The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, February 10, 1924, CITY EDITION, ALCOGRAVURE SECTION, Image 40

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    SAFETY FIRST as dem
onstrated by a new "high
way guard," a strong
fabricated, elastic metal
fencing that is being put
in place at the top of
dangerous roadside em
bankments, cliffs, bridges,
etc. Tests have shown
that a car speeding at
forty miles an hour can
not break through it. The
guard bends and the re
coil throws the car back
on to the roadway.
Kadel Herbert
Rudolph Valentino re
turned from Europe
recently and promptly
visited the offices of Mr.
Adolph Zukor, president
of Paramount Pictures, to
sign a contract that will
bring him back into the
“movies.” His first pic
ture is to be "Monsieur
RICHS, one of New Yark’s several
prominent society women who are “in
trade.” She is pictured here in her
Madison Avenue perfume shop, where
she is to be founil when social duties'
permit. ’ attrd.
Gray Hair Quickly Goes
Before the Touch of this
Clean, Colorless Liquid
The Original Color Perfectly Restored
It seems almost unbelievable that a liquid i
colorless itaelf can give gray hair its exact I
original color. 1
Iiut Kolor-Hak, Science has given us just ,
such a liquid and through its remarkable power.
nunureos or thousands ol
people have quickly taken
years from their appear
ance. Many report amazing
results in a week
No matter what the for
mer color was, Kolor-Bak
will restore it, and it will
give the hair a beautiful
natural gloss, renewed "life”
and lustre, and make it soft,
beautiful, “young” again.
It gives a cool, refreshing
sensation to the scalp
makes it clean and makes it
feel clean. It is not sticky,
greasy, rnussy or unpleasant
to use. It is just a clean,
colorless liquid which is a
proved substitute for the
natural pigmentation. It is
as easy to ubc as water.
Kolor-Bak is actually a
scalp and hair tonic because
of its cleansing, stimulating
qualities which promote
health and strength—thus
aiding Nature to bring about
anormaleonditionof the hair.
No need to furnish sam
pies of your hair. The one
clean, colorless liquid is for
all hair. Several people
whose hair was originally of
different colors could use the
same Isittle of Kolor Bak
with equally satisfactory
Attention j
— Al wmy%M
Gray — Too old for tha /oA^pl
Hantxhi’H dray Hair
My Hair Wn U.
Quite Gray It
' My h«ir «u gray . II
It wa<* falling out Iflj
M y tfitlu llfhril ami UN
dandruff ■ppraritti. Ill
A f«*w ai*pl|rM jw
tiona of Kolnr Kali Em
atonpe'tl the itrhing I
and dandruff My I
hair aonn atoiipe-d r
■■whipir out and now
la ay a in It a original
-ol«»r I look 10 vara
{A typical letter)
Send for Trial Offer
Writ*- lor I rial Of
for, and Free 11<m>k on
care of tho hair. You
nay nothing Tor Kolor
Halt if roHuila arc riot
satisfactory. Address
Hygienic Lalsiratn
rics, J04 S Peoria St.,
He 11 2.312. Chicago,
Dealers everywhere sell holor-nak.
LINGS, w h o portrays
‘‘Honest Abe" in the cur
rent film, "The Dramatic *
Life of Abraham Lin '
coin,” pictured as he vis- '
itcd the Gutzon Borgluni
statue of Lincoln tha
stands bef3re the court
house at Newark, N. .1.
Note how closely Mr. Hi I
lings, who has made a
keen study of the Great
Kmancipator’s life, re
sembles the sculptor’s con
ception of Lincoln. 1,0
that is as picturesque as
it is unusual. A Decem
ber snow descends upon
Rome and covers St.
Peter’s and the Vatican
in a mantle of white.
Widr World
«... «
REAL SPORT. Shooting
the chutes of a six-track
tobofrjran slide at expre
train speed, is a wintei
sport sufficiently exhilara
ting to stir the red cor
puscles of the most blase.
This ice-coated slide down
the slopes of Mount Roya!
is one of the most popu
lar features of Montreal
annual winter sports car
nival now under wav.
pREE "<mail coupon below to Elle?i J. BucklandGraduate Nurse
solved now in a New wav
Exquisiteness Under Circumstances Once Considered Impossible
(irjdujtf Nunc
EIGHT in every ten women in the better walks
of life have turned to a new way m personal
hygiene. And have found comfort, daintiness and
peace of mind impossible under old conditions
This new way is called Kotex And a test is
offered you without charge Simply mail the cou
pon below
W hat Kotex Is
Kotex is a scientifically developed super absorbent
taking up i(> times its nun weight And absorbs
instantly retaining moisture against all fear of acci
dent It has s times the absorbency of ordinary
cotton sanitary pads.
Then it is easily disposed of—a new feature every
woman will appreciate
It is sold in all department and drug stores; two
sues —Kotex regular and Kotex Super (extra thick
ness ' Also in Kotex cabinets in rest rooms
A Test Free
As a national hygienic measure. I have prevailed
upon the Kotex laboratories to offer women, gen
erally, a test package of Kotex without charge
So I urge you to send me, personally, the coupon
below And I will send you, in plain, absolutely
unmarked wrapper, a trial packet Clip the coupon
now before you forget
t-RKK SAMI’l.F. l/.it/ffni'nfi.iAfM.'t •r.r.'u
Care of Cellucotton Laboratories, Room 1«20
166 W Jackson St . Chicago, 111.
I want tii accept free trial offer made hi von with
the understanding that it is absolutely confidential
Name .
BEK . OMAHA £ IQ ^4.
Mv v' l.H A \ l HI INv ^ k ''i * • » I'/ ■ . v « k