* Historian Speaks at Lincoln Day Dinner. Carl Russell Fish, head of the American history department at the University of Wisconsin, will be the. ■speaker at the Lincoln day dinner of he University club at the club rooms Tuesday, February 12. Dr. Fish will be known to many Omahans through his hor. George T. Andre***, organ recital, T^iay evening In the First Congregatlon «1 church, under the auspice* of the wo m*n’* society of the church. Dr. Andrew* 1* head of th* organ department of Ober Mn college. Oberlfn. O , and Is on* of th# foremost organists In th* country. liOdgM of tb* Degree of Honor. Oma ha and South Omaha, Joint meeting Fri day at tb* Swedish auditorium. Hchool of instruction. 2 to 4 p. m., led by grand pr*sld*nt, Mr*. Lawrenr* D. Owon. Eve ning. entertainment for member* and friend*. * P- m. Program, dancing, re fr**hm*nt*. Mr*. M. K. Thorpe, chair man of entertainment committee. Dundee Preebyterlan Church ladle*’ AM goeiefy. regular meeting Friday In the church parlors. Lunrhenn at. 1:1 S p. m. Neuralgic headaches Y. W. C. A. President 1 Mis. F. W. Carmichael was elected president t>f the Omaha Young Women's Christian association at its election yesterday morning. She suc ceeds Mrs. Palmer Findley, whose term as director expired recently. All other officers of the association were re elected. They are Mrs. A. W. Bowman, vice president; Mrs. M. D. Hammond, recording .secretary; Mrs. James Patton, corresponding secre tary, anti Mrs. C. M. Wilhelm, treas urer. McCormack Coming John McCormak, celebrated singer, will appear in Omaha on April 10, at the Municipal auditorium under the auspices of the Omaha Council of Catholic Women, it is announced. Futher arrangements for the concert will be made public shortly. Dine Little Sisters Thirty-eight members of the Big Sisters organization are expected to entertain a "little sister'' at their din ner this evening at 6:30 in the Y. W. C. A. Red. white and blue decorations will be used throughout. Fancy caps with gay cockades In patriotic color w ill be donned by the guests, while favors at each place will be mamma dolls and chimes. Tho feature of the program Is a playlet, "The Three of Us,” by Misses Blanche Kerschner, Henrietta Gut shull, and Fern McCrory. Miss Jean ette McDonald will be In charge of games. Rt. Rev. E. V. Shayler, bishop of the Episcopalian diocese, and Thomas Kelley, who are guests of the club, will give talks. Dr, Frank G. Smith and Rev. Faul Calhoun will also he present. Mrs. Harry Johnston leaves early next week for Atlanta, la., to visit her mother, Mrs. Cora Burt. Go on War fath for Lieurarice CondSrt js .-T- f*' , Th* Omaha. 1’usin' -|J.- ,V/omen's rlub has gone ©it the »;rpaih to put across the Thurlow^fir-uranSi* Indian music concert on February IS in tile Brandeis theater. Following a powwow early this week, the. members of-the rlub have organized themselves- into 12 Indian tribes for the purpose, of selling tickets. Chieftains arc announced as follows: Miss Marina Fudge, big chief of tile Ules; Miss Emma Worm, of the Chippewa; Misa Efbra Jj- ,fpn drick of the Ogall.ila; Miss John son, .of the Navajo; Mrs. Fannie Mac Darmard, of the Omaha: Miss (.Irate Roberts, oC the Winnebagos; Mrs. Lulu Hunt Trabold, 'Bioilx; Aliss Har riet Curtis, Iroquois; pe Hil ton, Cheroltees; MPS- Tiwro Aiwxundor Talley, Pueblo; Emma Suy.arjin, Mo hicans, and Ruth Leisurt** Cheyenne. The big chiefs are making a dili gent study of the habits of their par ticular tribes and of Thurlow Lieur tince and his muslo as well.. Enthus iasm among their attendant braves is being raised to the whooping point. Mrs. Rose E. Leidig, grand saga more of the whole concern, an nounces as her special committee the Misses Emma Farm and Relic Bliss, in charge of mailing advertising mat ter, and Miss Cecil© I,yon, in charge of ticket distribution. The Why, When and W here of Fashions Rhinestones ami Crystals. Glass and icast elf were n**cl thou sands of years agj for KiJJ'lry, he cause men had n3»iied the secret of rutting and poli rm>g Hard precious stones. I&tcr they were cm ployed as more or tt.” War Mothers’ Hoad