The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, February 10, 1924, CITY EDITION, PART THREE, Page 1-C, Image 25

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    i The i imaha Sunday Bee I jssxsrz*
' *»— —— i. ____— — ■
Drama League
Bulletins the
R- Aitnur Guiou, president of
• Omaha Drama league, stated Fri
i-! lh»t. t!jo league would bulletin
th** appearance of Miss Ruth St.
D~nis and Ted Shawn and their coni
'■any of dancers at The P.randeis the*
1 er the nights of February 10, 00,
ponsored by the local Altrusa club.
In its bulletins, the Drama league
endeavors In serve as a theatrical
> aide tc» Its members." said Mrs Gul
• u. “The Denishawn dancers, repre
senting/ns they dn, a real achieve
ment irf American art. are worthy not
only the note, hut the support of the
Drama League." Mrs. tkiiou re
nin rked.
Knlirely different programs will be
pi en it each of the DenLshawti per
f Miriam's Tuesday night, the num
bers will he "Th* Spirit of the Sea,"
an elemental dance poem; “The Fea
•ther of the Dawn," a Pueblo pastoral,
six divertissements concluding with
"The Legend of the Ptacock” by Miss
Si. Ijt-nis. "Cuadro Flamenco." a
• P-'iiisli gypsy dame scene: ‘lshln»
• I the .‘-even Ga a my-sth- dance
"t Babylonia.
Wednesday night' progi am will
jrainic music visualizations. ;• meth
•»d of music interpretation unique
with ih* J* nishawiis: a Spanish
suite. “Xochitl." a dance drama
hutted upon an ancient Toltee legend;
in Oriental gruun including “Ghina."
1 i etc. •'India," “Siam. ' Java."
'‘Japan ‘ and * ■ ,,ypt
The gorgeon.-, costumes weie do
• giied by Miss St. Denis. Ted Shawn
r od Pearl Wheelei and executed at
the Denishawn studio in New York
/ -—
Miss Cmiis \'\ t-tls Tomorrow.
The marriage of Miss Laura Lnnis,
daughter of All's. Daniel R. Iannis, to
David II Bowman. son of Mr and
Alls !•* D Wend, will !>♦ solemnized
Monday night, 8:30 o'clock at the
home of the bride's mother. The cere
mony will be simple in .detail. Mr.
Bowman and his bride wilj go to the
Grand Canyon foi a short time, then
on to California, where they will be
Joined by Mr. and Mrs. Wead for sev
cia! weeks' visit on the coast
To Cuba.
Mr. anti Mrs. Stanley Napier and
.dr and Mrs. Id. K. Buck will nu lo
New Orleans and Cuba next week.
Mr Napier and Mr. Buck left yester
day fur New York. They will meet
Mrs. Napier and Mrs. Buck in Chi
iipp on llielr return next week ami
he foursome will journey southward |
Tom there.
v? --r
L ot(/'S Se IU1S ^■Ut'gcss /*N U
son VJjtd U pewell pmoto /)
Omaha School Men
Banquet a n d Program at
Technical High. 'I ues
day, February 12.
Tuesday. February 12. has been set
aside as Ladies’ night in the Omaha
school men’s calendar. This year the
men at Technical will net as hosts.
More than 100 couples will he present.
Robert Galt is chairman of the ban
rjuet committee. Miss Kate Kiewit,
and the girls of the domestic science
department, are cooperating to serve
the dinner.
L. A. Detring and assistants will
provide decorations and favors.
Ira O. Jones is in charge of the re
ception, and H. W, Wendland and his
committee will provide the entertain-,,
ment. All music will he furnished by
Technical High orchestra numbers.
Prominent on the program will be
a trip through the supert. new
building for those who care to see the
various departments of the school.
There will be games, dancing and
cards to help make the evening en
All Saints Pancake lea.
Mrs. W, II Wheeler has introduced
a new id»a in Omaha She is sponsor
ing a pancake <ea on Shrove Tues
day. the day before lent at All Saints
church. The various women's socie
ties of the church will have their best
pancake makers pn band and these
Shrove Tuesday pancakes will be
served from the noon hour until all
the hungry are fed. •
Mrs. Wheeler says the idea of pan
cakes on Shrove Tuesday came from *
England where the housewives served
these lttelous eriddle cakes to their
friends who called before the long
lenten abstinence began. They served
sweet syrups and jellies and mar
malade with these cakes and made
Shrove Tuesday a very festive oc
Mrs. Wheeler has appointed Mrs.
Frank Adams. Mrs. Charles Gyger.
Miss Clara Thomas as the commis
sary committee for the tea. and Mrs.
John T Yates will have charge of
the tables; Mrs Frank Phot well ths
publicity and Mrs. T. L. Davis the
recipes for the Shrove Tuesday pan
Table reservations may be made
with Mrs. Wheeler. Mrs. Sam Caid
well, Mrs. Kirkendail and Mr« W.
Dainty Dancer Is Producer
— for Junior League Cabaret
Long since, Mrs. Lewis Burgess endeared herself to
Omaha as a dainty dancer in Junior League Revues. At the
league Mah Jongg ball this year, she will have opportunity
to prove her talent in a new role, that of producer. Mrs.
Burgess, seen here with her young son. Ward II. is chair
man of cabaret features of the ball which will be given at
the Brandeis April 25, 26. It will be a big social affair, not
a benefit, and the public will be invited to attend. Cabaret
and dancing will fill late evening hours and supper will be
served after midnight. Mrs. Burgess is guaranteeing a
“money’s worth” cabaret, in which the league’s most stun
ning girls will appear.
Miss Gladys Peters is chairman for the event, assisted
by Miss Hilda Hammer. Mrs. Glenn Wharton has charge
of reservations; Miss Claire Uaugherty, of the cast;-Mrs.
Yale Holland, costumes, and Miss Erna Reed, properties.
Was It Congratulation or
In the Language of Flowers, What Do Jonquils Mean
—A New Method for Taking European
Travel—The Triangle Again.
WDRE flowers by way of con
gratulation or condolence'.’
Divorce proceedings of a
~.^u-y beautiful woman and tier distant
and erstwhile husband were an
nounced some days ago. On Hie eve
ning and Hie day. thereof, a hand
some bowl of saucy tulips gave a
touch of gayety to her apartment.
Jonquils glowed in their place the
following day.
Were (iiey a note of spring and
hope? Of merely evidence of n sym
pathetic friend?
Gabby admits she does not know.
A widower or a bachelor, each a for
mer King of Ak-Sar-Ben, might have
sent them Both are callers on this
cory charming woman, and the
friendships date hack to childhood
days. Romance would seem rather ap
propriate and would certainly be
thrilling whether she chose the sub
stantlal bachelor or the genial and
much betraveled widower.
Perhaps someone who knows thr
language of flowers will volunteer to
interpret for Gabh.v.
CETIIOCGH it is maintained
the "Mechanical Age" which
we are now enjoying is a great
lumper upon the "resourcefulness of
individuals,” and reformers cry out
tlle requiem of tho "fading home life, ■’
lhere arc many Oniahana who do find
entertainment in their own living
rooms almost nightly.
Tho George McIntyres are well
known hosts for musical evenings and
it Is a joy to their friends when the
invitations are extended and a four
some or sixeome forms tho group.
The bridge lamps burn frenqucntly at
(lie llalieck Rose home where Mr. and
Mrs. Rose and a few friends usually
a twosome, figure the ever Intriguing
Vrldge hand. The Charles Mortons,
-"'ir„ are Mnh Jongg fane with radio
Intermissions and the C. iBeidens
find reading aloud the evening pleas
And so tho bright lights of Doug
ins street, our ’ liti In Broadway 1
twinkle in vain for these home folk
who arc entertaining unto themselve*. .
WANTED to fitid:
A 'woman who is nut dieting,
or a group of women anywhert
who do not make "calorie*'' the fea
tun of a luncheon conversation.
A bachelor who.returns social com
tCHies. extended by bin married friend
Anyone at all age. sex or color not
a consideration, who refrain* from
saving upon entering a room when
a grate fire burns. "A fireplnt e i
so cozy!"
The person who doesn't say "My
finesses nevei work" or "She doesn't
take a good photograph"It's her
animation that make-, hoi m am.u
Komeone who can pay A compliment*
without saying, "Don't you love It!"
A feminine who can show a piece
of her own Jewelry without comment
ing: "F’.nt it is . diri\. I must have
it cleaned."
WHAT day, or what newspaper.
Would he complete without a!
least one bright saving from
some < hi Id?
Not this one, at. lea. -t
it happened at a school in fluid*
! Rock, Neb , ami in one of tho lower
"What Is the capital of Nebraska?"
I teacher nuked the proverbial Johnnie.
"N.” replied the n snurceftil child
brightly, and we contend, cnrraelly.
IF geometry hud only been ns In
teresting in school a* triangles
have become in married life.
The latest trl sided figure coining
to our notice, involve; two men and
u woman. Th* woman was formerly
t lie w ife of one of f hr angles and is
myw married t«» t lie othei. The set
ting Is sunny fallfornia.
I The divorce between the couple of
t>io first pari, look place In Omaha
some years ago. The husband was
prominent |n theatrical circles. After
severing his offlclnl connections here
a year ago. he journeyed to Cali
fornia. Visiting members of his fam
ily. a daughter to bo exact, lie met
husband numb* r 15. and forsooth liked
Now \n• have It that the two men
an « bum- and the middle-aged three
in . parable Perhaps t lie years rm 1
low and soften Hie heart after nil.
Belurning Wires* to
Be Knlertained.
Alts A V Hhotwell Is awaiting tlie
an Iviil of Miss Florence Fair, who
tomes on February '11 wit it the
Sot liei it Marlow * company. t“ • omple’t
her plans to honor Miss Fair during
lir r engagement here. Miss Fair l»u •
visited Omaha before, having played
the loud In “The Hat" two seasons
it go when sin* was much entertained
and complimented upon her charm
and beauty.
Children** Party.
Mi*, c. M Word *nt*rtaln*d 11
III Hi' y im"i|h at her hum* Friday hnn
minB thr 12th birthday Hiintvoniar.v
nf l’i i dnughtri. Uni'inii*. firing*
W aahlnctnn bi'i-nrotlon* wer« used.
I lie I,al«> Mrs. Harrows in
(iliapliii l*i« turr.
I'nofid** of the late M I -n u
P m own have been Ipk her thb*
week In the Charlie Chaplin picture.
A WOrnan of Pans ’, at 11 . Sun
theater. Mi* narrow* Hv• <I In Oma
ha for mnny yearn. Sho e the «h nth
i'f her hunhand 12 yearn n>.» *h< ha
made her home in I .on Am.' l's ami
the movie* have been a pant into for
her. She waa very att'lklng In appeal
eno# Her role in 'lie Chaplin p me
WNl that of "ihe rleheat old Tnald I i
Part*” Mr*. Ritrow* died hot • p
t ember
Mr*. Hairy NnhoHon of Omahn
daughter of Mi*. hiunow*, bad hoped
11«» have her mother \ltdt her this w.n
I ter. "It i» strait^ ahr ron.cs hi i pic
t ore Instead of in life.*' said Mis.
N Irh'dsen.
(in < ,o»c«>rt (.lull.
Mi 8 A. \ Kinski Miss lllanqhc
Si i < ii' n. Muj Miller and lies
ter Pn hson Copper are taking reset
vatloim for the City Concert club
luncheon, Hntndefa i« id.iurunts. Mon
dav, 12 fj Plans will he made for
music a * • -V election of officers.
Vnl**nliin* Sii|»|»«‘r Ditnci'.
Mi h Max I’riuiinkin will entertain
2 uUi Ml.* at the St. \ aietdine suppei
dance at the Hramiels restaurant.
I'muiptial \ffair« fur Mi"
M**it*ryiirgen. Remit e M*deryurger. • to be
entertained At many prenuptial affairs
timing the next two week* On Mon
tty. Kobmarv 11. Mr* Richaid 1 Mil
man entertains ut a handkerchief
shower at lv*r home Tuesday, Feb
ruary I.*. Mr* John Davison, who Is
to he Miss Melerv tir*ren * matron of
honor, will l»e hostess it a bridge
pnrty of 12. and a miscellaneous
shower Wednesdm February !J.
Miss Helen StoUenhcrg entertains
with a shower and ken>»ngton On
Thursday February 11 Mrs Russell
Halley entertain* at hrldg4 February
HU Mrs. Richard Hiller will be hos
t*ss at a bridge party fot 12. and In
the evening Mias Kdlth Willilrand
will entertain at bridge
Monday the following week Mrs
J Willard Hreen entertains at bridge
February 22 Mis. I merson Hoodrfch
and Mi** Isabel Pearsall will lr
hostesses at a bridge party at the
hotne of Mi* Hoodrleh On Saturday.
February 2". Mi* Peter Kievvit en
trrtaln* at three tables of bridge
\ nicotine I* irt> ai Nursei i
\alentine IM> will be observed
iIn oninha Dn.v Nufkerv in charge
• f Junior League git Is
Amateur Musical President
on Fine Arts Program
Eugenie Whitmore Dinkins will appear on the program
presented by the Amateur Musical club at the Omaha So
ciety of Fine Arts galleries in the public library this after
noon at 4 o’clock. The public is invited to attend. There is
no charge.
Mrs. Dinkins will play “Novelette.” by Schumann, and
“Left Hand Etude.” by Foote. She will also assist Mr?.
Conrad Young and Miss Von Mansfelde in trio numbers,
for violin, cello and piano. Mrs. Harry Steel and Mrs.
Harry Nicholson will sing solo numbers, and Mrs. Young
will play a violin group.
President of the Amateur Musical clul>this year is Mrs.
Dinkins. Her mother, the late Mrs. H. P. Whitmore, was
one of the organizers of this musical organization.
Mrs. Dinkins leaves Thursday for a short visit in the
east. In Washington she will visit Mrs. Harry A. \\ illiams,
formerly Miss Marthena Harrison of Omaha.
Comings and Go
ings of People
You Know
P H. Johnson Is In New York on a
business trip
Miss Harriet Metz l« planning a
trip to New York in the early spring.
Mrs Carl Modaaltt of .Denver will
arrive on February 17 to visit Mrs
C T Stier.
M ‘3 Henrietta Keeg It.itf* Monday
for New York She will return by
way of Florida.
Mr and.Mr« A V Shotwoll enter
•ained eight guests »t dinner at their
home Saturday
Miss Iluth Cochran returned T.-urs
day from I ,o« Angelos, where site
• pent the last six months.
Mr an I Mrs \V. M Joffers and
family are planning to take the
Alaskan cruise this summer
Mrs Jane Buck of Waterloo la is
.iie week end geest of her s. n and his
wife. Mr. and Mrs K K Buck
Mr* Perry Regard « entertained
17 guests at a bridge luncheon at the
burgess Nash tea room Saturday.
.Mrs James Aden and Mi** M.ry
tirei*t. principal of B nomft school,
are planning a summit1 trip abroad j
Mrs lohn Murphy of Kansas C;t\ l
came Friday to spend two weeks!
x'tih her parents Mr and Mrs Owen
Mi*, l.dihie Hu'St’i nr* Sv. ita*
for l.incoln to vl*lt her pa-outs she
will ifcompnnv her fathei on a west
ern trip shortly and upon lmr .Cut
will reside m l.incoln,
i ■ 4
Mr* Mill* M. Swoon \ and d.i,;g!
ier Marlon Mowed : ••tumrl from
Clorida with -Mrs Mi Swoon, * s fall,
er. I S Howell and will bo at Ho
llow,ll home for several **--.-k*
Mis Will M.doti, * ,.,*.- Monday
evening for Chicago to meet Mr Ms
loney who Is returning from nn east
ern business Hip. Mr a-d Mrs Ma
1,-ne.v will spend the week tn Chi
or, g o.
Mrs v p Blaeklcdg, wife o(
l ieutenant black lodge, w ho has been
stationed at Coronado Cal . m the
naval service, hat been visiting a
week With her Mstei Mi* c n
l'nin.’r Slie I, ft Saturday m, ruing
l*t Join Mrs l’aoe at Kansas City
From there they will proceed on their
way to Pensacola. Fla., to join their
husbands, who are to enter the naval
aviation service.
Mr. and Mrs Floyd Grrvey former
ly of Omaha, are now making their
home in lavs Angeles having found
quarters nesrr the home of Mr* Gro
vey's parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. M
Malehein. who have been living in
California for the past five year*.
Mr. and Mrs. I.eon Millard who
have spent the last four weeks m
Havana, are planning to return
about February IT. spending a few
'ays in New Orleans en route, ac
cording to word received by Omaha
Miss Marjorie Pancoast daughter "
of Mr and Mrs A. C. Pancoast, who
i« at Wellesley, fs spending this week
end in New York City w ith her room
mate. Miss Grace Kleanor Griffith
of Memphis.' Mrs. Griffith i* chape- .
roning the young ladles
Mrs James Ferris Aull left Wed
need ay to visit her mother. Mrs.
George Banfield, In Kansas City. Mrs.
Aull wrtil remain until after February
14 to attend the wedding of her sis
ter. Mi-'.- Ann Banfield. t- H. rold
Huonker of Springfield. c>
Miss Katherine Reynolds, and her
father. K M Reynolds, returned Fri
day from New York. The short skirts
are back. Mls< Reynolds assures us.
Suils will be popular, with abort boy
ish style ooats Materials run to
plainness and a grem deal of navy
blue will be worn Miss Reynolds
says "The Miracle' is the most popu
lav play in New York and holds the
SntoreNt to the end,
Phi llrlta I’si
Phi belts Psi will entertain at
luncheon Saturday at the B.,s
1 drank at everv vine.
The la»t was like the lust
I i ami- upon no wlm
So wonderful as thirst
I gnawed at eteiv root
I ate of every plant
I nine upon no fruit •
So wonderful a» want
Fil’d the grape and bean
To the tinter and monger.
I will lie down lean
With un thirst iml mi trngci
B\ t do i si \ mi t mi Millay
V--- J