^ Mother Is Slain for Whipping Son Man Shoots His Common-Law Wife After Quarrel. Lillian Hood was shot and killed Friday night by her common law hus band. Frank Owens, cripple, 2752 I.ake street. Owens was arrested near the home by Pillbox Officers Schnei der and Bean shortly after the shoot ing and is charged with murder. Owens Is said to have quarreled with Mrs. Ilood last night over the whipping of her 12-year-old son, Wil liam Bryant, by him. After she had announced that she was through with him before James Scott, 2020 Charles street, John Blackburn, 240(1 J.ake street, and Hattie Franklin, 2307 South Twenty-seventh street, who were present at the shooting. Owens is said to have got a revolver and started loading it. "If you’re going to use that gun. I'm going to call police.” said Mrs. Hood. She sat in a chair opposite Owens and started putting on her shoes. Owens, according t5 Scott, snot her as she straightened up after tying the first shoe. The bullet en tered above the heart. Blackburn, Scott, and the boy, Wil liam, are held as state witnesses. Owens declared the slaying was acci dental. AH are colored. ^ Deputy Marshals Accused. Washington. Feb. 9.—United States LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS’ MEETING Notice Is hereby given that the regu ltr annual meeting of the Stockholder!! of the South Platte Lund Company will be held at the office of said Company, Hoorn 701. First National Bank Building, Lincoln. Nebraska, at 11 o’clock A. M., on the 6th day of March, A. D.. 1924. C. H. MORRILL, President. TV. TV. TURNER. Secretary Jk Treasurer. V 4 -to-M-4-lnc Marshal Snyder Friday suspended five deputies pending Investigation of the:r alleged complicity In violation of the prohibition laws. The charge* are understood to have been made by the intelligence bureau of the Treasury department. The men suspended are John E. Newman, Patrick H. Barteman, Ernest ,T. Weaver, Charles II. Mar shall and John J. Clarkson. American Is Held by Huerta Rebels By Associated Frees. El Paso, Feb. t.—Paul Ginther, prominent mining man of El Paso and Chihuahua, has been taken pris oner by revolutionists under the com mand of llipolito Villa and Manuel Cliao and is being held for ransom, according to word received in El Paso today from Chihuahua. ! Ginther is the third of a trio of Americans to be kidnaped by the A’il la-Chao rebels. The other two are T. J. MacKenzie, general manager of the Eoquillas Power company, and Amnion Tenney, superintendent of the Helena mines in the Eamentos din-1 triet, near Jimlnez. Both men are be ing held for ransom, officials of their respective companies in El Paso have been notified. Mr. Ginther at the time of the re ported kidnaping was in charge of his mine at Edgargas, Chihuahua, near Jiinlne*. Beveridge Will Speak in Chicago ,T. II. Beveridge, superintendent of schools, will address the Association of A'ouational Guidance at Chicago February 22, in connection with a meeting of superintendents. He is to talk at the general meet ing on "Status of the Superintend ent." He will also speak during the meetings on "Socializing the Schools” and "Organizing Schools In the In terest of Children.” PUBLIC iKo GRAIN STORAGE IN CARLOAD LOTS Ws arc operating three large, up-to-date terminal elevators in this market—now at your service. WE ARE IN POSITION TO ADVANCE REASON ABLE AMOUNTS OF MONEY AT CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST ON GRAIN IN STORAGE. Write Us for Detailed Information Updike Grain Corporation Omaha, Neb. A l»V F RTISEMT.NT. ADVERTISEMENT. DO YOU BET UP WITH A LAME BACK Have You Rheumatism, Kidney, Liver or Bladder Trouble? Tain or dull ache In the back la] often evidence of kidney trouble. It is Nature's timely warning to show you that the track of health Is not clear. Danger Signals. If these dancer signals are unheed, cd more serious rmull* are sure to follow; kidney trouble in Its worst form may steal upon you. Thousands of people have testified that the mild nnd Immediate effect of .Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder medicine. Is soon realized — that it stands the highest for Its re markable curative effect in the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine, you should have the beat, tame Back. tame back is only one of many symptoms of kidney trouble. Other symptoms showing that you may need Swamp-Root are, being subject to em barrassltig and frequent bladder trou blea, day and night, irritation, sedl ment, etc. I,ack of control, smarting, uric add rheumatism, bloating, may bs loss of flesh, sallow complexion. Prevalency of Kidney Diseases. Most people do not realize the alarming increase and remarkable prevalency of kidney disease. While kidney disorders ore among the most common diseases that prevail, they are often the last recognized by pa tients, who content themselves with doctoring the effects, while the original disease constantly under mines the system. Regular medium and large alze bot tles at all drug stores. Don’t make any mistake, hut re member the name. Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, and the address. Binghemton. N. Y., which you will And on every bottle. SPECIAL NOTE —You may obtain a sample size bottle of Swamp-Root bv enclosing ten cents to Ur. Kilmer & Co.. Binghamton, N. Y. Tills gives you tho opportunity to prove the remarkable merit of this medicine. They will also send you a book oil valuable Information, containing many of the thousands of grateful letters received from men and women who say they found Swamp-Root to be Just the remedy needed in kidney, liver and blad der troubles. The value and success of Swamp-Root are so well known that our readers are advised to send for a sample size bottle. Address Dr. Kilmer A Co.. Binghamton, N. Y. tVhen writing be sure and mention tills paper. BEE CLASSIFIED AD RATES 15e ner line each flay. 1 er 1 days. J7,r per Itr.e ea^h flay, 8 or • day*. 10c per line each day. 7 days or longer The above ra*e* apply to all advertise merit* In classifications: Lost and Found . 4 Help Wanted Female. 27 Help Wanted Mate. 21 .Salesmen and Agents. SO Situations Wanted Female.. Si Situations Wanted Male. 12 Articles for Sale. 44 Farm and Dairy Products. 49 Good Things to Eat. 61 Homemade Things... .. 62 Household Goods. 62 Swap Column. .....A53 Wearing Apparel. €0 VA anted to Buy. 61 Rooms With Board... 92 Rooms Without Board............... • 63 Rooms for Housekeeping . 44 Rooms. Unfurnished........AM Suburban Board.... 66 Farms for R^nt .76A For all other classification* our rsgular rates 'as quoted below apply. Classified Ads accepted at the following offices: Main Office.l?th and Farnam Sts. South Omaha.—N. W. Cor. 24th and N 8ta. Counell Bluffs.16 8cott St. These rates apply to The Sunday Omaha Bee as well as The Morning and Evening Bee. All weak-day advertisements ap pear In both morning and evening editions «t the one cost: 18c per line each day, 1 or 3 days. 16c per line each day. 8 or 6 days. l2o per line each day. 7 days er longer. CLOSING HOURS FOR CLASSIFIED ADS. Morning Edition. 19 P. m. Evening Edition. 11:20 a. m. Sunday Edtlon. 9 p. m. Saturday. Telephone AT lan tic 1090. THE OMAHA BCR reservan the right to reject or rewrite all copy. Call for Classified Ad Department. An experienced Classified Ad taker will re ceive your ad end a bill will be mailed later. The rates quoted above apply to either charge or cash orders. THE EVENING 'BEE. THE OMAHA MORNING BEE. CLASSIFICATIONS. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Funeral Notice* . .A Vaults and Monuments .." Funeral Directors .•' Cemeteries . JJ Florists .IJ Card of ThanLa .F I .o«lre Notices . * ( ominf Events . 3 Personals . “ A L TOM OBI I.Kb. Automobiles for Sale .J Automobile Agencies .J* Motorcycles and Bicycles .* Automobiles for Exchange .b Auto Accessories, Parts .*♦ Service Mtatlon—Repairing .10 Auto Id very Garage .*1 ALTO I.IVEBY GARAGE. Wanted—A utomoblles .12 BUSINESS SERVICE. Business Mr vices Offered .13 Itiiildlng Contractors .14 Heating and Plumbing .JJ Insurance . ]® Millinery—Dressmaking .11 Moving—Trurklng—Storage .JJ Painting aad Papering .10 Patent Attorney a .... . Printing Stationery .;• Professional Service .3* Renovating and Dyeing .. 24 foundries ... .24 A Tailoring and Presalng .-• Banted—Business Service ... EMPLOYMENT. Help Wanted—Female . 33 Help Wanted—Male . 3* Help Wanted—Male and Female.2J talesmen and Agents ..*0 Situations B'anted—Female .-*1 situations B'anted—Male .3 FTNANCIAI Busluess Opportunities . .jn Investment*— Stocks—Bonds . 34 Real Estate laians .*4A Money to Loan . •*; Banted to Borrow .30 EDUCATIONAL. Correspondence Courses . J' f,4M'iiI Instruction ClasUss ..- »a Musical—Dramatic .. Ilanrlnc . IVIratr I»«trurtlnn .*<; Want.,!—ln.trortl.il .*» IJVESTOCk. I Ini*. Cats and Pets . Horses. Cattle. Vehicle# .« Poultry and Supplies .♦* (A anted—I.lTrstoek .** .MERCHANDISE. Articles for Hale .<# Business Equipment .h-’] Building Material* .. • ..J" rnrm and Hairy Fmducls . ■ J® ► u*l and Peel .. an l.nml Things lo Eat . Home-Made Things . Bnnscheld tsoods . ■' V s»»p I olumn ..63,; Jewelry and Watches . Machinery and Tonis .55 Heeds. Plants and Flowers .oh Hpc lwls at the Mores .a? ADVERTISEMENT. Alkali in Soap Bad for the Hair Soap should bo used very carefully, if you want to keep your hnir looking its h»sf. Many soups and prepared shampoos contain too much free al kali. This dries the sculp, makes the hair brittle, and ruins it. The I test thing for steady use is Mnlsifled cocoanut oil shampoo, which Is pure end greaseless, and is better than anything else you can use. Two or three tcaspoonfuls is suf ficient to cleanse your hair and sculp thoroughly. Hjmply moisten the hair with water and rub It in. It makes an nbundance of rich, creamy lather, which rinses out easily, ycmovlng every particle of dust, dirt, dandruff and excess oil. The hair dries quick ly and evenly, and it leaves the scalp soft, and the hair fine and gllky, bright, lustrous, fluffy, wavy, and easy to manage. You can get Mulslfled cocoar.ut oil shampoo at any drug store; It Is in expensive and a few ounces will sup ply every member of the family for monthB.__ Child's Tongue Shows if Bilious, Constipated J Give “California Fig Syrup” Even Cross, Feverish, Sick Children Love its Taste and it Never Fails to Empty Little Bowels When constipated, bilious, irritable, list less, or full of cold, your little one needs a tcaspoonful of “California Fig Syrup” to quickly start liver and bowel action. In a few hours you can see for yourself how thor oughly it works the sour bile and undigested 'ood right out ar.d you have a well, playful thild again. Millions of mothers keep “California Fig Syrup” handy. They know a tcaspoonlul today saves a sick child tomorrow. It never cramps or overacts. Ask your druggist for genuine “California Fig Syrup”- which has directions for babies and children of all ages printed on bottle. You must say "California” or you may get an imitation fig syrup! U.AS^IHCATION*._ \tnaa iiift suggest ions .»ale ..79 City Acreage for Rale .79A Houses for «i»l« .89 Houses—North . 8’ Houses—South .*.8'* Honors—West .83 llonaes—Benson .81 For Sale—Pumice . 8.‘ For 8al«^— Florence *' For Sale—Council Bluffs .81 Lo*s for Sal*. . 8H Real Estate for Kseliiii.gr .8<» Wanted—Real Estate ..99 AUCTIONS. Auction Rale* .91 Real Estate at Auction ..9‘! ANNOUNCEJV1KNTS. Funeral Notices. A ALT.UOOD—M'S. T.la. «■ J!>. Sh, Is sur vlved by her husband end two brothers. Fred Yorty. Tekamah, Neb, and J. Ilea p**r of Omahn. Funeral Monday afternoon from resident of D. O. Piper, 1923 Km met St , at 2:0 p. m. Tnter’rmni Forest Lawn cemetery. Gentleman Mortaari In chi - Vaults and Monuments. B "Automatic Reeling-’ concrete burial vault® recommended by all leading undertake Mfg. by Omaha Conc rete Burial Vhult < 'o Funeral Directors. C HF1AFET A- HEAFJST. Uundertakera and Kmbalmera Phone HA. 0• »i5. Office '2611 Fatnam (ESTABLISHED SINCE 1**2) _ KOR1SKO FUNERaTa HOME. 22d and O S*s. 1250 S. 13th Sr MA. 06? 0, AT. 1*73 CRANE MORTUARY CO. CONDUCTED BY J. A DIES ONLY 516 S. 20th Ht. AT. 3069 and AT. 3*90 O. O. HAYNES FUNERAL HOME 8920 N. 24th St. KI1. 0257 DUFFY A: JOHNSTON. 811 S. 32d, new funeral home. HA. 0417 j BRAILEY A DORRANCE. 3128 CUMING ST.. JA. 0620. HOFFMANN AMBULANCE Dodgt at 24th. Funeral Director®. JA. ltd H. JL KRAMER FUNERAL HOME. 6819 AFilitary A\e. WA. 6314. JOHN A. GENTLEMAN, 3411 Farnam 8u TAGGART & .SON 8213 Cuming 8t. JA. U714. IIUL8E A R1KPEN. Funeral directors. 2224 Cuming. JA. 1226 N. P. SWANSON. 17TJI AND CUMING Quiet, Dignified Supervision. CROSBY-MOORE 24th and Wirt. WK. 004?j Cemeteries. D WEST LAWN CEMETERY. Dur convenient payment plan 1* apprrt ;at j »rd when family lot is required Telephone] WA. 0820. WA. 4160. AT. 1979 and our! free closed car will call for you. Courteous »#rvlce. Perpetual care. Cemetery 5Sth and • ’enter st®. Beautiful, convenient. FOREST LAWN! 320 acre®. Perpetual car- Office *? the cemetery. North 40th St. and Forest Lawn Ave.. and 720 Braudel® Theater Ride Florist*.K ROGERS Florist. 24th Fainam, JA. 34<»e»ra old; weight about 1.000 lb# ; foretop clipped; had saddle on when stolen. A reward of 175 will be paid for the rt turn of the horao and $100 reward for conviction of tbi*f Notify J. A. Thrallklll, sheriff, I.oup City, Neb.____ WRI8T watch, lost betweei# Brands!* and Burges-Naah. M. C. K. JA. _ 1827. ^^AUTOM qb n, esT_ Automobiles for Sale. 5 ford courr. date mu dpi., five GOOD TIRKS. SUN V17.0R, 1IASSI.ER SHOOK ABSORBERS. A -l M El’ll AN* ICAI.I.T, VtU. TRADE FOR FORM ROADSTER OR I’OSRIBI.T A TOUR ING. TERM*. *:«6. HA. «i:». T hav# a 1922 coup® that I would like to sell Immediately. My car l® In • gcellenr shape, would Ilk# to «®t In touch with someone who haa a Ford roadster or touring with a trade In view Would slsd give terma to right person. Call Kenwood 2667. hi* ford touring DEMOUNTABLE RIMS. 1CXCBL I.KNT TIKKH A N l > l'"P. MO TOR JUST OVERHAULED. WILL SKI L FOR $60. Wtf 4: 02. EXCLUSIVE CO I NTT AGENTS Wmt^d t<» aall automobile* E«< eptfonal \y liberal rommlaalon. Appoint »ul» gg*ti'n A rail mnn*1' -iiuKliiti op port W'> Re qqlrva on1' about $1,000 for »» teal bum nan of vour nv n. Don’t write uAh ole to do bualnce* tit I your county hov Write oi wire BUhti Motor Co. Itueb Temple, Chicago. Ill I‘HON SPEEDSTER M <»T ‘ E L M fn i-m rlli'tu condition. Recently painted, tier •oirtulna, equipped with bumper*, aunt I Rht Ready to rirlv«» away. It. Ulfior u"od uae«| inr valuer OMAHA II PI ISON ESSES COM PANT Harney at 2Hth Hi Phone \T. ..ti*l 1*?$ CHEVROLET coupe, neat Ion In the <■ 11* . lint been run I-limn •,.noo mile*. T» tire* abnw pracl lew II' no wear. Hum «■ ■t i f tual 11inn*. Call 1IA. $"$i‘ for domonatratIona. I'll KVIli ILET * i il PI i 'id' t mi . ""'I tnllr*. rent* t paa*o tiRera. Equipped with every fie** aaory »itner Rood toed ear ililea. bargain for buelncaa or plena ure. «i NT A 11 \ HUDSON EtHES Ct»MP\NT Darn. at t.f.th M. Phone \ I' . "i. . USED CARS O. N. Ih'iiliey Minor Co. 2t>f.4 Fame in Id.l" MiARV.E USED t \T:S ANDREW MU RPIIV A SONS I 11 A JACK SuN ST h I |* iI|ent condition. Gum i aid c«d. Sr* today. Guv u Stullh, LORDS IHIDGEM m i« It M . Al s m, Tel Mt I flint. limits fur Snlc. to tbraa ton uaed truck a a an ha arranged International Darvratar Co. | of America. 714- H S. lOtlt bl _AUTOMOBILE^._ Automobiles for Sale. 5 FORD ROADSTER. l.ATE 1923 MODEL. EQUIPPED WITH THE ORIGINAL TIRES \NP THEY SHOW VERY LITTLE WEAR STARTER AND DE MOUNTABLE RIMS. LARGE LOCK WHEEL. PAINT h'X THA GooD. IN FACT. LOOKS LINE A |\‘.W VA R THE PRICE IS US5. HA 206C FORD SEDAN. LATE 1922 MOD EU FOUR NEW TIRES, GOOD SPARE, LOCK WIIEfEL, UP HOLSTERING LIKE NEW. THIS CAR HAS BEEN THOR OUGHLY RECONDITIONED AND IS PERFECT MECHANI CALLY. $386. HA. 2969. $100. 1921 FORD—AN HONEST TO GOOD S' ESS \ AUK. I N EXCELL K \ 1’ SHAPE. GOOD TIRES. WILL SELL THIS CAR AT A HUGE SACRIFICE. CALL MARKET. 4 208. $100. /* Auto Accessories Parts. 9 INST A N r F.LECTIP if.YTE. Guaranteed to re barge «nv battery In serviceable ronditlon. Will not freeze In I ha coldest weather and it will not sul phate plate. For sale in filling atations and garagM, or phone WE. 1966. USED for nil iiiHUea of cara, 60 to 7 5 per cent off list price*, two wreck ng plant*. 1016 Harney. HA. 4931. and 2205 I’uuiing AT. 1 970. CLOSED bodies of sll kinds built at Pfeiffer.*. 2625 Leavenworth. Service Station—Repairing. 10 INDUSTRIAL AUTO MACHINISTS. Ra field earbtirefon and Elaemann mag neto aervire. AT. 2560. P, MEl/'IH >1RS A SON 417 S 1>TH. S IN^ESa^S EJ^VI C E. Business Services Offered. 13 JAMES AJ.DAN'S Detective. Exp.rt .ecret service 31 1-312 Noviln* B'nck. AT. 1136. HAULING Ash * and rubbish removed, cinders, best prices on coal. V K 5308. RELIABLE Detective Bureau. Sunderland Bldg. JA 2056; Wight, KF, 3911 SAWS filed, keys made 14141$ Pooglaa. Building Contractors. 14 LOW PRICES on toilet combinations, lavatories. ainka, bath tuba, tange boiler* New goods. MORRISON LUMBER & COAL CO. '.'d and Paul S‘.a. ME 5561 Millinery—DressmaKing. 17 A tJCOR L* IU N, aid*-. knlf®. box pleating. ' over- -1 buttons; al! hemstitching: buttonholes. Writ® !o Los AngH-s and other California point®. 1107-11 HOWAKIi SI JA- 0233, c.loui: van and stoka«;k PACK I Ni* MOVINt A SHIPPING STORING t >Mu nt» i4 furtnah-d AT. 0230 or J A. 4331 BLKINH OMAHA VAN A- BTORAOK. 16th arid Leavenworth die P;. King, root ina. atura®- . ■ fitnpi * g ■■ A 4 1 f 1 i; I Milinvy HRF.PRf >0 '•* WH8K. A VAN 21J North 11th St. Phon* I A. 3022; mov ing. Hacking, storage, anlpping \l467. ----- ^ Help Wanted Female. 27 \\ A NT ED- ■ Teacher or high school grad uate for summer month*, average salary *150 per month; will work in town iii •;‘m?t x Paulina St . Chicago, 111. MEN WANTING POSITIONS. Firemen, brakemen, colored train or sleeping car porters write for a; plication blank. Experience unnecessary. First class road*. No «trik*» Name position warned inf er-Kailw ay, Dept. 6iQ. Jndi h r a polls, Jn-1. WANTED—A man who likes to handle milk cows to take complete charge of Hol stein herd In northern Wyoming. Man must lie a good dry hand milker with ref erences Equipment ail modern and liv ing conditions right. Steady • inplovment, goo-1 ways V-2552, Cmaiia Bee. IKE you interested in a proposition pa> -1'g two to five thousand yearly? Pleasant outdoor work, selling trees, shrubs, roses, etc. Commission weekly. New and up to date methods. Brown Bros. Company, Korhester. X Y Growers since 1*1*5. ELECTRICITY taught by experts. Earn while you learn at home Electrical book end proof lessons free. Satisfaction guar anteed and position secured Write to «*hicf Engine* r Cooke. 2 iii I re nee l ve . Chicago. SALESMEN calling small town* sell laces I and neckwear, sideline or full time; ?*. .1 | • ommissioPs; state experience and i*-f erettcaa. Moser Co, $7 4 Broad wav. Ne .v York. MEN ov*r I* Willing to travel. Make see ret i*iv»r igatlons. Report- Salary ar!«I expense, Experience unne*.-8s«r 'A t- .1 Gan or. Former Govt. Detective. St. IsOMlS. r KAHN Barber Trsdo—Day or evening. • *ur system turns you out a good work man able to command hie wag***,. High est degrea of training given our post graduates Fall or write, Moler Barbvr • oiler- 1 s 15th B1? s detective, $.*•' fter, weekly, travel ov* r wirld * experience tinner e«*arv Imer uian Detective Agency. 799 Columbia. St Loui*. ALL MEN. worner.. bo;, s. girls. 17 *0 (6. udhre to s coopt government positions fill - 925(1 (traveling or stationary) write Mr Osraent. ISf 25L Louis. Mo., ‘immedi ately. MK\ w anted to qualify for firemen, bra^e cien. Experien e Mtiric».**rv. Transports ’km furnished. T. McCaffrey. Supt . St. L»»u*s. 1 llll.MKN. RrtAKHMKV Aer nnere ,1'., 0 9: 0 (whfoti position-*) Railway. T •>«*. "rnsha Bee ' EN wanting forest ranger raliwav mail « I* rk an l other gov't, positions, writ*- for . "•'r '• • •* M k: • - ). «.;* Denver. Cob* Help Wanted Male 4 Female. 29 •'LERKA for government postal snd ■•ther good positions *1,400 $:.31*0 veariv Experience unnecessary Full particulars free by writing O. W. Robbins. Civil Setv 1. e Expert. 171 Burchell Bldr . Wash TYPISTS—Add materially to your income t-y typing authors manuscripts Fr*e d«* tailed information on request. R. .T. I'Arvm \ vi r h>.-s' Agent. Tallapoosa. Ga Salesmen and Agents. 30 ' SALESMAN WANTED C*r,» enters manufacturer of Womens sod .Childrens Knit Underwear wants first cls»s mm te sell I ha 11ns direct to tha retail trad# In the slates of Nehrssks snd Kin.ii en a atralaht commlsalon basis Must hsva At references. Msr be ••srrled ii s side I'ne. T r»;.t. Omaha Bee. >\1 KSMHN Refers )ou dr to I'1 \e.kly r‘k' 'la I*.ring eaperlencs unnecessary. Outfit shipped for fre s examination. '\ holt sale Direct Tailors, l*trU it*. Buf falo N V. '• \ I KiSM KN : I>lrect-to • ustoiner sales men; Meres your chance clothing, nun. sweaters. hosiery, pie* e good*. I lnnktn, all wool dice*'! from grower in user at unheard of price*. Take orders N*» peddling. No capital. $*t> to $140 w*»klv SHe* help*. Your pay Im mediate M g iDimniMUiin W iil*< uu « k W ooj Crowe*.s' Woolen Mills. Drp« . jt ^.4 Hisnkinfon Ac.nl*. Milwaukee \\ ,n AUKNTH— 4*re*tyet opportunity, "*‘l.lfe of " oodronr Wilson'' hr Josephus Daniel* > v. Navy, ttssot late of fmn.er | **!.|«-nt. Rig book, handsomely illustrated, | , lie Mlvd t >* V >ig . 1 r * \CKNTS li-'g.* corporation wants a ••tv o man In every town to paste up Us *>gna on Morekrcpet * w tr doxy * Kxcel lent opportunity for te'tiHle partx No " xpe* i.'iii e ne« • tea * * \\ • also lave ;*l t r a * live proposition for p «nts and salsa . an linKANTKi SHIN MI.NI-C ;«| W Superior, Chicago W A NT HD N Herman Mint l-.i • *• stito oroblle. Nerd not l*e a wax from hum nights In x mat) unafraid of herd work, with d'lng experience in email town* and fh/H 302 Leflaug Hltig 1 Capitol Ave.. Omaha. Neb. 8 A LKSMEN—-Sell e\*ery retailer attrac tively displayed new .nientlou of great (idling merit; unusually advantageous t'-rtna; book order* from free pockel mntl*d; liberal commission. Bumtna' f«*r hustler.-* tiers use guaranteed repeater Writ. today Universal Co.. Arlington Heights. Mas*. AGENTS Why work for others? Start ;«n*J operate your own busine*.*. $100 to $.»mi profit weekly In the proprietary nit* ■ » i illy huaim-aa U * furnish avert thing i d show you how. Booklet fre« National .'• lentific I^hs, 200 Monro*:, Richmond, I _ SA I.KHMAN V. ANTKI' A *Ud »»sful **n * a! lin«- traveling ahoe salesman t*-rn inry *as!ern Nehraskn and a portion of Iowsj, applic ations desired with your * am ple! e history and shipment addr*** None but I he h**at need aj»ply. Box Y-2560. i Hun ha life. 4 A I.KNM IvV-Ti. veil high qualify hand knitting yarns mad*! by American Woolen Company, to dry goals, art good* de partment Ktore? . must be experienced this trade: liberal commission: *-a*> sideline, references required. i*ROHI*E<*T SALKS 1*0.. 1 i 0 Fifth Ave, New York. SELL Madison Better Made shirts dire*-' from our factory to wearer. No capital or experience required. Easily sold B«g profits WRITE FOR FREE SAMPLES. MADISON MILLS. 503 Broadway, New York City. DISTRICT MANAGERS WANTED. Appoint local agent* for u* In your lo ca lily. No cunvaHsing **r delivering. $104 weekly easily made. Commission* dv«nci *i HOB RES8L..L, 27"i Archer, Chicago. I!i AGENTS—Become representative large * on* , rn. Establish >ourself permanently. Simplified method aelling Vh*>«s factory to weaier. Profit* I*rg.>. Sell easy Ap ply Immediately. STYLE-ARCH SHOES, Cincinnati SALESMAN— l’nusual opportunity for fir*? class man. selling moat complete line oils and gr* direct, from refiner*, estab lished 41 years Experience this line un necessary. Liberal commission. Y-2557, «>maha Bee. V A KE $!!•« EVERY U EEK '■'el! Mansfield Measure-Made Cap* direct t * wearer—business n -n. car owners, sportsmen, etc. Writ® for Spring tampie outfit and free .up nff^r Man f eld Cap Maker*. Dept. 364. Cincinnati, i). AGENTS- 4*11 “Packard Quality Shir?*.” direct fr*>m our own fartoiy to wearer: beautiful sample outfit Ire* wonderful ’ order Hr*: proposition entirely new. Packard Shirt Co., 802 W. North Ave- . *hi**ago. SALESMEN—Inexperience*] nr experi enced, *ity or traveling. \Yn e far free "Modern ■ *nd for men: ■ -.rn * ' : : iV'A-ing $140 - eeklv, easily made i oi tiishtan* ad vanced I NTH OF T COMPANY. : * • Con frex*. Chicago vM.E8.MEX wanted W.iuimv demor.-tra Inr* and salesmen: automatic razor -harp i.er, guaranteed to sharpen and k. p (^ha-p oid at>lc and safety razors. quick to *e 11 with big profits. L*»pt. ?. Nov el ty Cutlery Co. t'ar.'un, Ohio. AlTROVEIt" lloMERY LINE • MEN I,oral sal.’i | eople and district manager ’•.anted to r-present us tn this territory. Guaranteed )'•>* ery and linger Ap proved Hosiery C • Box 14ie. Dea Moines, la. AGENTS-Make $ 7 r to $1S« every wee, *-• iling Koverkwirk coin Una! ion Au * and work suit, direct to w«-»rar. 24 rr. !e« * day. I* per cent comm smion. " •i- liver C. O. D. Write fur details. Kay Mill*. Dipt. 127. Cincinnati. O. SALESMEN—S-dclir.e men makirg aru til town* Nf-*v i*le* . no sal**: r»«» collection: no samples to • arr ; Is commission paid * >n *-»i h trial order taken. Scam ore c*r * cr! and tertltery covered. Keene.’- A Sons t o. 7 00 K 4oih sr . •'hi-ago AGENTS—g« '<1 a; cr .-.g; i g man* . far •e w Ire age-. - . i: . Halt ieared $2.12' one month every ca ■ owner a prospe. ?, Write tod»\ in Straaxky Co, Dept. 2472, I’ukwiut, S. v AGENTS liio we Cv tak.ng orders for * per Ja i $285 rami oa'« <‘omnu*»lont ad vanced We deliver and collect. Promptest deliveries. Write Home Raincoat Co. 1144 >•• Ilaisted. «’In* Ht<* AGt.VTS—Big profits. Genuine g d leaf window left•?:«. an>one Con put up. Scripts and '•» rarietfe*. «"on an I Ida ted 4,*n Letter Co. 422 ». Dearborn St.. * hicago. AGENTS 16 dailv taking orders for Thomas Guaranteed Hosiery. 27 different kinds, latent styles, •colors. Your *.ie free uutfit of sample pairs. Thomas Mfg Co. Mill 5425. Dayton. O. 5 \LE4M EN V, ANTE!‘—To take sub scription* for the leading automobile trade paper. Liberal coen mission l'n restrlct-’ territory Write Fergus*-n Pub Lshing Co »o West St.. New York. SMA's.M 'X—For Oinnha vicinltv to car ry manufacturers line circular knitted '*•" r« ; » . • -» *, •» per cent commission. Jefferson Knitting Xfili*. -*‘•2 Atlantic, Brooklyn. N Y. SALESMEN—$54 dally made by heat men. s 5 weekly *n»! expenses guarantee*! against commissions; si! re*s!lrra bu’. Appleton Novelty Co., Dept. G 17. Cedar Rapids, la. _ C.Ri'i ERY SALESMEN Grocery salesmen or those calling on grocer* can double Income by represent ing large New York Corp Generous «-oin -' ui.’n No sample*. Write. Ho!*i*m. 4 A LKS MAN W A NT ED- Tr»v,.* ng jiv-al. district *a lean. • ns germ, lift* weekly setl rg 24 fast selling staple line*, rrntee t , n r-epest order*, permanent. Box T 1 ■•4 «Mnaha Bee MIFNTS Sell women s •.*,.** dlrr t fa* *o c.inaut-ier, $T. ’'eeklv in^r *>r ’■ omen **afi «»gue an»l sales course free MuDERMUTT W<»o:.ENS Worcester. M as* AtJKN'TF- I* $2'-«i week Appoint sub agent*. 20 per cent comm Guaranteed f'»nuine gold letters for store windows ‘aailv applied Metallic Letter Co.. 425 N t'lark Chicago SALESMEN—State manager. envelope > \«lrr se-ii* 2.504 envelope^ h*»ur; amaging invention, no ('ompetttion retat!* S4. I." 400 ' early. ConanIlda4ed Co Dept. J HI, 100 Boyleet*m. Boston. Mas* t*tH)DTKAR MFG l?A>, 20-t* tloodyear Hldg . Kansas City. Mo, is making an offer to send a handsome raincoat free to e person in each local! tv who will recommend It to friend*. Write to«la> LIGHTNING strands battery compound. • barge* discharged batteries instantly. Eliminate* old method entire!’- (Saltan fire to agenta. Lightning Co, I>es Moines. Iowa. f'M.iKAii Alih.x IS :« hour service. Mint* and finished work Rr’fabV men financed Write for ratal..* K. II. Rob et-s PotPait « o . Kansas Pity . XPKNTS — Ne. easily f.v automobile pwn • • •« flood profit S»!|a Xte^ who "■ ‘ke good mudo d'sti . anager*- Krt* |. K leer i o * 1 Pearl Si . New York S \> s\l K\ s . o vi ributo* a |f ? ■ iifto a nionlli Inirteiii x-»u. wide for out won • -illott. H A i: Sales To. ..02 Merrill Hldg Mile rtllhrc, X\ in V'iKNTS \- \ wonderful seller yac prof ? e» rrv dollar salts I'eln er on snot. l.tcense nnnrreaaary. No < ompetltion. S.xmple free M_ « ■ ■ ' 11 U* ■ .1 .'I,.**.. i \\ XVTKIi sue.-earful wrapping paper and at'onery salesman. Nebraska territory; * e\|-er.roea and rrfrtein* Y .'.5k Omaha M. : P \ TS $ . dad' N e» est kite hen tool »:\er\ woman u-. a T<» times dallv Kasv a.lie. Hut nr'fo* Soni'lr f . Thomas Mtr. >*.' . Mi* I Pa'ton t' ’•* V Ot T of he rut Ho.' »»iffi. »*nt learn privilege Uadi . Pep? ]« Paul kite 14> Rroadwa) N T XOI.NIS to »ri| our l.ife Ton S\ nder" ful ineilirlne h|| lepeaiei H C p "(lls I.a. .own Po P*t i ?T. m |.ou a Mo 'X XN1KP S.a lesladira of a’d‘. - •. > to sell h'ch cl#v * "up" ion n cit' Pall 495 Pvnker Hlook A1 kr>“ Situ.itu i . Wanted Female ..1 ' M>Y stenographer ilrine. p..«it«on ' * * ■ i esfvaa i. guii'ng exception,.) ah » at .1 i.'-ilfylng . orreapondibt salary v’ounvil H uffs Red *!K« 'X Mh'XX " ah»a position Immediate!. in >■ fitted widower •• home Ku I < hargr * ity or lountr' t’ 3: ’ Omaha Her 0 > ! A' R r 1 * 1 X P V ..or' ~\ umHe"* w S'hlng • t cut tains N\ l t-; ■» ' I \ 111 I " l ns aiao eurtatna work I *. caran.eed XX I* S3', 1 1 1 'X WORK xv i e woman. WK. EMPLOYMENT. __ Situations Wanted Male. 31 nnOKKKKPtR d.'lr*, «mployi>i»nt ningn aud Sunday*. Reasonably f«aa charged. Box P-460, Omaha Rea. INST UK naif. office or s’ cnographlS work; nom** experience A. <■ Jt'. ^ FINANCIAL. Business Opportunities 33 M1U.INO OltAIN ANI> JUBBINtJ Neb. territory. Most. modern equipment and complete machinery. Cornnmai and ;i06 Paxton Bldg., KKDKHA 1. .SYSTKM FINANCK your bURiness. We a«-ek stoc-c issues to offer 10.001) Investora. t’otn panien needing capital for legitimate en terprlRe. write Mating amount needed ant for what purpose. We will reply fully. If jour proposition at fears attractive for of jn\»<*t« r* »• rca<’h. Bennett Financing Co.. 1566 North Western Ate, I .ns Angelos. Cal. R IOTA IK store room on main block of thriving Nebraska town is offered f-.r bane to aggressive merchant. Parn. ul.u ! / adapted for trieri'a clothing and outfitting. Kxi ellrnf i iiBi.ftr, for right party Rcf« i enres essential. Y-2r>:.o, Omaha Bee ~~ "* * " ~ —— — AiJKNTS Repeat ordeva count. ttur lino of tie* essjfjes will make you Inde pendent. Any child can make tin a «U . Write quick for territory. AMKRP AN" > i.u»; , « incinnati. «>. CORPORATIONS orranii*«l-f thane* d. Working capital obtained; stock and bond issue* underwritten or sold. G N an C|m f Ar I’d, 2 i X. I .< rtatjc Suite aM. »'li« -i go. I OR SALK, cheap, $j,.:,00 stock grocer * •lothing. men's furnishings, oieri's and boys, shoes Don't have to buy fixtures. W . 1 Frasier, Manager, t Arson, la GROCERY. IJQO buys one uf »hf ix- ■ small places in Otnahe. r^nt 13" Daily* receipt* It" • ‘'•■an gincj.;. no delivery# ■~:»j JO*, Pa>ior Bi.fg Federal 8ygt»in. SPLENDID opening for general store. Good building for rent reasonable. Write, Secretary, Commercial Club, Taylors Falls, 51 inn GROCERY with H Hvng room*. Rent S.". Thickly populate.! neighborhood. Zr'i Pax ton Bldg. Federal by'item. MEAT MARKET—Will buv market or Iras*- building, an 1 put in up-to-da© oia i i. *-1 Hu: *C. Fxeter. Neb •’APE t alers to R It trad**. Co. Bluff* open alt nigh* You «en't go wrong at I'.-" .No trade* aij .ash. Federal System. POOL HALL for e;.le, priced right, ear' term.*, would rent to reliable party, f .{«• ' , ,t r-.‘-r 14 14 A r. v Or.iaha ’dAN WANTED to is* * ■ harge of Bil fard hall, one who can nut in some rash. 2414 Abie*. «UTiah>4 N'aI. ANY bUMineaa. anyw-nere. sold f«r c*gh. No publicity Federal Syatem. 305 Tai mn Bldg AT. 0462 A GOOD restaurant for as s chear "'t •So. Uth street. Investment—Stocks—Bonds. 34 LOW RATE on wity property. quickly •doaed; no monthly payment*. JA. 1523. *V T Graham _ M A. ANDERSON « O. JA. 6107. Reel »«•-* surety bonds and kindred Ins. __ Real Estate Loans. 34A , AND s PKIt CKNT MONET Lor.r, Omaha improved properly at lower r rales. FRANK II. BINDER. v ntr National. JA. 2511. IsO. u n first mortgages on good N‘a> b’i »!.i* litul owner will se ' at a’*.r*c„ tne nrice or ake some trade Curkln* ,<4« •>:aba N BMg. Omaha XH FARM LOANS. ! r.^-ce o~ small West Neb fs»m*. ranches. K; ke I -n e.st;. *r' T < ‘ O , »4S Om. Nat B «'TTY reai e*tat» mortgages and •rac a bough- Mr. Larson 104 North F.f**en'h atreet OMAHA HOME.'—EAST NKR FARMS O’KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. DM* <>m v-,- H K - ^ j JA 2715. FIX pe- cert loans on viPi ht residence*, cash on band 1‘rorvpt **rejre. E. H. j l.nugee. ln«- f2* Ker ;r# B’dg. [SECOND mortgages or cortrarw pyr iaaed by Tuk*y Open pan y 620 First Na oral Bank. JA. 4222 I WILL buy mor’gage* and contracts. [•’erklD. f44 Otn- Nat Bide . Omah». N’« r* ! —. — -■■■■ - , — AND « PERCENT—NO DELAY. jCARYlN TiRHg (<• "’nil's Ns*. Ritf. Money to Loan. 35 THIS COMPANY IS ORGANIZED i fo supply v, r.- tnohey wav.* in Th# samp j '■ * ' that bark* supp y the r.apar war..* ! of the business co munity. | ' ny amount 1 an d up to 9509 a*4 ?<-* *n repay it *n eaa;. mwnthly paymers. v>ur aoual payment plan repay* the ioaa [*rd all chargee W* have been i* business !o Omaha e-*r 30 \f*-j a d •'a*' assure you of a q. ;cfc. confidential ar.d square deal. OM A H A LO AN c*o M P A N Y Karba h Block Ti J A. 2:*-. Southeast corner i»th and Doug!** a- a. i I'lAMOND loan.* at lowest rafea. hus'Ress I strictly confidential. The Diamond l»o.*a i '214 Dodge i»; KaUhitahH 1**4 educational! Correspondence Courses. 37 RAILWAY r-ail clerk* wxr.-ed Men 19 nr I to 3 2.300 vear. Pleasant w 'rk, coni'antly travelirg C<.* -non education sufficient. Fo- particulars i*. plr immediately. IR-L Addreo* Y 255*. Om*ba B** IL999 — S: - * TEC; K • »v mall - - * - -i free Write ”-ed step - -. - h ^ n Institute Dept. 20S. L, !:*» heater., V Local Instruction Classes. 38 DO TOL WANT A MONET MAKING POSITION 2 • There a-e plenty of places op*i for xtnrwg ■ ; • ike wY s-e prepared to do wet: ira [ work re.j aired in a business ofhee. W« [den:* -f BOYLES O'U.FG?: a-e :ra.n«4 m Bookkeeping. Comp to met ary. Short band. Typewrit-ng Telegraphy, • ■» tarlat. Banking. Salesmanship, CD 11 oe, English. Take an nven'ory What ir* y ©u ab # • | do* What a a your oer\i^« worth* yi i ' ha result of > our conclusion is not sat factory, write for our free catalog and »t ua tell you what w# hava dona fop hr* dreda of young peep’s who earns to • untrained and went out to x»e!J pa g posit Iona DAT SCHOOL NIGHT SCH'^ie Send for free ra’aleg tedsy. HOT I EB COLT.EGEv i • *'h sod Havne 5t* . Omaha Nebraska, Phone Jaeksca 19(5, h X l‘KR l K\CKL* cxm. ptomdHfro»e d oe i r « h V i s.»ion«» that »•# i na\* open if veil \» Of h. • ►»«* not prepare *t» that >o« mu g«*t the m*. *t for > our time * 1-et u* te.. >ou abvut «*ur xlay and exaning » la art. COM»*TOMKT! K Sx'HOOU It** I'miTtiifi HifH-k The a. hohi that tiud'o'.fx KXpert* ** l' \v i n a tv m*Vi nTs* r 'M.kv; i~ Stmogiaohv and Bookkeeping Wead Kidg I>th and Karnam. AT TllS. KUJHT »o 1C *erka fM-arv \ou for a fine o'f por tion XT ' 7Tl «r " nte Am»rtoan xpilege. \$\z Kama n_ 'AN v NT sriltHM. OK Hl'SlNKSS l*av and Kvaning Srlteoli S 1 It h St_ J A »> TKl CITY BtRRKH OOLI.KOK 1}** Doug a9 St. r‘ati or write for Information KAHN vrfctta learning. t*«> beanfx ?t'ev:*1' ld’h*oi,(« School Cl. x ourtney. AT. 4>lf. Musical—Dancing—Dramatic. .W ibm m ' Nx KD dill HI.SfR.V riAMST K M. Kahn mw na, a 1 « ■. e*u** ’I A 11 f* *. Dim M Km s Ml'TK!. Ri OIK 'Txo. Motulxi mIo and mdae. ‘" »• < i^ * ^ i »' i *' r*'xt >x i urd* v _ _ 1JVKSTOCK Horses. Cattle. Vehicle*. 4a • • - !•'•» >»> ^ . , % * .♦ If I* Spring Si .AT T* ‘