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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1924)
“It’s Not What You Are But What You Can Be. Read Classification 38 Now — '■'■i —— i —i—fc—— - ■ ■■■■ . ■ ■■ ■ ■ —— ■— — .. ..i. ... ■■ — ■ ■■ ■ ' . ' ■■■ — — ■ ■ . ... " ——m ■ —.— """——— Ghost of Walsh Derby in Circle Harry Easten Clings to Mon tana Senator as Presi dential Candidate. Harry K. Easton, who occupies an important $lace In directing the af fairs of the Nebraska Democratic dub, refuses to admit that Senator Thomas J. Walsh of Montana has expressed his last word on the presi dential situation. The senator Is reported to have In dicated that any effort at this time to promote him as a presidential pos sibility at tho democratic national convention would tie distasteful. But Harry Easton insists that the name of Walsh Is yet to conjure with. No Final Word "Due to his present relations with Hie committee on public lands and surveys,” said Mr. Easton, “it is obvious that lie dislikes the use of his name just now. We have received no final word from him.” The Nebraska Democratic club is planning a banquet in the near fu ture and intends to have Senator Walsh hero as ono of the speakers. The Nebraska Democratic club will a- meeting every Friday nobn until the slate primaries on April S. McDermott to File The club received word that Ed It. McDermott of Kearney probably will file for national committeeman In op position to Arthur Mullen. It was believed that \V. H. Thompson of Grand Island would enter the list against Mullen, but lie announced his candidacy for judge of the state su preme court. An effort was made (o induce I. .T. Dunn of Omaha* to file, hut he declined. Another political bon mot received here Sunday was that Kenneth Mc Donald of Bridgeport will enter the race as democratic candidate for United States senator. He was candi date for attorney general of Ne braska two years ago. He will op pose Trenmore Cone of Waterloo. Mrg. Ralph Murphy Rites to Be Held Here Tuesday Funeral services for Mrs. Ralph Murphy, who died at Jacksonville, Fla., February 15, will be held at the home of her brother-in-law, W. W. Fonda, 4907 Chicago street, at 20:30 this morning. Jury Call Canceled. Call for a petit Jury in federal court for Wednesday was canceled Monday ‘when Judge Woodrough received word to go to Salt Lake City to pre side In federal court there for several days, beginning Wednesday. Stuntz Stroke * Details Told Bibhop Little Weaker, Bulle tin From Bedside to Omaha Says. The condition of Bishop Homer C. Stuntz, Omaha, bishop of ths Metho dist area comprising Nebraska and Iowa, who was stricken with paralysis February 12 at Miami, Fla., was re ported to be a little weaker Monday morning, according to a telegram re ceived by Mrs. Howard ' Kushton, whose husband accompanied Mrs. Stuntz to Miami. The following message concerning the nature of Bishop Stuntz's illness was Issued Monday by Rev. C. C. ('issell of the area office, 316 City National Bank building: "Bishop Stuntz was found prostrate On the bath room floor of his hotel. The bishop thought he had slipped on the tile floor, but It is believed that he was stricken with paralysis at this time. Ho was fully conscious. He did not believe that he was paralyzed, although he was unable to use his left leg or arm. "Bishop Stuntz arrived In Miami on February 8. The next Sunday morn ing he delivered a sermon In the White temple to 1,800 persons. He preached at one of the smaller churches In the evnlng. Afterwards he went to the White temple parsonage for a visit. Monday afternoon he spent in the company of Dr. C. E. Welch on an ^automobile tour. The evening was spent with Dr. Merrill, pastor of the Methodist church at Miami. Before leaving the pastor’s home the bishop sat down at the piano and played and sang a verse, "Beloved now are we ths sons of God.” Dr. Welch ac companied the bishop to his hotel. There were no Indications of any 111 nos«.” This message will be sent to all the pastors in the area. While In Cleve land a month ago the bishop was at ricked stone-blind for 20 minutes at the railroad station, according to Rev. Mr. Clssell. He had complained of extreme fatigue and a temporary blindness In one eye which the doc tors examined but found no local trouble. Bacon Funeral. Former officers of Maple J,eaf chapter. Order of Eastern Star, were pallbearers at the funeral services for Mrs. Grenville Bacon, 38, Monday afternoon at Masonic temple. They tvree Mesdames J. O. Beebe, C. M. Hausleln, R. K. Boddill, Leslie Smith, W. E. X.lnn, and R. W. Barrett. Mrs. Bacon formerly was Mrs. Veretta Crane. The women who acted as pallbearers were odlcers under Mrs. Bacon when she held the office of Queen Esther of the chapter. Honorary pallhearers were the present officers of the chapter. Rev. W. N. Wallace of the Methodist church of Ashland, Neb., read the service. Burial was In Forest Lawn ceme tery. Mrs. Peter O’Donnell Dies. 4* Mrs. Catherine O'Donnell, t>8, wife of Peter O’Donnell, died last night at he.r home, 2024 Mason street. She Is survived, besides her hufband, by one son and two daughters. Funeral services will be held this morning at 8:30 at the home ami at Bacred Heart church st 9. BujriaJ —a ha at Humphries. Neb. Posted Employe Dies at His Home William Nash, 76, employed Rt the South Omaha po«tc£fice for the last 22 years, died Sunday at his home, 1417 Archer avenue. He is survived by a sister, Clara Thomas of Module, la., and a brother Nathan. He was a member of Modern Woodmen of America camp No. 1095. Livermore Has New Statement Says Oil Query Is Bound to Affect Business in Other Industries. * New York, Feb. 18.—Jesse L. Liv ermore gave out a second statement today, practically reiterating his iprevious assertions, although soften ing the tone regarding tlie effect of the investigations in congress. Follow ing is the Livermore statement: “If you were to organize a stcol corporation you would not put a $5, 000 a year man at the head of it. Our government is the greatest business In the world and we ought to see that Its affairs are directed by the most capable men available. I have received many queries as to why I have changed my opinion as to the immediate future of the stock market, have done so as the result of a change in public opinion brought out by the many disclosures that have been made public recently from Washington. You cannot upset the confidence In one of our greatest industries of the country without its having a dis turbing effect upon other big In dustries. The home of the greatest Industries In the world are right here in the greatest nation in the world, made so because we have men in great num bers who want to do things in a big way, who have had great vision of future possibilities and for years have heen building up great industries, thereby giving employment to mil lions of men at the highest wage* paid anywhere in the world. These men and their families have been educated to want the best things in life and they are entitled to them. But let anything happen whereby the confidence of big busi ness is shaken, it will bring about un employment and if It happens, it will mean the lowering of wages,and if that happens It is bound to bring about discontent. Martin Bombers to Fort Crook _ • Army Planes Will Be Sent in Readiness to Break Up Ice Jams. Col. H. M. Eaton, chief of staff of the 7th army corps area, announced Monday that two Martin bomb ers are about to he sent from Chanute Reid, Illinois, to Fort Crook, together with a number of. large TNT bombs, to be used In breaking Ice Jams on the rivers of eastern Nebraska along the Union Pacific railroad, in accord ance with permission recently obtain ed from the War department. In case the planes are needed, other planes will fly over the scene of operations for observation while the bombing Is going on. "The Union Pacific railroad will pay all expense connected with the work. By Associated rre»». ,o r No^-:fr,Xu oth.^i..Aiioti!r*',lven *re "■ uni— «:3Kon”faA|k.P4t«',4h-Ur*hh,L”,).' *ddre«»; cos^V: pr^" *perlodi*,:M> pr«^m„fHKDKA* <34°- «»b«»de..t. -®-P SF5H?,?k &3K! I. 8 Ul' Po,t-n'»P*'ch (648), sS W.-.V S5WS1S *r»m ' PltUbur*h <««>- 7^50. pro .^Wk Phll*,1*|Pbl* (»*>. «:30. talk; ».mDfoP,pCr5i;;” 4,'0>- 7- »“•!«: •- .r mu^.A,Ppro^rmT4erh ,4,4)' «« '• o?'hV.(r.N*W* <4T,) iFr‘ .Ph,l»delphl* (395), 5, talk- 5 SO mwnh 7,u™.".'?rl: '• r®rtl° Play new. • nuf,‘,l° 3:30.; 8:10, gr™m‘r' R,hp",c‘*dy (389), 6:45, pro wi'.Av' I(?ul,y,Hs MOO), 7:39 concert. wi*v' , fy",»n'1 C:30, program, pomparSnuek\ **° (44,)' 19- ™l£t5. »rK,..CI"0l"",tl (30”- P"nMrt; 11, ».-u.Maroirram'**0 N‘‘w* 4447 *>• »• “H»: nSWiln (800)' ■■ »•«■»« pr^J' °m,h» <”*>- « 39. prooram: 0. troW"i?i ii'*"!? *• dSnea orrh.. mint d operat,c t«nor; 10:46. «nt«rtaln- j WWJ, Detroit Ntwi (617), «. orotisstra. ! Osteopaths Hold , Convention Here --— American Osteopathic association held a convention Monday nt Hotel Fontenellc, followed by a ban Ttet, motion pictures and a radio program In the evening. Dr. J. C. Gaddis 0r Chicago, na tlorui I secretary and editor of the American Osteopathic association, wl address the convention and also will make a short talk by radio. . I*1.6 convention opened at the hotel at 1:85 In the afternoon with nn introductory talk hy Dr. A, D. T.alrd president of the. Greater Oinah.ii Osteopathic association. Other speakers during the after noon on technical subjects were i>r. Charlotte MeCuskey, r>r. W K Stefan, Hr. H. C. X,eopold. end Dr! D. 8. Peterson. Dr. Gaddis spoke on "Fifty \ earn of Osteopathy.” Dr. J. A. Niemann was tuasUuustui | at the banquet last night. The film. “How Life Begins,” was shown by courtesy of Dr. Jennie' M. Laird. Miss Johanna De Jong Dies, Miss Johanna WilhelminaDe Jong. 18, died at her home, 4010 Ames ave nue, Saturday. She is survived by her mother and her father; two brothers, John and Kugene; and one sister, Mary. She came from Holland with her parents in 1912. BEE CLASSIFIED AD RATES 15c per line each day, 1 or 2 days. 12c per line each day, 3 or A days. 10c per line each day. 7 days or longer. Classified Ada accepted at the following offices: Main Office.17th and Faruani Pfs. South Omaha.—N. W. Cor. 24fh and N Sts. Council Bluffs.16 Scott St Call for Classified Ad Department An experienced Classified Ad taker will re ceive your ad and a bill will be mailed either charge or cagh orders, later. The rate* quoted above apply to The above rat »a apply to all advertise ments in clasatflaations: Lost and Found . 4 Help Wanted Female. 27 Help Wanted Male. 28 Salesmen and Agents. SO Situations Wanted Female. 21 Situations Wanted Male.. 12 Articles for Sale. 46 Farm and Dairy Products. 42 Good Things to Eat. 61 Homemade Things. 62 Household Goode. 63 Swap Column...•,.A63 Wearing Apparel. 60 W anted to Buy. 61 Rooms With Board. 62 Rooms Without Board. 68 Rooms for Housekeeping . Rooms, Unfurnished...A64 Suburban Board. 65 Farms for Rent .76A For ell other classification! our regular rales as quoted below apply. Telephone ATIantlc 1006 These rates apply to The Sunday Omaha Bp8 as w*»U as The Morning and Evening Lice. All week-day advertisements ap pear In both morning and evening editions at the one cost: 18c per line each day, 1 or 2 day*. 15c per line each day. S or 6 days, lie per line each day, 7 days or longer. CLOSING HOURP FOR CLASSIFIED ADS. Morning Edition... 10 p. tn. Evening Kd’tlon. 11:20 a. m. 6unday Edtlon. • p. m. Saturday. THE EVENING BEE. THE OMAHA MORNING BEE. THE OMAHA BDFi reserve* the right to reject or rewrite all copy. CLASSIFICATIONS. ANNOUNCE!! ENT8. Funeral Notice* .A Vault* and Monuments .R Funeral Directors .C Cemeteries ...D Florist* .£ Card of Thanks .F i l odge Notice* ....1 Coming Events .21 Personal* ....3 AUTOMOBILES. Automobile* for Sale .. A Automobile Agencies .6 Motorcycle* and Blcvclea ..1 Automobile* for Exchange.H Auto Accessories, Part* ..9 Service Station—Repairing .10 Auto Livery Garage .II AUTO LIVERY GARAGE. Wanted—Automobiles .12 BUSINESS SERVICE. Business Service* Offered .13 Building Contractor* .14 Heating and Plumbing .13 Insurance . lft Millinery—Dressmaking .17 Moving-Trucking—Storage .12 Painting and Papering .19 Patent Attorneys .20 Printing Stationery .2 Professional Service .22 Repairing .23 Keqovnting and Dyeing .24 fa undr! ee .24' Tailoring and Pressing .2A Wanted—Buslnc** Service .26 EMPLOYMENT. Help Wanted—Female .27 Help Wanted—Male .2ft Help Wanted—Male and Female.29 Salesmen and Agent* .30 Situations Wanted—Female ..11 Situations Wanted—Male ...32 F1NANCIAI. Business Opportunities .33 Investment—Stock*—Bonds .34 Real Estate Iguana .34 \ Money to Loan . SA Wanted to Borrow .36 EDUCATIONAL. Correspondence Course* .37 Local Instruction Cla**e* . ...3ft Musical—Dramatic .29 Dancing .30 A Private Inntrurtlon .. 40 Wanted—Instruction . .. .41 LIVESTOCK. Dogs. Cats and Pets ..47 Horses, Cattle. Vehicles .43 Poultry and Supplies .44 Ranted—Livestock .45 MERCHANDISE. Articles ' for Sale .46 fluHineM Equipment .47 Building Materials .4ft Farm and Dairy Products .....49 Fuel and Feed ..,,.60 Good llitngs to Eat .31 Home-Made Thing* .A2 Household Goods . A3 Swap Column . 63A Jewelry and Watches ......A4 Machinery and Tool* ........AA Seed*. Plant* and Flowers .Aft Specials at the Store* .A7 Xmas Gift Sugge*tlons .57A Muaical Instruments ..All Radio Equipment .A9 Wearing Apparel .......90 Wanted to Buy .91 ROOMS FOR RENT. Rooms With Board .97 Room* Without Board .93 Room* for Housekeeping . 91 Room*, Unfurnished .94A suburban Board .93 Where to Dine .90 Where to Stop In Town .97 Wanted—Room* and Board ...9ft REA I, F.MTATE—FOR RENT. tpartment*—Furnished .....99 Apartment*—Unfurnished ..10 final ne** Places for Rent ...•....71 House* for Rent . 77 Houses. Furnished ..72' Office* nnd Desk Room . 73 Out-of-Town Prom-rty ..74 Suburban foRRrnt .76 'immi-r Place for Rent ..79 Wonted t« Rent .....71 REAL ESTATE—FOR SALE. Business Property . 7ft Ileal Estate—Investments .79A Farms and Lands for Sale ..79 City Acreage for Bale .79A House* for Hale .90 House*—North . 91 llotiaap— South .• • Hons**—W>*t . 33 Ifouae*— Henoon . 94 For Bafo ■< Dnndee . 93 For Bal^— Florence ..F For Bale—Council Bluffs .97 Lots for Bale . 9ft Beal Estate for Exchange .fj Ranted—Real Estate .90 AUCTIONS. Auction Bales .. 91 Reel E*tate at Auction ^ . _ Funeral Notices. A O'DOWN ELL Mr» Catherine. 6*. be loved wife Of Refer Khe »■ eurvlved. betides her huhsband, by one ton. Ray mond. of Florrlsaant. Mo.; two daugh ter*, Mr*. M .1 Eddie of Oakland. Ia., and titter. Mary Ocrmanui of Milwaukee. Wle. Funeral Tuesday morning from residence. 2024 Maple 8t., at *130 a. m., to Sacred Heart rhurrh at * a. m. Interment Humphrey, Neb. Oentleman'a mortuary In charge. NASH —William, age 74 yeart, died Sun day at hit home. 1417 Areh*r Av* He la survived by hla titter. Mrs. Clara Thomas, Modale. la., and brother, Nathan, Oak land. Cal $ Funeral Tuetdav at 2 r m. at Brewers (Ijape1. 2 11H und K His , !>r. R. I WTu'slfr officiating Burial at Laurel Hill cemetery_ _ _ LTMP - Mr* Hannah, widow of Harry H, age #6 years la survived by fw® broth er*. M C Hegeity of Omaba. 14. C. Hegartv of Columbus, o .; on* slater Mrs Fred Sumbiert, of Denver, Colo P’unernl notice Inter. I'lease omit flowers Hentleman'a mortuary In charge._ HAHKKT.T. Miss Anna H. age *4 years, February 14 at the home of her •!■ t*r. Mr* IT. K Butkef Funeral tervleea will bn held Tuesdav at 3 o’clock from the Hudkef chnpel, *4oft Ftrnam street. Rev. A. A. Da Larme officiating. * MURPHY—Mr* Ralph, at .faclTenn v111e. Fla. February 16. Funmal services wlR be held Teuaday morning at 10.20 o'clock from the home or Mr W. T4 Fonda. 4907 Chicago. Jn qutrlaa may he addreaa*d to Hurkat. Vault* and Monumrnt*. B "Automatic Healing ' concrete burial vaults recommended by *11 leading undertake-* Mfg, by Omaha Concrete Burial Vault. Co Funsral Directors. C JOHN A. GENTLEMAN. 1411 Fain:.** ¥ Your Success Your success does not de pend upon your present posi tion or condition—it depends upon what you do with every day FROM NOW ON. It lies within your power to lift yourself above the average, by working to develop your mind to an above the average standard. Read Classification 38 Today ANNOUNCEMENTS. Funeral Directors_C HEAFET A HEAFET. Uundertakera and Embalmerp Phone HA 0*66. Office 2611 l’einam (ESTABLISHED SINCE 1181) KORISKO FUNERAL HOME. 23d end O 811. 1260 »■ MA. 0680. _AT. 1871 C. C. HAYNES FUNERAL HOME. 3*20 N. 21th St. KE. 0261 DUFFY A JOHNSTON. 811 S. 13d. now funeral home. HA. 0617 BRAILEY A DORRANCB. 1621 CUMINO ST., JA. OHS. HOFFMANN AMBULANCE Dodge at 24th. Funeral Dlrectore. JA. 1101 H. H. KRAMER FUNERAL HOME. 6819 Military Ave. WA. 6314. N. P. SWANSON, 17TH AND CUMINO Quiet. Dignified Supervlalon. CROSBY-MOORE 14th and Wirt. V7E. 0047. TAGOART A SON. 2212 Cuming St. JA. 0714. HULSE A RIEPEN. Funeral directors. 2224 Cumin*. JA. 1226 Cemeteries.D WEST LAWN OKMETERT. Our convenient payment plan la appreciat ed when family lot is required. Telephone WA. 0820, WA. 4160. AT. 1979. and our free closed car will call for you. Courteous service. Perpetual care. Cemetery 58th and Center Sts. Beautiful, convenient. FOREST LAWN. 320 acres. Perpetual care. Office at the cemetery. North 40th St. and Forest Lawn Ave.. end 720 Brandels Theater Bldg. _ Floruts.E ROPERS. Florist. 24th Karnam, JA. 3400 JOHN BATH, 1»M Farnam. JA 1»Q4 Personals.3 THE 8ALVATION Array Induatrlml homa solicits your old clothlna. furnltura. ro»»a itriM. w# collect. We dletrlbute Phone JA. 4121 end our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new bonne. 1110-1112-1114 Dodse Street. WILL take aged, mental or chronic In valids In my home. Call WA. 4293. Write 402 Sunderland Bldg. FOR flu, rheumatism, neuritis, colds, ner vousness or fun-down condition. AT. 337T. Prostatlc troubles treated without a«rttry or drugs. Dr. C. B. Hunt, 632 W-1T. Bldg. Theatrical hlatorical masque costumes for plays and parties at Hern's. Omaha. MASSAGE TREATMENT. 210 N. 17TH ST. FOR SCIENTIFIC massage, call WA. 4293. _ Lo«t and Found.4 LOST or atrayad from 404 S- 14th St., tan and whlta bulldog. 8 yaara old, weighs 45 Ibe. aoraw tall, eara crnppad, wearing black harneaa. Right fronl leg twltchu allghlly, Pleaae plioaa, 4112 AUTOMOBILES. ~ " Automobiles far Sale. 5 10 DAT GUARANTEE WE PROTECT THE BUYER / 1*28 FORD COUPE— A CAR THAT WILD GIVE YOU THE UTMOST IN TRANSPORTATION AT THE VOWr.UW POSSIBLE COST. NEW CAR APPEARANCE. I AND PRICED TO HUM-. WILL TAKE AN OPEN CAR IN TRADE 1018 FORD SEDAN—ACCES SORIES 8 tIOOD TIRES. GOOD ITtlOI-STERINO WOULD MAKE A DANDY FAMILY CAR. 1200. MANY OPEN CARS. 180— III 8. HANNAN-VAN BRUNT, INC. VARNAM AT I0TH. 1IA. 4188 j USED CAR DEPT., MR. GLASS . FORD UJurln*. 1923. 4 brand naw tire* Juat Ilka a new car. Will aell this week for 1245. rail. WED 4102. HUDSON tourin*. late model and In •*- | retient condition. Guaranteed. Sea today Out 1a Smith.___ NA8H-VRIEBEMA AUTO GO. USED GAll STORE. 2045 Earn am. * AT-4b4t> THE PORT SIX AO ENG V makes a prof liable huftineN* for cncriretto fcuatnee* men 8«e Ralph W. Jonea, distributor for Na braaka and Western Iowa, 3431 Famain DEPENDABLE USED GARS ANDREW MURPHY A l JO NR 1410 JACKSON BT.AT. 4411 USED CARS. O. N. Bounty Motor Co. >B64 Famaro. FOR PS- DODGES - BUICKH 8701 8. 34th.Tel MA fcOtQ 'I mrks for S«lr M ONE to thrae-ton uaed fracas, terms can be arranx*d. International Harvester Co. of America. 714-14 H |0th St. Auto Accessories Parts. 9 INST A NT El bicTltOLYTI'. ~ Guaranteed to re>'h*r*r *nv battery in aervlmeble condition Will not freeze In I lie (Oldest Went her and If will not aul phata Plate. For sale In filling stations and aaragea. nr phone WE. It* USED part# for all mnkas of care, 10 to 7ft per cant off Hat price*, two wreck In* plant*. 1014 Harney. HA- 4111. and Cumin*. AT. 1 970 Service Station--Repairing. 10 INDUSTRIAL AUTO MACHINISTS Rayfleld rarbureton and IMaamann mag neto service AT. 1884. P MELCfVOIRR A RON 417 8 1ITH. M ■ " 1 g 1 1 ■■■■ — ■ _BUSJNKSS SKRV1CK Buune** Service* Oft creel 1.1 MOVING, baulln*. city or countiy Ashes rubtdab, -Indere for \V I: I.:i04, jAM B8 A1 .LAN R DatrrtlVM. Bipart aecrat aervloa 811-313 Nevl|,» IH..uh AT. 1114 itKI.lAHl.H Detective Bureau. Sunderland IHd* JA 8084; Wight. K K. 8111. WE trim trees, hades*, a rapes. HE 1411. BUSINESS SERVICE. _ Businese Service Offered. 13 AWS filed, key made, 1404Vs Douglas Building Contractors. 14 LOW PRICES on toilet combinations, lavatories, sinks, bath tubs, range boilers. New goods. MORRISON LUMBER A COAL CO.. 22d and Paul Sta._ WE. 6661. SCREENED porches, old screens rewired, broken windows replaced. Glazing. He: - man. KK 2701. _ _Millinery—Dregtmaking. 17 ACCORDION, aide, knife, «• box pleating. covered buttons; all styles; hemstitching: buttonholes. Write Meal Button A Pleat Rig r*o.f 308 Bwwn Block. Omaha. Neb.. Telephone JA. 1>16. NUB. I'LEATINO CO. Hemstitching. Covered Buttons. 18^4 1'nrnam, Second floor JA. 6676. Moving—Trucking—Storage. 18 FIDELITY STORAGE A VAN CO MOVING PACKINO storage Shipping Household goods, office furniture, autoe. 1U>7-n HOWARD STJA. 0284 GLOBE VAN AND STORAGE PACKING, MOVING^ SHIPPINO STORING Estimates furnished. AT. 0230 or JA. 4338 BEK I NS OMAHA VAN A STORAGE. 16th and Leavenworth Sts. Packing, mov ing. storage, shipping, JA 4161 SGORDON'S FIREPROOF WHSE. A VAN 218 North 11th St. Phone JA. 3082; mov g. packing, storage, shipping. _Painting and Papering. 19 ATTENTION — Hotel, apartment and home owner*. Special price on wallpaper, paperhanging. Fred Parka. AT. 7401, MA. '•104 PAPER hanging and paln|lag. work guaranteed. Call WE. 1631. Patent Attorney*.20 J. W. MARTIN, 1713 Dcd,«. Room SO*. [Omaha, also Washington; double service, ■ingle fee. Also help sell patents. Printing Stationery.21 COMMERCIAL PRINTING. Eddy Prlntfn, Co.. Ill South 13th 8t. °bon« JA- »06». Professional Service. 22 DENTISTRY. All kind* of dental work done, under the careful supervision of professor*, at the Creighton University College of Dentistry, corner 26th and California streets. Take Harney, Cuming or Crosstown car. Repairing. 23 USED and new sewing machines. Sew ing machines and victrolas repaired. Rent machines. $1 per week; tl per ino. MICHEL irl'SIC HOUSE. Sth and Harnev. AT. 4331. Renovating and~Dyeing. 24 OMAHA PILLOW CO—F*»th«r» ran*- 1 vated and made up in new feather-proof ticking. 1107 Cuming. JA. 3437. _ EMPLOY MEN T. J _Help Wanted Female. 27 LADIES—Become, self-supporting. Learn hairdressing, marcelIng, permanent wav ing. manicuring, massage, day or evening. Benefit by our co-operattv* advg. plan, which make* our graduates In demand everywhere. Sure of success. Call or writ*. Molar College 10> South 15th St. REPRESENTATIVES to sell personal sta tionery; complete line; big coramleslone; no delivery. Florence Publishing Co., Met ropolitan Life Bldg. Minneapolis. Jdtnn. Help Wanted Male. 28 WANTED—Men to learn tha barber trade. Splendid paying business. Short course complete*. Day or evening. Benefit by our co-operative advg. plan which makes our graduates In demand everywhere. Cell or write for particulars. Molar Barber College. 10j> South li-th St. MEN W ANTI NO POSITIONS. Firemen, brakenien, colored train or sleep ing car portent, write for application blank. Experience unnecessary. First claaa roads. No strike. Name position wanted. Inter-FtHilway Dept. MO, Indianapolis. Ind. FI K P It ES ENT A TIV ES to sell personal sta tlonery. complete line Big commissions, no delivery. Florence Publishing Co.. Metropolitan Life Bldg . Minneapolis. Minn. ALL MEN, Women, boys, girls, 17 to €&. willing to accept government positions. I117-I2PO (traveling or stationery), write Mr. 0*raent, IS6 St. Louis, Mo, immedl. ately. FIREMEN. BRAKEMEN, beginners. |1&» to 12.0 (which poaltlonT) Railway, T 1560, Omaha Bee. __ Situations Wanted Female. 31 BUNDLE washing; also curtains; work guaranteed; railed for. WE. SITS. Situations Wanted Male. 32 EXPERIENCED cabinet maker fiom Germany; prefers German employer. B 261, Omaha Bee. W ANTED: Position in bank or lumber yard. Experienced, 2 yeara Uni. Y*IM4 omaha Bee. ~ FINANCIAL. Business Opportunities 33 KOR 8AI.K Gen mdae. atom. Invoice. 111,000. P<>et ufflce In connection; 3 larjre refineries. Outalclrt* of ('saner. Good business. Box If Owner'a. Kvanavtlle. Wyo MJMBBit YARD POiTbALB—Small town • ^ northeaat Nebraska Good territory. Good buelmae. Only yard In town. Ad dreaa. Y- 3170. Omaha Baa. ANY hualrreaa, anywnera, aoM for caah. No Publicity. Federal My stem. 1<*» ru 'on BUIy AT ©442 lll.LINJCRY ahop for aate Good huai neaa. good Icatton Y-*MH. Omaha Bee MiG AT market fixtures for aale T-2S4& •miHha Baa FIR8T t laaa shoe repairing ahop for aale \ery i heap Phone JA. 6043 Investment—StocKs—Bonds. .14 I.OW HATE I'lly proi»*rty. quickly . ; nn mnnlhly psym.nts. JA. 1131 tv T Hr.ham M A ANDKIISON ('O.. JA. H <17. lies! c.i.i., 8nr.iv hens. suit slrutr.A Ins. __Mon»y to Loan. J5 THIS COMPANT IS ORGANIZED lo supply yr. tr inonav wants In the earn* ohv that bat.ka auppir the money wante of the buaineaa community. Any amount loato.d up to 1400 and you « an rrpav It In easy monthly payments Our «*iual i t'men! plan repays tha loan and all charges. It e hn\a been la bualnese In Omaha ovar 3(» yeata a.d can asaur* you of a gulck. confidential and ague re deal. OMAHA LOAN COMI'ANT. SO* Karbach Vlock * Tel JA. 12»R. Syuthaaat Iftth and Douclaa Mia. FINANCIAL. Money to Loan. 35 DIAMOND loans st lowest rates, business strictly confidential. The Diamond Doan Co.. 1514 Dodge St Established 1884 _ Real Estate Loans. 34A 7Vi AND 6 TER CENT MONEY. Loan* on Omaha improved property nt lowest rate*. FRANK H. BINDER. 323 City National. JA. 1161. FARM LOANS. Large o** email West Neb farms, ranches. Kloke Investment Co., 84S Om. Nat. Bk CITY real estate mortgages and con tracts bought. Mr. Larson 104 North Fifteenth street OMAHA HOMEC—EAST NEB. FARMS O’KEEFE REAL ESTATE OO.. 10IS Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg JA. 3711. SIX per cent loans on Omaha residences. Cash on hand. Prompt service. E. H f.ougee, Inr.. 538 Keeline Bldg SECOND mortgages or cortracts pur chased by Tukey Company 620 First Na tional Bank. JA. 4223. I WILL buy mortgage* and contracts Corkin. 948 Om Nat. Bldg.. Omiht. Neb. 6 Vi AND V PERCENT—NO DELAY. GARVIN BROS.. 64t Omaha Nat. Bidg . ■ ■ EpUCAjnONAL^ Local Instruction Classes. 38 DAT SCHOOL, NIGHT SCHOOL, » BOTLES SCHOOL. Complete courage In ell commercial branrhee. bookkeeping. romptometry, shorthand, typewriting, telegraph*. secre tarial, banking, laleeinanahlp. civil serv ice. English. You may work for board while attending. Illustrated catalog free. BOYLES COLLEGE. llth and Harney Sta., Omaha. Neb. JA. 1563. DWORAK BUSINESS COLLEGE Stenography and Bookkeeping. Wead Bldg.. 16th and Firnam. AT. 7418. EIGHT to 12 weeks prepsrs you for s fine office position. Call AT. 7774 ©r write American college, 1812 Farnam.J TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE 1402 Dodge St. 1304 Douglas St Call or write for Informatton. Comntomster school 300 C»urtn*v Bldg ———8P—j——— Dsnring. 39 A KEEP'S—HOTEL ROME Claseee Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Dancing Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday. _MERCHANDISE^ Business Equipment. 47 WE BUY, aell safes, make desks, ehow case*, etc. Omaha Fixture A Supply Co. S W cor llth and Douglae JA. *724 OFFICE furniture- for sale cheap. Call A T. 5711 Puel and Peed.50 KINDLING—15 truck-load, delivered Sawdust, ©havings. Phone JA. 1740. KINDLING WOOD For wale cheap WE. 4162. Household Goods53 INSIDE SUGAR SACKS. Brand new. medium alia; suitable for all household purpose*—dish towel*, dish rag*, dust cloths, etc Call at Peerless Wiping Cloth Co.. 10th and Davenport, AT. 2823. FURNITURE—The kind that you would like to ppaaeaa. aa well as staple articles Price* within reason. Stephenson Auction Houne. 1501 Capitol. Ooods sold at auction and private sale. rURNITURE AT AUCTIO.V Thin Afternoon and Tomorrow Night. POWD8 AUCTION HOUSE DAT bed. opened makes night bed Ma hogany. satin damask. Like new. Small writing d'ak. HA. 148*. ELECTRIC washer with swinging wring er. in fine condition, at a bargain. See ;$13 Capital Ave. 92!? IL*W hrjt** hed. springs, mattrena l-0> Sherman Ave. _ Swap Column. 53A 100 A of land, clear, 7 mi. from Co. seat.; adjoining forest reserve. Will trsde for 1 or 1 used oars and some rash, or what have you? O. 11. Holmes. Wilson hotel.. Punning. Nab. WILL trade clear quarter section land, value tl.500, for equity In rundown 8 or 10-room house, priced under 15 000. B-212, Omaha Bee. WELL located corner iot on North S'i te*nth. Will give a long .euso for f'ii.lng station. Street Juat paved. B-24S. Omaha Bee. TWO hundred and forty acraa of Canada land to swap for what have you Write E 5»(>. Omaha Bee, or call WA, 7524 _ TWO lota In North Ocheleta. Okl.. for sala or trade. What have you? Make an offer. Address P. O. Box 045. Anita. la. OAS RANGE—Black, Eclipse; to trada for pedigreed pup. Boston bull terrier pra. ferred. E-180, Omaha Bee, LOT south S 10-11-12. b1o,k b Mnrw A Bruner’s addition North 1€fh for car or diamond. Boa P-463, Omaha Bee. 10 ACRES north of Florence. Ideal for chicken ranch, for home In town. F-C44, Omaha Bee. ONE ACRE. 4 lota, in Nowata, Okla.. trade for what have you? C-321 Omaha Bee. BED. mattreee and springs or oak library table for brown leather duofold or what have you * JA. 4738. SWAP No. 4 Underwood typewriter for good tuba set radio complete. B-246, Oma ha Bee. WANT saxophone for two lota, northeast corner lfth and Fowler. C-J10. Omaha Bee. SOME pieces flf furniture to swap for "•*d electric sweeper and Iron. E-578. Omaha Bee. TEN" acre* land Klamath Falla. Ora. Trad* for city lot or diamond or auto. Bog P-447. Omaha Baa. ONE acra and new B-room bungalow on raved road—trad* for home in city. JA. 05«4, Eva TIA. 3117 LARGE aifa Victor vtctrola to trade for diamond or what have you? B-J08, Oma ha Baa. » MODERN 4-rm. houae and garaga In Lin coln for Omaha property. C-313. Omaha Roe. WILL awap my $10 electric fan for good elactrio curling Iron. Bog C-S0$. Omaha Bee. TWO *aat front tot*. 17th *nd Grand Av*-. for bungalow R-310. Omaha Baa WILL *w*p paparhangtng and painting work for Ford car E-&7B. Omaha Be*. SMALL FARM n**r Omaha, trada for what hava you? F-&o$, Omaha Baa 340 ACRES improved Wyoming land for horn* her* B 2Qf. Omasa Be*. WELL furnished apartment on car Una. Prlvata bath. $40. AT. 4I»$. a. Jackson Co.. So Dak, for good car. D-4B8, Omaha Bee. • _Machinery and Toola. $5 l,*Hron Electrical Works. S14-10 Wo. ISth NEW and •proud hand motora. dvnamoa i -_ . ii- — r?.-1_—■ — Radio Equipment. 59 III'A ItAN TKVILi ii .1)n «<•!• JS.4N «n(J up H V SI4I.AKS ; 1» North Ulh Wl. Wearing Apparel 60 Fl'lala 1»KK8* auits and Tui»«top for rant JA ?1?4 IQS N 14th Wt John Foldman COAT—Caracul cloth and wool \#l comb Konnaky capr o-itpr, Chrap HA. 14ft? Wanted to Buy 61 nKSKB. to 8K8." dfhkw Naw daaka. used deaka bought, acid and tradpd. J. C K#ed 1207 Farnam St. AT ft 1 44. ~ ROOMS rOR rent! H001114 Willi Ho.u>1 o.’ l.ARQI' plraaant room with boatd for two Haiihitim l*aik district. HA. lift* HA HH rinaaant rm. w I for 1 BOARD and rootn at fit 4 No Slat Block Crum oarline. AT ?0M Rocma Without Board. 63 HWAirriKTiL. room in Aaatrabl* location, firliata family. A l'. 143?. ROOMS FOR RENT. Rooms With Board. 62 BEAUTIFULLY furnished room In pri vate family, pi Irate bath, reasonable. .TA, <182. THREE beautifully furnished rooms, el! ronventencee. private family, 3623 8her man Ave. WE. 11$0. THIRTY-KIOHTH and Harney. lovely large 8. K room, near bath and phone. HA. 4886 ATTRACTIVE room In private home. Park West carllne; references exchanged. HA. 3998, BEAUTIFULLY fuimfshed front room In desirable location. Reasonable HA. 6070. COZY ROOM In desirable location, 13.60. Breakfast if desired. JA. 0652. 2663 MARCY—Home-llke room in private house; reasonable. AT. 2146. TWO NICELY furnished rooms, cloaa in. HA. 5613. Rooms tor Housekeeping. 64 2817 POPPLETON—2 rooms, kitchenette with sink, on bathroom floor Gas. lights and water furnished. HA. 0806. NICELY furnished two-room apartment front rooms, first floor. 2012 North Six teenth street. TWO or three unfurnished rooms for housekeeping. Heat, light, gas. water and telephone furnished. 1141 8. 31st Rt. HAN8COM PARK district. 10. rm. brick house strictly modern. Call HA. It24 or stop in at 1707 South 33d. «22 N 42d STREET—3 rooms and kit chen. Modern. Wa. 3793. 3111 8. 24th Sc—Two room apt., avsrr thlng furnished. Reasonable. AT. 23ff. 516 8 22d Ft—Modern 2 and 3-nn apt., r|o*t» in. 35 to $12 a week. 2 OR 3 ROOMS; also cottage with 3 rooms. HA. 40 01. 2 OR 3-ROOM housekeeping rooms; also s 'oftas* with 3 rooms HA 4001. Rooms— InfumiMipd. 61A TWENTY-FOURTH ST^ 4751 N—Two ■nom, for hnua.keeping, unfurnlahed. Where to Stop in Town 67 SrUEJ' an(J Yam am HOTEL HEN&HAW—16th and Faroan "necla 1 rates to permanent guests REAL ESTATE—FOR RENT. _Apartment!—Furnished. 69 MORRIS APARTMENT HOTEL 1ITH AND DODGE STB. APARTMENTS CONSIST OF LIVING ROOM, DRESSING ROOM. KITCHEN ETTE AND BATH. RENTAL INCLUDES HEAT. LIGHT. OAS AND MAID SERV ICE. APARTMENTS FURNISHED SOFT WATER BY REFINITE SOFT WATER PROCESS. 514 NORTH JSd—Four room,. private family WA. »7il. NEATLY furnished, front 2 or S-rm. apta. I-. a week. 2310 Cuming_ HUNTER INN HOME for th, traveling man and wife. AT. 6850. I°*l—FARNAM PT.—Large front room ivtth kttrh»n»tie. ,t»«m heat, bath. Apartments—Unfurnished. 70 _ ' „ thb haklan. *301 PhirmtB Ave.—Five rooms, wall ar ^*?f*dwTWwljr decorated. fireplace. WE. o<15 Evenings, WE 4774. APARTMENTS and flats for rent. W J PALMKR CO. AT. 8494. Res! Eatate Management Specialists. FOR ONE OF "" DRAKE’S 1040 APARTMENT® Call Jackson 2404. PETERS TRUST COMPANY ^ ’WHERE OMAHA RENTS*/ AT. 0444. 17th and Tamara ®ta STEAM-HEATED mod. apartments, low rent. Q P. Stebblne. 1410 Chicago St. 2214 D 8T.. near 2Sd. atrictly mod. I-room apt., steam heat. Murphy bed, prlr. bath. WA^ 4444—6 Urge rooms, apartment; modern; choice location. DANDY I-room steam heated flat. 2941 Dodge Inquire at 2414. SIX ROOMS, modem, newly decorated, block and one-half Farium. Ill Park Ave.. adults, garage, available cow. Phone HA n»44. 3204 HARNEY—140 I 4 rms.. Janitor serrioe. heat and water. newly decorated J. L Hiatt Co. AT 4400. 444 S. S4D—New 4-room brick flat, |€f. JOHN R M CARVILLE. Rea’tor, 1002-1 City Natl. • AT. 1421. Business Placet for Rent 71 MODERN ateam heated at era. 170 mootb ft P Stehh'na. 1C10 Chicago. Houses for Rent.72 TOR RENT. 10-room modern house. 421 North !2nd St. 170 00 par month Sacord floor arranged eo that It mar ba eub-let. For tnepectlon Rttndar rail HA. 22*3 or call at houea in the afternoon. GEORGE A CO.. Realtors. AT. 4024. 7 S'-^*xL ** ht" 1,7 8 7l,h Ava. 417.40 I 5 — P*rt mod.. *712 Caldwell_lu ll) 7 5—Part modern. 2414 Hamilton 120.00 « R—Cot'age. J7|| s. ISth St.. • leetrlo lights ..110 50 J B-—Cottage, 2211 Hlckorr SL_11* 00 4 "—Cottar* 2100 Nfttla St.. 215 00 f r> h ead and n h bowman 410 Si. llth St.—Wead Bldg. AT fill 14*4 SHERWOOD AVF.NI E 4 rooms: oak and anatne! flnleh; garage: *ot! modern. Cio** in. good dlatrtci. ! oseeaaicn at once. 145.00. *201 W STREET. 4 room*: modern but furnace Tomer lot; paved atreet. 125.00 Potseaalon at once. AMERICAN MORTGAGE * FINANCE CO. AT. IQM._ KEN lTIt. 7-R. MOD., garage. M2 N 4Sd . |4.v 5-r. mod., atucco. Jill Maeon! C9 * -t Bemla Park home.. c& 5-r. heated apt., Dun winy. r>M- Rental rx ja jsi». ha. lies. NEW «.room duplta. on 4»th and Capi tol Ava. Baauilful tnatda and out with ’""''•ft' faaturaa. Saa It to apprartata ?*i»C j7 m"01'001 *nd c*r- <I*U WA' ATM3S'VU** f°r '*"*• *T14 SO- ,<Hh' C“" 4-KM partly modarn IJn oa carllna: dralrthla location. HA. Hit. ?;7K>,2..,’'<,d'r" d»Pl»». taraga if daalrad. ha, i sin. f t^R RENT—4-room houaa, modarn rv rapt haat. nloa plara. ftig Charlat St. St°DT*N If A*'VT-a1 h°u,•• SS,S Cun', ing ?T41 WOOLWORTH Ava, 4-rtn modarn liotira, will rant raaaonahly or tall cbaap. MODERN houaa to rant. tJltt 8. f»Th Houses Furnished. 72A ie ROOMS furnished, at) modern, garage, pofACMirn Immediately • to reeponaiblt >^rtr:__mi Wfbctr St HA. 4I?» _Suburban for Rent._75 improved acreage « Sfr*« tmpmt.ft north of B»n»on n»ir parement. would maka a good fruit and chicken farm Rva WA ««|j .... FRED A BA I LET "A «**>« 4<m Military Axe KHrm l,ami* for Knit. 73A roR itisvr * da tor* ranch In Ouatar count. Neb. 40g *"<1 pasture. 300 acre# under plow \\ e|| Improved, plenty water Write o- phone owner. H J ralmer Tl« Meat ihlr.1 afreet. Otand Uiard v»h REAL ESTATE—FOR SALK. _Real Estate—In vestment a. 78A . roR SAt.r Oil and gaa lease* and royalties and alr*e tract ftva acres up. In locality where four deep teat walla being drilled hv Mg rcm pan lea. ("ham# for quick action. Mg field and fins geology Add re a* K V WILSON. 1 eadey. Okl Farms snd L#nd* for Sale. 79 All i*r cart 4*0 a rea fine level land, eleven mile* from l.eedex. thtea aeta of Improve ! menta, land will grow earn cotton or I wheat aut' eaafuily Soma encumbrance. I orated near deep teat for oil being drilled by K vans I'eipoleiim Oorp. |\h lien of royalty neeetxei Wtl| consider merchandise, or good clear Income prop erty. Addraaa K. I*. W llgon* ley, Ohl. REALESTATE—FO R SALE Farms and Lands for Sale. 79 34 TEARS TO TAT FOR IMPROVED FARMS at 12ft to 13ft per acre along the Grea Northern Railway. Build for the future a home of your own. Grow corn, alfalfa sweet clover and grain Hogs, rattle arid dairying Insure si '.rets Full Information free. Write—WM. BLONDER. ORKAT NORTHERN RAILWAY 301 Bu&hmtn Bld« . Kin Douglas Omaha. Nb. FOR SALE—80-acre partP Improved farm with house ]A x 24. barn 32x8^, good wej! and all well fenced* 1 \ mile* from t«wn on good higbwa For further informa tion write II. L. I/aPointe, Blrchwood, wia. Houses tor Sale. 80 » R‘»OM »HOUSB—Modern thruout. On paved afre<*f. Good summer home. Ele gant cool porch. r»ca| will: owner. Will take Libertv bond at r«r In part or all rw.yment. Phone 485 Monday. Tuesda: Thursday or Friday from 1 to ft p. rn. 01 address E. C Brayton. L J ~ a n. Inwa. LET US build a better home for le*J money. Best construction and materials. Own-a-Horne Co, 312 Arthur Bldg. JA 0t60.__ HOME for Bale, furniture, aiao lfOO Cats rart electric washer. Tel. AT. >25* 5- RM. houae and 2 lota at 3>S1 No. 16tb Ave. Easy terms. JA. 42>5. Houses—North. 81 MODERATE PR WED Hr »ME. 3612 NO. 44TH STREET. h rooms, modern except bath tub. Newly painted and decorated Fine lot, extra nice home. Price 3750. Terms. CHAP W YOUNG A SON. 1602 City Nat. Bank. AT, >66*.HA MI.V A REAL bargain at 84.601). A home of six rooms with sleeping porch Has been recently redecorated throughout Wa-.s oil painted wiHi two-tone mottled ef* feet Shown day a"d night until »o.«l by Parker. WA. 0204 Sunday, AT. 12*1 Monday. ~* 43 540—ONLY »t*«. Think of a good, substantial, all modern 6- room home on a paved street for only 83.500 and on such easy terms In Holy Angels parish (near 28th and Fowler) HA :>5S*. 3828 PARKER FT.—7-rm mod . barn. 8750 cash, bah mo. Extra loft for garden. Crelgh, 6^8 Bee, JA. 0200. D. E. BUCK A CO. buy and sell homes. Houset—South.82 U D. SWANSON. Real E«t«t. JA- 4444. Tatar A Teasr. epedallata In 8. Side homes. Houses—West- 83 7 F.r*GEWOOD BUNGALOW. ' ery choice airplane bungalow in best part of Edgewoori. 5 beautiful rooms, with fireplace and bullt-ln feature* on flrat floor, large room with exceptional closet space up. Double garage, efoa* *« car, not for to ^hool Call Jackson 22*2, 05*BORNE REALTY CO. 43f> Peters Trust gdg. CATHEDRAL PI8TRICT. I-room modern bungalow with ring*, on large lot; house haa all built-in fee tures Owner ia leaving city and priced to sell. Terms Even'ngr WA. 4131, FRED A. BAILEY. MIS Military. Va 4144 427 8. 24TH AVE.—1 -room home, good In vestment Terms JOHN R. MCARVILLE. Realtor, 1*92 City Nat*!.AT. 4"»t FOWLER FINDS FOLKS who buy homes. List vour nrooertr with ua for reaulta. JA. 1424 BURT C. FOWLER CO . Realtor BEAUTIFUL Montclair, 1-r. stucco bun galow with axtra room on second floor. Double gar., A. R. Mnakin, AT. >t»f. will build to vour order o* our beauti ful lota tn Edrewood’ vary oaay terms. Rhone AT >»4> FIELD CLUB district. Just completed. I ^mi. modern- tile bath, easy terma WA. For Sale—Dundee.85 DUNDEE BUILDING SITES GEORGE A CO. ! AT. 2424 For Sale—Florence.86 NETHAWAT haa improved acreage north of^F^/ORENCE for city property. Ks. Lota for Sale. M LOT I*xli7. on I2d Are. faring TTanarem park, for sale at a bargatn price C. A. ORIMMEL. JA. 1411. FLORENCE FIELD SELLING. _Salesmen on grounds every day. Retl Estate for Exchange. 89 FOP. SALE OR TRADE improved farms and ranches. Com. al falfa or cotton land, tn western Oklahoma. Several deep t»#ts for oil being drilled, proapeefs good Will consider mer chandise er clear Income property. Por tion ct royalties reserved. Address K F WILSON. Leedy. Okl. FOR EXCHANGE |4,SC» r.rst mortgage secured on a well Im.'.vH Minnesota 140-acre farm, valued at ?It.tM. Wt 1 inks 12.400 worth of Minnesota. Monlara or Dakota land in exchange, Kaian*'# cash. Schwab Bros If 21 Plymouth n.dg., *!,a reapolla Minn _ SALE OR TRADE. Fins farm. 474 acres, t miles Leedey. ?M acres rich bottom land. Light improve menta Wtll consider good clear Income property in city. Address. K. F Wiisor.. I-eedy. Okl. FOR SALE OR TRADE—Chicken -ancb located In very best p»rt Topeka. Kan modem hour* on paved street. Will trade for 4R or 120 acres Wr te for full de acriptlon. J. C Phillips. Falls City. Neb. EXCHANGE — Change equity In best ranch In eastern So Dak for Iowa or Neb. farm o- apartment bldg in Omaha or Council Bluffs. Boners A King. Mal rom, Iowa EXCHANGES of all k'oda. R H Browne Co.. >42 Securities Bldg. AT tm. FARMS G<hbora Steel. 411* Peter* Trust. _Wanted—Real Estate. 90 LIST your oro»>rty with u» or. tf you or* tn tha markat for aeraaae. call Louia Cohn for aukk aaian MA. out. MA. T. B CAMPBELL butlda homaa rlabt. Baat malaria la and pricaa. Cuatomara il. »«!•■ aatltfled H? Kaallna AT »♦«!. "WE BUILD TO PLEASE." .... _ TEMPLE McFATDEN ISPS Farnam St AT. t**a. SERVICE AND RESULTS. . Combatant aalaa foroa. J A. tl IS. QtOVER A SPAIN. Raaltora WE SELL HOMES LIST WITH U» . „ HAMILTON A CO, m-« Navllla Block.JA. MtT. . WE SELL HOMES LIST WITH US TOR RESULTS. McCAOfE INVESTMENT CQ JA. H«8. NEW HiUlSI-TOrn TERMS GROVE HIBBARD CO, tft Dankera Rearrva BMaATIIII. SEE ua first. Na«d llattnaa. say locatlaa. * to * rooms. Shoran k Co- Raaltora. JA. «»lt HI Kaallna Bld». CHAS W TOUNG A SON. Raal Batata Rentals Inaur*r.on. 1«M Cltr Nail BankAT. M«t. LIST jrour homaa with ua for raauita. ORDENIG RKAI.TT CO, Raaltora Jaakaon 111) 14M Flral Nafl Bank. O T. HAMER. .... _ In rapt manta Acraae*. I Ml Farnam AT. tM«. LIST your bropartv with Chrl* Boyar. noiary public, ;id and Oimlna Sts WORLD REAt.TT CO, Raaltora. AT M»T WESTERN Baal Batata Co. JA MPT ~~ Chaa K Baltnan, AT l:l» Raal Eslata. Huattaimalar Raal Kaiate. AT. IIMV II w voliar.d Co for Raal Sara tea AT Hlk SI aTIR ,t CO ■ Kaatio-n a»inu“i<Ida' G A SAN DELI. Raal V.atav. AT ItSt I Builds and Finances New Homes