The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, February 03, 1924, CITY EDITION, Image 4

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    Goods Held for Future
AVc arc advising people who will
need rugs during the next twelve
months to buy in this sale and w e are
therefore prepared to warehouse
goods free of charge pending de
Special Budget Plan
Provide a plan whereby you ran
purchase at February Sale Prices
paying for same while you use and
enjoy the rugs and furniture.
—being the largest event of its kind we have ever
staged in thirty-one years of business
Dropped Patterns
Odd Rugs We
Cannot Match Up
Odd Lengths of
Odd Rolls of All
Kinds of Linoleum
Remnants of
Every Description
A Few of the Mills Supplying
Goods for This Great Sale
Hardwick <£ Magee, WhittaU's,
Sanford, Bush <5 Diamond,
Alexander Smith & Sons
Seamless Velvet Rugs
These rugs are very lew in price, but shown In
attractive colors and designs
26 09 size 8-3x10-6 Seamless Velvet Rugs, 21.50
32.50 size 9x12 Seamless Velvet Rugs. 24.50
Palisade Velvet.Rugs
A wool pile rug. woven without seams in splendid
up-io-date patterns and a variety of color tones.
’ 3x50 size 8-3x10-5 Velvet. Rugs .31.50
10.00 si^e 9x12 Velvet Rugs .. 35.00
Extra Quality Velvet Rugs
These are very closely woven and In soft color
ings as well as finely delineated designs.
39.00 size 7-6x9 Velvet Rugs .35.00
02.50 size 8-3x10-8 Velvet Rugs .37.50
58.50 size 9x12 Velvet Rngs .12.50
Seamless Wilton
Velvet Rugs .
Woven from the finest worsted yaVns. shown In
Oriental designs and colorings (dropped patterns >
72.00 8-3xlo-G Wilton Rugs . 52.00
79.00 9x12 Wilton Hugs . . 50.00
Roxbury Seamless
Plain Wilton Rugs
Offered in shades of rose, brown g»ay and blue,
with plain centers and band borders.
63.50 size 8-3x10-6 Plain Wiltons . . . 10.50
73.00 size 9x12 Plain W iltons. 52.50
Body Brussels Rugs
b rnm Ihe Whiltal! and Bigelow mills, In excellent
Chinz designs, suitable for bedrooms (Some of
these rugs are slightly stock soiled > Might dif
ferent patterns to choose from
72.00 size 9x12 Brussels Rugs ..40.00
Imported Inlaids
6-foot wide. In unusual patterns and very heavy
quality; regular price, per square yard. 2 85;
February Sale Price, square
Axminster Rugs
From America’s foremost weavers, in every size,
from the smallest mat to yoom sizes. Where hard
usage Is contemplated, these Axminsters are the
rugs we would advise. Three qualities are In the
sale. I’ricePas follows:
0x!2 Axminsters, 39.50 qualities, sale price 29.75
9x12 Axminsters. 43.50 qualities, sale price 37.50
9x12 Axminsters. 53 50 qualities, sale price 42.50
8-3x10-5 Axminsters, 36.50 qualities, sale
8-3x10-6 Axminsters, 39.50 qualities, sale
price ..0.32.50
8-3x10-6 Axminsters, 52.50 qualities, sale
price . 42.50
Extra Heavy Axminsters
We are offering a number of Axndnster rugs, in
the very best wearing quality made In this coun
try, in splendid colors and patterns, but slightly
72 50 Seamless Axminsters .9x12 size.59.00
63.50 Seamless Axminsters, *-3x10-6 size.51.50
52 50 Seamless Axminsters. 7 6x9 size... 39.00
33 60 Sesmtess Axminsters, 6x9 size.. 29.50
Brussels Rugs
The closely tied wool surface of these rug* In
sure* good wear aud makes them easy to sweep.
31.60 size 9xL2 Rrussrls Bugs .24.50
28 60 sire 9x12 Brussels Bugs.22.50
24 60 size 8-3x 10-6* Brussels Bugs.19.75
Oriental and Chinese Rugs
We hate selected * number of very fine rug* tn
both small and large sizes; to list them would be
meaningless, but customers are assured that they
will find their time well spent in looking over the
bargains we are offering. The QQJ Q
discount will lie. OOs®
Greenwich and Nairn
These well known grades hi good patterns and
colors that sell In the regular way at per
yard. 2.35. are priced in the sale at. 1 Afl
per square yard.
Printed Linoleum
In 6 and 12-foot widths of excellent grade, in de«
xirable colorings and well assorted. Regular price,
per square yard, 1.35; February sale 'T.’T ,,
price, per square yard . •
Inlaid Linoleum
6-foot wide, in through-to-the-back tile patterns
that cantiot wear off. A selection of eight color
ings. Regular price, per square yard. 1.63: Feb
ruary sale price, per 1 0(1
square yard . ^
Tile Inlaids
Moot wide, in blues, tans and gray color combi
nations. Six patterns to choose from Kegulai
price, per square yard, 2.00; February 1
sale price, per squarewsrd I •*Jc/
(ongoleum Felt Base Floor
\ carload of these goods has just armed in out
warehouse. Both rues and congoleunj by the yard
are represented. The values are of a surprising
Fongoleuni Oak Rug Borders. 21-loch. 53c
quality . 33C
Congoleuni Oak Rug Border. 36-inch. 75c
quality .50c
Congoleum 6-foot wide in good patterns, k3
quality, square yard.65c
Gold Seal quality. 9-foot wide, mill seconds.
now, per square yard . (5f)C
Odd Rugs
2.25 30x60 size Grass Rugs. 1.45
3.50 51x72 size Glass Rugs . 1.05
9.25 §6x63 ♦*». Reversible Wool Rugs.. 5.75
2.75 27x52 size Brussel Rugs .. . 2.25
2.75 Regular Axminster 18x36 . 1.05
3 75 Regular Axminster 27x52 . ,. 2.75
1.75 Regular Axminster 27x51 ..... 3.7«»
6 50 Regular Axminster 36x63 . -l.7o
1! (mi Regular Axminster 56x70 . 7.75
11.00 Mahal W iltons 27x>! . 8.50
12.50 Bundbar Wiltons 27x54 .. 10.00
15.00 Karnak Wiltons 27x54 ... .12.50
15.00 Hartford Saxony 27x54 - 9.50
18.50 Bundbar Wiltons 36x63 ... .13.75
23.50 Hartford Saxony 36x63 .14.75
20.00 Hardwick Wiltons 36x63 ... .16.75
23.50 Highland Wiltons 36x63 .18.75
95.00 Mahal & Oakdaic 9x12 Wilton.75.00
130.00 Hartford Saxony 9x12- 89.00
lio.'.iij Highland Seamless Wilton 9x12.. 115.OO
90.00 Standard Wilton 8-3x10-6 ... . 75.00
101.00 Plain Chenille 8-3x10-6 .87.00
110.00 Hardwick Wilton 8-3x10-6... .89.00
12i5o Hartford Saxony 8-3x10-6. 92.50
135.00 Bigelow Wilton 9-3x10-6. 98.50
13* '0 W'hittall Anglo-Persian 8-3x10-6.. .98.50
* :.o Karadi k Mahal W ilton 6x9. 35.00
69oo Bundbar Wilton 6*9 .47.50
72 Hardwick VS ilton 0x9 ...... 59.00
". 5o Oakdale Wilton 4-6\7-6 ..25.00
tl 5o llardwbk Wilton l-6x7-6 .35.00
2.on Hart lord Saxony I 6x7-6 . 28.50
49 50 Karnaw Wilton i-6x7-6 . 37.50
Oval Rag Rugs
Showing a suing of about one-third Good as
cend merit of colors.
21x36 . . 3,95
2*1x60 ...... . 5.05
.... .^...0,75
Cocoa Door Mats
12x21 Mat. regular 95c. February sale,
each . 75*
19\ :o Mat. regular 42.0" February saie,
each . 91.65
Bring Your Measurements
All 1023 models of Red Star Wickless Oil Ranges w itl be sold at —
72.50. 59.50. 45.00; 39.00 and 32.50
The same sires in 1024 models sell at—
98.00. 68.00. 45.00 and 36.50
24.00 Genuine Marsh Kitchen Cabinet .14.95
86.60 Detroit Jewel Range .62.50
215.00 Acorn Gas Range with Automatic Fireless Cooker Oven 98.50
150.00 Favorite Gas Range- ..-..87.50
135.00 Detroit Jewel Gas Range .78.50
37.50 Kitchen Cabinet, golden oak finish, fully equipped.. 25.00
Mahogany Nul Bowls, complete with crackers and picks.9S
4.75 KITCHEN TABLE, top 25x42 inches, piit in while
finish, varnished underpaid*.-round leg, one drawer.
Excellent opportunity to procure a sub- OPT
slantial, well made table.
with reed scab. <*od at . 0*7^
3.76 Combination Oven i. ler, 10x10 inches, blue steel.... .98
.55 Flour Sifter.19
.75 Aluminum beiuonade Shaker .. .50
2.75 Aluminum 4-quart Kettle with lid . .1.65
Victrola and Brunswick
Phonographs on Sale
These instruments have been floor samples or used
for demonstrating purposes—mechanically per
feet but in some instances discontinued models.
220.00 Fumed Oak Victrola . .*.1 ID.00
120.00 Fumed Oak Brunswick .. 55.00
150.00 Mahogany Console Vlrtrola .i. 05.00
150.00 Fumed Oak Brunswick ... 70.00
225.00 Golden Oak Vlrtrola .1 10.00
115.00 Mahogany Brunswick . 100.00
100.00 Fumed Oak Victrola . 00.00
100.00 Mahogany Console Victrola . 70.50
225.00 Walnut Victrola . .1 10.00
100.00 Walnut Victrola - 00.00
U25.00 Mahogany Brunswick .105.00
250.00 Decorated Brunswick .175,00
75.00 Decorated Brunswick . 05.00
75.00 Nursery Model Victrola . 37.50
If you have a large hotel to drape and curtain, you have a wonderful reason for
attending this sale; if it’s a whole house, you can still save a goodly sum, and if
it is only a single window, the savings will still appeal to your sense of
in This Sale Save 20% to 60%
Charming Curtain Nets
A special mill purchase of very attractive CURTAIN N'KTS
afford our customers a remarkable opportunity tc curtain In
expensively but well at per yard—
30*. 45*. 50*. 60*. 65* «nd S5*
Every Description of
Overdrapery Materials
Cotton—Mercerized—Silk: In most nttractlv* drapery color*,
many of them guaranteed sunfast
? 50 Overdrnpery ... 1.25
3 00 Overdrapery_1.95
3.50 Overdrapery ....1.95 c
4.50 Overdrapery ....2.25
5 75 Overdrapery . 2.05
fi 75 Overdrnpery ... 0.50
7.50 Overdrapery . . 0.75
5 75 Overdrapery ....4.95
10.00 Overdrapery .. 0.85
Drapery Material of Figured Silk
In splendid colors. Cfi Inches wide. This material «a» pur
chased from a mill slock at a tremendous advantage t por
examination the values will be most obvious. Per vard -
1.35. 1.50, 1.05 and 1.75
Monday buying advised at these tables.
Curtain Materials (Nets, Voiles,
Marquisettes and others)
■tor Curtain Materials HOC
ritV Curtain Materials J>f*
liar Curtain Materials :wr
xr»e Curtain Materials |J»C
1.00 Curtain Materials ?»8C
I ?R Curtain Materials «8r
Min Curtain Material* H."»C
1 IB < ni t .a in Matei In i Jl.'ir
7 on Curtain Material*! .00
2 7 fi Curtain* Material | ,I>0
3.On Curtain Material*f .Oti
;; V> Curtain Material* | .Or*
This sale offers a very broad choice including curtains of
and DUTCHESS LACE, There are from one to twelve pairs
to s pattern and savings will range from ‘.'5 to 50 per cent
2 50, Curtain* .1.75
."23 Curtain* .1.05
4 00 Curtain*.2.35
3 00 Curtains .3.50
o 30 Curtains.3.35
7 30 Cur(aln*.3.75
10 00 Curtain* .5.00
11.73 Curtain* . 6.75
13.00 Curtain* . 7.50
17.50 Curtain* . 0.25
?O.O0 Curtain*.10.00
L’5.00 Curtain* .12.50
70 0O Curtain*.15.00
77 30 Curtains.10.75
Casement Curtains
A special mill purchase of CASEMENT CURTAINS will
the Omaha public of bargains without precedent in these de
sirable goods Triced per pair ip two lots 3.95 and 4.95
(up to 40 yards of a pattern)
Our well known and eitenshe stock or these attractive fab
ric* goes on safe at prices everybodv "ib appreciate Vard—
25C. 38c. 50C. 05C. 85C and 95c
Savings of kTi to SO per cent may be realized !n the above item*
The original price per yard ha* Iie-u forgotten. The rem
nant* have been sorted Into lots >nd priced 1" 'foe pis e
Every piece I* useful for *ome purpose »nd will prove »n
unmatchable bargain to the woman who discovers It
firing i our Measurements
25.00 Bridge Lamps
Wrought metal standards, decorated and 1 /J30
toned; with silk shades, complete.
37.50 Junior Lamps
Handsome walnut standards with good sil k 1 750
shades in-all colorings. . 1 I
35.00 Bridge Lamps
Cunningly wrought elided ha- - with silk 9 r°o
shades, in .-ill color combination- . . mit)
46.00 Junior Lamps
Shown in lour -t\ s that ineUuh gilded bas -
having many attractive refinements and silk
and georgette combination shades of rare QQoC
. . . . UU
65.(X) Table Lamps
t Marble bases and silk QPOO
shades. .. OO
6.(X) Amber Glass Candlesticks
Highly cngrnv d, OOO . . . . o
Dessert Plates
l'i Cron i St n 'iviM r I i i it n T 'll > 7 i '>1 '
Minton paK: it > HALr I KH r.
Silver Plate
Including all Shcf-'i ,d and Ih,
will bo discounted. ..
Trunks, Bags, Suit Cases
0".5<> Hartmann Wardrobe Trunks. . 39.00
40.00 Hartmann Straight Trunks.33.30
105.00 Belber Wardrobe Trunks .09.00
7.75 Knameled leather Hat Doses.... 3.33
15.00 Knameled Heather Hat Hones, . | 0.00
20.00 Overnight Hags .| 0.00
L* 1.00 Overnight Bags .13.00
12.50 Overnight Bags . 8.00
17.50 l.adles' Unfitted fuses .13.00
55 00 l.adles* Filled Cases .13.00
1 gather
Pillfddv Handbags. Purses. Card
111 *)ll
n’iseounted ...... 1*1 ^\*
Pot ten*
1 m < ■ ■!! .. ass ■ > ’’ P,*
lr di' !s •^V* Otl