The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, February 24, 1924, CITY EDITION, PART TWO, Page 8-B, Image 18
_EMPLOYMENT._ Salesmen and Agents. 30 PROGRESSIVE manufacturer of vacuum type alec trio washer has opening for a district representative for the Missouri river section. Muse, be thoroughly ex perienced in selling electric washers to dealers, age SO to 35. Territory consists of western Iowa, western Missouri. Kansas. Nebraska, Oklahomu, with headquarters1 either at Omaha or K. C. Commission basis with drawing account and expenses advanced. bell yourself In first letter, giving details your business experience last five years, ref ren. s and state salary desired. Sales manager will interview ap plicant! in Omaha near future. Y-2676, Omaha liee. SALESMAN; For exclusive sales prposi tlon—good producers to sell McQuay Trouble-Proof radiators to garages and out-town den'cis. A high class selling proposition with real merit. The McQuay radiator docs not ourst from Heeding has increased cooling features and w.. put corrode with alkali. If you are tile right man w e iiav « a real opportunity4. v\ me McQuay Radiator Corporation, fcst l'atil. Minn. Id .\OJKuNETTFj ami grill; Most select of its kind in tlie middle west. Emoted In the business loop of a city of 160,00(1 • Xurge patronage of best class. Hood lease, very reasonable rent, low overlicad . V. onderfui fixtures and decorations; wot Hi |2:* oo.Hi. barge 'space including danc • ficur. Nets ^S.OOO.Ot) to *12.000.00 annual ly. r.i u 118,000.00, terms. Ill health ahsolut ^ r aaon for selling. Y-2574. Omaha He -._ SALESrnen—-Wool Growers offer ffiO to $10 i weekly to aalesfolka to introduce all , wool clothing, underwear, sweaters. hos iery'. piece goods, blankets, etc., direct , fn<m wool grower to tmers at mill prices. No peddling. Vo capital. No exjerlence. All or ftpate time. We furnish everything to tail you. Exclusive territory. Act «, Wool Growers’ Woolen Mills. 224 T inkinton Arcade, Dept. 62, Milwaukee. Sir. fAUiSMEN—If your earning capacity is linked now—if you feel thut you should * «■. more—if vou < ;in sell and want n connection that has a real future for full time, year around selling—liberal j commission—in Omaha or outside territory, phone Mr. V. H. Jones at Hotel Conant today or until noon Monday for appoint ment. C. 1-: ERICKSON CO., Inc. Dch Moines, Iowa. ' *" AGENTS—G i. I;ATK.sT uITuRTUNITY "Authorized !.»:;* of Woodrow Wilson" by Josephus Danbi*. s- y. n ivy, associate «•: .former president, ltig book, handsomely .illustrated. I.ovv price, best terms ’<» agents. Credit given. Send for fi*-o out fit at once, make money fast. Authorship is guarantee of authenticity. I niversal House. Winston Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. AGENTS: Large corporation wants a | service man in every 'own to paste up its signs on store-keeper’s windows. Ex ceilent opportunity for reliable party. No experience necessary. IVe also have at tractive proposition for agents and sales men. Guarantee Sign fcv-ivice, 361 "VV . j f u peri or, t'hie.' ______ AGENTS for stupendous advertising cam paign. $2.000 policy and genuine pin sea! wallet absolutely free to original users of National fountain pens: campaign jus' Starting; harvest for salesmen; exclusive territories- no competition, wonderful rc peat business.* Dept 91. National Service To . 51 Clinton S' ■ N--wn'k. N', ,1. AGENTS week selling boys’ suits Our prices half retail stores. Real $is values. Ill.it5. Agents make 20 per cent. Profits In advance. Wo deliver and col lect. Selling outfit free. Write for full Information Wright & Co.. Dept. A-34o. .Congress. Throop and JIarrison Sts.. Chi 1 QK" AG ENTS—Why work for others? Start ;ind operate your own business; $100 to $:.oo profit weekly in the proprietary spe cialty business. We furnish everything und show you how. Booklet free. National Scientific Labs.. 200 Monroe, Richmond. Vn. SELL MADISON "BETTER-MADE" SHIRTS direct from our factory to wears No capital or experience required. Easily sold. Big profits. WRITE FOR FREE SAMPLES* MAPI S' V MILLS, 603 Broadway, New -Tork ''it y._ AGENTS You can make $75 to lino » week selling our big line of 150 articles, used ' «> In every home. Write us we will send you our handsome $15 sample 1 iHf> outfit on trust. Federal Puri Fond Co . 2203 Archer Aviv, Chicago. BALE;-'MEN—Tailoring salesmen, weekly salary, bigger 1 ommlssioos. all Wool, bet ter tailored clothes, $33.65, express pre paid. Union made. America's greatest money making line. Great Western Tail oring Co., pioneers for 30 years, Chicago AGENTS make big money selling new auto Invention. Hoffenberg’a sold 900 In 2 months. Profit $2,700. For full par tlculars write Stransky Co., Dept. 1070, Pukwana. S. D. Situations Wanted Female. 31 WANTED—Position In eoocl Nfbr»«lm town by experienced bookkeeper and st cnogra pher. B-252, Omaha Bee. Situations Wanted Male. 32 | TREK trimming expert, WA, 4632. ___ FIN ANCI A L. Business Opportunities 33 sIii.i.ino your business? Pee ii We • r* n get result® where the Individual would fail. If you have a well established business, large or small, get in touch with us Advanced Information b fore public offering. Not exclusive If w>• take the -ale of your business. No identified publicity. 105-306 Paxton Bldg. Federal System. td’K/K LUNCH cafeteria for sale. $5,000 cish; good lease on building; been In busi ness 25 years; wants to retire; A No. 1 business; "till stand close inspection; suit able for man and wife, or two young men. Box B-255, Omaha Bee. FOR SALE c«n. mdse, store. Invoice. $11,000. Post office In connection; 2 larg* refineries Outskirts of Casoer. Good business. Box, 66. Owner’s. Evansville. Wyo.' K.'d BALE Cleaning, tailorlpjf business, central Minnesota city of 6,000. Owner retiring. Wonderful buy. Must be seen to be appreciated. Y-2675, Omaha Bee. THE. DORT SIX AGENCY make* R prof itable business for energetic business men. 8ee Ralrh W. Jones, distributor for Ne braska and Western low®, 2421 Fnrnam. DRUG STORE for sale; did $17,000 past year- one best towns In state; moderate investment. Naylor’s Pharmacy, Klrwin. Kan. GROCERY STORES- -Sales one $5,000. Rn other, $10,000 per month. Unusual oppor tunity. Chan. J. Eddy, Box 1248, Casper, Wyoming, the growing town. ANY business, anywnere, sold for rash No publicity Federal Hystem. 805 Pax ton Bldg AT 0462 GROCERY STORE FOR SALE, LRMfl. 1 A ROVE. WILL SELL REASONABLE, JA. 8131. WANTED- Lin to run meat market. st enow. Call JA. 2597. Investment—StocKs—Bonds. 34 FOR SALE—150 shares In a Nebraska slate bi'.i.l. -one of the large** and'bstt In state. $215 per share. Address Y 2573, Omaha Hoo. LOW RATE on city property. quickly cloeed; no monthly payments. JA. 153.; XV. T. Graham M. A. ANDERSON CO. JA. 8107. Real estate. Surety bonds and kindred Irs , Real Estate Loans. 34A i 8 Vi A.M> 8 I*ICR CENT MONET. Loan* on Omaha improved ttroperty * ‘ lowest rate*. FRANK H. BINDER. 12$ Pftv National.JA. 2551 ‘ FARM 1,0 A N8. T.arge or emnll Weal Nob (armi. ranch Klnke Invaatment Co., H4E Om. N'at III OITY real estate mortgages and con tracts bought. Mr. Laraon 104 North Fifteenth street O M A HA RDM K:EAST NEB FARMS O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1015 Om. Nat. Rk. Bldg _JA. 2716 MX per cent loans on Omaha residences <'ash on hand Prompt service. E. H , I.ougee. Inc.. 53$ Kaolins Bldg SECOND mortgages or contracts pur chased by Tukey Company. 820 First Nt rom.1 Bank. JA. 4l»23 •j WILL buy mortgage* and contracts I'orklti. 94$ Om Nat. Bide , Omnhw Net» LUt a nd « Percent - -no del a t GARVIN RROR 64W Nat Rldg ■■ 1 " ■ ...... ' Money to Lonn. 35 THIS rii.MPijNT 18 ORGANIZED *] n ■ , vr-ir money *m'i In the sam* i. , r that banks supply the money wants rf ihe business community. An. amount loaned up to $600 snd you . *n r*; rv It In easy monthly payments Our .-final payment plan repays the loan and ail charges We have been la business In Omaha over $'» years a.d ran awsuie you of a quick, uinlldentlal n nil dee' OMAHA WAN IDMfANt S0« Knrb.rli Hlock. 1»I. •<*• **” Ho,jthr.*Bt Corner Hth Olid Uouglae me l7i A M11N11 Inert. *1 loweet retee. huclneu .*11.11 .onfl.I. I.lliil Thr 1,1.1 rr.r.n-l I--"" Cl.. 1.14 Hriilgn Ht. I-.i.IhIiIIbIii'I I<i|4 Local Instruction Cl sawed. 38 civil, I ICW *n*m|neilijn won (men and wnnim,). Write <• ' " lid, fnrm?' «|\il service axmnlnsr* 1291 Woodworth ■L. Dubuqua, loea I _EDUCATIONAL.. _ _ ^ _ Correspondence Courses. 37 : Xl’KI.lJ.NL'KD coraptomnet operator. i\ u t s in demand. If you are not an operator an eight week*’ course in the ■ omptometer school will fit you to hold one of these desirable positions that are always open. If you must work. wh> not prepare so that you will get the most for your lime? us tell >ou about oui day and evening classes. _ COM PT< ■> MI5TER SCHOOL. 300 Courtney Block. "The sch ol i hat Graduates Experts.* RAILWAY mall clerks wanted. Men IS „t fl.ijftO i" $2,3»>0 > ear. Pleasant work. constantly traveling. Common education sufficient. For particulars no lily immediately. 922-1* Addrees Y :.)5S. Omaha lire._ $ 1. ♦> 0 0 — $2,300 YEAR. Railway mall ,-jerks wanted. Schedule examination pl-ioeH free. Write immediately. Krank :i Justltute Dept. 209. L, Rochester, N. Y.. Local Instruction Classes. 38 THE BUSINESS MAN DEMANDS TRAINED EMPLOYES. Big business houses have no time to waste on you—no time to teach you tile elements of business practice. They expect you to com# to them prepared. If your can't do that, they have nothing to offer you, even "to start.” And the preparedness they demand of you Is the very kind of train ing given at BOYLES COLLEGE. Boyles College teaches you Bookkeeping. Comptometry, Shorthand, Typewriting, Telegraphy, Secretarial, Banking, Sales manship, Civil Service, English. DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. Write, phone or call for our free catalog BOYLES COLLEGE 18th and Harney Sts. Onmha, Nebraska, rhone Jackson 1S65. ; >\V< >R AK BUSINESS COLLEGE Stenography and Bookkeeping. Wead lii'lg . pith and Farnam. AT. 7415. EIGHT to 13 week* prepare you for a f•!ie office position. Call AT. 7774 or write American college. 1913 Farnam._ TUI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE 1402 Dodge St. 1306 Douglaa St Call ar write for Information._ VAN sv N r SCHOOL OF BUSINESS Lay rtnd Evening Schools 2ns S 19th S' _JA. f»89<> EARN while learning; be beauty specialist S h all. 313 Courtney. AT, 4M1< Musical—Dancing—Dramatic. 39 ZKY CONFKY’S course in NOVELTY 1MA.NO PLAYING. K M. KATIN*. Instruc tor. Mlckel Bldg, 15th and Harney. AT. 4361. Dancing Academics. 39A KEEPS—HOTEL ROME. Classes Mon.. Wed. and Frl. Lancing Tues., Thurs and Sat. Private lesions any time. JA. 64<0. Horses, Cattle, Vehicles. 43 THE I C. OALUT Horw .nil Mul. Co. \* ill hold their regular auction of horses •id mules next Tuesday afternoon, Feb tuary 26, at stock yards stables, South Omaha. Expect fully 300 horses and mules. Come and buy them while they re cheap. HARNESS AND SADDLES Wt m and sell them direct to the consumer; high grade har ness* at 1st <. Write for free catalog. A I .FRED CORNISH. 1210 Fa main St . Omaha. Neb. MERCHANDISE._ Articles for Sale. 46 20 volumes “Book of Knowledge.'* Never h**n used. Priced very reasonable. O. J. Zimmerman. Orchard. Neb. Business Equipment. 47 WE BUY. sell safes make deaka, abow • ases. Omaha Fixture Afc Supply Co . W. cor. 31th and Douglaa. JA. *724 Fuel and Feed. 50 KINDLINi; —*:• tru.k-lo«d. delivered Sawdust, shavlnga Phone JA. $740. KINDLING WOOD Fnr sale, cheap WE. 4842. Household Goods 53 KURNITUHK—Th» kind th«t you would like to possea*. as well as staple article*. Price* within reason. Stephenson Auction House. 1500 CapitoL Good* sold at auction and private ca!^ FIFTY good used aewing machlnea, stan dard makes, priced to aell oulckly. Rent als. $3.00 per month. Repair all make*. Open evening*. Omaha Sewing Machine exchange. 2414 Leaven worth. JA. 0833 :’.2 VOLT el*. tri< vacuum sweeper good 31 new, |20. John Albert, Jr., Wanoo, Neb. R. 1. FOR SALE:—Steel range, cheap. WA, 2841. Swap Column. 53A FOUR lot*, each 42 ft wide, 3 inalde worth $521. Corner $*60, will exchange nil for first payment on well locatrd Dirge 5 room bungalow. B-247, Omaha | Bee.______ HAVE four-room house and acre In Weat Benson, good tenant at $20 per month, value $3,600. $1,100 building and loan mortgage, will swap for vacant acres in West Benson, C-312, Omaha Bee. 200 4 of land, clear, T ml. from Co. seat.; •djoinlng for. at reserve Will trade for or 2 used cars and some « a*h. or what have you? <». M. Holmes, Wilson hotel,, .Dunning, Neb,_ ________________ REO speed wagon, Just overhauled, new > >rd*, for rooming house nedan, real !-n. . business or ha\# you? F-445, <>maha Bee. \N'.DIAN patent on luggage carrier for j Money nmker. Mfr . heap. Trade 1 i.jtv. Ini, acreage What have you? ! 1 ■»< Omaha Bee. ■’! ACRK firm land, ihim mile* from ■ lienwiod. Ark. 31 miles eoufhwast of] Ifcf Springs for city property. B 249, Omaha Bee. TI \\SFKKRED to Chicago, must sell R Mm ..ttage West l.cHVenworth. |2,9f*0. down, balance $30 per month. Take Fmd ;n i irr payment d.iwn. WA. 7747, LARGE size mahogany Brunswick player to trade for 1921 or 1922 Ford roadster with staier. Also hav«* 7fi records and ' 900 "lean secondhand bricks WW. 70*>6. Fine tmburbnn lot with water, sawer and lights to swap for car, house, interior de rating or what hav* you. R-248, Omaha Bee. 0 ACI'FS dear, tin I m proved, half In .hen' 610,00$ for good business. awto i ■ i cr r'«al estate. F 414. Omaha i ■ i rooming house, heat and hot wafer furnished. Trad* for larg er place, C-309, Omi in Ben. 1338—4-door Ford sedan trade for read er or real esiata or what have you? D-452 Omaha Bee. FORD touring body to swap for Ford roadster body with delivery bog. A-116 nrnaha Bee. 1923 BT’ICK sedan, naw. to trada for In come property or what have you. F-621, t>m»ha Be#. _ WILL trade metal weather strippings for -t or what have you? D-494, Omaha liee 4 BOOM rooming house, heat and hot water furnished, to trade for larger place. 0309, Omaha Bee. _ W I'Ll, furnished ajiartment on car line private bath. $tiG. AT. 4 23® 4 AND *9-burner nil stoves, also 1917 Ford for r dlo or lumber. D-4f>1. Omaha Bee WILL swap rood TTnd««rwnod typewriter for n radio set B-9®0, Omaha Bee ■ )LD TRtJt TT ln« ibator and brooder for ] chickens. D-493, Omaha Bee jLATK model Ford eedan and rash for ncre of ground, west. B-260, Omaha Bee Ifl RM. good house, trade for auto or what (have you? 14-24®, Omaha Bee ' ASM register for repair work on auto, i Omaha Bi Machinery and Tools. 55 Jfk machine bargains. A-i order Must sell. Severn! make*. alx.-s taken in #* change. < luir.i nteed. Burn, 326 lllver, Ohl o F*-p m i bo irl* mI Work*. m-20 Ho 12th NI’H' and ond hand motors dynamos Seeds, Plants and Flowers. 56 Ol.A DP *1.1 bulbs henutlful mixed, flower ing o*, i,u iiuttis. 7fi< inn bulbs $1 *5. i net paid. *Nsbiaska Bulb Co.. Columbus. Beta MERCHANDISE. Radio Equipment. 59 GUARANTEED radio seta I3.4N and up R. M. SHLAKS. 218 North 16th St. Wearing Apparel. 60 JOHN FELDMAN moved to 203 Karbach block. 3 6th and Douglas Full dresa and tuxedo suite forrrent. JA. 112k_ Wanted to Buy. 61 DESKS. DESKS. DESKS New desks, used desks, bought, sold and traded. J. C. Heed. 1207 Farnara St. AT. 6146.. Rooms With Board. 62 WE 2534—Lovely room, new mod. private koine. Breakfast optional. Ref. ex changed. _ LA RGB pleasant room with hoard for two. llarifccom Park district. HA. 1166. TWENTY-FIRST ST. 614 N.—Good board and room within walking distance. HA. 3326—Room and hoard In private heme. Ladles preferred. _ HA. 7630—Pleasant rm. with board for I. Rooms Without Board. 63 FARNAM ST.. 3813. WELLINGTON INN HAS NICELY FURN3HED ROOMS WITH DETACHED OR PRIVATE BATH AT VERY ATTRACTIVE RATES TO PERMANEN# GUESTS. DON’T FAIL TO SEE THEM. SIXTEENTH ST.. 611. N.—Clean, comfort able rooms by clay or week; steam heat, walking distance. Fricea right. AT, h3U7. COMFORTABLE room In private family, private entrance, reasonable, home provl leRea. HA. 4595. _ 315 SOUTH 31ST—Newly decorated sleep ing rooms, nicely furnished, in^ private home; very reasonable. 11A. 4866. BEAUTIFULLY furnished front room In i desirable location, i eaeoiiahlc. HA. f>070. SMALL sleeping room. In new steam heated flat, reasonable. $2-75. AT. H:.9 2S1S DODGE—-Newly and artistically fur nished rooms, $4 HA. 2243, NICE clean room in mod. brick house. HA. 3136. __ Rooms for Housekeeping._64 N. 2 T.T11 ST . 211—Two room?, modern, netvlv decorated, everything furnished. .1A. 0874_ 2817 POPPLETON—2 room?, kitchenette* with sink, on bathroom floor Gaa, light* and water furn shed- HA. 0-906. 2817 POPPLETON—2 rooms, kitchenette with ain't; on bathroom floor. Gas, light* a n d w a t e r furnished. osf>* 3111 s. 24TH ST.—Two-room apt. every thing furnished. Reasonable. A T S-do N TiTT* STREET—3 room* and kitchen. Modern. W A. 3792. NEWLY decorated housekeeping room. 2111 Douglas St.__ VWo housekeeping rooms, warm, clean and modern. 2573 St. Mary Ave. 2..H2 JONES—Front apt.; even thing fur nished to parties employed. Where to Stop in Town 67 MOTEL .SANF‘»RL) — 19th and Farnam. HOTEL HEN SHAW—16th and Farnam Special rate? to permanent guest* REA LESTAf E—FOR RENT. Apartments—Furnished. to FURNISHED APARTMENT THE UNDINE. 2652 DEWET AVE. Thres room* and hath with 5-room ac commodation*. *11 walnut furniture, fur nished for 2 people, $70.00 winter and $56.00 summer. TRAVKR BROS. Inc., AT. 6196. 119 First Nat. Rank Rldg^ KNICKERBOCKER Apt. b room*, from March to October, $120 psr mo. Call Ha. 1261.____ HUNTER INN HOME for the traveling man and wife. AT. 6960. TWENTY-THIRD ST.. 3937 8.—Cor. D. New* dec., mod 2-r. apt., ht.. It., wat. free. Apartments—Unfurnished. 70 ATARTMEXTS AVAILABLE MARCH 1ST 4 Room*—2206 North 19th St.. $20.00 $3u.OO. 4 Rooms. No. 9, Tlsard. located at 24th and Davenport Sts., only $40.00 summer, $50.00 winter. 4 Rooms—No. 16. Troy. JM9 Harney nt., summer $45.00, winter $50.00, Living room, bed room and kitchen, No 14 Sweetwood, corner of Dewey and Sweet wood Avea., (between 25th and 2fdh Sts > t _ 4 Rooms and attractive porch. No. 1, Trov, 3009 Hamer St.. $56.00-60 00. 4 Rooms, building iesa than a year old. No. 4. Webster. Lincoln Hlvd. and Web ster Sts $60.00. Conveniently located, eouth. east end west exposure. 4 room*. No. 4. Shirley, 127 South 41 at St $60.00. Close In. well arranged. 4-roora apartment. No. 14. Flo Lee. $52.60-60.00. 5 Comfortable rooms In pleasant location. No. 2. Georgia. 1040 Houth 29th St. $46.00. FUTERI TRUST COMPANY. "Where Omaha Rent*.” AT. 0544. 17th and Farnam St*. 4 64 H 23D—New 6-room nrlck flat. $66 JOfVN R M’CARVI LLK. Realtor. 1002-3 City Natl,jAT. 5016 APARTMENTS and flat* for rent. W f PALMER CO. AT. *990 Real Estate Management Specialist*. FOTt "one <»F DRAKES inoo APARTMENTS Call Jackson 2906. PETERS TRUST COMPANY ■WHERE OMAHA RENTS'.* AT. 054 4. 17th and Farnam Sta STEAM HEAT. 4-room apt., $40. cloae In. ft P. Stebblna. 1410 Chicago SF 2214 D 8T . near 234. strictly mod. 3-room mpt . Mt»nm heat. Msrphy h»d, prlv. hath HA 6994 f. large rooms. apartment; modern; cholea location. _ Business Plstces for Rent. 71 Store*. Large Farnam Rt. atore, It 1 • floor, large UaaeenenF Good atora In tha Wend Rldg., llth and Farnam Sta. OPTHCES Wa ar# arranging some nt»a offira apar* «>ri the second floor of tha Commerca Rldg., Farnam St. front. Two off!« «*s tn the M ead Bldg . llth and Farnam e'a SfKond floor. 44*112, AT. nil, Farnam St Cheap rent. F. I» \ V E 4 D AND D. H BOWMAN. 31o Bo llth St V\ end Bldg AT. 0151 STORE ROOM IN NEW BUILDING Desirable for dry goods, notion, or shoe store. Good location. 59th street and Mili tary Ave Fall AT. *«*»&. FARNAM ST.. 1 «07—ItOri room. 2<»i end 1809. store room, 19*132. If tenant wants more room, will build two at nr lee nhnva, r«rh 46*132, with light on three al4«a Thus. K Hall, 1911 Harney Ht AT. 7406.__ MODERN steam heated atora. 870 month <1 P Stebblna. 1610 Chicago Houses for Rent. 72 DUNDEE DUPLEXES 4 Rooms 4*47 Farnam St ...176 90 6 Rooms. 109 South Both Ht.$75.00 PETERS TRUST COMPANY. “Whera Omaha Renta ** AT. 0544. 17th and Farnam Sta CHOICE 4 ROOM APARTMENT No. 15 Ekard Court. 617 So Slat Bt. Very <'oitv and attractive, sen this for your nelf. open Monday fur Inspection. ‘all PAYNE * H< »NH tin . "Omaha'a Rental Men." 614 Omaha Nat. Ilk. lildg. JA 1014 NEAR ST JOHNS 6-Room homi—311 Lincoln fllvd . 4»nty 160.00. PETERS TRUST COMPANY "Whara Omaha Renta.** AT 0544 17th and Farnam Sta i An * room house In m • lent f.idltbu in cholna lot aiIon et on! $i i month Including garage. 71 t .14th Ht. i all PAYNE SONS « i ' . "Ormtha'a Rant a I Men" 611 OmahA Nat. Uk. Bldg. JA lull REAL ESTATE—FOH SALE. Houses for Rent. 72 S itomn.— £U’4 *.nrth 16th ht. ..*35.00. 7 Boom*—1003 Month £«th St. 145 0" S Room*—1414 Shrrwood Ave.$60.00. (ArranKC4i for 2 famlilee). FETTERS TRUST COMPANY. "Where Omaha Renta." AT. 0644. 17th and Farnam Sta. 7-It. Mod. ex. ht. 637 S. 25 Ava ..$87.60, i. K. Mod. ex. ht Ml S. 25 Ava. ..$.75,00 ;-R Pt. mod. 2712 Caldwell .$30.00 3 Ft. cottage, 1711 s. IS St.$l'.*.Mi. 3-H. cottage. 3106 Maple St.$l do. 3-R. cottage. 2218 Hickory St.$ 1 • 00. 1\ D. WE AD AND D. IT. BOWMAN. 310 .So. 18th St WchU Bldg. AT. 0151. 9 FOR COLORED. 6- room flat—1219 South 1th St. $20.00. PETERS TRUST COMPANY. "Where Omaha Rente." AT. 0644. 17th end Farnam Sta. 7- It. MUl>.. GARAGE. 832 N. 43d ....$45 5-R. MOD.. STUCCO, 3111 MASON _ 60 ; 7-R BUM IS PARK HOME . 65 5-R. HEATED APT.. DUN'S AY . 60 <)M. RENTAL EX . .1A 35 19. HA. 2Q0M. SIX-ROOM TTorne—nlrely furnished—near to parish school. 2616 Meredith Avenue. TETERS TRUST COMTAN7. "Where Omaha Renta." AT. 0544. 17th and Farnam Ste. NICE new cofage. 3 rma , bath, floored attic, a>l modern, one half block to car KR. 3667. 7 Room* 1526 South 27th Bt.$50.00 PETERS TRUST COMPANY. "Where Omaha Rente." AT. 0544. 17th and Farnam Ste. HAWTHORNE. 2206-7 Howard. Rent* reduced. .V \ Living room, bedroom, hath, larg* Ho* t, excellent kitchen, $50, >55. B«»e janitor NEAR TECHNICAL HIGH 6 room duplex—2857 Hurt St —66 00 PETERS TRUST COMPANY. "Where Omaha Rente." AT-0544 17th A Farnam Ste ;• 7 7CALIFORNIA St. New 6 room tnodSrr. l-rlrk. duplex with garage, 176 per month. V»c**nt March 1st. HA. 2136. Verv rnnv rnlently located—-8 room du rt|px rn:» Paxton Com t, near 26th & Douglas Sts., $52.60. PETERS TRUST COM TAN T ‘'Where Otnaha Rents'* AT. ©544 17th A Famsm Sts. WELL LOCATED close-in 9 room house; onk finish, suitable for roomer*. 2654 Douglas. ___ HELMS PARK. 7 rm. duplsr with gar age, $75.0**, without fTH'aKw $65 00. Va cant March 15 U V 3449 4949 MILITARY Ave, R-rooin house, brick building', modern. AT **66. Offices and Desk Room 73 STORE room*. 2nxr9 feet, new fronts. -*>n North 24?h Sr Just one Mock north of umtng St Very reasonable rent. C. O. CARLBERO 912 Branded Theater Bldg. _ FOR RENT In First Nat'I Bank building, office -ulte facing 14th St. Alio desir able office In front of elevator. Phone AT. ©500._ Suburban for Rent. 75 CRAZING ranch. 1 4f<0 a-res. and free tenge; Laramie, AVyo., plow ground modern house, horses, equipment, shallow **ater 'rout streams, no hay Fowler. 2566 W. 37th Ave . Denver. Colo. ~ REAL RSTATK-KOR SALE Real Estute—Investments. 78A I HIGH CLAPS DUPLEX** LIVE IN' ONE -KENT THE OTHER Dandy brand new 2 family brick In Dun 'e.», we'l locatad. 3-rar garage Owner live* In one rent* the other for $**5.00 You ran do the same. Price $17,600; $4,700 cash. I WEST FARNAM—'WALKING DISTANCE An exceptional building, be»*er built and larger than the average duplex Eight rooms each side w • h fin shed att|c with maid’s room and bath. Hot water heat ing plants. Ruud heaters tl!e bath*, drive way and 2 car garage. Rental $195. Price $18,600. GLOVER A SPAIN. J A. 2869. OLORE IN PRESSED BRICK FT. T.OUIH FLAT. 12 ROOMS OWNER I,EA VTNG CITY AND CUT PRICK FOR QUICK A ' Farms and Lands for Sale. 79 OWN A FARM WHERE IT IS PROFITABLE CANADIAN PACIFIC < JIVES 25 YEARS TO PAT. Re wealtny and Independent by ■•curing a fertile farm In Western Canada Choice irrigated tracts In sunny Southern Al berta. Unfailing water supply. Rich dry farm lands In Centra! Albert* and Saa katchewan Lands yield bumper crops, 1921 wheat crop broke all records Prize grains of the world raised her*- Big re turns In atnrk raising. Dairying very profitable Climate unexcelled. Prosper ity awaits you In agricultural garden ■ pot of North Anierb a Prb’sa 118 to $ •0 an acre with 35 years to pay. Set tlers pay only 7 per cent of purchase price down. One year's free use of farm. Balance In 34 equal annual payments. The small payment* leave you unham pered In making Improvements This is your chsn-e of a lifetime Write \9 K , THOORNTON. Sup* of Colonization Dept. 523 Canadtsn l’a rifle Railway Depot, Wlnnlp* g. Manitoba. RIVER FIR. NT RANCH FOR FALK 1.200 s irs deeded land at 130,000. Clear title half cash, bal on time. 12 mile* north of railroad town (Dsnntng). 9 mites S I ! Hurd Mill. 1! miles N \V. of Brew ster, county seat Blaine Co. 1 tube river front, never overflows Land In eolld block. Twelve-room house, stable for ti hd. horses, cow hern, corn crib, granaries. •••' 8n i i orchard and grova also wild fruit, tree* and brush. 90 a res under culti vation 200 acres more can be roken for farm lend 60 acres to small grain. 80© acr« pasture, fenced and cross-fenced In d'ffc-MTit I IOAV win out of hay, more bay lend can be oleared, I i ui i| <* i nets windmill, natural spring water f' r Rlo< k In winter Good telephone servlca with ranch Fehool *4 mile from house (lood hunting and fishing Mbit service. \'n ttsde A T. R< ‘BRINAULT. Dunning. Neb 34 TEARS TO PAT TOR IMPROVED FARMS at $34 to $35 per acre along tha Oraat Northern Hallway. Build f *r tha future * home of your own Omar corn, alfalfa aweel t lover and grain Jl a*. catDe and dairying Inaure au< . eee Full Information ftna. Writ* WM BLONDER. OH EAT NORTHERN RAIT.WAT, 201 Buahman MJdg . 1620 Poyglaa Street. Omaha. Neh _ THE flneat otangea and grapefruit are h'dnf produrad In eouthern Term Stilt nbla unimproved lnnda for Sr.o par arte on eoalnet rnyrnenta lo thoaa who will Im prove Railway Immigration Department. Hog 114't Han Antonio. Teg a* WESTERN New York farm bargain 1f aolrt before April 1 135 acre*, barn and hou«« Price $4.60Q For Information write owner. Fremont Herrick. ft4 Eaat Main S' , Hatavla. N T _ CASH FOR YOUR LAND Sale* made In fixe a'ntra and f.Q rnunttee of Netiraaka Mark Carraher, Central (*l»e Neb Ileal eetnte auctioneer* City Acreage for Sale. 79A ACRF40E CLOSE IN. Wa hava aoma vary daalrabla on* two end th tee- ar re tra'a S-mu have grape", other# Hava excellent garden apace, two! piece# have tmprovamenta All are located near car line achool and afore* Home , right on paved re* t Prlcea very raa ■ •>nah|a arid term# attractive \ OEOflOP: 4 COMPANY, Realtor# Atlantic S«24 House* tor Sale. 80 T RMS.. 5-n*orv hotiaa. garaaa. on paved atreet; S htnoUa to • ar All modain A dandy hnrita at a Vary low price OolV $4 Tmine D.enlnga ial1 T. H. Hpaldlng, IIA 0172 or .lack Sharp. !IA. I *59**. liyl'ITAlIM: TIM SI* COMPANY. Realtor * Ranker# Ilea* t \ r> I K- nidg VT $946. (’or 19! h and Dougin* Sla. 11.* i f mi 'O' * v In - i .'.net rip I hoi and mateflal# * »wn a Hume Lc», 914 Aithur lUxlg. JA ona REAL ESTATE—FOR SALE. ^ Houses for Sale. 80 STRICTLY mod. 5 rm. bungalow walking distance wut. Price la low and only *350 cash will handla. Johntton, AT '.l.*00. FOR BALE—S room houta, Bleeping porch, fireplace, garage. 6003 Davanport. Houses—North. 81 NEW AND COMPLETE. 2 4TH STREET NEAR NEWPORT AVK. Tust completing this model bungalow, oak floor* throughout. Oak In living and din ing room. All door* In hnune heavy one Ipanel floors. tiled bathroom, pedestal lavatory, modern tub, kitchen enameled and tiled 5 feet high Many feature*. No trouble to show you On account of weather condition* ahown only by ap pointment. TRAVER BROB. ’19 First Nat. Hank Bldg Office AT. $886 Sunday and evening*, KE. 1325. ATTRAC TIVE MINNB U’SA HOMES nn Titus Avenue, 7 rooms, 2 storlaa. near lv new. oak and birch finish, floored f* 111 c*. attractive minronm and aleaping j'f*r< h. Price 17.600; bent value w* know "f In this district. <>n Kaunmn *fre*t well built two atory. 8-room modern home, finished In oak find whit** enamel. aperlal feature*, beamed celling*, built-in buffet and book • ase.f. brick fireplace, breakfast room, sleeping porch, efc., 2-car garage. Price on application; reanonable term* Sunday ami evenings rail WA. 325t; JA.( 1426; HA. 6 4 4 0; KE. 4269. BERT C. FOWLER CO,. REALTOR?, ! •TA. 1 U *.1120 City Nat. Rk Bldg 1 BEAUTIFUL NEW BUNGALOW Venr rnr line and achool In Minna Luna. 6 rm* . *11 modern; flreplar#*, f|l* bath, built-in tub. kitchen cabinet, breakfast nook, floored attic, large porch, brlrfc foundation, cement driveway. ready to oz-rupy. Best buy In Omaha, with terms Evening* call I, II Spalding, MA-0972. or Jack Sharp, MA-2296 EQUITABLE TRUST COMPANY. Rea Poe*. Banker* Reserve I f» Rldg. AT-2943 Porn*#- 19th and Douylag Sta. FIVE ROOM BUNGALOW—CLOSE-IN $4.600—TERMS. Close to rnr school* and church**. Easy walking distance Fine condition through out Hp« oak floor*. *cr**ned porch, full b**em*nt, drain, etc For appointment rail WA 6123, HA. 4636. IIA. 1473. F. C. HORACRK A CO. Realtor* AT. 1831. 640 First Nat. Bank Bldg. BUSIN ESS l,< )T OK NORTH 24TII ST UlaOSK TO r I MI NO ST. On corner, fare* *a*f. paving paid In D”f. all imp' <■ vemants In afreet. One of the bc*f. location* Jn north central part cf Cry for business purposes. Sir* of |pf f>* ft V 24th. 127 ft. on Michigan avenue T^.ok It over and fell m what If ta worth to you Call Mr. Goodrich. IA. 8074 or W A OOf}! SHUI.ER A CART, __ " * B KceJ'ne B’dr A REAL SACRIFICE 1424 PINKNET—NOW 17.000. flrcutnatance* require Immadiat* sale ' andy 7 ■'no-n modern home, well built, nicely finished Corner j„t 1 block to car. ‘*oat owner $ *. r. o 0 Terma If necessary. See thla house at one*. GLOVER A SPAIN, JA. 2150. N EAR 24th and Fort, 5 rmi , nlra conds j flon, fine ehrubbery, all mod. paving ; xld Rent* f*n per mo. I .OO on eas. j ferma. K E IMS. | MAKE vnur own f«rtni on new bunga low Sherman ave r«p line R'ght up i1* snuff m every respect. Priced . neap ! * * If .7ro AT-f 2°0. - 429 KLI.ISc-N Five room bungalow. C month* old; owner goee c.. farm March I Mnet he wold. . Jnu; * M CAR VILE E. Realtor “ 10h;.t city Hall._AT. 5015. Parker st.—7-rm. moTT-Vam *1 ' '■aah, tab mo Extra let for garden ' r*jgh. to* Lee JA. 0200, * WANT cash offer on 2115 Sprague Street Mr-room home Jus* newly decorated. WA 0 -r‘4. 'lav* AT 3241 II—E—ffl- buy an<* aell homes _ Houses—South. 82 FIELD CLUB DISTRICT. Y*tr Kr^d B room two-etory modern home. Sleeping porch and aunroom flre I* ace book rxM* Nicely finished and decorated throughout Full south front *car *«rage and driveway. 1 rice 1*2,000. Terms arranged GLOVER A SPAIN. JA. 2S50. " " | WEI*L LOCATED FOR •OLTH SIDE COMMISSION MEN Near lid and HaekelL Splendid lttetorv modern stucco house; ( large rooms. Oak down Excellent value Price. 15.500 Rea sonable payment. Shedd Investment' Com t any. .1A. *254 Sunday call JA. 0211. FIELD CI.t'R SEMI- BUNG A 1*0 W SIX ROOMS AND SUNROOM Owner transferred to Wyoming I^ong •lv*5?5 .room " *h bnokcaa**. built-in buffet tn dining room. French doore to aunroom. 3 lovely bedrooma and bath Horne thre* ■.ear* old Snap t,.. ,'v farnam smith a CO. Karnttn. JA 0564 Sun HA 2 247. BEAUTIFUL Field Club home, bun galnw J "V -. -II kind, hHlIt-ln r>ni>tiI -’ll i!-eor»tl,.n* ,.i,t from. *no.| " >* '«k« -bom 11,0-0 ruh to han AT-MM rrC*'1 v,rjr John,ton. U D. BWANSOM. n,il Ratata JA. 45?] •i>--r A T-«»r II,t tn H Vld,' hum-, _ Houm*—Weit. 83 j FOWI.KR KINDS KOI.KS who hu* hmrtaa I vn'Jr »t»H ii, for r.. ill, JA ICC BURT r CO, Il-Vlio*. J PrBT.D rluh dlatrtrt, Ju,t ro]nrl,t-d R I room,, niodarn. t:i« bath rn,« UTS- I ,,,y t-rni». Call otrnar avantnga. WA. 7010 OTalSO ft—80th and Burt atraata. I II.*"8 All lm|>rovetnenta In GEORGE AND COM P ANT. AT 1814. BEAUTIFUL Montclair, I r. stucco bun galow with extra room on second Door. Double gar A R Muikln. AT. B»U». WILL build to your order on our benutl- ' rul lota In Edge wood; very easy terms I Phone AT 154 0 REAL ESTATE— FOR SALE. House*—We*t. 83 ONE OF THE BEST BUILT HOMES IN THE <TTT Located near St. Cecilia cathedral and on* of the beat residence districts Hollow tile with granite block veneer from foundation to roof. Qusrter-aawed oak floors, finish white enamel over oak. Hot water heat. Nine rooms including Bleep ing porch and sun room. Steel support* in basement and all large opening* also 14” supporting wall In basement. Hath with extra shower. Fire proof garage fur four cara In basement. Solla cement driveway. Imagine a house of thia con struction for $20,600. If you are In' teresi**d. call Mr Goodrich. JA. 6074 or WAt 0089. SHULER A CARY, 3 2$ Keellne Bldg CLAIRMONT ADDITION 5 rOomt, 1V* story, 3 rooma 1st floor, csk fldora and finish, 2 bedrooms and bath, whit* enamt-I finish 2nd floor. All mod ern, east front. Price is only $6,250, teims. Sunday call KE 6611. ORUENIO REALTY CO., Realtors Jackson 1966. 1400 First Natl. Bk 6 RMS LEAVENWORTH HEIGHTS. Prettv onk floors, oak and pine finish built In book case*, convenient kitchen, largo bedrooms with hallway between same. Fine attic, full cement basement Other pretty house* all round. Price $6,300. 'Tk. MAKNNRR CO.. REALTORS. AT 3362 61# Omaha Loan Bldg rerrou, WE. 0$32; Burrell, WE. 647$._ ENGLISH STUDIO HOUSE Unique, distinctly*, complete In every de tail. A perfect gem In decoration and ap pointment*. .i beautiful rooms Sightly location In Dundee. Shown only by ap pointment. Shedd Investment Co.. 631 Sunderland Bldg. JA. 4254. Sunday call WA. 61><_>___ 8M1 NORTH 59TII ST. — Is priced at $4,350. with a *mall payment down. It has ■> rooms and bath, all modern, on paved street. In a good neighborhood. For further Information or appointment call Llcktv. KK. 1429._ i RM. hr.nd nVw o»k rinl.h bungalow. fins location. 11,7.10 «nr! |7S0 raih will handle. KE-1S35 Sunday. AT-8300 Mon day. For Sale—Dundee. 85 I2ND AND HOWARD STREETS. NEW DUTCH COLONIAL Eight rooms Including aun room and sleeping porch, m Central hall entrance.] Largn living room with fireplace and bookcase* French door* b*twr*n dining room end sun room Interior finleh while enamel and mohagony throughout. Nicely decorated Attractive lighting fix tures. Plenty of wall plugs, aide light*, etc. Beat of oak floor* throughout. Full basement. Furnace h*at. laundry con nection* and toilet. Brick construction. All walls covered with ln*olite. Window* weather stripped. Lot 60x13$ ft. Garage for 2 car*. For location call GEORGE A COMPANY. Realtor*. AT. 2024. nrNDKK SPECIAL SIX Mm.VTHH OLD Two-story ■ tuceo homa, <5 moron and bath, oak and **nstmH finish, room* nlcaly dar oratad. fin** corner, aaat front lot. over looking th# city; gar ay* for 1 oar Pri**e«l for sale, I*.600. I?.000 RASP BROS. Rsaltora. K** r,** BldgAT 0“?! For Sale—Florence. 86 NETHAWAT has lmprc\ed acreaga north of FLORENCE for city proparty. Ka MCI Miller Park An excellent home. 6 splendid rooms and sunroom. Every built in feature; fireplace, bookcases, etc. Full basement. Separate furnace room and laundry room. Hollow tjle and brick founda tion. Good attic. Comer lot, 80x107. Lots of nice shade trees and shrubbery. Garage with solid drive. Owner must sell. Let us show you this home. Minne Luu Avenue. A wonderful home. East front. New and up-to-the-minute. Beau tifully finished and decorated. Large living room with French doors to dining room, and French doors to sunroom. Model kitch en. 3 fine bedrooms with plen ty of closets. Best of plumbing. Garage with solid drive. Promi nent business man built this for bis home. Leaving city. Will sacriice at way below cost, if sold at once. See this today. Evenings call Mr. Brader, KE. 5370; Mr. Ungfellner. KE. 2832, or Mr. Hoisington, KE. 3472. Ch&s. W. Martin & Co., Realtor* 737 Omaha National Bank Bldg. AT. 0187 Look Down on Omaha from the Top of the Town in a cozy bungalow consisting of five rooms and bath. Oak trim in living and dining rooms, balance enamel. Large built-in cabinet in the kitchen. Oak floors throughout. A large garage with a cement drive. This place is a bargain at $.">,750. ISOO down, balance on easy terms. LICKTY, KE. 1429 We Have Money to Loan! At 5V2 and 6% On Business, Apartment House or Residence Property in Omaha FRANK H. BINDER S23 City Natl. Bank Building. Phona JA ckaon 2561 Money tcJCcan /«5i >4 Centrally Dwelling . Located Omaha Hou*« Warehouse Loan* »nd Business Property “Company of Quick Action1" W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. 1320 Farnam Street JAckson 0564 JFOR^SA^M^ For Sale—Dundee. 85 11ST AND UNDERWOOD AVK. TOU'LL HE SURPRISED at tha price on ihta attractive Dundee home erhlch must he eold by neat Mon day. Splendid corner lot with aouth and wait eapoaurea. I.arge living room with fireplace, aun roonu dining room with Fiench doora. white enamel kitchen with bulllln features. Three light, airy had. rooms In enamel finlah and tile heth with pedestal lavatory and hulltln tub. Fineat oak floora throughout and oak fin ish downstairs Full basement with eplen d'd furnace, Ruud heater, tubs Two-car garage Some decorating and a < oat o. paint needed, but houae Is only four years old sml well constructed. We wont name the price, but If you are looking for a wonderful bargain for around 111, 000, call immediately. SHEDD INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors. SSI Sunderland Rldg «,is Evenings and Sunday. WA. 6196. TO FETTLE AN ESTATE. New brick end Kellaatona atuccn bunr* low In Dundee, 6 large rooms. hot water heat, ranvasnd and decorated In oil. brick fireplace beautiful inn room. Die bath. etc. built to !a«t a lifetime. .-c a r garage, high, alahtly level lot. Priced way below coat for quick salt, aometnini? Fundava and evening* call K E. 4262; HA. 6440: WA 3767: .TA 1426. _ BERT r. FOWLER CO.. REALTORS .TA. 14241120 City Nat. Hank TLdg Lots for Sale. 88 FLORENCE FIELD FELLING Faleamen on ground* ever" day r w. MARTIN A CO. AT. MIT LOT 60*1 57. on S2d Ave facing Har.teom Ijark, for esle *1 a bargain price "C A. GRIMM El.. JA- 1416 CORNER lota. 60th Ave fpavedl and RIoride, Eine elte I»oo. WAI. 7221. Real Estate for Exchange. 89 r-I.KAR l.tMi FDR-EXCHANGE 7 220 p're*. unimproved central Nehrae ka. Will lake res'den'e proper'v In Omaha or desirable Income property or summer home at Iowa lake report In part payment. Writ* J. H. Klsr. nger Reel*. F D . owner. _, FOR SALE OR TRADE. In Keith county. Neb.—1.120 A. ranch. Improved, fened A real ranch for In come property or email farm. Addrers C. A. Glandon. Paxton, Neb. EXCHANGES of all k'nd*. 8 H Browne Co.. 6 42 Securi'lea Rldg AT 3350 FARMS Gibbon* F'eel 410 Petere Truer Wanted—Real Estate. 90 WORLD "REALTY CO. Realtors AT 34li WESTERN Real F.«'a:e Co.. JA. 34*7. Chas. E Belraan, AT 5260. Real Eat at* Huettalmaler Raal Esta’e. AT ®250. H. W Vcllari Co. for Rtal Service. AT tl-» G A SAN'DF.LL R»%i Earav AT 5232 PLATER * CO.. Realtor*. B:<1a REAL ESTATE-FOJRJAi^, Wanted—Heal Estate. _90 I COMMISSIONED TO BIT V *** 1—The best 6 <>r 7-room bungamw. earn bungalow or S-etory house west, nortlo west or southwest that t1 ■ ^ 1 cash v find. Kor an out-of-town buyer. 2 — Dundee or Igrckwood brick or e u - co residence with large living room, four or five bedrooms, two baths south west front costing not to exceed 1- ,0 Cash buyer, , * Owners or agen'a t.leaae cell Shedd I - vestment Co. Realtors. Ml SunderlerT nidg .IA. 4854. Burday V> A *t»s W t: NEED S. AND S ’ NOW CALL is AT O.NCE. F.W. NINoVlt ENKi” l'.KALTV. REALTORS JA. l*e«. _1400 1st Nat Ilk * LIST your crotv-rty with u* or. If you are In the market for acreage, call Lout* f'ohri ouRk sale*. MA. 0143. MA. 302*_ WANTED T > hear from owr.-r of far* for rale for aorlnur delivery Anawer in mediately gtatfne lowest price and f; ! particular*. O Hewlev, Ba'dwln. W{* T. B fAMPPri.T. ' •:!Id■ home- rlfrhL Beat material* and prlcea. Cua-om**’* al ways aaf lifted ■ " K«e ;n» AT. "WE BUILD TO PLEASE.” TEMPLE McFATDKN Iff'*. Fa rnamFf A T t • €'t. SEP VIDE AND P ESULTS Dornpeter? *»!»-•>. f p .TA. 2*S0 OT/JVKR A- SPAIN Realtor* WE SET.I. HOMES 1.1ST WITH US HAMILTON & CO. 3t>2-4 N-- i’!e Work JA 7 WE BELL HOMES LIST WITH T*S FOR RESULTS* McCAOUE INVESTMENT <"Q JA 1»4L NEW H* i'H'°— yf ,T'R TERMS GROVE-HIBBARD CO. 22? Banker* Pr^rvaBidrAT.1H ?. SEE ns f!r*t. Need llftlnri ary location, S to f room* flhonen A Co., Realtora. ■TA 422- 23C K^!in>- P.!d r_ OH A« W VOUNO A SON. peal Refute Renta!* fnauranr* irt>2 Cltv Natl Bank_ AT »»M. O T. HAMER. Investment* Acreara tf»« FarwamAT. LIST :,rr. *r- v w**n ' 1 nn*ary public ; 2d and Oum'nr S'* DUNDEE DUPLEX Best C-room brick duplex; location and price, too; ha' fireplace, French doors, tile bath, breakfast nook an . many other advantages. Sundav call WA lnut 3990, WEbster 5939. John R. McCarville REALTORS 1002-3 City Nat'l AT 5025 Commercial Ave. A ddition 20tti and Ame» Avenue "" ■* ^ Industrial and Business Property Store Building Sites on Boulevard T rac kage to Every Lot (Except Store Sites) A number of the buildings formerly occupied by Stroud (: Co. are offered for sale with the lots on trackage; also a porti \ of the machinery. (List on application). A new organization, The Little Red Wagon Manufacturing Co.', will occupy lots No. 17 and N'n. 18, specializing in the manu facture of The Little Red Dump Wagon ar.d the Stroud Elevating Grader. * Drive out 16th St., over Commercial Ave., to Ames, and see what a change the new paving has made. Trackage Lota, 506 to GO<* Per Square Foot Buildings, ,">C to 7C Per Cubic Foot Increase in values and rental possibilities make this an exceptionally good investment. Special discount for cash. World Realty Co. AT 34 S~ Realtors World Theater Bldg. Equitable Trust Co. Building and Selling Homes One of many services offered to our clients. Our Mr. Lindborg has been building and Felling homes in Omaha for the past 34 years. In order to be able to serve you better and to take care of our increasing business we have moved to larger quarters and are now located at 10th and Douglas Bankers Reserve Life Bldg. (Uroiind Floor.) BUILD NOW Now that spring is at our doorstep you no doubt are thinking of a NKW HOME, built according to your own idea* Now is ihe time to bring those ideas to us as lime isn’t so rushing but that we can work them out to vour complete satisfaction. Onr large hni’dng force fthat we maintain at ail times' is completely at your Hsposal OUR BROKERAGE DEPARTMENT Our brokerage department with onr competent sales men are always in touch with home buyers so list p ,->• home you want s ’d with ns t ■ r L D. Spalding Manager of Real Estate Dept. A. Lindborg. Supervisor of Construction. Douglas at Nineteenth Phone AT. 5iM5