3-Piece Duofold Suites A wonderful Lnrgalu. Each piece ns Illustrated. Duofold opens to full size double bod in an iu Mtant. Full size chair and rocker in- 0 eluded. Cietiuine Spanish Moleskin uphol- ▼ stery, wearing qualities similar to genu ine leather. $114.75 value, sale price is. . ___ / 413-IS-17 South Sixteenth Street Do Not Miss This Sale—Save From 25 to 50% Now! 2nd BIG WEEK! No such values have ever been offered before—anywhere! You will say.so yourself when you see the tremendous display of sale stocks—finest home furnishings obtainable, all drastically cut for ^ quick clearance. Come and see for yourself! fe INVESTIGATE! COMPARE! Dining Room Suites Reduced Not limited to a few suite*—every suite on our floor H reduced for tills special selling. Included in this clear ance are 8 Queen Anne Suites, oblong table and four chair* to match In genuine leather, regular $75.00 vulue, sale pi Ice of . Note Tlie*e Bargain*? 8-1’e. $298 value, walnut, now ... $218.00 8-IV. $325 value, walnut, now . . . .*251.50 8-IV. *348 value, walnut, now ....*258.75 \8-IV. $375 value, mahogany, at . . .*205.00 10-IV. $545 value, mahogany, now .$349.50 v ' / Cedar < i.e*!* Thl:< HIuh t raft'd, rgpper f/Un niod. peguino o^djir Slovitl- CO (>« u« . . t . k Im Table*, SI 1.95 I.lhrary Table* *3®.M Mahogany finish table*, aiavi.il f„r ib • . $11.80 f-2.00 Oak tables. \ fumed or golden fin ish, *peclal . .. fii. |5 Dressing Tables All odds and ends frorr broken aultes, greatly re duced. M-MuluiH finish In Triplicate m I r r p j e»y?«\ HO v— • * \**0 Vjtrge tHflify j l>rt***er ff.Mf.65 / Dressers Exceptional values now be ing offered. 14-Walnut finish, $35.00 ' It, iar*-- i r or. M - cellent finUh. COO CQ only ... «pawJ*00 • -o Oak Ores . r $ >7.45 $ >5 W alnut I>resM-r $ ^.7o f Uffotien :-’ho*u A, walnut finish. 121.00 vaJue, priced now— 312.75 *30 Oak Chiffonier *3* Ualnirt <*Mf forefte, f?6 75 \ . . / mx ^ Feveral «t>!a woo*! beds from which to select. Mahogan; . walnut and golden oak styles included, fcjee them! IVood Foster* Quaint Colonial styles, full or tw n siz^e. A11 prices, plainly marked. 11% Discount on thete prices this week. - Dining Chairs All finishes, nil prices reduced for this sale. Oak Chairs, leather seated. e a shown A, $0.50 bo value at. J —. $9.00 period styles at S3.R5 Many Others ( Tea Wagons . Affording a wonderful : opportunity to aecure a tea wagon at great reduction in price. Shown A. $22.75 value at. I $3.1 vulnea, now $21.HI $13 value**, now $32.4.1 / China Cabinets Many atyle*, all re duced for quick clearance. Odd* from broken suite*. J7— Walnut finish, reg ular $15 values, choice— $26= . Ank to S« Otlirm. Arm Chairs ' "learance of j .ill odds from l>roken dining ■mites, all fln Nhee. Values ranging In price to $15, choice at— $«.99 \ / Ilitfli C'lmir Oak flniHli, let« down to b a wheeled about:, $3 val ue, at — $5.93 Man.v Kilirrx 1 o-piece Breakfast Room Suites Special Ivory and blue enamel com bination Klilte, Ha mm own. $42.f»'* vatue, for this *aie— $29.98 rnfinlthwl Suite Of n piece**, « on - ventent elite, .t real bargain of fer, special — ; $16.95 Wing- Rockers ? Odds, upholstered in eholei I velour*. Sell ordinal I \ilv . ' <■ Prl. * e j W Cl*; I 'nr this rah*.r Living Room Suites Attractively Priced The Clearance .Sale affords wonderful opportunities to save on your new I.i'ing lloom Suite. .I.Plecp Oier stufied Suites, velours or tapestry up holstery, loose cushion seats, spring edge. etc. Priced now at . ✓ TYPICAL BAIU.AIVS •MV. H.ihogati) 81Q7.50 ( ;inc .Sm'trs n( I') / - :MW $997.50 Mohair Soltes = JUKI *.PIw« $99Cr.OO ! Moltnir Suite* 0^0- ' ^ S.PIwe* $>100.75 . Metliair Suite . **0*7=:— \ Mnny Olhrr* M«*tl Day Bed* 1 l!!u«tra*lon A. rrrtorn#-cov#r^, I to full »1/o b*«l, *«• rth I > or . .. $16.95 i , f ‘4J tfllllf, %llOtt ft •" fM A --ff * * :•/ Simmons’ Steel Tester '• INo»tr»IWI, mil or twin *irc* \alur. prt< . ' / < hot. «t of Odd < tmlr«. Itni'k • I M Mid "• h« r p I * C * « It f *1 ■« 7t — • r n t firm t Sun Room Bargains T: \ rj y ar11• * 1 •* for ImiM^dlntA .15 mnlic>in»n^ laHIr Ht \_ I Long Mantel Mirrors W ov.l. tmi hr .-I ;ute Ism value I I ■ i * an. • Sale price " * ■■ linestiir.ite I he'e Values. 3-l’e. Silt, mahocany suite i jfll.v, •M e. !*'.*••?. "nlilllt suite . >>|t;vs.'. I'e, »t»n. niiihocany suite ... sX7i.,Vi li-l'i . S.'.s.V, tie. orated suite . fi'S7s.tMI •MV. !f'7.>. .leeorate.l suite ,... * iT.'UMl WE CANNOT ILLUSTRATE ALL THE TREMENDOUS SALE BARGAINS ON ONE PAGE. HUNDREDS OF OTHER VALUES ON DISPLAY! Convenient Deferred Payments Will Facilitate Your Purchasing. Secure These Bargains Now at Sale Prices. Pay as Convenient.