The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, February 03, 1924, CITY EDITION, PART TWO, Page 4-B, Image 16
Motor Designer <5 Urges Air Trip to Nortli Polej Packard Engineer Praises Flight of Sjieiiandoah in t»a!c as Test of Fitness for tlir Trip. By COL. J. ({. VIM I N I . O'k-e I’restik-nt of tfnghicrrlnsc, t'artousl Motor Car Company.) By Its feat In fighting Its way back to Us hangar against a howl lug gale that hail swept it from its mooring mast, the l'. S. S. Shenan doah, tile United States navy's great airship, lias proved it can go to the North pole or anywhere rise about the globe the navy may elgct to send it. It was a supreme test, perfectly met. of the engineering and workman ship which entered into the construc tion of the ship, the power and de pendability of its motors and the courage and skill of its crew. Admiral 'William A. Moffatt, chief, of the navy air service, promised "hen permission was given him to build the great air liner that every thing humanly possible would be done to make it safe. Every bit of njatcrlal- no matter how small was tested before It was put in place during construction and everyone of the hundreds uf thou Prominent New York Facial Specialist Coming to Omaha Soon Dr. Walter H. Bailey, formerly of New York City, and one of the country’* most prominent beauty spe cialists, expects to be in Omaha in the very near future. Dr. Bailey has a national reputation as a specialist in all forms of beauty work, such as th* faeial lift for sagging rheeks or chop the removal of wrinkles, lines, slack skin, freckles, blotches, scars, birth marks, smallpox pits; light or heavy skin bleaching or peeling: All defe-ts of the nose, such as hump, hooked, dished, flat, wide. long, crooked or red 1 nose; double chin, weak chin and thick lips. Everyone troubled with any of these defeet* should communicate with Dr. Bailey immediately at 214 Tram way Bldg., Denver, Colo., to insure an appointment while he is in the city. •ands of joints in l hr groat dural it I it tin skeleton was given a test in flight. Tho sti*r\ of that wonderful fight of 1 hr great airship through the night of January Hr without a question will go down as oiw of the ago lasting epics in 1 hr history of man's efforts to conquer the air for every day travel. There is no question that, it* has proved the safety and practicabil ity of Zeppelin tVpe airships. The Dixmudc disaster proved that a Zeppelin is as helplessly at the tnercy of the elements as a free balloon if for any cause its power plant falls. The Shenandoah’s feat proved that despite its size and evey with a great hole in its nose offer ing tremendously increased resistance such a ship can be driven through the sheer power of its motors head on through a regular hurricane. It also proved its power plants, designed and built after long study of the ideal specifications laid down by the navy department engineers, can he depend ed upon to save the ship just as they did January 10 in any situation no matter how severe when tho call is made upon them. I have perfect confidence in the ability of the six Packard motors to drive the Shenandoah to tho polo and back, and after the severe trial through which it has just passed so successfully, 1 have complete faith in the structure of the ship to with stand the journey. Hollin Car Sensation of Chicago Aulo Show Leon Nelson, president of the Stearns--Knight Auto Sales company, returned front the Chicago auto allow Friday, highly enthusiastic in his praise of the new Rollin ear, for which he was appointed distributor a few weeks ago. ' It was the sensation of the show, nn.l although 1 know it to lie a good c ur and one well worthy of attention. I was absolutely unprepared for tiie agreeable surprise it gave me. I cannot speak too highly of its beauty, , nd in addition to that, I can now say that its performance is wonder ful. Its European lines, combined with its great motor, make a combi nation that excels, for the value, any other car on the market.” All models of the Rollin will be shown by Mr. Nelson at the Omaha auto shown Athletes in Motor Plants. “Employes of Durant motors, lno., find time for strenuous recreation outside of working hours. The Du* rant-Stars of Lansing, Mich., for the second successive season developed championship caliber, defeating all big Michigan elevens in the semi-profes sional ranks, and winning the slat* championship,” says J. 11. Xewmark, manager of sales promotion. New Service Manager. i. E. Loveland, formerly service engineer of the Remy Electric com pany, Anderson, ind.. has been named service manager, of that organization j to succeed R. K. Evans. Mr. Evans lias joined the staff of the General Motors Export company at New York city and will later be assigned to duties in their foreign field. Mounted Concrete Mixer Saves Time A valuable tip for the contractor using concrete mixers may be ob tained from the experience of <ieorge Leavens of Lansing, Mich., who has been able to effect savings of approxi mately 25 per cent in labor and even greater amounts in time by the use of a mounted mixing machine. Leavens mounted a 10-foot mixer,' which is one «ize larger than the average machine used by contractors on light work, on a speed wagon chassis obtained from the Reo Motor Car company. Ilis knowledge of gisoline en gines warned him that it would be lar from economical to attempt to run the mixer from the 45 horse power engine of the speed wagon when a six horsepower gasoline en gine would furnish ample power for the work. V’sipg tin* speed wagon engine for tliiis work would also have meant wept* and tear on transmission purls which might have decreased the life of the chassis by a couple of years. For these reasons a six horse* power 'engine was mounted to the rear of the mixer and is flow serving very satisfactory in turning the mixer. Leavens saves in labor because by the use of hi* mounted mixer lm can eliminate a lot of handling after, the concrete is mixed. For instance, in pouring concrete for a sidewalk, he drives tlie speed wagon parallel to the sidewalk pouring as iie goes. The same system Is em ployed in pouring outside foundation walls, while in pouring inside walls, the speed wagon i.s driven ns close as possible to the point at which the work is being done and much wheel ing is saved in this way. New Cadillac Roadster Proves Great Attraction During the Inst week great interest has been shown in V 53 Cadillac road ster on display by the J. H. Hansen C adillnc company. The body line of tliis ear is by fur the most beautiful and attractive that Cadillac has put out In this stylo. It is painted a beautiful Buckingham gray which is one of Cadillac’s standard colors and has a snappy English Burbank top. A combination step and door opens upon a convenient locker for golf l ags and. as a step, affords easy ae cess to a comfortably upholstered seat for two within the rear deck. Dealer Important Cog. In the au tom obi Ip* business today the big man In the picture is the denier. He is the one to whom the buyer of a motor ear looks to fur service, anti nut the factory that made the car. For this reason buy el's are paying more a*nd mom at tention to the business methods, character and standing in the com munity of the dealer from whom they make their purchase, according to Roy H. Faulkner, sales manager uf the Auburn Automobile company. Halloon Tire Pressure. Interest tn balloon tires has grown rapidly within the last few months. The new tifes are easily the out standing tire development of recent years. A Ford touring ear equipped with the new halloon type cords, re quires. according to tallies computed by Miller tire experts, only 30 pounds pressure In the rear tires and 22 pounds in the front tires on the basis of two passengers. Other Fords re quires: roadster, 22 pounds rear, 21 pounds front: coupe, 26, rear, 24, front; .sPdan, 30; rear; 22, front. Two Record Orders. Two of the largest orders for motor cars' ever recorded in the history of the industry have been placed In the last two weeks with the Maxwell Motor corporation of Detroit. John It Thompson company, Maxwell i hrv slerChalmers dealers In Detroit and the DeCozen Motor company, o< alers for the same cars In Newark, N. J.. placed the orders. In France a law has been proposed to prevent children born In that coun try of non French parents adopting alien nationality when they reach voting age. This Fine Closed Car The Coach *975 Touring Model *850 Tax and Freight Extra A 30 minute rule will win you to the new Fssex. Anti you will join the legions who know this new Six, that is built by Hudson, in saying it provides ideal transportation. It continues the well known F.ssexqualities of econ omy and reliability. Itaddsasmoothnessof perform ance which heretofore was exclusively Hudson’s. Roth cars are alike in all details that count for long satisfactory service at small operating cost. Steering is like guiding a bicycle. Gears shift easily. Care of the car calls for little more than keeping it lubricated. For the most part that ii done with an oil can. Fuel economy is impressive. Oil consumption la unusually low and tire mileage surprisingly high. The New Kasex is backed by a service policy that keeps maintenance down to the minimum. A 30 Minute Ride Will Win You "7fe NewESSEX A Six—Built by Hudson _[" The Omaha Hudson Essex Co.*""] j Harney Street at 26th Omaha, Neb. ATIantic 5065 j | Killy Motor Co., Amociatc Dealer Nash Motors Buys Mitchell Plant New 1 nit Will Be Mailc One of Finest Motor Factories in tlic Country. In line w it h pinna for factory ex l>nnsk>n made necessary because of fpcreaslng deniaml for its product, j l be Nash Motors company has pur* I i based 11 to plants and realty sites of the Mitchell Mot«*r Car company of Koine. The Mitchell plants cover 36 acres of ground and have 600,000 square feet of floor space; they include one four story building 90 by 300 feet, the other buildings being one story structures of modern saw-tooth con struction. When equipped by Nash Motors with modern machinery, the new unit in the Nash production or ganization will he one of the finest automobile manufacturing plants in the country. Acquisition of the Racine property gives Nash Motors 100 aeres of ground devoted to the processes of production, and tho square feet of floor space amounts to a total of 2.900,000. Tho Kenosha and Milwau kee plants are of the most modern type, as is also the factory of the Seaman Body corporation, of which, one haft interest is invested in Nash Motors. The four-cylinder plant and fho Seaman Body plant are both practically brand new and were laid out under the direction of Mr. Nash, j Nash Motors produced in- 1922, ap proximately 41,000 cars and in 1923 the production totaled very close to 60.000 cars. Despite this remarkable ! increase an .oversold condition per sisted during the greater part of the year. Farts Service Important. An important contributing cause toward the Increasing orders for Durant anil Star cars accredited by Factory Manager Brown of the Du rant plant is thq model parts service recently perfected by the Durant plants at Lansing, Mich , Elizabeth, .V. J., and Oakland. Cal. New Sales Manager Is Named by Chevrolet <*. k; Dawson has *uecceded Colin Campbell, formerly general sales man ager, Chevrolet Motor company, who j recently resigned. Mr. Dawson was foimerly assistant general sales manager of the com pany, having been actively associated with the Chevrolet organiwition since July, 11*12, when he negan as a retail salesman in Detroit. Later he served ns wholesale representative; whole sale supervisor of 12 states; manager of tho Detroit Chevrolet retail store; zone sales manager at Flint, Mich., and assistant general salon manager at Detroit. ---% New Motor Plant for Philadelphia W ill Produce 100 Overland Cars a Day fur Atlantic (luast. To lake care of what is expected lo be tho greatest demand for its prod uct in its history along the entire At lantic seaboard, a demand presaged by the remarkable popularity achiev ed by Overland and Willys Knight motor cars during 1023, Willys-Over land announces the acquisition of a new plant in Philadelphia In which 100 Overland cars a day are to be built within another four or si* weeks’ time. The new Willys-Overalnd 'plant was built in 1018 and during the war was used by tho federal government. The actual floor space to be used will be 161.000 square feet, which does not include the platforms which surround all the buildings, nor rail road trackage, etc. It is exported that the plant will begin operation some time in Febru ary with a factory force of approxi mately 3o0 men, augmented by a salon and office fr: o of BO people It Is anticipated that the initial dally production will bo 100 cars, but this Is soon to 1)0 increased to 200. The present schedule calls for the man ufacture of Overland models only, but it is expected that the WiHys-Knlght lino will bo added shortly. 100 IVr Cent Fncrra-r. Aii increased production of ncre Ilian 400 |ier cent over Hie tir**^ month of 1923 Is reported for .iJi,ti nny by the Old* Motor Works at Ini using, Mich. And this phenomenal gain would have been even larger if manufacturing facilities had pm - milted, say factory officials. SPECIAL OFFER Our Re-new-ed Cadillac sale contains many bargains. SEE THEM TODAY. More carefully refinished than most new cars and as thoroughly inspected. Prices far below your expectations. See This One Today CADILLAC VICTORIA Mechanically perfect, just re-new-ed and completely refinished and re-tired. You can scarcely distinguish it from the latest Cadillac on the street. This car sold new and in no better condition for $4,900.00, and you can now purchase it for less than half its original cost. < Also many fine inexpensive cars of other makes. Come today! $100 up. Open all day Sunday. Bring in your old car—drive out Sunday afternoon in one of the real aristocrats of motor cars. ~ < Let us show you how to buy with a small investment and pay the balance ajs you ride. Buy real value now. “A SAFE PLACE TO BUY” J. H. Hansen Cadillac Company HA rney 0710 Farnam Street at 26th THE UNIVERSAL CAR forecasting A Tremendous Spring Demand 739,626 more Ford cars and trucks were pro duced last year than the previous year, an increase of over 50 per cent. In spite of this tremendous increase in pro duction, it was impossible to meet delivery requirements during the spring and summer months when orders for 350,000 Ford Cars and Trucks could not be filled. 4 This year winter buying for immediate delivery has been more active than ever | before—and in addition 200,000 orders have already been booked through the Ford Weekly Purchase Plan for spring delivery. These facts clearly indicate that the demand during this spring and summer will be far greater than ever, and that orders should be placed immediately with Ford Dealers as a means of protection against delay in securing your Ford Car or Truck or Fordson Tractor. . ' % # A small deposit down, with easy payments of the balance arranged,or your enrollment under the Ford Weekly Purchase Plan, will put your order on the preferred list for spring delivery. f ' See the Nearest Authorized Ford Dealer / F-44