The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, February 03, 1924, CITY EDITION, ALCOGRAVURE SECTION, Image 42

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Boole <>f the Sixth Battle Snuadr ■ f Britain'- Grand Flee' 'hi Amt r
an battleship division co-.q era', ng w ith the British rav v durir.u h'
World War, which :« to l i f n • • '• . ' the British Adn fa tv a' :'
early* date by Admiral Hugh R dm«' at 1 tl .......
squadron The ships in line an th* t S New \ ork 'Captain < F
Hughes I. l.\ S. S. Texas ifapta • V. • r B .c ■. U S. S Wyoming 1 at
lain FI. A Wilev i, '' - - F i : . Captain Thomas Washing*. * and
the I'. S. S. Delaware .Captain A H Scales. •'*f ■ !•■*> ■
NOT PASS How the Illi
nois Central Railroad
keeps heedless motorists
from crossing the track -
at the end of this Chicago
street, A car was wrecked
at this -pot on Christmas
Day. causing the death of
the two occupants. Hence
this harrier of white
blocks of concrete with
the triple rail- /’ a a
TION. Lieutenant Com
mander Joel T. Boone,
U. S. N., and Mrs. Boone,
pictured after calling on
President and Mrs. Cool
idge. Dr. Boone is medi
cal officer of the Presi
dential yacht Mayflower
and assistant White House
physician. He served with
t he Marines during the war
and is shown wearing his
many decorations, which
include the Congressional *»•
Medal of Honor.
Wiilr W'< ’’ll
I She is No Longer Fat
She found «» wav t*» reduce her
fat It was a way far more pleas
ant than dieting or exercising
would have been This new wav
! allowed her to eat foods without
danger of becoming fat again
She found Marmola Pietcnp
(inn Tablet». I hey aid the diges
live system to obtain the full
4 nutriment of food l hey help
Nature to turn food into musc le,
bone and sinew instead of fat
Mnrmnia Pre§cnph*»n / ablets
are made from the famous Mar
mola prescription I housands
have found that these handy
tablets give • ompletc* relief from
obesity. And when the a« c urnu |
lation of fat is rhec ked. reduc tion
|| t.i normal, healthy weight soon
II follows.
All drug nor*-* the world over j
|. Mat, .la Prescription Tablets
on* dollar .» bo* A»k vour druggist
II lor th»m. »»r ora'rr dun l and lh*y will
f t>»- sent in plain wrapper, postpaid
(.srfield Bldg Detroit. M.«b !
YEARS. Rev .1 H Re
mensnyder, who recently
retired to become pastor
emeritus of St. James
Lutheran Church. New
York, after active service
as pastor for forty two
years. The Civil War
veteran, now eighty two.
has served as a Lutheran
minister for fifty-eight
yi‘I\Vs. I‘nuI Thompson
RUMANIA’S FUTURK KINU, the handsome little Prince
Michael, son of frown Prince Carol of Rumania and Princes i
Fiona of .., pictured with his mother and his favorite St.
Hornard The youngster's paternal grandmother u Queen Marie
of Rumania, hi maternal pi a iidf at In i the late ex hmp fonstan
tine " "■ i
Is Your Skin a Turncoat?
At night clear and lovely, and then
some morning revealing an unex
pected crop of those nameless
complexion annoyances—spoiling
your pleasure on an important day ?
There is a way to avoid this.
You can now be sure y
of a flawless, beautiful skin
New discovery of science penetrates to the True
Skin, eliminating complexion blemishes at
their root.
IF your skin were a simple cov
ering. any good soap could be
relied on to keep it healthy and
attractive. But it has two lay
ers. the surface covering and a
complicated structure known
as the true skin underneath.
Nearly all skin troubles take
root in the true skin, beyond the
reach of ordinary treatment.
Poisons, germs and infections
develop among the millions of
tiny glands in the true skin, in
terfering with their important
work of eliminating waste ma
terial from the body. The true
skin then shows its distress by
pimples, blackheads, ecrema or
other serious defects which ap
pear on the surface. The only
way to be rid of them is to re
store the health of the true skin
The L. D Caulk Company,
one of the oldest scientific in
stitutions in the country, has
developed a treatment which
penetrates to the true skin, and
there acts promptly and posi
tively on the deep centers of
skin disorders.
The Mercirex Treatment
This treatment consists of
Mercirex Medicated Soap and
Mercirex Medicated Skin Cream,
which used in conjunction will
posi tively rid the skin of
pimples, blackheads and more
serious disorders. There are
two steps in the treatment:
1—Cleanse the affected area
with Mercirex Medicated
Soap, the most efficacious
germicidal soap developed
for disinfecting the skin
It not only cleanses and dis
infects the outer skin in a
remarkable way. but stimu
lates the glands, preparing
Mercirex Cream.
2—Apply Mercirex Cream
thinly. Massage gently but
thoroughly until the Cream
penetrates, leaving no trace.
It goes quickly to the true
skin, killing germ life and
neutralizing poisons, thus
enabling the true skin to
function normally
The effects of this treatment
are remarkable. With the true
skin restored to health, minor
or serious surface defects dis
appear, leaving the complexion
clear and the skin beautifully
Begin using Mercirex to-day
—and realize that you never
again need suffer from skin dis
Your druggist is offering a full
size Mercirex treatment, consisting
of two cakes of Soap and a jar of
Cream—regular $1.55 value—at the
introductory price of Si.25. If he
cannot supply you. mail the coupon
with $1.25. and we will send the in
troductory package, together with
a booklet on the
care of the skin
and scalp.
Soap and Cream
Croat-toei ion of tho
akin, groatly magnifiod
The outer «ktl*— whuh Mrrnre. So»p
k l(an«n. diiinlriti. and atimulatea
The complicated true % kin where moat akin
trouble* develop Meicue* Cream pene
trate* here, eliminating the nucleua of
pimple*, blackhead*, and ec rema It ia al»o
rffettive againat moat other ailment* of the
*kin and acalp—auch a* boil*, ringworm
•ore*, wound*, m*ect hue*, plant poiaona.
and dandruff
Thm L. D. Ca«lk Company Milford, Delaware
Unclosed i• ft.2S. lot which please send me two cake* of
Mrunn Soap and a jar ol Mercire* Cteam- together with
your booklet on the cate ol the ikin and scalp
Street Address
Cur s'*''