The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, February 17, 1924, CITY EDITION, PART TWO, Page 10-B, Image 22

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    If You Could Prevent the Wear and Tear on Your Glands Caused by Sickness, Age, Disease, Etc., You Would Look
and Feel as Young at 70 as at 25. Science However Has Solved the Secrets of the Glands and Now
for the First Time Shows You the True Way to Keep or Regain Your Vigor
by Feeding and Replenishing the Most Important Glands!
Another SO,000 Demonstration Treatments to Be Sent Absolutely FREE.
You . Will Receive One if You Send the Coupon.
You Will Throw Away Your “Tonics”
and Your Alcoholic “Medicines”
Once You Try This Greatest of All
Health Builders.
The Lewis Gland Treatment is absolutely
original in every particular and nothing like
it has ever been known in medical science.
This Combination Method is far ahead of
any “Medicine”—“Tonic”—or stimulant ever
used in the past. In one week’s time it will ac
complish more in the cases for which it is
intended than a year’s doctoring with almost
any other form of treatment or drugs known.
First you must realize that this most mod
em method of administering Actual Gland
Substance is so entirely new that it cannot yet
be purchased in drug stores. Every treatment
is sent direct to the person for whom it is
And, in order to introduce the Lewis
Method quickly, we are prepared to send 50,
000 Demonstration Treatments entirely FREE
without one penny of expense now or ever to
those who will send for them.
We know that everyone who gives thife
Gland Rejuvenator a trial will be a living,
walking testimony for every claim we are
making and that it is destined to replace all
the old-fashioned drugs usually prescribed for
weakness and lack of vigor.
What You May Expect This
Treatment to Do for You
The Lewis Method will positively Rebuild and Re
place worn and wasted gland tissue. It will increase
vitality, both physical and mental. It will renew
strength, especially as to the functioning of the glands.
It will increase your endurance and render you less
liable to fatigue. It will improve your general health,
and in most cases cause a marked improvement in
your appearance. Your appetite will increase and you
will almost surely gain in weight if you are at present
in a “run-down” condition.
It is especially recommended to men for Prostatic
troubles, Liver, Kidney and Bladder disorders and
Rheumatism, both muscular and joint.
The instructions and suggestions that accompany
the Demonstration Treatment will tell you about the
Lewis Treatment in much greater detail than is
possible in a general announcement.
Remarkable Letters Come te He Daily
Here Is a Sample. Read It.
Lewis Laboratories,
Chicago, 111.
Gentlemen: ,
Believing I owe you a testimonial, I will tell you and
to the world that I consider your new gland systemic treat
ment the greatest remedy of modern times. I have doctored
for years without any relief and when you read of my story
you will understand why I am so grateful to you. I used to
be an actor in the Minstrel Show business and did lots of
rough and tumble work. Years ago from overexertion I lost
my manly vigor, my legs and feet gave way and a kind of
paralysis set in on my left side. For yeara I had to drag
my left leg and always wore the toes of my shoe soles off.
Was numb across the small of my back, couldn’t get up or
down stairs. In fact, I was a wreck every way. I tried
everything without any help. I tried your gland treatment
as a* last resort. After three weeks’ treatment I found I
could sit down and raise my feet in the air. Before I
couldn’t raise my foot six inches from the floor. After five
i weeks the paralysis disappeared. I could walk or run as
good as any man, my vigor has returned and I feel like
twenty-five years younger. And everybody says I look it,
too. I honestly believe your gland treatment should be
brought to the notice of everybody who has lost his health
and pep and suffers as I did. I know it will help them, for
everything I have tried failed to help me, and everybody
when I have recommended to try your gland treatment says
the same. 1 am a Moose here, member L. 0. O. M. number
17, Moose Legion No. 27, and my lodge brothers will sign
their names to any statement I make.
Yours truly,
John Robert Andress,
908 East Georgia St., Indianapolis, Ind.
As Good a Man at 75
As He Was at 25.
Keep Fit.
Your Glands Are You.
As Mr. Arthur Brisbane remarked in a recent editorial: “We are what our glands
make us. If they break down, we break down. Your glands are YOU.”
If you want to go through the winter radiating health, your blood tingling with vig
or, free from colds and rheumatism, free from liver, kidney and bladder troubles, full of
health, strength and vitality, STRENGTHEN YOUR GLAND SYSTEM WITH A
Here Is the Experience of One Michigan
J.ewis Laboratories,
Chicago, 111. Gentlemen:
Enclosed you will find money order for which pleas*
rush my next treatment. Your treatment for the rebuilding
of the glands is a most wonderful discovery, nnd words
cannot express my gratitude to you for what, the treatment
has done for me.
Nine years ago I went to the hospital here to have a fi
broid tumor removed, and on the operating table several
other organs were also removed. Since then my life has
been miserable. T suffered so murh that, I would have rom
mitted suicide, were it not for my two sons. I tried every
thing without any relief, nnd the ngony was awful. I was
advised to try your now gland treatment nnd I have thanked
my Creator ever since.
I am recovering so rapidly that T don't want to inter
rupt the treatment, so please rush this to me. I have rec
ommended your gland treatment to so many people. 1 again
want to thank you for what your treatment has done.
Mrs. Fanny Griggs,
1208 Burton St., Flint, Mich.
Too Much Heavy Work Is the Cause ol
Many Breakdowns
Lewis Laboratories,
Chicago, Ilf.
Dear Sirs:
Have just finished a month's treatment and must con
gratulBto you on your wonderful discovery. It does not
seem possible that you can restore young vigor and strength
,,o quickly through so simple n treatment. Being an engi
neer of this building, have considerable responsibility, and
through overwork I was completely run down. I felt front
n ladder some months ago, nnd the shock so unnerved me
that 1 was in very poor physical condition. A member rec
ommended your treatment nnd it has certainly done won
ders for me My wife snid a week ago that the change in
tm> amazed her. The treatment put a youthful vigor in mv
blood, and 1 feel so much younger, it is unbelievable. My
wife i> now starting on your special treatment for women.
Am talking of your treatment to nil my friends and will be
glaci to write to anyone about this.
Gratefully yours, •
Mr. James Waindl,
.3360 S. Ogden Ave , Chicago, 111.
Not a Mere “Medicine
But a Genuine Systemic Restorative
This Gland Building Treatment is the greatest re
builder of worn or wasted gland tissues that has ever
before been prescribed.
It will act very much like a powerful force that
reached down, picked you up when you were helpless
and set you on your feet with the will and the power
to be a man among men.
Only those who have had the privilege of testing
this Method can have any real comprehension of its
wonderful efficiency.
Send for your Demonstration Treatment NOW.
Don't wait until it is too late and all the free treatments
are gone. If you will follow your impulse and fill out
the coupon and mail it before you let this paper get out
of your hands you will be sure to receive your free
treatment within a few days. Then you will see and
know, and will be in the happy position of being able
to judge for yourself.
All our correspondence and all packages sent by
us come to you in plain, sealed containers.
We Prove the Truth of Every
Statement and Every Claim By
Sending These Demonstration
Treatments Absolutely FREE.
The Demonstration Treatment will prove to you
beyond reasonable doubt that the Lewis Method of
Gland Growth and Rejuvenation is the most wonderful
treatment for the renewing of strength and vigor that
has ever been conceived.
It is based entirely on the principle of Feeding
Actual Gland Substance Direct to the Glands—thereby
actually renewing and rejuvenating them.
This Method of giving new life to the glands is
advocated and endorsed bv the leading students of
gland therapy throughout the world — including Dr.
Arnold Lorand. who is generally conceded to be the
greatest living’authority on this subject.
The actual Method of Treatment used by us is the
result of exhaustive experiments covering several
thousand cases, during the past two years.
This Coupon
Entitles You to a Demonstration
Treatment Entirely
Lewis Laboratories,
108 No. Dearborn St.,
Dept. 305, Chicago, 111.
Please send to me at once one of your Demonstration
Treatments lor the Replacement by Renewal of Worn and
Wasted Glands.
My age is.
This, to be sent me in plain wrapper and entirely with
out cost or obligation on my part. I wish the treatment
for.Male.Female. (Mark a cross before the
one you wish.)
Note:—(If you wish, please enclose 10 cts . for'post
age and packing.)
Name ......
Address .......
Town .. .. .. State.
A Private, Personal, Home Treatment, Superior to Anything Ever Before Discovered. More
Certain and Lasting Than Any Other Method of Gland Stimulation and Restoration
1 !