Bandit Shoots 2 Cops and Girl Holds Up Restaurant,- Kills Officers, Turns Gun on Girl Companion. Salt Lake City. Feb. 16.—Three dead and one dangerously wounded is the toll of the battle which occurred In the heart of Salt Lake Cltys business section last night when the police at tempted to arrest William Lee, alleged cafe bandit. Lee, cool and deliberate and evidently a marksman, after kill ing one policeman and wounding an other, turned his gun, according to the police, upon his woman companion and then attempted suicide by shooting himself through the abdomen. The dead and wounded are; Patrolman Nolan W.'Huntsman, 26, killed instantly, when shot through the heart. Patrolman II. H. Honey, 84 shot through the intestines; died today. William Lee, about 35, of San Fran cisco, holdup man, shot through the abdomen and head, died this morning. Beatrice Hunter, about 28, of 1157 Polk street, San Francisco, shot through the cheek; may recover. The shooting occurred almost across the street from the postoffice. Lee was reported to have held up a cafe and robbed it of about $40 and when accosted by the police almost two block from the cafe started firing. An exchange of shots followed and Huntsman dropped with a bullet through his heart, and an Instant later Honey fell, pierced through the intes tines. Lee walked calmly past his fallen victims, according to witnesses, and stepped into an alcove some 200 feet from the shooting, where he join ed his woman companion, Beatrice Hunter. Two shots were fired In the alcove and the man and woman both fell. Investigation showed Lee wounded twice and the woman once. In a statement to the officers at advertisement ForChokingAsthma New Discovery Gives Quick Relief and Comfort— Often in 24 Hours. Asthma, Hay Fever and Catarrh are responsible for much misery and falling health. If you are a sufferer from wheezing, sneezing, difficult breathing, hawking, raising phlegm, etc., to prove that you can stop these troubles quickly and easily with the pleasant, scientific Florence Formula, I will send you a *1 bottle postpaid and free of charge or obligation. If it satisfies, tell your friends and pay me only One Dollar, otherwise the loss is mine. Merely send your name todaty for this liberal free lntroduc toiy offer—good only for 10 days. F. SHEARER. 4798 Coca Cola Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. ADVERTISEMENT OUCH! H ! BUB I IT Stop drugging! Rub soothing, pene trating St. Jacob* Oil right Into your sore, stiff, ach ing Joints, and re lief comes Instant ly. St. Jacobs OU Is a harmless rheu^ matlsm liniment which never disap points and cannot bum the skin. Get a 35 cent bot tle of St. Jacobs Oil at any drug store, and in a mo ment you’ll be free from pain, soreness and stiffness. In use for 65 years for rheumatism, sclat lea, neuralgia, lum bago, backache, sprains. AIIVERTISKMENT. SULPHUR IS BEST TO CLEAR IIP UGLY, BROKENOUTSKIN Any breaking out or gkln Irritation on face, neck or body Is overcome quickest by npplying Mentho-Sulphur, •ays a noted akin specialist. Because Dt Its germ destroying properties, nothing has ever tjeen found to take the place of this sulphur preparation that instantly bring*- sane from the ttchlng, burning and Irritation. Mentho-Sulphur heals ecrema right HP, leaving the akin clear and smooth. It seldom falls to rellevs the torment er disfigurement. A little Jar. of Bowles Mentho-Sulphur may ba ob talned at any drug ators. It la used like cold cheam. *” AItVKRTINKMEXT. BEST LIVER MID BOWEL LAXATIVE If Headachy, Bilious, Sick, Constipated No griping or Inconvenience fol lows a gentle liver nnd bowel cleans tng with "Cascarcts," Kick Head Sibe, Biliousness, Oases, Indigestion, snd all such distress gone by morn ing. Most harmless laintlve for m.n, women and IB1 ron—10c boles. Also jib ami boc sires, any drug atore Aged Woman Proud of Her Bobbed Hair Mrs. J. M. Hawkes, who Is old enough to be grandmother of many of the other passengers on the steam ship Paris, which sailed from New New York for Europe. Mrs. Hawkes is not only bobbed-hair but extremely proud of it, being one of the strong est exponents of the cult in her home city of I x>s Angeles. the emergency hospital Beatrice Hunter said that she and Lee had arrived In Salt Lake City from Ogden about 9 o’clock. She had been hired by Lee as a cook, according to her statements. Most of her statements were in answer to direct questions and were written, the wound through her cheek rendering speech difficult and at times Impossible. She would make no statement con cerning the shooting. Later In the evening she is said to have told de tectives that Lee was a parols violator from San Quentin. Bohemian Girl at Central High Glee Clubs Give Creditable Performance of Light Opera. Students of the advanced glee clubs of Central high pchool presented the light opera, "The Boh>m!an Girl," In the echool auditorium Friday night. Josephine Koory In the title role wte a winsome little gypsy. She had a voice of surprising clearness and her personality and grace helped to make the part stand out noticeably. Thadlus, the banished Polish noble man. played by Jack Kerachner was especially well done. Marjorie Jones la a blonde, but last night she was a brunette and seem ed possessed of all the fire and pas Bion of that type of beauty. Charles Steinbaugh, Herbert Wcsterfield, Volcott Smith, Vinton Lawson, Rich ard Cole ell deserve credit for very creditable performances. Others who deserve commendations are Harriet Hicks, who played the part of Ar line as a little girl and Virginia Worst. Mrs. Carol M. Pitts, director of the music and Miss Lena ijay Williams, dramatic Instructor, were In charge. In the chorus were: Boy*: Allan Mcltien, Wilbur Wallace, Amoa Young. Luther O'Hanlon. Bemaril Wilson. Charle* Morphew. Harlan Wiles. tV 11 lard Bailey. Henry Morphew, Kenneth Mallette, Herry Fryxsell, Sam Minkin, Edgar Blelck. Elurood Wilmoth. Roy Larsen. Kdtvard Wagner. Ladles: Olady* Reynold*. Alice May ChrUteneen. Helen Willi*, Ruth Rlgdon, Jean Ellington, Frances Johnston, Doro thy Stafford, Blanche McClure, Lyle Robinson. Dorothy Bloodgood, Ernestine Dunaway, Helene Bonorden, Katherine Douglas. _ . Soldiers: Vinton Lawson, Theodore Wells. Ralph Jsffries, McGrew Harris, Robert Donely. _ . . — m Girls: Helen Draper. Fatnah Koory, Annunclata Garrotto. Esther KlH** Eleanor Clapper. Lillian Holloway. Helen Cleaveland. Olga Plouzek. Audrey Groves, Rebecca Segal. Gladys McGaffln. Mary Allc* Kirtley. Helen Kohn, Melba Burke. Lords, Hunters: Allan Meltzen, Wallace, Amos Young. Harlan Wiles, Willard Bailey. Henry Morphew. welter Woerner. Norman Benson, Dale Lloyd, Lowell Humphreys, Russell Suhr, Reuben Kpnncera: Doris Seoord, Doris Prohaska. Dorothy Reuben. Charlotte Troxell, Edna Jensen. Ruth Rlgdon. Minnie Shawcross. Jean Whitney, Helen Anderson. Orchestra: Marie Uhlig. Gibson Harris, Murrel Simpson. Rollln Barnes. William Ovltz My land Olds. Sherman Pinto. Fan nie Fish, Helen Williams. Henry Jorgen son. Fr:.nk Vlach. Jessie Stirling. Harvey Pinto, Fred Ebener, Warren Chiles, Taul Jenkins. , , .. A mntlno© will b« Klven this after* noon at 2:15 and the final perform ance tonight at 8, New Citizens to Be Welcomed An Americanization naturalization meeting will be held at tha county courthouse at 8 next Friday evening under auspices of the Omaha Coun cil of Americanization. The following program presided over hy Judge Charles A. Ooss, will be presented: Open sir musical pro gram, 7.30 to 8. Central High school hand: opening musical program. Cen tral High school orchestra; bugle call and proceaalon led hy Boy Seouls; oath of allegiance to the flag, Boy Scout troop; "Star Spangled Banner," with (he scouts at attention, led by orchestra, silk flags will bo presented by the Woman's Relief corps; Invoca tlon, Dean Stephen K. McGInley; an nouncements. 8. ft. Elson, secretary council; welcome to new citizen*, Mayor James C. Dahlman; response, 8. Salerno, Italian consul, and Rev. M. Oluha, Catholic T’ollsh priest; “America. 1 Can'” Miss Annuncla Catania, student of Central High school; "Tho Melting Rot,” pupils of Mason school; soprano solo. Mrs. K O Aioea; address, General H. Dorey, presentation of naturalization papers, Sidney J. Oottneld, deputy clerk of district court; "Manual United States," presented hy the D. A. ft.: " I lie Flag," presented by American Legion; "America," sung hy the audience. Fear Prohibition Is-hiic. London. Feb. '*■—Viscountess As tor, one or the eight women mem hefs of parliament, declared In n speech In the house of commons Fri day afternoon that all the political parties In England are afraid of the prohibition Issue. She was speaking In favor of the Welsh local option drink measure at the tlma. -N President to Farmers’ Relief News from Washington con firms President Coolidge's support of the proposal for an increase in ■ the wheat tariff. Under the tariff law he has the power, on 30 days’ notice, to order an increase in any doty recommended by the tariff board. Investigation by lliis federal commission has shown the great est disparity between Canadian and American costs of production. To even up matters, White House advices indicate, heavy increase is to be made In the tariff on wheat. The present tariff is 30 ceflls a bushel. If it is increased more than 50 per cent, or 15 cents, this will be by act of congress. A bill providing for a 50 rents a bushel tariff is now in committee. V___/ -> New York ^ —Day by Day By 0. O. M'JNTYKE. New York, Feb. 16.—The corroding Influence of Broadway’* night life piles up some strangs contrasts. In one cabaret an agile young brunette doe* a particularly sensuous dance with her half-naked partner. Her husband la owner of the place. He looks on nightly. In another place there Is a hostess whose duty Is to move from table to table, inspire wine buying end frown on tight wads. She was ohce a vaude ville singer. Her husband stands out side In a gold braided suit. He Is the carriage starter. There are any number of husky young men who go to cabarets and permit their ladles openly to pay the checks. In their world that is Indi cative of being wise. It Is a warning to gold diggers that they havd’’noth ing to waste on them save perhaps a little affection. Any number of professional cafe dancers are wives of head waiters. The dancers generally stipulate In their contracts that the husbands shall also be employed as chief of the waiting staff. Recently a famous but unmarried dancing pair appeared at one of the big cafes. They drew big crowds and a new contract was offered, but the male dancer wanted to return to France. His partner also decided to go. She was the bigger attraction of the two. Enormous offers were made her to remain and dance with a new partner that had been selected. She refused. In desperation the management went to a young man to whom the lady had been showing a fondness. They offered him $10,000 If he would per suade her to stay. “Make desperate love to her," they said. “Buy her diamonds, furs and an automobile and we’ll pay the bill.’’ The offer was rejected. There are also a few flashes of the other sid<4 of the picture. A dancer and singer In one cafe Is the wife of a man In Wall street. He takes her to work each night and escorts her home. Y’et he has never been Inside the place. She has ambitions for grand opera and he humors her. She Is one of those women who has a way of referring to the Lees of Virginia despite a rather tarnished look. There is something gallant about her sliabby gentility. She is just one of the hundreds of women In New York stampeded by a better past. They refuse to take positions In shops or stores. They scrimp along—hoping for better things and trying to shun the pity people cannot help but feel for them. It seems to me that the gayest creatures to be found anywhere are the manicure girls In hotel barber shops. Life appears an unceasing ad. venture. One hour they may be spurning the dinner Invitation of a beef-baron from the Argentine and the next listening to the woe of a former Romarfbff prince. One girl tells me the most garrulous of all her customers are New Yorkers. The Englishman scarcely says a word. Now and then there is a touch of drama In the manicure girls' lives. There Is one who was polishing tho nails of a man from the we*t. A page boy came up nnd handed him a telegram. "Rather messy,” lie said turning over the telegram to her. It told of his wife eloping with another man. He excused himself, went to the washroom and blew out his brains with a pistol. But be thoughtfully left money and a tip for his polish on the edge of the table. The biggest tip a manicure girl ever received In this particular shop was presented by a Wall street sjiec ulator. While be was at her table he received word a sudden rise In the market had netted him something like $40,000. He gnve the manicurist a one hundred dollar bill. And she played the market with It and lost. 4 (Copyright 1924 ) Monsky Tolls Kiwanis (1ul» of Hoy Scout Activities “The scout organization helps ,r> develop the future citizen** of ihe world,” said Henry Monsky In Ids talk Friday on "Hoy Scouts at a dinner of JViwnnls club. Otto Saar and Hebert Funnlngbam were the uraiils who cpo|co for the organization frt the dinner. Filipino Fanatics (ii\e In. By PrHii. Manila, Feb. 16.—Nearly 300 fa mi ties, who have been eniising trouble on Burns Island, Rurlgao province, off the Island of Mindanao, surren dered Friday to I,lent. Col. Unrein e II. l owers, commander of the constabu lary forces in that district, and the campaign against them virtually baa ended. Electric If arming End ('atisrs Radio Static | -—...——-J Shenandoah, in., Feb. Id—If you are "cuesing”-' your radio for static Interference you nmv bo abusing an Innocent party. Him southwestern Iowa radio owner hns found that It was Ills neighbor s eh . til- w ruling pail, • i C United Brethren Open New Church j Structure Is New Ttlea in Building—Easily Changed to Home. The Briggs community United Brethren church at Fifty-fourth and McKinley streets, will be dedicated today nt 3. The sermon will bo delivered by Bishop C. J- Kepnart of Kansas City, Mo. The state superintendent, Rev. A, P. Vannlce, the pastor, and several ministers from the state will he present. The church was organized Septem ber 23, last year, and 1ms construct ed a bungalow chapel at a total cost of $5,000. The building is 20 by 48 feet, with full basement. In the basement there is coal room, kitchen, dining room and furnace room. One handled people can bo seated nt tables. The main floor has a chapel 26 by 40, and a rest room 8 by 12, and a front porch 8 by 14. The house Is a new departure in the demonination, being so constructed that by placing inside walls it becomes a six-room bungalow with bath, without any outside alterations. The plan is to place just west of the present build ing a modern church in the future and the present building will then be converted into a manse. Rev. F. H. King, pastor of Har ford Memorial church, has piloted the enterprise, backed by a building committee of E. A. Ravine, A. E. An derson, H. B. Fre,ed and H. P. Win ter. There is a good Sunday school of an average of about 40, held each Sunday at 2:30, followed by preach ing at 3:30. Fake Money Plot Is Bared Washington, Feb. IS-—A plot to flood the country with J1,000 counter feit bills was nipped by the secret service here last night and two men arrested. One of them, James C. Houghton, has been an employe of the bureau of engraving and printing for over 27 years. The other, Curt Jacobson, claims New Yvk as bis home. The plan Is an unique one.^The gov ernment believes that no spurious cur rency has been put In circulation. The ink on regular one dollar bills was bleached out so that the alleged coun terfeiters could have available a sup ply of the peculiar silk marked paper used in printing money. Those bleached bills were then sensitized s<> that they would reproduce a photo graph. $3,000,000 Spent by Jewish Order “During the last five years B’nat B'rlth has expended for char itable and educational purposes nearly $9,000,000. In the year 1S68 It organ ized the Cleveland orphans’ home, where thousands ot orphans have been reared and educatesaid 1 tarry IT. I^pldus In his speech Fri day night, broadcast from WOAW radio station. On October IS. 1R43, I! men met In a room In the city of New York and organized the Independent Order of B'nal B'rlth. From a mere handful it has grown to a powerful Influence for good, and today It has a member ship of approximately 100,000, with lodges located In every civilized coun try in the world, Rritlgt* Finn Must Vi ait. Lincoln, Feb. I*-— The supreme court today overruled the motion of the Western Bridge and Construction company for a rehearing in Its suit against State Auditor Marsh. The company sought In Its original suit to compel the state auditor either to Issue warrants upon the exhausted road construction appropriation of 1921 or to draw for work done on the new appropriation for the bien nium which began July 1, 192S. The court In effect has ruled that road building creditors of the state must wait for a new legislative appropria tion. ---T-v Stnni'n Sought Own Removal as Counsel in Oil Fraud Cases I--; i Washington. Feb. 18—Silas H. [straw, Chirngo, who has been with [drawn ns one of the sperial counsel in the oil lease prosecutions, had n conference Friday with President Cool ldge, after which correspondence be tween the two and the president end the senate oil committee woe made public. This correspondence showed that Mr. Straw upon learning that a Chi cago bank In which he was a direc tor had acted as trustee for s loan floated by one of the Sinclair Oil companies had written the president, asking that his name he withdrawn If the eommltce felt this would dis qualify him. LEGAL NOTICES. NUT 111. i >K STUCK I M > i . I»I. I i S* MICICTINU Notice In hereby given that the lean Inr nun util mooting of the HLhjHhold ere f the South Pint to Land company will b# 1o Id nt tli" office "f - t.I i Minpaiiv, Ronrn 701, l**lmt National T ink Hulldlnu. Lincoln, Nebraska, nt 11 u'ldock A. M , on lh«* h day of Mat ch A 0 1 *-* ( II. MuruuLt^ President. W. W. TIMIN' Lit. flecrctaiy A Treasurer. P < fo-M 4 fne CLASSIFIED RATES I' | or I n« eoh day. 1 or * dsv* 12c |.«*r line no h dny. 1 «*r D data 1 On per line no h d n Off’- e ..... . .17th and Parpen* fb.uth Orn 'In.- N. W. Cor. 24 ih „nd N i-t Co tine It I Muffs .16 fccott S Till: UMAll K !U;r, reserves the rial, tit ro|i. * m rewrite nil > "py. < n 11 for Classified Ad ! ‘cpsrtmeat An per I eii red Classified Ad faker will re ■ cite your ad nud n bill will be malt'd t either < h *rRe or cash orders Inter, The rates uuoted above apply to The a bn vs rate* nppiv to all advertise incut* In clasfllfb-Ht loria . I "«! ami 1 .no. I . 4 Help IVa tiled I emu le. .. 27 j Help Wanted M me ........ .......... • 2# Hnl.Miocri IUI'1 Aarnts . ID Situation* tv "Me.I (.'amnia.. |l S ' i 11 n W nt* d Male. . 1 ' Altblr* for .‘’III*- . 4 ti I-'arm and Hairy Pioducts. 4D tilled Tilings to I Hi. It Mull)' tnado I blngs..62 l|euaeli"'.1 • J unil s . 6* swap t ’<>Iu*11n ...Aid Wealing Apparel. •<> I Wanted to Buy...,. •! Room* With Board. • hoomi Without Board. ®3 Koonia for Housekeeping .. £4 Rooms, Unfurnished. .Am Suburban Board. *•» Farm* for Kent .f&A For all other classTRcstlona our regular rates as quoted below apply. Telephone ATlantlc 1000 These rates apply to The Sunday Omaha an well as The Morning and Evening Be. A11 week-day ad vertisemente ap pear In both morning and evening editions at the one cost: l^c per line each day, 1 or 2 days. ir.o per line each day, S or 6 days. 13c per line each day, 7 days or longer. CLOSING HOURS FOR CLASSIFIED ADS. Morning Edition.... I® P- m Evening Edition. 11-S*> a m. •Sunday Edtlon. » p. m. Saturday. THE EVENING BEE. THE OMAHA MORNING BEE CLASSIFICATIONS. A N NOL N C E M EN XH. Funeral Notice* .A Vault* and Monuments ..B i iimml Director* .C ( .•nu t erh * D Florist* . E Card of Thanks . F Lodge Notice* . .1 ( nniing Events .2 Personals . I AUTOMOBILES. Automobiles for Sale ..5 \utomohlle Agencies .. 6 Motorcycles utiii Bicycles ,.......••....•7 Automobile* for Exchange..H Auto Accessories, Part* . ...9 Service station—Repairing ..16 Auto Livery Guritge . II AUTO LIVERY OARAGE. Wonted—Automobile* .12 BUSINESS SERVICE. Business Services Offered .13 Building Contractor* .14 Heating and Plumbing ......15 Insurance . 16 xillllnery—I>re«*nmktng_ .17 Mn\ ing—Trucking—Storage . 18 Painting and Papering .*....19 Patent Attorneys .... . 20 Printing Stationery ..............2 l Professional Service .....21 Repairing . 2x Renovating and llyeing .24 foundries . ..24 A Tailoring and Pressing . 25 Wanted—Business Service .26 EMPLOYMENT. Help Wanted—Female . 27 Help Wanted—Mule .2* Help Wanted—Male and Female.29 "salesmen and Agent* . 30 Situation* Wanted—-Female .31 eituation* Wanted—Male ..32 FINANCIAL* Business Opportunities . ...33 Investment—Stork*—Bonds . 31 Real Estate Loan* .84^ Money to I>onn . 8.) Wanted to Borrow .86 EDUCATIONAL. Correspondence Course* .37 Loonl Instruction Classes . ...38 Musical—llrnnitttic . S'J Dancing .39 A Private Instruction . 4o Wanted—Instruction . 41 IJVESTOCK. , Dog*. Cnt* and Pets . 42 Horses, Cattle. Vehicles .43 Poultry and Supplies .44 War.tcil—MTHtotl .4.7 MERCHANDISE. Article* for Sale .. 46 BiiMlnene Equipment ........47 Building Materials .4* Farm nnd Dairy Products ..49 Fuel nnd Feed . .5“ Good Things to Eat . ..51 Itome-Made Things .52 Household Goods .................... ': Swap ( olumn . ........63 3 Jewelry nnd Watches .. 31 Machinery and Tool* . 85 Seeds. Plants and Flower* ...66 Spec Ini* at Hie Store* ....57 \mni4 Gift Suggestion* .57 X Musical Instrument* . Radio Equipment ....59 Wearing Apparel .60 Wanted to Bin . 61 ROOMS FOR KENT. Room* With Board . 62 Rooms Without Hoard . 63 Rooms for Housekeeping .61 Rooms, Unfurnished . 64 X suburban Board .65 Where to Dine ......66 Where to stop In Town .. 67 Wanted—Room* and Board .68 REAL ESTATE—FOR RENT. apartment*—Furnished .....69 Apartments—Unfurnished .70 Business Place* for Kent ..71 House* for Rent .•.. 72 House*, Furnished ......7?' Offices and Desk Room .. 73 Out-of-Toxvn Property .74 Mihnrhan for Rent ..73 -u;nmer Place for Rent .76 Wanted to Rent .77 REAL ESTATF/—FOR 6AI.E. Business Property . 78 Real Estate—Investment* .78 A Farm* and lJind* for Sale .. 79 City Acreage for Rale .79% Houses for Hale ....M| Houses—North .81 i House*—South . 82 Houses—%%'e*t .....83 Houses—Benson . .81 For Sale— Dundee ......8' For Sale— Florence . 8f For Sale—Connell Bluffs .......87 I of* for Sal* .. .............. .8m Real Estate for Exchange .89 Wanted—Real F*tate . 90 AUCTIONS. Anetlnfi Sale# . ••••..61 Real Kdatc at Auction .92 A N NOUN C EM F. N TS. ^ Funeral Notices. A JfATHRWSON—William J.. formerly of 313! Hu. 0*11 F.brn.ry IS. «t South Hide hospital. Funeral service will b* from 1614 5*. 20th erreet.'on Monday. «' 2 p. m Rev. R L Wheeler offlrlstlng Interment at Grace land Park cemetery. Vaults and Monuments. B "Automatic Healing'* concret* burial vault* recommended hy sll leading undertake:*. Mfg hv Omaha Concrete Rurlal Vault Co. Funeral Director*. C HEAFET A HEAFET. Uundertaker* and Kmbslmsr* Phone HA 0265. Office 2611 Fa mam (ESTABLISHED SINCE 1*82) KORISKO FUNERAL HOME. 23d and O St*. 1250 S 13tb Ht MA. 0650. AT. 1171 C. C. HAYNES FUNERAL HOME. 3120 N. 24th St. ICE. 0167 DUFFY A JOHNSTON. Stl P. lid. n"W funeral home. HA. 0417 TI HATLEY A DORRANCR. 1S23 CUMING ST.. JA. 052«. HOFFMANN AMBULANCE Dodge at 84th Funeral Director*. JA. 8901 H. H KRAMER FUNERAL HOME. 5519 .Xfllltary Ave. WA. 6314. JOHN A. GENTLEMAN. 3411 Earnsm fit. N. F. SWANSON. 17TH AND CUMING Quiet, Dignified Supervision. CROSBY-MOORE 24th and Wirt. WE. ©041. TAGGART A HON. >212 burning St JA. 0711. IIULHE A RIFPEN. Funeral directors. 2224 Cuming. JA, 111* Cemeteries. D \\ i ;s r i. \w n »• km kt t:h y. Our convenient payment plan la appreciat ed when family ]ot la required. Telephone WA. nsyO. \\ A 4 160. AT 197>. and our fr. •• cluiicd rgr will mil for you. Courteous service. Perpetual * are. Cemetery l>hth and i outer S'’* Beautiful, convenient. KmH KSt TTa w n 320 acres Perpetual caw Office at ♦ he ■ ruirfrry North 40th 8t. and Knre*t lawn Ave.. and 720 Hrandels Theater P.dt*_ Florists. E I "'ll 111 1 211 ll I' Hrtimn, J A. HO# II HIM HATH, mil Knrnnm. .1A HO# Personals. 3 1 Hi: s AI. V ATION Army Industrial home ""licit* voqr uld clothing furalturs. ruaaa •ii< a We collect. We distribute. l’h'»ne i v 4I.V- and our wagon will call Tall and inspect our new ho»na. 1110-1112-1114 t'cdre Htrset \\ Hit. like aged. mental or chronic* In ' lints in in* homo. I’nll WA. 4203 d Bldg I 'll fiu, rheumatism, neuritis folds. nsr - i* pevi or tun down condition AT i w k • ■r drugs. Pr C B. Hunt. Ml ^ H Bldg heati a historical maaqus otutotMi fti nia'*• and pw les el lichen* Omaha I _210 N t 7TH HT._ , w ^ 4 30,1 _ Lost and Found. 4 IIOHMW I.OBT Bay. one while (not, wtilte fa. e a- «r on left limit foot, weigh* aimiml 1,100 W \ 2f-0« I'KNOANT, aarved Ivory, on blarjc cord lit aid AT. I03O days and AT. 0SS-t awnings. ANNOrNf EMENTS._ Lost and Found. 4 BUNCH ke\» with lork »tt»rh. or N. 16 th St*. Return to 1517 Capitol Ave. 1'HT BETA n fraternity pin loat. Re ^^^AUTOMOBII^ES._ Automobiles for Sale. 5 WE ARE ONLY IN THE USED CAR BUSINESS TO SELL THE CARS WE TAKE IN TRADE HAYNES COUPE OAKLAND COUPE FORD COUPE CHALMERS SEDAN OAKLAND SEDAN DODGE SEDAN OAKLAND TOURINO ESSEX TOURINO NASH TOURINO HAYNE.S TOURING BUICK TOURINO CHALMERS TOURINO CHEVROLET TOURING NATIONAL TOURING DODGE ROADSTER BUICK ROADSTER OAKLAND ROADSTER. THE ABOVE C^JIS ARE ALL IN GOOD CONDITION. REPAINTED AND PRICED TO SELL. OAKLAND MOTOR CAR CO.. HARNEY AT 20TH. PRE-AUTO SHOW BALE EXCEPTIONAL VALUES on Standard make Cara FORDS Wa have a few bargain* left and must sell our stock out. Coupea, Sedans. Tourings. Roadsters. D< (POES A few left. Good condition and Just as represented, all with new paint. BUICKS. Good running sixes. Excellent con dition mechanically. Good paint and tires. See these “sixes" be fore you Invest in a Used Auto mobile. Many other standard makes to choose from. Easy Terms MID CITY AUTO CO. 1701 So. 24th St. MA. 1090. Open Evenings. SHOW WEEK BARGAINS. 1421 Ford Roadster, special body.$175 1921 Star Roadster, many extras.... $50 1923 Star Touring. $50 1923 Dodge Touring. *0° 1918 Buick Touring. 160 Open evenings. Make Your own terms. ANDREW MURPHY St SONS. 1410 Jackson. AT. 4411. HUDSON SPEEDSTER—MODEL M In excellent condition. Recently painted, new curtains; equipped with bumpers, spot IlghL Ready to drive away. 1475 Other good used car values. OMAHA HUDSON-ESSEX COMPANY. Harney at 26th St. Phone AT. $065. CADILLAC 6* CADILLAC TOURING—Painted a beautiful {.hade of dark blue. Curtains, top and upholstering first class, and the motor was Just recent ly overhauled by an authorized k'adtl jac dealer. We believe this Is the biggest bargain ever offered in Omi* ha Price. 11,100. Terms If desired R. L. Al!e>, 3128 Harney St. HA. 7492. FORD TOURING—LATE 1922. STARTER AND DEM RIMS DANDY RUNNING CONDITION. EXCELLENT MECHANI CAL CONDITION; WILL SACRIFICE. WE. 3U9 .!< B GOES WITH TRUCK Good Ford ton truck and also Job t* responsible party. Small down payment will handle and six months on balance. Cali Walnut 6195 THE DORT SIX AGENCY makes a prof ftable business for energetic business men. Bc« Ralph W. Jones, distributor for Ne braska and Western lows. 2421 Farnarn. KORP ROADSTER, nrallrnt condition. Just overhauled, priced reasonably. ANDREW MURPHY A- BON. 14th and Jaikson Sts FORD Coupe 1921. looks and runs fine. 127$. Can make terms to responsible party. Call WA. Sl9f>. DEPENDABLE USED CARS ANDREW MURPHY * SONS 1414 JACKSON BT. AT. 4411 USED CARS O. N Bonner Motor Co. 2554 Farnarn. FORD SEDAN. 1921. 1st* A real buy mechanically perfect, looks good. Don't miss this toy 825ft HA. 2011. BY OWNER—1924 Ford coupe 3 months old. large wheel, extra tire, heater, dash light $525 rash or terms. WE 1766. HUDSON touring, late model and fn #t reiient condition. Guaranteed. See today. Guv L Smith. NA8H-VRIE8EMA AUTO CO. USED CAlt STORE. 2ft46 Farnarn_AT 4684 FOR D8— DODOES—BUICKS 37ft 1 S 24th Teh MA. >490 Trucks fur Sal*. f> \ One T^lon rebuilt International on pneu malh e. Two l-ton rebuilt Internationale. cushion t Ires Two 3-ton other makes, pneumatic, dump body and hoist. INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER CO. OF AMERICA. 714 South 10th St. ONE to three-ton used trucga. terma can be arranged. International Harvester Ca. of America. 714-16 S. 10th St. Auto Accessories Parts. 9 INSTANT ELECTROLYTE. Guaranteed to recharge any battery in •ervlcewble condition. Will not freeze 1n the coldest weather and it will not sul phate plate. For sale in filling station* and garagf*. or phone WE. 1965. USED part* for all makes of care, 60 to 75 per cent off list prices, two wreck 'ng plant* 1016 Harney. HA. 4911. end 7203 Cuming AT 1970 LIVE etitn and battery dealera ran get formula for converting wet batteries into dry batteries. Trie# $tft Bern! no money. Ilox V - 2'6*■ Omaha Betv Service Station—Repairing. 10 INDUSTRIAL AUTO MACHINIST!!. Bayfield carburet.»n and Klirmann mar tiato nervier. AT. SBB4. P MKl.i’HOlRS A SON .417 S 1ITH Auto Livery Garage. 11 '.TiTTill; for rrnt. *1» So. Jlith 81. Tel. II . _ Business Services Offered. 1.1 MOVING, ’i.ullne, city or rmintrv, rubbish. cinder* for tlrhewav* w'K, ;>.70i .1 \MK!9 ALLAN S Heteotlvr*. Kapert aacrat service .111 31£ Nr\ll!a Week. AT, 1IH. RKLIARLHI 1'etactlva Hurenu Sundarland I Ildar JA 1044: night. KK. Silt im 1re*'*. h*dl», Kin; ' K!' 1411 • tilde Ml, \ Building Contractors. 14 LOW PIUOK8 on toilet combination* lavatoria* sinks. bath tuba, iati*a boiler* Ne'V aoo«l a MOBIilsttN It MIHR A CO 41. CO. ?M and Paul s*a W I' bbaI Mi'RKKNKb porches, old screen* rewl»r*|. broken ulud 'wa replaced. Olaamg llai man. KIC 1701. Millinrry—Oressmaning. 17 AtVOllt'loN, aide kolfa, boa pleating, covered button*, all etylea; bfinai ttrhlnr buttonhole* Write Ideal Hutton A Cleat low Co. 1t|-oun Hiuvk, Omaha, Neb. Telephone J A 1 f J* ML Cl.KATINt! CO II emat it < It n«r Coverall Hutton#. 1104 Farnam, bcvonU floor. JA 4414 BUSINESS SERVICE._ Moving—Trucking—Storage. 18 Fidelity storagb * van co. MOVING PACKING stokagr shipping Household goods office furniture. auto*. Consolidate cars to J. a Angeles and other California points 1107-11 HOAV A HD STJA. 02«» GI.ORK VAN AND STORAGE PACKING. MOVIN'K SHIPPING STORING Estimates furnish.-d AT, 0230 or JA. 4330 liEKINS OMAHA VAN * STORAGE. 1«th and Leavenworth Sts. Packing, mov ing. storage, shipping. JA 4103. GORDON S nilKPI'.l'O? WHSE * VAN 219 North 11th St. Phone ,IA. 3032; mov ing. packing, storage, shit ping Painting and Papering. 19 ATTENTION—Hotel. apartment end home owner*. Special price on wallpaper. paperhanging. Fred Parks. AT. 7401, MA. 0101._ PAPER hanging and painting, work guaranteed. Call WE. If.33. Patent Attorneys.20 J. W. MARTIN, 1713 Hedge, Room 209. Omaha, also Washington double service, tingle fee. Also help sell patents Printing Sta* onery. 21 COMMKKCIAL PRINT I NO Eddy Printing Co.. 212 Font h 13th St. M, Mi.'O Repairing. 23 I SED and new sewing machines. Hew ing tnarhmes and victrolas repaired. Rent ma-hines. SI per we<-k; S3 per mo MICKEL AfL'^lC HOUSE. 15th and Harney. AT. 4 3 1 Renovating and Dyeing. 24 OMAHA pr LOW CO —Feathers reno vated and iriH-J* up In new feather-proof ticking. 19u7 Cuming. JA. 2487. _EMPLOYMENT._ Help Wanted Female. 27 WOMEN—Splendid profit selling cor**-t twin, a new corset brassiere insuring com plete figure confYol; absolutely comfort; < orrect support and modish lines. Many women average more than $50 weekly. We teach you how. Write or see Mrs. Lester L. Findley, 522 Omaha Loan & Building Assn. Bldg.. Omaha AT. 057* LADIES—Become self-supporting. Learn hairdressing, marceling. permanent wav ing, manicuring, massage, day or evening. Benefit by our co-operative advg plan, which makes our graduates m demand everywhere Sure of sue* -ss. fail or write. Moler College. D'9 South 15th St. 1'Ol’NG WOMEN—Wanted to learn pro fessional nursing in f*0 bed a* credited hospital. Uniforms and maintenance -uppUed. also allowan-e. 2-:-r. course Supt.. Chicago General Hospital, 741 Di ■ REPRESENTATIVES to sell personal sta tionery; complete line; big commissions; no delivery. Florence Publishing Co., Met , ropolltan Life Bldg , Minneapolis. Mlrn. i WOMAN or girl for general housework. No washings. KE. 1465. ■ ■ .. _'!' * I Help Wanted Male. 28 WANTED—Men to learn the barber trad* Splendid paying business Short course ! completes. Day or evening Benefit b> our co-operative advg idan which mak*s lour graduat*-s In demand everywhere. Call or write for particulars -Moler Barber; College. D‘9 South 15th St. WANTED -Tinsmith, general sheet metal worker, familiar with all lim-s. to open and run shoo. Plenty bf work assured Exceptional opening for high grade man of character, honesty and ab'lity. Give full details in first# letter Address "Den ver,” Box Y-2569. Omaha Be*?. WANTED—Experienced operating engineer for 25-ton Baker raw water ice plan’. Eight-hour shift; steady work. Position open April 1, 19.4 Must furnish first class references. Write or apply to C ^ . Burdick, Commissioner, Grand Island, Ne braska. _ ARE you interested in a proposition pay ing two to five thousand yearly?Pleasant outdoor work selling trees, iihrubs, roses, etc. Commission weekly New and tip* to-date methods Brown Bros. Company, Rochester. N Y. Growers since 1**5. MEN WANTING POSITIONS. Firemen, brakemen, colored train or sleep ing usr porters, write for application 1 iark. Experience unnecessary wirst rlass mads. No strike. Name position wanted. Inter-Railway Dept. 840. Indianapolis Ind. MEN over 1* willing to travel Make se cret investigations Report*. Salary and * xpenses. Experience unnecessary. Write I. Ganor, Former Govt. Detective, St. Louie. BE A DETECTIVE—Experience unneces sary; ret particulars, exceptional op portunities; travel; salaries. expenses. Hartley Detective Agency. Kansas City, Mo. REPRESENTATIVE* ?o sell personal e*a tlonerv complete '.me. Big coir, mis*; m*s. no delivery. Florence Publishing Co, Metropolitan Life B!dg . Minneapolis. Minn. ELECTRICITY taught by experts; earn while you l*am at home: electrical book and proof lesson* free; sat'* fa-tlon guar : pos. secured. Write to Chief Engineer Cooke. 2144 Lawrence Arp.. Chicago. HE A detective. S50-$10<> weekly travel over a wor A. experience unneoeanary Am' m Detective Agency. 799 Colum bia, Sr T. .Ul* MEN wanted to qualify for firemen, brakemen. Experience urnee-essiry Trans portation furnished. T McCaffrey. Supt., St, Louie. FIREMEN. BRAKEMEN. berinn**r* $150 to $250 (which position?) Railway, Y 2550, Omaha B*»e. Help Wanted Male & Female. 29 TYPISTS—Add materially to your In come by typing authors' manuscripts. Free detailed Information on request. R T. Carnes, Authors Agent. Tallaspoosa, Ga._ Salesmen and Agents. 3 * AGENTS—Become representative large concern. Establish yourself permanently. Simplified method selling shoes factory to wearer. Profits large. Sell easy Ap p v immediately. STYLE-ARCH SHOES, Cincinnati SALESMEN—$50 daily made by best men. 135 weekly and expense* guaran teed against commission*. All retailers buy. Dept H-18, Appleton Novelty Co., Cedar Ranlds. lows. AGENTS— Big profits. Genuine gold leaf window letter*, anyone con put up. Soripts and 57 varieties. Consolidated Sign Letter Co., 633 S. Dearborn St.. Chicago v.) -. - J a month f.i.u. John A Wb.iams mads $48 in throe hi Every car owner a prospect. Write today so Stransky Co.. Dept- 2671. Pukwana, S Dak. GOODY EAR M EG CO . ;n.C Goodyear^ Bldg., Kansas City. M*» . is making *n offer to sind a ban.Isom* raincoat free to on* person in ea* h tonality who will recommend It to friend*. Write today. GENTS—$6.00 dally taking orders for Thomas Guarantee*! Hosiery. 27 differ ent kind*— latest Styles. coi« rs. Your e‘tr In free outf t of sample p*1r» Thomas Mfg. Co,, Mill 6260. Da\ ton. Ohio. LIGHTNING itrsns# battery compound charges discharged batteries Instant!'. Eliminates old method entirely Gallon lroe to agents Lightning Co . Des Momea. Iowa.___ SALESMAN wanted by a century Id bouse * call on phvalclans and dentist* Immediate, permanent, welt-paid work; state ago. ex« erience. Addicts I'. O. Box 131. Philadelphia. $60 $20« WEEK—Appoint sub scent*. ?• per cent commission Guaranteed genuine gold letters for store window* Easily •m plied Metallic Letter Co . 435 N ('lark, i *n I ca go.___ SALESMEN Wanted cigar salesman, $150 P**r month and expenses Experience un necessary. Fend addrc**ed envelope for Information Royal Cigar Co, High. Point. N r S \T.F8MKN stat* nur tp-r Knveiope sealer ec»l» .t '-00 envelope* hove A matin a Invention No competition, Ketaila $« 1*0.000 vearlx Consolidated »\'inp.»«y. I'rpf. K I’ll. tftf BoyUion. Boston. Mat-* MAKS BVO MONKY opera tin* red o tore f ’ in wr* kly prof - Sin all ear ml required No evi»«M o nee nceasaix suoreaa miarantend. Write A J 8ie b.-ns. Kansas Fit' Mo KSMKN Tm <* aalea • f - •• • $41 • dvertlaln* camp.xlen pa\» sou S. • a >\a \ Knon ledre of radio unne.-.»aenr x P< ms sales manager, Box i\'~. I on-a City. Iowa_ *■' V l .lib M*F V SMe bne l’o« mj ir»mpb'» lllffh trade men only Stem x our e\ i r ■ ien- \ d vert lain* Novell v Co. Now ton, Iowa MiKJfT$ platt t ynj a I el »*;*« t*' Introduce Motliet Hubbard Foods no tmn; $100 wVIv tnode; f' n. ndv lot bout Co . i-O I'otisr Ch!en*'k$' • »s% pe- > ••. • Write tod*' for p\j* u -» » Tm*o lta-Vo Fo , t 4 A\ \ hrst nut S'. K .) nM» x' 1 x M x \FFNTS t make lh*» beat «'»• • ol.-tt • I * ••» * end* chewtr C Cunt Be " x v -mt Fxerx bodv xx III bux ' ’ Wi’*e to-Bv Free sample* M lion Hold-'* F 'nna.i j ■ —i. ■ ■ — — - ' . — ■ ■ ———— NFVV wonderful seller, Mo profit every dnllar sales Deliver on spot unnei-easaiy No • omoettttoo Sample f: re. Mission tv M» V Halstead Fhb ago, Ft. uil'NiTS to sell our Fife Tor-' Won derful medicine Die repeater. hi* pr 'f lit, la- i\s»ia Co. Dm 2J. St. Lou!a. Mo EMPLOYMENT._ Salesmen and Agents. 30 BAT.ESMEN — Th. Mcr»»k*y Register Company ha* an open ing in western Iowa for a high class aalestnan with spe cialty or merchandise experi ence. A man of mature judg ment and forceful prrwnaltty n sell our cash systems, credit systems and sale* books to all l.nes of business. Exclusive territory and permanent com mission contract with weekly settlements. Complete train ing f«»r man selected. The right man can make large earning* with established, dignified lines well known and highly regarded bv all merchants, rail Monday, l*th. at Hotel Fontensile, or write fully to O L. Swafford, division sal** manager. 835 First National Hank Bldg . Chicago, Illinois. TIRE COVER SALESMEN. Salesman to cover the states of Iowa, Ne braska. Misouri, Kansas, Oklahoma and Michigan belling a high grade. Well known and advertised line of tire covers, scat rovers et . on commission basis. .\luKt be experienced in th.- iine and own their own automobiles. Give reference* and If possible .‘•end photograph with ap plication Excellent position for the r ght men but amateurs n<-ed not apply. Other good territories open. Y-2571, Omaha Bee. SALESMAN—Wool growers' offer 140 *o $100 weekly to aaiesfolka to Introduce all-wool nothing, underwear, sweaters, hosiery, pi* e goods, blankets, etc., dire t from wool grower to users at mill prices. No peddling No capital No experience* All or spare time We furnish every thing to start you Exclusive territory. a, « P , if Wool Growers’ Woolen Mills, 214 Pi.inkinton Arcade, Dept. 52, Mil waukee, Wis. SALESMEN f'o pr-r week dead easy sell ing Preston Mode shifts from factory *o wearer. Our large assortment of latest style* and new patterns mail'd every ten days will enable you to lm’ease your In come 50 to |00 r»er cent Libera! cnmrr.1* sions and exclusive territory granted. Ai-a i Sb rt fonir-any Sole Manufacturers, 4*io Broome Street. New York City. '(1K T.w—Greatest opportunity, “Life of Woodrow Wilson ' by Josephus Daniel;-, s -<_y N vy. a»* «t ..f former preajd* t. t 9 Illustrated r. w price, best terms »o a? nts. credit given. Send for free outfit at once, make money fa.*'. Authorship i" guarantee of authen tic'tv. Universal House. Winston Bldg , Philadelph-'a. Pn. AGENTS—Why work for others? Start <• I o; • rate \'ur own business $190 *o S' profit v-kly >n the proprietar sr - ■ •nd .-how you how Booklet free National Scientific Labs . 290 Monroe. Richmond, Ya. SALESMAN WANTED—A successful gen eral line traveling shoe salesman. terri tory « - -tern Nebraska and a portion- of Iowa, applications desired with your com* r’ete history and shipment address l ut the beat ne«d apply. Box Y-2569, Omaha Bee, AGENTS—We need 6^9 reap risible men ard women at once to handle our bu*d m «s n all localities a uW send ua orders for our 359 products. New plan. $15 a •-ay. We furnish car. If you mean buMi ners writs now American Products Co, 241 *. American Bldg. Cincinnati. Q. LARGE corporation wants a *erv;“e n^n n «very town to paste up Its signs »u storekeepers’ windows. Excellent opportu nity for reliable party. No experien *s nef-essary. We also have attractive projo K ' r for agents and salesmen. Guara** tee s,gn Service. 241 W. Superior. Chicago. ' l-: L MADISoN ’-BETTER-M ADE ’ SHIRTS <*. r. t from our factory to we**-* No capital or experience required. Easily sold Big profit* WRITE F"R FREE SAMPLES MATH?' N MILLS. 541 Broadway, N- w York City. ' ALES MEN—)2S daily taking orders for latest style drvsse* at lowest price* di rect to wearer Pay advanced. We tle I.ver. No investment required. Chicago Woman s Apparel Co, 115 So. Dearborn. Chicago. SALESMEN—Inexperienced or experi - ‘•d, ity or traveling. Write for Frea hook “V dern Sa’esmanshlp ” Bir dc rn nd f r men. Earn 13 509 te $19,0* 0 rly. Address: National Salesmen s Tr. i»at r 4! 9. ■•h.Dago. district manager WANTED ■App nt local agent* for u* Ip your le es’ *v No canvassing or delivering. |]OA weekly easily made. Ccmmtssions id* ' an* ed Bob Russell. 2303 Archer, Chi cago. JH. ' TOENTS—MAKF! llA TVEHT WIEK. Sell Mansfield Measure-Made Caps direct to wearers—business men. car swners. sportsmen, -te Write for soring sampls cutf* and free cap offer. Mansfield Cap Makers. Dept. 55 4. C.nclnnstL O. AGENTS—A REAL HIT. Everyone needs the patented, reversible. ref! liable. Two* in-C*ne Twinko Broom; saves money; sweeps eas’er; used and approved by thou sand*: readv seller. Write qulekly. Dept. C. Twinko Mfg Co.. Monrovia. Cad. SALESMEN— f:\009 yearly. State distrib utor Airtsxing newly nrented pricing system retails $4 fft. Merchant* buy In stantaneously No competition Tremend ous demand. Milieu Mfg., Colonial Bldg , Boston. Mas* ALESMEN—Tailoring salesmen, weekly *ala-y. b es?r nnunlMlom, all wool, bet ter talbred clothes, $33.(5. express pre 5 aid Union made. America s greatest rn—iey making Lne. Great W##tem Tail oring Co., pioneers for 3ft years. Chicago. GET *n’T n? the rut $190 sufficient learn rrivi’ege trad'.rv Dept- 14. Paul Kaye. 19 Er ad way. N Y Situations Wanted Female. 31 BUNDLE washing; also curtains; worto guaran^ed, called for WE 137$. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work. WE C3.2.• Situations Wanted Male. 32 WANTED Position In hank or lumber '»r,‘ Experienced, 2 yeara Uni. Y-2SM Omaha Bee. FINANCIAL.^ Business Opportunities. 33 a tv pi r rsTABLtsitep stro. co. n Omaha :* In need of $3,099 to S'.ftftft -ap tal for expansion Good I'tu sin • Offers opportunity fo ri 'It a' vs the average and will pay % t® Invest igat a EHf I Omaha Bee. W* e*ek etoefc •es-ues to • ffer ten thousand lav eaten *. Com; antes need‘nr capita! for legitimate enterprise, writ# stating amount needed l for what pun »** We will replv fully. 1f v >r proposition appear* extra. - f it r* w# reach Be - -.4 E *'. r e Cmuiy, 1505 North w.-Avf lew Anc»i*g California. D< N T buy a business until see’ng u* ap D'-xte you anywhere at any price. We TrlU furr«h written report on * \ tt hi ere at no cost te yci% don't buy a lemon FEDERAL SYSTEM. 30 5 Pax? >n Building. W ANTED—Wr • t e*t a hit shed hlrh.clese ci n “ n ho* an >j »nine In Omaha for a -♦'’.lahle man a h S ' Tft9 to IBAW cash. It " !l p • the r cht man $19,999 to a,»a * \ea- or better. Adireaa Bog IG*T. Omaha YN-e. ’ORBING * 1 Mfg this cur. $99 ace: a. n the hr- k< litt> or r •» competition, n\aking a vrrv good profit. $1,999. ELDERA1 SYSTEM_ 1 I'MRKH YARD ! L SAI.E—Small t w n •t • i»th‘• N»t wnrre. sold for cash. N niMi, itv Federal System. $9$ Paa op Bl.lg AT *4(2 ill l IN FRY shop for **’.* tlnod bu* - • * v*. e,T. d location. Y J 4 Omaha Bee. ME NT market f.xtures for aa'a Y-55(v». G l Bee Investment—Stocks—Bonds. 34 T o\v HATF on fit v .'ropcrty. quickly . ’o«M: no monthly ptymtntk. JA. fill. \Y T i'r»Fsm _ V A N .M ’ S lltt, ! V.oal aatat* Suroftr hoc '• *n«1 fclr»1ro4 Inn. - ■ — Real Estate Loans. 34A I r>V V \ i >" t n:u (TNT MONET, four* n Omaha impre**4 property at ,'wMt rate* HUNK H BIN PER. Ml »'1!r \i JK- till. K V R M uUNS : area nr mvo W oat N tarrak rancho*. > '« ' .I l*K. . s « i • t o ». tu Mr. La;»-'H K4 Nor.h K ft*.-nth arrant MAIM MOV? rv^'T NKB FARMS o'KKi rr nr Ala v state CC. If \ ti . It At J A ;:i# \ j'ror! s on v'toaha raaMar-oc*. *'h on han.i I’- -mpt Mtxtca. R. U. ! .Mi*#? Inr KW'.na PM| » * h**cJ hv Tnk.» Company ft# Ftrat Na , ! on S Rank JA 4131_ WIl.l bur mor‘«ai*a and cue tract a. 4 orkiu. #41 Om Nat R ««. Caiha Nth.