The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, February 24, 1924, CITY EDITION, PART TWO, Page 7-B, Image 17
f --\ Omaha Produce Omaha, Feb. 23. Oenernl Conditions. • There 1a an upward tendency In moat produce markets today due to the enow storm and that the movement of both in and out shipments will b# Interfered with and delayed considerably during the next few la>s. At this time of year most of the produ< h markets are pretty much weather markets anyhow, for the season Is due to change nt any time now. If the weather warms up there will be a quick and material Increase In re ceipts and price* will be reduced abruptly. But as long os the cold weather continues, with snow on the ground, prices will hold firm and possibly be increased some what. Prices of eggs today have a tendency upward, although no change Is i being made in quoted prices In this de partment. I.ive poultry also has a tend ency upward today, but prices are un changed. Likewise with hay and feed, on which the markets have been rather heavy lately. The feeding season, of heaviest consumption, is about over, ac cording to the calendar, and lower prices a to due pretty soon; but as long as the snow continues to cover the ground and prevent foraging on the part of livestock there will bn an increased demand for hay and feed. So also with fruits and vegetables cold weather tends to an ad vance in prices for various reasons, among which Is tlie danger of freezing in stor age, outside of cold storage, and in ship ping; and frost in the producing district* of the south and southwest; and the gen eral perishability of fruits and vegetables, •which is made more evident when ship ments ora delayed by congested condi tions on the railroads, duo to cold weather and storm. So, without an exception produce prices are firm and tending up ward today. _ butter. . ... Creamery—Local Jobbing price to retail ors: Extras, o3c; extras in 60-lb. tUD*. 62c; standards, 52c; firsts. 50c. Dairy—Buyers are paying »4o for best table butter in rolls or tubs; 260-80 for common packing stock. 1' or best swreti unsalted butter. 36c. BUTTBRFAT. For No. 1 cream Omaha buyers are paying 42n per lb. at country stations, 4&o delivered Omaha. FRESH MILK. . . $5 25 per cwt. for fresh milk testing * 6 delivered on dairy flatform Omaha. * EGGS. _ . Delivered Omaha in new cases; Fresh eggs, on case count basis, straight, fLjju per case. Home buyers ate paying for nearby, new-labl, clean and uniform ly large eggs, grading U. S. specials or f .lobbing prices to retailers: U. 8. ■P#!' ^wfclnla, 36c; IJ. S. extras, 34c; Iso. 1 small, 30c: checks, 24c. fUUL l Jv I . Buyers nr# paying the following prices: Alive—Heavy hens. 6 lbs. and over Jc, 4 to 6 llw.. 18c; light hens. 16c; springs, smooth legs. 18c; stags. 14c; Leghorn springs. 14 ; roosters. 12c: ducks, fat and lull feathered. 12© 14c; geese, fat. full f athered. 12014c; No. 1 turkeys, 9 Ids. and over. 1 fie; old Toms and No. 2. not culls. 11c; pigeons. $1 00 per dozen: ca pons. 7 lbs. and over. 26c per lb., under 7 lb*.. 20o per lh.; no culls, sick or crlpoleu poultry wanted. Dressed— Buyers are paying for d res sen chickens, decks and geese. 203o above *li\*» price •>. and for dressed turkeys. 50 tic above live prices. Rome dealers are accepting shipments of dressed poultry ai d selling same on 10 per cent commis sion basis. Jobbing prices of dressed poultry to re tailer*: Springs, soft, 30036c; broilers. 4 3 0 45c; hens. 26*-: roosters 1701«c; duck*. 2 5c; geese. 18©20c; turkeys. 28c; No 2 turkeys, fonsiderablv less. BEEF CUTS. Wholesale prices of beef cuts effective today are ns follows; -- No. 1 ribs. 26c: No. 2. 2&c; No. 3. 16c. No. 1 rounds. 18c; No. 2. 17 c; No. 3. 11c; No. 1 ’oins. S5c; No. 2. 31c: No. 3, 17c: o 1 chucks. 13e; No 2, 12c; No. 3. 9c; No. 1 plates. 8‘4c; No. Z. tc; No. 3. 5c. FRESH FISH. Omaha Jobbers are selling at about the following prices f o. b. Omaha: Fancy ^ hite fish. 30c; lake trout, mkt.; hali but. 30c; northern bullheads, Jumbo, 21c; ratfish, regular run, 26032r; fillet of had dock . 25c; black cod sable fish, steak. 20r; smelts. 28© 35c: flounders. 20c; crap pi®* 20 025c; black bass. 32c; Spanish mackerel. 1% to 2 lbs. 25c. Frozen fish, 3 04c less than prices above. Fresh oysters. per gallon. $2.6504 DO. Shell ovstern and clam*. r°r 100* $2 00. CHEESB. Bocal Jobbers are selling American eheese. fugcy grade, as follows: Single daisies. 25'ic; double daisies. 25c; Young Americas 36c; longhorns. 2$%c; square prints. 26 ’Ar; brick. 26>?c: limburger, 1-lb. ptvle, $4.25 per dor. : Rwiss. domestic, 4 8c; block. 38c; imported. 60r; Imported Roquefort, 65c; New York white, 34c. FRUITS. Jobbing prices: Strawberries-—-Florida, quarts. ROfpgOc. cirapefrult—Per box. extra fancy, 3 50 © 4 50; fancy, $3.2504.on. Franberr'®s—-Jersey. 50-lb. boxes, extra fancy, $5.00; fancy. $4.25. Oranges—California, naval, fancy ac cording to size. $3.285© 5.50; choice. 26c less; Florida pineapple oranges, per box, 4 $1 50; tangerines. $4 00. Bananas—Per pound, 10c. Apples—In boxes; Washington De licious. extra fancy, $3.5003.76; fancy, S3.uO03.25; small. $2 76; Washington Jonathans. extra fancy, $2.60; fancy, $ 1*. 0 0; Colorado Jonathans, extra fancy, ADVERTISEMENT 77 For Grip, Influenza COLDS When Grip prevails, everything is Grip. Humphreys’ “Seventy-seven” meets the exigency of epidemic Grip, with all its symptoms of In fluenza, Catarrh, I’ains and Sore ness in the Head and Chest, Cough, Sore Throat, General Prostration and Fever. Taken early it cuts it short promptly. Medical Book mailed free. Price of "77’' 30c and St, at Drue Store,, or ,ent on remittance (Otir Risk or C.O.I). Parcel Post. Humphreys* Homeo. Medicine Co.. 156 William Street. New York. ARVKRTl.HKMKNT HELP KIDNEYS BY DRINKING Take Salt* to Flu&h Kidneys and Help Neutralize Irri tating Acids. Kidney and bladder Irritations often result from acidity, says a noted an thorlty. The kidneys help filter this acid from the blood and pass It on to the bladder, where It may remain to lrrltats and Inflame, causing a burn ing, scalding sensation, or setting up an Irritation at the neck of ttie blad der, Obliging you to seek relief two or three times during the night. The sufferer is In constant dread; the water passes sometimes with a scald lng sensation and Is very proruse, again, there Is difficulty In voiding It. Bladder weakness, most folks cull It because they can’t control urination. While It is extremely annoying ami soiiietlines very painful, this Is often one of the most simple ailments to overcome. Begin drinking lots of soft water, also get about four ounces of .lad Salts from your pharmarlst and take a> tablespoonful In a glass of water before breakfast. Continue this for two or three days. This full help neutralize tbo acids In tlie system ho they no longer are a source of. Irrita tion to tho bladder and urinary or gans. which then act normal again. Jad Halts is Inexpensive, and Is made from the acid of grapes and lemon lulce, combined with llthla, and Is used by thoussnds of folks who are subject to urinary disorders caused by acid Irritation, .fad Halts causes no bad effeds whatever. Hero you have a pleasant, effrrves pent llthla-water drink which inay oulcl'ly relieve your bladder Irritation. Py si| means bins your physician ex stnlnn your kidneys at least twice a year. t 1 $2.25: fan. V, $2 00; Roma Beauty, extra famv. S2.5U; fancy, $2.25; white winter I'earninm, extra fancy, $2.6002.75; York lniDerial. $1 76. Lemon*—California, fancy, per box, $5.50; choice, per hox. $6.00. Apples—In baskets, 42 to 44 lha., Idaho Jonathans, extra fancy, $1.90; Winesapa, $1.85. A vocades-—(Alligator pears), per dot., $6.00. Apples—In barrels of 1*6 Iba.; Towa Wine-sap*. fancy. $5.76; Missouri Black twig. fancy. $6.00; Jonathan*. fancy, $4.50; Ben Davis, fanny; $4.60; Jonathans, commercial pack. $3.75; Cnnos. fancy, $4.76; Virginia Beauty, $6.00; Genetons. $5.60. VEGETABLE*. Jobbing prices: Brussels Sprouts—Per lb., !0e. Tomatoes—Crate, six baskets. $7.60; per basket. $1.26; Florida, crate, $5.00. Shallots—Southern, $1.00 per dot. Eggplant—Per dot., $2.00; 20c per 1b. New Roots—Texas beets and carrots, per dozen bunches, 90c; carrots, bushel, $2.00. * Peppers—Green Mango, per lb., I5e. Roots—Turnips, parsnips, beetn and carrot*. In sacks. 8®4c per lb.; rutabagas, In sacks, 2*^0; less than sacks, 3c. Cucumbers—Per doz., $6.00. Parslev—Southern, per dozen bunches, $1 oo© 1.25. Onions—Yellow, In sacks, per lb., $Hc; red. sacks, 4Vic; white. sa<ks, Be per lb.; Spanish, per crate, $2.600 2.75. Potatoes—Nebraska Ohio*, per hundred pounds. $1.60; Minnesota Ohlos, $1.75; Idaho Bakers, 2c per lb.; Colorado Whites, $2.00 per cwt. Sweet Potatoee — Southern, hamper, $3.25; Nancy Hall. 60-lb. hamper, $2.60. Cabbage—Wisconsin, sack lots, per lb., 4s; In crates, 4o; red, 6c; #celery cab bage, 10c per lb.; new Texas cabbage, 4 o per lb. Beans—Wax or green, per hamper, $4.500 6.00. Celery—California, per doz.. according to size. $1 35 02.00; Florida, rough, %-doz. crate. $3.25. Lettuce Head, per crate. $3 50: per doz., $1.25, hothouse leaf, 46c per doz. FLOUR. „ , w Prices at which Omaha mills ana Job bers are selling In round lots (less than • arlots), f. o. b. Omaha, follow: First patent, in 98-lb. baps. $6.3006.40 per bbl.; fanew clear, in 48-lb. bags. 95.10® 5 25 per bbl.: white or yellow cornmeal. per cwt., $1.88. FEED. Omaha mills and Jobbers are selling their products In carload lots at the fol lowing prices, f. o. b. Omaha: Wheat foods, linmed!*!* delivery! Bran, $24.50; brown shorts. $27.00: gray shorts, 928.25; reddog. 931.50; alfalfa meal, choice. «pot, $51.00; No. 1 upot, $26.00; March, April and May delivery, $26.00; No. 2 spot, $21.00; linseed mea . 24 per cent, 947.60; cotton seed meal, 43 per cent. $46 50; hominy feed, white or veflow. $2H.OO: buttermilk, condensed. 1". bid. lots. $3.46c per lb.; flake buttermilk. 500 to 1,500 lbs . 9c per lb.; eggshell, dried and pround. 100-lb. baps. $25.00 per ton; digester feeding tankage, 60 per cent, $50.00 per ton. FIELD PEED Omaha and Council Bluff* Jobbing house* are paying the following price* for field feed, thresher run per 100 pound*, delivered; Alfalfa, $15.0001#.00, red clover. $13.50 #14.50; »weet clover^ $7 BOG 8.00; timothy, $5.0005.00- Sudan grass, $3.50© 1.50; cane seed. $L.00#LI0. Trlcea subject to chance without notice. Trice* »t which Omaha dealer* are *ell Intt. carlots. f. o b. Omaha, jnllow: Upland Prairie—No. 1. ■ No $ 11.00® 3 700 ; No. 3 $7.00®®».00. Midland Prairie—No. 1, $1 2^00013.00 , No 3. $10.00011 00: NO. 8. **•*"?*•«?•, ... Lowland Prairie—No. ©„’®nS®' No. 2. #13.#0®14.5O; No 3. $11.00@lo.00 Straw—Qat. $8.0003.00; wheat. $,.000 * Alfalfa— Choice, $21.00 083.00: No. 1. $"0 00ft 71.00; ntandard. $15.00013 0, No. 2 $12.50014.50; No. 3. $11,00013.00. HII'KS. Wool.. TALLOW. Price* ouoted below arc on tn* naeia of buyer*' weight and aclect.ona, dcliv "rtvn!" SHST'iI.5007.5(1 each for full wnoled skins; clips, no valua, wool. JO© <0iildea—Current receipt hide*, 3’ fiUc- No 2 BJAc; branded hides, No. 1. 4 vie; clue hide*. 14c; calf. 12c *na ,®£: kip, 8V,c and 7>,c; deacon,, «0c each clui *k?n«. 3'jc per lb : horae hide*. IS.7S and $"75 each: ponl»a and glue*. #\J” each; colts, 75c each; hog aklne. 15c each; glue*. 4c per lb. ,.llaw 8*ic' Tallow and 'Ireaae—No. ®u ,w'r ‘,' B tallow. 5c: No. 2 tallow. 41kc, A gr<'«*«. Sat,,- B grease. 5c; yellow crease, 4*40. brown crease, 4c; PorK,,'r*^kl ton ton. $55.00: beef crackling*, per ton. $25.00; beeswax, per ton, $20.00 | N. Y. Curb Bonds JBtfrtASWg York Curb Exchange, giving *U »tocK3 traded In: Bond*. 5 Allied Packer 6a .. • * ** 1 Allied Packer 9s .. ■»** ‘5% •!> 1 Am. Rolling 31 6a 996, 99% 99 a 2 Anglo A. 011 7'4s. 101* 101% 1?> » 1 Assoc. S. H. «%».. 92 M ” i Ati o & XV. T. 5a. . 5214 52% 52% 2» Beth St 7a 1935...103 192% 1J;J» 1 charcoal Iron Ss • . 93% 93 » J •1 chic. Nwst 6a - 9.% . - » 9. a 6 C R I * P 6%a.... 9«% «SH 9S 4 I 1-oluin Graph. 5a.. 16 JJ ’ si g % V?.""”."”**10% $% a (1 p Ti *7«. ....108 108 8 t>eerv & Co. 101*4 101U 1 Detroit City Q *••'*1 l"l ]"1„ 6 Detroit Kdlaon «l l®*** 1 • % 35 Dunlap T At R 7a.. 93% 93% »“4 i Vui Sue I.% 193.1. . 90% 00 4 4 1 F,h„ B fa 1925.100% 100% 100% f IK? B 6. 192*. 100% 100% 100 % 1 Fisher B f.s 1925.. 99 . «% »»* 6 llaiena^sign'ou 7. 106 ‘ 1JW loJJ. I Gulf 011 6s ...?.. 95% 95% ».% ? ^^'o’tV^r-r.i u io% io % «as* 1 SftTK.fiS: I-’*:!oo% !JJ% m% s K S4% S94 6 Ohio Power 5a B.. *7*4 *,<% ,*!** 3 P B C Of N .1 7a.. 103% 10..% 103% 2 Purs Oil *%a. 93% 93% 93 . 2 SIoss Sheffield 6a 99 99 »» 4 Snlvav & Ci« 8* . .1044 104*4 7fJ4H Iso ‘N* Y 7* 1925. 10Pa 101% }J|H 2 s o N Y 7a 1926.. 104% 1°4 • 10*74 ? S O N Y 7* 1930.. 107 1°7 l*)7 1 8 O V Y 6% a. . • • 1°4 *4 106*1 10b\ 1 Sun Oil 7. *.f.101% 101% 101% II Swift * Co. ra •■■93% 9- 4 93 a 2 Tidal mage .a ...103% 103 t I'd « t V <> C 6a 1925. 100% 100 •, 100% 3 Baited O rind. la. 147 1**2 HI t TJ R of H 7 ’4a-107 106% 107 10 r P & B 6*-a« w l 9.. 9> 8 ' 16 Behlgh V I? 6a.. 96H 90% 17 Mai St. II 7a... 100 99% 100 l $.?«£.* Sif'Y.Vm m 21\" h.R'.Miua w.%m& "% Foreign Bonds. ‘ » 1 * 8*8 Argentina 6« 1967. 9-^ 8* Foreign Exchange* Nfir York. Feb. 23 Foreign Fgchangea — )rr tfulnr. quotations In cent*: i rroat Britain. demand. 4 1: canita. I.*. 1 14 ; OO-day bill* <»ri banka. 4289fc. Franco, demand. 4.36; cable*. 4 3»H. Italy, demand 4-34%: cable* *-J48a. Belgium demand 3 81; cables 3 "l %• Orruan}’. demand, ,0000000000*.; .'.00000000022 Holland, demand, 3T.I8. Norway, demand, 13.24. Sweden, demand. 26.18, Denmark, demand, 16 96. Switzerland demand. 17 IB. Spain, demand. 12.70. iJre**f#, demand. 1.72 Poland, demand, .000011. .... Oaeehn Slovakia. d*»rnand. 190% Jugo-tSlavia. demand, 1.26. Auatrla, demand, .0014. Jtumanla, demand, .60*,i, Argentina, demand. 34 6f. Brazil, demand, 12.15. Toklo, demand, 45. Montreal, 96%. _ I.omlon Money. London. Feb. 23.—Bar Silver—II t ponro per ounce. Money Two per cent: dlecount rate* short bill*. 3 per rent; throe month a Lille. 2 B-H per rent. Khiinh* ritv Produce Kan"** nty. Mo. Feb. 23—Egg*—One cent lower; fireta, 2f.c; eelected. 34c. Butter, potatoes and poultry unchanged J InYMrcil Duluth Minn Feb ? Flax—F*bru nry. P'f.'t’,; \farch, |. lt '• ; May, 93.69 1* ; doily, f2.5b. C hicago Poultry. Chicago. Feb. 13 Poultry—Alive: Mar ket lower; fowl*. 21«24c; erring*. 26c, rooatere, 17c, gee**. 14' . liar Sliver. New York Feb 23.—Bar ellver—$4!4c; Mexican dollar*, 4!*'»c. Real Estate Transfers. Harry Novey end wife to laedore (iarhar and wife, Wllllx Ava 1*3 ft W. of Bhtrman Avs. B. Bida. 40x100 . f P.1»0 Hun v A Tut ey and w ife to Asna 1‘woral'. H. I* * orner 4 3rd A? I #•« M Cl it lea M A nderaon tin I w.'<t to < hurl** .r. Helm and Vi's. V W. « ••mar 4 lat Avr. and Cm i |(< PC. 60 x 1?" . * <.000 If Hon Clarke nn-1 wife to < lark V CirnaOy, Marv nr, ?t* ft W of l', Ml A va H .side. 44x1?".. I 1.000 Mn ry I. Barker and huaband *o T«nv Tarnburro and wlfa, Valley hi 170 ft. K Of JOth Ft. N. Hide,. JOOfl 'H.S . I *400 Jnaephlb* Pworak and nuabaml to Anton Vovaik and wife, t W «orner 10th A “if Pt , 1 this 1*0 • f.»00 Albert W Ihimutlll to Teddy Weil trope, IMatol Mt , :'>r> ft 1 of i « ".ffO 'l luis P Met re If and Wife to leu. nla ftnllatMlri S’. It •orii«r 8*-th Ar Hamilton Ft . no, V) f 4.000 Vorej liiv. «:•*. to Ha'ry A i n«f t, H F. • orn**r 20th ,Ka \ ntuu Bt . Irregular ....S 1 *00 , Washington Is Model for All Dec Moines Editor Likens Present to Colonial Times at Dinner. "It Is of no value to praise the north of George Washington, unless we make use In our own d;ry of the lessons his greatness teaches us." This was the theme of an address Friday night by Harvey Ingham, edi tor of the Des Moines Register, at the Washington birthday celebration of the Omaha club. “The greatest work of Washington.” continued Mr. Ingram, “was in the welding of the great colonies of Virginia and New York into a union In which these powerful commonwealths gave to the smaller states equal rights with themselves.” He likened the problems of Wash ington to those of the present and urged that America should Join the International court. Mr. Ingham Is also an ardent ad vocate of the league of nations hut beyond reading from (addresses by Senator J.odge and President Roose velt In which they advocated Interna tional control to prevent war, he did not stress his points. He thought the international court should he adopted by the United States as soon as pos sible. "America gave the,world to under stand,” he said, "that we would Join In keeping world peace. We told them and they believed us that the world war was a war to end war. Instead we are arming for another war. We cannot renig on this moral obliga tion.” Mr. John Webster, as toast master, In an eloquent speech, paid a tribute to the memory of Abraham Hlncoin. lie referred to the mar tyred president as linked with Wash ington. One as the founder, the other as the preserver of the nation. No Inquest Into Roberts Suicide Former Wife and Grandson See Man Shoot Himself— Note Blames Debts. Paul Stelnwender, deputy county attorney and acting county coroner, announced Friday that no In quest will he held Into the death of Joe Roberts, 45, 1556 North Seven teenth street, who shot and killed him self Friday noon In a house at 1813 North Seventeenth street vjhlle his former wife and her grandson looked on. The announcement wsa made fol lowing discovery of a note In the dead man't pocket addressed to "Grace dearie." The name of his former wife is Airs. Grace Roberts. "She asked me for the money for the mirrors,” the note read. "You had better pay It. Why did you make me pay all them bills? I can't see no end to It all but one way. Your friend Weakhan is.the cause of It all, curse him. Grace, you shall cry over me as long as you live. Your loving but broken hearted husband.” The note was signed "Joe." The Roberts were married last summer. Airs. Roberts recently ob tained a divorce. Roberts shot him self after falling In an effort to ef fect a reconciliation. The gun with which the shooting was done wa* taken from the home of Afrs. C. Cathro, 1556 North Seven teenth street, where Roberts lived, without Mrs. Cathro’s knowledge. The small boy w-ho witnessed the shooting Is the son of Mra. Morris E. Schlalfer, Mrs» Roberta daughter. Schlaifer is an Omaha pugilist. Revolt in India Grows. Lahore. British India, Feb. 23.— The outbreak among the Akalis or Sikh fanatics In one region of Jaito Is glowing, according to advices re ceived here. A hand of 1,000 men Is being organized to proceed from Amritsar ns soon as possible and Join the raiders. A Delhi dlspiftch yesterday said that 14 Akalis had been killed and 34 wounded In a collision with Nabha troops under the British administra tion. The trouble aroae from agl tatlon by the shrines committee of the Punjab, based on the enforced abdica tion of the Maharaja of Nabha. Oklahoma klansmen Parade Oklahoma City, Feb. 23—The knights of the Ku Klux Klnn of Okla horna and several surrounding states staged a mammoth parade on the downtown streets here last night, the marchers being unmasked. Klan leaders said this was the first public demonstration In which the members appeared with their faces rsvealed. The marchers, howevsr. wore the customary robes and hoods of the order. Milton Pataraan and wlfa to John J. McMahon and wlfa. Pavanport 8“ f» Jv of 42nd S*. 8 Sh'.a, * 1?0 .. t 9.800 Flat* P Til*.by and W'fa to Ora^a i: FaHandar, N. E. rorn*r 88th A Wool worth A-*. 6"k1o0.S6.110,000 Charlaa W. Martin ond* wlf* to .fav E Mallf'tt.0 anti wife, Minna Gian. Ava. 88 8 ft 8. «>r Ma Ft. W. * Slda. 4*1 "xiro.t f,IOO R W. Faddan and wl fa to I’atar Vra)lna and wife. F E corner 39th A f. aural Ava.. 40*190 f 298 Diana Ynvrlck and wlfa t«» Drad M»*iiircdoht Jr. lane St. ft. U of 28th Ava. S. Fide. 4 2* 101% . fit* Arthur Dobb to Walter (I Had baiii, F \V. corner ^at A Ohio Ft. ‘11*100...1 Chemists Probe Murder Mystery Everett, Wash., Feb. I*.—Solution of an apparent murder mystery or lack of •olution, depends upon chem ical analysis of certain bones found In the smoldering ruins of the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Mummey, st Seattle Heights, near here, It ap peared today. Mummey. aged Klondike pioneer, la In a hospital at Seattle, seriously wounded; Mrs. Mummey has dtsap pea red and Is believed dead by the authorities; Carl Riberg, who mar ried Mrs. Mummey 'a granddaughter. Is In the county Jail here, charged with the murder. According to Sher iff -Jnmes McCulloch, Riberg has con fessed to Injuring Mummey, shooting Mrs. Mummey, and setting lire to their house, as revenge for their sup posed enmity toward him. Riberg and his wife are divorced. East night five Seattle physicians examined the bones found In the ruins of the Mummey home and unanimously declared that they were the bones of two different people. No skull has been found. A duck pond near }he Mummey home will be searched for further clews. In the meantime, deputy sheriffs are trying to reconcile the statement of the Seattle physicians with Ri berg's supposed confession. Mexicans Deport “Biased” Scribe Chicago, Feb. 23.—Fred Wright, correspondent in Mexico City for the Chicago Tribune, baa been ordered de ported from Mexico by the secretary of the Interior, on charges of ”per slstent misinterpretation of political newa,” according to a special dis patch from him In today's Chicago Tribune. The charge was made, the dispatch states, after an Investigation of an article In the Tribune of January fi regarding the destruction of the hacienda of Mrs. Rosalie Evens in tlie state of Tuebla. Wright knew nothing about the ar ticle, which was written under date of Monterey, Mexico, by Ralph Cameron, now In the United States, the Tribune says. The story told of operations of Obregon troops under General Almazon against the property of Mrs. Brown, a native of Browns ville, Tex. The buildings on the es tate were burned and Mrs. Evans es caped because of the fidelity of faith ful servants, although her present whereabouts Is unknown. Student to Be Missionary. Shenandoah, la., Feb. 23.—Miss Tal matlpe Solt, a student In the Midland Bible school here, will po to Africa as a missionary. She Is assistant to Rev. J. I., Howie, Presbyterian pastor. “bee classified AD RATES j 15<3 r«f lino each flay, 1 or I flaya. IL’c per lino each flay, S or • day*. 10c per line each day. 7 daye or longer Clarified Ada accepted at tha following i office*: .Mam Office.17th and Farnam Ft*. South Omaha.—N. W. Cor. 24th and N 8t» Council Bluff*. ...16 Scott St Call for Cl*eatfled Ad Department An experienced Classified Ad taker will re ceive your ad and a bill will be malted either charge or caah ordera. later. The ratea quoted above apply to Tha above ratee apply to all advertise m**nts In clarification*: Loot and Found . 4 Help Wanted Female... 27 iifip Wanted v*ie. Si Faleamen and Agenta ... It Situations Wanted Female. >1 'Situation* Wanted Mala. I | Article* for Sale. 44 Farm and Dairy Troducta.. Good Thing* to Eat.61 Homemade Thing*. 62 | Household Good*. 63 Swap Column. ASS Wearing Apparel. Wanted to Buy. •! Room* With Board. 4. Rooma Without Board...,.. •* Room* for Housekeeping . 44 I Room*. Unfurnished....,...A44 Suburban Board. Farms for Rent .76A I For all other classifications aur regular rate* at quoted below apply. CLOSING HOURS TOR CLASSIFIED ADS. Morning Edition.It P- *** Evening Edition........ I*'It a m Sunday Edtion. • p. m. Saturday. THE EVENING BEE. THE OMAHA MORNING HER. CLASSIFICATIONS ANNOUNCEMENTS. Funeral Notice* . A Vmilts and Monuments . H Funeral Directors . Om*taHep . i) Florists . F Curd of Thank* .* l.ndffe Notice* . 1 HOW TO READ and Understand the STOCK MARKET QUOTATION column In your daily nswspaper and how to profit by ths present hull market Is explained In Frea Booklet No. 14. PAUL KAYE AD\ KliTlMI M KNT. MONEY IN GRAIN $lt Jib«ya puarantee option on 10.000 bnthela •f wheat or corn. Afe Fmtihmt RUk. A more Bieat of Be from option price picas yon an •pport unity to taka $500:4r, |t00; ir. tano, rtr, WRfTB TODAY FOB PARTICULARS tad Ft SB MARKET LETTER. Investors Daily Guide, S. W. Branch, Dept. S-2, 1016 Baltimore Ace., K. C., Mo. I GENERAL MOTORS The splendid earning achieve ments of this jrrpat Corporation w arrant the purchase of the stock at present prices. Writ. Dept. G-7 for our folder "General Motor* Analjried" H. C. SCHAUBLE & CO. Eal.bll.hr4 (90S 83-85 Wall St. New York _——— ———1 PUBLIC kind GRAIN STORAGE IN CARLOAD LOTS Wr» are operating three large, up-to-date terminal cle\ntors in this market—now at your aervice. WE ARF. IN POSITION TO ADVANCE REASON ABIE AMOUNTS OF MONEY AT CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST ON GRAIN IN STORAGE. Write Ua for Detailed Information Updike Grain Corporation Omaha, Neb. * i CLASSIFICATIONS. turning Events .....2 Personal* .3 AUTOMOBILES. \utoin«*l»il«*» for Sale .ft Automobile \genrb-* .......ft Motorcycle* and Bicycle* . 7 /Automobile* for Exchange . ft Auto Aeeeaeorieft, Part* .J Service Station—Repairing .....10 Auto Livery (turugc .) I ALTO IJ AERY OARAGE. Wanted—Automobile* .„. 12 BUSINESS SERVICE. Buatfi*** Service* Offered .13 Building Contractor* .u Heating and Plumbing .15 Insurance .1ft Millinery—Dressmaking .17 Moving—Trucking—Storage .IK Tainting and Papering .10 Patent Attorney* .20 Printing Stationery ...21 Professional Service .. 22 Repairing . ** Renovating and Dyeing ... I<aundr1c* . Tailoring and Pressing . Wanted—Business Service . EMPLOYMENT. Help AA anted—Female . 27 Help AVantcd—.Male .2ft Help AA'an ted—Male anj Female .2'* Salesmen and Agent* .30 Situation* Wanted — Female .31 Situation* AA anted—Male ...32 FINANCIAL Busin**** Opportunities . 33 Investment—Stork*—Bond* . 3t Heal Estate Isiann .31-A Money io l»nn .35 Wanted to Borrow . 3ft EDUCATIONAL. Correspondence Course* .37 Local Instruction t law## .3ft Musical—Dramat ic . 30 Dancing Academies. 39A Private Instruction . 40 AA anted—Instruct inn ...!••••.41 LIVESTOCK. Dog*. Cat* and Pet* ......... 42 Horses, tattle. Yeh|c|«* .43 Poultry and Supplies .44 AA anted—Livestock .45 MERCHANDISE. Article* for Sale . 4ft Business Equipment ..47 Building Material* .4ft Farm and Dairy Product* .40 Luel and Feed ....ftO Rood 'tilings to Eat .......ftl Home-Mode Tilings .52 Household (mod* .- 53 Swap Column .....53 A Jewelry and AVatrlie* .51 Machinery and Tool* .55 Seed*. Plante and Flower* .5ft Specials nt the store* . 57 \nins 4.1ft Suggestion* .57.A Musical Instrument* .•*** Radio Equipment .»..50 Wearing Apparel .60 Wanted to Buy . 61 ROOMS FOR KENT. Room* AVitli Board .62 Rooms AA It bout Board .....63 Rooms for Housekeeping . 64 Room*. 1 nfnrnluhed .,...64A Suburban Board . 65 AA here to Dine . .. .66 AA here to Stop In Town .67 AA anted—Rooms and Board ..6ft REAL ESTATE—FOR RENT. Apartments—Furnished .•.•*•69 Apartments—Unfurnished .70 Buaines* Place* for Rent ..71 Houses for Rent . ^-72 House*. Furnished .*2 ' Office* and Desk Room .. 73 Out-of-Town Property .74 Suburban for Rent . 7 Summer Place for Rent .*6 Wanted to Rent .*7 REAL ESTATE—FOR SALE. Business Property . 76 Real Estate—Investment* .*6\ Farm* and Ijinds for Sal# . 79 City Acreage for Sale .t.i9A Houses for Salt* . 60 Houses—North . *• House*—South . 6 House*—AA est .6.1 House*—Ben*on ..64 For Sale—Dundee .6ft For Sale—Florence 6^ For Sale—Council Bluff* ..67 Lot* for Sale ...,‘ ,5« Real Estate for Exchange . 69 Wanted—Real Estate .90 AUCTIONS. Auction Sale* . . .. • *’ Real Estate at Auction 9 ^ANNOU NCEMRNTS. ^ Funeral Notices. A HANSEN—Mn. U r*»™ Sh* 1* *urvived by her father .T. P Engle Spokane. Wash ; three anna. J. W„ Kay A Robert 17.: one daughter. Mrs Al berta SlelnSaugh; two brother*. John of Oinah*. and A- S. Engl* of Spokane. Wash. „ . Funeral from John A n#nt!#raxn i Mort uarv, Monday morning *t 8:36 to Sacred Heart church at • a m. Inter ment Holy Sepulcher c#m«'ery_ Rt *SS—Oeorx# A.. IK# 83 year*, died Feb ruary 13. Funeral service* will b* held Monday r«t 2 p. m from the Burkett chapel. 3465 Farnain street. Interment Oakaloosa. Ia. _ANXOI’NC'KMKNTS._| Funeral Notices. A I KDWAKDS—David H.. died W-dneaday, February 20, at his home, 210 West Erie street, Missouri Vrflley. la. He Is sur vived by his wife, one son, Alvin D. Ed wards; one daughter. Mrs. William .lone*, of Missouri Valley, la two brothers, Ed ward E Edwar<i\ nnd Thomas A. Ed wards; two sister#, Mrs. T. J. Edmunds and Mrs J. 1>. Murphy of Omaha. Funeral Sunday. February 21. at 2 30 p. m. from Reorganized Latter Day Saints church at Missouri Valley, la. Friends [ invited.• McCAFFERV—Frank, age 40 years died at local hospital. He was a resident of Omahn 25 year* He Is survived by Ms mother. Mrs Elizabeth Armstrong, and two Sisters, Mrs. Lucy McC.affery Thomsa, of 3215 South 22nd St. both of Omaha, and Mrs. Walter Whit# of Dudley, la. Funeral services to be held from Lar kin Bros, chapel to St. Bridget church at 0 a m. Monday morning. Interment Ft. Marys cemetery. .T A OK SON—Mrs. Maude, beloved wife of Walter She 1« survived besides ber hus band by one daughter, Mrs. Georgo F. Eddy. Funeral Monday afternoon #t 2 p. m. from John A Gentleman's Mortuary. In terment West Lawn cemetery'. CIM OFFICI£E votkesT METROPOLITAN UTILITIES DISTRICT NOTICE TO BIDDERS. Scaled proposals addressed to the Met ropolitan Utilities District. Omaha, Ne ! brrska will 1»« received at the office of | ?ho General Mnnag* r. at the City Hall ! Omaha, Nebraska until 12 o’clock, noon. ; February 2fith, FU‘4, for the excavation ! foe th»* proposed Gas Holder to be erected upon land owned by the City of Omaha near the Intersection of 21st and Center Streets, nnd south of the Ohlcago, Bur lington & Quincy Railroad in the City of Oma ha. All Information nnd conditions neces sary • for th*» formulation of a proposal together with specifications descriptive of the proposed work may b* obtained af »ho office of the General Manager in tne City Hall. Kadi bid must be accompanied by a certified c heck for $500.00 so conditioned ns to warrant the entering Into a con tract with the District by the *uccessfu! bidder within five days afU*r the sward 1* mane Checks of rll unsuccessful bid ders will be returned as •oo.e as con tract is signed. The right is reserved to reltct any or all bids. Dated st Omaha- Nebraska, thla 12nd day of February, T92< METROPOLITAN UTILITIES DISTRICT. Omaha, Nebraska. Feb. 22. 23. 24, 25. "legal notices! NOTICE OF STOCK DODDERS' ifEKTING Notice is hereby given that the regu lar annual meeting of the Stockholder of the South Platt* Land Company will be held at the offb * of said Company, Room 701. First National Bark Budding Lincoln, Nebraska, nt 11 o'clock A. M.. on the 6th day of March. A. P, 3 S* 2 4 C. H. MORRILL, President, W. W. TURNER, Secretary A Treasurer. F-4-f e-M-4-lnc AI)VKRTI14J;.MF,\T. Gallstones Pr. F E. Paddock. Box 29DOB. Kansas f'lty, Mo , says about one person In ten has infected gall-bladder or g&lls’ones sod neglect often leads to surgery. But many , people are too old, weak or ill for dangerous operation. These people rea sonably wish to avoid suffering and ob tain relief with medicines. The Doctor began specfalixihg on these troubles L years ago at d hia treatment* have be*-n of untold value to thousands all over the 1'. S Hwdrtdl Of letters testify to health restored and freedom from suf fering. Rather than suffer or let condi tions grow worse, and before you decide on surgery, writ# ’he Doctor for his FREE BOOKLET describing gallstones and explaining thu home treatment_ Updike Grain Corporation (Private Wire Department) rChicago Board of Trade MEMBERS . and • Un Other leading Exchangee Orders for grain for future delivery in the prin cipal markets given careful and prompt attention. — OMAHA OFFICEt LINCOLN O^FICEt Phone AT lantic 5312 724-25 Terminal Building 518-25 Omaha Grain Phone B-1233 Exchange Long Distance 120 J. S. BACHE & CO. Established 1892 ./ [Niw York Stock Exchange , ' Chicago Poard of Trade Members') j^ew York Cotton Exchange Land other leading Exchanges. New York: 42 Broadway Chicago: 10S S. LaSalle St* Branches and correspondents located in principal cities Stocks, Bonds, Grain, Cotton, Foreign Exchange Rought ami Sold for Cash or Carried on Conservative Margin 224 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg., Omaha Tilrphonta JA cksan S1S7-A6 Tha Dacha Review" eant on application—Corraeppndenca !nvita4 __i Omaha Residence Loans Tlio New York Life Insurance Com pany announces the allocation of ample fund* to Omaha In 1924 for investment in high (Trade residence loans. As the residential loan correspondent for this company, wo are prepared to make conservative loan* on homes at the attractive rate of 8 V4 rc. Ilr run assure prom fit smirr in closing Hittoii $tatrs drufit (Eniti|tamj 1612 Farnam St. Tel. J*. 2911 ^ announcements Vaults and Monuments. B "Automatic Pealing ’ concrete burial vaulte recommended l»y all leading undertake!*. Mfg by Omaha Concrete Burial Vault Co Funeral Directors.C HEAFET * HEAFET. Uundertgkerg and Kmba’mgrg Phong HA r.268. Offlcs 2611 Kgrogn) (ESTA BDT8HED SINCE 1182) KORISKO FUNERAT. HOME. 23« and O Sta 1260 S. l*th ft MA. 0680. AT. 1871 HOFFMANN AMBULANCE Dodge at 24th. Funeral Director.. JA. *101 H. H. KRAMER FUNERAL. HOME. 881# Jfllltary Ave. WA. 1*14. N. P. SWANSON, 17TH AND CUMING Quiet. Dignified Supervision. CROSBY-MOORE 84th and Wirt. WE. 0047. BRAII.ET A DORRANCE. 1828 CUMING BT.. JA. 0626. TAGOART A SON. 1212 Cuming St. JA. 0716. HUD8E A RIEPEN. Funeral director* 2224 Cuming. J A. 1236 JOHN A. GENTLEMAN. 3411 Farnam St C. C. HAYNES FUNERAL HOME. _ 2*20 N. 24th St. KE. 0267 DUFFY A JOHNSTON. 311 S. ISd. new funeral home. HA. 0417 Cemeteries._ D WEST I.AWN MEMORIAL PARK. Omaha's • ernetery Beautiful. Easy, de ferred paymente on family lota for im mediate or future use. Conveniently lo cated. J'erpetual care. Complete court eous attention. 6*th and ( enter. May we show > ouCall WA-0820 or AT. 1379. Our closed auto will < all for > on. WEST LAWN CEMETERY. Our convenient payment plan Is appreciat ed when famTly lot le required Telephone WA. MS'JO. WA. 4160. AT. 1 37 9. and our free closed car will call for you. Courteous service. Perpetual care. Cemetery C5th and Center Sts. Beautiful, convenient. forest lawn. 320 acre*. Perpetual care. Office at the cemetery. North 40th fit and Forest Lawn Ave.. and "20 Brandele Theater Bidg. Florists. E ROGERS. 'Florist. 21th Farnam, JA. 2400 JOHN BATH. 1S04 Farnam. JA 190* Personals. 3 THE SALVATION Army industrial home solicits your old clothing, furniture, maga rlr ee We collect. We dletr bute Phone .IA. 413., and our wagon will call. Call and inepect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 I)odge Street Proetatlc troubles treated w theut surgery or drugs. Dr. C B. Hunt. 122 W.-H. R dg Theatrical historical maequ* coetume* for ptayn and parties at»-PA. Omaha. MASSAGE TREATMENT^ 210 N. 17TH ST. Lost end Found. 4 BROOCH, G.rn.i Lon on Hmlj. or Douglas, between 2%th and Dodge and the Rialio theater. Suitable reward. Call HA. 4*4 4._ 1 Brfcnde.s theater, or be* ween the them-T and 26lh and Farnam. Reward. WA «*0»1. PARTY that t aster wagon, wl'l pleas* r-turn to 1524 V St. and no ques tions a*k»d. _AUTO MOBILES._ Automobiles for Sale. 5 MUST SKI.L at once 1921 FOLD A-l condition, l**-g* lot k wheel, f.,ot feed, aeat covers, etc. HA. 4MS. L'feED CARS. O. N. Bonney Motor Co. 255* Farnam. DEPENDABLE USED CARS ANDREW MURPHY it SUN 3 1 42 >> JA’ KSi’N FTAT. 4412 HUDSON touring. late model and In *x *:>nt condition. Guaranteed. See today Guy !«. Smith. .NASH- VP.H-MIM A AVT'.- CO. USED CAR STORE. 2*4* Fa-ram.AT 4IH fiRAND n*w Ford coupe for aa!e Very ol eap. Party lea\’.ng town. Call AT. 2242 LATE mode! Gardner, driven 1.000 mile* *550 cash Phono JA 542S. FORT'S—-DODGES—BUICK 3 • ‘01 S H'h.Tel. MA. I0>0 1921 PAIGK touring 5-paseerger good ■ -lit- r, \#ry res - rib!# JA 5121 } ■ -Hi' * ■ «■!»•. . S 14 11 North 17th ^—————i—— Trucks for Sal*. S.% ONE to three-ton uaed trues*, terms can be arranged. International Harvester Ce. f America 714-1* 3 10th *t. Auto Accessories Parts. 9 INSTANT ELECTROLTTE. Guaran’^^d to recharge any battery In serviceable condtvon. Will not frees* in *t ... • eu1 r*hata rlate. For aa!e !r fiL r.g station* • r. 1 garag or ph-r# WE. 195 5. USED parts for ail make* of car*. 14 to 7* per cent off !.rt price*, two wreck • nr p!ant» 101* Harney. HA. 4911. and •205 Pumlnr AT 1970 -— " ■2' L. ' - ■ ■ — ■ Service Station—Kepsiring. 10 INPUSTKIAI. AUTO MACHINISTS. Rayfleld oarbu'e' n and E'aemann mag neto eerv're AT 2544. P VF.i H IRS a SON 417 3 11TH. BUSINESS SERVICE. Business Services Offered. 13 MOVING, hauling city or country Aah>-«. ruhblah. cinder* for driveway* WK 4S0*. RAWS f: • >i ke\ • made. 14 ' 4 JAMBS ALLAN'S Detect!Tea. Expert secret %•' e Block AT 113* RELIABLE Defective Bureau. Runderland lidg JA 2Q&*; n ght, KL Mil Building Contractors. 14 PRH s on toilet comblnati. i • avatorie*. sinks, bath tubs, range boiler* New g. „!« MORRISON LUMBER A COAL CO, 22d and Paul St* WK 5 4*1 SCREENED porch**, old *creen* rewUrd, broken window* replaced. Olasing. Her man Ki: 2701 Millinery—Dresemamng. 17 ACrORDION, * da. kntfa, ho* pleating, covarad button*, all *tvlca: hemstitching buttonhole* Writ# Idaal Button A plant "'f F*o.. Sot Brown UlodL Omaha, N«t> a aj hnra .7 A 1»S« N » H PI. K ATI NO ro Hemstitching. Oovered Hutton*, ’1^4 K»rn*m S» i*,d floor J.\ l'RF.S8.\P\KlNO and •** ing, ITS'' a da* v * •' mi ' . 1 .■■«» 7 u rnau- AT T.-:' Moving—Trucking—Storage. 18 Ftl'Kl.! i V STORAGE A VIN <M. MOVING FAl'KlNO RTORAGl* SHlrtMNll H maahold goods. offtc* furaituta autoa no: n how akp st j v a:** 'lltOBK NAN A N \ > STOK \>'.K P ti’KlVU. MON INK SHIPPING $ TORINO Fatlmate* fmmah.d AT <»?MI or J A. 423* HKKINS OMAHA N AN H STOKAOK 1*th and I«*a%*nworth St* Pa Vug, motr r atnrsgo uhlrrln* ,7a 4 1*3 OOROnVS K1RKPROOP NVHSF. A V AN :t» North 71th St Ph.'iia JA J(*3:. mov l"t narking atoraga. «hti n'nc Painting «n,l Papenng. 19 \ NO l paparhang mW W*11 paper, whole *»'• pn a Fred 7'aiha. 4T'h !* Slth St. MA 0104 AT T4«M. PATBR bans'* *n/l painting. work NN 7 | If ♦ Patent Attorney*. 20 ' IV MARTIN 1 U IN-a*. Hwn TP* v'maha aim* NV ashing to donhla trrrtea, • ’ogla fra A lao hr it* %a l i ir "ta Printing Stationery. 21 ■ OMMKIt.T Al rRINTI PrimIn* ?’ * inn si. *'h n. .if n > Pro(e»*ional Service. 22 Mam... ttm ' In, «, 11, AT .1*. Kepamng. 2.1 l SKP and naw aautng t *ohii>a* S#** n* ma bn** and \ ct i % »a tap* ad Hant «n*<*h naa Is par weak. II par mo Ml* KM Me HOI >r Hlh ana liA n.r At tilt BUSINESS SERVICE. Renovating and Dyeing. 24 OMAHA PILI.OW CO—r.athera vated and mad. up In new feathar-»r»ot ttekln*. 1107 Cumin*. JA. i««7.. __gy_pLOVMENT. Help Wanted Female. 27 «at-sbwomeh. A lid ta 110 weekly hniittieei tellln* th. n-w Cor.e-Twln, A new eorMt hrutlin assuring complata flfura eon ""USK- pW,:; terrltorl.e open In ‘he communt tie. throughout Netra.k. and Iowa. WE TEACH TOU HOW. Per.enal in.truetlon to •®*Lyl"€ for work In Omaha. Call In p.r.oi or write. THE CORSE-TWIH. Omaha Ixtan * Bid*. AT. 0678. 11th and Pod*.. TOADIES—l.earn beauty culture. Make our f"r. work eaeler. b.ttar payln* and more plea-ant I'ay or avenlr* "ur raialoT < Jplain. Call or writ, f It. M,.l-r College. 1f'I S. 16th Bt.. NEAT appe.rin* .alealadle. to ..11 Plr Wlc fro-k. direr, to we.rer; all or part time; no Inveetment; many rrtak. » weekly. Write today. .If*, to . Fort Wayn*. ln«l. WANTED—Women to paint lamp for ua M horn-. Eaay. P•*»'»"* Whole or part time Addra.e Nileart Com Pany, Ft. ^ayr.e. Inti ira.__ EXPERIENCED rook wanted. Call Mra. N. P. rpdllte. 1-^14 Jackson bt. Jta SWEDISH lady to live with and ear* for old couple. S80» lapitol:^_^__^-J Heip Wanted Male._28 -MIN' WANTING POSITIONS. Firemen brakemcn, colored train orslsep* Tnl car port. r. or;., for abl ation b ank. Experience unneceaaarj. Firat e>» * * rt,ld • Ww .trike - poallloa want'd. INTER - R AII. tv A V, Debit. •*r>' IndianwpnM* Ind._ _ MEN*—L*arn barber trad#. Tbt* *b®^t . ourre day or evrunr open* the way for your own burr." or po,lt|on at rp w agr.e . Mir S'stem known «v«.'T"her*. I'a* or write, JWtr Berber Col.eie, I* H. 1 5th St._ ! l.t;. TRICITT tau«ht by r*5p*r!7l btTk M.ii learn at hr»m# Electrical and proof leew.o. free Satisfaction »»ar af.tepu end po*i»!on p*-cured. Write * T'htlf Bn*. Cooke. rut Uawrema Ave . <’hi«aco - •RK you int^re^t^d in a proportion pa> - ■g !-W0 to f'.bna yearly T Pl.a.ant . .tderr work, eellinr *reea jhrtiba roaea weekly, . ew and jn • o-date r *T' B- »n Broa. Company. It r, .-a,.. N T, Grower. llnce VOENTS Ha • 110 to IS* dally. MlllnC iml'l kitchen ne city Oeer per rent profit s. 1 rapidly everywhere to o ne v - 0f to women New plan inakee aalea . sv I orni *r Mfg Company. i>#pt. -> ». j Detroit, Mich MirtA'I.K Stain Remover. Pall# 1J'*® - A ■ ** * " r,n *•» tr:V' K’ -rmou* pr >f » 11 eonfalrer '$• rarle Beauty Clay fra# to #very cu«* tf-r • m • Product#." Saint Paul \ r M«nr -dig. Minn. ALT, MKN, Women, boy*, gi'l*. IT to €(. w nt ? *-pt government po*it;ona. j * (traveling or a*atlonary). wr.r# Mr • ■rmtn’e 255 St. Lou:*. Mo., immedl - :___ B - de**<-- » »I0-|1«0 waakly. travel ..r • ' » *\perl#nc# unreceaearr Ari»r ?n Dot* tive Agency. 7>t Columbia. St. riPrTMEN BT \KEMEN. b#gtnr.#r» $13t • $:;o (Wh^h poaltlo* ?) Railway, f I ‘■«S0. Omaha Pf-o. .\,ji;VTS-Tn %r our Lif# Tonic. Won • rful • iedi'';C‘’ Big rep*at#r. Big profit#. \j* ... O Dept IT. S’ Lou a. Mo 1 — Help Wanted Male & Female. 29 rypisrs bo li • trr trr a-. rs inu?cr;ti Fr*e d* • led inform** ion on recue**. R J. f'arres. Au’hora’ Agent. Tallapcoea- Ga » i ENTs i r Darn E-Z. only w a* ha be ! a*.n 'or stocking*. Sell* at sight. Wheptot laboratories, I^a Crow*. W *. ■ ■ — ■ ——■ Salesmen and Agents. 30 ■-if- NT'- ,#Woodr'W T ison. HI* L:f* -.1 Work " Afusi authentic end complete ;-ook publlahel *00 page* Including *-4 atrationa. Agent* wanted. B:g money. Free outfit. Geographical Pub.iaLicg Co. Plymouth St . Chicago SALESMEN—Inexperienced or expert#-, ed, > ty or trave- nc Wr *e f*r free beck. Modern >*r anshtp ’ B‘g der and fr-P •irn. Earn f ' tn 1101 yearly. Ad ream, Nat Saif' *ni Tr Aas'n. Pep% 4i.». Chicago. SALESMEN—*2P.0®0 yearly Slat# dlatrlb l.leetnc *.gr * A wcnda.ful prepeaiion. Every ret*.! merchant a possible cui tomer Exclusive territory. Liberal com : ensa* -n T1 e McSxvaney Company, Spr:rx?:- id. Ohio_ _ SALESMEN- I- 10 j early Star# d!Bt-.b Anar g newly Inverted pr.'.r.g system r*-’* s f4 JO. Merchant* bu> in s'antaneoualy.' No competition Tremen -.i»u demand M*.ien Mfg.. Colonial Bldg, Boston. Mas. _ _ AGENTS—Bee me representative la'ge concern Eatab.iah yourself permanent.y. > • * d r.»-*hod selling shoe# fact >rjr to wtarer Profit* large S**l! eaay Ap : v ii mediate^. STYLE-AP.CH SHOES, a-: • •. • | :r v • r ■ f Martha Washington house dresaea direct ! from factory to wearer B i profit* for workers For particular*, write Illlnoia Garm ent Fa. *fef Lincoln A»a. ChU c ICO AGENTS ;r wonderful new plan w 1 j ut you in he S6.00O claaa 150 produ a. *<ow prl« e.« Supreme quality Complete outfit free We furnish aut *noW:a Write quick. A n. »■ r an Product* Co.. f«10 A C-- mnati. O. AGENTS: Make fif'd every week. Sell Mai*- Measure-Mad# cap# direct t* w • . bu>.r. 4 men. car owner*, aports et Wrl e for ■pr'-g aamp’.e outf't »rd fre-* ap offer. Manafiald Cap Maker*. 1 > ’ ' « \ * n. ir.natt, O ‘ G Y- AH MFG CO., 2<*-C ttoedyear Bldg . Kar.saa City. >!#.. Se making en ■ ffer to send a hand*om# rancoat free *o person in each oaltt] who ** 1 la 1 • • d * « 4 < N'n New wonderful ee:i#r— Bfe e - ' t t\< y ollar **le*. Be ;\er on apo;. 1 . • -e Min* ssat' N 3 com ret. • • on. s I- ' c M " a Co. 910 N. H*: s:f»Bd, Chicago. 111. b 51 l.L Mad'scn "Bet t er-Made" Shift a dire t from our factory to nearer No capita or e\pe en c required; eur *old big prof *. Wr.te for trot aamplca Mid.ioi V i a. ; > B’oadway. New York City. A< l ENTS—Oo 1yer r Mif Co. 2P-C Oood >tar Bldg. Kansu ''Try. Mo. la making an offer to tend n handsome raincoat fre* [to one person in each locality who will re - i it to frtnda Write tod a' AGENTS Hare opportunity aaormcaa prof!fa ar e c * - « Icktf f'r ft Ai> .'»n make 111 to IJ? da !v, Particuiara fre* K. Back* Co.. Carpanter, IH _ A-.KNIS District man a gar* wanttd Af* T it to**l hpi * ' • u* *n y ©ur l«v*a a > cancasaing <>r daltvar'r*. flh# waaV'T • * Sy m«J« ■ n»,»m >n* advgjtcad la« ’ut <V * *■ '* f.vcr »ti i'h: **© UJKNTfi $4 daily tkktnf ©rd*r# for ’ as Guara* re t ho* try. IT d iff* rant, in.!* *■»«• •% Tour *1r# »\ o. f i . f **n»|M* t'« ,r*. Tho;:\aa Mf*. t*>> . MH! J*3S, I'ajton. O. \> \ > ju > ■■■ own boss i*ll arrv-'ia »• • f t me in.’ nt <1ra*s fl ' particular* f-aa. i nr« claimant c‘' Si. 9 Lincoln Ai*« Chicago. A , 1 \ Ts tiro taking ©rdar* f r «*l • f •r»ipf >*i« eVmmlwvai a<1 \an ri Wa dalivar and collect Pramrt* ast del \a» .t»* Writ# Horn* Kamcoat i'o, 11 * 4 S H a lat ad c'h i ra a a \«IK\TS If mark Arpolnt auto | «Kpnt», I»> per cant comm Gnarantaad t . . ■ windows v‘»f am ad Maial.ia Ca . 4il N t'latk OhiPtfa 8AI*r8>fKN Stop!# nactHlty f'r maru* #«cturara Plain facta rasprasantatlon. * *at» onset ration hacks claim* K\ iuai'a f1» d Hu: t.rnm *» r Op-nlni for at.i >' U- v - S'* > Olataland. OhUv 1 41' Al\ii a*ant« r»aka f*. ' avary aaV. Wonda-r ful !.a IT- Iv N#w a av sailing * va* 'on h * profit W t* for full in f->*c** n. K*h' Proa. Dapt. A-34?, $.• * Th-,vu St Chicago_ • a id chan •»!* turn Ha • m start, Fipti - ' " ' \V ■ a t o. i . » * | ' <* * ' • N ' a. M- pal;; o '* * a a r * * « aa - . up ManatvA Go , Gadar Ha rids, la v • N ■ e' r * • 1"'* raw a - • ' 's •' * he •- H'* rapafttar. i' A «’h-»-Tut»* 1 I'o, IWri fity. Pk.1 • » * -a Pur* t .•■» r\ : ||M. • *a i on *.**! p , ' •» as a ted a V Kf' « S« 'e« Co O* s rark III *v.s • • rTf^atani Usin ’ • < _ '*»* -c r**i e* n »s»•>% i, 1 t »