The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, February 10, 1924, CITY EDITION, Page 5-A, Image 5

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    •Do a Good Turn Daily—“A Scout Is Helpful”—Boy Scouts of America, 14th Anniversary, February 8th to 14th'
Our Party Lady Will Conduct Classes
Classes in Dennison novelty work \yill be conducted three days a
week in our Pomegranate shop. The Party Lady will instruct classes
in the art of making crepe paper flowers and favors, paper rope work
in weaving baskets and trays, and wax work in heads and decorating.
From 2 p. m. to 3 p. m. on Tuesdays—Crepe Paper work. Thurs
—Wax work. Saturdays—Paper rope work. Second Floor
Bdrgess-Nash Company
Fabric Fashion Show
Week of February 10 to 16
The new spring fabics will bn on display in our daylight dress
goods section throughout the week.
Here you may see all the spring novelty materials in a lovely
array of colors, and in a great diversity of fabrics.
_Second Floor
New Spring Merchandise tor the Monday Shopper
Valentine Candy Specials
Cream Patty
A soft, creamy after dinner
wafer, made in assorted flavors
at, per lb.35c
Heart Bonbons
Rich creamy bon bons, with
dainty red hearts, lb.60c
Chocolate Favors
Our valentine chocolate flavors
include solid chocolate hearts,
foil wrapped and with mess
ages, foil wrapped hearts in a
cluster and flower pots with
hearts as leaves, at,
each.5c to 25c
Cream Heart
l.nrge red hearts from our
own randy kitchen, special
for valentine affairs, lb.. . 50c
Assorted Hearts
Tiny red hearts. Pixie hearts
and medium hearts, lb.39c
Heart Boxes
Beautiful satin boxes, heart
shaped, packed full of choice
chocolates and a few heart bon
bona. Various size boa%s, at,
each .40c to $3.50
| __Main r loor
Valentine Novelties
V alentine day, wrth its ancient custom of conveying
messages of love, is here again, and we have many
novelties and party favors for your selection.
valentine Greeting Cards of all
sorts, with hearts, cupids, for
get-me-nots and all manner of
love notes.
Valentine Nut Cups, 75c to
$1.60 a dozen.
Valentine Paper Table Covers,
each, 35c.
Valentine Festoons, 10c.
Valentine Material, box. 39c.
Valentine Cut-out Hearts, Ar
rows, etc., package, 10c.
Valentine Paper* Napkins, pack
age of 18, 15c.
Valentine Seals. 10c.
Valentine Tally Cards and
Place Cards, dozea at 25c and
Stationery Section—Main Floor
Gauntlet Gloves
That Dominate Fashion
To one who goes forth gloved in fine Chateau French
Kid Gauntlets is accorded privileged regard and serv
ice everywhere. For always gloves express one’s
preferences and status. And when the gauntlets are
short, with flare cuffs, fashion says they’re correct
for spring. With perforated and scalloped edges, or
with the cuffs embroidered, they come in shades to
match any costume. Main Floor
Charming Dresses and Coats in
The New Modes of Spring
Dainty Collars
Attractive collars
. combined with new
jabots in a large as-_
•ortment. Made of lin-~
en and net and trim
med with real lace.
These dainty collars
will add a touch of
freshness to your win
ter dress or suit.
MaAi Floor
Frodks and gowns of lovely silks, in new and charming models that are
decreed to a long and popular season by their individuality—frocks
that express all the newness and beauty associated with better Spring
dress^nnovations. Fabrics are Molly O trepe, Roshanara crepe, radium
\ silk, cashmu cfepe, chinchilla satm, and flat crepe. Embroidery, bead,
tand novelty trimmings. Colbrs are: /,
Moss Green Almond Green Poutre Blue
Copenhagen Bisque Rust
Stucco Roxse Ciera
Navy Black
M .
Smartest of
Spring Coats
Coats herald spring with a surprising
array of new colors, including Artichoke,
Natural, Mandalay, Gold, Lichen, Corn,
Navy and others. The models are strik
ingly original, in fabrics revealing a
new pliancy which lends itself delight
fully to serve sports types, or slightly
elaborated effects.*
Velvatone Cameo Stripe
Glovefluff Flamingo
v Paris La Mode
Third Floor
Sheet Music
We carry at all times
the best editions of Amer
ican publishers and a
complete line to meet the
needs of music teachers.
New Popular Hit*
At 30c
it Ain’t Gonna Rain No
Sobbin’ Blues.
Linger Awhile.
Fifth Floor
-:- i
Drug Specials
91.0U /\zurca vegetaie,
„ at .95*
50r Pond’s Compact
Powder . . .19*
50c Glazo Nail Polish,
10c Life Buoy Soap, 4
25c Pond’s Vanishing
Cream, tube . . 19*
75c White Ivory Combs,
50c Derma Viva Liquid
Powder .. .35*
ovc uorin s Kouge, all
shades .. .39C
Lux, package -IOC
50c Wild Root Shampoo, i
85c Prophylactic Hair
Brush .59C
75c Glover’s Mange
$1.50 Vanity Sets with i
powder, rouge and lip
COc Amami Bath Pow
der, large can..49<?
j Main Floor
i i
Memory Books
^SchoolGirls 98c tO $4.50
School boys and girls who will graduate this year
begin now to treasure their programs, clippings, pic
tures, and other souvenirs of school life. ** a
Any one of the following memory books would b» •
an appreciated gift for this purpose. ,j
The Girl Graduate—Her
own book, full cloth,
The same in velvet ooze,
. at .83.50
Commencement Mem
ories, cloth .. .$1.50
The same in ooze binding,
at .83.00
School Girl’s Memory
Book, in decorated
cloth .82.50
The same in soft leather,
School Memories, half- f
ooze binding . -82.50 .
The same in full oozfc,
»t .$4.50
A Graduate’s Memories,
in decorated cloth,
at .82.00
Girl Graduate’s Record
Book, in decorates*
doth .$2.50
The same in embossed I
duratex binding $4.00
Graduate’s Happy Days,
in decorated cloth 98<^
main r loor
■-—-^ k
An odd lot of silk blouses,
in beautiful color combina
tions. Trimming of con
trasting colors. Tuck-in and
over-blouse styles that !wrtl
'complete the spring costume.
Values from $5.95 to $57.50.
Third Floor
Knit Underwear
Women’s Cotton
Vests and Drawers
Medium weight white cotton vests
and drawers, lightly fleeced.
Vests have high neck and long
sleeves, and the drawers are ankle
length. Sizes 34 to 44. Regu
lar $1.00 and $1.25
values. #J7C
Women’s ‘Columbine”
Lisle Bloomers
Women's pink “Columbine”
bloomers with elastic.-at the
waist and knee. Well rein
Sizes 5
‘o 7.
Sizes 8
and 9.
Children’s Knit Underwear
Odds and ends of children’s union suits, vests and pants of wool and
cotton, and silk a*ul wool. All styles included but not every size
in each style. Regularly priced from £ 1
$1.75 to $3.75 . 1 .UU
Second Floor
Boys' Suits
For J\wpnilcs 2*4 to 10 Ypnrs
Marked 1 / Off Regular
at Price
To make room for our boys’ spring suits, we are offering
the choice of out entire stock of juvenile suits at one- -
third off regular prices.
Included are tweeds, velvets, jersey cloths, serges and
wool pants with wash waists. In middy, Oliver Twist,
Balkan and Norfolk styles.
Third Floor *
Sale ofJ unior Coats
In Three Groups. Sizes 6 to 17 Years
At $10.98
Bolivia, broadcloth and novel
ty woolens fashion these winter
/Coats. All are smart models, fully
lined and inner lined for warmth.
Some are finished with nutria col
lars. Values rantce from $19.60 to
At $21.98
For sports wear and dress
wear, attractive models are of
fered, some of which are trim
med with raccoon collars and
others with self collars. Values
range from $32.95 to $47.50,
At $33.98
A group of our finer coats are included nt this price. Made of
fine quality material, many fully lined with satin stripe crept).
I.ahjfe collars of fur furnish these garments. Values range from
$51,604® $89.60.
Not All Sisos in Each Group Third Moor
Spring Styles in “Mina Taylor”
Apron Frocks and Dresses
The Aprons
$J95 $£45
j $2&5 _ $Q45
The Dresses
$395 . $495 _ $595
$6^5 . $g95
A showing of all the new spring modes'in Mina Taylor apron frocks and
dresses, featuring the long waist line, novel belts, sashes and collars. Attrac
tive models with slenderizing lines, are daftitily tr.immed with linen, hand em
broidery and hemstitching. Colors are red, tan, lavender, brown, green, blue.
Finished with five-inch hems, and well tailored throughout. Fabrics are
Cotton Pongee Kalburnie Gingham Imported French Gingham
Lorraine Gingham Bates Gingham Bralock Gingham
lizet, 16 to 20. Woman’* aiz*«, 36 to 42. Stout *iz*(, 42 H to S2 4
' Second Floor I
A Tremendous Purchase Sale of ]
\ Women's Novelty Low Shoes I
Broken Lots and Samples
Here, is the best shoe news of the season. We purchased
1,587 pairs of shoes from a well-known Omaha retail shoe dealer
who has handled $5.00 to $10.00 novelty shoes. These go on sale
Monday at 0 a. m. at the ridiculously low price of—
* 60
Values |
The Styles
Iflark Satin Strap l umps
Wnck Satin Opera Pumps
llrown Satin Pumps
llroraded Satin Pumps
Patent Cross-Straps
Patent One-Straps
Patent Two-Straps
lllack Mat Kid Stra/i Pumps
Rrown Calf Strap Pumps
Cray Suede Strap Pumps
hngr Sunlr rum/is
Which Rid Oxford*
Itroivn hid Oxfords
It Inch Calf Oxfords
Itroivn I '.alf Oxfords
Gray Suede Oxfords
Iti'ifie Suede Oxfords
Ttvo-Tone Sport Oxfords
I lie llecls -Spanish, Frera'll.
Cuban, Military and School
.100 pair of infants’, children’s and misses’ Vl
lace and button shoes, pair.
House Dresses
Stamped to Embroider
House dresses stamped on good
quality linene, in shade of rose, blue,
peach, corn, tango, tobacco and linen.
Each .
* 1
Second Floor
- ■ — — J
3 Specials in Hosiery
Sport Hose
Women's fine quality mercerized
sport hose in fancy rib effect. In
plain black or navy, and combinations
of black and silver, brown and silver,
and black and gold. QQ
Regular $1.00 quality.OJ/C
i1 ■ 11
“Granite” Hose
Our special "Granite” hose,
silk to the hem, full fash
ioned of medium weight silk.
In black and brown. Regu
lar $2.75 d*0 | |
' I
Silk Hose and Wool Hose
Include $139 Values From
“Granite” Hose X $2.00 to $2S5
These full fashioned silk hose for women come in well-known
makes, such as “Granite," and are of medium weight silk,
either in plain styles or with fancy embroidered clox. The wool
hose are also full fashioned, in plain styles or with hand em
broidered clox. Colors nre brown, tan bark, light gray, tan and
beige. Also black. Values range from $2.00 to $2.95. Spe
cially priced at $1.39.
/ Main Moor
Wool Sweaters — Scarfs
Greatly Reduced in Price
$395 ^ $695
Our entire stock of w ool sweaters slipovers amt golf
coats—and scarfs have been reduced to prices w hich are
less than cost. The sweaters are of both brushed and
unbrushed wool.
Slipovers and Rolf coat priced $3.{)5 to £*>.95
Scarfs with values up to $9.95. priced at $2.95
Scarfs with values to $19.95, priced at £5.J>5
Tltirtl KW
One of Americas (treat Stores''i