(The First 107,145 Votes Are Tabulated in This Week’s Literary Digest) — * * • i Do You FAVOR The MELLON PLAN? ____/_ OR Do You OPPOSE The MELLON PLAN? THE LITERARY DIGEST, with the absolute impartiality which is now universally recognized as its unvarying policy, is mailing individual secret ballots to nearly 15 million men and women voters throughout the United States, that the desires, and opinions of the people on this great * | « issue may be known beyond question. EVERY VOTE IS THE FREE, UNINFLUENCED, SECRET VERDICT OF t:?e voter, unknown to anyone but himself or Herself . ♦1 •• •» / . ' .I mrnmmm— ■ ■ i ———I THE DEMAND FOR TAX REDUCTION is the paramount issue before i the country to-day. The only question in dispute is how to secure the reduction. Many plans have been proposed by various political groups or leaders, but attention has become focused upon one plan—the Mellon Plan. The Mellon Plan reduces the taxes on all incomes in varying degrees; it provides that an earned income (salary, wages, professional services, etc.) shall not be taxed as highly as. an income from stocks, bonds, etc. The so-called ' nuisance taxes, such as the moving-picture admission tax, the telephone tax and the telegraph tax, also are eliminated This measure, however, is not without strong opposition. An important feult with the plan, according to such leaders as William O. McAdoo, ex-Secretary of the Treasury, and Commander John R. Quinn of The American Legion, is that it excludes the soldiers’ bonus, whidh they strongly believe should be paid, and which they claim can be paid without preventing some tax reduction. On the other hand Secretary Mellon says it will be impossible to reduce taxes in this generation if we pay a bonus. President Coolidge also disapproves of a * bonus in fact and principle, and has given unqualified support to the Mellon Plan. DO YOU FAVOR THE MELLON PLAN FOR TAX REDUCTION OR NOT? Mark your Ballot and support your views. ALL CLASSES OF VOTERS in all States and all communities in the Nation are being polled with complete impartiality. They include business men, mer * chants, farmers, manufacturers, railroad employees, bankers, clerks, builders, contractors, superintendents, managers, carpenters, plasterers, plumbers, painters, mechanics, printers, miners, steel-workers, workers in every trade and branch of industry, hottf union and non-union, professional men and women of all classes, including lawyers, doctors, clergymen, authors, actors, newspaper men, * ' i \ * * dentists, engineers, educators, architects, musicians, etc., in short all parties and all the classes of men and women who make up the voting population in all . parts of the country. NO PROPAGANDA OF ANY KIND is connected with this great National Poll of the American people. The literary Digest _is always strictly non partisan and impartial on all controversial questions. It records the facts a«H the opinions of all .political parties and all classes. That is why it has come to be regarded by millions of Americans as the one representative and indispensable periodical record of all phases of American life. HERE IS A COPY OF THE SECRET BALLOT (This copy ii printed here for information only, and will not be accepted n the voting) SECRET BALLOT—No Signature—No Condition— No Obligation-Jnst Mark ■ ■■■> - ■ ■ ———sm ■■■■■> —— . — - Do you favor the Secretary M out if>the Bonne to Ei _T« MMd h t*WWb«o fey Stahf, pi—tin d pmr State k«r»:_ EVERY WEEK FROM EVERY STATE IN THE UNION The Malta will appear in THE LITERARY DIGEST. All the figures will be given in detail and will be analyzed and explained, State by State, unfit the poll is completed. The first announcement will be in the February 2d issue. These reports will have unique and decisive interest for political leaders, the press, and citizens of the whole country. DIGEST readers, of course, wi]l get them first and in the most complete detail. At the same time, and all through the . year, THE LITERARY DIGEST will be gathering: carefully and reporting all the facts and opinions on all sides bearing upon fll the great prob- , lems and issues which are being discussed and which must be settled by the American pcoote in this great Presidential Campaign. THE LITERARY DIGEST is wondofuDy equipped for this service by a system built up at; great expense through many years of careful work, and reaching into thousands of newspaper and. periodical offices in all parts of the world The reader can depend upon THE LITERARY DIGEST with absolute certainty as it reveals, from week to week, free from all prejudice find partisanship, the real state of the Nation's mind, the real facts affecting all issues, and the progress of all the great problems toward settlement. » L“' A - GET THE FEBRUARY 2d ISSUE NOW ON NEWS-STANDS FUNK & WAGNALLS COMPANY (PubGabm of the Famoos NEW Sfcm&rd Dicbon^T NEW YORK FIRST RETURNS OF THE GREAT POLL FEBRUARY 2d ISSUE