■ Step Into the Prosperous Citizen Class—Buy a Home This Spring BEE CLASSIFIED AD RATES 1 c per line each day, 1 or 2 days. ' "c per line each day. 3 or 6 days. I oc per line each day, 7 days or longer. The above rates apply to ail advertise nts in classifications: ••St and Found . 4 Help Wanted Female. 27 Help Wanted Male. 2* salesman and Agents. go situations Wanted Female. gj situations Wanted Male. 32 ' 1 tides for Sale. 46 "irm and Dairy Products. 49 Good Things to Eat. fti Homemade Things. 42 Household Goode. gg Swap Column.A58 Wearing Apparel. 60 Van tea to Buy. 41 looms With Board. 42 looms Without Board. 43 (looms for Housekeeping .. 64 looms, Unfurnished.A64 ■uburban Board. 65 Farms for Rent .76A For all other classifications our regular •u»es as quoted below apply Classified Ads accepted at the following f flees: Main Office.17th and Fernsm Sts. ^ uth Omaha.—N. W. Cor. 24th and N Sts. ’otincll Bluffs.... .15 Scott St. These rates apply to The Sunday Omaha Bos as well as The Morntng and Evening B^e. All week-day advertisements ap pear in both morning and evening editions «t the one cost: 18c per line each day, 1 or 2 days. 15o per line each day. 3 or 6 days. 13o per line each day, 7 days or longer. CLOSING HOURS FOR CLASSIFIED ADS. Morning vEdltion.10 p. m. evening Edition. 11:30 a. m. Sunday Edtlon. • p. m. Saturday Telephone ATlcntic 1000. THE OMAHA BEE reserves the right to reject or rewrite all copy. Call for Classified Ad Department. An experienced Classified Ad taker will re * elve your ad and a bill will be m* *<»d later. The rates quoted above apply to either chare** or cash orders THE EVENING BEE. THE OMAHA MORNING BEE. .^T-.-^NOlJNCEMENTS._'~"._._. Funeral Notices. A KADERE1T—Mr,. Mary. 2770 South Ninth St., February 7. age 69 years, |Q mo.. 14 days. Deceased Is survived by - ’ Mnd August, and 8 children, Mrs. W. F. Francis, Mrs. Anna Broveleit. Mrr 1.. i < lark, Mrs Fred Zotzman. Mrs. F. II Doerr, 3 sons. Gustav. Harry H. and Fred. 15 grandchildren, 2 great-grand children. Funeral services Saturday at 2 p. m . from the residence to Cross Lutheran • liurch at 2:30 p. m. Interment West l awn cemetery. Vaults and Monument*. B "Automatic Sealing ’ concrete burial vaults recommended by all leading undertake:*. Mfg. bv Omaha Concrete Burial Vault Co Funeral Directors. C HEAFEY A HEAFET, Uundertakere and Bmbalmera Phone HA. 0565. Office 2611 Farnarn (ESTABLISHED SINCE 1882) KORISKO FUNERAL HOME. . d and O Sts. 1250 S. Uth Rf 'A. 0680. AT. 1871 CRANE MORTUARY CO.. CONDUCTED RY LADIES ONLY ir, a. 20th St. AT. 3689 and' AT. 369 C. C. HAYNES FUNERAL HOME. ’«20 N. 24th St. KE. 025 -6-— DUFFY * JOHNSTON. II S. 33d. new funeral bums HA. 041 BRAII.KY & DORRANCE. 1823 CUMING ST.. JA. 0526. HOFFMANN AMBULANCE 'edge at 24th. Funeral Dlrectori. JAI801 !L H. KRAMER FUNERAL HOME. 5810 Military Ave. WA. 6314. JOHN A. GENTLEMAN, 3411 Farnarn SL TAGGART A SON. 2212 Cuming St. JA 071*. HULBE A RIEPEN. ♦ ^ an. ral directors. 2224 Cuming. JA 122* s' P. SWANSON. 17TH AND CUMINO Quiet, Dignified Supervlelon. CROSBY-MOORE 24th and Wirt. WE, 0047. Cemeteries. D WKHT LAWN C’KMETKHY. Our convenient payment plan i» appreciat ed when family lot la required. Telephone WA. ns20, WA. 4160. AT. 1979, and our free cloeed car will call for you. Courteoua forvlre. Perpetual care. Ctmftl^ry 68th anu Center Ste. Beautiful, convenient. FOREST LAwf ~ •20 acres. Peruatual care. Offlca •he cemetery North 40th St. and Foreet l.awn Ave.. and 720 Brandela Theater ■tulg _ p^onst|t _£ uQKRS, Florist. 24th Farnam. JA. 340" • < iHN BATH. lfu4 Farnam. JA Personals.3 llfF SALVATION Army Industrial home solicits your old clothing, furniture, rnnfu /.in«f We collect We distribute Phone JA. 4155 and our wagon win call. Cell and Inapect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 i-iodne Street. _ WILt. lake aged, mental or rlironic _lc - v.llds In my home <’all w A. 429J. Write 403 Sunderland Bldg-_ r>,..atatl0 trouble* treated "JI hout eurgery or druga. Dr, C. B. Hunt. 6.2 W--II Bldg. I M MANUEL PRIVATE MATERNIT1 1 HOME. 2MH Brl.tol WE 2999 Theatrical historical meeque conurnee foi may end pertlee et Llehen'e- Oniaha KoR SCIENTIFIC maeaagf. call WA. I"M. ' __ MASSAGE TREATMENT. 810 -V. 17TH ST " Lost and Found.< STOLEN. Stolen from Howard Brother, of Litch field. Neb . one bey horee. about 10 year* 'a- old: weight about 1.000 lba.l forelop rnliAiboed; bad eaddle on when etolen. A reward of 876 will be paid for the re turn of the I era. and 1100 reward for Notify11 j" A.t,Th»IUilll. aherlff. Loup City. N«b. - AUTO MOBII ■ ES _ '^yjtoTnobiiddtor Sale._5 FORD SEDAN. LATE 1922 MOD EL, TOUR NEW TIRES. GOOD spare, lock wheel, up IIULSTERINO LIKE NEW THIS CAR HAS BEEN THOR- j UUOHLT RECONDITIONED AND IS PERFECT MECHANI CALLY. 8366. 1IA. 2969. I have a 1982 coupa that I would ill,., to sell In.mediately. My e«r . in excellent aliape would like io get In touch w-lth aomoone who ha, a Ford roadater nr touring with a trad# In view Would elan rive term* to right peraon. Cell Kenwood 3667. ,HO COUPE. LATE MODEL. FIVE GOOD TIRES, BUN VIZOR, HARSLER SHOCK ABSORBERS. A I MECHAN ICALLY. 8266. HA. 4689. NABII-VrtlEHEMA AUTO CO, USED CAR STORE. .146 Farnam._A T, 4 6 X 0 i;d parte”for all make# of car Ford „„ed part- al half price Two "racking |.l*ht* Nehraaka Aulo Pari". -T A 4 9.11 i-riflD coupe. 19*9, at a bargain term#, ,,r trade for a Ford louring or roadater. Ism'll Hlnff*. It'd 111 :i-_ UBED CARS. O N. Boun*y Motor Co. 1666 Fern a Til. _ ~ DEPENDABLE USED CARS ANDREW MURPHY * HONS HID JACKHON ST.AT. 6611 HUDSON louring. lata model and In e« ceilant comll'loij. Guaranteed. See today. Ouy U Bmllh. i \ __ A UTOMOBn^ES._ Automobiles for Sale. 5 FORD ROADSTER. LATE 1923 MODEL. EQUIPPED WITH THE ORIGINAL TIRES AND THEY SHOW VERY LITTLE WEAR. STARTER AND DE MOUNTABLE RIALS. LARGE LOCK WHEEL. PAINT EX TRA GOOD. IN FACT. LOOKS LIKE A NEW CAR THE PRICE IS $285. HA. 2001. 191* FORD TOURING. DEMOUNTABLE RIMS. EXCEL LENT TIRES AND TOP. MO TOR JUST OVERHAULED. WILL SELL FOR $60 WE. 4302. FORD TOURING. 1921 MODEL. THIS CAR IS IN EXTRA GOOD CONDITION THROUGH OUT. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A REAL FORD VALUE. BUY THIS ONE. $100. MA. 4200. I HAVE a 192 2 »’0upe; in In first class shape. Will take In an open car. Kenwood 2657 Ft) R DS— DO DG ES—B U 1C K S ■701 S, 21th.Tel. MA. 3000 Trucks for Sale. 5A ONE to three-ton used truck*. term* can he arranged. International Harveater Co. of America. 714-16 S, 10th St. Auto Accessories Parts. 9 INSTANT EL Et 'TRO LTTE. Guaranteed to recharge anv battery in serviceable condition. Will not freeze in the coldest weather and It will not sul phate plate. For sale in filling atatlona and garage*;, or phone WE. 1965. USED parts for all makes of cars. 60 to 75 per cent off list prices, two wreck ing plants. 1016 Harney. HA. 4931. and 2203 Cuming AT. 1970 Service Station—Repairing. 10 INDUSTRIAL AUTO MACHINISTS. Rayfleld carburetoni and Elaemann mag neto service. AT. 2560. P. MELClfoIRS A SON 417 8 UTH. Business Services Offered. 1.? JAMES ALLAN'S Detective. Expert secret service 811-112 Ne villa Block. AT 1136 HAULING—Ashes and rubbish removed, cinders, best priees On coul. M E 5308. RELIABLE Detective Bureau Sunderland Uldg JA 2056; eight, K E 1811. > SAWS filed, keys made. 1404*4 Douglas. Building Contractors. 14 LOW PRICES on toilet combinations, lavatories sinks, bath tuba, tango boilers. New goods. MORRISON LUMBER & COAL CO. 22d and Paul Sts. WE. 5561. Millinery—Dressmaicing. 17 ACCORDION. side, Knlf*. box pleating, rovered buttons: all styles: hemstitching buttonholes. Write Ideal Button A Pleat ing Co.. 30* Brown Block. Omaha. Neb. Telephone JA. 1016. ~ NEB. PLEATING GO. Hemstitching. Covered Buttons. 1804 Farnam Second f!o«r TA. 6670 Mo vin g—T rucking—Storage._18 FIDELITY STORAGE A VAN CO. MOVING PACKING STOP AGE SHIPPING Household good., off io. furniture, autos. 1107.11 HOWARD ST.JA ditk» GORDON'S FIREPROOF WHSE A VAN 219 North Ulh Sk Phone JA. 3032; mov jug, packing, storage, .hipping, GLOBE VAN AND 8TORAOE PACKINO. MOVING!, SHIPPINO STORING Estimate, furnished. AT. 0230 or JA. 4338 UEKtNS OMAHA VAN A STORAGE. 18th and Leavenworth Bta. Packing. mo» imk. .tnraee. ehlonlng. 3A 41C3 MOVING and hauling of all kind.. IV. ton truck. Prices rsasonable. Bud Ray. WE. r, i c* Painting and Papering. 19 ATTENTION—Hotel. apartment end home owners. 8pecia! prlca on wallpaper, paperbanging. Fred Parka. AT. 7401. ilA. 0101. __ Pitent Attorneys.20 J U MARTIN. 1713 Dcdge. Room 200. Omaha also Washington: doable service. finale fee Alao hell* aell patents. Printing Stationery.21 1'OMMKKCIAL PRINTING. Eddy Priming Co.. ;i; South i:uh St. r“'w« .1*. qQ.'.i. Repairing. 23 LHEl* and new sewing machines. Hew ing machines and vlctrolaa repaired Rent machines. II per week; $3 per ruo. MICKEL .\ftS IC HOUSE. I.'.th and Hn*-n*v. AT. 43*1 Renovating and Dyeing. 24 OMAHA PILLOW CO —F.nth.r. rrno v .ted Hnd made up in n^w father-proof ticking. 1907 Cuming. JA. 2467. _ Help Wanted Female. 27 WuM UN—Hp!end‘d profit selling coraet twln. a new corset brassiere Insuring com plete figure control: absolutely coinfort; correct support ar d niodiah lines. Many women average more than $6* weekly. We teach you how. Writs or see Mr*. Lesler L. Findley. 622 Omaha Loan A Building Aasn. Bldg Omaha. AT. 057* LADIES—Learn beauty culture. Wonder ful busmen*. Let u* show you a sure easy way to make big money or a chance to have your own shop. Short course complete*. Day or evening. Cnil or write for catalog Molar College, 109 8 loth WANTED— Women to paint lamp shades for ua at home; ea*y. pleusant work; whole or part time. Addreae Nlleart Co . 1405. Ft Wayne, Tnd WANTED—Salesladies of shinty to sell high c|hfm proposition in city. Call 603 Barker Block AT 3002. EMPLOYMENT. Help Wanted Male. 28 WANTED*-A man who like* to handle milk cow* to take complete charge of Hol bein herd In northern Wyoming. Man must bo a good dry hand milker with ref erences Equipment m'I modern and liv ing conditions right .steady employment, good wages. Y-26R2. < mob* Uee, BA It BERING Is a splendid business. We teach you quickly, day or evening, place you in good Job shop of your own or travel and e* o the world. Earn while learning. Call or write for catalog. Moler Barber College. 109 M. IRth ML ALL MEN. women, hoys, girls, 17 to *6, wiilirg to accept govtrttmtnl positions <117 125ft (traveling or stationary!, write Mr Osment. 1** 8t. I.oul*. Mo., Inimedl a telv. Salesmen and Agents. 30 SALESMAN WANTED 0 Large eastern manufacturer of Womana and Children a Knit Underwear wanl* flrat class man to aell the line direct to the retail trad* In the state* of Nebraska and Kansas on a straight commission basin. Must have A1 teferenee*. May he carried as a aide line. T 2661, Omalm Ilea. K MJ^OY MENT.^^ 1 Salesmen and Agents. 30 WANTED—Successful wrapping paper and J Mationery salesman. Nebraska territory: state experiencu and reference. Y-2566, Omaha Bee. Situations Wanted Female. 31 BUNDLE washing: also curtain*; work . guaranteed. WE. 3373. DAY WORK. White woman. WE. 0617. Situations Wanted Male. 32 BOOKKEEPER desires employment eve nings and Sundays. Reasonable fee* charged. Box D-480, Omaha Bee. TWO plumbers want steady work. Write Box 618, West Point, Neb. INSIDE sales, office or el enogi aphic work; som? experience. WA. 0991. ' ~ FI N AN Cl _AL _ ~ ^ Business Opportunif’es 33 RETAIL store room on main block of thriving Nebraska town is offered for lease to aggressive merchant. Particularly adapted for men’s clothing and outfitting. Lxcellent chances for right party. Refer ences essential. Y-2556, Omuha Bee. FOR SALE, cheap. $2,600 stock' groceries. • lathing, men’s furnishings, men's and boys shoes. Don't hnvu to buy fixtures. W. (*. Frasier. Manager, Parson, la. SPLENDID opening for general store. Good building for rent reasonable. Write. Secretary, Commercial Club, Taylor* Fall*. Minn-___ MEAT MARKET- Will buy market or l*»ase building, and put In up-to-date market. Box 63, Exeter, Neb. ANY business, onywnere, sold for cash No publicity Federal System. 305 Pax ton Bldg. AT 046g BARBER SHOP for sale, all white, in Iowa. Y-2554. Omaha. Bee, Investment—Stocks—Bonds. 34 LOW RATE on city property. quickly closed: no monthly payment*. JA. 1533 W, T. Orahnm M. A. ANDERSON CO.. JA. 6107. Real estate. Surety bonds and kindred In* Real Estate Loans. 34A ~ 6H AND 6 PER CENT MONEY. Loan* on Omaha Improved property at lowest rate*. FRANK H. BINDER. 823 City National.JA. 2661 FARM LOANS. Larg* or small Weit Neb farm*, ranches Kloke investment Co . MS Om. Nat Bk CITY real estate mortgages and con tract* bought. Mr. Lar*on 104 North Fifteenth *treet omaha home:—EAST NEB FARMS O’KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 Om Nat. Bk Bldg JA. 2715, SIX per cert loan* on Omaha residences. Cash on hand Prompt *ervico. E. II Lougee. Inc.. C3*< Keetjne Bldg. SECOND mortgages or cortracu* pur chased by Tukey Company 620 First Na tionnI Bank. JA. 4223. 1 WILL buy mortgage* and contrail* fnrklri 94* Om Nat Bid* . Omaha. Net 6*4 'AND 6 PERCENT—NO DELAY GARVIN BROS 64t Omaha Nat. Bldg Money to uoan. 35 THIS COMPANY IS OHOAN1ZED To supply >cur money want* in th* same way that banks *upply the money want* of the business community. Any amount ior.ncd up to 1500 and you can repay It In e**y monthly payment*. Our equal payment olan repay* the loan and all charges. ^ We have been 1* buslne** In Omaha over 30 year* a. d can assure you of a quick, confidential and square deal. OMAHA JJOAJ* COMPANY. _ 506 Karbach Brock. Tel. JA. 2295 Southeast Corner 16th and Douglaa Sta. DIAMOND loan* at lowest rate*, busloee* strictly confidential. The Diamond Loan IV,, 1614 Dodge St KktabH«he* 1894 E ^TCAtToN AL. Local Instruction Classes. 38 DAY SCHOOL, NIGHT SCHOOL. BOYLES SCHOOL. Complete courses in all commend*.' branches. bookkeeping, romptometry. I short hand, typewriting, telegraphy, aecre- i taria!. banking. salesmanship, civil serv- j ice. English. You may work for board i while attending. Illustrated catalog free I BOYLES COLLEGE. ISth and Harney Sfa.. Omaha. Neb. JA. 1566. DWORAK BUSINESS COLLEGE Stenography and Bookkeeping. Wead Bldf. llth and Farnam. AT. 7415 EIGHT to 12 weeks prepare you for e fine office position Call AT. 7774 or write American college, 1912 Farnam. “ TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE 1403 Dodge St. 1306 Douglas St < all or write for information. I'omotnm iter school 100 Coijrtnev Bldg Dancing. 39A .. KEEPS—HOTEL ROHE Classes Monday. Wednesday and Friday. Dancing Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday. ^ liv]ESTOCkT~ Dogs, Cats and Pets.42 BEAUTIKUI. re*i.t,r«<) Scotrh colli, pup pies_F._Kills Beaver C r oaal n g._Neb. Horses, Cattle, Vehicles. 43 TEAM of bay maros. weight 2.600. age Hand 7; team of work grays, age 4 and J 5. 2010 .Spring 8t, AT. 2565. FOR HALE—Good horse. harness and de livery wagon. 1100. Hee McGinnis 4* Moss. 24th and Jones. M KRCH A NDISK. Articles for Sals. 46 MAM-.IONGU < Mar-Juck) Being played by the beet people. The great Chinees game, offered at the unheard of price of fi c<5 .ll.ui'i .1A. MUR. KI’RNITI’llM „r llv. room, for •«!•. rea .onobln A l*T <>n,.ho IW_ Swap Column. 53A HA VK r,| nil y of IVOflO rii.h In ! .lino.I new duplex residences and garages, well located All rsiited, will trade for a r««i dsnee or In on a farm, It-46.7, Omaha Iter WHAT have you in trade for h good 1117 Ford 7 Will Uadn for real estate. D-4t>4. Omaha H»e_ * IMPROVED fruit sm| poultry farm, • fores In Omaha, trade for residence. D 4W2. Omaha H*»v ■o~A LMI* 7s i lev hind It. ml. went «t omaha, I’* tut from pavement, to trad** lor city property. D. 422, Omaha Bee. 1 WISH t© tifda my 160 A. farm. Beat small town, for Omaha home Imniedl me possession. D 4;: ., Omaha Baa._ FRANKLIN *• dan or Packard twin si* >. aichang* f• ■ i it good diamond Might oi tah If g d • I Omaha B*« UPRIGHT, aolld oak, 8tory A Clark piano. 'v III (rnda for good automohlls. W. I. Im ira • t \ H I V i. * i t‘- ha I 160 ACREH M 1)77 land $400 enrtim France, for^foud tar. D 461, Omaha Bra. Your Prosperity Your prosperity ancl advancement in community life depends very strongly on your home life. Everyone knows that a home owner is a benefit to his city and that a city with the largest per centage of home-owning citizens is a good business town. Reason it out for yourself, then read the Real Estate ad vertisements. You can buy a home for very little cash. Read Real Estate For Sale Today I _ — MERCHANDISE._I Swap Column. 53A j UK EL RLE. case, and instruction book for baby sulky or oriole. E. 519, Omaha Hoe.' Machinery and Tools. SS i.oHron Electrical Works. 318-20 No. 12th. NEW and second-hand motors, dynamos Radio Equipment. 59 GUARANTEED radio sets 13.45 and up R. M. FI1LAE8. 218 North 16th St, Wearing Apparel. 60 FOR SALE—Man's long fur coat. Like new i I A. 5939 FULL DRESS suita and Tuxedos for rent JA. 3128 109 N. 16th St. John Feldman. ■■■-- ■—S Wanted to Buy. 61 DESKS, DESKS. DESKS New desks. used desks, bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam St AT 6146. ~~ ROOMS FOR RENT. Rooms With Board. 62 1510 N. 35TH NT—Front room In mod *rn home; good homo cooking. WA. 6396 ROOMMATE fnr young lady in warm front room. walking distance. AT 4804. NEWLY furnished room with hoard, pri vate family $4't per month. WA. 6861. j JA. 2554—Front room with board, very reasonable, good location HA. 734o—1 or 2 rins. very reasonable. Rooms Without Board. 63 ATTRACTIVE room in new modern prlv its home. Farnam line, beard if desired, honf** privilege*. JA 0852. SLEEPING ROOM. 1 or 2 housekeeping rooms, downstair*. 1915 Capitol Ave. 119 N 231>—Nice large front room far rent; suitable for 2 people. AT. 3571. 2883 CALIFORNIA, nicely furn room In all-modern, brick house. HA. 3136 CHEERFUL. comfortably furnished rooms 2063 Farnam Ft. TWO attractive rooms, in new duplex, close in HA. 5583. NEW private home: breakfast. AT. 1927. Rooms for Housekeeping. 64 HA CM AN AVE 2877—2 beautifully fur ijshed rooms, modern home. KE. 6666, :>1*5 H. 221 > 8T—Modern 2 and 3 rm. apt. '•lone In >7 to >12 a week. DOUGLAS ST. 2666—Two furnlahed housekeeping rooms. |8.00. Where to Stop in Town 67 lOTEL HANFORD — Itth and Farnam. HOTEL HENSHAW— 19th and Farnam. *”»<-|.»l rates t» permanent guests ~REAL~ESTATE—FOR RENT. ONE ROOM FURNISHED. Walking distance One room with private bath, cabinet kitchen and murphy bed. Newly furnlahed with overstuffed A real comfortable little apartment at only $53. Cell Drakes, JA. 2606, 17th and Howard. LIVINGSTON. 24»h and Caatelar, 3.r. front apt., mod . brick, steam heat. Well , furn. • omplete. Tel. Vh-trala. floor lamp. etc.. $50 mo. Garage JA. 69$$. I NICELY furnished newly decorated, j walking distance.* four room ac> ommoda- i lion, $60. JA. 5198. 2063 FARNAM — 2 - rm. with kitchen.! Large front rm. with kitchenette; ateam heat, bath.. I FORTIETH NT *11 V —Well furnlahed hpts.: private bath; 160 per month. AT. 4236 TWENTY-SEVENTH Ave 320 H b room flat, part.y furnished. >65. KK, 6041. Apartments—Unfurnished. 70 ’ BHA n'D new Rrlck Duplex. completed. with or wl'nout garages. Make your •faction NOW and aelact ) »ur de« oration*. N. .1 HKOOMAN * 8( NS. Ill* Cuming St. HA. 7041. After office hour* call HA 2176: HA 4>71 4 FIVE rooms, conveniently located at No. 215 I’axton Court (near 2lth and Douglas Sta.) at 952.50 PETERS TRUST COMPANT, "Where Omaha Rents.” AT. 0544. 17th and Fsrwam Bta THE HARLAN 2301 Sherman Ava.—Five room*. well' arranged newly decorated. fireplace WE 0715 Iv.enlngi, WE 4774 TW ENTY-SEVENTH Ave , 703 N —Rsau tlful corner, attractive location for doctor or dentist; on main floor; € rooms and hath. APARTMENTS and flats for rent. W J PA I.M Kit CO. AT. dH Real Estate Management Specie I let a. FOR ONE "or DRAKES 1000 APARTMENTS Cell Jackson 2«06 PETERS TRUST COMPANY WHERE OMAHA RENTS.' AT. 0544 17th and Farnatn Mta .7 ROOM flats. Mf, and 137 N J4th St . 930 each Q Carlberg. 113 Hrandele Theater IHdg STEAM HEATED mod apartments, low rent. O P Mtehhtns. Hl|0 Chicago St 2314 D KT.. near £1d. strictly mod 3-room apt at«v,m h***t. Murphy bed. prlv. hath 42I N 21 at ftuhlan -four-room pecotnmo datinn; walking distance; |50 ,IA. 6396 DUPLEX 22 14 Sprague 4 rtn all f 11 114 HA 7121 or IIA. 4964 large rooms apartment modern; choice imatton. STRICT!.V modern fi-rm apt, walking .list Hut.ter Inn AT. 4900 f’ RM flat, all modern. 39lt N ?4th JA.^470 or AT 7590 BuiineM Placet for Rent. 71 MODERN atsam heated store. 970 month (J. P Nfebhln* 1410 Chicago Mouses for Rent. 72 9-ROOM all modern bungalow, i.• w*» Pratt Hi ( all at hnuae between now and Hun* day forenoon.___ 6-RM mod hou»e nrw furnace, oak floor double garage. 960. WE 47*3. IJ.'i N 37 I'll B T - Modern alx-room house., garage. 940 M A l’ - * i 100H SOUTH a&TH 8T II fur niched house Call AT. Ht>. 7 RtmM modern brick duplet. 610 So Hat Ax*- AT 6 249 Of ft CM mill llmk Room VI Prirt R !■; MT In rimi NnMnnul turn, building office siiitn (mMiik IMh f t Hood light. First Trust Co I*mill l.mitK for ICrnl. #.V\ A UENV choir*, farm* for tent neat Den Ison. InuuliM pat lhcsa.lt. Denison, Is I REAL ESTATE—FOR SALE. Farms and Lands for Sale. 79 FOR 8 ALB—320 acres Improved farm land In eastern So. Dak., price. $75.00 per acre. $4,000 cash, balance 30 years. For complete description write owner Mra B. M. Clifford. Condo. Mo. Dak. City Acreage for Sale. 79A FOUR FINE ACRES. Just a little way* north of Florence ara 4 beautiful acres with a 6-rooin houae, barn, garage and chicken houae. $4,760. on terms. AT. 7412 day*. HA. 6044 eve nings._ Houses for Sale. 80 967 NO. 2 JJ T H AVH, Small 6-Yoom eot !«* » -K. Keellns Bldg. WHERE CAN YOU BEAT THIS? $100 CASH ONLY. A good five-room home with full base ment, new furnace. electric lights, chicken house and run. Just $100 down, balance $31.60 per month, including In terest. Evening* call Shirley Lewi*. WA . R F. CLARY, Realtor. 60$ Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. AT 3«78. 8 ROOMS and alaeping porch, stucco home on corner, ha* long living room with fireplace and bookcases, beamed ceiling in living room, beamed celling and buffet In dining room A snap Can be handled with $1,000 and term* like rent. JOHN R McCARVILLE 10Q2-3 City NatTAT 6026. LOOKING FOR A HOME? 3117 Mapla Street ia a good buy at $3,800 7 room* and bath, all modern, paved street, near carltne. church and school. Owner anxioua to sell, will make terms. P J TEBBEN8 CO. JA. 1181. D. E. BUCK A CO. buy and tell homes 1 JIT" 1 _ ■» Houses—South. 82 BACKBOfTB NOT W TSHBOKK WILL BUY THIS HOME Homey large living room. dining room, kitchen, den. all finished In oak, 2 fir* placet. 4 sunny bright bedroom* second floor, with large liath, 4 room* with bath third floor. Aleo storage space Lovely turner lot. paved street two Mocks Fsr nam carline Be ambitious—let rooms pay for home. tic.500. CIALUGHKH A XKL0ON 620 ivtrn Trust Bldg.TA. Ml? FOR ITALIAN FAMILY. liot 8. ?2d Bt . 5 room snd bath, alt mod edn: hot water heat, garage; paving all paid; close In. Immediate possession. Only 14.500. P. J TEBBEX9 CO.. Realtors. *05 Omaha Nat. Hank JA ‘lit t&SO—3912 N. 44th bt. Kasy terms. Tem porary home: dandy e**t front lot $100 down. $10 a month. Idckty. KE. 142f. 4-ROOM Htucco—Hot water, heat, garage. •»nd 4-room etucco house in rear. Priced right A H. Muwkln. AT. 1140 Teear A Teear. specialists la S SIde homes 1- I>. 8WAN8QN. Real Estate. JA. 4521 Houses—West. 83 ON DEWET AVE. NEAR l«TH »T. JT,SO*—TERMS. • -room, two-story, strictly modern, con. stating of living room, dining room and kitchen, first floor; three bedrooms and bath, second floor; has end Id brick foun dation. full basement. Owner has pur chased larger h4M I# reason far Ml flag Any on* desiring to purchaee a home In first class condition within walking dt« tan«e of business district should Investi gate. FIRST TRUST CO. AT. 0724 400 1st Nat Bk. After office hr* WA 4021 OOLF IN SUMMER SKATB IN WINTER and ptsaaure* galore are In store for you if you are willing to pair Just $300 down. A small family « an not be happier In this pretty 4-room horn** with 2 fine Iota and garage The monthly payments *'* just like rent, only $3$ M» Hurry If you wish to took Into this ‘‘all Mr. High bee. I1A 2347. Mi Raber . KE 6011. Mr. Berglund. AT 45 47 SHOPBN A COMPANY .? A 422* 243 6 * 10 Keellne Bidg WITHIN 3 BLOOKS OF t'LAlRMONT. We have Just Mated a little i t»m beaut > wlih all convenience* a r.d dandy osH f n li»b Full south front lot with I car gitr age It Is riot • to m gt>-» 1 location and prl-ed to *e|| \\> will aubmlt $600 down. I'onight «»ll M». Berglund. AT a647, Mr. ft a bar. KEN 6011 and Mr. Itlgbea. HA. 2347. SfinpF.N A COMPANY. REALTOR ja 4-2A r:.4 6 * io Keellne ltldr NIAlt BLACK BTONB. A good Is* g« home, well located on larg lot on 34th street near Blackstone hotel Ms- 4 rooms snd sun porch on fliat floor also Intg( (IreplM e Second floor line I Is'gr. bedrooms, bathroom sleeping porcti an I fireplace Third floor ha* voomi snd bath Basement has on* Urge tootv snd fireplace Fruit loom, laundry roptv and furnace room Hot water beat, doubt* garage. Priced.!-' sell Evening* call WA 44 3 3. FRED ft. HAILEY. I _4015 Mil I r A RY IN HE Aril Ft 1. KLH1EWOOI* If you want ih* most artlatb English bungalow tn this district j*ee this t orn pie!** m every way. Large lot. Flnt outlook IIA r * Ml or Kt; 4733 LET a reliable builder like t'ampbell build tom new home. Best material* tod workinsnshlp. MM Keellne, At 4044. HtHtlAfN Dundee horn-* Nino rmtnn. r*n Tv floo>* Two g a t a u *'* price $‘«.5o0. i t' ii L hul d tq 'out ordsi n aui baautt f*d lot* hi r dee wood; v#rv eaav terms Phone 4T 4544 FIVE room bungalow, oak ftnlab fin* lo ee tIon dot ble. gai age, Norris A Not'd*. AT. TUI2. ^ CITY OFFICIAL NOTICES. SPECIAL ORDINANCE NO. 4961. An Ordinance Levying a Special Tax and Absesstnent on XII Lots and Real Ra tal* within Street improvement Dis trict No. 2210 tn the City of Omaha. iu • over the cost, of Curbing and Paving 31st Avenue from Ida Stieet to Helve- ( dere Boulevard. Whereas: It having beep, and being hereby adjudged, determined and estab lished that the several lots and pieces of real estate hereinafter referred to have each been specially benefited to the full amount herein levied and assessed against each of said lots and pieces of real es tate, respectively, by reason of the curb ing and ‘paving of that part of 31st Ave nue from Ida Street to Belvedere Boul evard. Therefore, for the purpose of paying the <-ost of said improvements I3i; IT ORDAINED MY THE CITY COUN CIL OF THE CITY OF OMAHA: Section 1- That the cost of curbing and paving that part of 31st Avenue with in Stree* Improvement No 2210 In the City of Omaha, from Ida Street to Bel vedere Boulevard, said cost being the sum of $13.93*.25, be and the same is hereby levied and assessed, in proportion to the feet front along sa;d improvement, and according to special benefits by reason of said improvement upon the fol lowing described lots and real estate, as shown bv t tie generally recognized map of the city of Omaha. 1X91. lithographed and published by Muir A- Gaylord, or by the maps and plats on file Jn the office "real^estat^for: sale. _ Houses—West. 83 FIELD CLUB district, Just completed. 6 rooms, modern, tile bath, easy terms WA 7050. FOWLER FINDS FOLKS who buy homes. List vonr property with us for results. ■1A 1426 BURT C FOWLER CO . Realtors For Sale—Dundee. 85 DUNDEE K ELLA STONE $8,700—13.000 CASH 6-room two-story located high and sight ly. overlooking Happy Hollow. One of Omaha's fast-growing districts where values will increase Strictly modern, oak floors and finish throughout, garage to match house built last year. Call us for appointment. FIRST TRUST CO. 400 First Nat Bk. AT. 0729. After office boura WA. 6021. TO SETTLE AN ESTATE Too good to last, new' brick and kella stone bungalow In Dundee, built to last a life time, 6 large rooms, hot water heat, tanvased and decorated in oil, brick fire place, beautiful sun room, tile bath. etc.. 9-car garage high, sightly, level south front lot, 60x135 ft. See this then you will appreciate its value. vary choice. Triced below- cost for quick sale. Eve ning. rail KE 5259 JA 1426 BURT C FOWLER CO. REALTORS Jw kwon 1426. 1120 <-11y Nat'i Bk Bldg DUNDEE—Attractive colonial arrange ment: beautiful hardwood and pretty floor.; double garage. WA. 2255. DUNDEE" BUILDING SITES GEORGE A- CO. AT 3Q24 For Sale—Florence. 86 ! VETHAWAY has improved acreage north of FLORENCE for city property. Ke 14^9. _ Lots for Salt:. 88 MUST SELL AT ONCE. Nonresident owner Instructs us to seji two loth wale- ar.d .‘•ewer *n and pa d for: Mouth nf Fontenelle perk; high ar.d sightly located 1266* each, cash It is al most unbeliev able, but ha needs money. Evenings cell WA. 12.'2. R. F. CLARY CO.. Realtors. f>M Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. AT. 3676. LOT 59x157. on J2d Av* . facing Har.acorn park, for ante at a bargain price. C A. OH1MMKL JA IMS FLORENCE FIELD SELLING. Salesmen on grounds every day. <• W MARTIN A CO . AT *1*7 Real Estate for Exc^an^e. 8S CLEAR LAND FOR EXcHANGE. 1.210 a< res, unimproved, central Nebras ka Will take residence property in Omaha or desirable income propertv or rummer home at low* lake resort tn tart payment.. Write J. H Kissinger, lfeda. S D . owner SMALL pawment down Choice of loca tion*. 24th and Grand At", or 24th and X’lnton; brand new home*; water, ltrht. toilet, shower bath. Price 12.€76. WA "204 evenings; AT. 336! .Im-,? 646-ACRE ranch tn Natrona County. W vo ir.rg Small iinpreve-nenis. Fine water Want eastern Nebras' * land or proper ty. LauI* Miller. Frankfort. Indiana GOOD seven-room, all modern house, full basement Rent* for 135 Will trad* for new automobile, or stock of good used cars. Address Y-3563 Omaha Bee. EXCHANGES ~of a I! kTnd* S H Browne Co. 542 Securities Bldg AT $350. FARMS. Gibbons Steel 410 Peter* Trust i ■ !. .. ■ . 1 j Wanted—Real Estate. 90 \VK* can u*e * good clear or lightly en cumbered dwelling, for a well improved, level, truck farm, rleee to Monovra park, 'about 7.'. acrea. All in cultivation good Mack. tilt, loam aotl. Price only $150 [T < rr AT 4mKK 173-* MX.ROOM HOUSE—Want to buy six or •even-room house liefer modern prop erty in good residential eectlon Pr'r# must he right. Olve full particular* low e*t price and term* in first letter. D-424. Omaha Deo. LIST your prop My with u* or. If you ere In the market for acreage, rail Louis ‘ «hn for quick aal«r*. MA. $14i. HA -.*?» •\vn BUILD TO PLEASE - TEMPLE McKATDEN 15*5 rarnam StAT t»€d SERVICE ANP RESULTS. Competent eaten fore*. JA. SUt GLOVER A STAIN. Realtors WE SELL HOMES LIST WITH US. HAMILTON A CO.. 3*1-4 Nevllla Block_JA. Mil WE SELL HOMES LIST WITH US FOR RESULTS* MnCAGUE INVESTMENT «o JA. 1845 NEW HOMES-TOUR TERMS OROVE-HtHBARD CO. 55? Hanker* Reserve Hldg AT 184$ WANTED—w or f-room home in good residential location. Possession before j April 13 Box No #1. Oakland. Neb > SEE tia first. Ns»d listing*. any location 5 to $ rootne Sh>ten A Co.. Realtor* JA. 4l?3 *34 Kee! ne Bide CMAS W YOUNG A SON Real F.atate Rental*. Insurant-*. HO? City Natl Hank AT Mil LIST your home* with u* for reaulta GRuKNin REA1TT CO.. R. aitnm Jarkann 1»M. 1 400 Flrat Natl Hank O T HAMER. Investment* Acreage | 1505 FarnamAT. IMP LIST your property with ChM» Boyer notary puMic. :3d and Cuming Sta. ; WORLD RLU TT CO, Realtor*. AtToI WESTERN^ Rtal F.atate Co. JA 1407 Che a E Belman. AT 5750. Ileal Estate Uuettelmaler Real Estate. AT 1110 H W Volland Co fITr Real Service ATBR SLATER A CO. Realtors kvelitte Bid* 0 A S \ \ DLLL It e * I Km»i* AT *53? 1 [•4 ItUKIY j I l*°t0 |T I [«#/ 6'iy/t of . ,<* ~'v~ ' »• JJ> ii*^a/ siryice HOMES Wo soil tlirni. Wc nooH listing*. If you vsnt to soil o* 11 ,T.\. 4223. A. P. Tukey & Sen *-mauuiu__ *.’<> Klrsl Si ml Hinlt. J A, 4JS3 •l. _____________________1 CITY OFFICIAL NOTICES. of the City Engineer of said City aald tost .bein': so ie*. led on said lota and real estate. respectively, *a follow*, to* wit. Charles E. Muagrave, West 4 Lot 4. Block 1, Belvedere Ad dition . $ 58.12 Charles K Musgrave. West 534 Let, East 4 I-»ot 4, Block 1. Belvedere Addition . 40 36 Hannah*F. Noyer. Lot 5. Block 1. Belvedere Addition . 230.36 Nellie derringer South 48 feet Lot f>. Block 1, Belvedere Ad dition . 129.36 Cornell* F. Donley. North 49 feet. South 97 feet. I.ot b. Block 1. Belvedere Addition . 132.05 Lottie F. Wallace, North 47 feet. South 3 4 4 feet. Lot 6. Block 1. Belvedere Addition . 126.66 Lot lie F Wallace. North 149 4 feet Lot 6, Block 1. Belvedere Addition . 402.69 Frank Salontay North 1494 feet Lot 7. Block 1. Belvedere Addi tion . 402.89 L. M. Savage. West 61 feet. South 14* feet I.ot 7. Block 1. Bel vedere Addition . ... 247.43 Charles A. Rhoades. Last 61 feet. South 144 feet. Lot 7, Block 1. Belvedere Addition . 140 58 Wm F Van Burgh Lot 8. Block I. Belvedere Addition . 230.25 S K. Munson. *• al.. Wei»t 114 4 feet. Lot t. Block 1 Belvedere Addition . 98.47 Mary E. Orr. North 42 feet. Lot 1. Biock 2. BHvedero Addition 112.18 Gertrude A. Wells. South *14 feet. Jyit 1. Block 2, Belvedere Addition . 111.84 Harold J Grove, et al . South 210 L*et. North 252 feet. Lot 1. Block 2. Belvedere Addition 665.92 Roland A. Finley. North 4 Lot 1H, Block 2. Belvedere Addition 395.47 Kate A. Hall. South 4 Lot 15. Block 2. Belvedere Addition 295.47 Josie M. Conley, et al . Fast 42 f“e t. North 102 feet Lot 1. Block 5 Belvedere Addition 139 08 Josie M. Conley, et al . We*t 40 L*f. East 82 feet. North 102 feet Lot ]. Block 3. Belvedere Add »Ion . 86.97 | Josie M Conley, et a! . West 40 feet. North 102 feet Lot 1. Block 5, Belvedere Addition 57.82 Hurry V. Parle. 8outh 4 5 feet. North 147 feet. I.ot 1 Block 5. Belvedere Addition . 121.27 Lizzie Kiebach. et a I . South 49 Let, North 196 fe-t. Lot 1, Block 5, Belvedere Addition 132.05 i Francis I*. Llshire. South 48 4 Let. North 2 44 4 feet Lot 1. Biock &, Belvedere Addition . . 130.71 ! Francis P. Elshire. (Ex. Blvd > South 49 feet. Lot 1. Block 6. Belvedere Addition . 121.46 Marie Lareen. (Ex Blvd > East 40 feet. South 1614 feet Lot 2. Block 5, Belvedere Addi tion .. 60.74 Ruth C Brown. (Ex Blvd.) West 424 Let. South 1614 feet. Lot 2. Block 5. Belvedere Addition 19.76 William F Berger (Ex Blvd ) East 40 feet. West 82 feet. South 1614 feet. Lot 2. Block 5. Belvedere Addition . 29.88 Ruth C*. Brown. North 182 feet. Tot 2, Biock 5, Belvedere Addi tion . 103.59 Cl'fford A Mvanson. East 40 feet North 120 feer. Lot 2. Block 6. Belvedere AddlPon 16.18 Helen M Nestiebush. West 40 feet. East 50 feet North 120 fee IvOt 3. Block 5. Belvedere Addition . 13.90 Wnc T. Pya. (Ex Blvd.) West 42 feet. North 120 fe«t. Ix>t 3, Block 6. Belvedere Addition 12.19 ! Bcs«.^ J Hahn. (Ex. North 120 Let and alley* pt. North of Blvij Lot 3. Block 5. Belvedere 1" 24 Wm. Caba West 4 Lot 4. Block Belvedere Addition . 58.12 Bernice A Douglas. West 53 4 Let, Ea-t 4 Lot 4. Block 6. Belvedere Addition . .. 40 36 Thomas D WUeon. Lot 5. Block 6, Belvedere Addition 230 15 Caroline W. Lindell. 1ait 6. Block 6. Belvedere Addition . . . 790.95 Mary A. L Conway. North 103 fc*t I.ot 7. Biock €. Belvedere Addition .. 277.57 Mary A. K. ? on way, North 163 feet, part Wett of Boulevard, Lot 8. Block 6, Belvedere Addi tion 42.60 Charles W Martin. Lot 1. Block 36. Fl-.re.nc* Feld Addition 146.94 Charles W Martin. Lot 2 Block 36 Floren * F>:d Addition 131.58 Charles W. Martin. Lot 3. Biock 36 Florence Field Addition 133.16 Charles W Martin Lot 4 Block 36. Fioren* c Field Addition 163 66 Charles W Martin Lo? 5. Block 56. Florence Field Addition lit. II Char lea W. Martin Lot 6. Biock 36 Florence 5 »eld Add'tUm 133.66 Charles W. Martin. Lot 7. Block 34 Florence- F*eld Addition 111.66 Chari#* W Martin. Lo? * Biock 36. Flovenej Field Addition 162.66 Charle* W Martin Lot 9. Block 36. Flo-trnca F.ed Addition 1SS.68 Charles U\ Martin. Lot 10. Block 96. Floreae*. F-e'd Addition . 122.68 Charles W Martin. Lot 11. Block 36. Floren-e Field Addition 136.58 Charles W Martin. Lot 12. Block 36. Florence Field Addition 146 94 Charles W. Mart h. Lot 13. Block 36. Florcn' *• Field Addition . 46.24 Ch«rle> w Martin Lo? 1. Block 37. Flor.n * Field Addition 125.66 Char las W Martin. Lot 2, Block 37. Florcn * I i. id Addition 121.66 Charles W Martin Lot 3. Block 37, Flora 125.66 Charles W. Martin. Lot 4. Block 37. F! --ente Field Addition 125.56 Charles W Martin. Lot 5. Block 37. Florence Field Addition .. 115 56 Charles W. Martin, Lot 6. Block 27 FIr«.f»,e Field AddlFon 125.56 Charles W Mart.n. Lot 7. Block 37. Flora*, e Field Addition 122.69 Charles W. Martin. Lot ». Block 27 Florence Field Addition 122.59 [Charles W Martin Lot 9. Block i 37. Florep. • Field .addition 122.89 Charle* W. Mar in. Lot D». Block 17. Flren-» Field A«!ditlcn 122.19 Charlee W. Martin, Lot 11. Block 37. Florence Field Addition 122 99 .Charles W. Martin. Lot 12. Block 17. Florence Field Addition 122.69 Charles W Martin, lot 1". Block 37. Florence Field Addition 119.99 (Charles W Martm. Lot 24. Block 3*. Florence Field Addition .. 51 09 Jamea E O'Brien. F~*st 15 feat, South 4 Lot 4. Upland Terra*# Addition ... 491 Grace Johnson. North 4 Lot 4. F'plard Terrace Add tion 49.59 Ka?nertne C Kregekon. Weet 45 Pet. l£aM 40 feel. South V* Lot 4. Upland Terrace Addition 16.99 Claude K Pflasterer. West *0 feet South 4 Lot 4. Upland Terrace Addition. 17 90 Rouen uolt, South 4. jet 5. Up land Terrace Addition • 111.21 Grace Johnson. North 4- l*>t 5, Upland Terrace Addition 111.31 Alma ('able Beebe, lot b. Upland Terra* Addition *49 11 D A. Foote North 165 feet. North 4. lot 7. Upland Terrace Addi tion ... 66F66 David \V Dicktan. South »> feet. North l*. lot 7. Upland Terraca Addlt ;©n 13 Si David W. Dickton. South iot 7. Upland Terrace Addition . 374.93 DtUiicn A. root© North »%• I ©4 *. Upland Terrace Addition . 111.94 Clara Vorater. Weat S- South ^. lot S. Upland Terraca Addston 73.17 Mmnit T. Wile. East V, South lot 4. Upland Terrace Addition 31 SI Harry R Power®, Weat 40 feet North S. lot ». Upland Terrmca Addition . . . It 30 Antoinette Uhislkn*- Weat 40 fee' Kaat *0 feet. North S*. lot 9. Upland Terrace Addition 14 4S S®m CfclslMno Kaet 40 feet. North U lot 9. Upland Terrace Addi tion . 11.94 Anton H Kychly. South H, lot 9. Upland Terrace Addition . 49.43 Anna Madt'ff. 9ot 1<». Upland Ter ra* e Addition 99.01 Nettta Meulergnn lot 17. Upland Terra*** Addition 111 04 John T Sok-dik et al. North ty. lot 17. Upland Terraca Addition 111.98 Marie M Roberts at al. North Vy, lot 1S l -.'land Terraca Addition 374 92 Mari© M Roberta *t al. South S ot I* l pUnd Terra* © Addition " 74 92 Joseph Pi* k. Weat 40 feet N-«rth S lot 14. Upland Tertac® Add • I Hon . 171 U ! Prank J Hughes W ear 40 t**-' j Past *0 faat. North 'y. lot 19 I t plan*! Terrace Addition 131 U I Prang ,f Hughe* t aat 40 feel. North h lot 19. Upland Ter | race Addition II. 9t Clinton E Sergeant et al. South V lot 19. Upland Terra** Ad I dlt Ion 37 4 . V ,1 Selim r lot 39 Upland Tar I rare Addition 373 1< •la Johnson lot 31. Upland Ter race Addition ... 99 (It Total lit.931 31 Section 7 That ca l special taxei levied aforesaid on *ai lex led on »*ch of aaxl lot** . h*tl become delinquent in fifty da'a from the paaaag© and *r l»rox*l of thta ordinance; one-tenth in one rear; one-lepth In two \eare, one tenth in three year*. one tenth in four xearx. *■> tenth in f've xea » *>« e tenth in a’\ ear*, one tenth in *«*'■■ »t xf»ri enetenth © eight yg«t«, one tenth in nine y*e * after *ad »n and being from tha pa* sage an.I approx at of ihte otdmenx'e Kach f said installment* n «pt tha ftrat. ahalt draw tmereai al the rate of a‘\ ter - en» par annum frm« the time of th* levy aforesaid, until the asm* ahal! become delinquent Intel r-t at the fata *>f one •er art per month p*x*b’e m advance, «.h«J| be pa<-1 on rach delinquent in»t*l| tv.ent • Section 4 Thar the tonne amount ©f iax *.» lexiad ami a*aea.*ed on any of •'•I lota wav be paid bx the owner of »nv lot, or the entire equal pro rata pro ’ t on «xf avid lax on any of aaid lota max h« paid bv any person on any part of aaid lot* xxithm flit' da>e fr«'m aaid lex > and Iheprupoth »*Ul lots or patts of UTV OFFICIAL XOTIChS, lulu shall be exempt from any lien or -barite thereto. Hectlon 4 That thhi ordinance »h«.' - lake effect fifteen day* after its paeaas* rd he In force thereafter. . . 1'aaaed January ll. 1424 JAMBS C. DAHBMAN. Afayor and Preeldent of i lly Council. Attest: JAMBS I’. HOCTOR iKKAMf'ty l’l»fl: "Rl'INANi B N'» >:«»• , . „ An Ordinal!'C creatinr Sewer Dltirlct No. 153 In the City of Omaha, deflntn, Ha limit* arid sir.'1 of sewer and manner of constructing i h* ►sin*; »nd repealing Ordinance No. 11921 passed November 13. 1923 creating Sewer District No. BE * IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUN CIL OF THE CIT YOF OMAHA: Section 1 That Fcwrr District No. *11 be, and hereby is. created in tho Cliy vt Omaha M * _ Section 2. That 8*w*r District .No. IM shall «oniprik*. the tallowing lota and tracts of real estate, to witi Lota 76. 77. 78. 79 SO *1 12. M, U, 85, 86, 87. 81. 19, 96. 91. 92. if?,. 04. 9o. *6. 97. 3". f'9. 100. H'l, 102, U*’.. 1' 4, 105, 1.33, J34 146. 147. 111. 149. 1&0, 151* 152, 101. 154. 1C. let.. 157. 15*. 159. 160. l«l. 162. 163, 164. 16.’. 166. 167. 1 ifc, 169. 170. 171, 1 72. 17 3, 1 7 4. 1 75. 1 76. 177, 17*. 1 79. 18J. Ill, 112. j».. 114, 187. 196. 117. 118. 193, 130, 131. 192. 192. 194. 138. 196, 197. 198. 193. 200. 201. 202, 203, 204 and 205, Sun shine Addition A Section That the Sewer District No. 853 shall b* constructed as follows. • Beginning a point on creek fe*l Fouth of Madison F’reet snd two feet T5 *st of the East line of 42nd Street produced South, thence North along a line lw© feet West of the West line of Lot i*. Dodge's Addition with a 12-lnch diameter aewer to h manhole 207 7 feet South of South lit • of Madison Str*et . thence in a North easterly direction across Lota i. 3 and 10. Dodge’s Subdivision with s 12-lnch ptj*e h manhol- on the south line of the .North West 64 41 f the South East *i of Section 1-14,12 .00 feet East of 42 nd street; thence East sloiig%»he South line f North West J4 of South East ot . Section H-14 13 with a 12-inoh pipe aewer in a manhole at she center of 41st Street; - thence continuing East with a 12-inch pip# power to a manho’e 315 fe*i West of 29th Street, thence continuing Eas* with a 12 inch pipe to a manhol' *.t the center of 39th Street, thence continuing East with n 12-inch pipe to a manhole at center of 3*th Street; thence North alor.g the cen ter line of 79th Street with a 12-inch pipe to a manhole 300 feet South of Washing ton Street; thence continuing North with a 12-lnch pipe to a man hale at center of Washington Street; thence continuing North with an eight-inch pipe to a man hole 200 feet South of Y Street; thenca continuing North with an eight-inch pipe to a manhole 20 feet South of Y Street. Also beginning at above mentioned man hole at <*nf*r of intersection at 31th Street and Madison Street; thence East along the center of Madison Street with 12-inch pipe to a manhole at the center of 38th Street. South: thence continuing East with a 12-lnch pips to a manhole at the center of 37th Street; thence North along the center line of 37th Street with a 12-inch pip* to a manhole 300 f*et South of Washington Street; thence continuing North with a 12-lnch pipe to a man ho • at renter of Washington Street. The alignment and grad* to be a straight line between the points specified as nearly as practicable snd accord ng to th* plans and specicalions on file In the Office of the City Engineer. Six-inch Junction pie<*s shall be placed in said a*w*r a* shown on plans, or aa directed in writing by the City Engl ne*r ... . Section 4 That th* City Engin*er be. and he is hereby, authorized to advertise f<.r bids for the construction of said aewer * ' cording to the plans and sper.fi cations for th* construction thereof on file in Hi* of fir*, such advertisement to be published each day in one daily issue of the offi cial paper '*f the Citv for at l*aat one week, and the *xp ration of the * me for filing bid- fix*d in such ad' ert!**ment shall be no .*se than on* week after tee f.-s: autbonze-d publication of such ad vertisement- _ a The bids «hal! b* received ar.d filed in the Off.ce of the City Engineer and sha 1 be publicly opened at the precis* time stated In th* advertisement: and he sha'l make an abstract of a’l bids received and •hall transmit such bids together with the abstract thereof and h'j findings and rec-. . ommer.dation to the City Connell at its r.*xt regular meeting after th* cpen.ng of such bid* for tig action thereon. Fee’ion 5. That Ordinance No. 119-1 paassd November 13th. 1922. creating Sewer District No. 845 be, and the same .9 hereby, repealed . Section f Whereas sn Emergency ex- _ is-s. this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and aft*r its passage. Passed January 29. 1924 Attest: JAMES P. HOCTOR, (SEAL) City Clef*. .TAMES C DAHLMAN Mayor and Preaident of City Council. I . NOTICE. To the owners of all lets. lands, tracts and parrels of lands, within Street Im provement District No. 2494. and to the owears of all lots, tracts and parcels lands, abutt‘ng on or adjacent to that* part of Fifty-first Street from Hamil ton Ftreer tc Charles Street, in tna Citv of Omaha. Nebraska Notice is hereby given that thera Ml oeen fil*d with the City Clerk of the City of Omaha a petition fou the jmprovemegt r.f that part of Fifty-fleet Street from Hamilton Srr*et to Chari** F reet, in ,the City of Omaha, by paving and curbing, said petition being In words and figures ^Petition tar Improving Fifty-first Street, from Hamilton Street to Charles Street To the Honorable City Council of the I City of O -.aha . . _ We. the undersigned^ owners of jot* or lands abutting up-on fflat part of Fifty 1 first Street from Hamilton Street to ! Charles Street in Street Improvement Dia ; trict No. 2 49 4. in the City o? Omaha, be ing record owners of a majority ©. tre ■ f#4*t fron’ag* on said part of said street. 1 as ah^wn hr the generally r*cognised n aps of said city, do hereby petition that ' the same be Improved by paving ana i curbing . _ And we do further petition the Council to ord*r such Improvement and cause It to 1 b* made, and that thirty days be allowed * to the property owners In said District within which to designate the material d* s'red to be used In ths paving of sa d #lJT#irvf* McClurg January 22 1924. lot I is Block 1. Cre'gbton Park Addition. 1*4 . 1 feet f-ont by 45 « feet deep. Emily Marian Jones. January ... 19.4. Txot 1 Block 2. Creighton Park Addition. K« fe*t front by 49 feet deep. Frank J. McArdle. January 22 1924. Lot t I'reighton Park Addition, 1.1 , fee* front by 45 15 feet deep. I Kited: January 2«. 1924 at 19 59 o clock 1 1 y I You are further notlfi*»t line of JJst Avenue. South to SlrJ Street, in the Cite of Omaha. b> paving and curbing said petition being \n words and figures m foPoxvs. Petition fo- 1 :t'. proving Stone Artstt* from Best lin# Slat Avenue. South tq** Jlrd Street T * the Honorable City Council of t hht City of Omaha: a Wr. th# undersigned, owners of D;g or lands abuttng upon that part of* stone Ax enue from West |1na Slot A»*m»w South tp llrtl Street n Street Imrravo-* ment District No 3412. m the Cny of Omaha being record owner* of a major ity of th* feet frontage on said part of said street, as shoe n by the gene»-*l!v recognised mars of sa»d city, do bceK petition that the same be improved by paving and curbing. v- l we do further petition the Coun cil to order *uch improvement and f*u»* to he i ade. and that th ty days ba , allowed to the proper!' perns ip ss’d District " thin which to des gnste th* mater si desired to be used in tho pav ing of said street. Os at A b c«t January ?4. 1*T4 Del ? B eck ? Curt’s A Atone ■ Add It lea. if fe*t ftttt] bv 130 feet deep. Magnus Nbrdnu s*. Januarx ?4 1*S4 Tot* * and t B' W 3 Curtis d Stops'a Addition. x4 A feet front b' 14* feet deer Philip Hand* huh January M. lf!< l Mu ? to T ' Block ? Curt’s A Stone s Adi • W feet from by 14* feet deep Filed Janusrr JV. 1IJ4 at ll o'clock A V You are further notified that '>'» a**d each cf vou will ha'e fifree-x d*x» from February ? 1*f4 the first day cf publi cation hereof n wt- h to file r .'test In the txfpro of tb« City Clerk »gainst the regularitx legality or njff » t v of paid peftt’on or anx etanatur* the • n Published in s>'Ncr<1siv-* with Essclu* « tton No »f? Smew BB Omaha. Nebraska Februa-' ’ ’A*! JAM Kb r H'H T"* lit) Cloth Publish February T. * and F 1 11 1 . ■' LEGAL NOTICKS Nt’Tlx i >H' v, vKH'it.1'' R>' KTIN'I No; *e •• hereby g'xsn tb»t th* rega-4 iar ann-xal meeting of the stookhxddeew of the S-Mith Platte I and v'emNB) xxr4|--— ba he’t at the o*f e of said Ox-wpanv Boo * vm t - Ne . V V TV, \| ng/ * > *xooln N>bti*x ' at /naiy * irwin*