The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, February 09, 1924, CITY EDITION, Page 5, Image 5

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Y Adele Garrison
“My Husband's Love”
Lillian Laid Further Plans for the
1 looked at Lillian with the adrnira^
tlon which I always feel when some
plan of hers reveals her resourceful
ness and her fertile imagination. I
hated to depreciate it even by a sug
gestion, yet something had occurred
to me which 1 knew I must voice.
“It strikes me as a most wonder
ful plan.” I said, answering her
ouory, "but—do you think it's going
to be safe to take them to the apart
“Why not?” she countered. “No
body knows the address save our
selves and the postoffice and we’ve
spiked that down.”
“But we haven't made sure that no
telephone calls will be traced between
here and the apartment.
Bhe sat down in the nearest chair
■with an exaggerated gesture of hea
viness, and stared at me.
“By the left horn of the cow that
Jumped over the moon,” she ejacu
lated, "you’ve hit it. There must be
a perforation In the back of my skull
where the gray matter is disappear
ing. There's the vulnerable place
and the one t should have thought of
first. There’s no mire way of pro
tecting It either. My salute to you.
Madame! 'You're a better man than
1 am, Gunga Lin!’ ’’
1 flushed and protested vigor
"Nonsense, I just thought of it
myself this minute. It was the obvi
thing, therefore we both over
looked It. But what's jo be done,
The Flushing RetreaTT
“Exactly the same thing as be
fore, with only ono change. You'll
stop short of New York, in—let s see
■—Flushing. I know a woman there
w ho keps a small boarding house,
clean and comfortable, with only
members of her own family for help.
.She can be depended on to keep her
mouth shut, also, which is very neces
sary business just now. I’ll give you
a letter to her, and you can stay
there until the ship sails, and drive
into New Y'ork for whatever shopping
jou need.”
“But 1 won't be permitted to drive
in New York,” I objected. "I never
have taken the examination for an
operator's license.”
“Nobody’s expecting you to,” she
retorted a bit acidly. “Unless you
were verj/ well used to driving there,
it would be the acme of folly for you
to attempt it, and risk the chance of
even a minor accident making you
conspicuous. But this woman to
whom you are going will find you s
discreet chauffeur. She has worked
for me before.”
"Oh'.” I said, chagrined that 1 had
not guessed before the connection of
the woman with Llllian'a secret ser
vice work.
“She's not active now," Lillian ex
plained, “but she's a loyal soul to me,
and your charges will be perfectly
safe with her, even If you have to
leave them for a few hours.”
“That's all right, then,” I said.
“When do you want me to start,
before you do?
J. •*rVo.” siie responded promptly. "I
want to get our friend, Monsieur
Flat Foot, safely on my trail before
jou start. I^et's see, that train
leaves at 7 approximately. That will
give me a lot of time after dark.
Will you tell Katie to,get that girl,
Mamie, over here? Tell her it's about
some work—and it is.” #
Clothes for the Children.
I gave her a startled glance.
''You mean to take three of those
children to New York with you” I
exclaimed, suddenly enlightened.
“And Mamie,” she returned. “That’s
the bait I’m going to hold out to her
~j-4 trip to New York. And Mamie's
indispensable to the. plan. She can
Wold those youngsters down so there
won't be a yip out of them. I'll only
need them for this Journey anyway.
I'll send them back tomorrow while
our friend cools his fiat feet.”
"Yes, tjieir sizes are almost provi
dential,” I said, "especially as this
sleuth probably never has seen them.
But what about their clothing?”
"That’s where you come in,” she
said. "Mamie'U tell you their ages,
and you've seen them ail. Can you
go down to Chicester’s in Bridge
hampton and get ready-mades for
them from the undies out without
measuring them? I don't want them
over here until almost time to start.”
"I'm sure of it” I said, for I have
a knack of estimating ready-made
sizes for children. "You’ll have to
have overcoats also, and caps.”
"I know it,” she said ruefully.
"This will be an expensive party, but
I don't know any other way to man
age it.”
"I didn't mean that” I flushed. "I
only wanted to be sure I had every
thing right.”
“You will have” she said reasurlng
ly. "I wish I had your head for de
"Yes. you ought to wish for some
thing in mentality,” I scoffed. "You
have so little.”
She threw me a kiss, then turned
me round by the shoulders so that I
faced the door.
"We have no time for log-rolling,”
she said laughingly. "Please get
Mamie over here as soon as you
For Dr. Stastny.
Mrs. Ira, Porter entertained 12
guests at luncheon at her home yes
terday, honoring Dr. Olga Sastny,
who has returned to Omaha for a
brief stay and rest. Dr. Sastny plans
not to make a public address In Oma
ha on tlie near east.
Hotel Rome
The Best That’s All
Mater Rates—Prompt Service
CALL AT-3322
Get Dr. Edwards’ Olive
That ia the Joyful cry of thousands
since Dr. Edward* produced Olive Tab
lets, the substitute for calomel.
Dr. Edwards. a practicing phyalcian for
17 years and calomel’# old-tlroe enemy,
discovered the formula for Oliva Tablats
while treating patients for chronic con
stipation and torpid livers.
Dr. Edwards* Olive Tablets do not
contain calomel, but a healing, soothing
vegetable laxative.
No griping is tha ”keynote'# of theie
little sugar-coated, olive-colored tablets
They cause the bowels and liver to act
normally. They never force them to un
natural action.
If yoti have a “dark brown mouth”- -
bad breath—a dull, tired feeling—sick
headache—torpid liver—constipation, you’ll
find quick, aure and pleasant results from
one or two of Dr. Edwards’ Olive Tablets
at bedtime.
Thousands take them every night Just
to keep right. Try them. 15c and 30c.
Lilian to Thia About Wonderfully Beautiful Wary Hair
What U there about a girl that ran make her more attractive eo easily
than her hair? It In like a frame to the picture.
The moat marveloua curl and wave producer on the market ii the nee/
OCEAN WAVE, a liquid that absolutely maker the molt etuhborn, dullest
’ and atralghteat hair fall In natural, charming, eilky curia.
With It you can Install a permanent curl or wave that will star In many,
many days. Jts effort le startling!
Don’t delay! Keep your hair lookinr its best. Make It be admired. Save
' Hate and money. Harmless—easy to use. Buy a bottle at your drug etore
or department store today. Ask for
Satisfaction guaranteed or yoor money chaerfully returned. Tf unobtainable
at your store send 11 plue Ida for postage and wa will mail you a bottle.
Special aala on now at the following drug and department etoree in Omaha
and Council Bluffs:
Armstrong'" Phar.. 1201 Military Are.
•w_B*nson Phar.. 6105 Military At*.
wiWnson-Willlama Drug Co..
3624 Leavenworth.
Burgess-Nash Co., 16lh and Harney.
Central Park Phar.. 4136 Grand Ave.
G A. Chapman, 4967 Dodge.
Clairmont Phar., 4737 Military Ave.
• Creighton Phar.. 626 N. 24th St.
Crosstown Drug Store, 1229 S. 24th.
Carter Lake Phar., 3924 N. 16th.
Brown Park Phar.. 2102 Q.
Drexel Phar.. 624 N. 16th. •
Dundre Phar.. 4923 Underwood Ave.
Hrandeis Stores. 16th and Douglas.
Florence Drug Store, 8624 N. 30th.
Fontanell* Park Phar.. 3924 Ames Ave.
■ Groan’s Phar., 40th and Farnam.
Green's Phar.. 60th and Military Av*.
. Hatnea Drug Co.. 16th and Howard.
Highland Task Phar., 3604 S. 24th St.
Johanson Drug Co.. 3819 N. 24th.
, Knudaon Drug Co.. 24th and Cuming.
Lakeview Phar.. 2»2S Locust St.
Lane Drug Co., 16th and leirust.
liana Drug Co.. 301 h and Fort.
I*ne Drug Co.. 24th and Antes Ave.
I.ustgarten d» Greenberg Drug Co.,
2761 Q
Lockwood Phar.. 5203 Leavenworth.
Marsh Phar., 2001 Lake St.
Melcher Drug Co.. 4826 S. 21th.
Merts Drug Co., 3997
Miller Park Phar. 6823 N. 21lh.
Miller Phar., 16th and Vinton.
Ohio St. Phar. 2601 N. 48th
Park Ave. Phar., 2920 Farnam.
Parker St Drug*., 1828 N. 83d.
Patterson, H. O.. 162 4 8. 10th
Patty-Young Drug Co., 2402 Fort.
Paxton Hotel Drug*., 324 R. 14th.
People'* Drug., 2402 N. 24th.
Pope Drug Co.. 1302 Farnam.
Prettiest Mile Phar., 4 4 30 Florence Blv.
Rialto Drug Store, 117 8. 16th.
Sherman 4 McConnell Drug Co., 16th
and Harney, 16th and Dodge, 18th
and Farnam, 24th and Farnam. !
Sprague Drug Co., 4102 N. 24th. j
Sun Drug Co., 1401 Farnam.
Thompson-Belden Co.. 16th and Howard.
irnitt-Docekal Drug Co., 1626 Farnam.
Vanda* Phar., 2701 8. 10th. |
Vinton 8t. Phar., 3201 8. 24th.
Yatea Drug Store, 32 4 N. 16th.
Apollo Khop, 6121 S. 26th.
Adam* Phar., RaUton, Neb.
Reno Dept. Store, Pearl and Broadway.
Brown Drug Co., 811 S. Main.
Clarke Drug Co., 504 Broadway.
Co. Bluffs Drug. 605 W. Broadway.
Carmichael Phar.. 2319 Broadway.
Itavi*. Geo. 8., 200 W. Broadway.
McPherson Pro*., 162 W. Broadway.
Taffe Drug Co., 555 W. Broadway.
Wenner. F. W.. 200 8. Main.
Whaley, 8. K., 304 W. Broadway.
Ripened bananas in velvety, pure cream, and frozen
just right.
It “taste* like more”—and it’s good for you, too.
Jt Toko II homo todny In hollt—or In pint or qnort pnrkagra.
Proton Krooh Dnllr tho BBTTF.R Wny In
Omaha, C'rcli, Orand Inland and Alovs City
Esta*ushcoI884- DkliciaIcc Cream
Omaha Art Guild Exhibit
40 Orr\aha paintings by well
known Omaha artists are on
display on the fourth floor.
The exhibition is free of charge.
Open 9 a. m. to 6 p. m.
" Omaha Hag the Largest Technical High School in America
Burgess-Nash Comrahy
The Children's Theater Presents
“Little Women”
Saturday in Our Auditorium
at 2:30 P. M.. All Children
Are Invited
Fifth Floor
Immense Stocks of
Furniture Reduced
In the February Sale
Furniture for every room, in a collection unexcelled for variety
of designs, for superiority of workmanship and material, and for
sheer numbers of pieces, has been drastically reduced during the
month. Whether you are in need of an odd chair for a favorite
corner, a charming occasional table, or a complete suite for any
room in the house, you will at once recognize the exceptional na
ture of the opportunity here presented.
Buy on our Household Club plan of extended payments, and
pay as you Use. Fourth Floor
i I
Valentine Novelties
Valentine season and its amorous customs comes
again to waken the hearts of old and new lovers,
therefore for conveying affectionate messages or for
staging a successful party we suggest—
Valentine Greeting Cards of
A all sorts. *ith hearts, cupids,
f forget-me-nots and all manner
of love notes.
Valentine Nut Cups, 75c to
)$1.80 a doien.
Valentine Paper Table Covers,
each, 35c.
Valentine Festoons, 10c.
Valentine Material, box, 39c. ^
Valentine Cut-out Heart*, Ar
rows. etr., package, 10e.
Valentine Tarty Cap*, 10c
Valentine Taper Napkins, pack- 1
nge of 18, 15c.
Valentine Seals, 10c.
Valentine Tally Cards and
Place Cards, dozen at 25c and
stationery section «
Main Floor
This Week *s Release
19239—My Sweetie’s Sweeter
than Ever. Benson’s
WOW! Shimmy 7P
fox trot. ■ Ow
19241—She Wouldn’t Do What
I Asked Her to. Vir
\ ginians.
Hurdy Gurdy Blues.
Fox 7 e;r
trot. # wt
Classical Records
By Louise Homer, Miseha Elman,
Orville Harrold.
Filth Floor
Candy Specials
Aworted Cream Wafer*.
Wafers, made from the richest
of cream, in assorted flavors,
are specially priced OJ?
at, pound.OOC
Creamed Brazil*.
Whole Brazi) nuts dipped in
cream, CA.
Hand-Rolled Chocolate* I
Very choice hand-rolled and
hand-dipped chocolates with
either milk or bitter sweet coat
ings, in neat boxes, at, y|
Orange Dale Chocolate*
A choice box of assorted dark
coated, but not bitter, choco
lates. Very specially
priced at.UJ/C
Salted Nut*
Blanched Salted Peanuts, fresh
today, ACir
pound. *'» ~
Main Floor
Sale of Kid Gloves
Regular $2.50 Values
These two-clasp imported real kid gloves offer values
that are exceptional. Fashioned
with overseam and Paris point stitch
ing, in tan, brown, beaver, black and
white, they may be had in all sizes.
$2.50 is the regular price; special at....
Main Floor
- - - ■— .
Luggage Specials
Herkert and Meisel Wardrobe trunks
These strongly built, well-finished trunks, equip
ped with all modern fittings, are guaranteed for
five years. These sell regularly^^Q C/"|
for $62.50, special*.. *P4*2/«3”
All-Leather Black Enamel
Traveling 'Bags Hat Boxes
18-inch bags that Very convenient to use
sell regularly at $22 even when not traveling.
spe- d»io en s*" rpfful»r- QC
cial at^P * OiwU ly at $7.50. . «P**••JO
Main FI oar
Spring Neckwear
$225 i
Add a touch of spring to
your wool dress with a dain
ty new collar and cuff set—
Peter Pan or Jenny neck col
lar with puff sleeves to
match. Fine, imported not
with exquisite val and Vene
tian lace trimmings fashion
these sets. These may be had
in a soft, cream color.
Main Floor
Toilet Articles
$2 Djer Kiss Toilet Water. .$1,59
35c Acurea Talcum Powder. -29*
•50c Elcaya Cold Cream.39**
5c Cocoanut Oil Soap, 3 for. - IQ*
$3.00 White Ivory Mirrors .$1.79
30c Peroxide of Hydrogen... l9*
60c Sul Hepatica.39*
$1.50 Metal Hot Water Bottles
15c Amami Shampoo .10*
25c l.isterine .... .19*
35c Palm Olive Shaving Cream
. 24*
10c Jap Rose Soap.6 for 39*
$2.00 Hughes Ideal Hair Brush,
No. 66 .$1.19
60c Woodbury Facial Cream, jars,
Main Floor * ,
Wool Sweaters and Scarfs
Greatly Reduced
$3:95 to $6.95
Our entire stock of wool sweaters
—slipovers ' aiut golf coats—and
scarfs have been reduced to prices
which are less than cost. The sweat
ers are of both brushed and un
brushed W <*>l.
Slipovers and golf coats are priced
at, 93.95 to 9H.05
Scarfs, with values up to 99.Ob are
priced at 92.95
Scarfs, with values up to 913.9b
are priced at.v . .. •95.95
Hand-Made Blouses
Tfcesp exquisite, handmade blous#* of
fine French voile and batiste will appeal
to the discriminating woman. They
are smartly fashioned and daintily
trimmed in clever, new stitching, hand
embroidery and real laces. *Theso sell
regularly for prices to JfH.Ofi.
Third Floor
New Spring Apparel
Embodying the Smart Notes of Spring
Silk and Wool Dresses
$25.00 to $49.50
The dresses portray tube models, cleverly
disguised with overskirts, drapes, tiers and
panels. Embroidery, bead and novelty trim
ming. Fabrics are Molly O crepe, Roshanara
crepe, radium silk, cashmu crepe, chinchilla
satin and flat crepe. Colors are:
Moss Green Almond Green
Paris Gray Copenhagen Risque
Rust Stucco Roxse Ciera
The New Suits /
$45.00 to $169.5C Q
Mannish tailored suits, meticulous in tail
oring is the modern girl’s perfect costume.
For dre^s wear the three-piece suit was creat
ed, ana for sports, the smart suit of rough ma
terials. Popular fabrics are:
Twill Bloom Covert Twill Biskit Cloth
Flamingo .Inina Argenta Charmeen
Colors featured in the spring suits are
mocha, badger, graystone, moss, seafoam, old
blue and navy. Women’s and misses’ sizes.
' Spring Coats
$39.50 to $139.50
Proclaiming simplicity as the keynote of the
ultra-smart, fashion’s new coats are shown in
a delightful variety of shades and materials.
Materials Colors
Veil atone Paris La Mode Flamingo Artichoke Natural Mandalay
Glovefluff Cameo Stripe Gold Lichen Corn Navy
Third Flo«r
Silk Hose and
Wool Hose
These full fashioned silk hose
for women come in well
known makes, such as ‘Gran
ite,’’ and are of medium
weight silk, either in plain
styles or with fancy embroid
ered clox. The wool hose are
also full fashioned, in plain
styles or with hand embroid
ered clox. Colors are brown,
tan bark, light gray, tan and
beige. Also black. Values
range from $2.00 to $2.95.
Specially priced at $1.39.
Main Floor
Final Clearance of Pumps and Oxfords
Troken Lines Women’s High Grade Brooklyn Turn Pumps, Novelty Pumps, Oxfords
Values up Values from
to $1000 $10.00 to $14 JO
Black and Brawn
L Patent Leather and
P Black Kid Pumpe.
Black ar Brawn
Military; Lew ar
French Meets are
black. Brow a or Gray Suede
with Military* French ar Span
ish Heel.
Lifr. t, Mrdiisat ar Dark I vary
Suede wrfth Military, French ar
Spanish Heals.
Black ar Brows Satin with >
Military. French ar Spanish (1
Heels. *
Patent Leather with Military,
French or Spanish Heals.
Lifht Brown Susde Oxfords
with Military Hsels. -
Maui r low
Indestructible Pearls
Imported from France
Direct from one of France’s finest pearl makers come these
exquisitely tinted strands of graduated pearls. Perfectly
matched and graduated, delicately shaded—these are char
acteristics of the French beads. The lengths of these strands
conform with fashion—18 inches, 24 inches and 30 inches.
Each necklace is encased in a beautiful leatherette gift box.
The values are extraordinary.
_ _Main Floor
Two-Pants Suits
. All wool suits of tweeds, herring
) bones and diagonal stripes, made
with the pleated or yoke back and
patch pockets. Values to $17.50.
Wash Suits
We are offering a lot oft broken
sizes in Oliver Twist, middy and
Balkan styles. The materials are
golden Moth and palmer linens. Val
1 lies to $2.95.
Boys' Blouses
Kaynee and other well-known
brands of boys’ blouses, made
of li^ht and dark striped per
rale8. blue rhainbrays and h
few madras stripes. QP
Values to $1.25 ..... *70C
Boys Sweater*
Boys’ cotton and wool mixed
sweaters, in slipover and coat
styles, suitable for school wear,
t'omhinartons and plain colors.
Ages 4 to 14, $2.69
I i nil a i
" ' - —
Junior Coats
At $10.98
Bolivia, broadcloth and novelty wool
ens fashion these smart winter coats.
All are fully lined and inner lined for i
warmth. Some are finished with nu- .
tria collars. Values range from $19.50 !
to $22.50. '
At $21.98
For sports wear and dress wear, at
tractive models are offered, some of
which are trimmed with raccoon col
lars and others with self collar*. Val
ues range from $32.95 to $47.50.
l I " - .
Girls’ Flannel Middies
l«irk’ fine quality flannel middic-, in navy,
green and brown, are st\led with sailor col
lars, long sleeves and an inverted pocket.
Rows of contrasting color braid trim the
cuffs and the collar, while large emblems dec
orate the sleeve. Sizes 6 to 14 years. Values
range up to $6.50. Specially tfO QC
priced at. .
Tfclrd Hosr
Sale of Children's Shoes
Pied Piper. .1. Kdwards, Melanson Kor X Arch and Dugan Hudson Iron
t'lads-Twell-known makes of shoes for children at 20■> off their regular
Values range from $2.25 to $6.95, less 20 per cent
Style* for Infant* Two-Tone Rut
Ion Shoe* with Suede Top*.
Styles for Misses am! Growing:
Girl* Hlark and tan lace, Good
year welt school shoes.
Patent lace shoes with white hid
Patent shoes with gtaf an ode tops.
Sires, 1 to 5, »>'» to S, 8 % to 11.
11 H to 2, 2 S to 8.
Maia Kk*»t
—iriaai of America's (treat Stores" ■■ j.