Comings and Go ings of People You Know John W. Towle has spent the last week in New York city. Mrs. Lee Ross Newkirk will enter tain her bridge club on Tuesday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Smith left Tueeday for Florida where they will spend several weeks. Mrs. Fred Daugherty leaves today to spend ten days at the Daugherty ranch at Greely, Neb. Mrs. Lloyd Smith, who has been seriously ill, has returned to her home and is convalescent. Mrs. Thomas, F. Doyle and daugh ter. Grace, of Douglas, Wyo., are the guests of Miss Nell Morlarlty. Captain and Mrs. Clyde Way of Fort Crook will sail February 15 for four months’ travel In Europe. Mrs. George Prlnz who has been ill* for some time, has been taken to the hospital for observation. George J. Edwards of Montclair, N. j., will arrive in March to visit Ills daughter, Mrs. Foye Porter. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Moser and son, Harold, left Saturday for Los An geles, Cal., where they will make their future home. Mrs. Houston Harper and daugh ter, Julie, of Columbus, Neb., former ly of Omaha, spent several days in Omaha this week. Mr. and Mrs. Augusta Carrlck have given up their apartment In the Car herry and have taken an apartment In the El Beudolr. Paul Stauffer, Howard Ahmanson Eugene Holmes and Victor Hackler, students at the University of Ne braska, are spending the week-end in Omaha. Dr. and Mrs. Emile Beck of Chi cago will arrive this week to visit Dr. and Mrs. W. F. Callfas. They < »re returning from the west. Mr. and Mrs. James Carpenter of Kansas City and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carpenter of Illinois are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. I. W. <^ar renter. Miss Clara Thomas and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gardner will entertain this evening at the home of Miss Thomas at an Informal neighborhood party. Miss Carolyn Dodge returned Wednesday from an extended Euro pean trjp. She Is at the N. P. Dodge home during the absence of Mr. anrf Mrs. Dodge In California. Doris Talmage, who la a student n the Bennett school In Mlllbrook, N. Y„ will attsnd the Washington ..rthday prom at th* United States Military academy at West Point, Bishop and Mrs. John I* Nuslson of Zurich. Switzerland, will arrive this week to he the guests of Mr. and Mrs. James L. Nleholson. Bishop N'11 el son formerly resided In Omaha. Gilbert Payne, Infant son of Mr. • ml Mrs. John Howsrd Payne, who i< s been ill In the Methodist hoe ital, has been brought back to Ms oinr, where he la recovering nicely. Miss Louise Heltman la In New York on a buslneas and pleasure trip, .she is the guest of her sister, Mrs. A. E. Twichejl. En routs home she will visit another sister, Mrs. C. E. (Hltner of Chicago. Mrs. Lillie IjC. Baker will leave Tuesday for a six-weeks' trip to Loa A ngcles and other points In Cali fornia. Mrs. Baker will be accom panied by her eister, Mrs. Edna Brown, of Wichita. • Mrs. D. J. Williams left Saturday for Kearney after spending two weeks’ In the home of her sister, Mrs. W. H. Taylor. Dr. and Mrs. Taylor, returned last week from a short visit In Chicago. Frank Judson returned .Tuesday from New York where Mrs. Judson and their daughter. Miss Dorothy Judson, accompanied him several weeks ago. Mrs. Hudson and Miss Judson will return in about ten days. Mrs. A. Wslndandt and daughter, Alma, return todsy to their horn# in Emerson, following a visit with Mrs. Welndandt's daughter, Mrs. F. E. Watters, and Mr. Wattsrs. Miss Alma will make her home in Omaha soon. Mr. and Mrs. James W. Arnold], who have been in Cincinnati for the past five months, leave this week for Chicago where they will be for sev eral months, before returning to Om it ha for an extended visit In th* late spring. Mrs. Samuel Rees left Friday night for Minneapolis with her nephew, John Lowe, who has been making his home with her for the past three years. They will visit John’s father, Justus Lowe, and Mrs. Low^, with whom John will now remain. Mrs. Rees will return within the next few lays. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Peters and onnll Von have been making their nome with Mrs. Peter’s parents, Mr. ind Mrs. J. J. Hess of Council Bluffs, for the past few months, during the completion of their new home on Western avenue In the new George ■ ddltion. They will take possession I n three weeks. The home Is built on old English lines. Relatives of Homer Conant. who Is louring the orient, are waiting a % shipment of gifts from the far east. Cold screens and posters he drew on shipboard are among the collection. Mr. Conant wrltee that In Japan ihings are much worse than one can imagine. He also says he Is In terested In the Japanese babies, they* irc» so beautiful to paint. He Is touring the orient In a party of 400, ind Is nearing India, via China now. Itissett-Harte. Mr. and Mrs. V. M. Shook of Coun 111 Bluffs, assisted by Gertrude Humphrey, Lucille Isham and Mrs. C. L. Judge, entertained SO girls from Orchard-Wllhelm company at a stir lirise shower last Monday for Miss Jenny Jane Harte, who la to wed Don MeCaskey-Blssett, late of Perth, Scotland. The ceremony will he iier formed this month. « 1 Spring Song I know why the yellow forsythia Holds Its breath and will not bloom, J\nd the robin thrusts his beak in his wing. Want me to tell you? Think you can bear it? ('over your eyes with' your hand and hear it. You know how cold the days are still? And everybody saying how late the Spring is? Well—cover your eyes with your hand—the thing ia There Isn't going to l>e any Spring. s No parkin* here! No parkin* here! They amid to Sprlns: No parkin* hera! Spring came on as she always does. Laid her hand on the yellow foYsythia— • Little boys turned in their sleep and smiled, Dreaming of marbles, dreaming of agates; Little girls leapt from their beds to see Spring come by with her painted wagons. Colored wagons creaking with wonder— # Laid her hand on the robin’s throat; When up comes you-kno'w-who, my dear, You-know-who in a fine coat. And says to Spring; No parking here! No parkin* here! No rwrkln* hare! Move on! Move on! No parkin* here! g Come walk with me In the city gardens. (Better keep an eye out for you-know-who.) . Did you ever see such a sickly showing? Middle of June, and nothing groVing: The gardeners peer and scratch their heads And drop their sweat on the tulip-be