The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, February 03, 1924, CITY EDITION, PART TWO, Page 10-B, Image 22
The Ground Hog Predicts Good Driving Weather. Read Autos For Sale _ FINANCIAL. _Business Opportunities. 33 EEDERAt, SYSTEM. Ggrsgs, this city, enjoying high class pa tronage. monthly receipt* around $1,800 I-year lease, fireproof building, complete equipment, very little help required to run tills place. $8,000 cash, no trades. Cafe and bakery, here la a money maker. Daily receipts, $65, monthly rent, $37.50, we will sell all or separately, write for Complete details. ‘irocerlr^ Nebraska town, excellent trade territory, invoice including fix tures, $2,200. Dally receipts, $100; rent, $80; excellent opportunity. Cafe and Candy Shop, fixtures, $1,000; Block, $.'00; daily receipts, $80; monthly rent. $15; heVe is a real money maker for $1,000. Fool and Billiards, this city corner loca tion; if you are looking for a one-man huslness here Is a good one; daily re ceipts, $35; you ran't go wrong on this. Manufacturing, this little business has a wonderful future, with little or no competition In the state; monthly rent, $40; allowing a profit of $330 monthly. Let us give you tho details on this place. FtJee, $1,500. NOTICE The above are Just a few of our holdings which will bear Investigation, terms are cash To buy or sell call and see us, we special ize in out-of-town business. We get results where the individual falls. $05, 806 Paxton Bldg. Fhone, AT. 0462 FEDERAL SYSTEM. FOR SALE—Small resort located one mile from town, consisting of skating rink, pool parlor, boating, hathlng beach and camping ground. Well equipped, nets $3,000 to $4,000 per season. Have other line of business Box 534, Wray. Colo. FOR SALE*—Lease and furnishings of best hotel bargain, located In Jowa town of 25,000 Inhabitants; on four railroads and going ft good business; no dining room. Will sacrifice if sold In nuxt 20 da vs. Address Y-2547. Omaha Flee. Investment—Stocks—Bonds. 34 FOR SALK, 36 shares in wen established furniture and hardware business. In<-. for 176,000. Tays 8 pet. 1923. Has always fsid good dividends. Safe and sound lnv. -2B43, Omaha Hoe. LOW RATE on city property, qulrkly Closed; no monthly payments JA. 1523. W, T. Graham. M. A. ANDERSON OO., -TA. M07. Real estate. Surety bonds and kindred Tns. Rgfal Estate Loans. 34A AND 6 PER CENT MONET. Loans on Omaha Improved property at lowest rates. FRANK H. BINDER, fit City National. _JA. 1611. FARM LOANS. Lhrge or small West Neb. farms, ranches. Kfoko Investment Co., 84R Ohi. Nat. Bk. OMAHA HOMES—EAST NEB. FARMS O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE OO.. 3616 Cm. Nat. Bk. Bldg, JA. 2716. BIX per cent loans on Omaha residences. Cash on hand. Prompt service. E. H., Inc.. 538 Kceiine Bldg. CtTY real estate mortgages and con tracts bought. Mr. Larson 104 North Fifteenth street SECOND mortgages or cortracts pur chased by Tukey Company. 620 First Na tional Bank. .TA. 4223. 3 WILL buy mortgages and contracts. Cork in, 948 Om. Nat. Bldg., Omaha. Neb. 6U AND 6 PERCENT—NO DELAY. GARVIN BROS.. 648 Omaha Nat. Bldg. WANTED to buy, 2d mortgage and con tracts. 728 TVorld-Herald Bldg. Money to x.onn. _ 35 THIS COMPANY 18 ORGANIZED Ta supply your money wants In ths same way that banks supply the money wants of the business community. Any amount loanod up to 1600 and you cmn repay it in easy monthly payments. Our equal payment plan repays the loan and all charges. We have been la business In Omaha over 30 years a^d can assure you of a quick,) confidential and square deal. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY, 600 Her bach Block. Tel. JA. 1196.1 Southeast Corner 16th and Douglas Sts. DIAMOND loans at lowsst rates, business strictly confidential. The Diamond Loan Co.. 1514 Dodge SL Established 18Q4. ; EDUCATIONAL. Correspondence Courses. 37 1133 TO 1192 MONTH paid Railway Mail Clerks. Steady work. Common educa te n sufficient. Travel, see your country. For particulars apply today, sure. Y-2529, Pmaha Bee. L\ S. GOVERNMENT Jobs. $96-1250 month. Girls, women, II and up. Stea dy. List free. Write immediately, Franklin Institute. Dept. Ill K. Roches ter, N. Y. - TRAVEL—Railway mail clerks wanted. $i33-4192 monthly. Schedule examination places—-free. Write Franklin Institute, Dept. 210 K. Rochester. N. Y. Local Instruction Classes. 38 ’ NOW 13 THB TIM* TO ■■CURB A BOBINBBB NDDCATION. }(tk« your arrangement* at enee ta enter Boyle* College. Do not delay. One year or eiz month, er three month, from now you may ho ottered a moat ■ •Arable pocltton. Maybe yon wilt be prepared to aooept it. Maybe not. Maybe you will hare plenty e( ether •pport unit tea. Maybe they will not be ae gaad aa tha ana you loot. ■Sky let precent opportunities Alp through Angara? Why loaa timet Why not i Vagin at anoe ta At youraolf for buelnoao? BAT SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL Complete Chta! eg Bent Free. Addroas botlhi coi.tjbgb ■Mil aad Barney Btreeta. Omaha, Neb. Than# Jankson I6«>. • DAT •CHOOS* MIGHT SCHOOL* BOTLTB SCHOOL (Jinvlttt AotirNi in nil commercial hMncliM' bookkssplng. aomptomsrty, •fcZrthand. typewriting. islagraphy. secre tarial, hanking, salesmanship. cjvll serv ice, English You may work for board wOla attending. Illustrated eatalog free. BOYLES COLLMOB. Hth aad Harney 8t*.. Omaha, Neb. Jackson 1565. EXPKKIKNCED comptometet ©psratort are always in demand. If you are not ad operator an eight weeks’ couree in the ftemptometer school will fit you to bold one of these deelrable posltlone that are fthreyi open- If you must work, why loretiare so that you will get the most for yoS? time? “ t u. t.ll you about ou, *•* ‘"“.-Smi-Wm'™ school jno rrmrtney Block. **The school that Graduates Experts. FIGHT to U v*r»ke prepare you f"r a line office poelllim. Coll AT. 77i4 or write Amerlcen college, lillii Karnam._ DWOItAK BUSINESS COI-I.EUK Stenography end Bookkeeping Weed Bldg-, lttlh end rernem. AT. T41A VAN SANT SCHOOl, OK BUSINESS ' Gey end Evening School, V 2*5 B. Ittb HI._JA. O'tO KAHN while learning; be beauty apeclallet. L< harm, H-hool. ■ !■ Courtney. AT. till. WE KNOW IT Wa Sold 5 Home, Title WeoJtl! Coneiderafion $24,4001 I If you want to eel! quickly. Net year property with D. E. Buck A Ko., Realtor,, active member, of the Multiple I.leting Enchenge. Ruelneee le good with ue. nur ada bring the buyere. Juet phone JA. 2000 or JA. 3343 .^P.E, BUCK A CO, Realtor, Mil A EDUCATIONAL._ _Local Instruction Classes. 38 TRI-t'fTV BARBER COUBEGB 1403 Dodge St. 1301 Douglas at. call or write for 1 n 11 on. _ Musical—Dancing—Dramatic. 39 I.EARN RAGTIME FROM AN EXPERI ENCED ORCHESTRA PIANIST. H. M. HAH1»il«ll;k*1 BldK'' AT- residence, BANJO, Mandolin. Guitar—I,arson r J. att. 1R14 Sahler St., Kenwood 0S69. "" l,-- jllu-.-a l)a nr Inc: 39 A KEEPS—HOTEL ROME Class** Monday, Wednesday and Friday. »aanclngJMiejulay, Thursday and Saturday. ESTOCKr3^333I Dogs, Cats and Pets. 42 THOROUGHBRED German Police puns C^e{??0r. 19 ,9-:l Bo"‘ ot hreed 'Qg. ' all HA, 7.1 tilt or JA. 1434. Horses, Cattle, Vehicles. ,43 wniE hot ! U^''!jUr ,,0r9e end Mute Vo. mil. d, 'heir regular auction of norre, and mules next Tuesday after noou at stock yard stables, South Oma Jv' Expect fully 300 horses and mules, tome and buy them while they're rival). SIX head of good work horse* for »aio weight from 1,200 to 1,000 pound* AMERICAN TRANSFER CO. Fourteenth and Heaven worth. _ merchandise!_ _ Articles for Sal«. 46 . , , for SAT.E. A large Ice box, 3 ft 9 in. deep, 4 ft. 10 In. long and 3 ft. 101.4 in. wide; wood Hnd zinc construction and lined with cork; suitable for r*frlg*»r»tlon In meat market, water circulating system or any ,gl£C0-rr'kf,u,r,n* * cooling capacity. AT- MRS. HUNG ATE. M A SON Jars, crocks. lawn mower, anti soiiio furniture Gheap. WE. 6452. 12 GAUGE Stevens gun. boots and cap ;<nd extras for sale. K K. coat, fur collar, sirs 3*. <16. Numismatic dealer, Thoraon. S0« S. 19th. Business Equipment. 47 WE BUT, sell safes, make desks, show* oas<i?; efc* Fixture A Supply Go., - 'v ror- 11th and Douglas. JA. ^724 _Fuel and Feed. 50 KINDLING—$5 truck-load. delivered. Sawdust. sha\lngw. Phone JA. 8740. _ KINDLINO WOOD Knr aalc. cheap. WE. 4862. Household Goods 53 FURNITURE—The kind that you would like to possess, as well as staple article*. 1 rices within reason. Stephenson Auction House, 1509 Capitol. Goods sold at auction and private sal**. FURNITURE for 2-rm. apt., teim* If dc *1 red■ Apt. for rent. Pershing Apt. No. lo. 823 South Twenty-fourth wtreet. CHILD'S five-foot crib: Thor washer, for -«ale. MA, 0231 after 6 p. in._ BUFFET, fumed oak, $125, fit in a#iy furniture design. WA. 4444,_ ^ BABY carriage, brown reed. Lloyd Prin «c*h, $18. Call WE. 1221. FURNITURE for sale, apartment for ren'. Well heated; walking distance JA. 5398. Swap Column. 53A HAVE you a cottage or bungalow that you would trade for 21 % a. of iraprov. high land, partly in fruit. D-426, Omaha Bee. THREE-PIECE living room set. ward robe, rocker, four chairs, rug and stand ! table to trade for Ford sedan. D-425, Omaha Bee. DUPLEX. . practically new; 6-rooms each side: good location; all rented: trade s.'iulty In on bungalow or house well1 located. D-466. Omihti Bee. 1 16-QAUGB Winchester hammerlesn pump, perfectly new. l large National Preaser cooker, for what have you? F-614, Omaha Bee. RADIO outfit, roast-to-coaat range, with wave trap attachment: cuts out WOAW. "Ill demonstrate. To swap for Ford. E 838. Omaha Bee. j SMALL sport roadster, wire wheels.! nickel radiator, starter, generator, bat tery; all in good condition, for a piano,! or what have you? K-537. Omaha Bee. SWAP one, three and one five-reel fea ture motion picture films for radio, Ford coup* or what have you? E-514, Omaha Bee. _ SETTEE, genuine leather, to trade for portable victrola or what have you? D-465, Omaha Bee. _ 12 GAUGE Stevens gun, hoots, cap and extras. Trade for what have you? F 669, Omaha Bee. EAST OMAHA, 2 lota in Nakoma addi tion, for Ford coupe or sedan. E 536. Omaha Bee. $1,600 EQtJITT in 7-room home, close to Minne Lusa, to trade for Mlnne Lusa lot or what have you? D-467, Omaha Bee. FORD coupe. piano. musio cabinet.! rockers, miscellaneous furniture for a late model Ford coupe. E-f.41. Omaha Bee. | FOR SWAP! Fine Improved corn farm! for atock of merchandise. J. A. Bentley, Sidney, Neb. W ILL take lot or auto and soma cash on 7-rm. mod. house. 8. W. of Han arom park. K-540, Omaha Bee. 60 ACRf:s Minnesota land to exchange for good car. references furnished. D 4P6, Omaha Bee.__ 4 ACRES with 6-room house, well and outbuilding.* for what havs you? F-670, Omaha Bee. VARIETY stork, to exchange, In good lo cation for what have you. F-6I5, Oma ha Bee. ELECTRIC cooking range, perfectly new. to awap for what have you. F-616, Om aha Bes. WILL trad# standard make piano for good radio. C-360. Omaha Bsa. 2 ELECTRIC vacuum cleaners to exchange for Insurance. Call HA. 3696. EXCHANGE radio outfit for saxophone. ■fA. 1 434. FORD truck body for touring body. E-53t, Omaha Bee. Machinery and Tool*. 55 LeBron Electrical Works. 316-20 80. 12th. NEW and second-hand motors, dynarnoa ; Radio Equipment. 59 GUARANTEED radio sets f I 46 and up. H. M. HHLAES 216 North 18th fit. Wearing Apparel. 60 FULL PRESS suits and Tuxedo# for rent. JA. 112*. 109 N. 16th St. John Feldman. Wanted to Buy. 61 DESKS, DESKS. DESKS New desks, used desks, bought, sold and traded. J. C. Hoed. 1207 Farnam St. AT. 6146. ^ROOMS FOR RENTi~" Rooms With Board." 62 915 N. 41ST ST.—Very nice room In private home; home privileges; reasonable, excellent board. VV'A. 6437 HAN8COM blvd. lovely home for girls or employed couple; block to car; ideal sur rounding*. HA. 1 409. ROOMMATE for young lady in warm front room, walking distance. AT. 4104. 1537 8. 25th St.—Front room with board, very reasonable. Garage. JA. 3554. THIRTY FIRST ST, 1 407 N—Three fur nlshed rooms for rent.__ HOARD and room for two wishing a real | home. HA. 7630.__ Rooms Without Board. 63 FURNISHED room, on car llna. In pri vate family, for gentleman only. Si A. 0503. FURNISHED room. In large, modern, pri vate home, on West T*ark car line, with [aervlca breakfast, If desired. 11A. 6630. I LARGE ateam heated room, next to bath, large closet, ex«'#lletit oar service. HA. fi920. CHEERFUL. comfortably furnished rooms. 2003 Farrjeui St. 316 NO 23RD- Nice large front room r<" , ^ n r. mil table for :: people AT. ,31» 7.3. LOVELY room, clone in. reannnable, for nice location HA 2**>t. .—..— i --— - TWO connected rooms, furnished; adults WE. 1069. I ^^ROOMSJPOR^R^NT\_| Rocms Without Board. 63 FAR NAM ST.. 1813. WELLINGTON INN HAS NICELY FURNSHED ROOMS WITH DETACHED OR PRIVATE BATH AT VERY ATTRACTIVE RATES TO PERMANENT GUESTS. DON’T FAIL TO SEE THEM EXTRAORDINARY Hera la a beautiful room for two. well furnished; twin beds, private hum*, wall located. Hernia Park addition. 3614 Lin cola Blvd. I’ll0^*1 E * WA. 0441. 140 S. 3STH—Delightful sleeping porch end living room; also prlv. room In well kept home, under refined influences; V* bloik to <ar; heat residential section. Rooms for Housekeeping. 64 VINTON ST., 2322—Two modem newly decorated rooms, everything furnished. Adults only. |7.60 per week. AT. 6115. 3167 FARNAM, 2 light housekeeping rind-, everything furnished, walking distance. « b.s* to carline. HA. 190 4 1 13 S. 24TH ST.—Two front rooms, neatly furnished, clean, newly decorated, elec trie lights, huh range. ,1A. 0454. 516 SO. 22ND ST., modern 2 and 3-rtn. apts., cloae in, |5 to |12 a week. LIVING room. Bedroom and kitchen, everything furnished. >33.00. WE. 5039. *}.connected rooms, furnished. Adults. W EH. 10u9. _Where to Stop in Town 67 HOTEL ' HOTEL Special rates tn permanent guests. JJEAL^ESTATE—for rent. Apartments—Furnished. 69 V,3, 'vARft'«RKY~4«th and C»« Beautifully furnished 4-room apartment with 5-room accommodation. South, cast ami west exposures. 9105.00. r AUSTIN—38th ami Davenport iarg« Jiving room, dining alcove, bed un’-'h „^.rPh*^K bath and burnished as you would fur Utah your own borne, notion 31M»,miKn'" K COUnT—1Park Avt. at , s, r00ru accommodation. Beautifully furnished throughout $8 ° 5n ,, ,, OSK ROOM APARTMENTS «ttn I room accommodation. <ia*. light cooii.,ond .W'Ver,fUln,l’"‘!'1- prt'»tc hath, *67 50. " Arconimodatlon. CALL, 1R WE WI1.L TAKE Till' OUT. diJAKK hh.NTAL ANGEtSTT Dth and Howard_JA. 2805 2301 SftERMANKAVK—Five room, wall *75*SO*edwr“n"i!' decorated. fireplace 87Z.5Q, WE. 0,1.,; pv^runga WE. 4774. wim'fi'J a '"rnl'tic,l netvly decorated. tlji,W J AnC6;t3s°Ur ,UOm *««™mod» HUNTKH INN. AT CJ60 24 and Dodgl Home for the traveling man and wife. Tlw.ii^TlV"T.mnn ST., )»J? S.—Cor. v ^^^^dy_^4£orateU. mod. £-r. apt. Apartments—Unfurnished. 70 703 ALHAUfiKA—49th and Capitol Ave t}?*!!* room.' dining nook, large bedroom, Kitchen and bath 370 00 307 CARPERRY—40th and Ca„ A beautiful 4-room apartment with 6-room 976 00im°d*1 °n' Decorated lt> »uit tenant. ;.IreRT,I',AND P,rk Ava. at I^arenworth. Large living room, with gaa log. full ,|,e hi'ih'l/o0??'- 2 ^rdroom,. kitchen and 203 TERRACE COURT—Park Ava. ,t Afaaon 3_room apartment with S-ronm accommo Wt.ld1nglnet a»S2ntT ,,r'I>r"0f *^«n.e„t 108 PALMER—-26th and St. Mary ;?°m wl,n 3 exposure,. Kitchenette and I ul man dining room, dreaeing room and hath, mo on. 7 TIIALIAN—CCS South 21,t 4 larga comfort,ble room,. Steam heat Janitor service, yes.00 THREE ROOM ACCOMMO PA HON Ea,y walking dutanca. Private hath laundry privilege, Choica „t location, CALL ITS. WE WILL TAKE YOU OUT LlftAKE RENTAL AGENCY. 17th end Howard, JA. 2805 BRAND n*w Brick Duple*, nearly completed, with or wi»nout garage*. Make your ■cection NOW and select y^ur decorations. N J HKOOMAN At SONS. 8118 Cuming St. HA. 7844. •Aftar office hours cal! HA. 2174: HA. 4714. TURNER COURT Beautiful front exposure Into park, one apartment for Immediate poe*o**!on Ex clusive residential district. Beat of serv ices and decoration* .,3k. ~ /* M causer, mgr 3162 Dodge._ HA. 7144 HAWTHORNH 2205. 7 Howard F.-nte r* dueed. New. all modern. None better in Omaha. Hiving room, bedroom, large cl oast, tiled bath, aplendld kitchen. $56 bummer 950. Janitor 2215 Howard will show. APARTMENTS and flats for rent. W J. PAHMKR CO. AT. 9991. R^al Eetate Management • Special late. S-ROOM flats. 935 and 937 N 54th St . 920 *arh. C. q. Carlberg, 312 Brsndda Then tep Bldg FOR ONE OF " DRAKE'S 1000 APARTMENT! Call Jarkron 2S05. TETERS TRUST COMPANY a* 'WHERE OMAHA RENTS*.* AT. 0544. 17th and Farnam !fs. 2214 I> HT.—Near 23d, strictly mod. J-r. apt . steam beat. Murphy hod. prl. bsth. HA. 7124 or HA. 6994—>5 large rooma, apartment; modtrn: cholcs location. STEAM-HEATED mod. apartments, low rent. O, P. Stebblns. 1610 Chicago St. 4-ROOM apt. til# bath and hall, with Eloping porch AT. 6702, 021 N. 21«t—Ruhlan—-four-morn accommo dation, walking diatance; $50 JA. 6398. Business Places for Rent. 71 KARNAM HT., 1*07—Store room. 24x112, and 1 *09, Mtoro room. 19x132. If tenant wants more room, will build two stories above, each 60x132, with light on throe aides. Thos. F Hall. lfll Harney Ht. AT. 7406. MODERN steam heated store, 670 month. ) V Stebblna, 1610 Chicago. Houses for Rent.72 KILL HIGH RENT. Non-resident owner offera hie 6-room house with about 4 arres ground. This Is only about mile from end Florence car line and a fine place for fruit and chickens. Now offered at only $4,500. Pull particulars by calling JA. 64»1, HA. 0143. PRANK C. BEST CO AT. 6136. *02 Securities Bldg. FOR RENT MARCH 1. In Bernls park. 6-room house, living room with fire place, dining room, kitch en, snd eunronrn on first floor, 3 bed rooms, bath and sleeping porch on sec ond floor, garage. K. V. Delaplane, WA. 3449. forenoons. 3724 No. 271h Ht. 7 rm«. mod .|40 3724 No. 34th HI . 5 rma . 3 lots.$26 2013 Clark Ht , f» rma. (colored* ....$25 U. E BUCK A CO.,_ Jackson 3643. FOR RENT New five room bungalow In flenson for $60.00. rH|| Walnut 2*12. 3201 WRIGHT HT. -Large modern house, l bedrooms. $7> to right nurtv. Charles Sundldad Co. Kcelln* Hldg JA. 3120 4930 CALIFORNIA— $70. 6 PINE rma. Just completed. Let us show you through. J. L. Iliatt Co, AT. 9900. TWENTY HK.'OND HU CC17 K 6-lo.nn modern bungalow and garage WE 0353. i UM. mod. house new furnace, oak floor. dcmlde garage. $60. WK. 47*2. EM MET BT . 2607 - r. rooms and hath, modern; garage*. WE. 4691. iTFTknkV 941J \ rooms, $66. 3VE."l67T Offices snd Desk Room 71 FOR RENT—In First National Hank building office suite facing 16th Bt. Goo4 light. First Trust Co. Wanted to Rent. 77 ROOMING house wanted with 11 ar II rooms, good location Call HA *776. ’ri:AI. KSJA1^--KOH SALK Houses for Sale. 80 I'l.k Ut I.AND VOn I XCHANOK 1.7*0 S'icg, unimproved. central Nehraa Ua. Will take residence property In Omaha ot destrgjble income property nr Hiimnur henna %t lows lake reaort In part payment. Wrl(a J. H. klsslngsr, Hacla. H. D . owasr. Roads Are Open The beautiful weather of the past week has worked wonders with the main highways. Snow and ice have disappeared, so now you may use your car in comfort from the first day that you own it. Take advantage of the sun shine—buy a car and get out in the open. Read Autc For Sale Today REAL- ESTATE—FOR SALE. Business Property. 78 BEST BUY WE KNOW. HOME AND INVESTMENT. In a particularly attractive cloae-ln Iwo reaidenoe brick properly, on yearly leases, < emulating of eight good rooms each, two hot water healing plants; pleasant liv ing rooms and fireplaces, dining room and kili-hen on first floor; four good bedrooms and tiled bath on the second floor; ono has tile shower in connection, maid s room cheated) and storage spare on the third floor; good light basements, floor drains, laundry tub, Ituud heater, fruit room, outside grade entrance, double garage with cement driveway. Thia building has been built about eight yeara and was built unusually well for a per manent horns and in vest utent. East of boulevard near Farnam. l«ot 65x135. paved alley. Rental 62,340 per year. Price $18,500; terms arranged. Vou will make no mistake In Investing In pioperty of this character. Sunday call O. II. Shel ley. KE. 1729 or .1 H. Spain, HAt 061J>. GLOVER & SPAIN. JA. 2860. Real Estate—Investments. 78A WONDERFUL FLAT PROPOSITION. 20 PER CENT NET. Have 13 strictly up-to-date brick flats, practically new, on fine corner lot. Rents vory reasonable and all under lease. Oak finish. built-in features, separate fur naces, room for garages *»n th*s lot. This is one of the beat propositions in Omaha. Price and terms on request. JOHNSTON REALTY COMPANY 4 34-5 Securities Bldg.At >300 $14,500.60 INVESTMENT NET INCOME $4,500. Figure oul the investment percentages yourself. Doesn t sound possible, but it is. This la a d;indy little cioss-ln apart* ment and the owner needa money badly. Call ue for further Information. JOHNSTON REALTY COMPANY 434-5 .Securities Bldg.At->300 Farms and Lands for Sale. 79 OWN A FARM WHERE IT 13 PROFITABLE CANADIAN PACIFIC GIVES 2 4 YEARS TO PAT. Be wealthy and Independent by securing a fertile farm in Weitern Canada. Choice Irngatt-d tracta in sunny Souther* Al berta. Unfailing water supply. Rich dry farm land* in Central Alberta and Sas katchewan. Lands yield bumper crops. 1923 wheat crop broke all record*. Prize grama of the world raised here. Big re turns in atock raising. Dairying very r»ufltable. Climate unexcelled. Prosper i jr awaits you in agricultural garden ■pat of North America. Price* 918 to 960 an acre with 25 year* to pay. Set tlers pay only 7 per cent of purchase price down. One year's free use of farm. Balamo in 2 1 equal annual payment* The small payments leave you unham pered In making Improvements This Is your chance of a lifetime. Write E. THOORNTON. Snpt. of Colonization. Dept. 523 Canadian Pacific Railway Depot, Winnipeg Manitoba I CAN offer improved farms, subject only to trust company loan* for your heav ily encumbered Iowa or eastern Nebraa za farms. Also have several impt louthwest Iowa farms to rent for cash in advance. CHAS. F. DAVIS. JA. 1191431 Securities Bldg I HAVE a No 1 320-a stock and grain farm for sale or trade on account of ■teknees; email farm, income or unim proved land; new' buildings. 2 mi lea from Edison. Neb iJ•> «. broke in.-. 99.090, run 5 yea is if wanted. Theo. Christensen, Edison. Neb. nog Jurp|o«i s.r*tu Asunui e.R ji MISS ACRE 1 NITS 10 pecan end 48 uranic trees, 9120. $10 monthly. Guar anteed car*-. Ultimate production 91.000 yearly. Suburban Orchard Co.. Dept. 96. Biloxi. Mia*. THE finest orangea and grapefruit are being produced in southern Texas. Suit able unimproved lands for 9S0 per acre on easiest payments to those who will Im prove. Railway Immigration Department. Box 1160. Han Antonio, Texas. 160 ACRES Sari y county farm. It mils* from Omaha; near car line; no Improve- | mente; fSOo per acre. A-167, <>mnha Rec. i City Acreage for Sale. 79A ACREAGE, fOTH AND CENTER. 24 lots (.about 6 acres) in a body Just south of 60th and Csntsr. Two houses, large barn, milk houses, etc. . ideal for dairy farm. 9M00, with only $1,000 cash payment. SHERD INVESTMENT CO ,‘Realtors. 631 Suuderland Bldg. JA 4264 Sunday and Evenings, HA. 4457 31 ACRES 7-ROOM MODERN HOUHE Thirty-one acres in ail. 5 acres apple*. 4 scree grapes. 6 scree alfalfa, 3,000 peony fdants 7-room modern, oak finish bunga ow. All other out-biuidlngs new or near ly ao. This la real country home. Close in on 62nd Pt. North of A me* Ave. You wilt be surprised at low price WA. 1614. JOHN F. HOMAN, 621 Paxton Block. Phone AT. 4194. FOUR fine' ACRES Just a little ways north of Florence are 4 beautiful acres with a § room house, barn, garage and chicken house 94.750, on term* AT. 7412 days; HA. 9844 Hun. PIECE of property, trackage, ior sals cheap AT, 9627. Houses—North. 81 SUNSHINE BUNGALOW. f room bungalow, all oak flnlah. French doors between living room and dining room. Screened porch. Garage Niro lot with shrubbery. Clow to Miller Tark. If.,800. Term*. GALLAGHER * NELSON 520 Patera Truat Bldg _.1 A. 818* BEST BUY IN OMAHA TODAY Five rooms and bath, modern, large living room, 2 large sleeping room*. 2 closet* In each South front, fruit and aha.le, close to car. 2416 Camden A\e, 85,210. WA. 6615. JOHN F BOHAN. 621 Pa *ton Block. Phone AT. 4410. NKAU T4TH AND CUHTI8. Nearly new five room bungalow to be sold thla week on aaay term* or will con aider ainnlt. old houaa In trade Fine n*-w location near Miller paik. Inspect this today. Call Mr. Pedersen. 1IA. 7482, or AT, 7412 dan,___ PUAIIHE PARK. Seven rooms and bath, modern, oak floor* and flnlah. large living room Sic p log porche*. Three bedroom*, large lot. Near 26th and Meredith Ave. Must bo ■old. Want offer. Vacant WA. C616. JOHN F. BOHAN. 421 Paiton Block Phone AT 418b MINN 10 LUSA. Seven rooms and bath, modern, oak flo.*ra and flnlah. long living room, fireplace. Thla place a good liu> Ym« ant GiitnK* Near 28th and Newport A \ r WA. 6615. JnllN V. BOHAN, f.Jl r« ton 1 k k Phone AT. 4810. BUY FROM OWNKIl New 6 room modern hardwood flnlah. built In tub. tile bath; other features. Heated garage, plenty nf fruit, one block to car. Wonderful view; 87,560, |500 down Faav ton I I tylNNE IA f 8 A SI* rooms and bath, one floor modern oak floor* and flnlah All built In fca turea booth front Close to Miller Park Very nifty Mtiat be sold WA. 6t*l5. JOHN F ROHAN. [P IT. 4 DANDY pew f> room bungalow nt Mttli An* A- I like Imm■* lUlfl possession. Tim me Owner. WA t» V •» 4 caah, balance monthly: 4 room mod ; paved afreet 2525 S»w*hS 0t. Crelgh. 401 Bee Bldg. JA. 0800. * REALJ5STATE— FOR SALE. _____ Houses—North. 81 BUNGALOW BARGAINS $6 200—Five rooms ami bath, on one floor one room up. oak finish, 2 - ar garage', cb>se to Sherman avenue, $1,200 rash Ta>.ti00--BrMmI new five room oak finished bungalow. Jnrgo living room, good at «lash *Ul1 ba*e,-ietl1' *outh front, $1,000 $t. "0 Minne T.uea Special—Kxtra large 1* room oak finished bunsgolw, tile bath «ail tub, breakfast nook, etc*. $l,ouu cs sh. ’V'tTT.-?1''""''' Blv.l,, »a»i front. rlo»n to Miller Park, large ft room bungalow, *’hsI|OIT,S oa^' *cree,$e,l porch, 9I.0U0 $T.S*i0 A beauty In Minne T.uea extra • ** roon' fireplace, garage, etc.. $1,600 rash. i’hII ... OSB< iRNK UK ALT Y UO. 63Q Peiprs Trust Bldg. Jackson 2282. PKH5TTIKST MILK * KLLIsUn AVK. , $7,0t'i). * room frame, oak finish, built in f*s 'ores sleeping porch, garage A well built home, close to Pearl. M K. church, school stores and car lino. Owner leav ing city and will make noin« teirns. A dandy neighborhood to raise your famlh r iHN’HTO.N HKALTY COMPANY t ,4 ■■ Securities Bldg _ At #100 JUST WHAT YOU WANT $760 CASH. k,.«- i * dandv 6-room strictly modern bungalow. Neighborhood is good. Also close a 'hool and carline Address. 170* No. 34th St. See it today. For price Sun day call We. a7H# or At 16SI2 SONS A COMPANY. tnt H„ Bldg._JA 01(H). cBSco?MA,ia;r;ainrorn'r: doub'* .... , -,1JOHxN r;. MCARVILLK, ui».-a Lily Nat l,_AT. 8018, \ E. BUCK A CO. buy and aa'l home). _Houses—South. 82 No. 8-25 A REAL, HOME AND EXCEPTIONAL INVESTMENT 12 largo light rooms, 4 larg# rooma at <1 comploio tiled bath downatalra »nd 6 rooma and hath upalaira A wonderful nurm!r,n«n'rf thh "" lu,n<!*t tn P>»dni M ml burner and hot water beating plan; 4 'wge rooma for *»lf util renta halanra for $151 per month \ «« will have be^.peni either im ®r ?*><■ Good garage. Niro east front I*!5' Paving paid. Make arg offer \ak nr Phone M.fii'1'' middle of lehrnarj Phono today. The price ia right. D. E BUCK A CO. Realtor*. 74$ Omaha Natl. jA ,,,, 'wL”n""s,I'OV,r,'n' KE e3"4- P,lu‘ Bo l ______ BACKBONE not WISHBONE Horn.. WILL BUT THIS HOME. kl?^ht« ,?r** 1,l7l5ir, l°^m- d>mng room. Kitchen, den. all finished in oak. 2 fire- ' ?,!£?“• * *ur>ny bright bedroom* second hlrd* Urr blfh- 4 r°°m» wllh biri, tnird floor. Also siorags space. Lovely rorn.r lot. paw.,I atr,..; two flock. Tar* nam rarlm. Ba ambitloua—let room, pay for home 110,504. ... oallaoheu A NEI.80N »!l) Peter. Trust Bldg. JA. SHI FIELD CLUB SOUTH. ONLY 16.500. •N,ar 854 .nd Ha.kell. Splendl4 ju. otory modern tturco hou.e; I large room. I nak down. Ricellent talua I..000. n... eloly le..; email payment. SHED!. INVESTMENT CO.. Rc.llore 5Ji Sunderland Bldg JA 4:5« Sunday and KveiUng*. JA. «il8. I t HANflCOM PAP.K Brick vsnesr. 3 rooms and bath bungalow oak floors and finish. Beamed ceilings, j large attle; dandy basement. east front ' close to car. 2:38 Fouth 33<1 Ft. Must be sold, $2.90# cash. WA «*15 „ JOHN V. HUH AN. t;i Paxton Block_Phone AT 4*19 LOUIS COHN has all kinds of property for sals. Pjone MA. 0143. 4*23 .< 14th Hi. *-ROOM Stucco—Hot water, heat, garage, and 4-rouiu stucco house in rear. Priced right. A. It. Musktn. AT. 89»a. $S30—3*13 N. 44th St. Easy term*. Tem porary home; dandy **a*t front lot $100 down. $10 a month. Lickty. KE. 1429 Terar A Tsasr. specialists in 8. Side hom»a I> SWANSON. Real Ertata. JA. 4923 Houses—We»t. S3 FONTENELI.B BLVD. 8RMI BUNGALOW Within one Mock of Military avenue, car line and close to school* and churches, an eight-room house of very substantial con struction Located on one of the highest points In Clalrtnotit; nurrounded with high class homes Floor* oak through out. Finish oak down. White enamel up stairs Large living room, •unrqom din ing room, bedroom, kitchen and bath room and first floor. Three bedrooms and extra toilet and lavatory on second floor. One car garage and solid cement drlvewav Lot sixe *9x125. Shade trees. Price $9,$00. It will take $1.9o« cash to handle Tf you are Interested roll at opce. as this Is a very good listing and should sen at ones Call Mr. Goodrich. WA. 0089 RVTULKR A CARY. JA. $074. $M If ft line Bldg HANSGOM PARK , IS.fOflf Sig-rrmm hmpw xflth a double garag** « year* old This houae li tl ’ 00 under th# price of duplication Owner needs 92,000 cmah at once, and haa given ua thla exceedingly lew price. Good neigh horhood and surrounded by good hotter* You ran only buy a five-room bungalow for thla price with out a garage us ihow you thla today Must have a lion Sunday call \VA 49l» or KK. 4231 T»l« BENROV A OARRFTT TO.IPPANY Builder* and Realtor*. VII So lath Sf \ T *54 n ATTRACTIVE P.VANSTOn’ HOUR l.ocated on high sightly cast front level lot with douhln frontage near the George if. Payne beautiful residence, hrick and -lucco const ruct Ion, lx rooms. Including sunroom and maid s room In attic, hrlrk fireplace and other negenaarv built In features, oil burner. ? car gara«e Price 116.000, which la 12.500 htloxv coat. Sun day and evening* call KK 4251, .1 A. 1425. lll’RT r KOWMfill «’«». It F. A1 .TORS, Jn.kaon 1496_ 1190 nty Nat’l Ilk Bldg r.OPRWOOl) A nexv alt-room two etorv homo with all the latest ap pointment* Fireplace Big llx lug room Three large corner bedroom* and tile hath upstair* South front. Two • ar mirage. $1.1000, Sunday call Mr. Craig, AT. 1210. RIltTLKR A CART. JA. 607 4. Sf6 Beeline Rldg. OM.T $4 006 4411 California (ca'hedral district!, 4 room modern bungalow about 1 year old. oak floors, combined dining room and kitchen garage v real value 91 jno cash balance monthlx SHK.t'l* INVKNTMI'.NT rn . Realtors 531 Sunderland Phi* .TA 4254 No ml a v amt Kvenlnga ,T A 0211 fniVl.KR KIM'S K'H.KS who buy home* : vnur property with ua for results , JA 1426 BURT C FOWL. *11 CO. R*alt"«* j 9 Houses—West. 83 REAL ESTATE—FOR SALE. WHY POSTPONE OWNING A HOME OF YOUR OWN? A •mall caah payment and easy terms will buy my beautiful white English colonial with green shutter trim, ou large lot. paved street, near car line It baa 6 rooms, fireplace, tile bath, built-in tub. largo convenient, kitchen cabinets, full cement basement. Call Mr. JLickty, KE. 14 29. S ROOM BUNGALOW IN EDGEYVOOD Oak floors, tile bath, built-in tub, enam elec! bedrooms and kitchen, breakfast nook. beautifully decorated. Will sell on terms. A wonderful buy. Call Wal nut 3450. HANBO*>M PA UK HRI' K X Rooms— This Is a big value in a fine location among good home*. Not new, but let us show you what It is. Good terms. Eve ning* call WA. 4,319 • r THE HENSON At GARRETT COMPANY. 213 So. null St._ AT or,4 0. CATHEDRA I. I»f ST RI < ’T fii.fnj. PRACTICALLY NEW BUNGALOW. Five rnonis and bath, all on on<' floor, oak finish, built-in feature*,. South front • At, fl.noo cash will handle1, balance less than rent. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 630 Peters Trust. Bldg. .larkvin 2282. LET a reliable builder like Campbell build your new home. Best materials and workmanship. 537 Keeline, At. #"48. WILL build to your order or* our beauti ful lots In Kdgewood: very easy terms Phone AT. 3540 FIELD CLUB district, juat completed. & rooms, modern, tile bath, easy terms. WA 7050. ! For Sale—Florence. 86 NETHAWAY has improved acreage north of FLORENCE for ilty property. Ke 14©3.^ For Sale—Dundee. 85 TO SETTLE AN ESTATE Too good to last, new brick and kellasone bungalow *n Dundee, built to last a Ilf** time, 6 large room*, hot water brat, cunvaaed and decorated In oil, bri* k fire place, beautiful sunrooin. tile hath, etc, 'enr gat age. high, sightly, level south front lot. &uxl36 ft. Hee this then you will appreciate its value. very choice. Priced below cost for quirk sale. Sun day call K.E. #259, JA. 14 2# BURT C FOWLER CO. R EALTORS. Jackson 1426. 112b City Nat'l Hk Bldg. 4 DUNDEE STUDIO HOME. One of Dundee's few unique and artistic studio homes. Now offered at attractive price. a perfect gem In old English design, interior deviations and appoint-’ ments by Coiling Pri< e include* expen sive drapes and fixtures. RHEDD INVESTMENT CO. Realtors. ' 531 Sunderlang Bldg JA 4254. Hundavs and Evenings WA. 6196. A DUNDEE HOME ATTRACTIVELY PRICED. First offering of a beautiful home on Burt strept. n-ar Slat. Ha* large living room, dining room and kitchen on first floor. Four bedrooms and bath on second floor. Full attic. Hardwood finish oak floors. Double garage. South front lot. All specials paid. Price for quick sale, J!2,©"0 THE BYRON REED COMPANY. Jackson 291 1. 361 ? Parnarn St. | DUNDEE BUILDING SITES GEORGE Ar CO. AT 31)3 4 ‘Duplex Invest ments j4re Solid Invest l ments’ We have only a very few left of the tiumber just completed. Our forty-five years of ex perience has taught us the necessity of pro ducing nothing but the BEST I I Call us, we will show | you how to double your money. 1 N. J. Skogman & Sons 3118 Cuming St. HA. 7045. Evenings: HA. 2195-HA. 6714 REAL ESTATE^FOR SALE^ For Sale—Dundee. 85 52r» AND HOWARD RTS. NEW DUTCH COLONIAL. 8 rooiuM, Including gunroom arid sleeping i porch. <’<.00*1 hall entrance. Large liv ing room with fireplace end bookesees. French doorH between dining room and gunroom. Interior finish white enamel and mahoguny throughout. Nicely dec orated. Attra' tlve lighting fixtures. Plenty of wall plugs, fidu lights, etc. Best of osk floors throughout. Full basement. Furnace hest. laundry connections and toilet. Brick construction. All walls cov ered with hisollt<v Window's weather stripped Lot m>x135 ft. Oarage for 2 cars. For location, call. GEORGE AND COMPANY. Realtor*. Atlantic 3024. DUNDEE HOME ONE BLOCK TO CAR LINE A SCHOOL 7 rooms, reception hall, living room, din ing room, sod kitchen with necessary built-in Jeatur***. and refrigerator room, 1st floor. 4 corner bedrooms end bath, .2d floor; finished in oak and white enamel throughout, furnace hear. Lot 50* 1::f» ft.; large shade trees, reasonable priced. GEORGE AND COMPANY. Realtors. Atlantic 30 24. DUNDEE UNRESTRICTED. On ROih Ave. (ess t of 60th St.), one Mock north of Cuming, two splendid level lots; paving paid. *2.100 for pair, or wJU sell separately. Terms. 47th and Burt, fine level corner on pav ing, *9"0. h*HEDp INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors Sunderland Bldg JA. 4254. Sunday. JA. 0213. Lots for Sale. 88 LOT 60x167, on 22d Ave. facing Hamcom park, for sale at a hargain price. C. A. GRIM MEL, JA. D.16, FLORENCE FIELD SELLING. Salesmen < n grounds every dav. W MARTIN A CQ.. AT 0187. Real Estate for Exchange. 89 FOR SALE, or will trad** equity 1n 180 acre Improved farm near Blair for Improv fyl acreage near Omaha. Evening. WA 4833. FRED A. BAILEY. WA. 4104. €01 a Military. SMALL pawmenf down Choice of loca tions. 24th and Grand Ave. or 24th and Vinton; brand new homes, wat^r. light, toilet, shower L»*h. Price *-.675, WA. Q204 evening.*; AT. 2281 daw* ‘‘Alt WANTED as first pavin'-nr. OB 5-romn modern bungalow; good location. Prh • *4.500. H. i: PRICK JA. 3140. EXCHANGES of a I! kinds. S. H. Browne Co.. 542 S-curlt icm Bldg AT 3350. WE HAVE BUYERS With Cash for $9,000 to $lfi,000 homes in Dundee and Field club districts, and for $5,000 to $7,500 bunga lows and semi-bungalows in Clairmont, Dundee, West Far nam and southwest. Shedd Investment Co. REALTORS JA 4254 Sunderland Bldg. Evenings WA-6196 HOMES We sell them. We need listings. If you 'vant to sell call J.\. 4223. A. P. Tukey Sc Son ft--"•< ^Tom_, ti-0 Flrat Rail Bank. JA. 4223 REAL ESTATE—FOR SALE. Real Estate for Exchange. 89 _Wanted—Real Estate. 90 KARMS, Gibbon* F»*el. ♦10 Peter* True*. WE HAVE CALI-8 for building location* !n Leavenworth Height*. Miller Park district. «’lifton H l and Benson. We u*ed many lot* laat y*ar. Call WA. 4872 or WA. 11M. GROVE HIBBARD CO.. 221 Banker* Reserve Life Bldg. AT. 1112. "Builder* of Good Home*" I WANT to buy a € room borne near 24th and Port street* for about f€,000. Ha** Ij.S*Q rash Ki:. 1135. "WE BUII-D TO PLEASE." TEMPLE McFAYDEN. 1 SOS F*rn*m fit. _AT. tM*. SERVICE AND RESULTS. Competent **le* fore*-. ■TA. ?*50. GLOVER A SPAIN Realtor* WE SELT. HOMES. LIST WITH US. HAMILTON A CO.. 3*3-4 Neville Block.JA. *417 WE SELL HOMES I LIST WITH US POP RESULTS. McCAGIJE INVESTMENT CD .1 A. !3«r. NEW HOMES—TOUR TERMS GROVE-HTBBARD CO.. 222 Banker* Reserve BldgAT.1MV SEE u* f!r*t. Keed Hating*. *ny location f> to ^ room* Shopen A- Co.. Realtor* JA. 4221. 235 Recline Bldg__ CHA8. W. YOUNG A SON. Real Estate Rental*. In*uranc*. im2 City Nat' Bank.AT MM LIST vour. homep with us for result* ORUENlG REALTY CO. Realtor*. .Tackaon 13 f 5. 14*0 Drat Nat’l Bark O. T. HAMER. Investments. Acreage. 1 T.r>g Fa mamAT. »>«0 LIST your property -with Chris Boyer, notary public. 23d and Cuming St*. WORLD REALTY CP..'Realtor*. AT. 14»2 WE8TKRN Real Ema«« Co. JA. ifOT. Chas. E., AT. 6250, Real Eatate. H 'letteimaier Heal Est^e, AT. 8250. H W Volland Co. for Rea! Service. AT 85>5 SLATER A CO.. Realtor*. K-elme Bl*g G A. SA N DELL. Rtak»Eataie. AT. t2' J. Happy Hollow ‘Hills’ i Building sites 50 to 100-foot j frontages, $1,000 to $6,000. One-fifth cash, balance easy terms. George & Co. AT iantic 3024 NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY LEAVENWORTH HEIGHTS 5 rooms, one floor, in A-1 condition, oak throughout, full basement. stationary tub«, shower, hot air furnace, large lot, garage. Price is only $6,500; terms. CLA1RMOUNT BARGAIN 5 rooms, dandy condition, 3 rooms first floor, oak floors and finish; 2 large bedrooms and bath second floor, white enamel finish. Large lot, ga rage, east front. Price is only $6,200; terms. CATHEDRAL DISTRICT 7 rooms, nearly new, all modern, corner lot, 5 rooms and bath first floor; 2 bed rooms, lavatory and toilet sec ond floor. Bargain price is only $6,600; terras. Gruenig Realty Co. REALTORS JA 1966 1400 1st Nat l Bk. Sunday call Mr. Raed, KE n wood 5611 We Have Money to Loan! At 5!/2 and 6c/o On Business, Apartment House or Residence Property In Omaha FRANK H. BINDER 823 City Natl. Bank Building. Phone JA ckaon 2561 T. H. MAENNER CO. BUILDERS ANNOUNCE THE OPENING OF A REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT AT THEIR OFFICE 518 Omaha Loan Association Bldg. Where, in addition to their building and architectural operations, theg trill conduct a general Real Estate business. T. H. MAENNER,» LLOYD S. SMITH. Vic.-Pre. »nd St y. MILLARD M. ROBERTSON. Tr..., Broker.*. ARCHIE W. PERROU EDWARD R. BURRELL *