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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1924)
BURGESS BEDTIME STORIES I *“- By THORNTON \V. BURGESS. - The Man-Bird's Secret. The morning that the men went to hunt for the home of Trader the Wood Rat to get back the nuts and bolts and screws so much needed to repair the great man-bird Danny and Nanny Meadow Mouse did not go back to their second home under a stump where they were in the habit of spend ing their days. No, sir, they didn't. They remained light there in their nest in the ilttlc cupboard in the air plane. Danny had been ready to start at die first hint of daylight. But Nanny had said that she wasn't go ing. Danny couldn't understand it. Al ways Nanny had been the one In the greatest hurry to leave, anxious to get away before the arrival of the men for their daily work. "Not going!" cried Danny. "Did 1 hear you say you are not going?” •■yes. my dear, you hoard me say 1 am not going," replied Nanri>\ "But what are you going to do?” demanded Danny. "Stay right here, of course. Now run along. When you come hack you THE NEBBS THE SPENDTHRIFT. Directed for The Omaha Bee by Sol Hess /GOOD t^ORNVNG^ ~THR\rr J rUJANT A. GooTS rVVE CENT CIGAR AN^ A COOPLE MATCHES - J -_J]Z~ f tmws one of the tightest guvs I \EVE(? MET - THE OMW TH\NG HE E\JER ) BUSSTHW ISN'T ^SOLHTEEH NECESSftRV is * nickel c\G(vp,cvnd me gets ft- y1 COOPLE MATCHES LOiTM IT , i-Vr-r f nnstih\E Woo SEE * TELLOuj ljvth * , POCKET-SOOr; UOST B\G ENOUGH TO PUT Tuio PtNGEPS \N SOU KNOW HE NEWER > pvPFCTS To T*V<£ OOT fAUCH OK^^V^AL -J ESen HE PEELS <Xt)OLLP« QAU OFF ^ va\S Poll woo d think hE u^_s r- V'Vt -PULLVNG PoRP^PUVSTER OFTjy / /3 | OF H\KS£lT - expression^ iMLl ^ f\tsD EWE^THING y-- j — 1 WE CAME in WERE ONE DAM AnD WANTED \ to e>ov one svck oegom -i guess we l wanted to gwe some kid a b\rtwdam \ PRESENT _ 1 TOLD W'M WE D'ON'T DREAK. PACKAGES - WE WERE NOT RETAILERS - J HE EULM BORROWS TISSUE PAVER TO ) uTpe ^seme-glasses ^ecaose hldontI WANT TO WEAR OOT WvS HANQKERCmIF^ , _ HE'S SOTlGHT THAT WHEN WE ^WiNKS WtSToES W\GGL.E r —^ (Cnpyright. 1924. by The Bell Syndics. Inc ) - CjlV PvCV^i»^>o^ -m Barney Google and Spark Plug RED IS BARNEY’S BEST BET. Drawn for The Omaha Bee by Billy DeBeck (Copyright 1924) BUUCTiN ISSUED BY 7hE. LOS ANGELES EXAMINER muvi Qoofiit SUFFERS RRAPSE AMO IS TAKEN To Good samaritam - Hospital - SPARK PIU£» -SASSY SUSIE PRlYfl^E. MATCH RACe To SAM VRANOSCo • POSTPONED To. NEKT V""— -- OUST W LUCK ^ Nffljj GREAT YESTERDAY AND THEN \lj I HAODA GO ANO GET ANOTHER 1 attack of The heebie Xeebies last NIGHT - 04ELL. IF' GLAD pOR ONE. THING -SPARK PLUG UlON-T HAVE To RACE Till NEVlT OJEEK » by That time Im HOPING x LI BE got OF HERE—1 MY HORSE CANT fco mS STUFF IF L AINT ON "ThE 30fc — AND X DONT VOANT To lose my Ten GRANO side. BET UllTVJ TVr eoioNFL’ The doctor leet strict orders tor you To stry in 0ED MR. GOOGLE -- get back. There. Vv INSTANTlI ! V ' / f r CANT S7aV / IN BED - TM NERVOUf ivwp" / AND STAY > “There 1 UNDERSTAND^ \ ^ VJMAT are You ALWAYS I TEULI^Ct OW POR i Copyright. 1914, by Kang F-tuw byicWte. It* | BRINGING UP FATHER R^flitfred U. 3. Patent Office SEE JIGCS AND MAGGIE IN FULL PAGE OF COLORS IN THE SUNDAY BEE Drawn for The Omaha Bee by McManus (Copyright 1924) ijJLJ ah: a>new t>Auet>u^ov- fill p t)HE LOOK^s LONESOME MICE DAY AIMT IT? —WT* I <5 U24 »r lot i. FtATum Sckvicc. InC JERRY ON THE JOB A MINOR COMPLAINT _• _ ' Drawn for The Omaha Bee by Hoban (Copyright 1924 ) ^ 0OTE ME AN> AAA C^AMES OaOUWMEVJT UICE ^'inSt/NCE • )& SiicW^ A Uooti \W* A broom OR-jn '! Sunk? A vmocw wee a Ea® » ‘ -r| EMO MEM VWAfT A ,T\u.l Grr A J Broom amo tlu^ Gwe Moa a 'Tttv-J Oirr akd Sfe? wqvmGoop Vjatt >4 A\»UTB. »y OOtfT VOli BA91ES - 'TWIN* ~TUAT BROOM ) is ~roo LOUS ??J I cite ] *3 H I IC'»>« r* i«Tt ri.rvB, Inc. How to End the Vacation Wrong. t • By Briggs GoSH GEORGE l Feet. Sorry roR "Thc boys UP north (Vc/P- Nice AND V BALMV HERE" This is Thc Re<M_ store ** \ WHAT DO VoO S'POSE Xy LEW OBRlOA/.ELT HOWELLy* Ahd The rest of The cS/vnc, are X>oiho-J/ fy The Poor suckers-// Wr^r/2 HEY (SeoRCiE* WHAT Do You ,, Do iw A CASE That sort This Coconut fell Just as J I STARTED "To MiT TuB ^ Ball - Ruim&p mvshot^ Three putts’ Thsse } CfiseNS ARE 5Lovxiefv l ]y\p**i i Thought TViE/ * GRASS is PECULIAR/ ^ -1 Do You KmowJ - The U6RY LAST GAME I 1'LAYfeD VA/A.S NEUJ YEAR."' AT VUYKAGYL- I'M ALL t' OUT C3E WALT ICE_/ ITHERG'S ai-W^YS S0M6 fHING NO M/ST If R , WHERE )i fou CmO f apr'iaki 1414 N T TiIWm 1 will find me right here and no one will lie any tlie wiser,'" was .Nanny’s reply. Danny didn’t know what to make of it. He couldn’t understand it at all. He actually did start off. He didn't go to their day home under the stump. Instead he started over to call on Trader toe Wood Rat. But on the way he caught a glimpse of Gray Fox and promptly hid. There he remained a long time, not daring to come out. It was just as he had made up his mind that the way was clear that lie heard voices of men. They passed very close to his hiding place and they went straight toward the home of Trader. Danny didn't think any thing about this at the time. But when he got w here he could *see what was going on he discovered to his dismay that those men were tearing the home of Trader the Wood Rat to pieces. He didn’t know what to make of it. He started to run back at once to tell Nanny. But curiosity got the better of him. He wanted to see what would happen to Trader the "Wood Rat. So Danny remained where he could see but not be seen, until at last he saw Trader run out of his home and escape. That was a relief to Danny. But the men didn't stop tearing that nest apart until there was nothing more to tear. They didn’t seem in the least disappointed over not find ing Trader. In fact, they seemed In But on the way lie caught a glimpse of Gray Fox anil promptly hid. the best of spirits when at last they climbed down out of the tree, and the whole party started toward the great man-bird. Danny scampered ahead of them. He scampered just as fast as those short legs could take him. He must get there first. He must get Nanny out of that great man-bird before those men got there. Having seen what they had done to Trader's home. Danny was filled with fear o^ what they might do to their home. Into the airplane he s rambled, and poked his head into the little cup board where their nest was, "Come, Nanny. Come right away," he panted in his squeaky, little voice. "I'm not coming." replied Nanny very softly. "I cun^ leave here. I told you this morning I was going to stay here." "What nonsense ’ cried Danny. * Nanny crept close to Danny and whispered in one of his funny little ears. "What? Wha—w ha—w hat?" gasped Danny as If he had once more lost his breath. "It’s true,” replied Nanny happily. "And we’ve got to keep it a secret. There are five. Danny! Just think of It. there are five!” The **n«e!e»* lie Mi n* plso 'o.jr bt The wi«>«l la the md. you *e* — Danny Meadow Moji*. (Copyright. 1124 ) The next story: "Fearful but j Happy." Bodies of Four killed in Taeonia % reek Reacli l . S. Charleston. 8. C. Feb. S.—The bodies of Capt. Herbert G. Sparrow and Solomon Sirens, radio man. two of four killed in the wreck of the cruiser Tacoma off Vera Crux, ar rived here this afternoon aboard the C. S. S. Prometheus, along with the survivor*. Captain Sparrow’s body will be fi w.iidi-d to Arlington, and Sivens to New York next M<’ga y, it w is an nounced. The surviving crew will go ABIE THE AGENT Drawn for The Omaha Bee by Hershfield lie Shi.(ilH (irt a Rebate (/fcoYou ktoouTX ' WHAT KAY Tons > i NAME USEb tb 3e • ~\r was j VkATZENSTEIN! / ^NOO^THAT l*T\ QL£t> To HEAR'. i vll Fix him this noon-i'm gating X^UJNCH WITH HIM f ^ONE OF TWVT NOW » MV NAME USED To EE kATZENSIEIM! > P C _ NES AMT> OAll\ ME THAT- I PAlfc SS1D IN COURT Tt5 QET THAT NAME XKfrbu ' j J "7-— TOU tHbva'Y (jtT ' SUCH A BARGAINS. For that kin*> OP MONET >ou \ COUUb HAVE qoY X^MOCH BETTER ONES ■ i»;.v ^ . | aboard the Galveston, which will le com missioned here Tuesday, Bodies of the other .two victims of the Tacoma disaster have r.ot b~ • recovered. ___ Catarrh Clinical tests have proved that Zonite i» highly effective in case* of nasal catarrh when used in dilution as a nasal spray. Its effect is to cleanse the mucous mem brane and reduce abnormal dis charges, thus clearing the nasal passages. Note: Atomizer fittings must b* of hard rubber. ' I . 1 Beware of Imitations! Genuine "Bayer Tablet? of Aspirin " have been proved safe by million? and prescribed by physicians over £3 years. Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture o* Monoacetic acideater of Kalicyllcacid. till KRTIsLMI vt7 Best for Colds Bronchitis, Asthma and all throat troubles. Builds new Strength. NO DANGEROUS DRUGS - •» * >» Helps You To Have Luxuriant Hair The use of Cutkurm Soap 1 shampooing the hsir, preoevjej hi touches of Cuticurs Ointment t spots o! vUndrutl. itching or imts I tion. will keep the scalp clean si healthy and promote hair growth rr*» l»MC 4,* -sn UK ''f0'1' It «l Mmi V oar Ww >tvst«g $*• . W tl»\ | RTI>t MINI Death Blow to Rheumatism Whether reu have h,H it ,.«r aH r,<* itwiiirf! ( w# m.M < :h«! iw* B11 ^ Mn.i|r r*ftffd»nt * * ,h*t \r_- * ' rfforfd r#ltrf y. Mg ft Met onn«H Drag gt a* ft