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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1924)
Silver Thread Embroidery in Solid Scroll Motif on Black Coat _With White Ermine Collar_ ONE of the loveliest bits of embroidery done at the Ideal Button and Pleating Company, Third Floor, Brown Block, Sixteenth and Douglas, this week was a long, close-fitting coat with a solidly embroidered scroll motif round collar, cuffs, pocket and skirt hem of silver stitchery. An exquisite effect when emphasized in black and whiteness by a high banded collar of white ermine with the banding on the outside but a turnover of the entire fur inside collaring. Unique. Milady wise Is now having her sports frocks and separate skirts for summer wear novelty pleated. A suggestion: * * * * m m • “Dome” Crowned Sailors, Short Brimmed, for Wear With Spring's New Suits. Goldstein - chapmans mil linery department. Sixteenth and Farnam, a place wherein to find the smartest and best of the season's chapeau stylings, is now pre suming for your entire approval the “dome” crowned eaiior with short brim, dashing, becoming, an utterly eharmful affair for wear with madam's new spring suit. Tiny silver buttons follow the center of tile rib bon on a little navy blue novelty braid sailor; two big lacquered twills are folded double with a splendid dash on a taffeta-faced black; a beige is effectively decorated in Jewel colors, ("hie! The prices, $12.50 and $15. • • • fihe “CorseleUe” solves the prob Jn for the styleful person who does not feel the need of figure molding “stays.” A dainty garment, $1.25. • * • Hair Dye of Artistic Color Properties a Boon to the Woman Who Has It Properly Done. MISS Prudle of the Be Bijou Beauty Shop. 207 South 18th Street, Alantic 0991, is expert in hair dyeing. Miss Prudle uses Inecto hair dye and when you’i'e made your appointment with her you feel absolutely no qualms as to the results of her work for her skill Is known far and wide as most suc cessful. "Milady need not worry as to the effects achieved" to quote this beauty specialist herself. "It 18 but a brightening of Its orlginr.I color." • * • "Roeita," charming picture of Span ish beauty, hae had an Influence on madam's style eelectlons In the Oma ha shops this week—reports show that numerous sales of fans, high, carved combs and fringed shawls and scarfs have been made. Interesting. Novelty Costume Jewelry for Spring’s Gayest Mannequins. HAYDEN Bros., 10th anil Douglas Sts., offer an unusually lovely assemblage of costume jewelry, the novelties of a very novel season. Necklaces In all colors and color combinations use to advantage tho molon cut and cube cut stones, these in all of the new Chinese gfeens, red, yellow and blue with very striking of ferings In black and white. For mi lady’s chapeau are ornaments at 50c to $2, lovely pins and pendants in black and white and colors to con trast or combine with the hat In question. One very effective pin set has used big dark pearls circled by rhinestones. A special spring offer ing Is a 40-inch melon cut bead strand with crystal rondels, between each graduated bead. Chinese blue, red, topaz or amethyst, $1.50. A cunning little ribbon and brilliant “fob" to swing from the new suit pocket, $1.90. Cube cut drop earrings of coral bakelite, $1.50. Pins for the hair, the newest coiffure note, $1 to $3. A showing to delight. * • • To be pulled on over the tiny tot's shoes are the knitted white boots with heavy shell tops, threaded in two-toned ribbons. A gift suggestion. An Imported Crock of black sat in sho.’n this week lad crystal buttons on its whito organdie collar, a black stitched -handker chief of the same fabric, peeping from the swagger skirt pocket. • • * . Very chic! Fine black straw cha peau in side turned brim effect with thin gold leaf seal on Its wide satin ribbon looped low at the right side. • • « Of that peculiar * "pinky'’ tan of spring's color chart Is a char meen suit, a trlg ly-tallored frock, td be worn under long, fringed shawl of the same material, $110. /Ven think I love your eyes, your hair, Your voice—and seeing you so fair Do never wonder that / find In you such solace for my mind And heart; but this, none ever guess— It is not all your loveliness Of form—all that which visibly Attracts—that is your charm, for me; But something far more sweet and true Than accidents of time, are you, And what I love is that which lies Beyond the laughter of your eyes, Beyond the beauty of your face— A something full of inward grace, A something ardent, vivid, pure, Fragile—though infinite and sure; A something childish, and yet old— And at once passionate and cold. For this / love you; and I know / love what may not ever grow Old—what will not slip away. Nor can diminish nor decay. For a Friend—Mary Dixon Thayer. • Beautiful Exponents of Style Loveliness Exhibited in Omaha Shops Afford Omaha Women Opportunity to Assemble Entire Wardrobes for Spring and Summer Never more beautiful—never <iuite such an aeaemblRge of dash and swagger have advance stylings represented rs they do in this first showing In Omaha shops of lovely wear for spring and summer. Notable among smart models are the separate skirts shown—Imported homespun und flannels, each with its individual touch of yarn embroidery or its novel pleating arrangement which makes it just a bit different from any styles shown in former seasons. Then there are those adorable coats whtch show a fondness for a bit of rare peltry round collar—the little frock of georgette which combines band ings of lace and metallic ribbon. Adorable! Mirrors in Polychrome Framings Offered at Reduced Prices—These to Hang by Silken Cords_ THE Brandeis Picture Department, Sixth floor, offer at a special price, 15.93, a lovely selection of mirrors of excellent quality, colorfully fram ed In polychrome effects, these to take upright or horizontal positions when hung Also specially priced are the colored silken cords with tassels, golden tan, black, rose and blue, which so greatly add to the effectiveness of the mirror wall decoration. These at f 1, 11.29 and 11.79. An oppt rtuliity to buy two art novelties at the price usually spent for one. » m + « • • Omaha Millinery' Expert Home From the East Makes .Announcement of Interest. MISS Heilman of the Heltinan Hut Whop, 18th and Douglas Sts., home from the east reports the buying of extra, large head sizes in hats for matrons and those who have not succumbed to the lure of the haJr-bohbers. Following the close fitting contour of the season's smart est millinery models the“e hats are yet of a size to be worn with exceed ing comfort. Interesting! • • • Hats of Ijtst Season ItchlocUcd to Assume New Season's Stylefulness. THE Kruger Hat Shop. 303 Barker Block, 15th and Furnam Rtreet, is a splendid place to have one's old hat reblocked after the styleful lines of the new season. Furs snd marabou pieces will be artis tically refashioned here as well as a new life put Into the old ostrich feathers that show a tendency to droop and draggle. • * • A Corset! Cries Madam as She Pre pare* for a Season of Separate Skirts and Mouse*. Hattie putnam, corset special ist, who operate* the Barclcy Corset Shop. Sixteenth and Har ney,- is a busy person these day*, for the popularity of the separate skirt and blouse again make* it absolutely necessary that madam be perfectly corseted, (let your order* in early for a made to-order corset for the coming season. Of course, if you so desire, Mrs. Putnam can fit yoft im mediately from models now in stock. A fitter will call at your home for measurements If you are unable to call at the shop. Cleaning and alterations on all makes of corsets. Atlantic 7049. Corset service! • • • F’riinroses In heavy, fragrant hfcad* c-d bloom, are shown in the flower markets—a hark back to old day* when grandmother’* bedroom window ledge held a solid line of the color ful blossom*. • • 0 Black glass lamp ha sea, low and wide or high and slender are offered at reduced prices; lovely when shaded in taffeta, S3 to • • • Czecho Slovakia sends exquisite crystal beads to be sold at the very low price of 50c a strand. Marvel ous among spring shop offerings. • • • Whether one uses her leopard's spots with colors or black. It’s quite her most effect ive style attack of the new sea son. « * • Kngraved glass holy water shak ers have pretty sil ver tops with out standing crosses of silver, a gift to be t. ensured, 14.50. Jewel Shop Suggests Mail Order Ser vice to Those Who Intend Buying Gifts for Spring Brides. THE John Henrickson Jewel Shop, 16th St. and Capitol Ave., sug gests that those who are plan ning upon the purchase of jewel* for brides this spring correspond with their mail order department, giving them an opportunity to explain their plan of submitting diamonds and wedding rings, silver service piece*, in fact anything in the way of Jewelry that is bought when spring Is spring and brides are brides. Henrickson service is delightful. Henrlckaot! prices less than those of other shops. Henrickson jewel quality shove re proach. Place your name upon their mail order list to receive regularly exquisitely illustrated booklets which they send out. A spring jewel special is the Henrickson wedding ring of platinum. $19.50 and $23. Diamonds all the way 'round, $150. • • • Choose your perfume for the new season with as great care as you se lect the color becoming to your par ticular type—expression of personol ity there must be. subtle as a minor music strain. The very smart person recognize* the value of a Petit Point hag to give character to her tailored costume. Exclusive Shop Features Separate Skirts and Long-Tailed Shirt Blouses for Sports Wear—Sleeveless Sports Frocks —Coats of Finest Fabrics, Inimitable Lines LA BOSCH IN, Hotel l-on tensile, Klghteenth and Douglas, presents to Omaha fashion followers the newest note in Styledom, the "long tailed shirt blouse’ with big collar cut on mannish lines of silk or flue broadcloth, its four-in-hand tie the inevitably smart note. Needless to say separate skirts are again In the heyday of popularity—and what fetching affairs they are to be sure, t liinose yellow was the color choice of a soft French flannel aklrt with wide box pleat down the entire front, the only touch of embroidery the big tailored flowers of matching silk. This for wear with a flat crepe blouse to match, hand drawn with black 'broidered monogram in Chfneae letters. Chic! Dark homespun skirts have vivid color touches in lines of big loose stltchery In yarn round the wrap-around edges. Tailored blousea which range in price from *5 to *7.10. Kxqulsite costume blouses to suit the most discriminating' for from llo to $25. fiklrts for swagger summer wear, $15 to $22.50. Never lovelier were the early spring sports frocks—Da Bnschint selections promise all-summer smartness and then price tags are a revelation of what a clever buyer may achieve at a low expenditure. Fashioned of flno quality jersey are the sleeveless sport blouses worn over blouses with pleated skirts. Sleeveless overblouse and skirt in two color combinations, beige and tile, green and beige, perhaps the newest colorings, these are a "find” at $25. Dream* of loveliness are the soft wrap ping coats. Soft Kasha duvetyne is a new brown With fur collar and quaint trim of hiss strips which simulate box pleats. A gray model in the same material has its slot seams bound over the entire wrap with heavy corded ribbon. Smoked pearl llnkbuttons to fasten its Chinese fashioned cults is a very new note. Spring clothes to delight the seeker of the individual in raiment. With Hi* short sleeved or sleeveless frork—Milady JK wears a dashing pair of gauntlet gloves—colors rnntragtini for chie. Style Revue at Rialto Theater Presented by Omaha Store — Models Known Through _Many States for Cleverness and Beauty Popularity of New Dining Room Makes It Necessary to Make Reservations Far in Advance of the Anticipated Function ! HERZBEROB. 1519 IJouglar, are alaglng a mammoth Style Revue at the Rialto theater beginning Sunday—a presentation of fascinating arpareling AI L CHRISTIANSEN in enlarging hi- Metropolitan Pining Room Hotel K'ee„ , k ,a^ rent to thla country by tl.e Parle nlTloa of the Heraberg Wore. Wrap*, dreawe and gowna from the great French fashion center w,U he ehown P which bealdes giving eitr. “S»e ^Ml omL, v .L caeVoL nrovla . f a?" f J' U, / *" » Priv*»* «'»*• by model* never before «een in Omaha, girl* known through many a. ate, for their oleverne** and beauty. A revue of .tylefulne*. which * Manning ™yneaTfLL In ^T"* *"***"' «‘*«-'"‘"* .»**• »«* hoeteear -n. give the needful Cue* a* to .hat i* what in .ovelMar* for apr.n. an d rummer from the t.p* of our toe* to the 1,pr of the” feather, L Lm withoufat^rtTeL^Tn Tartan m SS """ ^ chapeaux. ... Novelty Over-Maids—Flamingo and the Plain Stripes Represented in Spring Coat- Showing. t mHE Eamond Shop of Smart I Styles, 17th and Farnam, pre sents for Milady’s approval very swagger new pouts for spring fashion ” egr — English wrappiness is to be noted in lines of some of them, the big, loose blanket effects becoming in every feminine type, while In Others are the popular straight-line models. These in plaids and in the ’ wide blended stripes known to the style eenters ns novelty over plaids, Flamingo cloth and Yte Blaine Stripes. Clever coats at a price range from $22.50 to $39.50. • * • New vases to hold a few choice hlos soma hold exquisite colorings in their glazed surfaces. • • • Bread Man’s Waff of life Must be Well Baked and of the Dollcloim ness Known as ‘‘Hoinecooked.’’ THE Petersen Bakeries, lo cated at 24th and Ames streets, the Lake bakery at ISth and l.ocust streets', and the New Delica tessen at 18th and Farnam etreets. make the most delicious home cook ed whit* bread Imaginable, tHe bread that's reminiscent of the golden loaves that mother used to take out of the oven, a mixture of butter, cream and the Ingredients which speak for heatthfulness of the entire family. Delectable too, their ralaln bread. ISo a loaf, rich and delicious, and the nut bread at the same price which is popular with every member of the family from the youngest to the oldest representative round the festive hoard. Kii|rsvh( for Spring Weddings, Tallica, Favor Cup* and Mace Card* for Prenuptial Events. Dally Stationery Co., South 15th street, one door mjiith of the Nebraska Power company on Fifteenth street, has lovely spoeftnens of engraving for the spring weddings which promise so much in the social events of spring. Talllos, decorative cups for nuts and candles, and place cards assure dis tinction for the prenuptial festivities given for the bride-to-be. Would Madam Achieve an Effect of Sylph-Like Slenderness? If Tall, Would She Prefer Lines of Statuesque Proportions? SEEMINGLY Impossible of achievement one'* longings for that different Appearance—yet that Is bemuse she has not yet consulted Mr. Roberts authority on All questions pertaining to beauty who may he found in the Black and While Room at Burgess Nash. Accomplishing the impossible Is something done daily by this artist—he It is who cunningly arches Milady’s eyebrows, trims her hair a bit here, lengthens a line there, e\en sug gesting different and more becoming costume effects upon occasion, for all of this is a part of the changing of one s appearance If one would achieve the appearance which best fits into her sc heme of life A matter of—one hesifates to say it—but its exactly—using one's brains. Pardon! Thank me! \ou will after you have experienced the results of this skilled person’s machinations. ♦ Omaha Milliner Returns From Past ern Style Center* With New Chapeaux. MISS FANNIE SCHADELL. of the r M. Schadall A Co.. 1M2 Douglas. millinery department, haa returned from eastern style cen ters with chapeaux of ultra modish nee*. Just the hat for your so-dif ferent personality will he found amon? the lovely new models of display. Well worth the viewing. • • • Wear a hi? soft silk bandanna un der the dark fur collar—it's most rt fectiva Silk Shop Presents Suggested Fabrics for the Graduation and Confirmation Frock, the Colorful v Junior-Senior Banquet Dress TUB. Thompaon Hazen Silk Shop. 31* South Sixteenth ntreet, offern the lovely In fabric* for the fashioning of the dress for graduation ami con Urination and the dainty little drenn for the nchool nodal event of the seanon. the Junior Senior banquet. Oeorgette* of a fine quality In every shade and color, $1.95 to $2.50. Crepe do chlnea In practically the name •olor ranges. $1.95, $2.50 and $2.95, these an assurance of all summer weai Indestructible voile*, all silk, a combination of the luring qualities embodied In chiffon and georgette with an added lovellnenn attained only when two color* are combined. Thin In a beautiful color range at $2.5o a yard For a very small lady—the little Mack stitched French voile in pink or peach with quaint cross-slltched designs In fine yarn where the lines of stltrhery cross. Round sleeve mps, skirt edge In knlcker knees will ho discovered pleated net. lively! A find for the discriminating shopper nt $0.95. Hand Made “Jesso” Art Placques Grow Ever More Lovely as Mountings for Prints of Rare Loveliness THE Lowen Art And Gift Shop, 4707 Bouth Twenty fourth atraet. offer* Inatrurtlona In "Jm»o" plarque making free of charge to thoae buying their auppllea In the ahop. Thla la the pretty new art work which uaea (he new Peralan clay In moulding on wooden placquea of quaint ahape aa a mounting exqtilalte for the lovely Imported print*, reproduction* of landacapc, figure atudlea and flornl pulntlnge by fnmoua a it lata. Thla day take* wonder ful bronxe and color effect*, Infinitely charming when viewed aa a whole with the glared picture, an effectlveneaa attained moat often by the old maetera Jf you don't know "Jeaao” learn It. * Exchange Shop Offer* Slay at Home Woman an Opportunity lo Market Her Handwork. THE nook and tllft shop second floor HushmHn block, Sixteenth and Douglas, operates an ex change whore for the fee of $1 a year th* woman who stays at home may market her hand embroidery, paint !pg or plain sewing on aprons and dresses. A splendid way to earn some long coveted bit of furniture or even a lovely Jewel. Peter Pan Suits for the Small Boy Tailored of the Tubbable and Strong Fabrics, an Assurance of Smart Wearableness -1- ■■ ..- ■■ ■ ■ ..— -- IIO.MI’SON MKf.DKN'B are the ante agents In Omaha for the selling of the clsverly tailored little “Peter Pun'* suite. Appealing Indeed are the • dear little Oliver Twist and middy stylings of linen, ohambray, repp, gala ten and othfr wash fabrics which have proved themselves as worth ^lille sturdiness for the milting of small boy persona. A whole wardrobe may be chosen from the smart style* offered without duplication—the price, tin usually low, but $1.96. Dainty Frocks for Graduation and Confirmation Use Lace and Ribbon to Enhance the Loveliness of Voile, Georgette and Crepe de Chine THK Kiddles Hh.ip at OoldatMn-Chapman's. Sixteenth and Farnam, has quite (he moat extensive showing of dainty frocks for graduation and confirmation ceremonies, these In the finest of materials, trimmings and workmanship at prices marvelously low as they were a sample showing bought In Its entirety by this department, making It possible to price them at one half of what then- prices would ordinarily be. In imported French voiles are dresses for glrllen of from t to 14 years, priced fS.SB, >4.S;\ ,n Jpt Vrosh and clean thev re delightful Indeed In their girlish ribbon sashes, clever arrangement of fullness at shoulder and wntatlino and lacy edgings • ieorgettes to sell at from 110 to IS4 r>0, range In sites to 1« years, the*e In delicate colors with two-toned rlhbon ornaments of such artistry that they are at on. e put Into the class of fine frockery. Crepe do chines In all of the I's“lei shades complete a frock showing of rare Iwauty—marvelous lowness of pricing. A buying opportunity which affords the chance to huv not only for the present season but for next winter a» well. Delightfully effective are the ex quifltely hand-embroidered pure linen aoutrawhr>e* aoalloped edge a are hand crocheted. Eyeleta and French aatln alllchery make a lovely background for any monogram you wish *o have put on thru* caeca, which are priced nt *15. Four and Five-Strand Pearl Bracelets of Charming _Simplicity Delight Maid and Matron TMK i H. Hrowli Jewel Hhnp, 220 Mouth Sixteenth Bln'et, preedits for the npprowil of iiiHtlenioleelle i d mml in hei mother the exquisitely lovely new lir»p#lol« Kotir, five xml even elx ■trend* of o*r "fully »l/vd |n«rl* of tunnlni: color m«lcliin ... ti c n*« 1'ia- ilctu the«e In pxrellel row*, the entire group held toxether by < Ih*|i« of while sold It inxlna I ti price from ft oil to ft ih- • il ft tciiltlx dinmoml mounted . U*p« they're wholly charming ■neiuory blt« for Milady's eprlng and auminn wardrubi h . * V • xWlp. I’rrlly little Hoylah Suits „f s„ft Itttnorlrd Manuel llait linn Striped !Ser*e anal Hair T«ee<K For That l>a*ll of t'olair. LKNFFTFTt, tailor, arcond floor, 1*1* Farnam, 1s making op the smart eat Imaginable Ift tin banish suite. for you mint know lady Fair. that thl* Wat* fair to he tlio biggest suit season of many year* Instead of the former fur sonrf inada niolseiu swings her olet erty tailored tnpooat over her shoulders. Kfftv live! Kneel ere suit wrap snd sep si-ate skirt fa hr to* sie on sale ths hei suae of extensive remodthing of hla shop K nee f nr pines sie rsdi oallv redih od- Neas. Dressmaker Design* and Fashion* Ktqnisitiiew in Apparel Tor Spring and Summer. MRS. GREENE, dressmaker, sec ond floor. Nevil!* HoeS, Sir feenth and Harney, doe* ex qulstte designing and fashioning of apparel for the opening spring and summer season: iovely gowns for the spring bride, dainty Hit!# roaflrim flott dresses, graduation frock*, the swagger sports drea* and th* little afternoon and dinner dresses wduh fill every need. A clever person. 5rs Greene, who will do a hit of 4 re modeling us well if nitlady so desires. • * • Reauty Shop Enlarges Booth Sp*re— Installs Soft Water System—Adds Another Marrel Operator. THE Delft Beauty Shop, second floor City National Bunk build ing. Sixteenth and Harney, is enlarging its space for booth*, an ad dltlon of several room* Immediately adjoining the shop. Exquisite the ef fectiveness of the shampoo and facial now- that aoft water has teen In stalled, while the addition of a new man-el operator assure* even las: minute marcel appointments Phone Jackson 1755 POLLY WILL >1 AKK YOI R STYLE SELEC TIONS FROM \l>\ VNCE APPAREL NOW SHOWN FOR SPRING AM* SI MMER. V SHOPPING SERVICE OFFERED FREE OF CHARGE TO AIL READERS OF THE BF.F. ADDRESS I'OIJ.Y, THE SHOPPER, OMAHA RFE. OMAHA, NFR. 0% i • »n1 \ 1 ir«4 t* # r*tt*t o.fH*