The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, February 10, 1924, CITY EDITION, ALCOGRAVURE SECTION, Image 38

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    John Drinkwater, Noted Dramatist, Divorced by Wife-Mrs. John
Drinkwater has been (ranted a divorce in court in London from
her husband, the dramatist, author of "Abraham Lincoln,” “Robert
E- Lee” and other historical plays. Before her marria(e Mrs.
^ Drinkwater was Katherine Walpole, an actress. Photo shows the
ronple. -----
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wblL0nr«dD/rrCrhltJi„^0"7"Ke!n TK N*~ of'he hi.toric old M.di.on Square Garden a. it appear.
r.n."on‘o June Tl“ *"“nf C*P*C,,5r' now ,300°- will be inerea.ed «o 20,<KK> for the democr.tiVcon
Bryan Picks Florida Edu
cator as Democratic
Presidential Candidate —
Dr. A. A. Murphrer, presi
dent of the University of
Florida, who has been an
nounced as William Jen
nines Bryan s democratic
candidate for 1924 “The
Commoner" himself made
the announcement that he
would support Dr. Mur
phree, who has never be
fore made any sort of
appearance on the nation
al political horizon. m
L r- « W S *» < 's
G"** **'00®>.0®°-*-Y*“r Bu,i"«»* *® Employ*!—After 20 years as a masufactsrer
of handkercb.efs, I C. Herman, head of the firm of I. C. Herman A Co., made two"
faithful employe., Irrmy S. Ro.sof and Fred M. Smith, a .ift of the concern, which
did a $2,000,000 business in 1923. Herman is a twin brother of A. H. Woods, the
■J V,'** pr°ir" W°,°d' “ Al Herman's professional name. “I'm rich enouyh."
•Ala HermAn (left), as he turned over the business.
f L
I Osage Indian h tapper* in!
Capital—When a dele
I gation of 77 Osage In
diana from Oklahoma
visited the capital to con
fer with federal officials
on various Indian affairs,
two Indian flappers ac
companied the group. Left
to right in the group
above are Mrs. Red Eagle,
Miss Rose Wagoshe and
Miss Mary Red Eagle. The
child is little Miss Julia
Rvd Eagle. The two young
Indian girls, in their mod
ern dress, present a strik
ing comparison with the
old Indian squaw.
William H. Vanderbilt Take. Job at Office Boy^^Vdlian^^
Vanderbilt, who it tkown with hit bride, the former Emily O'Neil !
Davit, liket the banking butinett to well that he hat determined
to learn it from the ground up The ton of the late Alfred Cwynne
Vanderbilt and heir to $20,000,000 hat become an office boy
for Lee. Higginton A Co, bankert. of Botton and New York, 1
and it drawing an office boy't talary, which doet not begin to
pay the eipemet of keeping five tervantt and a butler at hit
Beacon Hill home. He arrive, at the office on the dot, runt er
rand. and doet everything elte that a $15 a-week office boy it
tuppoted to do. ____
Girl of the Golden West Mm Donn Glover, who ihowi how the girl of the golden
west rides her rearing, snorting mustang Mis. Glover was one of the man, cow
girl, who participated in the rodeo at Hollywood, arranged in honor of William G _
McAdoo, former secretary of the treasury.
Mrs. M E. Handler it
one of the crack
Omaha Athletic club
swimmers taught by
Coach Pete Wendell.
She is particularly
adept at fancy iwim
Count S.lm a. a Desert She,k —Here is pictured the Count Ludwig S.lm von Hooe
s raeten in the character of a sheik at hr appeared in a motion picture His amatmg
romance with Millicent Rogers, whom he married not long ago, reveals, bit by bit*
interesting episodes in his life as a film player.
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