550 Soft Drink Parlors to Ask % for 1924 License Fee of $5 Annually Relic of Dajs of Brass Rail and Comfy Chairs of Saloon. Th« annual granting of licenses to proprietors of soft drink parlors by '*■« city council reminds the old In habitants of the days of "hard drink parlors.” The city charges the soft drink es tablishments $3 a year. Each applica tion is investigated by police depart ment before the council acts. Last .roar the council granted 636 soft drink permits. There were about 600 in 1322 and this year it is believed the tot til will be about 550. It does not require much capital nor kill to open a soft drink emporium. Among the present operators are some who were saloonkeepers in the days when pretzels were popular and brass footfalls were provided for thirsty ones. » The "saloon” of today does not have a definite social status. It may befound in a regular soft drink place, in a pool ball, cigar store, delicatessen, drug store, and in all sorts of stores. Many of these publie places are of humble appearance. No brilliant glnsware on the back bar, no more comfy easy chairs where pat rons may fraternize while sipping, and all that sort of thing. The theory of requiring soft drink proprietors to obtain permits is to give the1 city council and police au thority. There were several revocations dur ing the last year. Farmers Won’t Buy Gas; Return to “Old Dobbin” Norfolk, Neb., Feb. 3.—Evidence of revolt among the farmers against the high price of gasoline has been seen here during the last few days in the increasing number of horse drawn ve hicles coming to town. "I know of several farmers who have put up their cars and are driv ing horses because they feel they can’t afford to buy gasoline at 20 3-4 cents,” said one farmer. "Feed is comparatively cheap and gas high. What we lose in time tie gain in economy.” Investigations disclosed an un usually large number of teams hitched in out-of-the-way places about the business district although the roads are good. Colorado Hermit May Be Nebraska Doctor 'pedal Dispatch to The Omaha Bvf. Table Rock, Neb., F*b. I.—A mys tery of 15 years standing seems to be near solution. Fifteen years ago. Dr. J. A. Will iamson was a practising physician In Du Cols. He disappeared, with no ap parent cause. His disappearance had been consigned to the category of un solved mysteries. In a recent Issue of the Denver I'nst was a story giving a history of ■ hermit who for several years had made his home In the White River National forest. This hermit tally's closely with the description of lJr. Williamson. Peonle of DuGois and relatives of the doctor are now In vestigating the story'. Donor of Columbus j Library Site Dies Columbus, Neb., Feb. 9.—Mrs. Bet ty Gerrard, 71, resident of Columbus since 1875, donor of the public library she In Columbus and widow of the late Beamier Gerrard died Thursday night from apoplexy. Sho w as born In Columbus, O. In 18.i1. Sho wan ."> years old when her parents sot out in a prairie echooner. migrating to Nebraska. Youth Pays Auto Hire ^ itli Bad Checks; Jailed Special Dispatch to The Omaha Her. Columbus, Neb., Feb. 9.—Gove of automobile joyriding landed James J. Smith, 23, in the county jail to await filing of formal charges for writing no fund checks to a taxi company. Smith has been employed at a local hotel as porter. Several tlmea he rented a “drive-lt-yourself” and paid Ills bill with bad checks drawn on a local bank. Red Cloud to Vote on School Special Dlapsteh to Th# Omaha Bee. Red Cloud, Neb., Feb. 9.—The board of education has decided to submit at the spring election a proposition #to vote $60,000 bonds for an addition to the high school. The old junior high school burned down nearly a year ago, whfch has made It difficult to care for the pu pils. ADVERTISEMENT. UPSET STOMACH, GAS, INDIGESTION t ' Chew a few Pleasant Tablets, —Stomach Feels Fine! So pleasant, so Inexpensive, so quick to settle an upset stomach. The moment "Pape’s IMapepsin" reaches the stomach all pain and distress from Indigestion or a sour, gassy stomach vanishes. Millions know its magic. All drug gists rsoommend this harmless stom ach eorrectlva. — -— t, 1 1 Woman Ranking High in Popularity Contest Miss Winifred Dempsey, one of the leaders in the Knights of Columbus' popularity contest, which is to bo do eided in connection with a. carnival to be held February 23 to Mtyeh 2. Farmer Falls Against Buzz Saw; Arm Is trashed Special I>l*|»ltrli tn The Otnulm Her. Beatrice, Neb., Feb. 9.—Garrett Bax received a gash in his tight forearm when he fell against a buzzsaw op erating on his farm east of Crab Orchard. He was weak from loss of blood before the services of a physi cian could be secured. ADVERTISEMENT. HIVE KIDNEYS , L Take Salts to Wash Kidneys if Back Pains You or Bladder Bothers. Flush your kidneys by drinking a quart of water each day. also take salts occasionally, says a noted ait thority, who tells us that too much rich food forms acids which almost paralyze the kidneys in their efforts to expel it from the blood. They be come sluggish and weaken; then you may suffer with a dull misery in the kidney region, stiarp pains in Ihe back or sick headache, dizziness, your stomach sours, tongue is coated, and when the weather is bad you have rhemuatlc twinge*. The urine gets cloudy, fuTI of sediment, the channels often get sore and irritated, obliging you to seek relief two or three times during the night. To help neutralize these Irritating acids, to help cleanse the kidneys and flush off the body's urinous waste, get four ounces of .Tad Saits from any pharmacy here; take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast to'r a few days, and your kidneys may then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes anil lemon juice, combincil with lithia. and has been used for years to help flush and stimulate sluggish kidneys; also to neutralize the acids in the system so they no longer Irritate, thus often relieving bladder weakness. Jad Malts is inexpensive; can not injure and makes a delightful efferves cent lithia-watcr drink. By ail means have your physician examine your kidneys at least twice a year. AIIVKRT1SKMKNT. BUB Pill OUI OF BflEUHHIC JOIBIS For 05 years, mlUlons have rtibh soothing. penetrating St. Jacobs <>.l right on the tender spot, and by lh< lime they say Jack I '.obinson — out comes the rlieij matlc pain and il is a harmless rheumatism and •si in Unirnent which never disappoints and doesn't burn the skin. It takes pain, soreness and stiff ness from aching joints, muscles and bones; stops sciat ica, lumbago, back ache ajid neuralgia. 35 cent bottle guaranteed by all druggists. HAIR BEAUTY “Makes Hair Grow” Lumco is more than a hair tonic —it corrects any scalp disorders and restorer youthful beauty to thin and fading hair. Not sticky or greasy. For sale by Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. / Annual Grover Shoe Sale Starts Monday Mail Orders Will Be Prepaid At A Special Discount No doubt everyone knows Grover’s Shoes are sold on contract not to cut prices. We have special permission from the Grt>ver factory to of fer a, special discount for a period of one week, February 11 to 1G. Any Grover Shoe 2 0 Discount One Fifth Less Grover Dress High Shoes, Smart Oxfords, Patent Pumps, Mili tary Heels. Our entire stock of Grover Shoes, 31 styles to select from. All sizes in every stylo. * i Soft Shoesfor Tender Feet Sold Regularly from $6.00 to $10.00 * ' ' ■ Jill ^ Coney Island Red rcof ioc Downstaris Daily Plat* Luncheon, 25c fourth Floor A “Once Yearly” Selling Event of Widespread Importance A February Sale of % * Purchases, Aggregating Thousands of D allars - -b rough1 about “Price Concessions” that We Pass on to You Novelty Shantung Suiting $2.88 Finest quality of heavy im ported Shantung in biadere and parallel stripes, an ac ual $4.50 value; 40 inches wide. i Decidedly Special Vella Velour Just 500 yards of this most beautiful of all knit fabrics, in a large range of colors, including many beautiful sport shades. (Subject to slight imperfections.) Set Windows. , s.-S Beautiful New Printed Crepes $1.69 ! Printed materials are the thing for spring for dresses, coolie blouses and combina tions. IA Feature of Great Importance $1°° Silks Color and Weaves Wash Satins White and flesh Wash $ dtf /I Q Satin. J J The most dependable H quality on the market. Lingerie Tubing An excellent lace-like quality. Orchid, pink, flesh, white. All Silk Crepes • A special purchase permits us to offer these wonder ful high grade silks, including Satin Canton, Satin Spiral (similar to Roshanarat, Hat Crepe, Crepe Re main# and heavy Crepe de Chines, at so low a price. Ail wanted colors, also plenty of black. j Printed Crepes Ail that is new and beau* /tl a r* tiful in printed crepes from M.S5 to the small mah-jong prints - to the more daring design*. IJ j V G • Metal Cloth Genuine tinsel metal cloth rfs rw P* for evening millinery. ^ 18 'y etc . shown in five beauti- ' _ ful combinations The kind ■ tha* usually sells for $5 OS yQ* , A Solid Carload LivingRoomSuites Go On Sale ‘Monday $175 3 Pc. Suites 3-piece living room suite uphol stered in high grade of velour*, built upon Webb bottom, loose .spring filled cushions, large wing chair and straight chair. * $275.00 Mohair Suites All our Mohair Suites, carved frames and loose cushions. $200.00 Cane Suites Mahogany finish Cane Suite, loose cushions, high grade velour. (3rd Floor) A Carload Sale Seconds Congoleum Rugs (3rd floor I Imperfections Are So Slight in Many Instances Hardly Noticeable. C Congoleum Rugs ' 4-6*4-6 Regular $3 Value $1.85 V t:,ch J /-N Congoleum Rugs 0x9 Ref. $9 Value, $5.98 v ^ ) ^Congoleum Rug»^^ 3x6 Reg $2 50 Y'alue $1.69 “Firsts” Congoleum Rugs Genuine Congoleum Huge. Gold Seal, all perfect quality and all patterns and colorings. Size 18x36, regular 6tfc \alue, at, each . 39c Size 5*3, regular $140 value, at. each . .98 C Size 6x9, regular $9.00 value, at. each .f.$7.45 Size 7:6x9, regular $11.25 value, at .$9.35 Size 9x9, regular $13.50 value, at, each . $11.25 Size 9x10:6, regular $15.75 value, at...$12.95 Size 9x12, regular $18.00 value, at .$14.85 Size 9x15, regular $22.50 value, "t .$18.75 ‘Seconds’ Congoleum Rugs Unborder*d Art Rues Same quality as Gold Seal Rugs, except Art Rugs come without borders. Size fix9 . 84.75 Size 7:6x9 . 85.98 Sire 9x9. 80.OS Size 9x10:6 88.45 'ire 9x12. 80.48 Genuine Congoleum Rugs, slightly imperfect. Large selection of patterns. Sire 7:6x9, regular $11.25 value at . 87.49 Size 9x9, regular $13.50 value. at ...88 95 Sire 9x10:6, regular $15.75 value. at.810.45 Size 9x12, regular $18.00 value, at . .. 811.95 Size 9x15, regular $22.50 value, at .S14.98y r ~ s Starting Monday Interesting Sales of Ne cessities for Home Use, Priced Considerably Un der Regular. Housewares WOOD CHISELS I Sizes range from 1 ■> inch I lo 2 inches, made of high grade tool steel. Regu larly sold at up to $1.45. Very Special for CQ., ! Monday. Choice.. tJ»7v RACHET BIT BRACES “Stanley,” “Miller Falls” ; in sizes from <5 to 12 inches. Reg. $3.85. Very Special Mon- tf* 1 CA day at . BROOMS Regularly 75c. Special for Monday BIRD CAGES Fancy Bird Cages with removable bottom tray and seed guards. Regu ; Iarlv $4.25 to $4.75 val " $3.48 Liquid Veneer Mop with 5-ft. handle and 1 Bottle Polish. Regular QQ $1.25. Special at. . */0C Downstairs V) -. Start the Week by Saving Money in HAYDEN’S Grocery and Market 5,000 CANS FRUITS 23c Value* Up to 35c No. 2'i large size white cherries. No. 2 large size red pitted cherries, packed in heavy syrup; No. 3 large cans of asparagus, very se lect variety; No. 24 large cans, eatra large select peaches in 35 degree heavy syrup. Hayden’s Health Flour. .$1.70 Blue Bell Flour.$1.58 3 cans Wilson Milk.27c (Not over 3 to customer) Can Tomatoes, size 2, can, 9c Dozen .$1.05 Can Hominy, size 3, can. ,10c Dozen .$1.15 Can Kraut, size 3, can... 10c Dozen..$1.15 Can Corn, new pack, can, 9c Dozen .$1.05 50 cases 1-lb. Apricots in heavy syrup, can .15c . . $1.75 50 co. cs 1-lb. Sliced Peaches, heavy syrup, can.15c Dozen cans .$1.75 New pack Lemon Cling reaches, size 2’_, heavy syrup, can.23c Cereal*. Cream of Wheat Breakfast Food, package .21c Teco Pancake Flour at, package .74c Fruit* and Vegetable* Bushel basket Apples. .$1.29 Grimes Golden Apples, bo* for .$1.59 Fancy Hrad Lettuce, each. 6c Fancy Nebraska Potatoes. peck..30c Thompson Seedless Raisins. lb. ..124c Sant* Clara Prunes, lb.. .7 4c Fancy Tkg. Figs. each. . .7 4c lea* and Coffee*. Special Santos Coffee. .. .25c •1 lbs.95c M. and J Blend, lb.40c 2 lbs. .78c Excello Coffee', lb.30c 2 lbs.58c Fancy Gunpowder Tea...60c 2 lbs.$1.05 Fancy Tea Siftings, 2 lbs. for .33c Breakfast Cocoa, 3 lhs. ,.25c Quality Meat*. Choice Steer Round Steak. lb. . .174e Choice Tork Chops, lb. ..16c i one Leaf 1 ard.lie Men’s Sugar Cured 1 ean Bacon .164c Cudahy Sugar Cured Rax Hams, lb.164c Fa ney Salima Summer I Sausage, lb. 20c Hayden Special Carton Creamery Butter .50c Guaranteed Strictly Fresh Lggs . 45c l aney Wisconsin Brick Cheese, lb.27c Vuhor or Rex Nut Oleo margarine, lb.21c lleint, small can Baked Beans. 2 cans...29c ■_J A Mighty Purchase 15,000 “Electric Globes” Worth Regularly 35c Each Downstairs Carton OF FIVE Each packed in a separate container to avoid breakage. Monday l t-'v Asst. Sizes 10 Watt 25 Watt 40 Watt 50 Watt v j Carton OF FIVE In assorted sizes— each one tested be fore sold. Choice ) 0C Sale Wall Paper Tapestry Papers Tapestry papers, two-tone and gilt stripes, in best col orings, very special, roll Kitchen Papers Kitchen block and granites, the latest in kitchen block and granites, very special, per roll .Oe* Living Room Grass cloth and striped pa pers for parlor, dining room and hall, very special, per roll.}><* Parlor Paper GO inch Oatmeal Paper in hII w anted shades, roll. . Bedroom Paper In chintz, effects, allovers, floral stripes and satin stripes, roll. ^^Sold Only With Borders ^ What Is the i Smartest Hat for Spring “Andrea” Patterns $8 and up AMONt! the displays of Spring Millinery their are nilmy different shnp-s of hats, but if you select an ANDRt'A you are sure to line a hat that is smart and new for spring The “Andrea” Patterns W ell dressed women ale artists at selecting the leading fashion i . • of the season. They know that keeping up with the style is U\ ^battle of being well dre. sed.