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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1924)
■Thompson-Belden ’s - Children’s Rompers New rompers that have just arrived. Mothers will find Suit this an opportunity to buy a number of suits for tots of £ ^ 1 to 3 years. Ginghams, J, ,V/\/ some of them with a bit of hand work. SECOND FLOOR CutexNail Polish...,:.9c Hughes’ “Ideal” Hair Brush, No. 66, at Jubilee, each. . .$1.29 Bottle Hand Lotion.17£c STREET FLOOR All Soiled Blankets We have a limited number of wool, and wool mixed blankets that have become mussed and soiled. Full bed size, in plaids, or white with striped border. Price SECOND FLOOR 6 Thompson-Belden s JUBILEE One year ago, C. C. Belden and his associates took over the oper ation of this business. During this last year the store has made the greatest strides forward it has ever accomplished. We cele brate by giving to our friends, old and new, the best values that we have been able to obtain. New Spring fashions, staples that every housewife needs every day, and luxuries that are usual ly bought at excessive prices, all will be found in the offerings of this Jubilee. We invite you to share in our good fortune. ( Hosiery Specials That the Jubilee Offers to Women t ' Outsize Silk Pair $1.4-5 A hose exceptional for the service it gives. Comes in black, brown and gray. Silk and Wool Pair $1.75 All our silk and wool and wool hose, including hand oloxed styles. Women's Lisle Hose Pair Unusual bargains in lisle hose. Gray, navy and brown. All sizes. *** ** ^ STREET FLOOR Know Omaha Auspices Omaha Chamber of Commerce Thompson-Belden’s is the largest store of women’s things between Chicago and the coast. Thompson-Belden’s is the oldest dry goods store in Omaha under the active direction of one of its founders. Thompson-Belden's were the first dry goods store in Omaha to use automobile delivery. Thompson-Belcjen’s advertising is I recognized nationally for its high character and has for several years been placed among the 30 best in the United States by the Retail Ad News. ( Linen Handkerchiefs All pure linen handkerchiefs Each with hand embroidered initials. Special for Monday and Tuesday; JubileS price— K* STREET FLOOR Dress Ginghams Spring patterns in plaids, stripes, Yard checks and plain shades. 32-inch A j* _ width, a Jubilee value, at ^y w McCall Patterns Any McCall pattern may be Discount of purchased during the Jubilee ry f\Q/ Sale at Zi\J/0 SECOND FLOOR Monday—New Values in the Jubilee at ThompsonjBelden’s Unadvertised Values in All Sections r' Jubilee Discount of 20% on all Millinery Monday Only a We Include French Room Models Women may select even the loveliest of our millinery, new Springtime modes, and re ceive this considerable discount on hats they purchase. The Jubilee brings this advantage. FOURTH FLOOR ®---@ Spring rootwear Dainty New Slippers Featured in Our Jubilee 'S‘$7.85 One model of black satin is designed with collar and cross straps of black suede; medium Span ish heel. A smart street pump is of cinnamon brown ooze with military heel of covered to match. These models being from our new spring stocks are available in all sizes. Only two of many new models at $7.85. These models being from our new spring stocks are available in all sizes. Only two of many new models, at $7.85. STREET FLOOR ®-'-® Under things A Jubilee of Dainty Pieces at Low Prices Nainsook Gowns $1.69 Sleeveless models prettily trimmed with dainty embroidery edge. Made full length and comfortably full. Envelope Chemise $1.69 Of fine nainsook, attractively made in bodice top style with wide embroidery band ^t the top; ribbon for adjusting. Lingette Costume Slips $1.95 $2.95 $3.95 Made of soft silky lingette in bodice top style, or with built-up shoulder straps. Regu lar an4 extra sizes, 34 to 60. SECOND FLOOR ' &fiirs l Buy Them Now—Pay at Your Convenience Our Entire Collection of - Fur C tats and Small Furs at the Final Prices of the Year Jubilee On These Reductions Beautiful Up to Garments In addition to offering our furs at half price, we make the further concession of allowing you to select any of these model garments with the payment of only one fourth. The balance may be paid at your convenience on o rbefore September 1. There will be no charge for the summer storage of furs purchased in this manner. Hudson ^ r% A * Seal Coats *r & 45-inch lenjjfths, of fine quality skins; collar and cuffs of natural squirrel or of skunk. Hudson a Seal Coats 3 Unusually fine quality skins, modeled in advanced styles,' with trimmings of taupe fox, natural skunk, natural squirrel and self fur. 42 to 50-inch lengths. Caracul ± q gt Jacquettes <P+7 Platinum or beige shade, trimmed with fox collar, 28-inch length. Hudson £ O O ft Seal Wrap ? ZZD Natural mink collar, cuffs and yoke—an advanced model. Mole Coat Priced A luxurious wrap of mole, with natural squirrel collar, cuffs and border. Hudson AOQii Seal Coats Z/ O Luxurious models many of them copies of imports. 48 to 50-inch lengths. Bay Seal Coats $95 to $115 Attractive coats of the best quality obtainable; beautiful ly lined. Mole Coat $275 An exquisite model with taupe fox trimming, 48-inch length. Mole Cape $275 A beautiful garment, ermine trimmed, 45-inch length. Muskrat Coats $75 These are the smart, youthful models, of 40-inch length. Silk lined throughout. Others at $125. Racoon Coat $250 46-inch length, of clear, dark skins. No Returns Hudson Seals $195 Hudson Seals, beautiful quality | skins. 40-inch lengths. Natural Squirrel, .$9.75 “Fi,:h:.$12.50 Natural Skunk, .... $18.50 S, $24.50TO $37.50 Natural Red Foxes, iO CA ! at . J4Z.jO Hundson Rav Sable, CCC at .4)OD j Brown and Hudson $35T0 $42.50 THIRD FLOOR J No Exchange* Spring Apparel Given < ! Jubilee Discount Don’t you enjoy se lecting at the very be ginning of the season when you may pick and choose from the best. At 20 per cent less than the marked prices you may pur chase : Tailored Suita Sports Suits Plaided Coats Afternoon Frocks Youthful Flannels Everything! THIRD FLOO* Pouch Bags Smart Mew Styles, of Crush Grain Leather $ 1.69 and $2.69 Tan, brown, gray and black, all the colors that one might wish when she chooses a new bag to accompany her spring costumes. They are silk-lined, fitted with coin purse and mirror. A Few Flat Shapes, Also STREET FLOOR ®-—$ From the Arts Jubilee l alues of Important that If omen ff ill RtHulily Buy All Lamp Bases $8.95 We offer every remaining lamp base in stock at the one price—$8.95. Included are table lamps, bridge lamps, junior lamps, piano lamps—all worth a great deal more. Tapestry Scarfs V2 Price 24x54, 17x50, 20xo< and 18x49-inch sizes, in attractive table scarfs. “Royal Society" Stamped Packages Gowns, children’s rompers, combi nation suits, scarfs, centerpieces and luncheon sets, and other pieces stamped to embroider, at Price SECOND Ft OCR “The Best Place to Shop, After All” %