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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1924)
Monday Begins Our Great February Sale of Fine Draperies and Lace Curtains Special purchases of fine new draperies, together with many of our higher class lace curtains, on which we have made sub stantial reductions, make this an exceptionally fine group and afford ap excellent, buying opportunity. 7.50 Filet Net Ruffled Curtains Made of real serviceable filet net; in dainty designs; light cream color; suitable for any room; large sire, with tie-backs to match. February Sale f 95 Price Per Pair \J= 3.50 Grenadine Ruffled Curtains Made of excellent quality grenadine; well made with good full ruffles; tie-backs to match. In white only; many dainty designs. February Sale /J25 Price Per Pair 50c Dotted Marquisette 38 Inches wide; figured marquisette; in white only; very serviceable; 29c especially priced at per yaid, 1.75 Imported Cretonnes 50 inches wide; beautiful floral ef- 85c! fects; rich color combination, 2.25 Ruffled Marquisette Curtains Made of good serviceable marquisette; in dainty cheeks and plaid effects; in white only; 2Vi yards long; tie- 1.49 backs to match; special, pair, 3.50 Drapery Materials Repps, poplins and many new high grade drapery materials; in blue, green, rose and mulberry colors; 50 inches 1.95 wide; especially priced per j ard, I 2.00 Plain or Figured Madras Wonderful values in fine madras for drapes, window or door curtains; 48 inches wide; many good color a 98c combinations; specially, per \ ard, 7.50 Sectional Panel Lace Beautiful imported duchess panel lace; of a beautiful quality; ivory 9 98 color; 90 inches wide; per yard, * 40c Curtain Swiss A good servieeable curtain material; in white only; dainty designs; 36 29c I inches wide; priced at per \ard, 60c Fancy Voile and Marquisette An excellent quality curtain mate rial; white or cream; 40 9Qp inches wide; special, at per yard, 35c Curtain Scrim and Marquisette Splendid quality; 36 inches wide; in white or cream; very service- 1 Qn able; especially priced, per yard, 65c Decorative Cretonnes Beautiful drapery cretonnes; 36 inches wide; very attractive patterns; lovely for draperies, cushions and similar uses; specially priced at, per yard, 60c Curtain Nets Good serviceable quality nets in filet, imitation tuscan and imported bobbinets; 36 and 40 inches wide; white, 39c i cream or ecru color; per jard, 1.50 Filet and Tuscan Nets Exceptional values in splendid quality curtain nets; attractive designs; in cream or ecru color; 40 and 48 inches wide; per yard, only, 5.50 Heavy Tuscan Net Curtains Made with rich, heavy bullion fringe across bottom; 36 and 50 inches wide; 3/2 yards long; in the drapery ^ ecru color; special, per pair, 9.00 Etamine Curtains Serviceable and attractive; suitable for any room; will launder well; made with hand-drawn work, real lace motifs and real lace edging; 2to yards K GJK long; especially priced, per pair, * 2.00 Sunfast Drapery Silks A beautiful high luster drapery material in brown, rose, gold, blue or mulberry shades; 36 inches wide; guaran- 1 KG teed fast colors; per yard at, * ' 95c Silk Curtain Marquisette An extremely pretty drapery material; in cream color; this fabric has some slight imperfections which do not KQs* affect the wearing quality; yard, 1.65 Casement Silkinette A very new and attractive drapery ma terial for all kinds of curtains; very serviceable; in dainty designs; QQa 36 inches wide; special, per yard. 1.50 Duchess Lace Paneling Made of real serviceable Swiss net with beautiful appliqued border designs; 27 inches wide; white only; for vest i- 69c bule door or windows; per yard, 6.00 Filet Net Curtains Made of excellent quality net in dainty designs; cream or ecru color; trimmed, with lace edge on sides and hot- Q QK tom; 2y2 yards long; per pair, 5.00 and 6.00 Brocaded Silk Damask A group of broken bolts of fine quality Drapery Fabrics' in blue, rose, brown, mul berry color combina tions; beautiful pat terns; per yard— 3.00 and 4.00 Fringed Net Panels These are good serviceable curtains; in at tractive designs; ecru color; all 2Vi yards long; while the limited quantity 1.95 lasts; very special, at, each, 3.00 Ruffled Voile Curtains Beautiful quality voile curtains with good full ruffles and tie-hacks to match; 2\'i 1.95 yards* long; special, per pair, 8.00 Imported Madras Curtains Comeln the cream color or in blue, brown or mulberry combinations; 36 and 4.5 inches wide; fine, washable curtains that 4.95 will wear well; per pair, 25.00 Arabian Renaissance Curtains Beautiful curtains for the living room or din ing room; made of fine French net with beautiful borders; in dark ecru IK QQ colors; 2*2 and 3 yards long; pair, * Sixth ri«o^-K«»l 17.60 Antique Scrim and Net Bed Seta Exquisite imported bed spread sets with bol ster cover; made for % and full size IQ QQ beds; while a limited quantity lasts, * 18.00 Irish Point and Duchess Curtains This group consists of beautiful imported curtains; in cream or white; in matching sets of from 2 to 6 pairs; 21/2 end 1 Q QQ 3 yards long; special, per pair, Sale of Curtain Rods An exceptional money-saving opportunity. 36c Brass Curtain Rods—Each, 19* 50c Brass Curtain Rods—Each, 29* 76c Brass Curtain Rods—Double, ea., 39* Monday—Continuing Our Great February Sale of Rugs and Linoleums The second week of our February Sale offers many bargains in Wilton, Axminster and Velvet Rugs and Linoleums. Thrifty housewives will avail themselves of this opportunity to purchase floor coverings at very substantial savings. These may be bought i On Our Easy Time Payment Plan 75.00 9x12 Seamless Wilton Rugs Heavy Wilton Rugs with rich lustrous pile; fringed ends; having slight imperfections, consisting of blurred places in patterns, * *f 39.00 to 45.00 9x12 Axminster Rugs Of quality unsurpassed at this low price; richly colored and with deep silky pile; an excellent wear ing quality; very 28.95 specially priced, 85c 6 and 9 Foot Congoleum Tn large pieces or two cut rolls in quantities for any size room ; this material is perfect; spe cially priced, per per square ynrd, Seamless Velvet Rugs—A large selection of attractive patterns arc shown in these fringed rugs. 90 07 9x12 size. February Sale Price; each, ‘ * Ardibon Worsted Wilton Rugs—In attractive designs, in taupe, blue and rose shades. 9x12 size. 99.50 February Sale Price, Royal Wilton Rugs—Firmly woven of finest quality wool and finished with fringed ends. 9x12 07 PjQ size. February Sale Price; each, 118.75 Worsted Wilton Rugs—Of finest quality; at tractive rose and taupe combinations from which to choose. 8-3x10-6 size. Very special. 99.50 bebruary Sale Price, each, Broad Loom Carpeting—Pe Lux. Roxbury and Clar idge quality in plain colors suitable for living 7 Qfj and dining rooms. 9 feet in width. Sale Price, * Chenile Carpeting Both domestic and Scotch weaves are offered at this very low price. 12 feet in Q 7PJ width. February Sale Price, per square yard, * $3.10 Velvet Stair Carpeting—In soft shades of blue and tan. An exceptional value at this very 2.49 low price February Snle Price, yard, $1.50 Inlaid Linoleum—Patterns suitable for bath rooms and kitchens, in tan, blue and gray. 1.19 February Snle Price, per square yard, only, $1.70 Straight Line Inlaid Linoleum—A wide variety of light tile patterns from which to choose. | February Sale Price, per square yard, Cocoa-Door Mats—Good, substantial quality. 1 QQ 14x27 indies in size. February Sale Price; each, * atilH trtnnr—W(H 133.00 Bigelow Wilton Rugs Of the finest worsted yarn* In new spring patterns; In beautiful color combinations of roae, blus snd taupe shades. 9xlJ »lze. Febru ary Sal* Price, 1 1 Q only, 1 IJtiJw Royal Wilton Rugs The design* sr* *o attractive, the color* so pleasing: thpse ruga will add to the beauty of any room. All ar* neatly fringed. 8-2x10 6 H<y Pf* six*. February Sale Price, * 182,60 to 146.00 Riik* ParMcularly patterned nnd designed for large rooms. 11-2x12 1 1(1 |||| slxe. Februnry Sal# Price, *- 1«/«UU 2.33 A me riant Inlaid Linoleum Of unusually heavy quality; any amount may be purchased front thn roll. February Sals 1 OFT Price, per equare yard, let/** Monday—Opportunities for Mothers’ Economy Infants’ Winter Apparel Specially Priced In the mid-winter season babies require undivided attention. Our mid-winter stocks are in readiness for the mother who is looking for good- dependable gar ments for baby’s proper outfitting. Clothing and Service for Little Babies Beacon Crib Blan kets — Size 30x40 inches; each, 98tf Knitted Lap Pads —Size 17x18 inch es each, 79<* Quilted Crib Pads —Size 27x40 inch es; each, 1.59 Hair Baby Pillows —Each, 1-98 Drooling Bibs — Each, 25£ We have a com plete library for mothers which we loan free. A trained nurse is always in attend ance. Experienced saleswomen w i 11 aid you in your se lection. Third Floor—East Infants’ Dresses Fine nainsook with dainty hand-hemstitching at neck, shoulder and cuff. All made by hand and designed for baby’s every-day wear; simple, yet dainty of fine quality material. Sizes 0 to 2 years. Each, Infants’ Gertrudes Hand made with fine scalloped bottoms and a touch of embroi dery or plain. Sizes QQ 0 to 2 years. Each, I/OC Knitted Gertrudes In wool; soft and elastic so that they keep baby snug and warm. Shoulder ties make them easy to put on and take off. Knitted Gertrude*— O *7P Of silk and wool, ■••3. Knitted Gertrude*— 1 PA Cotton and wool, * *OVl Outing Flannel Kimonos Very good quality outing flan nel with dainty pink or blue edging and embroidery; QQ special, I/OC All Cotton Vests Of finest Egyptian cotton; well woven; Carter make; double breasted style; buttons at sides; winter weight; wool tinted. Sizes 6 months to 3 QQ years. Each, OI/C Gertrudes of Outing Flannel Good quality; full cut and well m a de ; edged with dainty crochet and finished at bot tom with crochet or hemstitched hems; priced 79C at f ' Wool Mixed Shirts Double-breasted style; fine elastic quality; button sides or band; will not gap at neck and easily put on. In Tiny Tot and Carter make; sizes 6 months to 3 years; each, Teething or Shoulder Bands With side pinning tabs, slip over the head; beautifully wov en; sizes 8 months to 3 years. Silk and Wool Banda—Each, at, 98* Wool and Cotton Bands Each, 50C Birdseye Diapers Red Diamond brand; the best quality; very soft and absorb ent. Torn, hemmed and ster ilized; ready for use. Size 24x24 ins.; per doz., 1.98 Size 27x27 ins.; per doz., 2.50 j Size 27x54 ins.; per doz., 5.50 Third Floor—Eo»t “Know Omaha” This Is the begin ning of “K now Omaha Week.” During this week there will be a gen eral and earnest ef fort in the way of impressing upon the residents of this fine town of ours its advantages as a home and as a place of business. Omaha is. indeed, a wonderful city. In reviewing its advantages most people naturally think first of what Omaha has done for them. In this view J. L. Erandeis & Sons could not if they would, and would not if they could, avoid a deep sense of gratitude. Over and over again we have given Omaha the credit for the remarkable progress of this insti tution. The Erandeis Store opened more than forty years ago in a room 22 feet wide—a space not so large as some of its single departments to day. The present floor space, in cluding warehouse and factories, covers more than twelve acres of ground. It has the longest single aisle of any retail store in America, the length being 449 feet. It has 101 departments, seventy-five of which are selling departments. Its passenger elevators travel on an av erage of 225 miles a day and it is estimated that elevator passengers will av erage daily more 59,000. In a single day, more’ than 3,500 telephone calls are handled at The Erandeis Store. Some idea of the large number of people doing busi ness here every day may be obtained from the operations of the bank on the Main Floor. There only small checks are cashed as accommodation. During a single year the checks cashed at this bank aggregate more than $12,000,000 or more than $1,000,000 per month. These mere hints of the growth of The Erandeis Store—admittedly remarkable— are offered not only as a description of the development of this institution. In a larger sense they constitute a tribute to the prog ress of Omaha and the surrounding terri tory, whose resources have made this ad vancement possible. J. L. ERANDEIS & SONS. 300 Beautiful Electric Torchieres Each 1.49 2.00 Value Pair 2.98 1^.00 Value Gold, polychrome finished torchieres with the cylinder attractively decorated in shades of blue, rose, red, lavender and tan, add a distinctive bit of color to the davenport or console table or the necessary light to a buffet. Complete with cord and plug. No deliveries. Third Floor—W..t Special Sale of Mina Taylor House Dresses And Frocks of Other 045 Well Known Makes “ Gingham and chambray dresses, trimmed with braid and pipings. Belted and side-tie models. Regular values to $5.9&— Third Floor—South A Black Satinette Petticoats Black embroidery above the plain hem trims these fine quality petticoats. Regular sizes. 2.49 Extra sizes, 2.98 Third Floor—South Monday—Reduction Sale of The Brandeis “Bernice” Strap Slippers (Illustrated) Regularly 10.00 to 11.50 > 6.45 A Smart Early Spring Walking Slipper In the following combinations: Black Kid with Black Suede Straps Tan Russian Calf with Fawn Suede Straps Patent Leather with Black Suede Straps Light Weight Black Calfskin with Gray Suede Straps Made with light weight welt soles with covered wooden or leather Cuban heels. One Day Special Monday, 350 Pairs Women's Slippers Of Black Satin or Patent Leather ^ To Bring Back Fashionable Lines TheNemo Corset 1lhat is the mission of the new • 1924 Nemo Special model. It : helps you regain correct lines and brings them back without causing the slightest feeling of discomfort. If you have not worn a corset or have been care lessly fitted in the past, you will find this Nemo Special Corset well adapted to your needs. No doubt your figure has spread, become heavier and less sym metrical; walking and climbing stairs tires you. All this may be corrected with Nemo Corset Model 530. It gives the necessary support where it is needed. Sizes Up to 36 P? Art Priced O.UU The Nemo Circlet Brassiere—Designed to give a youthful figure, and trim, smart appearance 1 AA to any costume. Model IH21. sizes 3 1 to 4$. at 1.1AJ Third Moor- North February Sale Wall Paper Living and Dining Room Paper—Tapes try, two-toned and blended effects: rep- ■ ularly priced 45c: February Sale O J price, per roll Bed Room Paper Plait! and floral striped patterns as veil as dainty all over ohint. <ic signs, regularlv priced ,15c. February Sale Price, 1 | per roll, 1 1 C Light and Dark Colored Taper Practical design* for the loss representative rooms are of fered at unusual sa\injr*. Feb ruary Sale Price, per roll, ' _ r if th \ loot r»t RElil LARLY 0.50 to 9.50. REDUCED FOR QUICK CLEARANCE. Third Floor — Etil