¥k Remarkable New Theory That Death \ Sends the Spirit's Mysterious A Little Electrons to Whirl Forever Among the Molecules of Matter A diagrammatic view of the third and fourth ventricles of the brain, the arrows pointing to the location of the nerve Connecting the optic thalami and corpora striata. .This nerve, Dr. Bailey thinks, is the “seat of consciousness or post of the soul.” The pineal gland (A) is where the ancients supposed the soul to be located FOR seven thousand years or so men of all races and stages of development from primitive sav agery to the highest culture have been discussing the possibility of life after death. About the only point generally agreed on during all of this time is that life beyond the grave is also beyond the use or need of the familiar material things of this world—and therein lies its mystery. But now a Camden, N. J., scientist, who started out thirty years ago to locate the soul by dissection of the human brain, asserts that the next life is a material one. Your spirit, according to his conclusions, would be just as help less in the next world without a body as it would be in this. Spirits, he says, are not intangible. Ghosts are not figments of the imagina tion. Spooks arc not mere figures of fright. Spirits are visible to living men and women, this authority contends, only after the wizardry of the next life’s chemistry has actually constructed out of real matter a facsimile of the origi nal. This, in effect, is what happens in dreams, trances and hypnotism—in all the phenomena of the mind under the influence of which people are said to im agine that they see things. They do not merely imagine, this scientist says. They actually see—and they see only because the form really exists. The man who makes these astonish ing statements is Dr. Wilson G. Bailey, of Camden, N. J. He is widely known ns an operating surgeon, particularly f6r his achievements in surgery of the brain. It has not been generally known that he is also an authority on psychic phenomena—that he has been making a close study of spirit manifestations fon many years. The medical fraternity of his own city and Philadelphia recognizes him as an expert in the study of trance and hypno tism. He is frequently called into con sultation in mental cases requiring in duced or hypnotic sleep. It is primarily on the basis of actual experiences met with in his professional practice, there fore, that his theories concerning the na ture of life beyond the grave, the loca tion of the human soul and the nature of ghosts are constructed. At the outset of his experiments Dr. Bailey was a materialist, using the word in the sense of one who does not believe in life after death. As a matter of fact, it was the attempt to discover sound reasons for this belief in mate •ialism that led him into the close study anatomy. To-day he might be called .1 material-spiritualist, holding as he does that matter is to be found in the highest stages of after life and that it is necessary to consciousness. Not the least remarkable feature of the work Dr. Bailey has done is the loca tion of what he calls the “seat of con sciousness or pt>st of the soul.” This may be described in his own words from a • book he has just published setting forth his theories In detail. “looking into the lateral hemispheres of the cerebrum or brain,” he snys, “wo find it has two ventricles, and in each of these ventricles we find two ganglia, ono being a sensory ganglia or optic thalami, about the size of a hazel nut, and the other a motor ganglia, or corpora striata about the size of a shellbark. The cellu lar structure of the thalami gives a sort of storage battery for the storing and •ontinuity of sensational energy. When a sensation roache^ the optic thalami it i passed to the porpora striata. “Connecting the optic thalami and A spiritu alistic seance where, accord ing to Dr. Bailey, the rapidly vibrating electrons of the spirit world some times succeed in constructing images of the bodies they occupied while they lived bv drawing frr.m the living the striata is a thread-like nerve, which is the seat of conscious ness or the post of the soul. Hefe the soul stands and perceives the sensation passing from the thalami to the striata. A motor impulse is then sent out, or the sen sations, per ceptions and ideas are stored as con scious or sub conscious mem ory. “When this small thread like nerve passing in x like form be tween the cor pora striata and the optic thalami is dis connected in trance, natural sleep or sleep induced by An X-ray photograph of a crucifix lodged in a woman’s throat after she accidentally swallowed it. Ac cording to the newest theory the spirits of the dead are nothing more or less than matter in a far higher state of vibra tion than the X-ray Flashlight photograph of Mme. Bisson, the famous French medium and a soul form she has materialized. Dr. Bailey believes this socd made itself _visible enough to be photographed _ _ _ through calling to its aid some of 9 9'“"9 the electrons which compose the souls of living persons a /m /m A Diagram showing the arrangement of the atoms in a diamond. Be tween the atoms whirl electrons and between these Dr. Bailey thinks there are still other electrons —those form ing the souls of the inhabitants of the world beyond the grave. The latter, under normal con ditions are in visible to us, because vi br atin g so much more rapidly than our own souls drugs, gas or hypnosis, you are uncon scious of your surroundings. If this nerve were cut you would be thrown into one continuous sleep, and here, I believe, is the scat of the ‘sleeping sickness.’ If a surgoon could cut that nerve you would never awaken.” Dr. Bailey also makes the astounding statement that "all animals that pos sess a corpora striata are conscious, and so possess an immortal spirit, as we do, and they will live after physical death.” "What is soul? What is spirit?” he asks. “Is there nny difference? The soul is the body of the spirit- Spirit could not exist without a body. The soul is built of matter, or electrons, in a higher state of vibration than the physical body. Spirit is made np of electrons in a high state of vibration, but not as high as the soul electrons. “Spirit is intangible and unseen to mortal eyes, but tho soul is visible ■ to some individuals called psychics or me diums, whose power in this respect is called clairvoyance and clairaudicnce, or clear seeing and clear hearing. "The soul is the body through which tho spirit will manifest itself after tho physical body is sloughed off at tho change called death. This soul body will be perfect. “Any physical imperfections here will not appear in the soul body. The physi cal body is made up of electrons in tho lowest state of vibration, and can only take with it or destroy matter in a simi lar low state of vibration.” So much has been published concern ing the so-called “atomic theory of mat ter” that it is almost unnecessary to re view it. Broadly speaking, however, it Is no longer a the ory. All physicists accept it as the ex planation of how all matter is put together and held together. In order to make his theory of im mortality clear, however, Dr. Bailey has in cluded in his book wtttt rmmi iiwin ■iirwwTiWBwnwiiMMiwMMBBiwwoTiriiTrTit ■ w «■***-»»- ■ Antoine Wjertz’* celebrated painting, “One Moment After Death.” This is the moment, Dr. Bailey explains, when the spirit body in the brain pats off its physical imper fections and attains perfection C ra»r» the following brief outline of the atomic theory: “An electron is the smallest oun cievable particle of matter known to science. It is a sphere charged with negative electricity and it revolves on its own axis around other electrons, in an orderly manner and without touching any of them. A half glass of water will contain more electrons than the Atlantic Ocean has gallons of water. “The proton is the nucleus of the atom. It is a charge* of positive elec tricity. The atom was once thought to be the smallest conceivable particle of matter, *but we now know that it is from 1,600 to 2,000 times larger than the electrons, and that it consists of a nucleus and one or more electrons. "Thus a hydrogen atom consists of a nucleus ami one revolving electron. A helium atom has four electrons, oxygen six and gold has eighty-seven. "If scientists could make the nucleus of the atom, and thus attract enough whirling electrons, they could produce any clement at will. All matter, or sub stance, is composed of ninety-three dif .. ' 1l-CTC Dr. Bailey is an expert on hypnotism, and he declares that a hypnotic trance is simply a temporary paralysis of the little nerve deep inside our brain which he thinks is the scat of consciousness trons in a higher state of vibration, but acting in the same orderly manner, around one an other in or bits.” This leads naturally to the under standing of Dr. Bailey's theory of im - mortality. Spirits, he as serts, live ac tually in and fcrcnt elements, more or less, and the only thing that makes one element dif ferent from another is the arrangement of the electrons in the atom. "All matter consists of electric charges, which are not matter at all. All created things, including the human body, ncj merely electricity. Kleetrons whirl around one another. Hence there must bo space between them, and, ns there is no void in the universe, the space around the world as human beings know it. They live in this finer ether inter mixed with the matter so familiar to human beings, the smallest unit of which is the electron. “A brick cannot pass through a brick, wood through wood or steel through steel," says Hr. Bniiey, “from the fact that the electrons composing them are in the same stato of Vibration. Put spirit matter, composed of electrons in a higher state of vibration, can pass through what we call material or phys ical matter. So those in the spirit world, can pass through our material bodies, but not while our spirit bodies are in oor material bodies. “We are spirits here and now, as ranch as we will ever be, but each of us is clothed with a physical or material body.” In support of these statements Dr. Bailey points to experiments by physical scientists in passing light rays and cer tain rare gases through all sorts of solid substances. According to the accepted principle of the electron and the proton as the basis of all matter, the light of the X ray passing through the human body is nothing mor^ or less than matter in a high state of vibration. “WThat happens, then,” be continues, ‘‘when a spirit manifestation is made? The spirit called by relatives or friends to appear responds and is present, but in its spirit body it is not visible. It is made visible by use of the electrons that compose the soul, or spirit bbdy, of liv ing persons. “Various names have been given to this spirit body which we sometime* sec. It has been called ectoplasm and idea plasm, the latter word indicating .Si t an idea must precede the appearance of all matter. “At any rate, the spirit controls and utilises the electrons as we use and con trol the air we breathe. By a chemistry of the mind which is still far beyond the ability of the greatest earth scien tists the spirit draws psychic essence called ectoplasm or ideaplasm from the medium and the medium draws it in turn from those present at a seance. With this the spirit constructs a facsimile or image of the body it occupied while alive.” “Dr. Bailey believes that scientists now studying the phenomena of the electron will succeed in locating, independently of spiritualists, the key to or unit of the ether in which the spirits live. Once that is accomplished, it will be possible for any human being to get in touch with the spirit world, even if that neces sitates sleep or other form of trance. To his mind there is no mystery whatever about trance—it is merely the temporary paralysis of the throad-like nerves connecting the two ganglia in the brain. He says there are three forms of trance. The first occurs in sleep and is that form in which the subconscious mind font mis. The second is the form of trance in which the soul leaves the body to make excursions into the spirit world, and the third is that form in which a spirit from the next world takes pos session of the body. This is what hap pens to the medium in a seance.