Mrs. Carl R. Gray Pleads for Homes Moral Progress Urged at Joint Meeting of Noonday Llubs —Love Is Discussed. "Having an affinity isn't love; hu man affection isn't love; nor Is ani mal passion love,” said Mrs. Carl R. Gray yesterday during a talk to a joint meeting of the Kiwanis and Continental clubs at Hotel Rome. "Rove comes only from God," she told 200 men at the tables. "You must be born again.” “What can we do for Omaha” was lier subject. She stressed the thought that moral progress Is as essential as commercial achievements. She re ferred to homes where righteousness abides. “Is your wife your partner or your slave?” she asked. “You took her away from all other men. You couldn't send her enough candy and flowers before you married her. Have you written your wife a love letter recently? Don't you suppose that she enjoys flowers and candy as much as slie did before you married her? You may nave forgotten that your wife still wants to be loved and wants to be told so, now and then.” Mrs. Gray said she was pleading for the homes of Omaha. “What are you doing to help the morals of the women of Omaha,” was another query. “Are you drinking with the women of Omaha? Are you gambling with them? Are you smok 0 ing with them? Are you haranguing with them? “I have been told that there were 103 more divorces granted In one recent month in Douglas county than there were applications for marriage. Do you know what that means?” The speaker was Introduced by G. W. Noble. Moving Muny Courts Will Cost Big Sum Mayor Dahlman and City Attorney Van Dusen were Informed that alter ations costing $01,000 will be neces sary to accommodate four munici pal courts in the Douglas county courthouse and that the city will have to pay a. rental of $1,000 a month if it Insists on the county furnishing this space. "We based the rental figure on second floor offices in the vicinity of the courthouse,” said County Com missioner Kubat. , Mayor Dahlman expressed himself as being in doubt as to whether the moving of the courts from city hall to the courthouse Is practical. Hie attention was called to the fact that Ak-Rar-Ben and several other or ganizations would have to move out ; ef the courthouse should the courts be moved there. 15 Counties Will Stage Coolidge League Meetings Coolidge league meetings will take place In 15 county seats during the week, It was announced yesterday. The Douglas county club, organized a week ago, with 500 members, is now ■composed of more than 1,600 members and is growing every day, say organ isers. Practically every county in the state has men and women who have accepted the position of director in the league. Directors are now taking steps to form clubs, not only in county seats, but also in smaller towns. Superior High Wins From Hastings High in Debate Superior. Neb., Feb. 8.—Hastings High school lost to Superior High school in debating the state- ques tion. ‘'Resolved, That Immigration Should Be Further Restricted.” The Superior team, composed of Paul Montgomery, Lloyd Speer and George Johnson, upheld the affirmative of the question. The Hastings team, composed of Louis French, Kenneth Brown and Clarence Bierman, debat ed the negative. The decision of the judges was unanimous for Superior. Funeral Services for Boy z Killed by Kick of Horse Aurora, Neb., feb. 8.—George Doell, small son of George Doell, sr., living southeast of Hampton, was hilled by the kick of a horse last week. He was attending school and at the noon hour went to the barn to feed hia horse. He was kicked by one of the other horses. ^ William H. Boney, Lincoln ' Candy Manufacturer, Dies Lincoln, Feb. 8.—William H. Boney, 88, prominent IJncoln candjL. manu facturer, In that business here since 1890, died at his home. He was one of the organizers of the chamber of. commerce and was active in fraternal circles. In business he was associated ; with Frank L. Gillen. Waiters Seek Thomas Kinney; Mother Dies in Kansas City Telegram addressed to Thomas Kin ney, in care of the Walters’ club, nd vising him of the death of his mother, was received yesterday in Omaha. No one at the Walters’ club had any In formation as to tils whorealtouts. Tit telegram was from Kansu City. Adjusted (ioinpensatiou to Be Diseussnd at Valle' Claude II. Montgomery post No. fiS. American Is>gion, Valley. Neb., will hold a mass meeting at Valley opera house Wednesday evening at 8. “The Truth About Adjusted Compensation'' will be discussed. Fditors Guests of Rotary. Crete, Neb., Feb. 8.—The Crete Rotary club entertained ail editors in Saline county at Its meeting this week. Olo Buch, slate secretary of the Nebi^ika Press association, gave the address of the evening and ied the discussion on county newspaper work, in which all present, took part, making it a very enjoyable meeting. "ai»V BBTIHEJOENT. * 666 (a a Preset Iption prepared for Colds, Fever «s4 Grippe It I, tbs asst spssdy rsmsdy ws knsw, Preventing Pneumonia Mayor Holds What's hair for Wilson Is Also Fair for Lenin Milwaukee, Wis., Feb. 8.—''Presi dent Coolldge did not send condol ences to Russia when Lenin died—ho why should Mayor Hoan send condol ences to Washington on the death of Woodrow Wilson?” This was the defense of Mayor Moan s refusal to express Milwau kee's sympathy on the death of the 'war president, as advanced today by Louis Arnold, tax commissioner. Mr. Arnold’s statement was made after a score of state organizations condemned the mayor’s action as un patriotic and un-American. Jewelers Object to Marriage Law Statute Cost Then $5,000,000, President Says—Amuses Code Body Member. Lincoln, Feh. 8.—The repeal of Ne braska's marriage law will be one of the more important questions for consideration at the Nebraska Jewel ers’ convention, to be held at Grand Island February 18 to 20, R. A. Good all of Ogallala, president, said here today. Nebraska Is losing $5,000,000 a year because of the law, Goodall said, and added that his estimate Is based on the amount spent by couples out side the state. Mrs. Draper Smith was on the chil dren's code commission which worked for the marriage law. She is amused at the attitude of the jewelers. "Since they have approved the law, why do they wish its repeal?” she asks. "They don't really know how much they are losing each year because of this law. Merchants all over the coun try dhl not do as much business last, year as they have done in former years. Their alleged loss to the state of $5,000,000 is rather large.” Howard Kennedy, who also was on the commission, said that money loss was not a sufficient reason for ask ing repeal of the law. Dr. Palmer Findley was another Omahan on the commission. Charter Amendments to Be Asked by C. of C. Charter amendment committee of the Omaha Chamber of Commerce will present three amendments to the city council at its meeting Tuesday morning, according to Assistant Com missioner William Kllis. They will be presented by a Joint committee from the eivlo improve ment committee and the municipal af fairs committee of the chamber. The members are John Ryan. J. H. Mur dock. Clarence Brinker, W. C. Ram sey, Willis Todd, W. E. Neabit and Frank May. Accused of Desertion. Special Dispatch to The Omaha Be*. Beatrice, Neb., Feb. 8.—Charged with wife and child desertion at Geneva, Neb.. Theodore, GottschaJk vas arrested here by Sheriff Sailing. He will be taken back to Geneva. Omaha Reserve Bank Bill Out of Committee AVashington, Feb. S.—The joint resolution introduced by Senator Howell authorizing the Federal Re servo board to expend $5T>0.000 of its funds for a new Federal Reserve bank building at Omaha was report ed out of the senate banking and currency committee today. Destiny licked Napoleon at Water loo. Terhaps it Is to give ordinary folks a chance that you are held I down. __ What Style Victrola Do You Prefer? NO matter whether you prefer the upright models, or the horizontal types—you will find them both represented at attractive prices in our store. We are ready to stand back of each Victrola instrument we sell with all our store facilities and service, because experience has taught us that the Victor trademark under the lid represents quality workmanship, correct design, superior reproduction and customer satisfaction. Come in and let us show you some ot these fine instruments. Victrola Department Main Floor—Wost Buy on Easy Time Payments New Victor Record*, Once a Week, Every Week—Friday You’ll Never Hit the Ball With the Bat On Your Shoulder The men who make a city are the . fellows who “swing” for the things worth while. Too many men die on third base. They lack the nerve to “hit the ball” and follow through. Ix?t’s “score” for Omaha. We’ve got a wonderful city—it offers un limited opportunities to red-blood ed men who will dedicate them selves to its service for a bigger ar.d better city. Tell the world about Omaha—it’s a great place to live! t E. C. EPPLEY Pres. Eppley Hotels Company These Saturday Specials Demonstrate Value and Price! Selling this between-season month, tempting and inter esting merchandise, mostly recent purchases at lowest . prices of the year. The Charm of These New Spring Dresses Lies in their fresh, spring-like colorings and style tendencies of the new season. Particularly in the smaller sizes will you note and appreciate the new boyish lines which spring dic tates, while for the mature woman a decided slen- * derizing effect prevails. Materials are— Sport flannels in checks, stripe and plaid effects, satins, georgette, silk crepes and printed crepes. Trimmings of— Beads, embroidery, lace and braid. Colors and Combinations— Black, navy, new blue, gray, peach, cocoa, brown, blue and tan, black and white, blue and rose, black and light blue and black and tan. Sizes 16 to 46—On Sale Saturday— $25 WOMEN’S AND MISSES' SECTION—SECOND FLOOR. . Final Prices Children’s Wear . CHILDRENS WINTER HATS (2 to 6 CflOiCC years) of velour, chinchilla and velvet. CHILDREN S KNITTED CAPS of yarn. INFANTS’ SILK HOODS, soiled; formerly priced to $3.50.. ' ■ ON THE SQUARE SATURDAY. Girls’ Section-Second Floor 10 Girls’ Serge Dresses, tf*'} rrv (Sizes 32 to 38) .. spZr.Dv/ GIRLS' WINTER SWEATER IS to H year*)—Durable, warm, wanted color*. Pull-on* and coal style. Formerly AA priced to $10.00. Sale Price. 'W.UV PAUL JONES MIDDIES to 20 year*)—White galetea. navy and red trim, with white braid, slightly soiled. fijl Cft Formerly priced to $3.50. Sale Price. GIRLS’ SCARF SETS (4 to 14 year*)—Of fine brushed wool, scarfs with either cap or hat to match. Richly beauttfnl coloring*. Formerly priced to $10.00. Three groupings, clearance prices— 91.98 92.98 94.98 Children Bath Robes, small lot, each. tfk "1 Infants'Yarn Knitted Sacques—Soiled, each.. \ I I II I Yarn Knit Leggings t2 to 4 years).each. a. • VF VE Outing Flannel NIGHTGOWNS About 300 in the three groupings. Made of good and superior quality outing flannel. In attractive color combinations, blue and pink, and trimmed with embroidery, finishing braid and hand touches. Both long and short sleeves, round. * . square and V necks. Formerly priced to f‘2.93. 100 Outing Flannel Nightgowns— Sale Price. 69c 100 Outing Flannel Nightgowns— , Sale Price.1.39 100 Outing Flannel Nightgowns— Sale Price.1.69 MUSI.IN, SILK UNDERWEAR SECTION—SECOND FLOOR. Make Cobb’s Candies Your Valentines v When you give a box of Cobb’s luscious candies you are sure to be remembered with sweet memories. Heart boxes filled with chocolates and bon bona from 30c to $5.00. Beautiful cream hearts with arrow, marshmallow In rreani topped with hearts, tlnv cinna mon hearts, dinner candies iu heart form. COBBITES-A lull pound of delightful bon bans, rich buttery chocolate, pecan roll, mint marshmallow, butterscotch, liQp hi; ck walnut caramel*. Special .OUv BLACK WALNUT FUDGE—If you are fond of black walnuts then her# is a real treat. Rich, creamy vanilla fudge, crowded with big, mealy black walnuts. Special, pound.9vv ASSORTED BUTTERCUPS—Satin Jackets of soft, chcwey Kflp candy, filled with nut* and cocoanut. special, lb. tlUC NUT STUFFED DATES- Large selected dates. Rich, niello*’, de j liclous, stuffed with almonds, pecans, walnut*. • CA,, Special, pound ..wfVw/ SPICED OPERA PROTS The reason our spice drops are *JQp so popular Is because of the superior spices used, round, Prices on Ice Cream Individuals Reduced Recently t upid Ice Cream Hearts, per do/en .$15.00 Brink Ire Cream Red Heart Center, gallon. $11.00 Individual Faper Cases filled, at .#1.30 »nd #1.50 Neopolltan Brick Cream, per gallon .. #2.00 ■ » ■ I. I I Have You Played MA CHEUK Tkc game also called Ma Chong, Sparrow, Pe Ling, etc. Special Offer Saturday $3.95 Complete playing outfits. Composition tiles, printed two colors. Mounted on wood base. Packed in sub stantial five-till paper cartons, furnished complete with 144 tiles, 116 fiberoid counters, wind box, 4 winds, 2 dice and rule book. Just so to sell at the price. Silk Special for Saturday 12-INCH'MOMME all-silk Japanese Pongee, 89c regular $1.25 grade. Yard. 40-INCH ALL-SILK RADIUM—An ideal lingerie silk; in shades of white, pink, peach and orchid. O