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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1924)
Join tho Household Club and Buy on Extended Payment! --.rJ1!,* .?“I****'N*,b. C<h *" Inviution for its patrons to make Ih^Tsm! ^ ^|S*u°f - ’,*.?'>U"hold Club P1»n- s'Kh Patrons are placed upon ° 'n*Sa de,linB °ur >«>'»' Accommodation Charge H«..^orM^I‘!lf[ratT,.Mn"rni"' tb* CIub P1,n wi" b* furnished by aur Household Club Plan offices, sixth floor. -— _ i Biirgess-Nash Comrany All Merchandise Plainly Marked at February Sale Pricea Kvery article in this store is marked in plain figures—and every article is sold at exactly that figure whether you pay cash or buy on the Club Plan. There are no exceptions. F)nly a nominal fee is charged, which helps maintain the Club offices and covers the cost of insurance. February Sale of Furniture and riouse Furnishings Buy Everything for the Home on the Household Club Plan of Extended Payments The Household Club Plan of Easy Payments is a practical and equitable method of furnishing the home on easy payments at Lowest Cash Prices. We believe it is the most satisfactory system in existence. It was established and is operated by this store for the sole purpose of aiding people who desire'a new-way, cheerful, fair-priced Easy Pay ment Plan. The advantages of using this system are many. Among them are: ‘ __ 1. The value of dealing with a large, dependable store. -» _ _ 2. The standard, reliable quality of our merchan dise. 3. The comprehensive com pleteness of our large stocks. 4. The fair price of every article. 5. Should your goods be destroyed by fire or tor nado we replace them. 6. The Club Plan enables you to “Pay as You Use It.” 7. The great saving because of this store’s policy of sell ing to Club Plan Members at our regular cash prices, plus a small fee which covers insurance, etc. ■ ■■■^ A Distinctive Tudor 8-Piece American Walnut Suite, con sisting of a 66-inch buffet, 45x60-inch table, five chairs and one host chair. Tapestry or leather covered. February Sale Price— Mahogany Davenport Table $27.50 Solid mahogany table, SO inches long, well con structed, in the Italian trestle type. February sale price. Porcelain Kitchen Tables $6.85 First quality porcelain kitchen tables, convenient to use, and so easy to keep clean. End Tables $2.65 End tables finished in rich dark brown mahogany. Exceptionally low priced for our February sale. Steel Bed Outfits $16.95 Two-inch continuous post bed with guaranteed fabric spring and 50-lb. combina tion mattress. Queen Anne Dining Room Suite $89.50 An eight-piece dining roonr» suite of American walnut, developed iij the Queen Anne style. Cane Living Room Suite $159.50 Three-piece Kajpen cane suite, attractively covered with blue Baker velour. February sale price. Cane Chairs and Rockers 1/2 Pr*C€ Our entire stork of cane seat and back chairs, also rockers. Suitable for the hall or living rooiVi. ‘‘Empire" Bedroom Suite, quality and workmanship unexcelled. A four-piece suite consisting of a 45-inch dresser with a 32x 28-inch mirror, chifforette, semi-vanity with £ a a pa triple mirror and a full sized bow end bed. The y | WIIOU finish is the rich two-toned walnut. I For February— Fourth „„„ High Back Mahogany Chairs $14.75 Beautiful mahograny high back chairs or rockers with seats covered with velour and tapestry. Kinney-Rome Coil Spring $12.50 “Kinney Rose” double deck coil spring, in battle ship gray. Comes,in every wanted size. Nachmann” Mattress $39.50 “Nachmann” spring fill ed mattress with layer of felt top and bottom. Guar anteed for 25 years. 3-Piece Living Room Suite, upholstered in genuine steel-eut Baker velour, taupe or blue. Also avail- fl* able in high grade tapestries. Silk tassels on all pieces. February Sale*— Kitchen Maid Cabinets $49.50 Kitchen Maid cabinets at special demonstration prices. A porcelain table top is included at no ad ditional charge. Living Room Suite $219.50 Beautiful living room suite in the three-piece style, covered with genuine mohair and velour com bination. February Sale of Rugs The largest assortment of fine rugs ever assembled at one time on our carpet floor will be on display at sale prices Monday. All of these rugs are samples and dropped patterns, but every one is perfect in design and weave. Products of famous rug manufacturers, such as Whittals, Bigelow, Hartford, A. & M. Kara ghensian. \V. & J. Sloane and others are to be shown. Bring Your Room Measurements These Two Items Are Representative of the Extraordinary Values You May Expect 11 patterns 9x12 size Seamless Worsted Wil- a a a ton Kugs, oriental and conventional designs, \Xll If II soft colorings; regular $115.00 value. T * 8 Patterns 8-3x10-6 Mecca Wilton Rugs.$84.50 3 Patterns 9x12 Mecca Wilton Rugs. 87.50 1 Pattern 8-3x10-6 Windsor Wilton Rugs. 84.50 1 Pattern 9x12 Windsor Wilton Rugs... 87.50 5 Patterns 4-6x7-6 Karadi W’ilton Rugs.. 27.50 9 Patterns 6x9 Karadi Wilton Rugs. 50.00 9 Patterns 8-3x10-6 KarSdi Wilton Rugs. 75.00 3 Patterns 9x9 Karadi Wilton Rugs. 00.75 2 Patterns 9x12 Karadi Wilton Rugs. 79.50 3 Patterns 9x15 Karadi Wilton Rugs.111.00 6 Patterns 11-3x12 Karadi Wilton Rugs.111.00 1 Pattern 11-3x12 Karadi Wilton Rugs.137.50 3 Patterns 4-6x7 Almeda Wilton Rugs. 35.00 7 Patterns 6x9 Almeda Wilton Rugs... 54.50 11 Patterns 8-3x10-6 Almeda Wilton Rugs. 82.75 3 Patterns 6x9 Akbar Wilton Rugs. 43.00 4 Patterns 8-3x10-6 Akbar Wilton Rugs.. 03.75 3 Patterns 9x12 Akbar Wilton Rugs. 07.50 2 Patterns 6x9 Lacoma Wilton Rugs. 45.00 5 Patterns 8-3x10-6 Lacoma Wilton Rugs. 72.50 5 Patterns 9x12 Lacoma Wilton Rugs.. 79.00 2 Patterns 9x15 Lacoma Wilton Rugs.llliOO 3 Patterns 10-6x13-6 Lacoma Wilton Rugs.124.50 1-Pattern 11-3x15 Lacoma Wilton Rugs..137.50 2 Patterns 8-3x10-6 Corona Axminster Rugs.$37i50 4 Patterns 6x9 Madison Axminster Rugs. 19.75 6 pattern* extra heavy quality Axmimter /|| A A a A Rug*, 8-3x10-6 *ize; wonderful coloring* in \ / »l llll conventional pattern*; regular $39.00 value. ' * 6 Patterns 9x12 Madison Axminster Rugs. 35.00 2 Patterns 11-3x12 Madison Axminster Rugs.. 44.00 3 Patterns 6x9 Ovcrbrook Axminster Rugs. 23.50 1 Pattern 8-3x10-6 Overbrook Axminster Rugs. 38.50 3 Patterns 9x12 Overbrook Axminster Rugs. 41.50 3 Patterns 9x12 Plaza Axbiinster Rugs. 51.50 l Pattern 4-6x7-6 Royal Axminster Rugs.. 12.50 3 Patterns 4-6x7-6 Royal Axminster Rugs. 23.50 1 Pattern 7-6x9 Royal Axminster Rugs. 28.50 1 Pattern 8-3x10-6 Royal Axminster Rugs. 37.75 2 Patterns 9x12 Royal Axminster Rugs.41.50 2 Patterns 11-3x12 Royal Axminster Rugs. 54.00 1 Pattern 11-3x15 Royal Axminster Rugs. 71.00 4 Patterns 6x9 Corona Axminster Rugs.. 24.50 4 Patterns 9x12 Corona Axminster Rugs. 41.00 2 Patterns 11-3x112 Corona Axminster Rugs. 53.50 3 Patterns 6x9 Homeric Axminster Rugs. 27.00 4 Patterns 9-3x10-6 Homeric Axminster Rugs....... 42.00 5 Patterns 9x12 Homeric Axminster Rugs.. 45^00 1 Pattern 9x15 Homeric Axminster Rugs. 61.00 2 Patterns 11-3x12 Homeric Axminster Rugs.. 61.00 2 Patterns 4-6x7-6 Ambassador Wool Rugs. 0.75 6 Patterns 6x9 Ambassador Wool Rugs. 17iOO 6 Patterns 8-3x10-6 Ambassador Wool Rugs. 25.00 2 Patterns 9x12 Ambassador Wool Rugs. . ..'.. 26!50 Sixth Floor. February Sale of Lamps I.amps that shed a soft glow through shades of warm tinted and beautifully designed silks or lacquered linens, harmoniously blended in color—these are the lamps that give the final decorative touch to the home. Table Lamps, $5.00 Wrought iron standards in 22-inch heights, two-burner style, are equipped with an extra long cord which will eliminate the installing of extra plugs. Boudoir Lamps, $4.95 Boudoir lamps, finished to harmonize with the ddinty tints used in botuioir decorations, may be had in ivory, bronze, silver or brass. Hand-etched glass shades from Czecho slovakia perfect their beauty. Kegular values are $6.95. Night Lamps, $3.00 Night lamps, conveniently equipped with dimmer attachments, are finished in black enamel with shades of silk in artistic designs and attractively, blended colors. Values of these lamps are $10.50 each. Desk Lamps, $6.75 Desk lamps, featuring the adjustable glass shades, will appeal to the student as well as to the man or woman who reads and works in the evening. $9.95 is the regular value of these lamps. Fourth Flosr February Sale of Pianos Buy on the Burgess-Nash Household Club Plan. Prices Greatly Reduced Our new stock of Chickering, Ivers & Pond, J. &. C. Fischer and other well-known makes of pianos are arriving and in order to giv« thorn ample floor space we are offering all used instruments at de cidedly reduced prices. Every instrument carries the Burgess N'ash guarantee. All are in perfect condition. Exceptionally well toned. Included are: Franklin Upright, fine tone, used, $]55 Jfi Macey & Camp Upright Player, walnut c>se. used; 24 player rolls; a real bargain ^295 ^8 Krell Auto Grand Player, with 24 rolls ffOOC 'tf player music, used.«P^Ot) Behning Upright, walnut case, beauti ful tone, used. ... . i)l0J Willard Upright Player, CQOC new ..«pjZj All pianos from this season's stock are offered at Greatly Reduced Prices. " Fifth Flaw- _ February Sale of Quaker Net - - Panels Shadow Lace Nets Yard 69c Beautify) shadow lace nets, five patterns from which to choose. Filet Nets Yard $1.00 ( 40 and 40-inch filet nets, I all new, clean merchandise. ' Values up to $1.50. Odd Curtain* and Panels This lot includes as many as two pair of a pattern 1 in leading makes, such as Quaker and Scranton. 2 Second Floor Alcazar Gar Range $39.50 The Alcazar gas range is an efficiently tnade that it will require only 38 inches of floor space in your kitchen. 19x 19H inches comprise the cooking surface, while the oven is of 16x12x19-inch size and the broiler of 16x6 x 19-inch size. The lining of the oven is aluminumized and rust-proof; the door of the oven is paneled in white porcelain. The range is equipped with Alcazar special spoke gas saving burners, which will eliminate a waste of .gas. This regular *45 value range will he set up Iin your kitchen without ex tra charge. Buy on tha Household Club Plan. Elevated Laundry Stove. $7.95 The distinctive feature <>f this ifas laundry stove is that it may he adjusted to heights of 24, 2fi or 28 inches, making it especially convenient for laundry or kitchen use. Portable f Ovens $3.95 These portable ovens are two burnrr nitre, t2 '■» x20 \ Inchen, made of polished blue steel, full tin lined and featuring: a glass door. $5.r>0 la the regular value. Alcazar Kerosene Cat Cook Stove, $19.50 Thi* two-burner kero»ene vt* cook stovt, with one Rtant and one regular burn er. feature* a removable burner tray which make* j cleaning very woy. Solid brae* burner* and enameled burner drum* add to the good appearance of thi* *tove | thi* i* with-it doubt a wonderful value. , I nut tli r loot, February Sale of Silverware $3.29 Many pieces of silverware in this group have been se lected from our regular stock, regardless of former price. Useful pieces for the home have been selected, including_ Casseroles Cream and Sugars Bud Cases Cheese and Cracker Dishes Die Baking Dishes ffo/4 Trass - Silver Table Mats Eldredge Sewing Machines Tten Models Reduced for February Sale The Eldredge rotary is a high arm. non-clogging ma chine. Tension is automatic. Self-adjusting to all sines of thread and thickness of ma terials. ■ The case is the desirable I four-drawer, round end de I sign, as pictured, and made I of quartered oak. Piano polished. The stand is ball bearing, with full set of steel at tachments. and the machine is guaranteed for ten years Regular $65.00 machine. “t $56.50 Electric Portable Sewing Machines A splendid hijrh srni electric, portable machine that can be tucked away in a small space. Guaranteed for ten years. As pictured here, rejrular ' $31.50 Hemstitching and . Picoting Done Huy on the House hold Club Plan of Extended Payments Second Floor !< One of America’s Great Stores 2 Electric Washing “Marvel” Washer jj Clothes Washer t $69.50 When you use the “Marvel” ol.>c tric clothes washer you ran be cer ain that your laundry when removed vill be spotlessly white, and even .he most delicate fabrics will be in perfect condition. The “Marvel” washer comes complete with a swing ing wringer. Hun on Our Household Club Plan Machine Bargains “Master” Washer $99.50 The “Master” washer is an all metal machine with the improved style cylinder, and trouble free motor all working parts are enclosed, thus eliminating any danger of tear ing the. clothes in tl^ process of washing. A handy drain cock and easy rolling casters appeal to the housewife. The washer is n full six- I sheet capacity. • j Buy on Our Household, j Club Plan 1 Fourth Floor