwise discolored MAIl. COUPON TODAY fiend today for th« absolutely Free Trial parka**, wlm h sustains s trial bottle of my Restorer ami full Instnjettons tor making l he eon voicing “single lock" test Indirat* color or hair with X If possible en rkise a lock of your hair in your letter | flM« print year na ms amJ W • “T MART T GOLDMAN \ lfl~t Goldman Bldg . St Paal Minn J , Fleas# send y*ur patented Free Trial I Outfit. X allows eolof of hair III ark dark I I brown medium brown a •bum (dark | I mil light brown light auburn (light | red) blonde I J Nam*. I J_sift m» A trio of New York society matrons in the costumes the\ wore in “Best Sellers," the Spence alumnae play given at the Hotel Plaza recently Above Mrs Octave Blake above, left, Mrs. William , Gordon l.yle.and. left, Mrs. A. G. Mellwaine. Folry Then Edwin Miller rarer to McLain Sanitarium. See photos. Read what parents E%'eryone thinks it almost a miracle The onlx tui> to express our appreci iition is to tell others, that they, too, max be benefited MR AN f) MRS FRANK MILLER Fart Smith A*iuinvt« R R l. Rill lf>“ Parent* of Crippled Children xhtMihl know alKMil N|« I am Sanila num arrival* tnsl if ul Aon d«* v itlnd r \ . hisiv. p in ihf irraltiN-ni x*f eriptdixl and fnrtm-d •'omltl hmin i-si*i a 11 \ in . hildrvn and jrtwiiiar adults *s »»• I f.«r frv* i«»»ks I k-formil it's and I'aral \ ^is amt lioitkof IJpfi ri'iiits ■ <LAINORTNOfiDIC SANITARIUM IMR Anhtri At*Mt St Lmm M* REACH MAH IONG, tho latost fad on tho sands of Palm Beach Here are, loft to light Miss Elisabeth bovine, of Brooklyn; Mr. Frank boo, of Boston, a Mah Jong in ■itruetor; Mrs Helniar biederman ("Miss Alas ka," tho well known beauty contest winner!, and Mrs. Bud Goodwin, wife of tho well known swimmer of tho N’.Y.A.C A M K I- A N C H () L Y C I. O W N, magnificently played by Lionel Barry more, supported by Irene Fenwick, presented by David Belasco, from the Italian of Fausto Martini, combine to make "Laugh, Clown, I-augh!" a play that arrests the attention and finally startles the beholder by a apectarulai finish: a Lionel Barry more finish n im Little Ned M»l e.ut non at Mt and Mis L.dwaid Beale McLean o| Washington D t who are inemheis of the socictv colons at Palm Beach tins winter lliitrnji.. .v v** I Al ( O CR AN l HI INt Nr«* N -k S« l «'u»* lUUimtWr (»*%«UnW <. «%X