The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, February 03, 1924, CITY EDITION, PART TWO, Page 9-B, Image 21

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    Al)\ F.HTIMF.MKNT.
For Choking Asthma
New Discovery Gives Quick
Relief and Comfort—
Often in 24 Hours.
Asthma. Hay Fever and Catarrh
are responsible for much misery
find falling health. If you are a stif
ferer from wheezing, sneering, dif
ficult breathing, hawking, raising
phlegm, ete., to prove that you can
stop these troubles quickly and eas
ily with the pleasant, scientific
Florence Formula, 1 will send you a
$ 1 bottle postpaid and free of
charge or obligation. If it satisfies,
tell you friends and pay me only
One Dollar, otherwise the loss is
mine. Merely send your name today
for this liberal free introductory ef
fer—good only for 10 days. F.
SHEARER, 4798 Coca Cola Bldg.,
Kansas City, Mo.
|A Itrictly meritorious remedy that
I has proven oi inestimable value in
I combating all sorts of colds in hand
I OT chest. They quickly break up
1 eeldi and grip and preventthe "flu.'' J
1 CM a lei at Tear Druggist I
Vim and Vigor of
Youth Once More
4 Now Invigorator—Extract of “Afri
can Bark’* Said to Fulfill Proph
ecy of Noted Scientist—
Pleasant Tablet Form.
Looking Into the future, a noted
American Scientist recently advanced
the remarkable statement that “A
study i)i the ductless (endocrine)
glands will likely lead to some,
‘reagent,’ which, properly supplied to
the human system, will maintain the
vigor of youth far beyond threescore
years-and-ten—not only physical vig
or. but the power—more important to
maintain—which enables men (aifd
women, too) to work longer hours and
withstand fatigue, after they have
icached the mental prime of life.
Working along these lines, a Kan
safe City' Chemist has developed a for
mula incorporating what is claimed
to bo this very agent. This remark
able invigorator is found in the ex
tract from the bark of an African
.’hi* wonderful extract, combined with
"!her proven tonics and stimulants, has
n plaeed within th« reach of all. in the
o ‘in of pleasant, tasteless tablets, under
tli* trade name of Ro-Bild Tab* They
s •• Upended to act directly on flip duct
Ics* (endocrine) aland* by stimulation of
the central nervous system.
If you have such symptoms a* slerp
lei-.snrss. general debility, poor in»nicrj,
nervo weakness, loss of energy and other
• onditiona commonly characteristic of pre
mature or advancing age, try Ite-Bild
Tubs today.
Thu manufacturers are now making a
special Introductory Offer, ahd have au
thorized Beaton Drug Co. and Sherman
A’ McConnell Drutr store* to sell He-BIld
'•’ah* for onlv $2.»*A a box—w«»h a inoney
back guarantee that you will experience
phasing results within a short time. If
not convenient to obtain from your local
druggist, order direct from The Bayne
Co.. Kansas City. Mo. Same guarantee ap
Remarkable discovery promises quick,
soothing relief for rheumatism, gout, neu
ralgia and neuritis sufferers.
German Chemistry that has given to
the world the boon of Aspirin for the
relief of headache pain, and Novocain for
painless dentistry, has now come forward
with another scientific discovery that
promises to make nerve, joint and mus
cular pains a thing of the past for thou
sands who have suffered terrible tortures.
A new combination of certain oils has
been discovered which produces a clear
amber liquid that affords immediate relic?
from pain in many instances. It is so
penetrating that it disappears within a
few seconds, so that it must be entirely
absorbed by the body tissue. Even in the
most advanced and stubborn cases the
use of this remarkable oil has shown
astonishing improvement at once in many
cases. Tired muscles regain life, creaking
joints with the pain all gone become sup
ple, the nerves are .quickly aoothed and
the annoying twinges cease.
Rheumatism, gout, neuralgia and neu
ritis are due to internal infections which
throw off poisons. These poisons are car
ried by the blood to the nerve tissue
where they inflame and irritate the nerve
•heath. The New German Oil is designed
♦ o neutralize these pain-causing poisons,
bringing almost, instant soothing relief.
So astonishing have been the results
from the use of this oil that the Ameri
can distributors have authored local
druggists to dispense it to rheumatie,
gout, neuralgia and neuritis sufferers in
this city with a positive written guarantee,
signed by themselves, to return the full
purchase price of the first bottle if the
pains are not wonderfully relieved. All
sufferers should take advantage of this
liberal offer. Unless you get relief from
the very first bottle, your druggist will
return your money. It is called Buhler
Oil, and can be had at most good drug
gists, such as Sherman ft McConnell Drug
Co., Beaton Drug Co., Merritt Drug Co.,
Barney Dugan Drug Co., Unitt-Docekal
Drug Co. Saratoga Drug Co., Popm Drug
Co. and Haines Drug* Co.
Sure Way to Get
Rid of Blackheads
There la one simple, safe and an re way
that never falla to g*t rid of blackheads,
that Is to dissolve them.
To do this get two ounces of calonlte
powder from any drug store—sprinkle a
littl# on a hot, wet cloth—rub over the
blackheds briskly—wash the parts and
>ou will be surprised how the him kheudn
ba\# disappeared. Big blackheds, little
blackheads, no mat I'm* where they are, I
simply dissolve and disappear. Black-|
beads ar« a mixture of dusi and allrt and I
secretions that form In the porce of the
rkln. The calonlte ifotvder and the water
dissolve the bl»(kh*ads so they wash
right out, leaving the pores free and
clean nnd in lin ir nut oral condition.
If* ■ Sham. T. Sutf.r-“N.w ImI
riM All Ik. TW-ht TkniM*
New DliMviry Really Seat FREE
Ohl what a grand feeling No more choking,
apaama. ale'pleas nighta or painful, Berse-srreeking
••‘MJff*. 0-op lOO.uOO people have found how to
BANISH ON* IvKOIt AlX dreadful chronic aathma.
No lablata. pilla or amokta. Juat a simple Heme
preemption now hleased by thousand*.
I will truly s«nd you a big bottle of l4BCen’tPre
Bcription not one rent in idtann- you don't pay or
•weone rent unless after IQdaya'uae you are delight'd
with results and I'reelr want to pay the smell price
•Ml.2*. Simply send me jour name end address,
C. UHVCNUOO. ini «. H. IM.. IlKM.Ia.
Omaha Livestock Market
Bis lighter Cattle and Calves- -Receipts
•*f i ante for tho four day period this
week have totaled approximately 31.468
head, as compared with an actual supply
of ii 1,49j head the same period last week
and 28.205 head the corresponding period
this week a year ago.
Contracted country loading, due In part
'n last week's sharp decline, resulted i*»
most killing . lass*'H reacting upward dur
ing ti»s week under review Although
market on most classes showed more
"pep," buyers fought every advance and
today's trading on fed steers, yearling*
and she stock, was very slow at prices
barely steady with yesterday’s close.
< 'unipare«i with a week ago, fed steers
and yearlings ar« selling 16 to 26c higher:
fed she slock, strong to l&o highpr; can
tiers and cutters steady; bologna bulls,
steady; beef bulls, 15 to 26c lower; light
and medium weight \ealers, 25 to 60c
higher; heavies, steady, and, stockers and
feeders, 10 to 16c higher
Killing quality of offerings was aome
w oat improved over a week ago. Re
ceipts Included a fair sprinkling of handy
a<?ight steers that cashed at $9.00 to
.50. Weighty bullocks, on the other
hand. «s well as desirable > earlings, were
comparatively scarce. Top steers for the
week comprised 21 head of whltefaces
averaging 1.156 pounds, which realised
$10.00, A two-load h»t of bullocks, aver
aging 1,307 pounds, sold at $9.90: best
yearlings at $9.50. Bulk of stpers and
yearlings turned at $8.00 fo $9 25 at the
close. I.ight plain offerings were slow
movers at all times, telling downward
to $7.00 and below. ,—
She stock sold rather actively at high
er prices early In the w«ek but a con
tracted outlet later in the w’cek, duo In
part to a dull dressed beef trade, result
ed hi a large proportion of this advance
being lost. Orders for the better grades
have been fairly good and these kinds re
ceived the best attention at all times.
Heavy Kosher cows sold upward to $0.50
and above during the week and fed heifers .
in load lots upward to $7.50. Bulk of of
ferings continued to embrace the In be-j
tween grab*!,. Fed cows sold largely at,
$4.00 to $5.50 and heifers at: $4.60 to!
SC.25 at the close. Tanners and cutters
continue to sell In the same price groove.
Tanners sold mostly at $2.25 to $2.75
today and cutters at $3.00 to $2.60, with
strong weight cutters upward lo $3.75.
Outsiders offered packers little competi
tion for vcalers early in tho week and
prices held generally steady. Light re
ceipts and a good demand on closing scs-j
sion". however, found light and medium1
weight vealers selling higher. Packers
purchased tho hulk of vealerp at $9 50
to $10.50 at the close while outsiders
paU? upward to $11.00 for a few choice
hand-picked selections. Medium weights
sold mostly at $7.00 to $9.50 and .heavies
at $5.00 to $7 00 on closing rounds. Beef
bulls found a narrow outlet at the close,
few* being here that sold above $5.00.
Bologna bulls sold mostly at $4.00 to
$4.35 today, with n few on the beefy
order upward to $4.50. Today's quota
tions follow ;
Steers—• Heavy Weight 4 1.500 pounds
Up)—Prime. $11.30# 11.75; choice. $10.50
#$1150; good, $9.25 #10.50; medium.
$7.25# 9 25; common. $5.75# 7.25.
Medium Weight 11.100 to 1.300 Pounds—
e. 911.751112.00; choice, $10.75© 11.76;
good. $9.60© 10.75; medium, $7. f. o (fo 9.60;
common, $o.35©7.60; cutter. $3.00# 5.36. !
Light Weight (1.100 Pouhds Down) —
Prime, $11.76# 12.00, choice. $10.75# 11.75;
good. $9,604*10.75; medium. $7.5U#9.50;
common. $5.35©7.50; canner and cutter,
$3.00(0 5.36. „ _
Light Yearling Steers and Heifers (800
Pounds Down)—Prime, $10,754*11 25;
choice, $10.00 ©m. 75: good. $8.65©10.00.
Heifers (850 Pound Up)—Good and
Tholce. $-> 85©9 75; all weights, common
ar.«l medium. $4.35©6.85.
Tows—Good and Choice—$4 8r>#7.O0;
common and medium, $3 60 © 4 S5 ; can
ner and cutter, $2,004*3.50
Bulls—Good and choice (beef yearlings
exclusively) $4.35 ©5.25; common and
medium, (bologna) $4.00©4.35; canner.
Calves—Light and Handy Weight (19®
Pounds Down)—Fancy, $10.60© 11.00; good
and Choice. $K. 50# 10.50 ;common and
medium. $* 0041 8.50; cull. t4.OOW5.fl®.
Medium Weight (190 to 260 Pounds) —
Fancv. $10.00# 10.25; good and choice,
$7 25#10.00; common and medium. $3.60,
©7.25; cull. $3.50 © 5.50. . .1
H< avy Weight (2«0 Pounds l pi—Good
and choice. ’$6.00(1*37.26; common and
III—Hum. n r.nTnl.mi; l ull. **.*J»i * ,*.
With Mocker* ami feeder* in rnoaeraio |
supply anti country g»htlet considerably
broader than n# week ago. duo in part to
inure favorable wept her conditions, prices
i ul**d IQ 10 1 jr higher. Included in til
led receipts this week were several loads
of atockers anti feeder* from the Denver
Livestock show The second-priz** win
ners. which were shorthorns averaging
around H&O pounds, realized $8.80. Tho
t bird and fourth-prize winners, of the
same bre**d. turn'd at $8.45 and $8.40,
respectively. A loc.d of AVhitefaces from
tho .‘■aine show, averaging around 750
pounds. 20 bead of which were reserve
champions, cashed at $8.50. Bulk of
stockcrn and feeders turned out of first
hands during the week at $6.25 to $7.00,
with & few loads upward to $7 2* and
above. Top feeders tum*d out of first
hands at $7.85. Htock cows and heifers
sold at steady prices. Thin cows cashed
mostly at $300 to $3.75 and heifers up
ward to $5.00. Today s quotations fol
l° Steers (750 Pound Vl»>—Fancy. $1,150
8.25; good and choice, $6.7308.15; ccrtn
rr.on and medium, $5.35086.76; inferior,
14 0005.35. v _
Steers (750 Pounds Down) — Fancy.
$8.1508.25; good and choice._ $6.2308.lo;
common and medium. $4.7506.-6; in
ferior. $3.2504.75. •. sb, - ok
He|f»rs—r?ood and choice. 14.2.> 0 u.25,
common and medium. 13.5004 25.
Cows—Good and choice. 1
eommond hnd medium, $3.00®3»L iu*
ferior. $2.7503 00 „
i *n1 ve*—Good to fancy. %■> > .*0 . 50.
common and medium. $4.00 05,76.
HOGS " „
Receipt* of liogs at Omaha for the
first four day* of thl* week of *PPrl«*‘
inately 68.600 head, measures slightly
under the 72.811 received (he correspond
ing four days last week, hut 15.000 in ex
es* of the receipt* the same period a
year ago. . . , .
Liberal receipt* have aided packer* in
their determined stand for a cheaper
drove cost, and on Wednesday or tni*
week hog value* dropped to new low ,
level* for the year. Average cost or
packer and shipper purchase* on that day
w.i* $6.50 A dime reaction to value*
today uncover* a 10 to 15c decline on
most classes a* compared with a week
H*n, while llEhts lacking finlih are
around 25c lower.
Shipping demand ha* shown breadth
an«l played an Important factor In mini
mizing decline* throughout tho period.
(Quality and finish in th* hogs coming
has been conspicuously lacking. witn
good and cholcs desirable weight butcher*
comparatively scarce. Tha run* at times
have included a burdensome proportion
of 160 to 200-lb. averages, a logical indi
cation of a backward relation between
tha pries of corn and the market values
of hog*.
Top today was $6.80, paid for most
of the good 8 nd choice 240 to 300-lb
butcher*, with bulk "f th*' 220 to 325-lb
weights selling at $6.66®p$0.HO. Desirable
180 to 210-lb. hogs found a $6.400 6.»L
outlet, with K,i» to 180 lb. weights hII the
wav from $$.(»0 to $6.40. Backing sow*
moved at $6. H 0 6.30. with bulk "f odd
l*>t* mostly at KT.25. Today'* quotation#
Heavyweight (250 to 350 lbs ); Medium,
good and choice, $6.65 0 6 80.
Median.weight 1200 to 250 lb*.) ; Good
nnd choice. $6 550 8.80; common anti
n rdium. $6 45®*'6-71'.
Lightweight (160 to 200 lb*): Good and
choice. $0.250 6.65; common and medium,
$6.00 0 6.60.
Light-lightweight* <130 to l«o lhs :
Comm<»n. medium and choice, $5.0006.50
B**king hor*. Sinoth, $6.250 6,40;
rough $6 000 6.25.
Feeder and ft ockff pig* (130 lb*,
down); Medium, good and choice, $4,600
Hoars: *2 600 3 r.O. r*
Stags (subject to dockage): $&.OO05.5O
Receipt! of sheep and lambs for the
four d/vy period this week, total approxi
mately 43 000 head ns cotnfMiretl with ac
tual receipts of 46.102 head for the first
four days last week and 46.009 head the j
corresponding period last. year. Receipts j
at seven markets for the four days of
approximately 157,000. show a decrease j
of over 31,000 ns compared with the same |
period lust we»*k.
Comparatively light receipts early In
ttio week at all points, with stronger
prices for dressed product, were Influ
enti&l b> forcing prices on both lambs
and sheep sharply higher. . The situation
whs largely reversed today, and part of
th*1 cm rly gain* were lost "Which 'daces
< urrent lamb prices mostly .oDc higher
than it week nyo. whll* itsMl sheep rule
strong to 26c higher. Nunc rows loads
<»f good to choice lambs reached 1)2*0.
The week's top price, paid mostly for ■
HO to 86 lb averages, although choice'
loads, averaging up to 00 lbs . also
reached this figure Oimd to choice loo
lb lambs sold at $13.26 nt the week's
high lime. Light and handywelght ewes
•ashed at $1,941 gr8 10. with a high mark
for the week of I* 26 flood to choice
88 lb. vest lings Sold nt $12 00
' Movement of good ip choice lambs
today was largely ut $171,600 13.00. with
a top price ,»f $13 66. Ilcst light *\vc*
ot hand cashed at $8 00. Today’s quota
tlons follow:
Light and handywelght <84 lbs., down):
Choice and prim* $1160013 66; medium
and good, $12.6001.1.60; cull and com
mon. *8 76 012 60: inferior. *7.000 8 76
Medlumwelgh* (84 to 92 Iba i Choice
and prime. *13.40012.60; medium and
good. $13.26(913 4ft.
Heavyweight <92 Iba, up): Choice anil
prime. *13.00013.60, medium and good,
$11.76011 00.
T.lght and handywelght m& lbs. down):
Choice and prime, $11.000 12 00; medium
and good. $9 2601100. \
Wethira <2 yr t.lrl, up): Choi* e and
prime. *8 60 09 26, medium and good
»C no ip 8.25.
Kwes; Common to choice, $4 7608 00;
ennner and cull. *1.50(04.76
Demand for feed In* Iambi haa ban*
suflcienMv lnoad to afford a ready nut
let for the moderate suppiv arriving and
prices hsva ruled atronged In aymx'Sthy
with the upward trend of fat lamb values,
today’s prices looking fully 25c higher
than a wet k ago. Top price for the week
at $13..'ID was paid for two strings of
67 to bl-lh. averages. About the same
quality sold today at $13.10 Only small
lots of feeder ewes arrived which sold
mostly* nt $5.50<2'$6.00. Today s quota
tions folio";
Feeder lambs (range stock): Medium to
choice. $14.76® 13.26; Inferior and coin
luon. 98.75t61J.76.
Feeder ewes ) range stock); Medium to
choice. 94.50(5 6.00; inferior and common,
92 0004.50,
Jan. 19 Jan 12 Jan.20 Pet. In
to 26, to 18, to 26. crease I
1924 J92i 1923 dccrc’sc
Hq. 7.443 $.401 11,481 26.3 d
Cattle. caJ a.60,778 48,706 62.865 9 3 d
Sheep .31,911 30.530' 17,784 25.7 1
Youth Returned to Home.
John Konyek, 16, 6109 South Twen
tyslxth street, who Friday es
caped from Rtverview home, where
he had been sent on a charge of in
corrigibility, was recaptured Friday
night and returned to the home.
La Follette Ticket Out.
Fargo, N. D., Feb. 2.—The ‘'Robert
M. La Follette” ticket of presidential
delegates nnd electors put forth by
tho progressive republicans at a ic
cent Valley City meeting was ai*
nounced today In the Fargo Progres
sive, self-asserted supporter of the
progressive element in the Non
partisan league. f
13c per line each day, 1 or 2 day*.
12c per line each day, I> or »> day*.
lOu per line each day, 7 day* or longer.
The above rate* apply to ail advertise
meffts in claealflcations:
J.»ost and Found . ....#>. 4
Help Wanted Female. 2 7
Help Wanted Mate. 2R
Salesmen and Agent* .. SO
Situations Wanted Female. 31
Situation* Wanted Male. i:\
Articles for Sale. 4f»
Farm and Dairy Products. 41»
Hood Things to I’at.*.. 51
Homemade Things... «»2
JhcgetsrdUf from
- iAnd so do the'children
Some Families Are Never 111
FORTUNATE are the children
whose parents fully realize the
seriousness of constipation. Hos
pital records prove that 75 per
cent of all disease originates in
bowel obstruction, or constipa
tion. Young children cry because
of it; school children are hampered
in their studies; grown people
are made 25 per cent less efficient;
elderly people’s blood pressure
increases 28 per cent. Realizing
this Mrs. Carrie Moss of 1711
Church st., Lynchburg Vs., Mr.
Louis C. Craiil of 1569 V\ inton
ave., Lakewood, Ohio, and in
numerable others, give a
spoonful of Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup
Pepsin at the first sign of consti
pation, and have no sickness
among their children.
Largest Selling Laxative
Every up-to-date family medi
cine chest should contain a bottle
store where medicines are sold,
and the cost is less than a cent a
dose. We guarantee that if you will
give Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin
to a child or for a few nights to an
adult it will relieve any case of con
stipation no matter how chronic,
or your money will be refunded.
10 Million Bottles a Year
Use it once and you will never
again take coal-tar druga in
candv form, calomel or salts.
Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin is a
v egetable laxrftive free from opi
ates and narcotics. It can De
safely given to Infants, yet it
effectively moves the bowels of
adults. It. acts gently; does not
cramp or gripe. Keep it in the
bouse and use i! for any indica
tion of bowel obstruction such as
constipation, biliousness, torpid
liver, dyspepsia, pimples and like
skin eruptions. Give it early and
it will break up a fever or a cold
overnight. A spoonful proves it.
of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup
Pepsin, a compound of
Egyptian senna with
pepsin and palatable
aromatics, a proscrip
tion written 30 years
ago by Dr. VV. B. Cald
well, who practiced
medicine 47 years. You
can buy a bottle in any
■■■■■•If You Want to Try It Froo Before Buying******
"Syrup Pepsin," 517 Washington St.,
Monticello, Illinois.
/ need a good la r alive and would like to prove what
vou say about Dr. Caldwell's .Svrup Pepsin by actual test.
Send me a free trial bottle. Address to
Not more then one free trial bottle to a family _
Alkali in Shampoos
Bad for Washing Hair
Many soaps anti prepared sham
poos contain too much free alkali,
which is very injurious, as it dries
the scalp and makes the hair brittle.
The best thing to use is Mutslfied
cocoanut oil shampoo, for tills is
pure and entirely greaseless. It Is In
expensive und beats anything else all
to pieces. You can get this at any
drug store, and a few ounces will last
the whole family for months.
Two or three teaspoonfuls Is all that
is required, pimply moisten your hair
with water and rub tt in. It makes
an abundance of rich, creamy lather,
which cleanses thoroughly, and rinses
out easily. The hair dries quickly
and evenly, and is soft, fresh looking,
bright, fluffy, wavy and easy to man
age. Besides, It loosens and takes
out every particle of dust, dirt and
Or Costs You Nothing
Anr sufferer from piles: no matter hoar
long standing, can qul' kly cured with
out risking a penny .lust write and I
will send i regular IQ-dvv trenttuem it>»
solutely KHKE. If It cures end $2. oth
erwise you oar* absolutely nothing.
IV. R. Darlington, in.1!!) Knro Hide.
Kansu* rite. Missouri
In Rash. Spread to Body
and Face. Cuticura Heals.
-- —— ♦
" When my little girl was only
three weeks old eczema broke out on
her limbs. It started as a
rash and was very red.
Later it spread to her
body and face, and itched
and burned so that I had
to put mittens on her
hands to keep her from
scratching. She cou' 1
not rest or Sleep, and cried neaily
all the time.
V I read an advertisement for Cu
ticura Soap and Ointment and sent
for a free sample. It helped her so
I purchased more, which complete
ly healed her." (Signed) Mrs. Edith
Donoho, R. K. 1, Magnolia 111.
Give Cuticura Soap, Ointmentand
Talcum the care of your skin.
Samira fra»r Hoi Udrnr ''Octlrara Later
Manre. D*»< a. Mald.a at, San Sold inn
vhaer Soaptlc. Ointment 26 and Mr T»]<-jm»c
jlpm"* Try our naar Shaatne Stick.
Household Goods. 63
Swap Column.AM
Wearing Apparel. ftO
Wanted to Huy. ft)
Rooms With Board. ft.'
/looms Without Board. ftS
Rooms for Housekeeping . M
Rooms, Unfurnished.AM
Suburban Board. ftS
farms for Rent. T6A
For ail other classifications our regular
rates as quoted below applv.
Classified Ads accepted at the following
Main Office.17th and Farnam Sts.
South Omaha.—N. W. Cor. 24th and N Sts.
Council Bluffs.16 Scott fit
These rafea apply to The Sunday Omaha
Bee as well an The Morning and Evening
Ree. All week day advertisements ap
pear In both morning and evening editions
at the one cost:
1 He per line each day, 1 or 1 days.
15c per lino each day, .3 or ft days.
13c per line each day, 7 days or longer.
Morning Edition......1ft p. !■».
Evening Edition. 11:30 a. m.
Sunday Edtlon. • p. m. Saturday.
ATlantlc 1000.
THE OMAHA BEE "reserves the right
to reject or rewrite all copy.
Gall for Classified Ad Department. An
experienced Classified Ad taker will re
ceive your a<l and a bill will be mailed
l*t**r. Thf rates quoted above apply to
sither charge or cash orders.
Funeral Notices. A
KAISER, Joseph. «g<i 77. died Saturday
morning • Deceased was resident of Om
aha 4 2 yearn. Jfe is survived by his wife,
two da ugh tern. Mrs. Frank Goodrich and
Mrs. Frank Foley, and1 two sons, Joseph
and John, all of Omaha.
Funeral Monday, February 4. et 8 30 a.
?n.. from family residence, 2717 Drexel
feircet to St. Agnes church. 9 n. m.
Interment Ht. Mary Magdalene ceme
tery. Direction of Heafey A- Heafey.
'’HRIRTEV8EN—Andrew Wednesday,
Jaiuary 30. at 70® South Seventeenth
Mreet. age 05 years.
Funeral services Monday, February 4. at
10 a m , nt the Hula* A Rlepen chapel.
Twenty-third and Cuming streets.
Vaults and Monuments. B
“Automatic Pealing'* concrete burial vaults
recommended by all leading undertake**.
Mfg. by Omaha Concrete Burial Vault Co.
Funeral Directors. C
TJundertakers and Embalmera
Phone HA 0265 Office 2611 Farnam
2Sd and O Sts. 1250 S. nth Rt.
MA. 0680. AT. 1871
615 8. 20th St. AT. 3689 and AT. J«tt.
1120 N. 24th St. KE. 0267.
3L1 S. t3d. new funeral home. HA. 0417.
1823 CUMING ST.. JA. 0526.
Dodge at 24th. Funeral Directors. JA. 8901.
6819 Jtfilitary Ave. WA. 6314.
3411 Farnam 8t.
221? Cuming St. JA. 0714.
Funeral directors. 2224 Cuming. JA. 122C.
Quiet, Dignified Supervision. v
24th and Wirt. WE. 0047.
-z-.' -1 ■.]*' j
Cemeteries. D
A family lot on easy terms In « as# of
immediate use. Our frea closed car
at your service for selection. Free per
petual care. Courteous service. Cemetery
at 68th and (Tenter. Beautiful, conven
ient. Telephone WA. 0820, WA. 4160,
AT 1979.
329 acres. Perpetual care. Office at
the cemetery. North 40th St. and Forest
Lawn Ave., and 720 Brandels Theater
Florists. E
r.OOKRS. Florist. 3«th Farnam', JA. 3400.
J °HN BATH. 1604 Farnam. JA. 1406.
Card of Thanks. F
WE wish to thank our many friend* and
neighbors for their kindness and s>nipa
• hy shown us In our late bereavement in
the death of «»ur husband and father.
a so for the many beautiful floral offer
■ .. ■ ' ..I
Personals. 3 |
PROSTATIC troubles treated successfully |
without surgery or drug*. Dr. C. B. Huat.
632 World Herald Bldg.
Ho.MK. 2503 Bristol WE 2908.
Theatrical historical maaoun costumes for
olays and parties at I.lehrn’e. Omaha
AT-1 antic
xoo o
We’re ready now to serve advertisers
with quality halftones, zinc etchings,
color plates, illustrations and photo re
touching for advertising.
New and better equipment, increased
personnel and a thorough knowledge
of engraving in all its phases enable us
to offer advertisers a service second to
none in’the middle west.
Let us tell your story with pictures. It
will put new interest in your advertis
ing nlus a punch that will sell your
merchandise or service. Phone AT i000
and ask for the manager.
Town Advertisers
Increased facilities, enable us to offer out
of-town advertisers better quality and bet
ter sei-vice.
The Bee Publishing Co.
\ Photo Engravers
, SCHERER, Manager, Engraving Department
Personals. 3
THE SALVATION Army industrial home
solicits your old clothing, furniture, maga
zines. We collect. \V e distribute Phone
JA. 4T35 and our wagon Will rail. fall
and Inspect our new homo. U10-1112-1114
Dodge Street.
Lost and Found. A
BUNDLE office record* taken froir. Ford
coupe In front of Nebraska clothing t o.
about 6 p. m. Friday. Howard for return.
No oueatioiiM asked.
GLASSES Lost downtown; shell rimmed,
in leather rase. Call Jackman, AT. 1O0U
~~ ~~ AUTOMOBiles. __
Automobiles for Sale. 5
If It's money that’s gliding you
beck and you are gldl ..fanning on
buying a good uped car Iji the
sluing, let ua show you where you
will nave an astounding umouic
by purchasing bow. A Finn II
down deposit and we will hold
the car for you until « later dale;
or perhaps the car y.j v,-j;,i#d
Is at Much a low price tod’tv that
you ran buy It. Ask the
satisfied persona who ^bought
used Fords from us the^last 30
days what they think of our
better values
1923 Ford Coupe-—Owned by a
careful driver and In the bent of
mechanical (condition. Original
paint, 4 cord tireg. excellent up
holstering, starter and demount
able rims, and accessories. This
car Is an exceptionally good buv
and will give you many mile« of
satisfying service.ICC5.00
1923 Ford Roadster—For the man
who la looking for a two-passeng
er «,ar hero ig an Inexpensive buy
that will give you low’ upkeep and
dependable service. Good condi
„ tion throughout. See this car.
. $176.10
1921 Ford Sedan—A fine family
car. Good tires, starter and
demountable tlma. shock absorb
ers. new paint and In fine condi
tion mechanically. Upholstering
very good.$290.00
Panel body trucks.$100 up
1923 one-ton truck, good condi
tion .$250
Other ton trucks.$125 up
Good chassis .$35 up
Every car as represented.
Faroam at 30th. HA. 0868.
All Styles. All Models. All Prices.
Chassis up from.$?5
Roadsters up from.$40 |
Touring up from. $60
Tourlnga with starters up
from ..
Coupes Hate models, reflnlshed
and new tires) up from... $100
Coupes Hate models, refinfshed
and new tires j up from... $175
Sedans. ton tru. ks and light
delivery Jobs, up from... $100
Authorized Ford and Lincoln Dealers.
AT. 0513. 1814 Cuming.
.^-e this Type 4-pass. open car
todav and realize what wonderful
values w* are offering Has just
been repainted and re-^new H.
HA 0710. Farnam St. at 26th.
Three Andrew Murphy u*ed ear own*
rr« brought as manv prospects into
our .store yesterday and a* a result
3 more used cars rhangeJ bands—
from ua to thcs* procpe tg. Another
example of our dependability.
Buy Here Safelv.
CadUlsQ *. an astonishing value. 5
* gofMj tires. California top. new paint.
Kaay terms . $350
l>urant touring. 1»22. a «ar that will
satisfy the most {'articular Looks
like # new car. Excellent condi
tion . $576
Body* touring. 1*22. disc wheel's, like
n«*w In guaranteed condition. For
the man who wants a Im-ig* s^e
lht* c*r ...$50
A Iso
1 • 23 Chevrolet . |3$#
li»:« < 'verland .$125
191f Ford ... $ 75
l»:j .' $350
5t Years in Safety
1410 Jackson. AT. 4 411.
SPKCIAL todor. nil Ford «..tnn. moto
motor, cord tlreo, bumporo. fino running
motor, now pnlnt. look* llko now, |3U.
' ” “ m
phone1 ja. ii«s.u ru 5'T'* UR
*f vp« 6J. .1u*t re new-ed and ra
f<idslu'd Thia avtir-opopular en
« Cadillac tan be had for a
small payment down and the bal
ant e monthly Let u» explain tlia
HA. ©710. Fnrtiam St. at 26th.
cAnii,r.\r type *1 romixci
CAB. Just refinlahed anl look*
like «ew. Come in today an d
have thl* car demonet i a led to
you Buy /now before tha spring
advance jn used rara
HA. 0710. Fatnam St. at 26th.
STt'DKM AK I'll St octal 6. touring, new
paint, mechanically perfect, new cord
11 ro». Cash or *•«*»>• term*. WUlya-Ovcr
land. 2662 Farnam
FOHP *e«lan, 1921. meohn ideally {per
fect, seat cover*, lock wheel, ttrew food.
Ca»h or term*, no flnan.-e charo - Willy*,
overland. Inc . 3562 Farnam S«.
'VI 1.10 S KNIGHT road*ter, new paint
»CV«d tlrea. Just completely gone over.
>600. rash or term*. Willy a Overland, Inc.
2662 Farnam St
2046 Farnam AT 4610
l M l* CARS
O. N. Honney Motor Co.
1654 Farnam
I 4 H> .1 ACKSMN ST \ T 4IM
HUDSON i ouring, late model and in at*
• client condition. Guaranteed, .''i o today.
Guy I.. Smith
1922 FiilUt roadster, with slip on bode
terms to reaponeihie party*. Call \\ i
USFD parte for all makea of car Ford
need pa.-ta at half price Two wrecking
planta. Nebraska Auto Parle .1 t 4111
VN>K1> roadster 1 922 In perfect shape
>176 cash --r terms, Willy* «Wetland, In.
i 6 7 Fn mam B1
Ol l.KliAMl 3 paaarnger coupe, one year
■ | ' l |U tha way Cash ot •
Willy Overlaml i gmam st
"701 A. 24th._Tel M K >oyo
• "HI* i'OlTF. 1923 will trade for good i
Ford, open car. Call \\ F 4 •',>
1 I
take* u Ha. 1M
Automobiles for Sale. 5
FORD coupe. 1923 model. fi\e good lire*,
large lock wheel and other extra*. IIh*
had \*ry good care. Owing to change
hi plans rnuat dispose of thin car at once.
Will sacrifice for only J17R. Might con
eider arranging e.rnte terms. K 613.
Trucks for s;«i* . \
Many sizes and makes—terms and
trade—real low prices.
1310 Jackson.
THE following motor trucks priced down
to bed rock:
O. M. O., 1 ton, late model, pneumatic
J-’ord 1 ton truck.
ftepubMc 1*4*2 ton, rebuilt.
Chovrolet 1 ton, nearly new.
61 years In business.
14th and Jackson.
ONE-TON truck, completely overhauled;
equipped with ?dake body, enclosed cab
and pneumatic tires; ready for work; easy
term? bargain. $400.
rail Hurdi. k. AT. 1770 204* Farnam St.
ONE to three-ton used trucks, terms can
ho arranged. International Harvester Co.
Of America, 714-16 3. 10th St.
FIRST CLASS coal truck, cheap for cash.
50 9 Jones St.
Auto Accessories Parts. 9
Guaranteed to recharge any ba»tery In
serviceable condition. Will not freeze In
the coldest weather and it will not sul
phate plate. For sale in filling stations
and gar.iiiM, or ^ phone WK 1&Q5.
USED parts for ail makes of cars. 60
to 75 per cent off list prices, two wreck
ing plants. 1016 Harney, HA. 4931. and
2205 i.’ijnilng. AT. 1970.
Service Station—Repairing. 10
Ravfleld oarbureton and Eisernann mag
neto service. AT. 2550.
~ _ BUS IN K S a skR VICE.
Business Services Offered 13
JAMES ALLAN’S Detectives. Expert secret
service. 311-312 Nevilia B'nck. AT. 1136.
HAULING— Ashes and rubbish removed,
ind«*r». best prices on coal. \V E. 6506.
RELIABLE Detective Bureau. Sunderland
Bldg. JA 2056; wight. KE. 3811.
We trim trees, hedges and grapes. KE.
5 4 5 3._
SAWS filed, keys made. 1404S Douglas.
Building Contractors. 14
LOW PRICES on toil it combinations
lavatories, sinks, bath tubs, range boilers.
New goods.
Millinery—Dressrr.aKing. 17
ACCORDION, aide knife, box pleating,
covered buttons; all styles; hemstitching:
buttonholes. Write Id^al Bu**on A
ing Co., 31.'* Brwn Block. Omaha. Neb..
Telephone JA. HI*.
Hems*.t< hlng. Covered Buttons.
-8n4 Harnam Second floor. JA. S€70
Moving—Trucking—Storage. 18
Household goods, plan os. office furniture •
no:-!! upward st.ja. "us
-It North 11th St. Phone Ja. 3032; mov
ing. I -irk nt, ini; p:ng.
«;i/)BE van and storage
Estimates furnished AT. 0220 or JA. 4331.
I8th and Leavenworth Sn. Fa'-k-ng. mov
ng. storage, shipping. JA 4If3
BASEMEN i'S cleaned, rubbish and ashes
luled. . • n tri; . k JA. 32fS
Painting and Papenng. 19
ATTENTION—Hotel. apartment and
home ownera. Special prica on wallpaper.
jeperhaDfing. Fred Tarks. AT. 7401. J>i A.
PAPER HANGING and painting, work
guaranteed Pal! WE, 1633.
PAINTING, papering. Ft rat-c la sa work.
Winter bargains. JA. (&&0
FOUR rooms decorated for price of three
'nr limited time W. C. Luker WE. 4ISt.
Patent Attorneys.20
J. W. MARTIN. 1JU Dt are. Room I0».
•>maha. also Washington double service,
•>*»*•* fee Ai*o help se ! patents.
Printing Stationery. 21
' '■» . 21? South 1 "t h St. .1A 606*
Professional Service. 22
All kind* of dental work d <ne. under the
careful aunerv .* on of professors, at the
Creighton University College of Dentistry,
corner 26th end California street*. Take
Harney. Cuming or Cr,?stown car.
Repairing. 23
USED and new sewing machines. Sew
ing machine* and victrolas
Rent ma hmes. $1 per week: f? per mo.
Dth »r 1 H*»r:fiA T. 4 361.
1'HONOURAPR and sewing roach, repalr
tf. Nothing to *♦> 1 but service Miller, Sit
^ UP .?v r 14 7 MX. 1»<< evenings
Renovating and Dyeing. 24
•■MAH A PILLOW CC». — Mattresses made
over In new ticks at half the price of
new tine*. S Pu ? Cum me JA 24*7
Help Wanted Female. 27
LADIES—Learn beauty culture. Wonder
ful business. us show you u sure
isy way to make big tuouey or a chance
to ha>r jour own shop. Short course
onapletee Day or evening. Call or write
for catalog Molor College. 10* S. 16th.
Help Wanted Male. 28
graduate, either a young man >' woman.
*>r a teacher with a good record but w.ih
• >ut a school, m out representative in a
mwn near Omaha. Average salary la li.'e
per month Thorough Instruction* free in
Lincoln. Fteaee send immediately xour
qualification* to James E. 8tronka. Man
sger. Johnson County Bank Building.
Iowa City. Iowa.
lUSLlABLR men xx anted everywhere to
distribute free sample*, booklet*, etc fur
Nation*] advertisers N selling Tear
around work No experience ot capital
necessary Fermanent business Write
! quickty enclosing stamps for contract ami
details Nat nal Vlatrlbutera Association.
X. Vaulin* St.. Chicago. 111.
H.VHBKHlNt) U a splendid business. We
teach you quickly, day or ewmug. place
>‘*u in gn>d job. shop of your ow n or
tr.-«\el and eee th© world Karn white
i* .«rning. Call or wmte for catalog.
'1 o’er Berber College, 109 S 15th St
Firemen. brak.*men, colored train or sleep
ing • ir porters write for application blank.
Katperlence unneceaaarx Kt**t class roads.
No strik: N.ime position «»mo>l In er
Hailwav I>ept. 440. Indianapolis Imi
KI.KOTKIC1TY taught by exper s. Karn
xxhile > ou learn at home Electrical bonk
and proof lessons free. Satisfaction guar
«nte*d and position secured Write to
: Ft w nerr C kc, r 144 Ixwrci * Ave ,
Chicago _
It a fiet e f t\ e. » $ u <k!\ t r • el
■ r vrot I . experience unnecessary.
\marlcan Betocllve Agency. 1?9 Columbia.
St T.ouie.
'll M l V. women, box a glr'a to 45.
w ’Irg to accept government positions.
#117 lo'ft ttraveltng or stationary), wtite
Mr Oxment. Hi St, l.ou a. Mo., immedi
HK an ad writer end publicity expert
.i.'in our service \ dignified, good p*\ |
modem iu ofosaion Art* ,k Craft fi m
s«rx ire. Kai«uiaaxnx, Mich
Hrl|i Wanted Male <V Ftmil*.
TWISTS* Add material-y to ' our income
by typing author* manuscripts Free de
’ xtled Information nn to<ju**t It J
1 irnet, Auth. Ac re Tx xpncag, Ua
Salesmen and Agents. 30
SA I.ESH EN: Only on* sale dad* mrnni
$2t»0 per tnonth' nVB Wld, $1 606 ni'.*r\f,h
| !> ' Main or aide-line. Marvdoii' n* w 3-lb.
adding machine. U< taii.u 11 #.0(’ W ork.
e<) ua4n $300 machine Add*. subtract*,
multiplies, dWidea, automatI* a tty Speedy,
af'-urat*-. durable, huti'l umc. Five year
I guarantee Tremendous demand Amaz
ing profit*. Writ# quick ft r liberal trial
offer and protecied territory l,igh»ning
•alculator Co., Dept 39, Drand JUppide,
SAT.FSM EN— Before you de^M* finally
«*.• our tailoring line. Heat fitting, richest
looking, mnde to measure, guaranteed
«'iit«* and top coatp (moth proofed), only
$1i 50 and $23 GO; a« tual $3:,-$'*o xalues;
■ omml»aion and bonus; $40 to $30 veei.|y
caay. Tailoring experience unnecessary.
Outfit shipped for free fxarnirul ton.
Wholesale Direct Tailor*. Dept. 8*10, JJuf
falo, N. Y. _
$106,000 long established successful whnle
■ ale coal corporation making all ship
ment* direct from mlnea at lowest price*
offer* exclusive agency. Experience tin
ncrofiaary. limited capital essential to
meet our requirements. Money making
possibilities absolutely without limit.
Boylston Coal Co., 3680 Racins Ave.,
• ’hb-.ago.
AdEXTS—Spare time work to promote
rrl.glous education In the home ami dis
tribute religious literature. We need an
intelligent man or woman In each com
munity. If you have any *par«* time
uriie us for Information. We pay liberal
ly. No previous experience required,
i nlversal House, 16$ Winslos Build mg,
Salesman tn sell roof cement and paint
to the Industrial end other consumer
trade To the man desirous of establish
ing a permanent, profitable connection on
commission bans with liberal drawing ac
count we will give personal training.
Armstrong Paint and Varnish Works, 135©
South Kllhourn Ave., Chicago.
SALESMEN—Tailoring We w?nt 6'. good
men to earn $75 to $100 weekly. Our Una
contains 220 all wool suitings retailing $26
to $47 50. Your commission $5 to $9.50 per
suit in advance Biggest value line in
America. Big 6x9 swatch outfit fr»e.
Reference* required. Write R E. Ferrin,
Mgr. 2315 Warren Ave , f'hkago,
AGENTS—Large corporation wants a serv
ice ma.i In every town to pas* up its sign*
on s'orekeepers’ windows. Excellent op
portunity for reliable party. No experi
ence necessary. We also have atfrsttlv#
T ropoaition for agents and e*b**enen.
•iuarantee Sign Service, 161 W. Superior,
SALESMEN—Wanted by middle wist pro
ducer of foods, experienced detail sales
man. acquainted the grocery and
eli»_at*B«en trade in Omaha Expect to
>arrv stocks Advise salary desired, psst
experience, age, references. Y-2549, Oma
ha Bee.
SPECIALTY salesmen can make not less
than $25 daily during n*xt 9^ days, which
is your dull season In order to save time,
want first < lass men only who are accus
tomed to earnings of over $' '00 per \ear.
Write quick Mo*to Guild Mfg. Co., 6710
Armitage A c . Chicago.
■SALESMEN: Tailored '-aps—$100 per wk.
every wk. Sell Mansfield Measure-Mad#
caps direct to rearers; business men. car
owners, apt amen, et Write- for spring
sample outfit and free cap off Mansfield
Cap Makers. Dept 154. <' m innatf O.
AGEXTR-t-Bie *laily cash income selling
"Taylor" made-'o-measure ■ aps direct tm
wearer. Demand great All wool. Guar
anteed values. Big v e*. f season s'arting.
i •territory Writ# quick for *am
rde outfit Tsylor <"ap Manufacturers,
!*.;• 9 »*incinnatl. Ohio.
SALESMEK—P'dellne men makfr.r small
•'■wrs New idea, no sale: no collection:
no samples te carry; $r. romralsaion raid
on each frlal order taken Rtsi* line
carri- I rnd territory covered Ju' iity &
Hons '.To . 7 • E. 40m S? . Chicap
TAILORING salesmen, weekly salary, big
ger commissions, all wool, better tailored
• t! i e«, $33 • express prepaid. In Ion
made. AmericK's greater* m«n*r making Grev Western Tailoring Co., pio
neer* for 3ft years. Chicago.
^ GENTS—You can make $75 to $!*>ft a
week selling our big line of 150 article*,
used constantly in esery home Write u*;
we will send > ou our hand*-"** f 3 f> sample
case outfit on, trust. Federal Ptfre Food
Co . 2303 Ar> b»r Ave . Chu ago
AGENTS. M - n wan d n th s t°T©sry %r>
1 *ndle quick seL’.ng ci'o specialty. Ev
ery car owner a prospeoi B C. Hall
• •iearetl $3,125 in one month. For particu
lar* wjite Stransky Co., Dept. 2272. Puk
w*n*. S Dak.__
EVERYBODY need* food. Our plan g:-. *>s
customer better quality and lower prices.
Representatives wanted. $100 a week and
free automobile. Writ# quick American
Products Co-. 2616 Amer* an B.dg. Cfcn
r • n * ■ f»,
SALESMAN—Vnusual opportunity for first
class man selling most complete lift# o :s
»nd gr**as*a direct from refiners: estab
lished 41 years. Experience this line un
necessary. Liberal eommi.u;o». Y-254*,
< >maha Bee.
SELL Madison Better Mads sfcirts <Lreo»
from our factory to weare-. No capita!
or experience required. Easily ao!d. B g
MADISON MILLS. 603 Broadway. New
York City.
AGENTS—Become representative, large
concern. Establish yourself permanently.
Simp] tied method se’irg shc*« Factory
to wearer. Your daily profit* large.
Apply fmmtedateiy. STYI.B-AP.^H
bHOEH C1n< nnalt.
•SALESMEN: Ir*rp*rienc*d or ewperl
-nced, o»ty or traveling. Wr *e for FREE '
t*o«>k. Modem Salesmanship " Bfs* de
riand for me*. Earn IS.500 to S \* •
yearly. Address: Notional Salesmen a Tr.
Assn Dept. 40f, Chicago. ^
SALESMEN wanted: making email
for complete line of sale* board a. Ai* or
(pert time. Avr-aer* coinn ««■ n —
. pa d also on repeat*. N a- s Cgmpauy. '
j *221 Havenswood Are, Chi ago.
j WANTED—City salesman experienced »n
selling office supplies, good opoo-tonity
j for right man. Send references Kmdrfcs
JleLamy Stationery Co., Corner l«th and
| stout- Denver. t
j AGENTS—$* datlv taking *-der« Ar*
• Thomas Guaranteed Hosiery: IT different
kinds; latest styles and colors. Tour site
I m free outfit of sample pairs Thomas
Mfc Co Mill 0*4. I>£> c y Qh’o.
AGENTS—Big profits. Genuine gold leaf
w ndow letters, anyone c-on ptii .up.
Scripts and AT varieties. Cnauoiidated
* cn Letter Co, €32 S. Peart era St.,
Chi • a go _
S A I. K3\fA N**-Lif htatn r strange battery
compound. Charges discharged better eg
nstantlv Eliminate# old tnethe4 entirely.
Gallon free to agents. UghUung Co. L»e#
Moines, la.
AG ENTS--ISO-lies week. A moist _«ub
c nt*. 2d per rent comir. Guerarteed
genuine gold letter* for store window*.
Easily applied Metallic Letter Co.. « I
N Clark. Ohioss*._ _
AGENTS -|100 weekly. r*!e«*ant w- «*k,
appointing local agents to introduce
Mother Hubbard Fcods, no eanvaaeire. *<«
delivering, tio money Invested. tn’hout
> 2 tpany. !ۥ Ccna-es*. Chicago,
HALCTM1N: |5e dal’.r made by beer spew.
1*5 weekly and expense* guaranteed
* gainst commissions. All ret*.
I'ept. IS. Main Specialty Co . Cedar Hap*
tde, Iowa.
GOODYEAR MViJs CO. I*-C Geodvear
BMg . Kansas City, Mo , :* making an
offer to send a handsome raincoat free ta
one person In each locality ah « .1
recommend It to friend*. Write tods'
FREE trial Skinkurv* for akin <11 — ain 11 r i.
or send SOo for one bo* or $: for I In****,
satisfaction or money refunded. fttrseu
sor.’s l*ruf Store, JiOJ Riv. Avt., Minna
spoils. Minn.
\(}| NTS—1 mike tbs best c'.-'rebate h*i*a
and chewing gum. Re mjr a cent. ha * '
ho.It will bujr from you Wr'te todnv,
* ^V**^*^** Milton Gordon. C .n? .
AOKNT3- —f K daily. Newest V'tcV.en tool.
Every woman use* 2,-, ti;re» dail> Kksv
seller. Big profit* Sample free. Tfco mag
Vfa to. nesk 1F3*. l*a\ton, Ohio.
SAT.KS dEN—Two aa 1 s tf . ar ft; tvl 9
a;iwrr>; * campaign pass you f?o a . »•.
Knowledge cf radio unnecessary 7Vi*l •*
sale* guaranteed Bo\ 4*7, Iowa Ci;\. i«
SA1.KSMF.N- Brand new idrtrtlkiitf
A dealers No competition F*c wptr.
$1 1 w,.<%iv up. Monarch Ccmpa-..
« oUr R.ipid*. la
A' 1E NTS m77 latest Ford 7 77777777
* * * » day ewsy No eomrefitlo* Man
rr *• de line Quu k eeiler 11 t« O 'mv s
Sa e* iY, 1A • iVriir , i . .. '
s \i KsmEN s;de ~77 kr.t sam; 7
it gh gr * » t en on > S: v cur *a
er Ad\ert s g Nov* :> v'' N« «
1 h »iVi'. 'H a tV • n s “77777m 7777. 77
''ork ni capital obta n. \ »to. k a*\ . » ... \
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* >ki, 71 No l.aSalle 8ui?e lr| s'Mo* go.
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privilege tiding Dept. Is. I'auJ Km.-.
lit Broad wav N \
Ail ENTS to sell our l.ife Ton:- Wonder
ful medicine. R c repeater Big prcftui*
1 a Cassia t o . l'ept t: St 1 0«|g Jdo
S ' ition* Wanted Female
V'H Vll vrmit « stl.» V, t . .TT)~iTfTii
''T day Work in
M ANTRtv- Bu id'e and ♦am*** wasv r.c
cood re fere 11 oe* Call WK FAS?
sVKNiklK apmuk want* post lion m inn all
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Business Opportunities „tj
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