ales Leaves in May on South African Trip London. Feb. 9.—Hay 2 has been provisionally fixed as the date for the fleparture of the prince of Wales on his state visit to South Africa. ft has been found Impossible to de lach a battle cruiser from the British Atlantic fleet for the prince to travel in. so that he will make the voyage in one of the ordinary liners. He will not travel as an ordinary passenger, however, and special suite* will lie prepared for the prince and hi* staff. He will be away about three months. Women Need More Vitamines Paris, Feb. 9.—A man can live twice a* long on a diet without vitamines as can a woman. This is the latest discovery of science, as reported to the Academy of Science her# by Prof. Jules Sim onet, the well known physiologist. Professor Sirr.onet told the academy that he had experimented on a va riety of animal* and had found that in each variety the case was the same—the males lived 60 day* on a devltaminlzed diet, *nd the females only 30 days. He did not say what this proved. t Sk . m ■ What the Smartly Dressed * Woman of Paris and New York Is Wearing Presented to the Women of Omaha at The Brandeis Store The smartly dressed resident of Parii or New York is "going in” for the tailored mode. Her gowns, suits and coats are characterized by a charming boyish chic—an air of masculinity that ii most becoming. 1 he women of Omaha will find on our Second Floor a comprehensive selection of interpretations of the mode current in the Fashiin Centers of America and Europe. She Chooses the , “Billy Boy” Suit —developed in twill or charmeen, materials that are especially suit ed to its swagger, boyish lines. Braid binding or tucking is its only adornment. The favored colors are cocoa, tan, navy. 29.75 to 195.00 To Complete It a Clever Blouse —is the thing, tailored in lines, feminine in finish. Soft lustrous silk in rich colors of powder blue, sheik, bamboo or sunset for * dress; crisp white lingerie blouses for street and business wear. 5.00 to 25.00 She Favors The Tailleur - for atreet or business wear. Charmeen, velour, jersey or flan nel are adapted to its slim tailored lines. Many dresses of crepe de chine soften their simplicity with lingerie collars and cuffs. 29.50 to 150.00 The Versatile Sweater —plays many parts in her ward robe. It appears as a slip-on, jacquette or mandarin coat, of mohair, fiber silk or mixtures. Some of the colors are pablo, sun set, moss green, lacquer, red. 5.00 to 25.00 Sseend Floor She Wears AWoolyWrap — fashioned of imported woolen fabrics of soft, shaggy weave. Tweeds, Scotch mixtures, novelty plaids are used. Coats are plain or luxuriously fur trimmed with Viatka squirrel or soft, fluffy fox. 45.00 to 125.00 A Bright Neto Sport Skirt —of flannel is an important part of her sport costume. It may be knife pleated, combination pleat ed or in wrap-around style. Checked velours and imported fabrics are used in many models. 5.00 to 25.00 Monday—A Special Purch ase and Sale of Distinctive Spring Hats Large Selection of the Newest Models Featuring Hats for A AA Tailored, Dress, Sport Hats Immediate Wear XWeV/V/ In Various Styles Through co-operation with foremost New York makers we obtained this wonderful collection of smart Spring hats at such great price concessions that we can offer them to you _ at this low price. ^ In this group the outstanding features are distmetive i ness, originality and smartness. Every hat hears Ihe stamp of quality obtainable only in high priced cre ations. i’he variety is large—included are models for miss and matron: snug little hats for the bobbed hair girl, hats of dignity and beauty for the older woman. Hats of Tim bo Straw Braids Straw Combined with Silk, Crepe or Novelty Fabrics Hats Trimmed With Embroidery, Flowers, Ostrich Feathers, Novel Ornaments Hats of Black, Moss Green, Brick, Chink Blue, Cocoa, 4 Tan, Canna, A Henna, Copper I ' Stcond Floor Lightning Scarce. Honolulu. Feb. 9.—This city, along with its other climatic attraction*, is practically safe from the dangers of lightning. This fact was pointed out recently by Thomas A. lilair. United States weather bureau chief, follow ing the first thunder storm here In j ears. The reason for this lack of electric storm*. according to Blair, is that the Island la swept almoat continuously by a sea breeze, which serves to drtve the charged thunder clouds against the central mountain range, from where they are deflected upward and discharge their electricity at high altitudes. The recent storm followed an unusual period of heat and calm. M an Kirked by Elephant Collapses a Month Eater Chicago, Keb. 9.—John J. Dost, 23, realizes todoy that when an elephant kicks one it in nothing to laugh at. One of the big beast* let him hav* It last fall when he was working .4 Son Antonio, l'ex., for a circus 1* winter quarters there. It broke h * knee cap. He started back to Chb cago. More than a month later I • collapsed on a Chicago street as 1 r» suit, according to doctors, of the ele phant's kick. __ % '__ Monday—Specials in Babies’ Wearing Apparel New Arrivals From France and Belgium Hand Made Dresses Tiny people require many, many dresses for every occasion. These, made by French and Belgium women, are designed to meet every need. Exquisitely hand made with painstaking care, yet they are priced most moderately. Simple little dresses for morning wear—daintily- embroidered affairs for everyday—beautiful lace and embroidery trimmed frocks for “dress-up’’ and elaborate robes for christening and similar occasions. All are made of sheerest quality nainsook and the finest India linen. Sizes from infants to 2 years. Priced according to their elaborateness— 98c 1.98 5.98 6.98 Nothing that can contribute to the comfort and welfare of ba bies and tiny tots has been over looked in our Infants’ Depart ment. A trained nurse is in charge and she will gladly an swer any questions and assist you in any possible way. . infants’ Uoats Fine quality white cashmere well lined and showing excellent workman ship. A touch of hand work on the cuffs and turn down collar add a bit of daintiness. Sizes 6 months, 6.98 1 and 2 years. Special,.each, Third Floor—East Embroidered Dresses Trimmed with hand drawn work in joke and slepves and finished with real 1 O CA Val or Irish lace. Spneal, each, *"*,%*v Children’s Hats Styles suitable for both boys and girls are shown in these felt, plush and velvet hat§, many of which arc good 1 AA to O QO Spring models. Kach, * •"V 0*90 Monday Offerings In— Household i Linens Specially Priced If 300 Odd Table Cloths I All linen; soiled and mussed from di< J play. Included are pattern, scalloped and hemstitched cloths, fulj or silver bleached. Kxcep- 1 to C QO tional values; from Q»I70 Hemmed Linen Towels— These are our own importa tion. Made from pure flax. 18xd2-inch size; spe- OQ-, eially priced at, each, Linen Huck Towels — Hem stitched, damask bordered towels. A monogram space is left in the'desigu, 17xi>4-inch size, regular 7Hc value, apeeial at. each, Crochet Bed Spreads—Snowy white in the eonven- O ient 78x88-inch size. “* * ** Fine Turkish Towels—A real ly unusual vnlue at this price. Snowy white with colored borders, heavy double thread quality; ]7xd4-ineh OEp size; special, each, ^/\ dainty embroideries at, X • # %7 Third Floor—Ctnt#r j Monday- Presenting the Brandeis “Polly Prim” A Smart Supper Jar Present Time Wear I'here's something demure about Ihese quaint little slippers with their huge nickel plated buckles and novel cut out sides. To see a pair is to want a pair. Developed in light weight black calfskin or mo mi over, lustrous patent leather, the walking heel is both smart and decidedly comfortable to wear. I lie real surprisa of these little shoes is in the price. think of it, the season's most nppronil nun! els, rer\ spatially priori I at only, pair. Third Moor hast New Smart Rhinestone Buckles and Clasps The vogue for tube-like frock* continue*; to break their severity Fashion decree* buckle* and clasps. Wonderful affair* are being shown in our Trimming Department, in any number of da rlmg design* and combination* of color*. Values to 3..'>0, each— 98c to 1.98 Main Moor—Center Monday and Tuesday Last two days of our special demonstration by Miss Gypsy Williams, th» Indianapolis beauty. Mii.eralava flrauty Clay, QO ‘J bO value, special, 2/0C Dni|> and Toilet C,oods Pspiiisusl Main Kloor - West