Doctor Missing; Fund Is Raised More Than $1,500 Donated in " - Search for Geddes Phy* . sician—Offer Reward. * Bioux City, la., Feb. 8.—A fund of more than Si,500 was donated in Ued ■les, S. D., Thursday night for the Jftfrpose of searching for Dr. F. E. I'yle, missing Geddes physician. —4t)r. Fyle was last seen in Sioux m- after motoring here with anoth er man. lie intended to return im mediately to Geddes, but vtas never abeu aflerwards. A reward of $500 lias *$». posted for information regard 1*»® his whereabouts. A search will be itiido along the banks of the Mis souri river from Yankton to Sioux City. t Geddes, S. D„ Feb. 8.—At a mass meeting here that filled the large high school auditorium, an organization for further search for Dr. Fred E. Fyle c$as perfected, named "The Search for Dr. Fyle league,” comprising all the local church, lodge and civic organiza tions. Warren E. Beck was elected president; A. II. Stauffacher, secre tary, and G. Brothlisbergtr, treasurer. Twenty-two hundred and fifty dollars cash was raised for expense and re ward purposes. ; A committee was formed of the rececutlve officers of ail organizations, wlio will meet immediately and make definite arrangements for a nation wide search for the missing doctor. National fraternal and professional organizations to which Dr. Fyle be longed are assisting. County, state and national government agencies also will be asked to help. Dr. Fyle, 6 feet 2 inebes. weight '-20, 62 years old. Tilth gray hair, mysteriously disappeared from Sioux City, December 11, after telling 9*. ?*** Suitings in Colors Genuine Indian head and linene in fast col . £>ard.35c i J (—T-—^ Curtaining Veilo The double twisted thread, 25c | C kind; yard . . V ___J S'--—\ *»»Hr Cloth Cheviot* and cham brays, the kind that stands the hardest laundry test. 25c kind vard 17ic Vs__ J /-N Turkish Towoliag Bleached. 29e kind; in long remnant lengths. | Q 19e f-\ L. L. Mu.lia Unbleached, standard quality, in this rem nant sale, 1 f . > »rd .* (-\ Tea Towoliag Stripes and checks. 25c kind, remnants. i4ic 's_/ «|l( r.RTIBMKNT. Looren Up That Cold With Musterole Have Musirrole haiuly when s cold ■laris. H lifts nil of the advantages of grandmother's mustard plaster WITHOUT the blister. You Just ap ply If Willi the fingers. Kits' you feel s warm tingle as the healing ointment penetrates thp t>orrs, then comes n soothing, cooling sensation and quirk relief. Made of pure nil of mustard and other simple Ingredients, Musterole la recommended by many nurses and doctors. Try Musterole for bronchitis, sore throat, stiff neck, pleurisy, rheu matiam, lumbago, croup, asthma, neuralgia, congestion. pains ami aches of the hack or joints, sore muscles, sprains, bruises, chilblains, frosted feet, colds of the cheat. It ma>• prevent pneumonia and "flu." To Mothers: Musterole Is also made in milder fnrm lor hahies and small children. ,\sk for t hildrrn'a Musterole. 3Sc and die. In jars and tubes. Heifer than a mustard plastrr If this Signature is NOT on the Box, it is NOT BROMg QUININE "There is no other BROMO QUININE* Proven Safe for more than a Quarter of a Century as a quid and effective remedy for Colds. Grip and Influenza, and a* a Preventive. —————————————— ■ —t The First and Original Cold and Grip Tablet j Price 3U Cents