^^Willys Predicts Record Year for Motor Dealers President of Willys-Overland, Inc., Declares Company Has Contracts for All Cars Built. The point of market saturlzatlon ittr automobiles Is far distant, accord ■ng to John N. Willys, president of Willys-Overland, Inc., who remarked eeently that the Increase of popula lion, the number of cars eliminated mnually and the growth of the ro Tnc-enient market are the chief fac n is creating business. ;l base my statements on a general survey of the motor Industry, and believe my information is authentic,” Mr.'1,Willys' said. "I think it well for dealers to prepare for great business duriiig 1324, as I see every Indication Pointing toward more sales during the coming year than in 1923, and I am slide that practically all dealers sold as many cars as they could get this year. “Automobile sales are always af fected by the condition of the money market and the country’s prosperity. Deports coming to me show that money Isn’t tight and that most of the rural districts in the United States have crops which will pay big money and again mt^ke the farmer a better prospect than in 1923. ”\Ve have contracts for every WI1 _^^u-Knlght and Overland car we cap build, and our organization intends to do Its best toward satisfying the big demand, which is increasing rapidly, for Overland and Willys Knight cars. I c an see nothing ahead but prosper ity for the auto dealer who works, i predict that 1924 will ho the record year in the history of the au!o in dustry.” Chevrolet Sales Show Big Increase Yearly Chevrolet in the year ended De cember 31, 1923, sold 483,310 cars. The sales by years since the beginning uf the .comiMin.v follow: 1 .4 S f :< 1 S . 95 111 19** ./)■-." 7:: 3 917 . 185 3*9 >921 .f ; 7.1127 Hint . BO J J*?# .ir.r.047 mi.-, . n.r.oo lSi« ./ -151,019 1914 5.000 The plants this year have capacity for the production of 750,000 to 800, f00 cars. AUVKKTISK.M K\t! Automobile Makes 27 Miles On Air An automobile goes 27 miles on air by using an autoinatice device which waa installed in less than 5 minutes. The automobile was only making 30 nijtes on a gallon of gasoline, but after this remarkable inventioh was in&alled it made better than 57. The Irn^Stator, Mr. 3. A. Stransky, 713 Eleventh Street^Pukwana, South Da cota, wants agents and is willing to lend a sample at his own risk. TV rite lim today.—Advertisement. Sport Touring Car Is Priced Low ~ Durant Motors, Star Sport touring. America’s lowest price .standard built sport touring ear distributed in this territory by Andrew Murphy & Son. San Diego Recruits AH Get Chance to Enter Annapolis San Diego. Feb. 9—Ambitious re cruits entering the United States Naval Training station at San Diego may aspire to a cadetship at the An napolis naval academy, and numbers of them already are 'n the process of qualifying for this distinction, under a plan devised by officers of the sta tion to stimulate the Interest of the men in their charge. At intervals during the year the men are invited to take the competi tive preliminary examination for ad mission to the naval academy. Sue numbers come from Washington, Ore. gon, Nevada and California. Commanding officers of the San Dl "cgo station are admitted to have es tablished a closer contact with the enlisted personnel than at any other station. In fact, the human touch is emphasised from the moment the re emit arrives. One of the first obli gations Is the sending of a postcard to the nearest kin. advising that the hoy has arrived safely and in good health. letter the commandant, Cap tain David Foote Sellers, a dlstin ! < ful candidates urj then assigned to a special school at the station and ’ ; iepatedi for the entrance’ examlna I tions to the academy, this course of ins.ruction requiring about five months. The station proper comprises 21 buildings, on 225 acre.* of land on Son Diego bay, and represents an invest ment of $2,500,000. An addition $2, 500,000 is being expended in complet ing the plant. Its official name is the Lomu Portal Naval Training sta tion. Eight Weeks Training. Haw recruits are given eight weeks intensive training and basic instruc tion in seamanship, after which they are sent to advanced schools or to sea. About 2,000 men are novf re ceiving instruction at the station, and others are arriving at the rate of 150 to 200 per week. Naval recruits from all points west of the Mississippi river are sent to the San Diego station. Appreciable tgulshed naval officer, writes a per sonal letter to the next of kin, giving [assurances that the hoy is making favorable- progress, and is happy and contented in his new surroundings. Pick ‘‘Honor Man." Bach week an “honor man” is se lected front all the recruits at the sta tion, this distinction being bestowed upon the recruit having the best rec ord, in all respects, for the previous v.tck. Special liberty p;isscs and other privileges are allowed to honor men. When a boy is designated “honor men” by the commandant, a letter is dispatched to his mother, or next of kin. Reeause of favorable climatic con ditions throughout the year, {raining of recruits for service at sea goes for ward without interruption. More than 6(10 young men, welL-fralnod for service, were assigned to the Pacific fleet when it left early this month for tlie joint maneuvers at the Panama ennai. Dort Motor Car Is Show Sensation Crowds at New York Careful* 'ly Inspect New Models— Interested in Oil Batli. ■'Never has there been such a lively Interest In automobiles as there Is this year," says Ralph W. Jones. ''Although the New York show was held away uptown this year, the at tendance was the largest ever known and perhapo more cars were sold than during any show ever held before. At Chicago, Philadelphia/ Milwaukee, Buffalo and other points the enthusi asm ran just as high. "Dort cars were warmly received iit all of these Shows,” continued Mr. Jones, "and from tho Intense Inter est displayed, we cannot help but look forward to an extremely promising year. “While the crowds simply looked at some cars and then paseed on, the noticeable thing about the Dort exhilil£,was the fact that people got Jnto the cars, inspected the motor, took the wheel and asked questions. Many cars were sold right from the show floor. "The Dort six motor was just as great a sensation as last%ear. Be cause the lubricating system of this motor has been Imitated, people were more interested than ever to see the original "bath in oil" motor in which every moving part Is lubricated un der pressure." Many Motor Problems. "We have not solved tho final problems In any line of the automo tive Industry.” C. P. Kettering, president of the General Motors re search laboratories, so told 500 Oak land dealers at their mid-western meeting at Chicago. In the course of his remarks he told how Duco was developed and how Oakland has been the pioneer car In helping solve the practical problems * connected with this satin wax finish and the first to adopt it. Plan New Mark Station. Factory hranch of the Mack Inter national Motor Truck corporation, will be located temporarily at 1516 Jones street, until the new sales of fice and service station is completed. Building will require about three months. The Omaha branch is one of 75 branches which the Mack company has established in various parts of the United States. Busy Year Predicted. "All industry, especially the auto motive Industry, will be busier in 1924 than during the last year." de clares Alfred P. Sloan, Jr., president of General Motors corporation. A wardrobe trunk built especially for children, and with all the com partments adapted for children's clothes, has much to commend it to the careful packer. NCO LN ON RECORD RUNS IEaSHGAIN and again the Lincoln has - emphatically proved its tremendous ability. In smashing runs under i_ pressure over terriblejroads, in emer " \ gency trips, it has shattered long-standing records—set new ones of brilliant performance. It always delivers. Its vigorous, V-type, 60; degree engine, and stalwart chassis, stand up under severe punishment and battle through against all odds. It is an exhilirating car to own. Grasping its wheel, you know that no road hazard can stop you. Ask any Lincoln Dealer LINCOLN MOTOR COMPANY DIVISION OP FORD MOTOR COMPANY. DETROIT. MICB. <9 0 Ad American Products Distributed Quickly Three things—the Internal combus tion engine, the automobile tire and good roads have quickened the dis tribution of American products, have increased farm values and raised standards of living, says Mr. Wood, manager of the Rusch Tire Service. “The farmer has been brought out of his seclusion largely through the development of transportation,” he said. "Jlis markets have been brought to his door. The automobile has en abled him to think of his market in terms of minutes rather than miles. “This is of tremendous economic im portance to an industry such as agri culture in which $78,000,000,000 is in vested and which is the basis of wealth in this country. - Display New Cadillac. The showing of the new V 63 Cadil lac, low-priced seven-passenger sedan, has attracted much attention and has brought a number of a new class of ^people to the showroom of the J. H. Hansen Cadillac company. Per sons who heretofore felt as though they could not afford to own a high priced closed car have beeff the ones to show the greatest interest in this wonderful car. It has also been re sponsible for a number of sales of the De I.uxo enclosed styles which have been purchased by the man who wants the best procurable in motor cars. During thi coming week a new Victoria which is priced at a remark alify low figure will be on display. Luhrication Important. Proper lubrication is one of the most important points in conserving an automobile according to Carey CJ. Wlrick in an address here to auto motive engineers and service man agers. “There are approximately 14,500.000 motor cars and trucks in use in the United States," said Mr. Wlrick. president of the Uion Oil company. "Changing motor oil ap proximately every 500 miles means about a 25 gallon oil consumption an nually for each year. Figured at $1.20 a gallon, the nation's annual automobile oil bill is $435,000,000. Stutz Is Forced to Enlarge Plant Eastern Dealers Contract fur More Cars Than Mnaufac tnretl East Year. Immediately following ttoe New York automobile show, at which time ■Stutz dealers from the eastern ter ritory signed specifications for 1924 delivery of more Stutz cars than were manufactured during the en tire year of 1923, production at the Stutz factory was Increased 500 per cent. Although the delivery specifications covered the entire period of 1924. many of the orders called for prac tically Immediate shipment. It la ex pected that the manufacture of Stutz car* will lie stepped up as rapidly as possible during the coming months so as to meet the exceedingly heavy demand of the dealers. With the exhibition of the greater Stutz lipe for 1924 at the New York show, including the new Speedway Six models and the famous Special Six creations, enthusiasm among Stutz dealers ran high. They realized that in 1924 they would have a com plete line of open and enclosed models —14 in number—to offer to the publip. Announcement of the prices of the new Speedway Six models merely served to heighten this enthusiasm as, according to many of the dealers, these prices place the Speedway Six models In an extremely favorable po sition in the fine car field. Four Whe^J Brakes Popular. -It seems probable that upwards of 20 American automobile manufactur ers will feature four-wheel 1 rak^s on their 1924 models, said Mr. Cunning ham of the LionberK°r Tire company. No less than 20 Knqlifh oar manufac turers u.^e four wheel brakes on 27j of 44 models made by them. And atj the recent Paris automobile show, all but one of the French automobiles exhibited were equipped with four wheel brakes. ' T. Ifrrl*. Taxicalt Builder, Pleads for Lower Rales An appeal to the taxicab operators of America to reduce cab rates, Is embodied in a booklet recently pub lished by John Hertz, veteran taxicab manufacturer, head of the Yellow Cab Manufacturing Co., of Chicago, under the title “An Irrevocable Franchise." The value of a public service fran chise founded in good will, rather than on special privilege, Is empha sized by Mr. Hertz, who contends that the only sure way to win and hold public favor is to give more value for the money than the other fellow. Firestom* Company Hold* Kailoon Tire Meet in;: In order to acquaint ear agent tire dealers and their salesmen wiU' all possible information on balloon tires and to give them an opportunitx to bring up for disnusslon anything they may havp In mind with refer rnre to them, J. L. Bain, manage* of the Firestone Tire and Rubber con* pany, is arranging a meeting Mon day afternoon at 2 in the Fontenelb hotel. J. K. Mayl, western sales manager will have charge of the meeting a no rover all phases of balloon tire equip ment. STCP THAT TRUCK SKIDDING WITH TRACTOR TYPE TIRES They grip the road with their massive rubber cogs and the patented Groove. Here’s an anti-skid tread that lasts the life of the tire. Made of tough rubber. Even wear all around. The Goodrich DeLuxe Tractor Type is the tire for heaviest duty work. UONBERGER TIRE & SERVICE CO. 2220 Harney St. AT Untie 1373 ■» With over 200,000 orders for Ford Cars and Trucks already placed for delivery during the next few months, we are facing a record-breaking spring demand. Each successive month this winter has witnessed a growth in sales far surpassing that of any previous winter season. This increase will be even greater during the spring months, always the heaviest buying period. These facts suggest that you place your ofder early to avoid disappointment in delivery at the time desired. yOm/UMVtS Detroit, Michigan ^ ^ It is not necessary to pay cash for your car in order to have your name placed on the preferred delivery list. Y. an make a small payment down, or you can buy, if you w i*h, under the convenient terms of the Ford Weekly Purchase Plan. See the Nearest Authorized Ford Dealer